Document 173673

How to type Khmer Unicode
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How to Type Khmer Unicode
If you have used the old-style Khmer fonts (Lemon, Battambang, ABC, etc.) before, it will take
you very little time to get used to the new fonts (Unicode fonts). In only one or two days you will
be typing faster than before.
Unicode is not just one more font. Unicode is the new International standard for Khmer.
Computers all around the world will understand Khmer language when typed using Unicode fonts.
Unicode is also the new standard of the Cambodian Government. In a few years all the old fonts
will be forgotten, and all texts will be in Unicode.
All Unicode fonts have the same encoding, meaning that once a text is typed in a Unicode font, it
can be changed to any other Unicode font, and the text will remain exactly the same, something
that did not happens with the old fonts.
One of the most important differences between the old of typing and Unicode is that when using
the new fonts, there is a key in the keyboard for each vowel, including េ◌ , េ◌ , េ◌, េ◌, េ◌, ◌ាំ,
េ◌ះ, etc. In Unicode you type the letters as they are in Khmer, not some parts of them first and
then the rest. And most important, you type them in the order that they are spelled, not from left
to right, as you would write them by hand. As an example, if you wanted to type the word េល
with the old fonts, you had to write
េ◌ + ល + ◌ី,
With the new fonts you would type
ល + េ◌
You can see that not only the keys that you type are different; you also type first the consonant
and then the vowel, as if you were spelling the word (LO... SRA OE).
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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Another big novelty in the new way of typing is that the coeng consonants are not in the keyboard,
In order to write them, you need to use two different keys: a key to indicate the following
consonant is a coeng consonant, and then the normal key for that consonant. For example, to
write the word កី, you need to type:
ក + ◌្ + ដ + ◌ី
This is done this way in order to type faster, and so that you do not need to remember the
situation in the keyboard of all the coeng consonants.
But these are just some examples to introduce you to the new way of typing. We will now start
from the beginning and go through all the details one by one, starting by looking at the Khmer
letters themselves.
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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Khmer Consonants, Vowels and signs
Independent Vowels
Modern Khmer has 14 independent vowels:
Dependent Vowels
The Chuon Nat dictionary, a classic reference
for Khmer, lists 20 vowels:
Nevertheless, the modern Khmer system taught in schools lists
three more vowels, raising the number to 23. These vowels – also
included in the keyboard - are:
There are other combinations that – following the same criteria –
(combining a vowel with the REAHMUK mark) could also be
considered as vowels, but they are not considered as such by any
source, so they are not included in the keyboard. The have to be
written with two keystrokes. They are:
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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Consonant shifters
Triisap and Muusikatoan. When followed by a high vowel, they change
their shape to that of vowel SRA U.
Signs placed above
Toandakhiat, Samyok sannya, Ashda, Kakabat,
Bantoc and Viriam.
Signs placed behind the consonant
Reahmuk and Yuukaleapintu.
Khmer punctuation signs
Khan, Bariyoosan, Camnuc Pi Kuuh, Lek Too,
Phnaek Muan and Koomuut
Latin punctuation signs used in Khmer
Khan, Bariyoosan, Camnuc Pi Kuuh, Lek Too, Phnaek Muan
and Koomuut
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How to type Khmer Unicode
Khmer numbers
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Riel currency symbol
Khmer divination numbers
Lunar dates
᧺ ᧻
Other signs used for old Khmer, or for
Sanskrit or Pali transliteration
Letter SHA, letter SSO, sign Avakrahasannya,
independent vowel QUK, Sign Atthacan
and sign Bathamasat
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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The Keyboard
The computer in which you want to type in Khmer script needs to know that what you want to
type are Khmer letters, so that when you press the key:
T ត
the computer knows that it has to print the letter ត, and not the letter T.
You tell the computer that you want to write in Khmer by “selecting the Khmer Keyboard”. You
can see what keyboard is selected in your computer by looking at the bottom-right corner of your
screen, which looks something like:
Please pay special attention to the letters EN. EN is short for English. If you see this letter, it
means that the computer is using an English keyboard, so for every key that you type, you will
always get English letters.
