April 2015 - South Delta Secondary School

South Delta Secondary School Newsletter
APRIL 2015
Mr. T. Ainge
Mr. J. Johnstone
Mrs. S. Hunt
(Gr. 12)
(Gr. 8 & 11)
(Gr. 9 & 10)
Mission Statement
South Delta Secondary School
750 – 53rd Street
Delta, BC
V4M 3B7
At South Delta Secondary, our mission is
• to provide a stimulating environment where passion is ignited and the creative
potential in each of us is realized.
• to motivate and challenge today’s learners to be actively engaged, inspired, and
empowered to become tomorrow’s lifelong learners.
• to forge reciprocal connections with our local and global communities by
fostering positive and respectful relationships.
• to develop responsible, accountable, open-minded citizens who accept and
celebrate the diversity of others.
(604) 943-7407
Greetings from Mr. Ainge, Principal
(604) 943-7405
Spring has sprung and the third
term is underway. Many of our
thoughts and actions are
directed toward the end of this
school year and planning for the
2015-2016 school year. For our
grade 12 students, graduation
activities and post-secondary
opportunities are coming on fast.
For all students, the excitement
of this time of year will soon be
Follow us on Twitter
Upcoming Events
Good Friday – April 3
Collaboration Day – April 29
Trade & Tech Fair (Grade 10s) –
April 30
Easter Monday – April 6
Spring Fling Senior Dance – April 9
Collaboration Day – April 15
Day of Silence Assembly – April 16
Schools closed (ProD) – April 17
Safeteen Workshops (Gr. 10) –
April 23
Optional Interims on Parent
Connect – April 30
That said, there is much to do.
Students who are doing well
need to continue to practice
their good work habits. Students
who have been less diligent still
have time to improve their
standing before the end of the
Speaking of good work habits,
South Delta Secondary students
are proving to be very
responsible learners. A scan of
the report cards indicates that
almost half of our students
achieved “good” work habits in a
minimum of seven classes during
the second term. There is a clear
correlation between work habits
and success in school.
Elsewhere in this newsletter
you will find notice of some of
the exciting things that are
coming to your neighbourhood
secondary school, including the
Delta Trades and Technical
Career Fair. All SDSS grade 10
students will be attending the
Trades and Career Fair during
the morning of April 30th.
Supervision and transportation
will be provided and students
will have the opportunity to
learn about many potential
post-secondary and career
paths. More details on this
event will be sent to parents of
grade 10 students shortly.
Finally, I’ll also invite you to
attend the theatre program’s
upcoming musical “Legally
Blonde”. The show runs during
the first week of May, so look
for ticket information to be
posted to the school website
soon. Hope to see you there!
Best wishes to all for a
successful spring term. If you
have any comments or
questions, please contact me at
the school or by email,
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South Delta Secondary School Newsletter
April 2015
Course Selection
Ms. Kilpatrick
Grade 8 (Gr. 12 S-Z)
Submitted by Ms. Diomis
Ms. Diomis
Grade 9 (Gr. 12 G-L)
Ms. Bodman
Grade 10 (Gr. 12 A-F)
Ms. Hayes
Grade 11 (Gr. 12 M-R)
Career Advisor
Ms. Foster is available
in the Career Centre to
answer your questions.
Monday and Friday
• 8:30am – 4pm
Tuesday, Wednesday &
• 8:30am – 2:45pm
Next year course selection is now complete. Course verification will take
place from April 7th to 10th, please check your courses on Student or Parent
Connect. If any changes are required you must see your grade counsellor by
April 16th. After that time no changes will be made due to timetable
Students who signed up for Strive 10 need to pay the $200 fee by the end
of May 2015.
BC Dogwood Planner – Ministry of Education, Student
Certification Branch
The Student Certification Branch has developed a new BC Dogwood
Planner, an annual document published in January for students in
Grade 12. The BC Dogwood Planner is a companion document of the
Grad Planner addressing the top questions from students in their
graduation year.
