Derbyshire Audit Services Issue 6 – Winter 2014/15 AuditMatters Circulation List Head Teacher Governors Finance Staff Welcome to the Winter edition of the Derbyshire Audit Services’ newsletter for schools. To ensure that all parties are aware of the audit matters affecting Derbyshire schools please ensure that this newsletter is made available to the Chair of the Governing Body, Chair of the Finance Committee, Head Teacher, Bursar/Finance Manager and other relevant staff. Schools Financial Value Standard As you will be aware, the deadline for submission of your 201415 SFVS return to Audit Services is 31 March 2015. To reiterate the guidance we gave you in the Autumn newsletter last year, 61 Schools failed to meet this deadline of which 5 Schools failed to complete their return in time for inclusion in the Authority’s report to the Department of Education (DfE) and were classed as non-compliant without exemption. In many instances the reason for schools late submissions arose from the fact that Full Governing Body meetings had not been scheduled in a timely manner to ensure that the SFVS return could be reviewed and approved prior to the deadline. With this approval requirement in mind schools are urged to plan ahead now in order to complete the SFVS return and schedule a meeting of the Full Governing Body to approve the SFVS submission before the end of February / beginning of March 2015. If you have any questions or issues with compliance with the 31 March deadline, please contact Jayne Wallhead as soon as possible on 01629538826 or Contents Schools Financial Value Standard 1 Governors’ Expenses 2 Security Marking 2 Audit Opinion 2 Frequent Recommendations 3 New Finance and Information Systems 3 E-payment Update 3 Anti-Fraud Bulletin 3 Policy Templates 4 Governor Induction Pack 4 Getting in Touch 4 Accommodation for the Audit visit It would assist the visiting Auditors if an Internet connection could be made available on the day of audit and where possible, access to the computer suite during the day would be especially helpful. Current Health and Safety advice states that any location provided for the auditors during their visit should be appropriate for that purpose which includes the provision of full size desks and chairs. 2 Governor’s Expenses Policy Guidance Notes Security Marking Equipment Under Warranty New equipment should be checked upon arrival for any obvious fault. Once the equipment is fully built to the required specification, the advice received from Transformation Services is to ensure that the equipment is in full working order before applying any security marking. In response to requests from a number of schools, a draft policy is being prepared which includes guidance notes and is developed in accordance with the ‘The School Governance’ (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013. Governing Bodies have the discretion to pay allowances, from the school’s delegated budget, to Governors for certain expenses which they may incur as part of their approved duties. The new policy will shortly be published on the Learning in Derbyshire (schools Extranet) site. Whilst it is accepted that once security marking has been applied the warranty may be affected, the risk of this should be considered against the risk of theft or loss of the device and potential for recovery. Audit Opinions Audit opinions are categorized based upon the level of reliance which the School's Management and Governing Body may draw relative to the effectiveness of the overall control framework in operation. In summary the assurance levels provided during a routine audit review are detailed below: Full Assurance Substantial Assurance Qualified Assurance Limited Assurance No Assurance A sound system of control is in place. Whilst there is a sound system of control some minor weaknesses have been identified which may put some area objectives at risk. Whilst there is basically a sound system of control some critical/high priority recommendations have been made. Significant weaknesses have been identified in key areas of the control, which expose the system/audit area to a high risk of failure and/or reputational risk. Control has been judged to be weak. Weaknesses have been identified in numerous key areas rendering the overall system of internal control ineffective and leaving the system/audit area open to a high risk of error or abuse. From 2014-15 Schools achieving a Full, Substantial or Qualified Assurance should now expect an Audit review every 4 years, unless selected for the DfE SFVS sample check. For those schools, however, who receive Limited or No Assurance, Audit Services will plan an annual visit until such time that a Qualified or higher assurance is achieved. In recognition of sound systems of control within schools, a list of recent Audit reviews which have resulted in a Substantial assurance being provided are detailed below: Belmont Primary School Newhall Infant School Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School Melbourne Junior School 3 Frequent Audit Recommendations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Skills Matrix: Schools should ensure that all governors and staff with financial management responsibility complete the financial skills matrices self-assessment available from the Department for Education website on an annual basis with the results of such self-assessment reviewed in order to identify and address training requirements. 