Somatic Experiencing(SE)® What Is Somatic Experiencing ? Somatic Experiencing®, founded by Dr. Peter Levine, is a naturalistic, body-oriented approach to resolving the effects of trauma. Using the innate ability humans have to overcome trauma, SE encourages and utilises the awareness of sensations and affect in the body to help people re-negotiate and heal their trauma. SE uses techniques and interventions that work directly with the neurophysiology of the body. It enables the regulation and integration of high levels of trauma-related physiological activation in the body. While gently pacing the process so that each individual can safely assimilate the changes within their nervous system without overwhelm, SE may help restore a sense of aliveness, relaxation and wholeness in the aftermath of trauma or after periods of chronic stress. Who can benefit from SE? Individuals who have experienced trauma or shock through accidents, surgeries, prolonged illnesses, natural disasters, war, terrorism, torture, rape, emotional and domestic abuse, early childhood neglect or any overwhelming experience. SE may also help those who are experiencing either acute anxiety symptoms or who suffer from ongoing chronic physical symptoms such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain, migraines and other syndromes. Who uses Somatic Experiencing®? Worldwide, SE is used by over 5,000 health-focussed practitioners. It seamlessly integrates into either psychotherapeutic or body oriented therapies. SE practitioners include psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, social workers, nurses, cranio sacral therapists, rolfers, EMDR practitioners, acupuncturists, art therapists, massage and physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths. More information about Dr. Peter Levine can be found on his website Somatic Experiencing(SE)® Professional Training Melbourne, Australia - Commencing 2012. Somatic Experiencing® is being taught in over 15 countries around the world. The Somatic Experiencing® Professional Training is ideal if you are looking to enhance your practice, deepen your knowledge of trauma and its effects in the body and learn practical interventions and strategies to bring trauma healing to your clients in a gentle, and highly effective way. The training is facilitated by a senior faculty member of the Somatic Experiencing Training Institute and assisted by a high ratio of trained assistants to participants. A combination of lectures, DVDs, in class demonstrations, experiential exercises and supervised practice in pairs or groups enhances the learning process. Access to personal SE sessions and ongoing case supervision is available during each module. The three year SE® training program consists of Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. All levels consist of 2 modules, each of 6 days in length. Beginning: Year 1 The physiological basis of trauma: be able to identify, normalise, and stabilise traumatic reactions. Learn the building blocks of SE: containment, resourcing and empowerment. Study tracking skills, titration and establishing continuity through the felt sense. How to avoid pitfalls of re-traumatisation and false memory. Intermediate: Year 2 Applying SE to various categories of trauma including accidents, physical injuries and medical procedures, natural disasters, war, abuse, torture, pre- and peri-natal trauma, emotional trauma, inescapable attack, high impact and falls. Training Dates Beginning I/II Beginning II/III September 27th – October 2nd, 2012 February 28th – March 5th, 2013 Intermediate I/II August 29th - September 3rd, 2013 Intermediate II/III February 13th – 18th, 2014 Advanced I Advanced II October 2nd – 7th, 2014 March 19th – 24th, 2015 Trainer Maggie Kline, MS, MFT Maggie is a Senior Faculty Member of the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute. She is a body-oriented psychotherapist, trainer, author and retired school psychologist with over 20 years experience with individuals and couples and over 30 years experience with children. She is trained in Gestalt therapy, S.E., Bodynamics, Postural Integration and EMDR. Maggie has corroborated on all Sounds True products by Peter Levine and is a co-author of the following books: It Won’t Hurt Forever…Recognizing, Responding To and Preventing Childhood Trauma…A Guide for Parents, Educators, Medical Personnel and Therapists; Trauma Proofing Your Kids and Trauma Through A Child’s Eyes. Maggie led the first team of volunteers to use SE in Thailand after the Southeast Asian Tsunami of 2004 and helped to provide trauma disaster relief after the China earthquake. Organiser Advanced: Year 3 Working with syndromes (IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue). The Polyvagal theory and SE bodywork. Application of research in the psychophysiology of trauma and the ‘art’ of therapy. Kiara Projects Tracey Fraser, Melbourne Tel: 03 9010 5011 Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and SE Practitioner Contact: For more information, to register for the training or to subscribe to our mailing list please visit our website
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