If, nevertheless, you see this:
The letters CA mean that your computer is using a Khmer keyboard, and that therefore any key
that you hit will produce Khmer characters.
You can easily change between the English and the Khmer Keyboards, by either.
Pressing the Shift and the Alt keys down at the same time. Every time that you press
them there will be a change of keyboard. If the present keyboard is the English one (EN),
it will change to Khmer (CA), and if the current one is the Khmer keyboard, it will
change to English.
Clicking on the letters EN with your mouse. When you do this, an small window with
all the possible options will open. In this window you should click on CA (ignore the fact
that besides CA it says “Catalan”).
To test all the examples in this document, you need to use the Khmer keyboard; the bottom-left
corner of your screen should display the letters CA.
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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Typing in Khmer Unicode
When using Unicode, typing is done in spelling order, not in left-to-right writing order.
The computer itself takes care of putting the letters in the right order. As we mentioned
before, a simple word like:
is typed:
ល + េ◌
and not
េ◌ + ល + ◌ី
This order must be followed for all words. The general rule is that syllables must be
written in the order:
Consonant + Coeng Consonant(s) + Vowel + sign(s)
Consonants and independent vowels are used in the same ways in Khmer orthography, so
when we say consonant - in this document - it will generally mean “consonant or
independent vowel”.
Vowels are typed always after the consonant, independently of them being placed before,
after, above or below the consonant. The computer will place them in the right place.
Vowels that have two parts (such as េ◌) are also typed after the consonant:
ល + ◌ិ Æ លិ
គ + េ◌ Æ េគ
ន + េ◌ Æ េន
ល + េ◌ Æ េល
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If you type letter in an incorrect order, the computer display a dotted circle to indicate
that the construction is incorrect. For example, if you type: េ◌ + ល + ◌ី the computer
will display េ◌លី
The consonants and vowels placed in the lower part of the key are typed by just pressing
the corresponding key. Consonants and vowels placed in the higher part of the right side
of the key are typed by holding the SHIFT key pressed and pressing that key.
បរូ (Shift)
Some letters that are not often used (some independent vowels), and which are printed in
the top-left side of a key in grey color, need to be typed by pressing the Alt Gr key (rightside Alt key, ឆស់).
P ផ
If a syllable contains any coeng consonants, they have to be typed after the main
consonant, but before the vowels, if there are any.
You might have noticed that the coeng consonants are not in the keyboard, as was the
case before with keyboards for Limon, ABC or other fonts. This is because in Unicode
the same key is used to type the normal consonant and the coeng consonant. In order to
signal that the next consonant must be a coeng consonant, the following key must be
typed before the consonant:
For example:
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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ច + ត + ◌្ + ត Æ ចត
ស + ◌្ + រ + ◌ី Æ សី
ស + ◌្ + រ + ែ◌ Æ ែ ស
For syllables that have two coeng consonants, you must type both coeng consonants in
spelling order, each one of them preceded by the ◌្ sign:
ស + ◌្ + ត + ◌្ + រ + ◌ី Æ សី
Make sure that you do not type coeng RO before another coeng consonant, always
follow spelling order, and never type a coeng consonant after a vowel.
Special cases for consonants
There are some cases in which letters can be represented with more than one shape,
depending on others letters around them. This is the case of letter ប when followed by
◌ា. In the old fonts it was necessary to have a special letter for this, but in Unicode you
must type the normal key for ប. When you type ◌ា the computer will find the right shape
of letter ប.
ប + ◌ា Æ ប
Something similar happens with letter ញ. You do not have to care about the right shape
of ញ or ◌ញ.The computer will always find the correct one. You only need to make sure
that you type the right letters.
ទ + ◌ា + ញ Æ ទញ
ស + ញ + ◌្ + ញ + ◌ា Æ សញញ
ខ + ◌្ + ញ + ◌ុំ Æ ខញំុ
ប + ញ + ◌្ + ច + េ◌ + ញ Æ បេញច ញ
Never type ព + ◌ា instead of ញ.
