SAVE THE DATE! REUNION WEEKEND October 9 - 11, 2015 OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI AFFAIRS 3143 Postle Hall 305 West 12th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 Columbus, OH Permit No. 711 PAID Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage IMPORTANT ALUMNI DATES POST COLLEGE ASSEMBLY The Ohio Union Columbus, OH March 13 - 14, 2015 Get more info about PCA at or 614-247-8111 125TH ANNIVERSARY GALA The Ohio Union Columbus, Ohio May 2, 2015 ODA ANNUAL SESSION Greater Columbus Convention Center Columbus, Ohio September 17-20, 2015 ADA ANNUAL SESSION Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington D.C, Nov. 5-8, 2015 JOIN OR RENEW annual memberships run January through December Renew your membership or join today! Members of the Dental Alumni Society receive discounts on Continuing Dental Education programs. DAS members have the opportunity to purchase football tickets in conjunction with the college’s Alumni weekend Tailgate party.* All dentistry, dental hygiene and specialty program graduates are eligible for membership. Nonalumni friends, faculty, and graduates of other dental programs are eligible to join the Dental Alumni Society as associate members. * All graduates of The Ohio State University become members of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc. (OSUAA) upon graduation. To be eligible for the annual football ticket lottery held in conjunction with Alumni Reunion Weekend, you must be an active or life member of BOTH the Dental Alumni Society and The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc. Active membership in the OSUAA requires a $75 annual contribution to the University fund of your choice. We hope you will consider the College of Dentistry’s funds for your donation. MAKE A GIFT At The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, you can be confident that 100% of your gift is used to help advance the mission of the college. Should you have more questions about making a gift, please call 614-292-9046 or e-mail DUES SELECTION GIFT AMOUNT $25 Annual Membership $400 Lifetime Membership $2,500 $1,000 $25 Annual Associate Membership $400 Lifetime Associate Membership $500 $250 PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN THIS FORM TO: Other amount: Name: Please apply my gift wherever the college’s need is greatest. Ohio State Dental Alumni Society 3139 Postle Hall, 305 West 12th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210 Preferred Address: Phone: The Dentistry Leadership Fund Graduation Year: Dental Alumni Society Scholarship Fund E-Mail: Please charge my alumni dues and/or my gift to: Card #: Visa MasterCard Discover Am Ex Exp. Date: Signature (required): I have enclosed my DUES check, payable to The Dental Alumni Society. I have enclosed my GIFT check, payable to the Ohio State Foundation, and have indicated where I would like my gift applied. Dental Hygiene Director’s Fund Dental Hygiene Scholarship Fund
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