THE DURHAM DOCKET Newsletter of the Fourteenth Judicial District Bar & Durham County Bar Association FY 2014 – 2015 No. 10 June 2015 Annual Meeting & Luncheon 50 Wednesday June 10, 2015 at 12:30 PM Durham Convention Center 50 There appear to be no Durham attorney licensed in 1965 on the Fourteenth’s roster according to the NC State Bar. If you have reached the 50-year milestone through service in other states or otherwise intend to be included this year, please contact the Executive Director at or (919) 682-2012. Meeting Agenda The annual meeting and luncheon is open to all members of the Fourteenth Judicial District Bar and the Durham County Bar Association. There is no fee to attend, because the luncheon is covered in your dues. Business to be conducted by the Fourteenth and DCBA will include: Elections for the Joint DCBA & Fourteenth JDB Officers & Board of Directors for 2015-2016. A bylaws vote to re-establish consistency in the number of directors. Presentation of the Adam Lischer Memorial Scholarship Award of the Durham Bar Foundation. Please try to attend the event, which is the last programmed event for the current fiscal year. The next time you will see your colleagues together in this format will be the September DCBA luncheon. Open to all members of the Fourteenth Judicial District Bar INSIDE THIS ISSUE Slate of Officers/Directors 2 NCBA Summer Networking Mixer 5 Bylaws Revision Proposal 2 Community Volunteering 6 Adam Lischer Memorial Scholarship 3 Classifieds 7 YLD Tricks of Trade Event 4 2015 – 2016 joint Slate of Officers & Board of Directors for the DCBA and 14th JDB This slate will be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. All members of the Fourteenth and DCBA may participate in the voice vote. Officers: President: Fred Battaglia Vice President: Guy Crabtree Treasurer: Catherine Wilson Secretary: Antoinette Hilliard Immediate Past President: Dorothy Hairston Mitchell Directors (one-year terms): Vanya Allen, Kari Hamel, Kelly J. Mackay, Dieter Mauch, Henry Sappenfield, Lindsey Spain, Jonathan Trapp, and Harold W. Vann (Woody). The 2015 Nominating Committee of the Fourteenth Judicial District Bar & Durham County Bar Association is responsible for this roster. Please extend your thanks to the following: Christy Malott , Chair, Bettyna Belly Abney, Jessica Fludd, Lynn Fontana, Clayton Jones, Carlos Mahoney, Philip Mullins, Catherine Pavur, and Erin Wills. Please also thank Carlos Mahoney, for his two seasons of service as a director, vice president, president and immediate past president, across a total of six active years. About This Slate: This slate represents a cross section of your Bar, including members from large firms, small and mid-size firms, sole practitioners, government attorneys, and members in public service. They also represent a cross section of legal industry specialties, from criminal and civil litigation to intellectual property, real estate, family services, estate and what is now being referred to as ‘elder law.’ They are mid-career practitioners, early-career attorneys, and much of the area in between. The Board meets monthly from September to June to conduct the business of the Bar organizations, at times and dates convenient to the members. Please consider nominating a colleague to join their ranks next year. FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT BAR BYLAWS REVISION The Fourteenth Judicial District Bar’s Board of Directors has recommended the proposed bylaws change as follows. This change reflects the reduction of the officer count from five to four, following the elimination of the role of Second Vice-President, which went into effect in 2010. CURRENT BYLAWS OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT BAR, LAST REVISED IN 2013 ARTICLE III, Board of Directors Section 1. NUMBER. The Bar's affairs shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of fourteen (14) voting members who shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and eight (8) at large members of the Board of Directors, along with the immediate past President who shall serve one term as a voting ex officio member of the Board. PROPOSED CHANGES TO BYLAWS OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT BAR, JUNE 2015 ARTICLE III, Board of Directors Section 1. NUMBER. The Bar's affairs shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of thirteen (13) voting members who shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and eight (8) at large members of the Board of Directors, along with the immediate past President who shall serve one term as a voting ex officio member of the Board. Adam Lischer Memorial Scholarship Winner Tenika Neely graduated from North Carolina Central University summa cum laude in 2014 with degrees in Political Science and Psychology and an impressive GPA of 3.9. She is currently enrolled at Wake Forest University School of Law, where she maintains a strong GPA and has been elected to several leadership positions. In addition she is a 1L trial bar and Walker Moot Court competitor. This summer, she will intern with The Southern Coalition for Social Justice. The Coalition, located here in Durham, employs eight attorneys who focus their efforts on voting rights, criminal justice, environmental justice, and human rights. Ms. Neely joins Ian Mance, the 2013 recipient of the Adam