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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Special cases for vowels
There are some vowels, that, in spite of being in the keyboard, correspond to two
different characters (they do not have their own characters in Unicode). These vowels are:
You can type these vowels directly with their keyboard key, but if you later want to erase
them; you will have to press the Å key twice.
The opposite happens with vowels that have two parts (split vowels):
េ◌ េ◌
េ◌ and
They also type by pressing only one key, but they are erased by pressing Å only once.
Other vowels that are not in the keyboard require typing two keys. For example:
ក + ែ◌ + ◌ះ Æ ែកះ
Sometimes, a character called a consonant-shifter is used to change the sound of a vowel
that accompanies a consonant. There are two of these characters:
Triisap ( ◌៊ ) is used to change the sound vowels that accompany consonants of the first
series to sound as if they accompanied consonants of the second series. It can only be
used with consonants of the first series that do not have a second series equivalent. These
consonants are:
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Muusikatoan ( ◌៉ ) is used to change the sound vowels that accompany consonants of
the second series to sound as if they accompanied consonants of the first series. It can
only be used with consonants of the second series that do not have a first series
equivalent. These consonants are:
ញ ម
As an exception, ◌៉ is also used with the letter ប to change its sound from a “b” sound to
a “p” sound.
The consonant-shifter is always typed after the consonant and any coeng consonants, but
before the vowel. The order of components, including the consonant-shifter, will be:
Consonant + Coeng Consonant(s) + Consonant-shifter + Vowel + sign(s)
យ + ◌៉ +◌ា + ក Æ យ៉ក
ប + ◌៉ + េ◌ + ង + ប + ◌៉ + េ◌ះ Æ េប៉ងេប៉ះ
ក + ◌្ + ◌ុ + ម + ហ + ◌៊ + ◌ុ + ន Æ កមហន
ប + ◌៊ +◌ុ + ត Æ បត
ស + ◌្ + រ + ◌៊ + ◌ុ + ប Æ សប
ម + ◌្ + ហ + ◌៊ + ែ◌ + ត Æ ែមត
When the consonant-shifter is either followed by a vowel that needs to be placed above
the consonant or by ◌ាំ, the consonant shifter changes its position automatically to be
placed under the main consonant, and also changes its shape to the same shape of the
vowel ◌ុ (same for ◌៊ and for ◌៉). You do not have to type ◌ុ. If the lower-form shape is
necessary, the computer itself will display it that way. Some examples:
ស + ◌៊ Æ ស៊
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ស + ◌៊ + ◌ី Æ សុី
ប + ◌៉ + ◌ី Æ បុី
ប + ន + ◌្ + ស + ◌៊ + ◌ី Æ បន ុ ី
If you type ◌ុ instead of ◌៊ or ◌៉, it will not work, as you cannot type two vowels one after
the other in Khmer:
ស + ◌ុ + ◌ី Æ ស◌ី
There are three exceptions to the rule in which the consonant-shifter does not change to
the lower position, in spite of having something above the consonant. You do not have to
really worry about them, because they are automatically handled by the computer, but
you should look at them, so when they appear you are not surprised or think that
something is not working correctly.
It does not change when the vowel is ◌ំ, because the combination of ◌ំ with the
lower shape of the consonant shifter could be confused with the vowel ◌ុំ. The
same happens for all signs placed above the consonant. If they are ever combined
with a consonant-shifter, that consonant-shifter will be located above the
អ + ◌៊ + ◌ំ Æ អ៊ំ
It cannot change when the letter ប is combined with ◌៊, because the reader would
not know if the lower form of the consonant shifter represents ◌៊ or ◌៉ (therefore if
is the sound of the vowel that must change or is the sound of the consonant should
be “p” instead of “b”).
ប + ◌៊ + ◌ិ + ក Æ បក
When there is a main consonant and a coeng consonant, and either of them is ហ.
This rule is followed consistently all over the Chuon Nat dictionary. This is
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probably due to the fact that the other consonant in the syllable might be of the
second series, and if the consonant shifter is placed down, it is not clear if it is a ◌៊
that applies to ហ or a ◌៉ that applies to the other consonant.
