www.scriptype.com • ads@scriptype.com DISPLAY ADVERTISING PROOF SHEET PetSupplement Proofs are furnished to you to check for typographical mistakes. Please circle and correct any mistakes you fin An additional charge of $30 may be assessed for late or significant alterations in design or content. Following is the ad you have ordered to be placed in the next issue of: Brecksville Magazine Sagamore Voice Bath Country Journal BroadView Journal Richfield Times Hudson Life Independence Today Hinckley Record Twinsburg Tribune 2012 S Why Do Cats Purr? Please sign this form and fax it back to us at 330-659-9488 or email your approval to: ads@scriptype.com Your ad will print as shown unless you contact us before deadline. by C.D. Mroczkowski birth and kittens purr while nursing and of Sussex in England believes that a cats’ kneading. Queens, or mother cats, often purring is manipulative towards people. Warren Johnson of the National Cancer purr in response to their kittens’ nursing. She tested various purring forms and Signature _________________________________________________________ Date _______________ Institute discovered that the modern-day frequencies and found that cats can vary domestic cat has DNA roots in a Middle “It is typically a sign of contentment the pitch of their purr, depending on Eastern wildcat from 11 million years ago. and relaxation,” said Herron. She said their sense of urgency when soliciting Johnson claims that all cats – big, small, that some experts propose that cats will something from a human. wild and domestic – are descendants of purr to appease another cat perceived as the same Fertile Crescent ancestors and dominant or as a means to ward off an Other research and clinical experience that the domestic6” cat is the most closely attack. “This may be why as veterinarians, show that sounds with the same frequency related to the wildcats of Africa, Europe we sometimes hear cats purr when they as purring can help repair bones and reand China. are clearly stressed in the exam room. duce inflammation, so cats may purr to Johnson’s research connects all types They are trying to say, ‘I’m not a threat, help themselves heal. Purring is associated of cats, but other studies classify cats please don’t hurt me!’” with the release of pain-killing endorphins by size and their ability to roar or purr. Herron said that in most cases purring is in the brain, which may add another reaSome animal experts say that the big cats a signal that a cat is happy but that recent son why cats purr when injured or sick. 5” or greater cats, such as lions and jaguars, research suggests that sometimes cats purr Cathealth.com writes that observation cannot purr. Others believe these felines to solicit attention, food or other forms has shown that cats will maintain purring do purr, but only when exhaling and not of pleasure or entertainment from their vigils for ill companion animals, including continuously, like a house cat. human companions. dogs and rabbits, and that some people Cats classified as small or lesser, includDr. Karen McComb at the University credit purring with healing humans. ∞ ing mountain lions, cheetahs, bobcats, 4” lynxes and house cats, can purr but do not roar. Debate remains on why. Dr. Meghan Herron, assistant professor of behavioral medicine at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, explained how cats purr. “The purr is produced 3” during inhalation and New Fairlawn Location! exhalation with only brief pauses,” said • 2011 Fox 8 Hotlist - 1st Place, Herron. “The sound is generated by a 2011 Beacon’s Best - 3rd Place sudden build up2.5” and release of pressure 2010 Beacon’s Best - 4th Place as the glottis is closed and then opened, • Rabies Vaccine only $7 w/$15 visit resulting in a sudden separation of the • Now offering feline & canine spay/ vocal folds, which are what actually neuter services! generate the sound. The muscles of the throat which move the glottis are driven • Heartworm Tests $20 w/$15 visit by a neuro-circuit that generates a cycle • Affordable Flea/Tick/Heartworm of muscle contraction-release every 30 to Preventatives available 40 milliseconds.” M, W: 11-2 & 3-7 • T, Th, F: 11-2 & 3-5:30 • Sat. 10-2 Why cats purr is a separate debate and studies continue. “Purring is a form of No Appointment Necessary communication between cats, as well as 330-576-6876 • 3009 Smith Rd #500 • Fairlawn, OH 44333 cats to humans,” said Herron, “but the 330-968-6570 • 3661 Fishcreek Rd • Stow, OH 44224 exact reason why cats purr is not fully info@primarypetcare.net • www.primarypetcare.net understood.” She said that cats purr from A Publication of