ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH PRIESTS: The Rev. Msgr. E. James Hart, Pastor Father Glen Mullan, Parochial Vicar Father Dennis Smith, Retired Father James McGhee, Retired DEACONS: José Hernandez Myles Miller Nelson Petzold Jerry Rustand Larry Sandoval PARISH STAFF: Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Business Manager Don Wagner 817-623-2437 Secretaries Pauline DellaSala-McGrail 817-431-3857 Elaine O’Gorman Bookkeeper Debbie Cruce 817-431-3857 Safe Environment Suzanne Lynch 817-623-2430 Director of Religious Education: Matthew Gill 817-623-2424 Elementary Religious Education Coordinator: Sheila Walsh 817-431-6023 Secretaries Gretchen Schaubhut 817-431-6023 Wendy Collins 817-431-6023 MS Religious Education Coord/MS & HS Youth Minister Chris West 817-623-2409 HS Religious Education Coordinator/Young Adults Gabe Gutierrez 817-623-2409 Secretary for MS and HS Dawn Johnston 817-623-2409 Director of Liturgy Candy Warner 817-431-3176 Director of Music and Organist Doug Parsons 817-623-2403 Facilities and Maintenance 817-623-2400 Hispanic Community Coordinator: Miguel Chaidez 817-623-2409 PARISH SCHOOL: Principal Kay Burrell Fax Hours Monday - Friday 817-431-4845 817-431-1865 7:30 AM-3:45 PM FOOD FOR THOSE IN NEED: Please bring a can of food when you come to Mass. MOTHER SETON’S BOOKS AND GIFTS SHOP HOURS: Saturday 3:15-7:15 PM, Sunday 7:45 AM-1 PM BULLETIN ARTICLES are due Friday noon of the previous week to DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH MAY 17, 2015 SCRIPTURE READINGS: May 18 Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33 May 19 Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a May 20 Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19 May 21 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26 May 22 Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19 MASS INTENTIONS: May 16 9:00 AM Mary Jo Aguilera t 4:00 PM Richard Lee Neal t 5:30 PM Charlie and Olga Romano t May 17 7:00 AM Jerry and Betty Moeller 9:00 AM Faithful of the Parish 11:00 AM James Shippey t 1:00 PM Ramon Jimenez t 5:00 PM Ervin Scheeter t May 18 9:00 AM Kay Chidiac t 6:30 PM Private Intention May 19 9:00 AM Isabel Poole t 6:30 PM Solemn Vespers and Benediction May 20 9:00 AM Eugene Litersky t 6:30 PM Private Intention May 21 9:00 AM Ervin Scheeter t May 22 9:00 AM John A. DellaSala t 6:30 PM Private Intention May 23 9:00 AM Frances Schaeffer t 4:00 PM Frank Benincasa t 5:30 PM Lucy Lenick t May 24 7:00 AM Elgin and Connie Marbach 9:00 AM Faithful of the Parish 11:00 AM Paquito Cruz t 1:00 PM Jessica Aguilar t 5:00 PM Jerry and Betty Moeller Lord, grant each one listed in our Parish Book of Intentions health of spirit, mind, and body. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: Alan Badalamenti EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TRAINING: Do you feel the call to serve our Parish as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? If you do, training is scheduled for May 19, following Solemn Vespers and Benediction. We will begin at 7:30 PM. Questions can be directed to Rick at EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS are needed to visit our homebound parishioners. If you can volunteer one day a week or one day a month please contact Cathy, 214-876-8808. MARRIAGE: To begin the formal preparation required by our Diocese, you must attend a one-time information session. Next session is May 26, 7:30 PM, Parish Hall. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN PURSUING THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE: Jason Allan, Adeline Arth, Ann Elise Corpany, Jonathan Demma, Ricardo Diaz, Sister Gemma, Lilly Northey, and Carisa Petter THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD - YEAR B 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/19 5/20 5/21 ST. ELIZABETH’S PARISH HAPPENINGS: Pancake Breakfast following 7,9,11 Masses, Hall 8:30 AM Tender Lambs of Christ, PCC113,117,118 1 PM WYD Meet and Greet, PCC100,101 10 AM CCM, PCC 9:30 AM Seton Moms, PCC118, N 10 AM-6 PM Exposition and Adoration, Church 10 AM Hermana’s en Cristo, PCC114 10 AM CCM2, PCC 7:30 PM Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Church 10 AM-6 PM Exposition and Adoration, Church 10 AM Regnum Christi Bible Study, PCC,N 5 PM Sursum Corda Children/Teens, PCC 7 PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal, PCC100 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Church 6:30 PM St. Augustine Men’s Purity Grp, PCC214 7 PM Holy Fire Prayer Group, PCC114 7 PM Toastmasters Meeting, Hall 7 PM Ultreya, PCC102 7 PM Ladies Bunco, PCC101 7 PM Spanish Book Review, PCC109 7 PM Spanish Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Meeting, PCC114 7 AM St. Joseph Covenant Keepers, PCC109 8 AM Spanish Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Pentecost Retreat, Hall 7:30 AM Taller de Oracion y Vida, PCC 6:30 PM Family Sports Night, Soccer Field 8:30 AM Tender Lambs of Christ, PCC113,117,118 9:30 PM Mission Council, PCC109 ST. ELIZABETH’S SCHOOL HAPPENINGS: 8 AM Room Mom’s Thank you Coffee, Hall 10 AM 8th Grade Breakfast, Hall 10:30 AM Candle and Robing Ceremony, Church 7 PM 8th Grade Graduation Mass/ Reception, Church/Hall Congratulations Graduates!! PARISH STEWARDSHIP May 2 and 3: Parish Offering Goal $50,980.00 Parish Offering Envelopes 43,785.87 Sunday Offering Online e-Giving 13,360.73 Total Sunday Offering Seminarian Formation Fund Other Funds Other Funds: Online e-Giving Total All Weekly Contributions 57,146.60 6,219.00 6,010.05 184.00 $69,559.65 BUILDING ON OUR FAITH - as of April 30, 2015 Campaign Goal $5,200,000 Total $ Pledged 4,133,513 Total $ Paid 3,699,977 # Families: Pledged 615 / Contributing 1,533 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION: March 8,230.00 Father Carmen Mele’s Ordination Anniversary is May 21. Please keep him in your prayers. SEAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL: “I will try my best every day to learn, to love others, and to act like Jesus.” Each day we help our students live by these words, and we would love to include your student. We have limited spots available for the 2015-16 school year, prekindergarten-8th grades. Call Linda, registrar, at 817-431-4845 or BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: Would you like to be part of our Bereavement Ministry? This is a great way to meet other ladies and give service to our Parish families. For more information please call Carol at 817-750-0045 or email WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Michael, Kristen, and Austin McKee; Carl, Nicole, and Lenna Martin; Jorge, Anabel, Breanna, Mariah, and Skylar Zuniga; Steven and Lynn Gaffney; John and Katherine Di Filippo; Timothy and Tavis Navarro, and Autumn and Justice Wheeler, and Brittney Shotwell; Carmen Cruz; Valerie Johnson; Maria Corona; Alejandro, Maricarmen, Daniel, and Magnolia Quiroz; Chris, Veronica, and Nicholas Nieto; Isidoro, Gloria, Sophia, Bravlio, and Leonardo Lopez; Francis, Christine, and Sonia Piazza; Alfredo, Emily, Connor, and Reagan Luna; Patrick Nwafor; Mauro and Maricela Santillan PARISH MISSION COUNCIL HOSTS 3rd Annual Soccer Skills Camp KICKIN’ IT FOR HONDURAS *Save Money with Early Registration* 3- Day Soccer Skills Camp: June 15-17, Ages 7-14, 9 - 11:30 AM All proceeds benefit our Sister Parishes in Honduras. To Register: Send an email to or visit the Parish website. CANDLE MINISTRY: An additional volunteer is needed for Candle Ministry on Friday mornings before the 9 AM Mass. The only requirements are being a registered parishioner of Saint Elizabeth’s and have taken the Safe Environment training. Interested? Contact Lucy, 817-360-6735. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Online registration for participants is open. VBS is JUNE 22 – 26 ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH Adults please join us at any of the following events! 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 5/22 6:30 PM St. Matthew Bible Study, Hall 7:00 PM Lectio Divina Group, PCC 7:15 PM RCIA (Mystagogy), PCC 101 7:15 PM RCIA (Pre-Catechumenate), PCC 102 7:30 PM Encounter for Young Adults, Church 7:00 PM Hardon Course (Lessons 1-4) Meeting 6:30 PM Solemn Vespers (Even. Prayer), Church 5:15 PM Lectio Divina Group (Parent's First), PCC 7:00 PM Faith & Reason, PCC 118 10:00 AM Lectio Divina Group, PCC 101 7:00 PM Hardon Course (Lessons 13-16) Meeting DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH MAY 17, 2015 Father Hardon Basic Catechism Course Lessons 1-4 Meet with Deacon Sandoval, Monday, May 18 from 7 PM-9 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center cafeteria Lessons 5-8 Meet with Msgr. Hart, Thursday, May 