REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Southeast Alaska Power Agency

1900 1 Avenue, Suite 318
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
Ph: (907) 228-2281 | Fax: (907) 225-2287
Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project
(Engineering Services)
May 11, 2015
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Expansion Project | Engineering Services
The Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms
to provide engineering services to bring the partially complete design process from 30%
up to 100% and to provide procurement and construction oversight assistance during
2015 and 2016 for its Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project.
Southeast Alaska Power Agency
1900 First Avenue, Suite 318
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
P 907.228.2281 | Fax 907.225.2287 |
For the purposes of this solicitation, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency may be referred to
interchangeably as Owner, SEAPA, or Agency and the terms bidder, consultant, contractor,
offerer, proposer, respondent, and vendor are used interchangeably and mean a person(s) or
firm(s) submitting a response. Any proposal or modification to a proposal received after the due
date will not be considered and will be deemed non-responsive. The bidder is responsible for all
costs and expenses of bid preparation.
Submission of Proposals:
Bidders shall deliver their bid and are responsible for assuring receipt of their bid by Owner prior
to the deadline for submittals no later than:
Monday, June 1, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT)
All submittals shall be transmitted electronically in .pdf format using direct computerized
conversion to .pdf files. To preserve legibility in reproduction, printing and rescanning shall only
be used for the signing of documents or similar occurrences and only with the original
document. All submittals shall be clear and legible for further reproduction by the Owner.
Scanned copies of original signatures will be treated in all aspects as having the same effect as
an original signature. Submittals shall be emailed to:
The e-mail subject field shall be marked with the following project name: Engineering Services
for Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project.
SEAPA will not accept faxed or hard copies of bids.
Request for Proposals
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Southeast Alaska Power Agency Background
The Southeast Alaska Power Agency (‘SEAPA’, ‘Agency’ or ‘Owner’) is a joint action agency
organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Alaska. The members of the Agency
are the City of Ketchikan, the City and Borough of Wrangell, and the Petersburg Borough. Prior
to restructuring of the Agency in 2009, the name of the joint action agency was the Four Dam
Pool Power Agency. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. and Kodiak Electric Association,
Inc. were also members. SEAPA’s member utilities (Ketchikan, Wrangell, and Petersburg)
provide electric utility services to their respective service areas utilizing power generated by
components of the Agency facilities and purchased from the Agency under a Power Sales
Agreement, which was executed in February 2009 as part of the Restructuring transaction. The
Agency’s headquarters is located in Ketchikan, Alaska.
The Agency facilities are principally comprised of the Swan Lake and Tyee Lake hydroelectric
projects in southern southeast Alaska and approximately 175 miles of transmission lines
spanning from Ketchikan to Petersburg. Power and energy from the Agency’s hydroelectric
projects are dedicated to Ketchikan, Wrangell, and Petersburg pursuant to conditions in the
Power Sales Agreement.
In 2009, the Agency completed the Swan–Tyee Intertie Project which connected the Swan Lake
and Tyee Lake hydroelectric projects. With the completion of that 57-mile segment, Ketchikan,
Wrangell, and Petersburg became interconnected for the first time.
Site Information
The Swan Lake Hydroelectric Facility is located approximately 22 miles NE of Ketchikan, Alaska
at the head of Carroll Inlet on Revillagigedo Island, and is only accessible by boat, plane, or
The SWL site is isolated. It has guest quarters where contracted personnel will be staying
during the on-site work. These facilities are not maintained by plant personnel and vendor
personnel are expected to follow site policy for cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. The guest
quarters may also be shared with other personnel who are on site for other work that may be
occurring in parallel. The quarters include a full kitchen. Vehicles are provided at Swan Lake
for commutes to the dam. Otherwise, all other facilities are available by foot traffic.
The successful contractor will be expected to arrange and pay for the costs for their travel to
Ketchikan. SEAPA will arrange and pay for contractor’s lodging while in Ketchikan, and for
travel by plane or boat from Ketchikan to the job site.
Since there are no restaurant accommodations at the job site, contractors must purchase their
food in advance and arrange for delivery to SWL. Alaskan & Proud Market (907.225.1279) in
Ketchikan, Alaska is open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week and will accept phone-in
grocery lists with boxed pickup or delivery services using Taquan Air for transport of the
groceries to Swan Lake.