ScripType Inc. S1 330 659-0303 • Fax 330 659-9488 www.scriptype.com • ads@scriptype.com 2012 Pet Supplement DISPLAY ADVERTISING PROOF SHEET shed to you to check for typographical mistakes. Please circle and correct any mistakes you find. harge of $30 may be assessed for late or significant alterations in design or content. byhave Anastasia Ealey seem spring bulbs are toxic, as is Tylenol or a ad you ordered to be placed in the next issue of: inocuous but are found in most Dangers lurk in the most loving homes households. “Cats cannot eat onion human anti-inflammatory such as IbuMagazine BroadView Journal Independence Today it produces a Sagamore for pets. According to Dr. Gretchen Zarle powder flavoring, because profen orVoice Aleve.” of Bartel’s Pet Hospital in Brecksville, serious kind of anemia,” she said. “Any Dr. Julia Grossman of Apple Hill Aniharm dogs and cats houseplant thatBath is in Country the Lilly Journal family and mal Hospital Broadview Heights added imes many items thatHinckley Record Hudson in Life that cooked food can have a significant impact on its toxicity. “Garlic and onion nt are not good for dogs and cats, but cooked form and fax it back to us at 330-659-9488 or email your approval to: ads@scriptype.com has a worse effect than raw does,” she Practice Limited to said. “If a little piece falls on the ground nt as shown unless you contact us before deadline. Dogs and Cats. and the animal eats it, it’s not a big deal, but a large cooked piece is much worse By Appointment Only. than raw. Spaghetti sauces, pizzas, meats _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ cooked in powdered French onion soup, and other things have those in them.” As for other harmful edible substances, both vets put chocolate at the top of the CUYAHOGA VALLEY list. “It contains a compound that starts VETERINARY CLINIC seizures and excitability,” said Zarle. However, Christine McCoy, owner of Christine Dresser, D.V.M. the Natural Pet Store in North Royalton, had a different insight about chocolate. 3850 Brecksville Road “Dark chocolate is very dangerous; milk chocolate is less dangerous, but needs to Suite 100 be watched.” Richfield, OH 44286 Both vets put grapes and raisins on the list. “They have a compound in their skins that can affect the kidneys,” said Zarle. Grossman concurred, “We still don’t have a clue what the toxic principle is but both grapes and raisins have been shown to cause kidney failure.” McCoy described a couple of other items that were dangerous and suggested alternatives. “Cooked chicken bones are most dangerous for dogs, because they Macaws, Cockatoos, Conures, are hard and can splinter very easily when Greys & More! chewed – if pet owners are having chicken Wild bird food and supplies! wings, they should throw the bones away Cages, perches, treats and misc. so that the dog cannot get at them. Howmust have bird items! ever, raw chicken bones are safe for dogs Grooming and boarding to chew on. Houseplants are dangerous services by appointment. for cats to chew on, because they can be Friendly, knowledgeable service. toxic. Planting some wheat grass in a little pot for the cat is a safe alternative.” The artificial sweetener Xylitol is incredibly toxic to the kidneys according to Zarle. Grossman commented that it Purchase of $25 or more! One Grooming for One Bird can be in foods that pet owners think are Offer Expires 8/15/12 Limit one per customer/household. Offer Expires 8/15/12 harmless. “It is in gum, pop, candies, ice creams and yogurts,” she said. “Yogurt is 7916 Broadview Road • Broadview Hts., OH 44147 • 440 627 6477 the worst for Xylitol, because people don’t www.inapickleparrots.com • inapickleaviary@aol.com Killed by a Grape: Foods That Harm Cats and Dogs (330) 659-0712 In A Pickle Parrot Shop Large Selection of Hand Fed Baby Birds 5 OFF $ S2 Half Off Pets Supplement Section, 2012 PROOF 10” 2012 Pet Supplement realize it’s an ingredient and they’ll give some to their pet. If the pet is taking an antibiotic, Xylitol can kill them; even if they survive, they can develop liver failure later on.” Another highly dangerous substance both vets warned against is antifreeze. “It can cause profound kidney failure that is8” untreatable,” said Zarle. “Dogs tend to lick it because it is sweet.” Garage anti- 7.5” freeze can be found in Sterno. “I hadn’t realized that until we had a case where a dog was brought in with antifreeze poisoning who had chewed on a Sterno container,” Grossman said. It is usually recommended to make the pet vomit the poison substance, and this can often be accomplished by giving the pet a couple of teaspoons of hyudrogen peroxide. If a half-hour has elapsed since they swallowed the substance, vomiting won’t help them and professional help should be sought. Some items can burn the pet's esophagus when vomiting and the Animal Poison Hotline can be called for advice. 