March 18, 2015 in St. Gallen Personal commitments for action of participants From the Rectors’ Panel (with formal approval from rectors) My dream is to change the culture of the university. We have done it 15 years ago when we introduced a quality culture and it is time to do it again for sustainability and responsibility. We'll succeed by promoting real interdisciplinarity! It will take time but I know it is possible. Dominique Arlettaz, Rector, University of Lausanne I am committing to support innovative projects from our faculty which lead to more collaborative approaches in teaching and learning. Thomas Bieger, Rector, University of St. Gallen I commit to do my best to create and maintain conditions for people engaged in Responsibility & Sustainability so that they can do what they need to do. Lino Guzzella, President, ETH Zürich Our university will continue launching innovative educational programs in sustainability for bachelor, master and PhD students and professionals. Sascha Spoun, President, Leuphana University From the participating audience I will create a professional development course to help teaching staff figure out how to get started at integrating sustainability into his or her teaching. Sara Petchey, University of Zurich At the University of Fribourg, we agreed (with the new secretary general) to think about a new structure to implement sustainable development in teaching, research and the administration of the campus Hans Ruedi Voelkle Mainstreaming the new UNESCO Roadmap for implementing the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development., Idea: Build up a Swiss wide SD rating system: Every academic paper produced at a university would be rated between -‐10 and +10 in how far the paper has a value in direction of sustainable responsibility. This would end up in an SD-‐index that in 5 years might be more important for an academic career than the H-‐index. Andreas Hieronymi, University of St.Gallen I can share experience and knowledge which I gain at the “Fachstelle für Nachhaltigkeit” at the UniBas with students’ initiatives at different universities. Nathalie Reinau 1 Joining Swiss and German forces in establishing a joint “International Sustainability Hub” Uwe Schneidewind, Wuppertal Institut Motivate one student each week to get involved in some activity that is sustainability related and report on this in his class. Olivier Brenninkmeijer, BSL Lausanne I do not only want to teach about sustainability, but teach sustainable; meaning engaging students to prove + connect the scientific knowledge learned of university in society. Kai I will coach students to have more impact in their universities. René Schwarzenbach, ETH Zurich Engage many more faculty and colleagues and get their commitment to integrate Responsibility & Sustainability into their teaching. Thomas Dyllick, University of St.Gallen I will integrate the topic of sustainability in my bachelor’s course. (It’s about Information Design – if my students can help by creating an infographic, let me know) I will focus more on making our Sustainability Incubator SINC ( known and popular among students and help organise a recurring “creative lunch” with students. Andreas Schmeil To reflect what retired people can contribute to sustainable development (I am 65 years old) Unknown Organise and lead student initiatives that will continue beyond just one event, and will multiply and engage many “layers” of the university. Examples: More vegetarian diet at the university, mobility without carbon emissions or lastly engaging students to sustainability through events and information. Jean-‐Louis Berthoud I will launch a project at the University of St. Gallen that helps students who want to make an impact with their bachelor/master thesis to get connected with companies/NGOs/etc. having sustainability issues that need to be tackled. Unknown Involve students from all fields in order to gather ideas and join forces Oskar Jõnsson Slow research and more time to mentor students. We have amazing students who want to do better for the world. They just need more mentorship. Unknown Just continue to do my work without giving up because of the fact that the wheel is being re-‐invented all the time. J Antonietta Di Giulio, University of Basel As a future teacher (I am currently doing the business education degree) I will make sure to engage myself, colleagues and students in Responsibility & Sustainability. Unknown -‐ Less meat -‐ Increase the impact of the VSN/FDD/FSS – set objectives for 2016 and reach them Nadine Mounir, President, VSN 2 I want to put in practice what I research about: “rethinking science for sustainable development: reflexive interaction for a paradigm transformation” (Futures, 2015, 65, 72-‐85) Andreas Kläy, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern 1. Prepare students on: reflection, impact, competence for action. 