A region map is provided on the following page:
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Request for Proposals
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Project Purpose and Background
The Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) sells wholesale renewable energy to the
communities of Wrangell, Petersburg, and Ketchikan Alaska. The three communities,
connected by Agency transmission reside on islands along Alaska’s Inside Passage and
comprise the SEAPA control area. As control area coordinator, SEAPA identified the need for
additional hydropower storage and selected Swan Lake as this site provides the greatest
storage and electrical dispatch benefit for the least environmental and financial impact. These
benefits are system-wide as increasing reservoir capacity at Swan Lake which dispatches last,
improves overall system efficiency by allowing the interconnected hydro resources of SEAPA
and municipal members to avoid spill.
During the spring of 2012, SEAPA contractor, McMillen LLC, conducted a feasibility study, and
during the summer and fall of 2012, SEAPA and contractors, Tetra Tech and Long View
Associates, conducted FERC consultation meetings and environmental studies; resource
reports were filed and commented on by agencies during 2013-2014, and SEAPA filed for a
non-capacity amendment on July 21, 2014. Also during 2014, SEAPA retained Jacobs
Associates to conduct geotechnical, hydraulic, and structural analysis and to conduct FERC
Board of Consultant meetings. At this time the project was envisioned as a design-build or
Engineer Procurement Construct (EPC) type project where a future contractor would take the
project from roughly 30% design through construction. Jacobs Associates (now McMillen
Jacobs Associates) completed the 30% engineering work during April 2015, and SEAPA
secured funding for the project with an electric revenue bond issue on April 22, 2015. The
license amendment is still pending.
During the 30% design process, changes in concept from the feasibility study reduced the
scope of the construction effort. SEAPA now will organize the project around a traditional
design then construct process; thus this RFP is a request for services to complete the design;
and to provide technical services to assist SEAPA in procurement and construction efforts. The
30% design effort is documented and available on the SEAPA website ShareFile at:
Drawings & Design Summaries:
RFP Attachments:
Design Draw(Click on link, enter your email address, name, and company name; download files)
where the following can be found:
Design Reports-Available later in
Static & Seismic Structural Analysis
Geotechnical Analysis
Hydraulic Analysis
Request for Proposals
SWL Reservoir Expansion Project | Engineering Services
Available Now-Drawings & Design
Analysis Summary
Design Criteria
Hydraulics Analysis Summary
Geotechnical Analysis Summary
Structural Model Summary
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Technical Background
The Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project, which is owned by SEAPA was constructed in 1980. The
facility is operated by Ketchikan Public Utilities (KPU) personnel. The primary facility
components include a 174-foot tall dam, an 86,000 acre-foot reservoir, a 2,217-foot-long power
tunnel, and a powerhouse with a generating capacity of 25 MVA. The increase in storage
capacity will be achieved by modifying the existing, 100-foot wide, ungated ogee spillway to
increase the active storage pool elevation by 15 feet.
The dam is a thin concrete arch construction, thus any mass additions should be kept to a
minimum to preserve seismic response factor of safety. Additionally, the modified gate structure
to fill the existing ogee spillway must pass the PMF while also providing adequate storm debris
Construction Completion
Existing Dam
Spillway Elevation
Dam Crest Elevation
Parapet Wall Elevation
Crest Length
Concrete Compound
159 feet / 174 feet above
foundation base
330 feet
344 feet
347.5 feet
430 feet
Spillway Type/Length
Ungated ogee / 100 feet
Dam Type
Dam Height
Normal Maximum
Reservoir Pool
Minimum Reservoir Pool
PMF Maximum Pool
Proposed Configuration
159.4 feet / 174.4 feet above
foundation base
330 feet (no change)
344.4 feet
347.5 feet (no change)
430 feet (no change)
20-foot-wide Vertical Lift Gate
82-foot-wide Flashboard Gate
330 feet
345 feet
271.5 feet
343.3 feet
271.5 feet (no change)
347.1 feet
 30% drawings
 Design Analysis summary
 Construction Schedule
[Remainder of page intentionally left blank]
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Scope of Services
The following (Figure 1) is the Plan & Elevation view of the ogee spillway section. This contract
is for the non-flashboard elements such as the vertical gate, concrete modifications, and vertical
gate pier, parapet wall sealing and auxiliary components associated with the vertical gate. See
the 30% design drawing set listed in the attachments. (Flashboard design provided by the
Flashboard Design Provided by Owner
This RFP is for engineering services to complete the design of all non-flashboard components,
prepare construction documents for bid and execution, assist with procurement of major
components such as the vertical gate, and provide construction oversight with quality
assurance, and/or quality control personnel as needed. Final design of the flashboard system is
underway, and the designs will be coordinated into a construction bid package authored by the
successful engineering proposer of this RFP process. Construction is scheduled to start on
January 4, 2016.
