Stephen Chavez 05/12/2015 Biology as an Engineering Science There are certain processes we do not yet understand that go on in biological systems. Biological systems can be cells or any living creature for that matter, given the current meaning of a living thing. One of the current unsolved biology problems is answering the really big question. “Where did life come from in the first place?” Another unsolved question is, “How does biological aging work?” There are multiple reasons why biology currently cannot answer the above questions. One reason is the fact that there are no great modern tools for biology to confirm any untested theory for the above questions. The second reason is biology is lacking behind from the other sciences because it is stuck in old ways. Harder biology problems need new problem-solving methods and information from many other sciences like computer science or math. There is the need of new intuitive tools like computer aided design programs that are specific to biology. People are suggesting that adding computer science and other fields like math to fix biology. From what I have read so far, computer science is going to be the most helpful to biology. Tons of data from tests is being created faster than humans can manage or organize that data. There are biology experiments that need computer simulations to see if any hypothesis is correct or wrong, no human is capable of doing most biology simulations by hand. Computers can fix these issues, but first it requires biology to evolve fast. It also means that computer scientists need to understand the needs of biologists and biology. Likewise, Biologists need to tell computer scientists what would be useful for them. This paper will explain some of the ideas in computer science that are useful in biology, and why it is failing as a science because of the old methodologies it has been using. 1 Chavez 2 Computer science is becoming so fundamentally important to today’s world. It has given us credit cards, cellphones, and better healthcare. It gives everyone access to better information using the internet to help themselves and others. Biologists can share information instantly without having to travel much. Concepts from computer hardware, like logic gates, as well as the mathematics behind computer science, can be used to make biology better. We will also be able to make little machines that act like cells, which will help us understand life better. I will present an example of this, where a cell is made using ideas taken from embedded devices. First though, let us peak into some history about biology. We will also peak at some issues that biology has currently. The ethical issue that lies within applying mathematics, computer science and engineering to biology is based on the controversial topic of metaphysical entities. An interesting argument has been that we are only human therefor we shall not play or intend to play “god’s” role. My stance is, because we are human and capable of creating life and have the ability to manipulate biology in such ways that might be able to cure diseases is great! I has been argued that people will care less if we are able to clone organs, but then again that is determined by the supply and the cost. When, not if, the scientific community decides to create nano bio computerized viruses that attack certain cells in the body for good or bad, there will be an uprising. I say this because the measures to govern this will be extremely difficult. It will be like trying to implement jurisdiction to the internet, a task unattainable at the present moment. We want the greater good for the people yet we fail to yield to the signs of our own destruction. Emerging fields of biology and computer science are becoming more and more popular topics of study. Biology has existed for more than 150 years. It has grown into other fields like marine Chavez 3 biology, neuroscience, and the list goes on. It has explained multiple things like how natural selection works, a human’s autonomous nerve system, and how living things produce energy. Indeed, we came far from what we were before 150 years ago, but like all sciences, biology has some unanswered problems and questions like how did life start? Even after tons of research and successful lab work being done. We are only able to explain a small section of problems. This is a huge problem for people who want to know how nature really works. As biology improves, it must change. This change can be hard. What kind of changes are needed? Put simply, biologists need to make sure that there are new ways of thinking and tools available to them, like 3D-modelling software that can be customized to work with cells’ functions. “At the core of systems biology lies the construction of models describing biological systems.”[Fisher and Henzinger C., 2007, p. 1239] Models can be mathematical equations that describe the system’s behavior at a generalized level, but don’t describe the internal mechanisms that give rise to the results. For describing how a cell works, we need a sort of blueprint that lists the parts and connections that makes the cell work. We do not have that kind of high-level model for a cell yet. We also need models that combine a blueprint and mathematical models, to see the whole idea of a particular biological system. The applications above integrate computer science into biology in a practical mode. It is clear that understanding how life works is extremely important to many. The integration of computer science into biology can ease this process. There are many ways we could use this for the greater good. A friend of mine talked about war being one of the positive applications in integration of cs and biology. I thought to myself how is war good? Then it came to me, what if we were to integrate software into biology which made it possible to target certain individuals and not need to fire a single weapon. Chavez 4 There is also the problem that humans cannot use the large sets of data from experiments efficiently without help. The large sets of data are too much for humans to handle without having to automate it. We have to create computer databases to search such information to get better results more quickly. Some experiments need to repeat a lot of times and this is tedious for humans to do. We could make a computer script or program using various computer languages. We could tune some computer language to be more biology friendly by automatically implementing physics laws or any law biologists might need in their program. Having languages suited to the study of biology could save biologists a lot of time. Sciences are generally all about proving theories and concepts with hard concrete examples and facts. The many theories one may test must be reproducible too, or else they are not true if they do not have these things pointed out. This is hard for biology because the small biological systems are too small to be studied normally. Why does this matter? Put simply, biology cannot take a cell apart and put it back to experiment. We can use non-invasive ways studying life like microscopes, but they have some issues. Visible-light microscope don’t work anymore. This is because there are biological systems smaller than the wavelength of visible-light. We have to use more powerful microscopes. These more powerful microscopes work out of the wavelength of visible light. This lets us to see smaller things by such using shorter wavelengths of light, or things other than light like electrons. One example will be an electron microscope. These newer devices except for optical ones, are more limited in image quality because the images