Lischer Memorial Scholarship Award, who is a staff attorney at the Coalition. While she is not a Durham native, the degree to which Ms. Neely is connected to our community is considerable. While playing varsity women's basketball for NCCU she began volunteering in the community, but she extended her volunteer efforts far past those designed for the sports team. She has served at the Durham Rescue Mission, John Avery Boys' and Girls' Club and Genesis Home. She founded a documentary series called, "You're One Choice Away," which shed light on homelessness in Durham. Seeing another area of need, she also served as President of EMERGE, an organization dedicated to spreading domestic violence awareness and support to the North Carolina Central University campus and Durham community at large. She intends to stay in the community and practice criminal defense law. She comes to us recommended by Kendra J. Eaton, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach, North Carolina Central, and Abigail Perdue, Associate Professor of Legal Analysis, Writing and Research at Wake Forest University School of Law. ABOUT THE ADAM LISCHER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD In December 2002, the Durham County Bar Association created a scholarship fund to honor two attorneys who were retiring from public office. This effort then developed into a way to honor the service and history of departed members of the Durham Bar. In 2003, the non-profit organization, the Durham Bar Foundation, Inc., was formally established to raise funds each year, to award and administer the scholarship program and to fund other charitable endeavors. In 2006, in recognition of significant funds raised, the scholarship was renamed in memory of Adam Lischer, who died on July 17, 2005, after a brief struggle with cancer. Adam Lischer was a member of the Fourteenth Judicial District Bar. He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Washington College of Law at American University. The scholarship honors his career as a public service lawyer: following graduation he served as a judicial clerk to the honorable Linda M. McGee on the North Carolina Court of Appeals; he was awarded the Clifton W. Everett Community Lawyer Fellowship, which he discharged with Eastern Carolina Legal Services; for four years he served as Assistant District Attorney for Nash, Edgecombe, and Wilson Counties; and as a Durham attorney he received cases from the Office of the Capital Defender. Adam is the son of Tracy Kenyon Lischer, of Durham firm Pulley, Watson, King & Lischer, P.A. and Richard Lischer, Ph. D., Professor & Associate Dean for Faculty Development at Duke University Divinity School. The purpose of the scholarship fund is to provide assistance to residents and/or natives of Durham County who are attending law school, who can demonstrate a significant connection to the Durham community. Since its inception the scholarship program has enjoyed strong support from the Bar as a way of both recognizing and supporting such students. To date 21 scholarships have been awarded. Tax-deductible donations can be made by check payable to Durham Bar Foundation, Inc, PO Box 593, Durham, NC 27702. DURHAM COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION, YOUNG LAWYERS’ DIVISION PRESENTS Tricks of Trade Join us as one-generation shares helpful tips on how to practice law with a newer generation of attorneys. This event is targeted at those first licensed IN or AFTER 2010. Location: Durham County Courthouse, Courtroom 7D REGISTER NOW: This event is free. CLE Credit is “PENDING.” Lunch will be provided by the Fourteenth Judicial District Bar. Rather than pay a fee to participate, those who attend are asked to join and become active in the Young Lawyers’ Division. Wednesday, June 24th 8:30am Registration 9:00am Welcome 9:15am Family Court Ins and Outs Syrena Williams: CW Law Group, PLLC • Local Rules • Child Support Lunch Juvenile Delinquency Phylicia Powers, APD Durham County 11:00am 12:30pm 2:15pm Afternoon Break 2:30pm Abuse/Neglect/Dependency Dorothy H Mitchell, APD Durham County Wrap Up 4:15pm Thursday, June 25th 8:45am 9:00am Registration Welcome 9:15am Traffic Court • DWI Cases: John Donovan, Charns & Donovan Law Firm • Traffic Court Negotiations: Dale Morrill, ADA Durham County Break 10:15am 10:30pm 12:00pm 1:30pm Were you first licensed IN or AFTER 2010? This is for you! 2:30pm 3:15pm 3:30pm 4:30pm District Court: Shamieka Rhinehart Durham County ADA • Including Domestic Court • Interactions with Judiciary • Negotiations • DV Court vs. District Court Lunch Probation Court • Amanda Maris, APD Durham Co. • Justice Reinvestment Act Understanding the District Court Sentencing Chart, with Clayton Jones: APD Durham County Afternoon Break Proper Court Attire Phylicia Powers, Rebecca Wiggins and Clayton Jones, APDs Durham County Wrap Up 2nd Annual Summer Networking Mixer Stronger Together: Celebrating Diversity in the Profession Sponsored by Smith, Anderson, Blount, Dorsett, Mitchell & Jernigan, LLP and Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP Please join the North Carolina Bar Association’s Minorities in the Profession Committee, the George H. White Bar, and the Capital City Lawyers Association as they celebrate minority attorneys in the legal profession and community at large. WHAT: 2nd Annual Summer