To view these resources go to:
Student Registration for the 2015/2016 School Year
Information regarding the registration process for the 2015/2016 school year is available on the district
website at http://web.deltasd.bc.ca/
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South Delta Secondary School Newsletter
April 2015
Career Centre
This is scholarship month! The Grade 12 Community Scholarships application and the District Awards
application are now available in English 12 classes. Extra copies are available on the Career Centre
The deadline to submit these completed applications, to the Career Centre, is Friday, May 1st by 3pm.
Also look at the Rotary Club William Kushnir Memorial, the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Award, the Delta
Hospital Foundation Robert T. Reynolds Memorial, Tsawwassen Minor Fastpitch, Tsawwassen Soccer Club,
the Falcons Field Hockey, the Canadian Parents for French and Delta Heritage Commission Awards. Check
out these scholarships to help finance your education
University of Alberta will be in the conference room on April 23 (Day 1) from 8:35-11am to help you
choose and practice registering into classes. Bring your laptop. You must ask permission from your A
and B block teachers to miss their classes. Sign-up sheets will be available at the U of A presentation.
Green Team
Submitted by Mme Olsen
Green Team continues to
sort refundable items
picked up on Wednesdays
by classes in each hallway
of the school, and is proud
of the fact that the entire
student body now
participates in this very
important activity. We have sponsored
'Paperless Day' and will of course be
participating in activities on Earth Day,
April 22nd, primarily "Lights out Canada",
where we will be encouraging as many
teachers and students as possible to
extinguish as many lights as are safely
possible. We will be planting herbs for the
cafeteria program and some vegetables as
the weather improves. Members of the
Green Team attend meetings of the District
Youth Green Team in which they
participate in valuable discussions and
exchange ideas of local concern. New
members are welcome to join any time and
we are always open to any initiative from
outside community organizations.
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South Delta Secondary School Newsletter
April 2015
Library Learning Commons
Submitted by
Ms. Sharon Doyle, Teacher-Librarian
Ms. Dorina Latis, Library Technician
Digital iPad Library
We have iPads for lending. Students are welcome to borrow one of our 6 iPad minis. They can
borrow for the day or for a week. Students wishing to borrow for a week will need to complete an
acceptable user agreement. Please see Ms. Doyle for details.
SDSS Students ‘Get Carded’
Thank you to the Tsawwassen Public Library for bringing our community library to SD Library
Learning Commons. On March 11 we had over 400 students come to the school library to
learn about all the public library has to offer. Students met the librarians and information
assistants. 75 students got new library cards. Over 100 students had their library cards
renewed. Lastly, the library waived nearly $300 in fines.
Our Library Learning Commons and FVRL Tsawwassen are partners in promoting literacy and
a love of reading. Be sure to stop by anytime.
Thank you Tsawwassen Library!
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South Delta Secondary School Newsletter
April 2015
South Delta Sun Devils
Athletics Update
by Mr. Sweeney
Athletic Director
Spring is in the air which must mean that our spring sports have begun at SDSS. In the spring season South
Delta will field teams in girls soccer, golf, track and field, badminton, rugby, and tennis. As we return to
warmer weather, it is great to see so many athletes playing outside for our school. On any given afternoon,
there is action on the Oval at our school, Winskill Park turf, the Tsawwassen Tennis Club, or Beach Grove
Golf Course. Through our relationships with the municipality and our community friends, our athletes have
access to some fantastic facilities to display their talents on!
A big congratulations is due to our senior boys rugby team for their successful tour of England and Wales
over spring break. This is the first rugby tour overseas in some time for South Delta and by all accounts, the
boys were excellent ambassadors for the school.
Let's Go Devils!
