We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY Wednesday 20 May 2015 Principal Mr Aleksandr Taylor-Gough Head of Curriculum Mrs Chantelle Bauer Office Admin Staff Mrs Lisa Maslen Mrs Christine Jones Postal Address Drayton State School 55 Brisbane Street, DRAYTON. Q 4350. CONTACTS Phone: 4637 7444 Fax: 4637 7400 Prep: 4630 1913 www.draytonss.eq.edu.au OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE Coordinator Megan Karhenbring 0422 005 470 UPCOMING Check out the Website THURSDAY 21 MAY AMAROO 1T & 1C MONDAY 25 MAY Local Chaplaincy Committee Meeting 5.00pm Drayton School Admin block WEDNESDAY 10 JUNE GRANDPARENTS DAY TUESDAY 16WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE ATHLETICS WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE P&C MEETING 6.30PM *TUCKSHOP Friday First break only See P&C section for more details Checkout the school website for new menu UNIFORM STORE Tuesday 8:30-9:15 am Friday 2:30-3:15 pm Principal News Hi all. My Principal’s Report this fortnight will be quite brief, given the fact that we have been (and still are) participating in the Internal School Audit process. This process highlights the ways in which Drayton State School is currently operating in the following four administrative domains, including: 1. State Schooling Operations 2. Human Resource Management 3. Finance 4. Infrastructure The Audit commenced on Monday, and will likely conclude tomorrow. However, from all indications, there is evidence that Drayton State School is working at a high level in many areas, which is a credit to school staff, and in particular, Lisa Maslen (Business Services Manager), Chris Jones (Administration Officer) and the work of Vicky Schwerin (Administration Officer and Teacher Aide). I hope to be able to provide a final overview of the Audit within the next newsletter. Staffing I can confirm hot off the press today, that Craig Barron, (substantive Principal at Drayton SS) has been appointed permanently to the position of Principal – Middle Ridge State School. Craig has been at Middle Ridge as Acting Principal since January 2014. However, he now has won that position and will be ‘formally’ leaving Drayton SS. Having spoken to Craig this afternoon, he wishes to offer his thanks and gratitude to the entire Drayton community for your support of him. He has many fond memories and it will be sad to see him go. I have invited Craig to compose some words for the next Newsletter, along with a potential Friday Assembly farewell, of which I will inform you of the date. 08/15 Whilst that now gives stability to Middle Ridge SS, I have been informed by Debbie Hails (our Assistant Regional Director, School Performance) that a Vacancy Notification will be made in the very near future, about the Principal position here at Drayton State School. ARD Supervisor Visit In addition to the comprehensive Internal Audit process occurring as I write this, we had a visit yesterday from our Assistant Regional Director, School Performance – Debbie Hails. Debbie spoke highly of the processes we have in place, and is supportive of the initiatives we are putting in place. In particular, she commented on our grounds and our classrooms – having walked around the school and visited a number of classes in action. It was wonderful to be able to talk with Debbie about key Central and Regional priorities such as Data (including NAPLAN Data) and School Attendance. Whilst we were highly commended on our work around School Attendance, Debbie would like us to continue to focus on reducing the Unexplained Absences, something I will mention below. We have had 334 unexplained absences recorded on our system, something that we need to significantly reduce moving forward. However, Debbie was very impressed with our focus on curriculum and pedagogy and commended the direction that Drayton is headed in 2015. This is a great assessment by Debbie and I appreciate the cooperation everyone has shown this year. NAPLAN Thanks to everyone for their support of both students and teachers who cooperatively participated in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy last week. The four tests were conducted without issue and I would like to thank everyone for the work they did prior to the event (in test preparation) and throughout the event (such as getting students ready by 9:00am, and ensuring they had quality sleeps and a healthy diet). Also, thanks to the teachers for their role in conducting the tests. We look forward to using these results in our teaching 1 Wednesday 20 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY and learning programming when we receive the data in the coming months. School Priorities At Drayton SS, we will be beginning to implement a number of staff committees that will allow us to further focus on key priority areas. Staff have been invited to join the Behaviour, Gardens/Grounds and Roles/ Responsibilities Committee. These committees will report to Administration and will seek to strengthen these areas in our school. I look forward to seeing this work in action, and for the school to benefit from a focus in these spaces. Attendance Update – Target 95% Our attendance is beginning to slide. Whilst I understand that with cold weather often comes illness. However, when I look back to last week, 33 students were away unexplained. This number is far too high for the week. Whilst the school will follow up with unexplained absences as per its processes within/on the third day (and where possible, earlier), I need each parent and/or caregiver to take the lead on this and let the school know if your child is away and the reason as early as possible. We know that every day counts, and missing even 1 day per fortnight adds up to 130 days over a 13 year schooling career (that’s the equivalent of missing more than half a school year). I would like to ask all families to phone the school when your child is away as it assists everyone involved. Thanks for your help on this. Remember – our School Target is 95%. We are so close, so let’s all work together because Every Day Counts. 