2. University as a role model: conflict is good, reduce travel for CO2 footprint, solar panels etc. 3. Personal role model: alternative life model Unknown Test, develop and promote methods of transdisciplinary cooperation to faculty, institutions and practitioners. Tobias Buser My commitment is to better define and expand my understanding of sustainable development so that I can have a better and stronger impact on others. Also to move from having sustainability-‐focus targets, to a really transformational vision and change. Unknown Starting a fund for student projects in sustainable development at universities Johannes Geibel After the discussions, I will help my professor further improve his teaching with regards to sustainability. Unknown No flying to places in near distance (take train up to 10 hours at least). My wish for the future other students need role models to look up to when it comes to sustainable behaviour. How about professors take the train too and make it cool. Somara Gantenbein To engage more with students and administrative staff Unknown After today, I hope that universities will engage for real and mostly in cooperation with students. Moreover, I think that it should be made clear that value here to be taught in school because too many people don’t see the importance of our responsibility toward the others. Thank you for your initiative. Marceline Morel Journel My commitment -‐ car:train travel ratio – from 80:20 to 50:50 O.A. Sustainability and ethics have to be part of education. They are not side objectives anymore. -‐ Professors need to be involved, need to be convinced (because many are not!) -‐ Change business paradigm: social benefits are also benefits (c.f. business school) -‐ Technology on its own cannot do the whole job, transdisciplinary is necessary (c.f. ETH) -‐ Coherence in policies: change life on campus. O. Dayer -‐ Promote food & sustainability issues at the Graduate Institute by inviting students to a sustainable lunch every month and raise awareness on seasonality, waste, eco/footprint… -‐ Put more pressure on our foundation board to transform campus. Unknown 3 Sustainability as mainstream in all (institutional) aspects of a university (as it happened with the idea of the shareholder value and individual + economic value maximization): only then it is lived in everyday life and universities have done their job Claude Meier -‐ Be a role model -‐ 1 year no flying -‐ 1x per week meat -‐ No clothes shopping -‐ Find a PhD in environmental psychology Vivian Frick Act Now: Going on in supporting & fostering environmental-‐psychological aspects in reflectional competence at the HSG in a motivational and straighter way! Thank you for this collaborative day! Christine Zeidenitz My Commitment: Make sure to embed collaborative sessions in all conferences we create so faculty and students can change the university to more sustainability. Unknown Reach out to our business faculty and share the resources from today Brack Hale My commitment: I will tell to everybody that can hear my voice or read my notes that every day we have choices to go responsible or not. And that I am glad I had the opportunity to have from my university the sustainability topic in my studies, therefore I could choose the right path. Sandra Sato da Silva I will: Bug our rector to make sustainability matter of the boss Bug my colleagues to integrate sustainable development in their teaching Bug my students to become more active, to engage. Continue my work in our group looking for SD at Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen Patrick Kunz I am young, I have plenty of ideas for a more sustainable development. But I get hindered often by the system and people who are afraid or tired of change. My commitment now is: Not to give up being motivated! Lara Lundsgaard-‐Hansen My commitment: Bring together motivated students and help them collaborate with others to bring forth visions and projects effectively and having fun in it! Fabienne Jaoamet Explore possibilities with the University of St. Gallen to have a class/elective on sustainability in finance being created in the Master of Banking & Finance. Amandine Favier, WWF Switzerland Explore possibilities to build capacity among students to engage more forcefully in the classroom on sustainability. Alexander Barkawi, CEP/oikos Foundation I will only fly to a conference once per year (or less) Lorenz Hilty, University of Zurich 4 Commitment to establish open online portals (no CO2 emissions) for global inspiration in education, research, policy and practice – leads to social transformation towards sustainable development. Clemens Mader, University of Zurich I commit to try to better engage students in setting their personal leaning objectives in my courses. Marlene Mader, University of Lüneburg • Neue Wege finden um (endlich) in die Umsetzung der Nachhaltgheit zu kommen. • Wissen und Executionen zusammen bringen um Umdenken zu emöglichen • Studierende ermuntern, ihre eigenen Lösungswege zu finden und diese ständig zu reflektieren und zu optimieren „for our world“ Yvonne Pirchl-‐Zaugg I can be a facilitator. In my daily life, with my small social enterprise – start-‐up and in my future position, I will work towards the vision of Switzerland being the new Sustainability Hub. Unknown Vision – Creation of a platform where people can engage and gather new “sustainable” experiences. Act – Working on collaborations and new ideas together with different people. Giamtra I’ll try to get the rectors office on board for sustainability. Unknown Start interdisciplinary research oriented courses for every study programme at the university. – Participating, reflective, collaborative, interdisciplinary, transformative learning and research for sustainable development. Regula Kyburz, University of Zurich 5
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