3 Year Improvement Plan: The School Improvement Plan (SIP) should be updated on an annual basis to ensure it covers a three year rolling period in order to ensure there is a clearly evidenced link between the school’s medium term objectives and the projected financial resources available at the school. Return to Work Interviews: Schools should ensure that return to work interviews are performed with staff returning from all absences arising from sickness and that such discussions are formally documented. This will ensure the school can evidence staff returning from sickness absence are being offered the opportunity to request additional support where appropriate. Tenders and Quotes: In accordance with Schools Governor approved Financial Regulations and Procedures finance staff should ensure that where the value of purchases exceed the Governor approved quotation limit three written quotations are obtained and submitted to Governors for review and approval of the successful supplier. The three quotations obtained should be retained with the relevant Governors’ minutes in order to evidence the quotations considered. Where it is not possible to obtain three written quotations (for example if equipment of a specialized nature is being procured) such restrictions should be formally reported to Governors and the reason for non-compliance with the requirement for three written quotations clearly minuted. Similarly where purchases are made which exceed the Schools Governor approved tender limit the formal tender procedure should be strictly adhered to. Appointment of Staff: Copies of identification documents and qualifications should be retained, signed and dated by the reviewing officer to certify that original documents have been presented. Where electronic or unsigned references are received, the authenticity of these documents should be verified with the referee and evidence of this process recorded on the document. Staff Leavers: A formal process should be in place to record the return of school property upon an individual leaving the school’s employment. Creation of a signed returns sheet will evidence that assets held have been appropriately returned to support the transfer of responsibility. Debit Cards: In accordance with the Debit Card Policy all debit cards issued to school staff must be held securely by the individual named on the card and must not be accessible to any other persons. Service Level Agreement: SLAs in place with the ICT Technician should include the following aspects:Expected level of service Costs of service Monitoring procedures Resolution in the event of a dispute Data Protection assurances Arrangements for the disposal of obsolete IT equipment. Anti-Fraud Bulletin Audit Services regularly produce an AntiFraud Bulletin which identifies potential frauds and scams which employees need to be aware of. The January 2015 letter included issues relating to: Mandate fraud. Unsolicited invoice scams. Email scams. The full bulletin can be viewed at: Anti-fraud Bulletin E-Payments Update Schools may be aware of a recent letter issued by CAYA on the LiD regarding ParentPay, please follow the link below: Link to LiD Finance and Information Systems It is essential that where a school is considering the implementation of a new/updated finance or information system, this is referred to Audit Services for review in accordance with the Derbyshire Scheme for Financing Schools. The reason for the Audit review is not to restrict schools from using different applications but to ensure that the proposed system is fit for purpose and is compliant with the Data Protection Act. 4 During the school audit a review of the following documents is conducted to confirm that the school has adequate policies in place and that once approved by the governors they are made available to staff, contractors and pupils etc. as required. Below is a list of the policies reviewed during the Audit and where available, a link to the Learning In Derbyshire site/DfE. (Due to the LiD upgrade some links are under review.) Policy/Document Absence Monitoring Policy Acceptable Use of IT Policy for Pupils Acceptable Use of IT Policy for Staff Charging Policy Code of Conduct for Governors Code of Conduct for Staff Confidential Reporting Code Critical Incident Management Plan Data Protection Policy Dinner Money Policy Financial Regulations & Procedures Governing Body Induction Pack Governing Body Terms of Reference Improvement/Improvement Plan Information Retention Policy Instrument of Government IT Administration Policy/Disaster Recovery Plan Lettings Policy Recruitment and Selection Policy Roles and Responsibilities Document Terms of reference and Scheme of delegation for subcommittees Policy Template / Information Location Link to LiD Link to LiD DfE website Link to LiD Link to LiD Link to LiD Link to LiD Link to LiD Link to LiD Derbyshire.Gov Derbyshire.Gov DfE website Link to LiD Link to LiD Link to LiD Governor Induction Pack – Information The Governor Induction Pack information found at Derbyshire.Gov is a comprehensive list of information a new school governor may need as reference. Most schools signpost to where these documents can easily be found, or produce a CD containing the key policies, rather than downloading onto paper format. The School must evidence that the pack has been issued to new governors either by recording this in minutes of governor meetings or by separate, signed documentation. Audit Services would also recommend that at the meeting following the issue of the pack it is also minuted that the new governor has acknowledged the receipt and their understanding of the key policies. Getting in Touch Audit staff are always available to provide advice and support. You may contact the Auditor who conducted the audit at your school or either of the key contacts listed below: Carl Hardman Assistant Director of Finance (Audit) Jayne Wallhead Audit Clerk (01629) 538821 (01629) 538826
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