08/15 SS. We don’t have many community or parent/caregiver members from Drayton SS yet on the Committee. With the Committee acting as the public voice of Chaplaincy, it is a great opportunity to have your say in this space. Chappy Kate does a magnificent job supporting students and I know she would love to see as many faces at the meeting as possible! See you there. On That Note I wish the Year 1 students who will be attending the Amaroo Environmental Education Centre tomorrow on excursion all the very best, and look forward to seeing the new learnings you will gain from the day. Additionally, please diarise Wednesday 10th June (Wednesday Week 8) – as this will be the day we celebrate Grandparent’s Day. Excitedly, we’ll have more information around this in the coming weeks, as it really is a great event. Have a great fortnight, and I’ll keep in touch. Kind Regards, Aleksandr Taylor-Gough. ACTING PRINCIPAL Bookclub news Issue four is out. All orders are due back at the office by June 2nd. Please check all orders are filled in carefully, cheques are made out to Scholastic Australia and credit card slips are filled in completely with the receipt number added. Get connected with the QSchools app Local Chaplaincy Committee I would like to remind everyone that you are more than welcome to join (or just attend) the Drayton and Bunker’s Hill SS Chaplaincy Committee. The next meeting is on home soil, this coming Monday 25th May at 5:00pm in the Administration Tea Room here at Drayton The QSchools app lets you connect with your state school to get up-to-the-minute information including: Push notifications and emergency announcements Newsletters and documents Calendar events and news Tuckshop and uniform shop information School hours and contact details Social media feeds Available for free download from iTunes Store, Google Play, Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. As well as the school website. Visit http://qld.gov.au/QSchools 2 Wednesday 20 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 08/15 Stress and Families. Suggestions for a happy family from Bruce Sullivan: that you can clearly articulate that are designed to stop the world from taking over your life. What Are Your Personal Policies? I travel a lot. That means learning about and then living with the policies that are put in place by the airlines and hotels. Now, as a customer, I believe that some of these policies are not always considerate of my needs. (Could someone please tell me when the world stopped revolving around me?). 2. Consider what policies you have as a family or a Simply, the policies put in place by airlines and hotels are not solely for my needs. (Gasp!!!) They exist because the organisation has needs as well which include the efficient and effective running of their business. Without the policies it would be almost “anything goes” and chaos would be the order of the day. The same can be said for us. What are your policies? What do you have in place to ensure that chaos is not the order of the day? Here are some of my family’s policies: When we are having dinner, we don’t answer the phone. If my partner or my manager needs to contact me quickly, we use a text message as opposed to a voicemail. Our children have a maximum of two extra-curricular activities per child outside the home e.g. gymnastics and music. School Holidays are special times for our family and the goal is to line up my work holidays during these times When I am in my home town and not presenting at a conference, my office makes sure I have no appointments before 9.30am, so I can drop my children off at school/ work. No TV on during dinner. What policies do you have to reduce the chaos and stop the world taking over your life? I have a friend who is a working outside the home Mum as well as working inside the home Mum with three children and she has created a wonderful policy! At 4.30pm every weekday she will pour a glass of wine and sit and enjoy another episode of The Bold and The Beautiful! It’s her time to sit and relax and what’s even better, everyone that knows her knows her policy! Don’t dare ring her during that time! couple that work the same way. How clear are they? 3. Decide what new ones you could create. How would you benefit and what could you lose by implementing these policies? Make them stick, practice “Will–Won’t– Commit” and enjoy the new order! My hope is that you can use the information to make sure that 2015 is NOT a repeat of 2014. Enjoy the journey! Warm regards Bruce http://brucesullivan.com.au/ YOU CAN DO IT - CERIFICATE EARNERS Our ‘You Can Do It!’ program exists in every classroom & aims to build the capabilities of every student with positive messages & lessons in each class about being: - Organised - Confident - Persistent - Resilient Able to get along with others This past fortnight has once again seen many of our students earning certificates for their efforts. They are as follows: Week ending 8 May: Marlan H, Cayden P, Caleb C, Corbin S, Amelia S, Sean L, Jordan F, Porsche L, Charlotte L, Kiana B, Annabele L, Kodie G. Sorry no photo available Week ending 15 May: Jackson F, Aaliyah M, Dotti C, Jedd S, Bailey M, Joseph S, Tameequa A, Katelyn M, Justin M, Jack O, Mia M, Mikayla S, Jayden L, Emily C, Sam M, Paiton H, Cody L, Tasha C. Hotels and airlines use them unashamedly – “That’s not our policy”. Try arguing and for the most part you waste your time and energy trying to get them to change it. People understand the concept of policy. When YOU start telling other people that you have a policy, very few will tell you, “That’s a stupid policy!” Most people, I have found, will be taken aback that you have actually gone to the effort of creating one! And what’s more, they don’t waste their time and energy trying to get you to change it either! Next tiny steps for you … 1. Think about whether you currently have any policies Congratulations to our award winners!!!! 