Dr. J. Daniel Dolan, P.E.
Professor of Structural Engineering
Director of Codes and Standards
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Washington State University
“Structural Research at Washington State University”
An overview of the facilities and philosophy of conducting research followed at the Composite
Materials and Engineering Center at Washington State University (WSU) will be covered. The
seminar will also cover current research at Washington State University, which includes
projects on developing new fasteners, floor vibration, developing load-slip equations for
connections, and new seismic systems for cross laminated timber (CLT). All of the projects
being conducted pertain to developing improved performance of timber structures or
developing new structural systems for the tall timber buildings in high seismic regions.
This seminar will cover the state of the art research conducted WSU on:
 New fastener for eliminating the need for glues to deal with floor squeaks, while meeting
the requirements for vibration performance.
 New design methods for post-frame construction, which will bring post-frame design into
line with typical light-frame diaphragm and shear wall design.
 New load-slip equations for estimating deflections in shear walls and diaphragms.
 New design criteria for residential decks and their lateral force design.
 Two new structural systems for CLT are being prototyped for tall massive timber
structures in high seismic regions.
Speaker bio: J. Daniel Dolan is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and
Director of Codes and Standards for the Composite Materials and Engineering Center at
Washington State University. Dr. Dolan has been involved in development of many of the
building codes and design standards used in the United States, as well as France and
Canada. He holds and has held positions on the Building Seismic Safety Council and
International Building Code Technical Update Committee for the Structures Section. He has
conducted extensive research in the area of the dynamic response of timber structures,
especially their response to earthquakes and hurricanes. He heads the structural testing
section of the Composite Materials and Engineering Center at WSU. He has published over
300 technical publications and has given over 500 technical presentations dealing with these
topics. He holds registered professional engineering licenses in Wisconsin and Virginia.
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Room: EME 2141
For additional information, contact:
Dr. Solomon Tesfamariam, P.Eng.
Phone: (250) 807 8185
Open to all Faculty and Students: Please RSVP
Refreshment will be provided