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Task 1
Design Summary and Drawing Review, Site Visit and Scope Clarification Meeting
Prior to a site visit, review the design summaries, 30% design drawings, and construction
schedule. Liaison with the Owner, and prepare an engineering scope clarification document
consistent with the attached Construction Schedule. During the site visit, amend that document
in a scope clarification meeting. This document will be the basis for developing the detailed
engineering tasks schedule and detailed scope definition. Also during this meeting be prepared
to discuss a construction plan with regard to access, possible crane pad or crane location, crane
and barge sizing, barge access and mooring, laydown, storage, and assembly areas. See
Tasks 11 and 12, below, for related construction planning tasks required as part of these
engineering services.
Task 2
Attend the FERC Part 12 Potential Failure Mode Analysis (PFMA)
A FERC Part 12 PFMA exercise is scheduled August 19, 2015. Attend this meeting and
incorporate any necessary design modifications that result from this meeting.
Task 3
Design, Specification, Procurement and Construction Oversight of Nominal 20 ft Vertical Gate
At completion of the 30% design process, the vertical gate located on the right side of the
existing spillway slot was 20 feet wide (20 ft clear passage). For greater mid-flood flow passage
the gate may need to be as wide as 23 feet.
Review the hydraulics analysis report and the 30% drawing set and consult with SEAPA
regarding design criteria, constructability and operation of the vertical gate. Following the
review, design, specify and oversee procurement and construction of the gate. Integrate the
gate design with the civil, mechanical, and electrical aspects of the project. A partial list of
examples of the gate review and design process are listed immediately below:
 Review gate power requirements, gate lift rate (6in/min), redundant power supply plan
and specify gate lift details with respect to the proposed electric power requirement
 Design the gate access platform structural steel, handrails, gate support and housing
structures; design the gate slots in both the new parapet wall and existing right side
spillway wall; design and/or specify how the gate is to fit into the slot, the roller (if
required) details, side steel, gate seals, set spring details; make provisions for the
electrical conduit in the concrete plans and how and where to attach conduit to the
existing structure; and, design an appropriately lighted area to monitor gate operation
 Design provisions on the structure for a local, independent float mechanism that will
automatically raise the gate and provide contacts to drive plant alarming; the float
mechanism is to have three (3) settings. Normal automatic control of the gate will be a
PLC based system provided by Owner; the float system is a redundant back-up
 Advise Owner if a smaller valve or flap gate within the vertical gate would be practical to
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pass flows from 200 cfs to 800 cfs without lifting the gate
 The gate will have an alarmed bubbler system to prevent icing; design and specify this
bubbler such that the entire spillway length (105 ft) remains ice-free
 Write a complete vertical gate specification and bid document and evaluate gate
proposals with Owner to coincide with the construction schedule
 Provide vertical gate procurement quality assurance guidance to SEAPA staff and
provide gate construction QA/QC as requested by SEAPA personnel
Task 4
New Parapet Walls, Pier Extensions, 344.4 Dam Slab
Review the 30% drawing set showing the pier wall extensions, parapet wall modifications, and
dam slab. Verify structural design and develop construction plans and drawings for these
elements that include all aspects of construction: concrete mix and placement specification,
reinforcement and water stop details, anchoring & pilaster details, expansion joint filler and
miscellaneous metals. Review the existing left abutment parapet rock-concrete interface and
the right abutment 344 elevation to parapet wall seam and design appropriate waterstop/seal
Task 5
New Vertical Gate Pier
The pier wall is to withstand the same magnitude and duration of seismic event as the dam with
the access walkway support structure thought to provide lateral bracing; verify this concept.
