Cryos International – Denmark ApS Vesterbro Torv 1-3, 5. | 8000 Aarhus C | Denmark | Website: E-mail: | Tel.: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685 Delivery Statement (All not dotted lines must be filled in) ID number: __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ (only if own sperm) Deposit number: _ _ _ _ _ _ Donor number (only if reserved donor sperm): _ _ _ _ _ _ Name:__________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________ Zip code: ________ City:___________________________________________________ State: _____________________________Country: _______________________________ Name of spouse (ID number): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ By my signature I confirm that the sperm (own or reserved from Cryos donor) deposited at Cryos shall be delivered to: Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ Zip code:_________ City:____________________________________________________ State: _____________________________Country: _______________________________ Please indicate number of straws, quality, etc. to be delivered. If nothing is indicated, I hereby authorise Cryos to choose for me: _____________________________________________________________________ Please indicate shipping date: ______________ Please select shipping method (pick up/dry ice/nitrogen tank) _______________________ I will pay any costs related to the handling and shipment according to this Delivery Statement. Shipping prices are available on our website. Date: _______________________ Signature: __________________________________ * * * Copy of valid picture ID must be attached (passport, driving license, etc.) * * * Control/date: _______________ (to be filled out by Cryos) 41.02.01-01.SS Delivery Statement Page 1 of 1
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