888-426-4435.” ∞ 7” Voted #5 Best Kennel and Grooming Shop The North Royalton Animal Hospital & Boarding Facility is excited to announce the construction of our new facility! 9027 Ridge Road, North Royalton, OH 44133 The hospital has been designed by Dr. Adam Hechko to accommodate your pet’s medical needs. Our facility will also welcome DogPaws at Play Doggie Daycare to the building thus allowing your pet to spend the night and play during the day! We are accepting new patients now and new playmates for the daycare! Call 440-237-7691 for more information. We look forward to bringing you and your family a new veterinary experience this fall! Boarding and Grooming 1556 Prospect Street • Hudson Cleveland (330) 656-2823 Akron (330) 650-1198 10 C anine H otel: A lways *Every dog L oved- gets its Boarding or E ach owntag.name Grooming T agged* Expires 7/31/12 $ OFF www.NorthRoyaltonAnimalHospital.com A Publication of ScripType Inc. S3 www.scriptype.com • ads@scriptype.com PROOF SHEET 2012DISPLAY PetADVERTISING Supplement furnished to you to check for typographical mistakes. Please circle and correct any mistakes you find. nal charge of $30 may be assessed for late Readers or significantShare alterations in design content. Their Petor Stories a baby. When he first arrived, he Sammy Is a ordered Parrot With Lot ofinLove s the ad you have to beaplaced the nexthold issueasof: Sammy, my 27-year-old Yellow Nape was kept in an aquarium with a heating lle Magazine Sagamore Journal Amazon Parrot helped me healVoice while pad and fed Bath warmCountry cereal with a turkey dealing with my mother’s passing in 2010. baster three times a day. We took the place ew Journal Hudson Life with us quickSammy was raised inRichfield the familyTimes houseof his parents so he bonded dence Today Hinckley Record Twinsburg Tribune Your pets deserve the best care. ly. He learned many words and phrases; his favorite is “What does mommy say to you? I love you.” It feels like Mom is speaking to me through Sammy. Supplement Kevin C. Kuehls Greenwood Parkway, Sagamore Hills Trigger Warms Pet Parents’ Hearts this form and fax it back to us at 330-659-9488 or email your approval to: ads@scriptype.comTrigger has surprised, laugh and healed ll print as shown unless you contact us before deadline. us. He was a 5-month-old Jack Russell Spitz mix rescue from Tennessee, attached to a cement block with no food or water. ________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ We healed him as he healed us, as we had lost our other dog after more than 17 years. Trigger does laundry, does the mail and learns very fast to do any project that we give him. He is a smart aleck. He has given us so much joy and in return we give him the same. Metro and Linda Sinko Elmarge Dr., Independence Central Bark offers grooming five days a week - no hassles, no worries! ® Give us a call to book your appointment and have your pooch looking like The Top Dog. Day Care Training Boutique Grooming Sleepovers Canine Cab Expires 9/30/12 Dry • Canned • Treats Expires 9/30/12 3001 Towpath Rd. Broadview Hts., OH 44147 • Broadviewhts@centralbarkusa.com www.centralbarkusa.com S4 Spanky Brought Joy to Each Day We were looking for a red female dachshund, fell in love with a darling dapple dachshund and on a July day excitedly brought home two dachshunds. Spanky stole our hearts, and brought joy to every day. He was gentle, loveable, laid back, and devoted. He made us laugh or smile each day. Spanky suffered a spinal injury in 2009 and with our love and devotion learned to walk again and continued to be part of our family. We got an extra year with him, and he never waivered in his love and devotion to us. Jeanne Travaglianti Highland Dr., Brecksville Baxter the Cockatiel Heals Baxter, a gray and white cockatiel, came into our lives eight years ago and made himself right at home. Recently my husband and I each had two surgeries followed by chemotherapy. Baxter sensed something and now gives us special attention. He only sings to Bob. He snuggles close to my neck as if to say, “It’ll be OK, mom.” His eyes close when I rub his neck and ears, relaxing. He reminds us that laughter is a good healer. Little did we know how much we would need him. Ruth Barnes Winesap Drive, Broadview Heights Pets Supplement Section, 2012 PROOF 10” 2012 Pet Supplement Home Alone: Training, New Products Can Ease Dog’s Separation Anxiety by Judy