The pier wall is to withstand a horizontal 70k lb. load from the flashboard trigger, and be
designed to minimally obstruct the ogee crest (2’-9” wide at this time). Verify and improve on
these characteristics and at the same time strive to make the wall as light and thin as possible
to retain spillway capacity and reduce gate, gate structure, and pier wall mass. Specify all
aspects of the wall for construction including the embedded pipe for conveying water from the
spillway face to the trigger bucket; the pipe inlet is to have provisions to prevent freezing, anchor
and reinforcement details, embedded steel and anchor details for the trigger, side seal block-out
and second stage concrete or grout specification
Task 6
Vertical Gate Bottom Seal and Embedded Metal Design
The vertical gate will require a bottom seal set downstream from the ogee crest. Specify these
placement dimensions consistent with the gate design and design all details of this bottom seal
plate including material type (consistent with side seal plate) embedment details, and
construction procedures. Design the bottom seal to keep concrete disturbance of the ogee
surface to a minimum while also maintaining the existing spillway capacity when the gate is fully
Task 7
Gate Hydraulics, Gate Sizing and PMF Analysis
The existing 30% design uses a 20 ft wide gate with a fully open discharge capacity per foot
equal to the ogee crest. Verify that entrance losses do not reduce the discharge capacity,
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review the owner provided Falls Creek data, and determine at what point a wider gate causes
the pier wall to increase in width, and find the optimum gate width, pier wall combination such
that a larger vertical gate support does not reduce the overall spillway capacity necessary to
pass the PMF. Final vertical gate design, pier wall width, and flashboard bottom seal elevation
must pass the PMF without exceeding elevation 347.5 ft. Conduct the PMF routing and
document this work in the final construction drawings.
Task 8
Log Boom, Boat Dock & Tree Removal Aspects
The existing log boom has failed. Redesign a new log boom acknowledging the new spillway
configuration, specify and assist with the procurement and installation as requested by Owner.
Design the log boom such that logs can be moved to the right abutment area downstream of the
intake. Make provisions to fortify the parapet wall in this location. Design and specify how to
raise the existing boat dock to elevation 346.5 ft.
Task 9
Intake Structure
Review the proposed intake modifications listed on Drawing 17 of 17 of the 30% design drawing
set. Verify structural and sealing considerations; verify the feasibility of moving controls and
equipment located within the intake building, and make construction plans and specify
construction details for the final modifications.
Task 10
Tunnel Cable Termination and Transfer Switch
The original design for power supply to the intake structure used cables in conduit running from
the powerhouse to the intake embedded in the tunnel construction. During the Task 1 site visit,
inspect both ends of this cable and lead the effort using an Owner provided megger to verify
insulation integrity of these cables. Using data from the insulation tests provide a scope,
schedule. and budget to restore this power source. Depending on the site visit test results and
the replacement costs (if needed), incorporate this power supply in the design of the overall
power supply for the primary and redundant power supplies to the intake and vertical gate.
Power to the intake at present is supplied from an overhead line along the dam access road
which is subject to landslides. The early reintroduction of this power source in the construction
sequence has an additional benefit as overhead crane interference with the existing power line
is eliminated. After the project, the overhead line could be replaced for a short distance with
underground cable to eliminate log removal interference. During review of the intake and
vertical gate power supply plan, inspect and make recommendations regarding the back-up
battery source located in the intake. Replacement of these batteries should be done with the
new battery back-up required for vertical gate controls.
Task 11
Vertical Gate Power Supply
If deemed necessary after completion of Task 8, design and specify all aspects of the propane
generator: building, switching, controls, storage, such that the vertical gate has a reliable, autostart redundant power supply. The generator is to start automatically if the gate receives a lift
command and the primary electrical supply has failed. The generator is to have a local start
capability with SCADA monitoring to be provided by the Owner, but analog and status contacts
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and provision for these contacts to be specified by the work required by this RFP.
Task 12
Plant Emergency Diesel Parallel Operation
Two sources of power supply to the intake rely on emergency diesel generation as back-up
when plant or line sourced supply is unavailable. These generators need an electrical
engineering review and design change to improve auto start and parallel switching capability.
