AFRIKAANS: EERSTE ADDISIONELE TAAL GRADE 12 JUNIE EKSAMEN - 2015 VRAESTEL 3: KREATIEWE SKRYFWERK – 2,5 UUR 100 PUNTE Vraag 1: 50 Punte EEN Lang skryfstuk – Verhalende, Beskrywende, Argumenterende opstelle. 250 – 300 WOORDE Vraag 2: 30 punte EEN Langer Transaksionele skryfstuk : Brief [Vriendskaplik, Klagte, aansoek], dialoog, brosjure, dagboekinskrywing, koerantberig, toespraak, pamflet, 120 – 150 WOORDE Vraag 3: 20 punte EEN Korter Transaksionele skryfstuk : E-pos, padaanwysings, boodskap, kaartjies, ‘n plakkaat, SMS, advertensie, resensie, invul van vorm, uitnodigings, CV, verslag, instruksies. 80 – 100 WOORDE VRAESTEL 2: LETTERKUNDE – 2 UUR 70 PUNTE KORT VERHALE: Baby, Op soek na Kid Khumalo, Die Pakkie, Agter ‘n baard & Benedicta GEDIGTE: Kontak, Woorde, Brief, Stad in die mis, Die Hanswors, Kabouterliefde & Wie’s hy? VRAESTEL 1: 2 UUR 80 PUNTE VRAAG 1: BEGRIP [30] VRAAG 2: OPSOMMING [10] VRAAG 3: TAAL : Alle taalbegrippe soos in handboek [40] M. STEYNBERG faks, GRADE 12 JUNE 2015 EXAM REQUIREMENTS ACCOUNTING Companies - Concepts, General Ledger, Final Accounts, GAAP, Financial Statements, Cash Flow Statements. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements Published financial statements Corporate Governance Inventory Systems (FIFO, Weighted Average) Manufacturing Bank Reconciliation Creditors Reconciliation Internal Audit and Control Ethics 300 Marks 3 Hours Grade 12 Business Studies Marks 300 Exam requirements for June exam 2015 Time 3hours Section A: Compulsory 1 Multiple choice True and false Matching items 40 30 Min 3 x 60=180 30 Min 30 Min 30 Min 2 x 40 = 80 2 x 30 = 60 Min Section B:Compulsory 2 3 4 5 6 Choose THREE of the five questions provided Section C: Business Reports 7 8 9 10 Do only TWO of the four questions provided TOTAL:300 All covered LO;s should be studied All additional notes and hand outs should be studied. Start with the business reports first Stick to the time grid very strictly TOTAL:3hours GRADE 12 ENGLISH PAPER 1: Comprehension (30) Learn all Language notes in file. Summary (10) Revise summary practise exercises. Language in context (30) Cartoons, adverts and textual editing. PAPER 2: Poetry: SEEN 2x10= (20) Learn notes on ‘Autumn’, ‘Wild Doves’, ‘Lake Morning’, ‘Abandoned Bundle’, ‘In Detention’, ‘On the Move’, ‘Old Folks Laugh’, ‘Sonnet 30’. UNSEEN (10) Othello – Contextual/Essay (25) Learn all work associated with the play up to the end of Act 4 Scene 2. Animal farm – Contextual/Essay (25) Learn all work associated with the novel up to end of Chapter 7. Matric Exam Requirements French Second Additional Language – June 2015 Paper 1 = 100 marks Section A : [60 marks] Textes non-préparés (un-seen comprehension) Questions will be varied including multiple choice questions, qui dit quoi ? vrai / faux ? Pour / contre ? Section B : [40 marks] Textes au programme Littérature : Concerto à la mémoire d’un ange Poésie : Chanson d’automne et Si tu t’imagines Paper 2 = 100 marks Section A : [30 marks] Expression d’opinion (150-200 mots) You will be given two short texts to read and you will write your personal opinion on one of the texts. Section B : [30 marks] Messages You will be given a choice of 4 messages and you will have to answer to 3 of them (10 marks each). These can be either text messages, short e-mail messages, memos, Whatsapps etc…read the instructions carefully to be certain that you have the correct format when you answer. Section C : [20 marks] Langue en contexte Reformulation d’un texte [20 marks] Formulation d’un texte à partir des notes [20 marks] Geography Exam Grade 12 June 2015 PAPER 1 PAPER 2 Marks: 225 Marks: 75 Time: 2½ Hours Time: 1½ Hours Learners must answer all questions Learners must answer all questions Section A Question 1 Question 1 (75 marks) Multiple choice questions (15 marks) Short objective type questions for 15 marks covering Climate and Geomorphology Climate for 30 marks Geomorphology for 30 marks Question 2 Map calculations (20 marks) Question 3 Question 2 (75 marks) Short objective type questions for 15 marks covering Climate and Geomorphology Climate for 30 marks Geomorphology for 30 marks Analysis and interpretation of a topographic map and a photograph, and application of theory (25 marks) Question 4 GIS (15 marks) Section B Question 3 (75 marks) Short objective type questions for 15 marks covering Rural and Urban Settlement Rural Settlement for 30 marks Urban Settlement for 30 marks HISTORY GRADE 12 2015 EXAM REQUIREMENTS: JUNE 2015 PAPER 1 AND PAPER 2 EACH PAPER : TIME: 3 HRS TOTAL: 150 MARKS INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION 1. Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 consist of SECTION A and SECTION B based on the prescribed content framework as contained in the CAPS document. 2. SECTION A consists of THREE source-based questions - Questions 1, 2 and 3. Source material that is required to answer questions will be found in the ADDENDUM. 3. SECTION B consists of THREE essay questions. Questions 4, 5 and 6. 4. PAPER 1: Answer THREE questions as follows: 4.1 At least ONE must be a source-based question and at least ONE must be an essay question. 4.2 The third question can be either a source-based question OR an essay question. 5. PAPER 2: Answer THREE questions as follows: 5.1 At least ONE must be a source-based question and at least ONE must be an essay question. 5.2 The third question can be either a source-based question OR an essay question. ALLOCATION OF CONTENT PER QUESTION PAPER ON NEXT PAGE: PAPER 1 SECTION A:SOURCE- BASED QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2 QUESTION 3 COLD WAR –Origins, Spheres of Influence and Who was to blame? AFRICA – Africa in the Cold War CIVIL RIGHTS IN USA – Civil Rights Movements. SECTION B:ESSAYS QUESTION 4 QUESTION 5 QUESTION 6 COLD WAR –Vietnam AFRICA –Congo and Tanzania (successes and challenges) CIVIL RIGHTS IN USA –Black Power Movement PAPER 2 SECTION A:SOURCE- BASED QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2 QUESTION 3 CIVIL RESISTANCE OF 70s AND 80s –BCM, Soweto and Biko COMING OF DEMOCRACY – TRC NEW WORLD ORDER AFTER COLD WAR – A new global world order. SECTIONB:ESSAYS QUESTION 4 QUESTION 5 QUESTION 6 RESISTANCE OF 70s AND 80s – Crisis of Apartheid and the nature of resistance – Internal Resistance COMING OF DEMOCRACY – Negotiations/Violence and a new government of national unity NEW WORLD ORDER AFTER COLD WAR – End of the Cold War and the events of 1989. HOSPITALITY STUDIES Grade 12 Theory exam paper: (2 hours) The short questions will consist of multiple choice, columns, true and false and one-word answers. Mark allocation Total = 150 marks Short questions = 40 marks Longer questions = 110 marks What to study? Menu planning Costing Cocktail functions Vegetarian food Pastry Choux pastry Gelatine Desserts Preserved foods Wine Venues Customer complaints Serving Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 GRADE 12 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2015 Theory paper DATE: MARKS: TIME: 180 3 hours CONTENTS: 1. 2.1 2.2 4.1 4.2 Hardware Networks Security Concepts DB Design DB Management Problem solving / Algorithms All Grade 11 work Practical paper DATE: MARKS: TIME: 120 3 hours CONTENTS: 1. OOP 2. N/A 3. Arrays All Grade 11 work GRADE 12 – LIFE SCIENCES EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS – JUNE 2015 150 MARKS MRS K BAISLEY FORMAT OF PAPER SECTION A: 50 MARKS Multiple Choice Terminology Match the columns True or False SECTION B: 80 MARKS Short Questions (Including diagrams, graphs, tables) SECTION C: 20 MARKS Essay Question WHAT YOU NEED TO STUDY DNA & RNA Meiosis Diversity of reproductive strategies Human Reproduction Genes Monohybrid & Dihybrid crosses Genetic Mutations Genetic Engineering Human Nervous System Receptors – Ear & Eye Endocrine Glands STUDY HARD AND YOU WILL SEE GOOD RESULTS!! LIFE SCIENCE IS NOT DIFFICULT, IT JUST REQUIRES TIME AND EFFORT!! LIFE ORIENTATION EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS JUNE 2015 GRADE 12 Total:80 marks Time: 1½ hours Content: Chapter 1-5 and 7-10 Self-development (stress, adapting to change, conflict, communication, lifestyle plan) Safety in fitness, personal fitness and setting health goals Study skills (assessment, NSC and developing a study plan) Careers and career choices (decisions, unemployment) Democracy and human rights (citizenship, media and beliefs) Safety in games and sport and indigenous games Social and environmental responsibility (healthy living, mission and vision) Traditional and non-traditional games and your community Section A: 20 marks - Multiple choice questions - True of false Section B: 30 marks - Longer questions (facts and definitions and interpretations) Section C: 30 marks - Essay questions MATHEMATICAL LITERACY Note: work for paper 1 and 2 is the same. Paper 1 is level 1 and level 2 questions. Paper 2 is level 2, 3 and 4 questions. TOPIC