Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 CHRISTINA PARKER, PH.D. • CURRENT ACADEMIC & COMMUNITY POSITIONS HELD • • • • Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto Instructor, Ryerson University President, Citizenship Education Research Network Restorative Justice Circle Facilitator AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION • Restorative Justice; Immigrant Children and Youth; Anti-‐racism; Critical Multiculturalism; Socio-‐ cultural identity; Peacebuilding; Anti-‐Oppressive Practice; Social Justice; Interdisciplinary Studies. EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy 2008–2012 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning (CTL) Dissertation title: Inclusion in Peacebuilding Education: Discussion of Diversity and Conflict as Learning Opportunities for Immigrant Students Master of Teaching, OISE/UT, CTL 2006–2008 Certification: Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), Junior/Intermediate Divisions (Grades 4–10) Teaching specialization: History Bachelor of Arts (Hon.) 2002–2006 University of Toronto Double Major: English and History RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Researcher, Mixed Company Theatre • Conducted study of intergenerational program with older adults (ages 50-‐90) and youth (ages 9-‐18) on how they navigate conflictual issues in urban contexts Evaluation Consultant and Researcher, Peacebuilders International Canada • Researcher for a school-‐based violence prevention, restorative justice program Feb. 2015– Present Post-‐doctoral Research Associate, Peacebuilding Dialogue in Schools: OISE/UT, CTL • Wrote analytical reports on how teachers implement peacebuilding dialogue processes and restorative justice peacemaking circles in diverse classrooms Research Assistant, Peacebuilding Dialogue in Schools: Circle Processes for Restorative Problem-‐solving and Democratic Learning, OISE/UT, CTL • Collected and analysed research data in K-‐12 Canadian classrooms and conducted a critical, international literature review on restorative justice and circle processes Sept. 2012– Jan. 2013 1 May–Dec. 2014 Sept. 2008– Aug. 2012 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 Research Assistant, Homework Practices Project, OISE/UT, CTL • Prepared summary reports on the benefits and drawbacks of homework, for research meetings with trustees from school boards Graduate assistant, Centre for Women’s Studies (CWSE), OISE/UT • Assisted in the organization of an international human rights education institute and promoted and facilitated events and workshops on gender and human rights Sept. 2008– Apr. 2009 Nov. 2007– Apr. 2008 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Lecturer University of Toronto, Victoria College, Education and Society Program Courses: Introduction to Teaching (VIC362H1F); Communication and Conflict Resolution (JVS200H1F) Sept.–Dec. 2014 Instructor University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work, Consortium of Peace Studies Course: Institute in Peacebuilding and Social Justice (SOWK 551.3; SOWK 679.8) Instructor Ryerson University, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Faculty of Community Services, Interdisciplinary Studies Program Courses: Conflict Resolution in Community Services (CINT905); Interdisciplinary Teamwork for Community Services (CINT907) Instructor Civic education project, Center for Talented Youth–Civic Leadership Institute (CTY-‐CLI), Johns Hopkins University and Northwestern University partnership program, at University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. Course: Civic Engagement and Contemporary Social Issues Elementary School Teacher (Occasional), Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Taught Grades 2–9 English, Social Studies, Math, Physical Education, and Library Teacher-‐Librarian, Head of Information Studies Department, Maru-‐a-‐Pula School Taught Grades 9–12 at secondary school in Gaborone, Botswana, Africa Teacher-‐Candidate (Junior & Intermediate), Toronto District School Board Taught Grades 4, 7, 8, 9 at Cosburn Public School, William G. Davis Junior Public School and Windfields Junior High School Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, U.S.A. Course: Writing and Imagination 2013–2014 Teacher, Marilake Education Centre, Scarborough, ON Taught Grade 2 English at a cultural heritage school 2004–2007 2 2009– present 2010 2008–2009 2008 2006–2008 2007 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE Peacemaking Circle Keeper, Peacebuilders International Canada, Toronto, ON Volunteer educational programmer, North York Women’s Shelter, ON Peacebuilding delegate, Quaker Jamaica Connection, Happy Grove High School, Jamaica Human rights delegate, rights action delegation, Guatemala In-‐school mentor, Big Brothers Big Sisters of York, Markham, ON Volunteer educator, Students Without Borders, World University Service of Canada, Botswana, Africa ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2009–Present President, Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN), Special Interest Group of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC), Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Program Chair, CERN, CIESC, CSSE, St. Catharines, Ontario Communications Editor, CERN, CIESC, CSSE, Canada 2014–2015 2011–2012 Jan. 2010 Jul. 2007 2005–2007 2006 2013–2014 2012–2013 Conference and Resource Fair Manager, Safe Schools for ALL: Peacemaking Education Conference, OISE/UT Academic Dean’s Assistant, Johns Hopkins University, Centre for Talented Youth, University of California, Santa Cruz, U.S.A. Executive Member, Secretary, Graduate Students’ Association (GSA), OISE/UT Conference Chair, Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference, OISE/UT Mar.