Task 13
Intake Gate, Inlet Valve, & Turbine
During 2013 and 2014, SEAPA staff conducted load rejection, rough load zone, and
performance testing on Swan Lake Unit #2 when reservoir elevations were between mid-level
(elevation 315) to full (spilling). Review this data with Owner to verify little to no modifications to
these hydraulic components with the exception of control timing will result after the reservoir
expansion. Review rough load zone and penstock pressure variations in this zone and advise
SEAPA as to the expected change in rough load zone range, magnitude, and effects on
synchronization. Review original design criteria and commissioning reports for the turbine inlet
valve to verify closure will occur during a turbine runaway event at the new full pool elevation.
Task 14
Develop Detailed Construction Plan and Construction Bid Documents
Verify and advise Owner on the proposed construction plan (determined from the construction
schedule), develop bid documents, specifications, detailed designs and advise Owner on the
appropriate level of QA/QC. As an example, the proposed dam 344.4 slab construction must be
placed such that the sealing and reinforcement and anchoring of the parapet walls can be
economically and efficiently placed. Would a slab placement print provided by the contractor be
appropriate or in lieu of a slab print, or would a general placement plan suffice for a project of
this scope?
Task 15
Construction QA/QC and Vertical Gate Commissioning Plan
Develop a construction quality assurance and quality control plan consistent with the scope of
this project. Develop the necessary measures to ensure quality construction and quality
construction oversight measures for the project. Examples of this plan include: concrete testing,
rebar inspection, mix submittals, submittals for concrete sealing measures (both new and for
existing joints), vertical gate installation inspection measures (side seal block out & embedded
parts, measurement and verification of side seal geometry prior to secondary embedment
concrete or grout, conduit, misc. metal, specialty anchoring placement verification prior to
concrete placement, form type and use, form stability and form height/lift height for the vertical
gate pier wall.
Task 16
Construction Safety and Construction Environmental Measures
During the site visit of Task 1, obtain the COE, DNR, & TNF construction permits from Owner
and write a construction mitigation measure report for this project. Identify any missing gaps
with the permits in time for issuing the construction bid document request. Devise a complete
construction safety plan recognizing the difficulty for emergency evacuation during inclement
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weather from this remote site.
Task 17
Write the Final Construction Report and Provide the Necessary
Documents and Drawings to Amend the Part 12 STI
Develop as-built construction drawings; compile construction reports, concrete test and
placement records, reinforcement records, construction photographs, vertical gate commission
report into a final construction report. Revise FERC license drawings and update the FERC
Part 12 STI with the revised drawings, results of the PMFA, and 30% design analysis reports.
Specific Proposal Requirements
1. Identify the Project Manager and their contact information, and attach their resume.
2. Fill out the Cost Estimate Table provided in Excel as Attachment No. 1 hereto, which is in
the format shown below:
3. Write a schedule for these tasks listed above that meets the objective for start of
construction on January 4, 2016. The schedule and durations of engineering effort should
be consistent meaning the tasks can be completed in the time available to issue
construction bid documents. At this time construction bid documents are planned for
publication by October 23, 2015 with vertical gate procurement by SEAPA in parallel with
the later design and early construction process. Splashboard final design is underway and
splashboard system installation will be merged with the construction design of this project
for one construction RFP in time for the October publication.
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Schedule of RFP Events
The following is a list of projected dates/times with respect to this RFP:
RFP Release Date
Bidder Pre-Registration
Pre-bid Conference Call
Final Date for Bidder Inquiries
Proposals Due
Notice of Recommendation of Award
Estimated Board Meeting Date for Contract Approval
Project Completion Date
May 11, 2015
May 28, 2015 @ 2:00 P.M. AKDT
June 1, 2015 @ 4:00 P.M. AKDT
June 3, 2015
June 10, 2015
February 2017
Proposer Inquiries
Proposers shall submit all general questions about this RFP in writing via email to:
Sharon Thompson, Executive Assistant
and all technical questions in writing via email or via telephone to:
Eric Wolfe, P.E., Project Manager
Telephone 907.230.1424
on or before the May 28, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. AKDT deadline for proposer inquiries.