Stringer Separation anxiety is one of the most common problems dog owners encounter, according to dog behavior specialist Karen Arnoff of the Dog-Owner Connection in Solon. When separated from their owners 8” some dogs with separation anxiety chew on door frames or window sills, dig at doorways or destroy household objects 7.5” when left alone. Others may whine, bark or howl, driving the neighbors crazy, or they may urinate or defecate in the home. 7”never has to be alone. “In the wild, a dog However, this is not true in domestication. Therefore, you must teach your dog to tolerate separation and confinement rather than just expecting him to quietly endure it,” Arnoff said. He advised owners to start small by putting up a gate and sitting on the other side or putting your new puppy in a crate and sitting nearby. Reward the dog once he settles down. Gradually increase your distance, rewarding the dog when he relaxes, until you are outside. Next, work on increasing your time out of the home, beginning with 30 seconds and gradually stretching the away time. Pheromone products can be useful in calming a dog left alone, said Kristin Branagan, director of animal behavior and adoption services for Twinsburgbased Pawsibilities, the Humane Society of Greater Akron. Created to mimic their mother’s pheromones, Branagan said she has seen “remarkable results” with products like D.A.P.-based sprays and diffusers. She also likes Thundershirt, a garment that fits snuggly around a dog akin to swaddling a baby. Interior Design and Remodeling Supplement Coming Plan now to advertise in ScripType Publishing’s Interior Design and Remodeling Supplement in all nine of the October magazines. The deadline for advertising is Aug. 31. Call 330-659-0303 for more information. A Publication of ScripType Inc. Branagan said to watch for cues you, often unintentionally, send to your dog. Do not make a big deal about leaving, for example, and ignore the dog for a few minutes upon arriving home. “When you come home and greet the dog and get excited, you are affirming the idea that he should be excited and happy when you are home,” she said. If you suspect boredom is to blame, there are a number of enrichment toys designed to keep dogs distracted. After the dog has had the toy for a few hours, however, take it away for two or three days and reintroduce it or you may find the toy loses its charm, Branagan said. ∞ The Veterinary Center of Hudson is American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited. Owner, Dr. Daniel Bestic, has more than 10 years of experience focusing both on animals and owner’s needs. S5 330 659-0303 • Fax 330 659-9488 www.scriptype.com • ads@scriptype.com DISPLAY ADVERTISING PROOF SHEET 2012 Pet Supplement shed to you to check for typographical mistakes. Please circle and correct any mistakes you find. harge of $30 may be assessed for late or significant alterations in design or content. Pets Are Costly, but Return on Investment Is Priceless ad you to be placed in the next issue of: cats, 78 million dogs and 8 milbyhave C.D.ordered Mroczkowski million lion horses. Sixty-two percent of U.S. households Magazine Sagamore Voice Bath Country An American Society Journal for the Prevention (72.9 million homes) own pets, and they of Cruelty to Animals include 151 million freshwater fish, 86 ournal Richfield Times Hudson Life (ASPCA) website chart gives the average annual cost to keep these pets and lists fish at $35, cats at $670, small dogs at $580, medium-sized dogs at $695 and big dogs at $875. Supplement The above figures do not include initial investment expenses, what the ASPCA e Today Hinckley Record Twinsburg Tribune calls capital costs, like spaying, neutering, collars, leashes, cages, carriers, crates, litter form and fax it back to us at 330-659-9488 your approvalNewly to: ads@scriptype.com Full Serviceor email Veterinary Renovated boxes, scratching posts, aquariums, equipnt as shown unless you contactVeterinary us before deadline. Acupuncture Air-Conditioned ment and training. Capital costs increase Hospital Kennels first-year expenses by hundreds of dollars. As an example, with the purchase of a new _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ aquarium, the first-year cost of keeping fish jumps from $35 to $200. Gretchen S. Zarle, DVM The ASPCA does not list horse care Laura Pixton, DVM & Serving the Community for Over 40 years costs on the chart, but the organization Veterinary Acupuncturist has pages dedicated to the care of specific Barb Akl, DVM pets, including horses, at aspca.org. Horse ownership costs depend on where it lives, Professional Pet on the owner’s