28 from 7 PM-9 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center room 102 Lessons 9-12 Meet with Fr. Mullan, Wednesday, May 27 from 7:30 PM-9:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center room 102 Lessons 13-16 Meet with Deacon Petzold, Friday, May 22 from 7 PM-9 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center cafeteria ulteduc ation For more information about the Father Hardon Basic Catechism Course and to register and pay please go to: For additional information on youth events, please visit Sunday Night Live—Middle School Edition (SNL): We had an AMAZING year this year! Thank you to all who participated, especially our volunteers! Be sure to stay up to date with the website ( to check out Summer events and registration for next year! Chris, 817-623-2409, UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS Softball: Starting June 7—Sep 9 Every Sunday night we will be practicing ALIVE: Middle School Summer camp June 22-26 DCYC: Diocesan High School Conference July 10-12 Camp Ft Worth: High School Summer Camp June 21-26 and July 19-24 SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE (SNL): Join over 200 other youth this final Sunday night, 6:30-8:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center, as we dive deeper into our Faith. Dinner included. Check for info. 5/17 FINAL SNL OF THE YEAR!!! Guys bring snacks to share, Girls bring desserts to share BROTHERS & SISTERS IN CHRIST (BASIC): Join us Wednesday’s 6:30-8:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center as we dig into some core Catholic teachings. Gabe, 817-623-2409, CONFIRMATION CORNER: Baptismal certificates, Sponsor Information forms, Saint Reports, Service Hours, and Parish Life Hours are past due. For info on deadlines, dates, and more please visit 6/18 Confirmation Mass - Check in at 6 PM Please go for more information!!! Do not miss the next Youth and Young Adult Holy Hour, July 16, 6 - 7 PM. Come spend some time with the One Who loves you more than you can ever imagine. Don’t miss this chance to have an intimate encounter with God’s mercy and grace! Young Catholic Professionals HE IS RISEN!!!!! what? Come find out what effect the Come connect with young adults from around the Diocese to resurrection can have on your life. network and to grow in our Faith. This Tuesday, May 19th, join Join us Monday for an Easter edition of Encounter. We begin in us for our Executive Speaker Series featuring Flip Howard, who the Church at 7 PM. Encounter is a great way to get to know will be sharing how to “Work in Witness for Christ”. We will other young adults, and an even better way to know Christ! meet at the St. Patrick Cathedral Pastoral Center at 7 PM. Young Adult Ministry (18-35) THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD - YEAR B TENDER LAMBS OF CHRIST: High School Teen Volunteers Needed! No Experience Necessary! Also Needed, CO-LEAD VOLUNTEER With Special Education Background. TLC is Religious Education for special needs school aged children, which meets during the 9 AM Mass on Sunday in the Pius XII Catechetical Center. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 759 NEWS: Grand Knight Sean Arrossa, 5/23 6/4 6/14 6/27 6/28 8:30 AM Saturday of Prayer, Whole Women’s Health in FW, meet at PCC 7:30 to caravan. 7 PM KC 759 Business Meeting, Hall, Rosary, 6:30 Burrito Sunday Council 759 Installation Dinner Blood Drive Please contact Sheila for additional info. TOASTMASTERS: Interested in improving your communication skills and building your self-confidence? Toastmasters is for YOU! The prospective club meets every Thursday at 7 PM in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. For more information contact Kathy at CENTRAL AND EASTERN DEANERY OF DCCW (Diocesan Council of Catholic Women) is holding their quarterly meeting at Catholic Charities on May 21. Opening coffee at 9:30, meeting with guest speaker, Mass and lunch to follow...$10. Reservations due by May 18 no later than 5 PM to Teri at 817-281-7987. We will carpool from SEAS. LADIES GUILD: Join us for Bunco May 21 at 7 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center cafeteria. $5 to play. All ladies of the Parish are welcome. Bring a friend! SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: [El Paseo]
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