Preparation of Proposal | Proposal Requirements
Before submitting a proposal, each proposer must (a) examine the bid documents thoroughly,
(b) become familiar with any weather and shipping conditions that may, in any manner, affect
cost and/or delivery, and (c) study and carefully correlate proposer’s observations with the bid
specifications. Failure to do so will not relieve the successful proposer of the obligation to
complete the contemplated work in strict accordance with the Proposal Specifications. Each
proposal must be submitted as required by these instructions and include the forms prescribed
herein. Proposals shall be submitted complete, including all proposal forms and other
documents as required. Complete sets of proposal documents shall be used in preparing
proposals; Owner assumes no responsibility for error or misinterpretations resulting from the
use of incomplete sets of proposal documents.
The successful consultant shall be an independent consultant, not an employee or subsidiary of
the Owner. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between
Owner and any of consultant’s subconsultants, suppliers, or other persons or organizations, nor
shall it create any obligation on the part of Owner to pay or see to the payment of any monies
due any such subconsultant, supplier, or other person or organization except as may otherwise
be required by regulatory requirements. Owner will not undertake to settle any differences
between or among the consultant, subconsultant, suppliers, or other persons or organizations.
Before proposal submission, proposers shall carefully examine the Drawings and attachments
provided. The bid proposal must include the following items:
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General Information Form. Bidder must complete and submit the attached
General Information Form (Attachment 2 hereto).
This project will be a time and materials contract. Proposers shall submit their
current rate sheet, which lists employee names, titles, and hourly rates, and Cost
Schedule. (Note: Owner does not pay markup on goods.)
Proposer’s Experience Record. Proposers must submit descriptions of at least
four (4) previously completed projects similar in scope as indicated for this
Project, with a record of successful in-service performance on the attached
Proposer Experience Record Form (Attachment 3 hereto). Attach additional
sheets as necessary for further explanations and to describe relevant experience
and unique qualifications of your firm to accomplish the work.
Submit evidence of experience working on projects that are remotely located and
required intense logistical coordination.
Submit a company résumé that identifies three (3) similar projects successfully
accomplished in the past. For each experience project submitted, provide the
following information:
Project name and description
Project location
Date of completion
Owner’s representative and phone number
Description and dollar value of the completed project
Name and responsibility of key employees involved with the
List of Subcontractors. Proposers must submit a list of subcontractors who will
be used on the Project on the List of Subcontractors Form (Attachment 4
hereto). All subcontractors doing work on the Project are subject to SEAPA
approval and insurance requirements.
The proposal submittal shall include any assumptions, clarifications, and
exceptions made in the development of the proposal.
Addendum Acknowledgment and RFP Signature Page Form. Proposers must
complete and submit the Addendum Acknowledgment and RFP Signature Page
Form (Attachment No. 5 hereto).
Alcohol and Drug Free Work Place Acknowledgment of Policy
The successful proposer and its subconsultants, if any, within ten (10) days of receipt of a
Notice of Award shall submit to Owner their acknowledgment that they have an alcohol and
drug abuse policy. A typical Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Acknowledgent of Policy Form is
attached as Attachment 6 hereto. Bidders do not need to submit this form with their bid. It will
only be required by the successful bidder. The Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project is a drug and
alcohol free facility. Accordingly, the possession and/or use of drugs, alcohol and other
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controlled substances are prohibited on all areas of the Swan Hydroelectric Project. Violation of
this requirement will result in immediate removal of involved personnel from the project.
Modified Proposals
Any proposal may be modified provided such modification is received prior to the due date for
submission of proposals and submitted in the same manner as the original proposal. Provide a
cover letter with the modified proposal, indicating it is a modified proposal and that the original
proposal is being withdrawn.
Changes or amendments to this RFP made prior to bid opening shall be issued in writing via
addendum through direct e-mail transmission to potential respondents. No oral statement of
any person shall modify or otherwise change or affect the terms, conditions or specifications
stated in the RFP. Bidder is responsible for ensuring that the attached RFP Signature Page and
Addendum Acknowledgment Form reflects any addenda that may issue prior to the proposal
due date regardless of when the proposal is submitted. SEAPA recommends that proposers
consult with SEAPA prior to the bid due date to assure that all addenda have been received. If
any addenda issue and proposer fails to acknowledge their receipt on the proposal form, the
failure to acknowledge shall render the proposal non-responsive.
