To remove existing calluses, take a shower or bath so that skin is soft and pliable, then buff feet with a foot file, a pumice stone, or a pad premoistened with a cleanser, such as Kerasal Callus Removal Cleansing Pads. Follow with a cream containing urea, which "eats away at and loosens up the dead skin cells, and makes the skin really smooth and hydrated," says Kathy Fields, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California-San Francisco. You can find urea in Curel Targeted Therapy Foot Cream (which smells of coconut, since company research revealed & Aesthetic Surgery. The Cynergy is similarly effective as sclerotherapy, but the latter can be more painful, depending on the dermatologist's experience level with the procedure, she adds. YOUR BIKINI LINE IS DOTTED WITH RED BUMPS The hair here often emerges from the skin only to dive right back down. "The skin thinks the hair is a foreign body like a splinter, and becomes inflamed," says Arielle Kauvar, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. Kauvar recommends STRETCH IS FINE FOR YOGA CLASS, BUT NOT FOR YOUR SKIN When the skin is pulled during pregnancy or weight gain, "the collagen and elastin fi bers in the middle and deeper layers of the skin literally get stretched and probably torn," says Dover. "Microscopically," says Kauvar, "there is no difference between a stretch mark and a scar." Most creams are useless in preventing these scars from forming, but Narurkar is convinced that the cult eye cream Relastin, which contains antioxidants, moisturizers, and a zinc compound, can help by ramping up elastin production in the skin. Likewise, that most women dislike peppermint scents at night, when they're most likely to apply cream). For a stronger treatment, ask your doctor for a prescription cream that contains 6 percent salicylic acid or 40 percent urea. the majority of ingrowns. Every year or so, a touch-up session may be required to zap resilient strays. Many women and fade pink stretch prefer to wax the area because skin stays smooth for four to six weeks, and the hair grows back softer and finer. But Kauvar early stretch mark. But once the marks YOUR LEG VEINS LOOK LIKE MAPQUEST says waxing has the highest incidence of ingrowns because not all of the hairs the few things known to help. Multiple sessions may fade marks by about half in some people, Dover says. "I don't care if you're a runner; I don't care if you cross your legs; I don't care if you wear tight everything-90 percentish of unsightly blood vessels are genetic," says Seth Matarasso, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California-San Francisco. Women with extraordinary foresight can help prevent visible veins by dutifully wearing support stockings and elevating the feet when possible. For the rest of us, veins can be masked with shimmering lotions, or selftanner, which minimizes color contrast against fair or medium skin. No creams exist to treat veins, but you can render them invisible with sclerotherapy, in which a doctor injects a soap or sugar solution into a vessel, irritating it until it closes down. (Blood is harmlessly reabsorbed into deeper channels.) The procedure is by far the most effective for clusters of spider veins and mini varicose veins that are not bumpy, and usually involves no more pain than a few fine needle pricks, although there is usually bruising for about a week. At the recent annual American Academy of Dermatology meeting, information about a new device called the Cynergy was presented. One or two sessions with it are very effective at targeting both smaller spider veins and larger blue veins, says Hirsch, president of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology laser hair removal-though it's costly; it usually takes six treatments to achieve 80 to 90 percent reduction of hair and thus are cleanly extracted. "The root may coil up under the skin surface when a prescription retinoid applied daily for six months has been shown to shorten marks in about 80 percent of women. Lasers that target redness also can drain the color from an have taken on a silvery color, pulsed dye lasers and fractional lasers are two of the broken remnant snaps back," she says. To help prevent ingrowns from YOUR LEGS FEEL STUBBLY HOURS AFTER SHAVING waxing, Fields area thoroughly The suggests washing the with an antibacterial soap the day you wax and the day after, and then applying a cortisone cream to reduce any redness. Shaving causes fewer bumps and ingrowns as long as it is done properly, which means shaving with a liquid antibacterial soap and a new razor: "An old, draggy blade can implant bacteria in the skin and cause inflammation," Fields says. (Save depilatories for elsewhere on the body; they dissolve the hair just under the pore, leaving it very short, and "ingrown hairs are more common if the hair is less than a quarter inch in length," Kunin says.) But no matter what method you used, if the bumps have already appeared, work a scrub onto the outer bikini area 70 percent of women JUST who are faithful razor users, according to a Schick survey, can eke out an extra half millimeter or so of closeness simply by using a good shaving gel or cream, says Fields. Follow it with a moisturizer that contains a soy extract to slow down hair regrowth and a self-tanner, such as Aveeno Continuous Radiance Moisturizing Lotion, to decrease the contrast between skin and dark hairs. Laser hair removal helps prevent many follicles from growing new hair. But those who don't want to undergo the recommended four to six sessions have at-home options. Gillette is launching an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) laser later this year. That and the Tria, a recently approved laser to be sold in doctors' offices to help exfoliate clogged, inflamed pores (use your hands, not a loofah, which can beginning irritate skin or transfer bacteria, making ingrowns worse), and spot-treat ingrowns with a benzoyl peroxide foam or gel (one is DDF Benzoyl Peroxide Gel). And avoid shaving over the area, since that can irritate skin further. hair with time and maintenance," says Fields. A third option is the No! No!, a device that uses a heated clinical this studies month, both wire instead of a laser to singe on contact and reduce hair growth the long term. "have and will slowly remove hair over (continued on page 263) 217 DECENT EXPOSURE (Continued from page 217) STUBBLE ON GEORGE CLOONEY IS SEXY-ON UNDERARMS, A fresh razor YOUR NOT SO MUCH blade can make all the difference. "Many people let the same damn razor sit in the bathroom for days, weeks, months," Fields says. "To get a really clean shave, it should be a new blade, so go to Costco and buy them in bulk. Shave once with it, and throw p: it away." Hang a nonfog mirror in the shower so you can see any missed spots. lu The closest shave comes from drawing the razor against the direction of growth, :/. says Kauvar, which usually means shaving :1: ;:J' f... :s upward on the underarms. (Though this can cause irritation and ingrowns.) A twice-daily layer of the prescription hair-minimizing cream Vaniqua will slow growth further, but Hirsch has just three words for those with a truly relentless stubble: "Laser, laser, laser." Four to six treatments are standard, but many underarm-specific patients are happy sooner than that. Again, although the results are unlikely to be permanent, "most people get an excellent response after three treatments, because the hair that does come back comes back finer" and can easily be cleaned up with the occasional swipe of a razor, Kauvar says.
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