HoW to usethe phone keys Getting to know your mobⅡ e ln any screen, Tap “:D ”,to return tσ preVious screen orto exitthe app"cation Tap“ 0” ,to retum tothe main menu Tap “F日 ″,to display the settings/option ˉ Iist ” “ the on/。 仟 buuon,t。 turn on an o仟 the sCreen and b丨 ock the scrρ en ” Long press Ⅱ on/o仟 to shut down orto restart your mobiIe ” Press and ho d the“ on/o钎 button and then press the vo|ume down keytotake a screen capture Taρ earphone Language Tap the sett ngsicon scro"down andtapthe“ ★P|ease use the earphone included in the package Language and input” ,then choose Ianguage in the fieId“ |anguage” JΙ 〗 扌社 影 萜描 扌 i∶:9丨 l百:扌 Draw a ho冖 ;ff}犁 zonta"ne to skip to ne× tsong 罂 Uy默 、 e on your screen :弼 稍 |强 店 烈 l;£ 呷 潲捕戛踹 占 Doub etap on aturned o仟 screento Wake up yourphone Draw a hoHzonta"ne Draw a"ne upto Draw a"ne doWn to skip to nextsong unlock your phone to take a picture DraW a“ M"to start`stop "stening to mus C Guest account supports seVera|reset gesturesthan Can be changed Your are n° tthe only one who凵 ses y° ∪r ph° ne,w"h the guest account,you can keep your conveΓ sauons, oontact,piCtures etc well protected NoW you Can Iend your mobie W仕 houtany worHes Draw a“ 0"to open Google Play Draw a"e"to stort browsing the Web Ⅱ 0raw a C"to make a ca" Draw a“ W"to Gheck yoursMs DraW a“ z” to opens gallery 3fingerfast screenshot Protect Υour PrivaCy The TVRB0ˉ m niF1 s equipped W th fastsoreenshot Put30ngers on the screen and draw them down and you The D00GEE mobie s equipped w汰 Wi||haVe a screenshotinjust one gesture h applock ng softWare that au0wsy° uto ook speoinc apps n y° ur phone, orthe Who e phone,w"h a password and thus proteot ng your p ctures,movies cOnVersau。 ns and y° ur pHvaoy 彳st 2nd∶ “ 踯裆 摞 r ll∶ 甘 ::nm岫 吊∶ F带 筲 舡 :y‖ }i|贺 甜 丨 l∶ :扌 x吊 Direct caⅡ ing. ContaCHess hands free rnode. When wanungt° 创ace a ca",just nnd the When rece~ing a ca",piGk upjustby puⅡ oontactyou need and ca"just by putt ng the phone nextto your ear your hand on the top part ofthe screen for2 mus c.nIes e!c betweento phonejustbytouch ng seconds w"hou"ouching" their screens,no W卜 Fi required,w th speeds upt。 HotKnotfiIOtransfertρ chnol° gy. ng HotKn0t w reless 54Mbps Ⅱ|e transfer,transfer p ctures,movies, 1EN]safety I"formatiom p ane(GsM+B Votooth)a$m may cause nterfe⒈ enCe magne"C obleCts a0tho attor mt0htCause a sho+t C rCu"betWeen the pos汪 Ve and negauve te「 m on s ofyourbatte冖 os and (be° w0° C° r above45° C) D"fefences n temperature may reduce batteγ autonomy and se「 V Ce汗 e par1$ofyourphone are madofrom g ass and m gh】 break沂 tho phone s d「 opped o「 ssu钔 phone Do nottouChthe screen W"h sharρ oblects 12Ma ntonanCe∶ ry° u wantto c eon youf handset Vse a dfy c oth(d。 5 E|0cton Cimp onts and ρacemake「 s∶ Users Who Weara paComaker° r who are htted W“ h an e eCtron cimρ ant muSth° d】 he phone on tl e opp。 s№ s deto攵 ho Ⅱmp antas a precauu° n when maMn9a Cd 阡you noucethaty° ur ρhone s Caus ng nterference w"ha notuse a so Ven攵 ectt° seˇ ere mpaCt Avo d droρ such as bonzono。 「a coho) p ng y° ur
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