Contract Type
This contract will be a time and materials contract. SEAPA’s standard Professional Services
Agreement is attached as Attachment 7 hereto. The final agreement may be negotiated
between the successful proposer and SEAPA.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals timely received by SEAPA will be carefully reviewed and a shortlist may be created.
The following criteria will be used, in no particular order, in the evaluation process:
 Experience with Alaska generally and Southeast Alaska in particular in carrying
out similar projects.
 Appropriateness of the proposed general approach to the work as described in
the written proposal.
 Capacity to respond to the required work in a timely and efficient manner.
 Competitive pricing.
 Completeness and quality of bid proposal documents.
Owner will evaluate and rank all proposals received based on the above criteria. Although price
will be ranked equally with the other criteria, in the event of an equal ranking between
proposals, the lowest price will prevail.
The highest ranked proposal will receive a
recommendation for contract award. Agency’s staff will present their recommendation of award
to SEAPA’s Board of Directors at the next scheduled board meeting. The Board of Directors will
determine whether the contract will be awarded to the recommended proposer. In the event the
selected proposer is unable or unwilling to alter the scope or budget or key personnel proposed
or any other aspect of the proposal necessary to meet the Agency’s requirements, or is not
agreeable to the terms and conditions of the Agency’s contract for services, negotiations will
then be initiated with the next ranked proposer. Proposers are advised that the Project may not
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be awarded to the lowest-price bidder.
Term of Proposal
Submission of a proposal signifies that the quoted services and prices are valid for one hundred
twenty (120) calendar days from the bid due date.
Contractor’s Licensing Laws
All proposers and their subcontractors shall be licensed at the time of submitting a bid in
accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska and any proposer or subcontractor not so
licensed is subject to the penalties imposed by such laws and their proposal may be rejected.
The successful proposer and any of its subcontractors that are engineering firms will be
required to certify that they are authorized to do business in the State of Alaska.
Requirements of Laws, Regulations, Licenses, Permits, and Taxes
It is the proposer’s responsibility to be familiar with all Federal, State, Borough and City laws,
ordinances, statutes, and regulations, which in any manner may affect the work, and they will be
deemed to be included in the bid documents the same as though herein written out in full. The
proposer shall not be excused in the performance of the work or any part thereof because of the
proposer’s misunderstanding or lack of familiarity with such laws.
All required Federal, State, and local sales and use taxes shall be paid by the proposer as
required by the laws and statutes of the State and of any of its political subdivisions, and shall
be included in the prices quoted in the bid.
The successful proposer shall, at no cost to SEAPA, procure all necessary licenses, permits,
applications, variances, approvals and other documents needed to conduct the work under this
contract. Additionally, the successful consultant shall ensure that all subcontractors procure all
necessary licenses and permits needed to conduct their respective jobs under the Project
Reservation of Rights
The Agency reserves the right to accept other than the apparent lowest-priced bid, and to reject
any bid in whole or in part, or to reject all bids, with or without notice or reasons, waive any
informalities, and if no bid is accepted, to abandon the work or to have the work performed in
such other manner as the Agency may elect. SEAPA also reserves the right to terminate this
RFP, and issue a subsequent solicitation and/or remedy technical errors in the RFP process.
This RFP does not commit SEAPA to enter into any contract, award any services related to this
RFP, nor does the RFP obligate SEAPA to pay any costs incurred in preparation or submission
of a proposal or in anticipation of a contract.
If selected, respondent will be required to comply with the requirements established herein,
unless otherwise agreed to in writing by SEAPA and respondent. The successful respondent
must be able to formally invoice SEAPA for services rendered.
Request for Proposals
SWL Reservoir Expansion Project | Engineering Services
May 11, 2015
Page 16 of 17 pages
Link to Attachments:
Cost Estimate Table (Excel format)
General Information Form
Proposer’s Experience Record
List of Subcontractors
Addendum Acknowledgment and RFP Signature Page Form
Alcohol and Drug Free Work Place Acknowledgment Form
Agency Standard Professional Services Agreement
Request for Proposals
SWL Reservoir Expansion Project | Engineering Services
May 11, 2015
Page 17 of 17 pages