MEDIA ADVISORY B.C. School Trustees will Meet in

B.C. School Trustees will Meet in Vancouver to
Decide on Advocacy Focus for 2015/16
[COAST SALISH TERRITORY/ VANCOUVER, BC – April 14, 2015] - The British Columbia School
Trustees Association’s (BCSTA) 111th Annual General Meeting will take place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
in Vancouver April 16-19.
This year’s BCSTA AGM theme is “Relationships and Governance: Common ground, common purpose.”
The event will offer plenary and concurrent sessions that explore community engagement, conflict
management, team building, advocacy and more.
Boards of Education will debate a number of submitted motions that will set the advocacy course for the
Association’s work in the coming year, as well as participate in professional development activities.
Program highlights:
Thursday evening opening and keynote speech
Friday morning plenary session by Deputy Minister of Education Dave Byng
Saturday AGM business session
Trustees will also elect their BCSTA Board of Directors for 2015/16:
President – one to be elected
Vice-President – one to be elected
Directors – five to be elected
The elections will occur Saturday, April 18, as part of the business session, when trustees debate and
vote on motions. Resolutions coming out of AGM will determine BCSTA’s advocacy work for 2015/16.
Boards of Education are co-governors of the public education system in British Columbia.
For more information about our Association and work, please visit our website,
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Please present media credentials at the event registration desk.
For further information or to arrange an interview with BCSTA President Teresa Rezansoff, please
Heather McKenzie-Beck
Manager of Communications
BC School Trustees Association
Mobile: (604) 842-1167
The British Columbia School Trustees Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting Boards of Education in their
work. Boards of Education locally represent the interests of their communities in the public education system in British
Columbia. For more information about our Association and work, please visit