Conversions, time and speed Financial documents, Tariff Systems Income & Expenditure, Budgets Cost Price, Selling Price & Break-even analysis Data Handling Interest, Banking and inflation Scales and Map Work including plans etc. Measurement (length, weight, volume, temperature, perimeter, and area) STUDY HARD GOOD LUCK! Department of Mathematics Grade 12 – JUNE EXAMS 2015 VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: Both Paper I and Paper 2 will include work covered in Grade 11 PAPER 1 MARKS: 125 TIME: 2,5 HRS SEQUENCES & SERIES SURDS & EXPONENTS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES FUNCTIONS CALCULUS FINANCE PAPER 2 MARKS: 125 TIME : 2,5 HRS TRIG –PROBLEMS o BASED ON PYTHAGORAS o REDUCTION FORMULAE o SPECIAL ANGLES o SOLUTION TO TRIANGLES ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY INCLUDING GRADE 11 WORK STATISTICS – GRADE 11 WORK CIRCLE GEOMETRY MIDPOINT THEOREM AND CONVERSE ANGLES IN A CIRCLE CYCLIC QUADS TANGENTS TO A CIRCLE GRADE 12 PHYSICAL SCIENCE EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS JUNE 2015 1. Format of the examination: The structure of the MID-YEAR EXAMINATION papers will be as follows: Paper 1 Physics 2 Chemistry Type of questions 10 multiple choice questions Structural questions 10 multiple choice questions Structural questions Marks 20 130 20 130 Duration Total 3 hours 150 3 hours 150 2. Equipment: Ensure that you have a blue pen to write with, a sharp pencil for diagrams and a calculator that you understand. You will be provided with a data sheet that may be of assistance to you. 3. Content: The following content will be examined during the midyear examinations. PAPER 1 PHYSICS Grade 11 12 Content Newton's laws and application of Newton's laws Different kinds of forces: weight, normal force, frictional force, applied force (push, pull), tension (strings or cables) Force diagrams, free-body diagrams Newton's first, second and third laws of motion Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation Momentum and Impulse Momentum Newton's second law of motion in terms of momentum Conservation of momentum and elastic and inelastic collisions Impulse 12 Vertical Projectile Motion in One Dimension (1D) Vertical projectile motion represented in words and equations 12 12 Work, Energy and Power Work-energy theorem Conservation of energy with non-conservative forces present Power Doppler Effect (relative motion between source and observer) With sound and ultrasound 11 PAPER 2 CHEMISTRY Grade 11 With light – red shifts in the universe (evidence for the expanding universe) Electrostatics Coulomb's law 11 Vertical projectile motion represented in graphs Electric field Electric circuits (no internal resistance) Content Quantitative Aspects of Chemical Change Writing and balancing chemical equations Molar volume of gases Volume relationships in gaseous reactions Concentration of solutions More complex stoichiometric calculations, empirical formula, etc. 11 Intermolecular Forces Intermolecular forces vs interatomic forces (intramolecular forces) 12 Organic Molecules Organic molecular structures Structure and physical property relationships Applications of organic chemistry 11 12 Types of reactions of organic compounds Plastics and polymers Energy and Change Energy changes in reactions related to bond energy changes Exothermic and endothermic reactions Activation energy Rate and extent of reaction Rates of reaction and factors affecting rate 12 12 Measuring rates of reaction Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium and factors affecting equilibrium The equilibrium constant Application of equilibrium principles – equilibrium graphs Acids and bases Acid-base reactions The application of acids and bases NB: Please consult the examination guidelines on the school website for further information: Username: student Password: cbcmted Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking Sepedi Lelemetlaleletso la pele Kreiti 12 Lephephe la 1 Meputso : 80 Nako: 2 diiri Karolo A Tekatlhaologanyo : (30) Karolo B Kakaretso: (10) Karolo C Thutapolelo le tiriso: (40) Lephepe la 2 Dipuku tsa go bala Meputso: 70 Karolo A Nako: 2 diiri Tsa lefase ga di fele (35) Karolo B Direto tsa Sesotho sa Lebowa (35) Lephephe la 3 Karolo A Taodiso (50) Meputso: 100 Nako: 2,5 Karolo B Ditsweletswa tsa tirisano tse telete (30) Karolo C Ditsweletswa tsa tirisano tse kopana (20)
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