–Sept. 2009 June 2009 May 2007– Apr. 2009 Dec. 2007– Apr. 2008 PUBLICATIONS Parker, C. (2015). Practicing conflict resolution and cultural responsiveness within interdisciplinary contexts: A study of community service practitioners. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 42(3), 325– 357. Bickmore, K., & Parker, C. (2014). Constructive conflict talk in classrooms: Pedagogies for engaging hearts and minds in social justice and divergent perspectives. Theory and Research in Social Education, 42(3), 291–335. 3 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 Parker, C. (2013). Peacebuilding education: Pedagogical tools for democratic and inclusive learning opportunities for diverse students. International Journal of Peace Studies 18(2), 1–24. Parker, C. (2012). Conflicts and “Canadian” identities embedded in citizenship education: Diverse immigrant students’ experiences. In P. Cunningham & N. Fretwell (Eds.), Creating Communities: Local, National and Global (ISBN 978-‐1-‐907675-‐19-‐5), London: Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe International Conference (CiCe/CitizED), York, UK. Parker, C., & Bickmore, K. (2012). Conflict management and dialogue with diverse immigrant students: Novice teachers’ approaches and concerns. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 8(2), 47–64. Parker, C. (2011). Conflictual dialogue pedagogies as learning opportunities for ethno-‐cultural minority immigrant students. Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN) Special Issue Collection, 1(1), 43-‐56. Parker, C. (2010a). Finding our way home (at school): A study of students’ experiences of bringing their home culture into the classroom. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 7(1), 17–29. Parker, C. (2010b). A multicultural approach to teaching language arts within diverse elementary school settings. English Quarterly, 41(3/4), 67–78. Conference proceedings Parker, C. (2014, May). Dialogue about Diversity and Conflict: How can Restorative Justice Processes Address Cross-‐Cultural Conflicts in Multicultural Classrooms? Presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Conference, Citizenship Education Research Network SIG, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Parker, C. (2014, April). Conflict resolution practices in diverse contexts: Exploring interdisciplinary professionals’ experiences with conflict and diversity. Presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Peace Education SIG, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Parker, C. (2014, March). Opening spaces for dialogue about religious diversity in diverse public school classrooms. Presented at the 58th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Toronto, Canada. Parker, C. (2013). Dialogue, difference, and conflict in education for democracy. In Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Conference, Victoria, British Columbia. Parker, C. (2013). Democratic peacebuilding education: Implications for immigrant students in diverse classrooms. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Democratic Citizenship Education SIG, San Francisco, California. Parker, C. A. (2012). Approaches to multicultural curriculum: Exploring the power of transformative classroom dialogue with ethno-‐cultural minorities. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Multiculturalism SIG, Vancouver, BC. Parker, C. (2011). Conflictual dialogue pedagogies as learning opportunities for immigrant students. In Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 4 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 Bickmore, K., Parker, C., Larsen, S. (2011). Preparation for conflict talk in intercultural contexts: teacher development and curriculum infusion. In Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Bickmore, K., and Parker, C. (2010). Conflict management and dialogue with diverse immigrant students: Novice teachers’ approaches and concerns. In Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Conference, Montreal, QC. Parker, C. (2008). Diverse perspectives in education. Co-‐editor of Proceedings of the 8th Annual Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference, Toronto, ON: OISE. Parker, C. (2007). The effects of technology on literacy development. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference (pp. 177–181). Toronto, ON: OISE. Book reviews Parker, C. (2007). Laptops and literacy: Learning in the wireless classroom [Review of the book Laptops and Literacy: Learning in the Wireless Classroom, by Mark Warschauer]. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 5(1), 77–79. Online journals/blogs Parker, C. (2015). Intergenerational Dialogue, Mixed Company Theatre’s interGEN project. Parker, C. (2013). Diverse Dialogue: Embracing positive conflict and communication tools. Professional Blog, Parker, C. (2012). Teaching with controversial and sensitive issues in diverse and multicultural classrooms. CFHSS's Equity Issues Portfolio and CSSE/CASWE, Equity Matters series on the Fedcan Blog,‐matters/ Parker, C. A. (2007). The truth about cell phones, coltan, and the Congo. Five Minutes to Midnight, 06(07). Parker, C. (2007). Is there an International Women's Day? Five Minutes to Midnight, 04(07). Parker, C. (2007). The sexploitation of women in Thailand. Five Minutes to Midnight, 02(07). Parker, C. (2006). Engaging children in the fight to prevent animal cruelty. Five Minutes to Midnight, 10(06). Other Parker, C. (2012). Inclusion in peacebuilding education: Discussion of diversity and conflict as learning opportunities for immigrant students (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2008). Who am I? Children’s conceptualization of their cultural identity (Unpublished master’s research paper). Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. 5 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 Parker, C. A. (2007). A case study for the advent of animal welfare in a developing country. Ottawa, ON: World University Service of Canada’s DevCase Curriculum Enrichment Program. Parker, C. (2006). Creating open content to help educate children about the prevention of cruelty to animals. Project Open Source|Open Access. ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS Parker, C. (2013, May 16). Interdisciplinary dialogue: Using multimodal, dialogic pedagogies to teach about diversity and conflict resolution. Poster presented at Ryerson University Faculty Conference, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2013, February 22). Cultural immersion: Using ethnography, with criticality, to study peacebuilding dialogue pedagogies with diverse students. Paper presented at 34th Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Parker, C. (2012, May 29). Inclusive democratic citizenship education with diverse immigrant students. Paper presented at Citizenship and Education Research Network (CERN), The Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Waterloo, ON. Parker, C. (2011, December). Exploring student engagement in the social studies classroom inclusion in peacebuilding education: Diverse students’ experiences with critical reflection about social conflicts. Roundtable presentation presented at College University Faculty Association (CUFA), National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Washington, DC. Bickmore, K., Parker, C., & Larsen, S. (2011, May 13). Intercultural peacebuilding citizenship education in classroom curriculum: Different kinds of difficult dialogue about different kinds of difficult conflict issues. Paper presented at CitizED International Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Bickmore, K., Parker, C., Larsen, S. (2011, May 1). Preparation for conflict talk in intercultural contexts: Teacher development and curriculum infusion. Paper presented at symposium: CANDE SIG highlighted session: Ethnocultural minorities, conflictual issues, and citizenship education, CIES, Montreal, QC. Parker, C. A. (2010, October 29). Diverse students with diverse perspectives: Newcomer immigrant children in Ontario educational Settings. Paper presented at CERIS Migration and Settlement Research Conference: Looking Forward and Moving Ahead, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2010, April 23). Cultural conflict in the classroom: Supporting diverse immigrant students’ identities within the curriculum. Paper presented at Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) Graduate Student Conference, York University, Toronto, ON. Bickmore, K., Parker, C., & Scheepstra, T. (2010, March 26). Conflict dialogue for diverse students and teachers: Alternative approaches to restorative problem-‐solving and proactive conflict education. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education (CRE): Building Infrastructures for Change: Innovations in Conflict Resolution Education and Justice Initiatives, Cleveland, OH. 6 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 Parker, C., & Prasad, G. (2009, June 23). Identifying identities: Exploring students’ conceptions of cultural identities at school. Paper presented at the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education: 7th IAIMTE International Conference Learning and Teaching Language and Literature, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2009, May). Exploring cultural identifications in multicultural metropolises. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Ottawa, ON. Parker, C. (2009, March). Finding our way home (at school): A study of students' experiences of bringing their home culture into the classroom. OISE Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference. Parker, C. (2008, October 22–25). Diverse cities, diverse curriculum: Students’ perspectives of multiculturalism. Paper presented at Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, Decatur, GA. Parker, C. (2008, April 18). Canadian children, immigrant parents: Young "Canadians" research their cultural identity. CERIS Graduate Student Conference. York University, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2008, April 2). Diversity in the city: Students’ experience of a multicultural curriculum project. Graduate Student Research Symposium, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON. Parker, C. (2008, March 18). Who am I? Children’s conceptualization of their cultural identity. Master of Teaching Student Research Conference, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2008, February 29). Who am I? How young students conceptualize their cultural identity. Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2007, March 23). The effects of technology on literacy development. Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference, OISE. Parker, C. (2007, March 23). Speaking about the unspeakable: Addressing AIDS in today's classroom with picture books. Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference, OISE. PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS Parker, C. (2015, April 8). Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: Communicating Effectively and Resolving Conflict through Peacebuilding Dialogue. Presented at Graduate Student Professional Development Seminar, School of Nutrition, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. & Glynn, M. (2013, May 13). Innovation Conversations: Using Lake Devo virtual simulation for online role-‐play. Digital Education Strategies Workshop Presented at The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. Labrie, N., & Parker, C. (2009, January 2). Conferences: Becoming part of the academy. Workshop presented at OISE, Toronto, ON. Parker, C., & Calderon, P. (2008, November 7). Home and native land: “Post-‐colonial” colonialism and Canada-‐Guatemala’s mining industry. Workshop presented at Ontario History and Social Studies Teachers Association (OHASSTA) Conference, Toronto, ON. 7 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 Parker, C. (2008, September 11). Teaching and research: A reflection of the MT program. Guest lecture, Master of Teaching program, Research Methods course, OISE, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2008, September 9). How antidiscriminatory education informs teaching practice. Guest lecture, Master of Teaching program, Antidiscriminatory Education course, OISE, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2008, September 3). Presenting at conferences: Strategies and suggestions for your academic career. Workshop presented at OISE Graduate Student Orientation, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2008, July 23). Library skills and training for new teacher-‐librarians. Workshop presented at Maru-‐a-‐Pula School Workshop for Botswana Teacher Training College. Botswana, Africa. Parker, C. (2008, January 24). Discovering Dominga: A documentary and discussion on massacres and displacement in Guatemala. Workshop presented at Centre for Women’s Studies in Education, OISE, Toronto, ON. Parker, C. (2006, November). Students without borders: A reflection on volunteerism in Botswana, Africa. Workshop presented at World University Service of Canada Annual General Assembly, Ottawa, ON. Parker, C. (2006, November). Creating open content to help educate children about the prevention of cruelty to animals. Workshop presented at Project Open Source/Open Access, Student Experience Project (SEP) Research Presentation. ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS Major Grants and Awards Teaching about Diversity Faculty Grant, Ryerson University, (2014–2015: $2,600) Summer Research Graduate Scholarship, OISE/UT (2011: $5,372; 2012: $5,800) Mary Stager Award for excellence in Urban School Research, OISE/UT (June 2012: $6,300) Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (2011–2012: $15,000) Academic Achievement Award, OISE/UT (2011–2012: $2,000) Research Fellowship, OISE/UT, Dr. Kathy Bickmore (Fall 2010: $6,592; Fall 2011: $6,592) Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (2009–2010: $15,000) Academic Achievement Award, OISE/UT (2009–2010: $2,000) Graduate Scholarship, OISE/UT Doctoral Funding Package (2008–2012: Approx. $80,000, over 4 years) Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS), York-‐Ryerson-‐Toronto Partnership, Graduate Student Research Award (2009–2010: $450) 8 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 Academic Prize, University of Toronto, for Open Source/Open Access Student Experience Project (2006: $2,000) Minor Grants and Awards School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Conference Grant (2012: $150; 2011: $150) OISE/UT Dean’s Conference Fund Travel Grant (2012: $1000; 2011: $255; 2010: $195; 2009: $300; 2008: $500). OISE/UT Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) Conference Travel Grant (2012: $300; 2011: $150; 2010: $150; 2009: $150; 2008: $150). Dr. Kathy Bickmore, SSRHC funded Travel Grant (2011: $650) New College, University of Toronto, Travel Award Grant, for World University Service of Canada (WUSC) volunteer internship in Botswana, Africa (2006: $500) Special Nonmonetary Awards/Designations Award for Best Graduate Student Paper presentation, CSSE 2011 given by the Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN), Special Interest Group (SIG) of CSSE, May 2011 Community Builder Award, Canadian Student Institute (CSI), Humber College, October 2009 OISE Communications in the Media Featured Student Researcher, Issue: Learning Conditions, 2009–2010 TECHNICAL SKILLS AND FURTHER EDUCATION Rainbow of Desire Training, Augusto Boal Method of Theatre of the Oppressed, Mixed Company Theatre, Toronto, March 2015 Inclusive Restorative Justice Practices, Training with the National Restorative Justice Association, Banff, AB, November 2014 Trained in nonviolent communication, February 2013 Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT), registration # 529715, 2008 Certificate in Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Customer Service Standard, eLearning training, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, February 2010 Facing History and Ourselves Toronto (FHAO), Holocaust Summer Seminar, Toronto, ON, August 2009 Certified in Peacebuilders, Youth Justice Circles Keeper, Level 1 (January 2009) and Level 2 (November 2009) Trained in TRIBES Learning Communities (TLC), 2007 9 Christina Parker, CV 03-‐2015 REFERENCES • • Dr. Kathy Bickmore, Professor, Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Ontario Institute of Studies in Education of the University of Toronto E-‐mail: Phone: 416-‐978-‐0237 Dr. Diane Gérin-‐Lajoie, Professor, Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Ontario Institute of Studies in Education of the University of Toronto E-‐mail: Phone: 416-‐978-‐1993 • Dr. Yvonne Hébert, Professor Emerita, Language and Diversity University of Calgary E-‐mail: Phone: 403-‐220-‐7361 10
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