SEBENICO ATSI - Sebenico Group

E: P: 1300 125 440 A: 38 Allandale Entrance Mermaid Waters Qld 4218 SEBENICO ATSI “Sebenico ATSI in line with our Aboriginal principles will implement solid processes and good governance to bring together indigenous and non‐indigenous people to work towards a common goal. Our goal is to use these principles to increase indigenous participation in commercial projects for the direct economic benefit of traditional owners.” This is the dream of Malcolm Walker, the majority indigenous shareholder of Sebenico ATSI. Malcolm lives by aboriginal principles and is working to make this mission a reality. Malcolm is a Gureng Gureng elder with extensive ties to Australian traditional owners and has indigenous family linage. Malcolm worked for many years with local communities to achieve economic independence and sustainability. He engages with the Government and champions their programs to close the gap between indigenous and non‐indigenous people, working hand in hand for common benefit. COMPANY OVERVIEW Sebenico ATSI offers a specialised project management service specifically designed to assist in the growth of indigenous business opportunities. We are a majority indigenous owned company. We offer project management services across the following industries:  Civil and bulk earthworks  Steel fabrication and construction  Residential and industrial building  Water and wastewater management  Utilities locating and survey mapping Project management is provided within the following industries:  Resource, energy and oil and gas sectors  Utility services  Community housing and infrastructure Page 1 of 4 E: P: 1300 125 440 A: 38 Allandale Entrance Mermaid Waters Qld 4218 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Sebenico ATSI provides turn‐key project delivery services. We have implemented agreements with a number of companies to deliver a complete project solution to Client needs. Combining our expertise in project management and their contracting experience and equipment we can deliver projects using the most advanced project management controls. Specialised project management services include: 
Project managers Change management Contract and construction law Estimating and cost control Planning and scheduling Risk management Document control Sub‐contract administration and procurement We have available civil construction equipment for hire on projects. Equipment is available for wet or dry hire and we can provide highly skilled indigenous operators as required. We work very closely with indigenous communities to identify and provide highly skilled and motivated indigenous personnel. Sebenico have skilled trainers to provide all training to indigenous personnel to meet specific project needs. Sebenico ATSI will take responsibility for the individual’s progress, training and performance. We listen to our clients, take responsibility for our personnel and ensure every person provided is suitable for the identified position. We have a strong team of project management personnel who can provide services either on a seconded basis to the Client or self‐perform to manage projects on the client’s behalf. Effective and integrated project management systems have been implemented for the effective control of projects. We use the most advanced project control software available on the market. We have personnel available and skilled in all aspects of project management, including cost control, contract, planning and scheduling and commercial management. We have experienced OH&S and environmental personnel to deliver projects to the standards of our accredited management system. Page 2 of 4 E: P: 1300 125 440 A: 38 Allandale Entrance Mermaid Waters Qld 4218 QUALITY, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION Sebenico ATSI have developed an integrated management system, providing project management systems that are third party certified by Southpac Pty Ltd. Our management systems are accredited to the following Australian and international standards  ISO 9001 Quality  ISO 14001 Environmental  AS/NZS 4801 Safety INDIGENOUS PARTICIPATION Sebenico ATSI develop close relationships with local indigenous communities and liaise with them to understand local indigenous issues. Our Aboriginal employees work to develop a culturally sensitive indigenous participation program. Sebenico ATSI will engage with the Client and identify areas of involvement within a project. We will work with the Client to identify how we can best contribute and fulfil project requirements with indigenous participation. Participation Plan We ensure the participation program is project specific and meets the project and Client’s individual needs. Local indigenous professionals, tradespeople and established contractors will be identified to fulfil available project positions. Potential trainees in the local area will be identified and we will coordinate all required training for upskilling of local personnel. Government aboriginal assistance programs are matched with local candidates for government subsidies. We facilitate this process through consultation with senior Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committees and shire councils, traditional owner groups and government representatives. The participation plan will be presented to the Client for review and agreement prior to implementation. Page 3 of 4 E: P: 1300 125 440 A: 38 Allandale Entrance Mermaid Waters Qld 4218 Training Sebenico ATSI will review the skillsets of candidates. Indigenous personnel with skills that match the project positions will be identified and presented to the Client. If additional training is required we will take responsibility for all upskilling of personnel. Sebenico ATSI will place, mentor and follow through candidate training to ensure they meet required position skill levels. Sebenico ATSI have existing agreements in place with RTO accredited training organisations and will identify and use local training organisations where possible. Workplace Participation Sebenico ATSI will if requested take full responsibility for the employee’s performance within the workplace. This may include all payroll, conditions of employment and employment contracts with the individual. Indigenous employees will be assigned to a mentor. This mentor will oversee their placement within the company and the project. Any concerns the Client may have with the individual’s performance or any other concerns can be discussed with the mentor. The mentor will deal with the issues in a culturally sensitive manner. Sebenico ATSI will set up regular liaison meetings with the Client to discuss any issues that may be of concern to the Client. We will monitor and record our performance and report back against agreed performance metrics. Sustainability We work towards a sustainable outcomes for the indigenous people and indigenous local contractors. Economic benefits are shared amongst the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Skilled indigenous people trained during project execution are retained within our company and transitioned to new projects to ensure ongoing employment. Page 4 of 4