3 Wednesday 20 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 08/15 0400210377 (SMS during work hours please) or email sthott1@bigpond.com. We had great attendance at our last meeting. Terrific to see so many parents interested and engaged in what is happening in our school. Decisions were made at this meeting to work on grants for resurfacing and landscaping the oval and for upgrading the lighting and sound in the hall. Most of the money raised from other fundraising events will be directed towards the installation of our new playground. Thank you to Damien McAleer for the time that has been devoted to making sure that the correct procedures are being followed so that this playground will be installed safely. Our Mother’s Day stall was a great success. Thanks to Tracey Jensen for her work making this happen and to all our volunteers who helped. We profited just under $1000. We will be holding a Bunnings sausage sizzle on September the 26th. We will need a number of volunteers rostered on throughout the day. If you know you will be available to help could you please make contact and let us know the hours you are available to help between 8.00am and 5.00pm. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday June 17th at 6.30pm. At this meeting we will be discussing changing the school logo on the pullovers to reduce the cost. Please make contact if you would like to add something to our agenda for discussion at this meeting. CONVENOR - if anyone may be interested in the volunteer convenor position from Term 3 or 4, please contact me to discuss. The job requires on average only a couple of hours per week, and you don't have to work in the store on both days. We have two other volunteers who work in the store and make the job very easy for the convenor! Trisha Ott Convenor TUCKSHOP We are working towards a Pizza day on Tuesday June 2nd, please keep an eye out for notes that will come home with further detail on what and how to order. Please consider helping out in the tuckshop on a Friday. Your donation of time would be hugely appreciated and what a thrill for your kids to see you working behind the counter! If you can help please contact Kirsty on 0417076249. TREAT DAY will be on again this Friday. Please support the tuckshop by sending along some loose change for your kids to purchase a small treat to kick off the weekend celebrations. SPORTS DAY CANTEEN-HELP NEEDED! Our sports days will be held on Tuesday June 16th and Wednesday June 17th. Our canteen will be open on both days and we will need volunteers to help serve. Please consider donating some of your time to ease the burden and share the load. If you can help please contact Kirsty on 0417076249. Diana Ruhle Secretary druhl1@eq.edu.au UNIFORM STORE CANBERRA TRIP - the jackets have been ordered and should be here next week. Some parents have asked if they could have the jacket for their children to wear now, and if we have that size in stock, I am happy to arrange for you to collect it from the office. Please call or SMS me on Upcoming Dates Next P & C Meeting Wed 17 June 6:30pm in the Staff Room 4 Wednesday 20 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 08/15 It means you may need to stop what you are doing. So be it. Proximity is a powerful influencer. Great teachers know this. That’s why they move around in class so much: to teach and also to manage. So save your voice for conversation, encouragement and affection. Don’t yell, move closer By Michael Grose As a busy parent it’s easy to give your voice a work out when you don’t get the cooperation you want from your children. You know how it goes. You want your son or daughter to give you some help and they don’t respond. Perhaps, you want a child to stop annoying his or her sibling. Use your body effectively to manage kids. The key, of course, is to do it. My challenge for you is to bite your tongue when you want to yell. Take a deep breath (as the Mood Meter teaches you) and move into your child’s proximity. Don’t stare him down. Just be close to him or her. Keep doing it and the cooperation levels you get from your kids will increase astronomically over time. But you’ve got to do it. In future don’t yell, move closer. Or you simply want your kids to QUIETEN DOWN inside. When your request for cooperation is ignored. So you do what over 90% of parents do. That is, you repeat yourself. Then if that’s still ignored you RAISE the volume. ‘I’ll yell at them. That should work!’ Hmm, I’m not so sure. Usually yelling only succeeds in producing parentdeaf kids. If yelling, shouting or raising your voice is a habit you’ve developed to get cooperation then here’s a great strategy to use instead. Next time your kids ignore a reasonable request move close to them and quietly repeat your request once. No aggression, just expectation. 5 Wednesday 20 May 2015 We value & strive for SAFETY - EFFORT - RESPECT - PRIDE - SELF-RESPONSIBILTY 08/15 Hello to everyone I would like to introduce myself, my name is Taylor Gladman and I am standing in as co-ordinator for the next 3 weeks! I am currently in my 2nd year of studying my bachelor of primary education and I am very excited to create some new memories over the next few weeks. As some of you may know Megan is off on prac at this time, so if you have any troubles, questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me! Pleas be sure to come and introduce yourself. Over the next few weeks I will be looking at starting up some new activities in our after school care program. These may include a science afternoon where we will be experimenting with some fun elements, a cooking afternoon, as well as, offering a variety of craft and games that students can engage in. Our star rewards program is still running. Congratulations to all of those students who have reached 3 or 6 stars. It is great to see so many of you achieving greatness at before and after school care! Just a reminder that if you need care before school or after school we still have placements available, so feel free to call and secure a booking with us. All you need to do is log on to www.campaustralia.com.au to register and book your days, if you have any issues while doing this you can ring our customer service team on 1300 105 343 and they can guide you through the process. Otherwise you may drop into the service and I can assist you. We open from 6.30am to 8.55am and 3.00pm to 6.00pm. We supply a breakfast of cereal or toast with milo or milk and in the afternoon we supply a platter of fruit/vegetables and a variety of other healthy treats. Thank you Taylor Gladman 0422 005 470 Coordinator 6
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