the Future isn`t What it Used to Be—

State of New Hampshire
457(b) Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan
The Future Isn’t
What It Used to Be—
Retiree Challenges in a New Millennium
A FREE SEMINAR presented by Ron Nichols, Retiree Advocate
with Empower Retirement
As the service provider for your New Hampshire 457(b) Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan,
Empower Retirement is excited to introduce Mr. Ron Nichols as your Retiree Advocate. His role is to provide
educational information that is important to the retired populations served by Empower.
This seminar will cover what to prepare for prior to transitioning into retirement.
Representatives from Empower will be on-site to answer your questions.
Thursday, May 14 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 14 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 15
7 a.m. – 9 a.m.
Friday, May 15
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
NHES - NH Works - Concord Office Entrance, 45 South Fruit St, Concord
Coffee/ice cold water available
NH Div. of Motor Vehicles, 23 Hazen Drive, Concord
NOTE: Use Front Entrance Only. Cold bottled water available
Holiday Inn, 172 North Main St, Concord
Continental breakfast available
Keene Public Library-Ruth Huntress Auditorium, 60 Winter Street, Keene
A 1971 graduate of Santa Barbara College and a 40-year veteran of the financial
services and retirement plan business, Ron built a business focused on public sector
retirement plans, which grew to encompass more than 450 public entities with more
than 100,000 participants. He is one of the founding members of the National
Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA).
A retiree since 2004, Ron’s experience in the public sector pension business, plus his
experience as a retiree, gives him an informed perspective. He is keenly focused on the
needs of public sector retirees and those nearing retirement. “For the past 40 years,
the public and private sectors have focused most of their efforts on the accumulation
phase of retirement savings. It is now time to focus more attention on the retirement
income portion of the market, and the unique and growing needs of public sector
employees,” Ron says.
Ron conducts seminar events across the U.S. to help offer insight and direction for
those employees nearing, and in, retirement. He welcomes comments and questions
from retirees and those nearing retirement. You may contact Ron Nichols, Retiree
Advocate, at (800) 878-6723 or via email at
Ron Nichols
retiree advocate
(800) 878-6723
Space is limited! Sign up today for this two-hour seminar.
Please RSVP to (603) 224-7700 by May 8.
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GWFS Equities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company.
Representatives of GWFS Equities, Inc. are not registered investment advisors and cannot offer financial, legal or tax advice. Please consult with your financial planner,
attorney and/or tax advisor as needed. Empower Retirement refers to the products and services offered in the retirement markets by Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance
Company (GWL&A), Corporate Headquarters: Greenwood Village, CO; Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company of New York, Home Office: White Plains, NY; and their
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