property or at a boarding Grooming Services facility, and on how much time the owner are available for all breeds of cats can spare for its care. et osPital and dogs. The University of Main Cooperative Extension writes that a 1,100-pound horse 440-526-4818 Follow Us on 7051 Mill Rd, • Brecksville, OH 44141 stabled at home costs around $4,100 to Facebook! Clinic Hours: Mon. & Th., 8-7 keep and one at a boarding stable costs a Tues., Wed., Fri. 8-6 • Sat. 8-2 little over $5,100. While a boarding facility can add thousands to the cost, horse www.BartelsPetHospital.com owners will save on some home-stabled costs, like pasture mowing, fencing and increased utilities. Gail Shumaker, owner of Tamberlane Farms in Richfield, has her own horses and boards horses for $350 a month for full care, including feed and time outside for the horse every day. Shumaker said that she has local veterinarians she can call if a horse needs attention before the owner can get to her farm. Veterinary care is one of the top two costs of keeping a pet (food is the other). “We had a man who brought in a cat he got for free,” said Janet Wiggins, office manager at Bartels Pet Hospital in Brecksville. “When he got the bill for the vaccination he said, ‘This was a free cat!’ First & Main Shopping District There’s no such thing.” Wiggins said that Sponsored By pet care is directed by the animal’s lifestyle Friday 4 - 9pm and that care recommendations will vary Saturday 1 - 9pm accordingly. Net proceeds Fine wines, craft beers,music & art benefit Dr. Gretchen Zarle at Bartles said that everything is size-dependent because www.hudsonwinefestival.com many medications are based on weight. We treat your pet as our own! “Beagles Nest” Doggie Daycare & Playtime Bartels P H JULY 20 & 21 S6 Pets Supplement Section, 2012 PROOF 10” Dogs need a few more recommended preventative measures and generally cost more than cats, although when it comes to illnesses, the expenses are similar. Zarle said that pet insurance has become more popular because some policies now cover wellness checkups in addition to major medical expenses. She recommends 8” that healthy pets visit a veterinarian once a year. “They need a physical once a year because one year in the animal’s life is 7.5” three to seven years in human life.” Despite the expense, six in 10 Americans own pets, and 7”a Gallup poll shows that people believe pets are good for them. A WebMD feature by Jeanie Lerche Davis states that pet ownership can lower blood pressure, lessen anxiety and boost immunity. Animals can ease people out of social isolation or shyness. Alzheimer’s patients with an animal in the home have fewer anxious outbursts, and their caregivers often feel less burdened when there is a pet present, particularly a less care-dependent pet, like a cat. Walking a dog exercises the human, too, and playing with a dog may elevate serotonin and dopamine, nerve transmitters with pleasurable and calming properties. Since the 1980s, studies have shown keeping an aquarium helps people relax and improves mental and physical health. Reports show that watching fish swim can help calm hyperactive children and that patients waiting for dental appointments in areas with an aquarium required less pain medication than those who waited in rooms without aquariums. Most pet owners do not need Gallup to tell them why they own their pets. “Sparkie brings a lot of joy to our lives,” said pet-owner Michelle Gauthier. “When you come home in a bad mood, she comes running up to you like she hasn’t seen you for ages. She is so excited, and it just makes you happy. She is worth the cost.” Sparkie is a Jack Russell terrier (a small dog), and Gauthier pays about $4.50 a week to feed her and give her treats. Two-year-old schnauzer Jackie Ruth is a small dog, too. Her human, Jim McKay, said that he pays $25 a month for food and about $40 every six weeks for her “beauty parlor” visits. “Yes, pet care is expensive,” said McKay, “but Jackie is a A Publication of ScripType Inc. 2012 Pet Supplement member of the family. She brightens our days. She is well worth the cost as she gives back lots of love.” Craig Tallman said that his cats, Stanley, Gyzmo and guest cat, Lola, are part of the family and must consider themselves the homeowners based on the way they carry on around the house. He added that their food is expensive because of Gyzmo’s allergies, but as far as costs go, Tallman considers himself lucky because the cats are healthy. Animal care experts offer a few tips to cut pet care expenses. The most recommended are: get annual wellness checkups to head off more costly treatments, invest in the proper