Second Chance Social Services

B a c k P a n e l He a d i n g
Youth Community Center,
Youth Community
Center, inc
does exactly what its
name implies; offers
youth a second
chance at life by giving them a hand without accusing, pointing
fingers, and judging
The organization is a
voice for those who
have none a harbor
for young people who
need to find positive
outlets in life other
than negative involvements.
Our mission is to enhance the quality
of life of by supporting children,
youth and families through a wide
range of services and trainings. To
empower and strengthen at risk
youth by providing comprehensive
youth development program through
education, prevention against gang
and violence, Substance Abuse, Sexual transmitted diseases, child abuse,
life skills training and advocacy.
Service provided:
Peer Leadership
Program; prevention
against gang and
violence Training;
Sexual transmitted
diseases, life skills
training; advocacy;
Parenting classes
HIV/Aids Prevention
Now seeking new Sponsors!
If you wish to become a sponsor, please
contact our office
or mail any amount to:
974 Klondike Court Suite 102-103
Conyers, GA 30094
Phone: 470-207-3997
Family Therapy.
Help is offered from
ages 11 and older
For more info call
Requirement to complete number of hours of
community service but also address behavioral, emotional, or other problematic
Culture Clash
Individual contact or therapy each week or
as needed.
Group therapy (when at least 4 or 5 youths
of this particular population are in the
These services are
designed specifically
to address prevention,
and other need of
youth in our program.
When and
where appropriate,
they also address
Youth may present
or be referred for
various reasons.
Meeting with parent (s), legal guardian, or
other caregiver of the youth; appointments/sessions with the whole family or
part of the family
Report(s) to referring agency, e.g., law enforcement, the probation officer or other
court official, etc.
Domestic violence/ Teen dating
Substance abuse
Connection between HIV/AIDS,
STD, and Substance abuse
Include Faith-Based component
designed to develop protective factors
Cultural Identity:
Take Youth to Field Trip
SECOND CHANCE is a fresh way
of approaching future opportunities
with youth that makes learning
about self, careers, college, community involvement and other educational opportunities FUN.
Development of a focus plan/ treatment plan
Execution/ carry out youth’s individual Focus
Plan, Special assignment, or Project
Monitor all aspect of youth client’s behaviors,
lifestyle, operating patterns, overall functioning, etc.
One of the primary goals is to
help these youth become more
productive and healthy in their
daily functioning, regardless of
the behavioral problem or its
severity. Some of the following program specifics are:
referring agencies requesting this
HIV/AIDS (stigma of HIV and
Homophobia of HIV)
Requirement for prevention and/ or intervention.
Description of
Assessment and evaluation of
youth’s emotional and behavioral problems for referring
agencies requesting this service and behavioral problems for
Referral to complete specific number of
hours of community service
Recommendation's for appropriate services
and care or factors of youth’s termination
from program
Peer Leadership Trainning:
Increase general knowledge
Increase communication skills
Increase negotiation skills
Inform youth of risks factors for the following:
Normal Hours
of Operation:
1 0 : 0 0 AM -6 : 0 0 PM
Now seeking new Sponsors!
If you wish to become a
sponsor, please contact our
or mail any amount to:
974 Klondike Court Suite 102103
Conyers, GA 30094