South Delta Sounds
Submitted by Ms. Hamilton
The SDSS Music Department goes for GOLD again in the Heritage Music Festival in Seattle from
April 17th – 19th, 2015. Three groups from our prestigious Music department are competing against
schools from all over the world. The categories entered are Triple A CONCERT CHOIR, JAZZ CHOIR
Parents – Visit the Kelty Mental
Health Resource Centre for a
variety of useful workshops
coming up in April
April 8 – 13
April 15
April 18
April 27
Social Skills Through Drama
ADHD Parent Workshop
New Approaches to Managing
Bipolar Disorders
Mindfulness 101: Self Care
University Women’s Club Bursary
Project for SDSS
The University Women’s Club donates bursaries to
SDSS annually. To generate funds, the University
Women’s Club is hosting a Once Loved Art and
Collectibles sale on May 29th and 30th at the
Tsawwassen Arts Centre. All proceeds of the sale
directly supports the bursaries for SDSS students.
Please drop off donations at the school from 9-3:30pm
week days.
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South Delta Secondary School Newsletter
April 2015
Important Dates for Grads
April 27 – May 1: Grad Banquet Ticket Sales (at lunch)
• Ticket prices TBA (approx. $110)
• Grads may sign up for a table once they have purchased their ticket
Wednesday, May 13: Grad Car Rally (3:15pm)
• Grab a partner, and join the exciting scavenger hunt around Tsawwassen.
• The winners will each receive a free Grad Banquet ticket!
Friday, June 5: Processional & Grad Banquet and Dance
• The Grad Banquet and Dance will be held at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel. Students
will arrive at SDSS for the annual processional at 3pm, and then meet downtown by 6pm
for dinner. Parents are welcome to attend the event at 8pm for speeches.
Grad 2015 Timeline is viewable at
SDSS Equinox Theatre Presents: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Submitted by Ms. J. Harbott
Be sure to check out a performance of "Legally Blonde: The Musical" presented by the SDSS
Equinox Theatre May 1st and May 5-8 at 7pm! Doors open at 6:30pm. Box office is open
Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at lunch (11:30am -12pm) and after school (3pm-5pm).
Phone: 604-943-7532
Email: equinoxboxoffice@gmail.com
Twitter: #LBlonde2k15
“Legally Blonde: The Musical” is a fabulously fun and
international award-winning musical based on the adored
movie revised to be appropriate for ALL AGES. It follows the
transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes,
snobbery, and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. This actionpacked musical explodes on the stage with memorable songs
and dynamic dances. Equal parts hilarious and heart-warming,
the students of South Delta Secondary are excited to share
their energy and excitement over being true to yourself!
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South Delta Secondary School Newsletter
April 2015
SDSS 2014/2015 Calendar
April 3
April 6
April 9
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 23
April 29
April 30
April 30
May 1, 5-8
May 13
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Spring Fling Senior Dance
Collaboration Day
Day of Silence Assembly
School Closure (ProD)
Safeteen Workshops (Gr. 10s)
Collaboration Day
Optional Interims on Parent
Trade & Tech Fair – Grade 10s am
Theatre Production:
Legally Blonde
Collaboration Day
Healthy Lifestyles Coordinator
Ms. J. Ridley
Information on how to live a healthy life, as
well as education on drugs and alcohol.
Students and parents are encouraged to
call/email for confidential support.
Ms. Ridley is available at SDSS
all day Monday & Tuesday (room 154)
or by phone/email any weekday
Facebook: JenniferPcrs
May 15
May 18
May 27
May 28
May 29
June 3
June 3
June 3
June 5
June 18
June 19-24
June 24
June 25
June 26
School Closure (ProD)
Victoria Day (schools closed)
Collaboration Day
Music Concert
Spring Carnival
Collaboration Day
Athletic Banquet
Awards of Excellence Evening
Grad Dinner and Dance
Last Day of Regular Classes
Provincial Exams
Reports Cards on Parent Connect
Schools close
For more information please
check their websites:
South Park Elementary School Crossing Guard Position
South Park is looking to fill a crossing guard position at 8A and Gilchrist. The hours are 8:30 to 9am and
2:30 to 3pm. The position could be shared between 2 people (one morning and one afternoon). Please
contact Elaine Greenhalgh, Principal, at 604-943-1105 or email egreenhalgh@deltasd.bc.ca