អ + ◌្ + ហ + ◌៊ + ◌ិ + ◌ះ Æ អះ
There are three types of signs in Khmer that may form part of a syllable:
Robat ( ◌៌ ). Robat is a sign borrowed from Indian languages that is phonetically
equivalent to placing a RO sound before the consonant above which it is placed. It
is treated differently from other signs. ◌៌ must always be typed after the consonant
above which it will be placed, even before any vowels are typed. A syllable that
has ◌៌ cannot have any coeng consonants, nor vowels or signs that need to be
placed above the main consonant. When Robat is used, the syllable can only be
constructed as:
Consonant + Robat {+ Vowel} {+sign}
As in:
ព + ណ + ◌៌ Æ ពណ៌
ស + គ +◌៌ + ◌ៈ Æ សគ៌:
ក + ប + ◌៌ + ◌ូ + រ Æ កបូ៌រ
ក + ◌ា + ប + ◌៌ + ◌ា + ស Æ កប៌ស
ស + ព + ◌៌ + េ◌ + ជ + ◌្ + ញ Æ សេពជញ
Other signs placed above the main consonant ( ◌៍ ◌័ ◌៏ ◌៎ ◌៑ ◌់ ). Toandakhiat
( ◌៍ ), Samyok Sannya ( ◌័ ), Ahsda ( ◌៏ ), Kakabat ( ◌៎ ), Viriam ( ◌៑ ) and Bantoc
( ◌់ ), are placed above the main consonant. Normally they do not combine with
vowels, but in the cases they do, they should always be typed after the vowel, and
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before any signs placed behind the syllable. When they combine with a vowel, in
most case the vowel is ◌ុ (not to be confused with the consonant-shifters ◌៊ or ◌៉).
If we include all this in our formula, we get:
Consonant + coengs + consonant-shifter + vowel + Above signs + After signs
ល + ក + ◌់ Æ លក់
ទ + ◌ំ + ព + ◌័ + រ Æ ទំព័រ
ណ + ◌៎ + ◌ះ Æ ណះ
ន + ◌ុ + ◌៎ + ◌ះ Æ នះ
There are two exceptions, which are automatically handled by the computer, but
please pay attention to them:
o Sometimes a high vowel might combine with Kakabat as in:
អ + ◌ី + ◌៎ + ◌ះ Æ អះ៎ឺ
o The ◌ិ + ◌៍ combination, used in many words. Some of the old fonts had a
special character for this. In Unicode the two characters are correctly
ligated when you type them separately, as in:
ព + េ◌ + ធ + ◌ិ + ◌៍ Æ េពធ
Technical note: As a short technical note, and in spite of us calling it vowel here, to simplify
the reading, Unicode considers ◌ំ as a sign, and not as a vowel. The characters ◌ាំ and ◌ុំ need
to be formed by combining the vowels ◌ា and ◌ុ with the sign ◌ំ (sign Nikahit). Both Khmer
vowels (◌ាំ and ◌ុំ) exist in the keyboard, for compatibility with Khmer culture, but what the
keyboard really does is to generate the characters ◌ា or ◌ុ and then the character ◌ំ. The same
happens with the vowels ◌ុះ, េ◌ះ and េ◌ះ. They are created automatically by the keyboard,
but we have to understand that when we press one of these vowels, the keyboard is first doing
a vowel (◌ុ, េ◌ or េ◌) and then the sign Reahmuk (◌ះ).
Sign placed after the consonant which are part of the syllable and affect the sound
(◌ះ and ◌ៈ). Reahmuk ( ◌ះ ) and Yuukaleapintu ( ◌ៈ ) are always placed as the last
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How to type Khmer Unicode
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element of the syllable. They should not be confused with the punctuation mark Camnuc
pii Kuuh ( ៖ ).
ក + ែ◌ + ◌ះ Æ ែកះ
Punctuation marks ( ។ ៕ ៖ ៗ ៙ ៚ ! . “ ? )
Khmer script has its own punctuation marks: sign Khan ( ។ ), sign Bariyoosan ( ៕ ), sign
Camnuc pii Kuuh ( ៖ ), sign Leik Too ( ៗ ), sign Phnaek Muan ( ៙ ) and sign KooMuut
( ៚ ).