only use 1 or 2 shades of a color only a lot of times. This is where computer science can be utilized to improve these images by enhancing it with algorithms that can predict color, depth or other things. We can also ignore using these devices altogether and Chavez 5 just use computer simulations which can show more things than static images will show. Biology also needs to use other subjects like physics and chemistry to help explain biological life. Biology must explain things with some very high level conceptual ideas and use qualitative measuring to become super successful. However, there isn’t any much of physics being used in biology, but you will see a lot of chemistry. The funny thing is that seems physics is very useful for us when we are working at smaller scales. We don’t really use it daily in biology. As it appears to be that way anyway. Physics will let us understand biology better. Having biologists to learn physics and programming will let them use physics daily. Coming from a computer science background and having interests in biology. I wanted to know what CS was doing for biology. The first article I found was called “Executable Biology”, it talked about some computational models and mathematical models in addition to ideas on how to support biology from a computer scientist’s point of view. I have already explained some of these things in this paper. The article “Executable Cell Biology” [Fisher and Henzinger C., 2007]. This article is good to read and study, once you are familiar with the subjects, but it is not a good starting point if you are new to the subjects. It requires you to be proficient in computer science and biology. I think this article “Taking the example of computer systems engineering for the analysis of biological cell systems” [Pronk. et al., 2007] is a much better start for studying executable biology. This is because it uses easy to understand examples that anyone can understand. The paper “Executable Cell Biology”[Fisher and Henzinger C., 2007] is an attempt to bridge the gap between the high-level and mathematical views of biological systems. The Chavez 6 article’s authors are Jasmin Fisher and Thomas A. Henzinger. This paper was published under Nature Publishing Group in 2007. The paper is in the journal “Nature Biotechnology”, in the volume 25 and issue NO. 11. The publisher has no apparent affiliations. In Biology, there are two different ways of viewing a system. There is a high-level view, which describes the system using building blocks. A system is made of smaller systems called organs, tissues, cells and even the periodic elements. A system can be a part of a building block. The building blocks has to be generalized enough to let you work at a larger scale. You do not need to know the internal function of the building block. The building block must be simple enough to work with other blocks. An example would be a cell. The high-level view does not tell you how everything works. There is also a mathematical view described very nicely in [Fisher and Henzinger C., 2007]. The model uses equations to describe a relationship between quantities and how they change over time. Biologists have been unable to link these two views together into a coherent theory. The paper introduces problems for biologists that have a hard time integrating computer science. The paper also introduces problems for computer scientists as well. The programmers have to make computer programs that allow Biologists to use concepts from computer science in an effective way. Fisher and Henzinger have written about a new model called the hybrid model. This model ties the high-level and mathematical models together. The “Executable Cell Biology” article can be broken into three major parts. The first part is the introduction on a new way to perform experiments using computational models such as Petri networks or Boolean networks, or mathematical models. The intro also presented problems in Biology that prevent it from creating a perfect overview of a biological system. The body of the article explains how the following models can be used in executable Biology. Chavez 7 Boolean networks, Petri nets, interacting state machine models, process calculi and hybrid models. The conclusion of the article explains some challenges that must be worked out in order to have concepts from computer science be applied to Biology. The article continues to explain the rest of the models. The last model they explain is the hybrid model [Fisher and Henzinger C., 2007, p. 1245] that combines the mathematical and computation models. I explained this earlier. The reader would be likely interested in this because it defines a way to connect differential equations to a high-level concept. The paper uses the analogy between computer hardware and biological models. A computer chip is made of transistors. Transistors are made of logic gates. Transistors can also be defined by differential equations when viewed at a more detailed view. A Biological system’s equivalent of a chip is a signalling pathway. Molecular interactions would be the transistors of the pathway. However, a molecular interaction does not correspond to a logic gate at a smaller level. Molecular interactions can be explained with differential equations though. This is a problem that Fisher and Henzinger hope to be fixed someday. “A key challenge is to identify a more abstract level, perhaps similar to the gate level in hardware design, based on functional units each of which involves many molecules.” [Fisher and Henzinger C., 2007, p. 1246] Biology will become a better science once people find ways to introduce the computational models into their work. These models will help biologists find a formal way to explain biological systems at a high-level and more detailed levels. Once computer scientists and biologists work together to fix the problems that Biologists are having, biology can find new cures to diseases. Computer scientists need to remember biologists are not armed with the concepts that programmers know. Computer programs Chavez 8 created for biology must present programming in an intuitive way. Chavez 9 Bibliography Tessa E. Pronk., Andy D. Pimentel., Marco Roos., and Timo M. Breit. Taking the example of computer systems engineering for the analysis of biological cell systems. BioSystems, 90:623–635, 2007. People are questioning current methods, foundations and other ideas that were developed to aid biologists because they are not getting anywhere. Computer scientists realize that they can evolve biology into a mathematical science. Computer aided design programs are a set of tools that can greatly help biologists, once they are developed for biology. Chavez 10 Figure 1: Both cells and embedded computers are heterogeneous systems, consisting of different types of components that have to work together. Where possible, components with similar functions in both systems are put in the same location in the figure. ‘Organelles’ and ‘Processors’ can be seen as structures performing tasks. ‘Software’ and ‘Genome’ are the places where application is programmed. ‘Energy and Transport’ and ‘Auxiliary systems (power, cooling)’ are the elements that make it possible for the system to function. ‘Central Processing Unit’ and ‘Networks’ take care of the regulation of actions of the system. ‘Sensors, Signals, Actuators and ‘Digital to Analogue’ converters interact with the external environment. ‘Robustness’ and electromechanical backup and safety’ are all components to make the systems reliable and robust. Top part adapted from Koopman (1996). Pronk. et al. [2007]
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