Networking Mixer WHEN: Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 5:30–7:30 p.m. WHERE: The Mez Restaurant 5410 Page Road, Durham, NC 27703 RSVP: By Monday, June 8, to Volunteers Needed!! Ask-An-Attorney Day Dates: June 12, 2015 & TBA in June Attorneys will meet one-on-one for 30 minutes with each entrepreneur/company focusing on a specific legal issue or set of issues related to their entrepreneurial endeavors at no charge. Attorneys would provide the areas they prefer to counsel in order of preference – assigned sessions will be based on their preferences. Recent and current constituents of the Small Business Center are sent an e-mail 5-7 days before the event to sign up for a slot and provide information about the issue/issues they would like to discuss. Based on the information provided, we look to see if an attorney will be present to address that topic. If an attorney has listed topic as a preference, we assign the constituent to that attorney. Current topics requested: • • • • • Commercial real estate and leasing Construction/contractors Contracts General Business including entities Immigration with Business • • • • • Intellectual Property Nonprofit (startup /existing) Self-Publishers Social Enterprise Tax (Federal and State) SBC FOCUS SBC Facilitating One-On-One Counseling to Uncover Solutions The Small Business Center provides 30-minute, one-on-one counseling sessions for current entrepreneurial clients and attendees to meet with professionals focusing on a specific issue or set of issues related to their entrepreneurial endeavors. For example, talk to a banker about loan readiness, an intellectual property attorney about trademark issues, or a strategist to brainstorm. These sessions can be scheduled anytime at the convenience of the attorney typically between 9 AM and 8 PM. We would need at least two-weeks’ notice to get information out to constituents and make assignments. These sessions are typically be held at the Small Business Center, SOUTHBank Building, 3rd Floor, 400 W Main St, Durham, NC OR Orange County Campus, 528 College Park Dr., Hillsborough, NC. To Volunteer, contact or 919-536-7241 ext. 4504 LaShon A. Harley, Director, Small Business Center, Durham Technical Community College CONTACT INFO DCBA & 14th Judicial District Bar: Bar Office 115 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 593 Durham, NC 27702 President Dorothy Hairston Mitchell Vice- President Judge Fred Battaglia Secretary Antoinette Hilliard Treasurer Catherine Wilson Directors Vanya Allen Guy Crabtree Kari Hamel Kelly Mackay Dieter Mauch Henry Sappenfield Lindsay Spain Woody Vann Immediate Past President Carlos Mahoney CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Attorneys may submit any advertising for The Durham Docket to Members may submit text only advertisements limited to 8~10 lines at 2.5 horizontal inches per line. Appropriate use of this space is office space available, B-2-B legal services, new office/firm name change notifications, positions available (staff or attorneys) and other legal industry messages. SINGLE OFFICE WITHIN LARGER FIRM: Available to rent out to a single attorney with no staff. Located near Miami Blvd in Durham. Contact or call (919) 244-2019. OFFICES FOR RENT: Offices (approx. 150 sf each) available in space leased by established law firm. Located in a historic building at 401 N. Mangum Street, our office is a short walk from city/county government buildings, courthouse, restaurants, post office and more. Amenities include reception area, 2 large conference rooms, kitchen, access to fax machine, copier and wireless internet (no phone).Call Sharon Rogers, 919 688-6341. AVAILABLE FOR REFERRALS AND ASSOCIATION – BUSINESS LITIGATION CASES: The law firm of Crabtree, Carpenter & Connolly is available and welcomes referrals or associations in business litigation. We have successfully worked with attorneys throughout North Carolina and would appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your clients. Call Guy Crabtree at 919-682-9691 or email if you want to discuss your case. NC State Bar Councilors William S. Mills 919-683-2135 John A. Bowman 919-493-6464 Executive Director/Editor Bonnie Biggs BarCARES is a confidential, short-term intervention program provided cost-free to members of the Fourteenth Judicial District Bar (and to family members of the Durham County Bar Association, our voluntary bar). The program is there to help participants by providing confidential no-cost assistance and brief, solution-oriented counseling. BarCARES assistance is targeted towards problems that might be causing distress and can be used to help with personal, family or work issues. HRC Behavioral Consultants, Inc., based out of Chapel Hill, is the provider agency, with a wide range of psychiatrists, psychologists and clinical social workers on staff. Dialing the above-referenced toll free number (800.640.0735) forwards you directly to a designated HRC staff member who identifies the appropriate therapist to address your presenting concerns. An initial appointment is thereupon scheduled. Confidentiality is maintained at every stage. What you may not know about BarCARES is that for the initial three visits, there is no reporting whatsoever to any insurance or medical provider exchanges.
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