In addition to these, some punctuation marks are borrowed from the Latin script, such as
the exclamation sign ( ! ), period ( . ), double quotes ( “ ) and interrogation mark ( ? ).
The period is only used for abbreviations. With the exception of ៗ, Khmer punctuation
marks are usually separated from the preceding and following words by a space. Latin
punctuation marks are usually not separated from the word that precedes them, except for
the quotation marks, which is attached to the word that follows it when opening a
quotation and attached to the word that precedes it when closing the quotation.
In Khmer, the space (ដកឃ) is also considered as a punctuation mark, and should
therefore be used only to mark a pause in the speech, not to separate words. In order to
type a space, you need to hold the SHIFT key down and at the same time press the
About ligatures
In Unicode fonts, when a consonant is followed by ◌ា, it changes slightly its shape for
aesthetic reasons. IF the ◌ា is erased, the consonant goes back to its original form. The
user does not normally know that ligatures happen; he only knows that his text looks nice.
Please pay attention to this:
ត ◌ា
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You can see how the shape of the line above ត has changed, just to make the two letters
look nicer.
Another traditional ligature of Khmer happens when a Moul letter UO is accompanied by
the vowel SRA I. The ligature is written as:
Instead of
Zero Width Space (ZWSP).
In Khmer words are written one after the other, unless punctuation rules specify that they
must be separated. Word processing programs, Internet browsers and other programs that
format text need to know where they can cut a sentence in order to start a new line. In
western languages that use the space to separate the words, this is not a problem, but in
Khmer language all these programs do not know how to recognize the end of a word, and
therefore a place were the line can be broken so that a new line can be started.
In most newspapers in Cambodia, the line breaking is done by hand. The person writing
the text calculates if the next word will fit in the line or not, and he or she will go to the
line by hand. This system works for formatting texts that will never be changed.
Web pages cannot use this system; the format of the page depends on the size of the
browsing program window in the user’s computer, and on the resolution of the screen.
Each case is different, so the program itself needs to do the line breaking, a static linebreaking system does not work. The same happens when working on good formats for
text. Using a program flexibly requires the program to be able to break the text between
The solution to this problem is to insert between words a character that – like a space –
has no picture, but, unlike the space, does not separate the words graphically, a gap
between the words that cannot be seen. A gap that programs can use to know where to
break the lines.
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This character is called Zero Width Space, and, it is the most used character in a text (out
of each 100 key presses while typing Khmer, 16 are on the Zero width Space), so this
highly used character is placed in the keyboard in a very easy to access location: the
space bar. Every time you press the space bar you insert a separation gap.
If you press the spacebar (without pressing any other key), the character that will be
added to the text is a ZWSP, not a visible space.
If you with to type a space, you must hold down the SHIFT key and then press the
Typing practice
If you have read down to here, you should by now already understand the mechanics of
typing Khmer using Unicode fonts. It is time that you put everything in practice, buy
typing the following text:
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Advanced typing
Khmer has other characters that are very seldom used. These characters - used for old Khmer or
for transliteration of Pali and Sanskrit - can be accessed using the Khmer keyboard, but they are
not printed in the keyboard. The characters are:
Old Khmer, Sanskrit and Pali
Alt Gr + B Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + U Æ ᧦
Shift + Alt Gr + I Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + O Æ ᧨
Alt Gr + K Æ ឝ
Shift + Alt Gr + P Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + [ Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + ] Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + A Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + S Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + D Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + F Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + G Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + H Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + J Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + K Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + L Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + ; Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + ‘ Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + Z Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + X Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + C Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + V Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + W Æ ᧡
Shift + Alt Gr + B Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + E Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + N Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + R Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + M Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + T Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + , Æ
Alt Gr + TÆ
Alt Gr + Q Æ ៜ
Alt Gr + W Æ
Divination signs
Shift + Alt Gr + 1 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 2 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 3 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 4 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 5 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 6 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 7 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 8 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 9 Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + 0 Æ
Lunar dates:
Shift + Alt Gr + Q Æ
Shift + Alt Gr + Y Æ ᧥
Shift + Alt Gr + . Æ
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