food for the pet’s specific needs to cut health issues, home groom, make healthy pet treats at home and consider buying pet health insurance. ∞ Gregg Lozanoff, D.V.M. • Jeffrey Janzig, D.V.M. • Stacy Lozanoff, D.V.M. Jeremy Hersh, D.V.M. • Rachael Lozanoff, D.V.M. We Are Pleased to Announce Dr. Rachael Lozanoff will be joining our practice this summer. She has been helping and working with her family at the practice since she was a child. Rachael graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Grove City College in 2008 and earned her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from The Ohio State University in 2012. She has two French Bulldogs, one cat, and just recently adopted an English Bulldog in need of rescue. Rachael’s professional interests include preventative medicine, physical rehabilitation and behavior. Outside of the clinic, she enjoys cooking and the outdoors, especially taking her dogs to the beach. Call Today to Reserve Your Pet’s Room For Summer Boarding WeCare@TwinsburgVet.com 8803 Ravenna Rd. • Twinsburg, OH 44087 • P 330.425.4226 • F 330.425.4227 • www.TwinsburgVet.com S7 330 659-0303 • Fax 330 659-9488 www.scriptype.com • ads@scriptype.com 2012 Pet Supplement DISPLAY ADVERTISING PROOF SHEET shed to you to check for typographical mistakes. Please circle and correct any mistakes you find. harge of $30 may be assessed for late or significant alterations in design or content. Taking a Bite Out of Potential Injury byhave Nancy Johnson Schoolhouse and Store in Bath, ad you ordered to be placed in the next issueTraining, of: Every year in the United States, 4.7 dog bites can be avoided by understandagazine Sagamore Bath Country Journal million people are bitten byVoice man’s best ing canine body language and by knowing friends. According to Patty Vesalo, trainer what to do when a dog begins showing ournaland owner of CleverPup101Family Richfield Times Dog Life signs ofHudson stress. Responsible ownership e Today Hinckley Record Twinsburg Tribune and proper training can curb potential dog bites. “Very few dog bites happen because the dog is aggressive in nature,” said VesaSupplement lo. “Instead, most bites happen when the dog’s stress or fear level exceeds threshold. A huge mistake humans make is correcting a dog for giving signals they are stressed. form and fax it back to us at 330-659-9488 or email your approval to: ads@scriptype.com That sets the stage for a dog that bites nt as shown unless you contact us before deadline. without warning.” Experts recommend not leaving small children alone with a dog, even if it is the _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ family pet. Children should be taught not to disturb a dog that is sleeping, eating or drinking; to ask permission from an owner before petting an unfamiliar dog; and to respect any dog’s space and property. ∞ Quick Clean Mobile Grooming Professional Pet Grooming in our van - in your driveway. 330.858.8650 www.QuickCleanMobile.com No hassle or travel for you or your pet! Dr. Ault is available to come speak at your local dog or horse club. Signs That Your Animal May Need Care: - Limited Performance - Reluctance to move - Undefined Lameness or slow gait - Diagnosed Arthritis Office: 330.342.0755 Mobile: 330.518.2999 S8 Dr. Rebecca J. Ault Certified Animal Chiropractor www.OhioAnimalChiro.com ohioanimalchiro@gmail.com Pet Supplement Business Directory • The Chalet, 1556 Prospect Street, Hudson. 330-656-2823, 330-650-1198. • Bartels Pet Hospital, 7051 Mill R d. B re c k s v i l l e. 4 4 0 - 5 2 6 - 4 8 1 8 . bartelspethospital.com • Bath Veterinary Clinic, 1735 N. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Bath. 330-666-0018. bathvetclinic.com • Central Bark Doggy Day Care, 3001 Towpath Road, Broadview Hts. 440-526-2276. centralbarkusa.com • Cuyahoga Valley Vet Clinic, 3850 Brecksville Road, Richfield. 330-659-0712 • Hudson Wine Festival, First & Main, Hudson. hudsonwinefestival.com • In a Pickle Parrot, 7916 Broadview Road, Broadview Hts. 440-627-6477. Inapickleparrots.com • Ohio Animal Chiropractic, 130 W. Streetsboro Road, Hudson. 330-3420755. ohioanimalchiro@gmail.com • Primary Pet Care, 3661 Fishcreek Road, Stow. 330-968-6570. primarypetcare.net • Quick Clean Mobile Grooming. 330-858-8650. quickcleanmobile.com • North Royalton Animal Hospital and Boarding Facility. 440-237-7691. • Twinsburg Veterinary Hospital & Pet Lodge, 8803 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg. 330-425-4226. twinsburgvet.com • Veterinary Center of Hudson, 234380-8624. vetcenterofhudson.com Pets Supplement Section, 2012
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