FEBRUARY 2015 IN THIS ISSUE: FEB 2015 NORTHERN 2 WASATCH FRONT 2 CENTRAL 3 SOUTHERN 3 YMF 4 GEO-INSTITUTE 5 Page 1 SECTION OFFICERS 6 FLYERS/ SPONSERS 7 Annual Section Meeting and Technical Program Providing Water for Utah’s Future Growth Snowbird Resort – Friday, May 15, 2015 Come to the beautiful Snowbird Resort to enjoy the 2015 ASCE Utah Section Annual Meeting and Technical Program. The topic is Providing Water for Utah’s Future Growth. The speakers will look at the issue, such as water sources, protection, demands, and costs. Checking in and late registration will begin at 8:30 AM with the program starting at 9:00 AM. The slate of speakers will include: Alan Matheson, Utah’s Governor’s Office Eric Mills, Director, Utah Division of Water Resources Tage Flint, Weber Basin Conservation District Jeremy Williams, Carollo Engineers Kent Jones, Utah State Water Engineer – Luncheon Speaker The Business Meeting will be under the direction of Seth Olsen, ASCE Region 8 Governor, and will include the swearing in of officers and awards. After the meeting the following three technical tours or Snowbird programs will be available Tour #1 Canyon Water – water supply for Snowbird, tunnel, bulkhead, underground water treatment facility. Limit of 25 per tour, but can schedule a second tour at 3 pm. Tour #2 Peruvian Express Chairlift and Tunnel - $15, can take chair up and down to tunnel or walk up to the lift and ride down (may not be available at this time.) Tour #3 Technical presentation of the Little Cloud Lift and Gad Lift Upgrades. Do you want to enjoy the activities at Snowbird with your family on Thursday, May 14th and/or Friday, May 15th? If we rent 10 or more rooms on a single night Snowbird will reduce the price from $159 to $119 per night single or double. Upgraded rooms are also available. A registration link will be setup on the ASCE Utah Section Web page. The technical program will offer 3.0 PDH’s, The cost of the technical program and luncheon is $125, but the luncheon can be attended separately for $50 per person. Those persons registering and paying online by April 20th will receive early bird prices of $100 and $40 respectively. Guests may also register for the Luncheon. Company sponsorships are welcomed at $200 or more. Vendor tables are available at $400 and include one registration. For more information contact Stanley Klemetson at sklemetson@uvu.edu or 801-368-6476 FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://SECTIONS.ASCE.ORG/UTAH/ FEBRUARY 2015 Page 2 NORTHERN UTAH BRANCH UPDATE We would like to thank Randy Julander for his presentation on March 19 at the Bluebird in Logan! We have two planned events for April this year. On Friday, April 17 at 6:30PM, we will be meeting on the USU campus in the engineering building, room 101. We will hear from Matt Roblez from McNeil Engineering. Following Mr. Roblez, we will have an Order of the Engineer ceremony. We have already sent out an announcement and sign up applications and we encourage you to participate in this joint event with the ASCE USU Student Chapter. Your families are invited to attend this special event with you. We will have pizza and drinks for a cost of $5.00 per person. There is parking on the south side of U.S. Highway 89, through the tunnel from the engineering building. You can show up and register and pay at the event, but we would really prefer that you sign up in advance so we can plan accordingly. Please contact Jeremy Jensen @ jjensen@isiwest.com if you need an application or announcement. On Saturday, April 25, at noon, we are planning to have the closing social. We plan to have a couple of the concrete canoes from USU at Logan River’s first dam at the mouth of Logan Canyon. We will be having BBQ sandwiches and Dutch oven potatoes and once again, you are welcome to WASATCH BRANCH UPDATE The Wasatch Front Branch thanks Christina Osborn and Lizel Allen with Women of Water (WOW). Christina and Lizel presented to our group on the topic of women working in the engineering field and challenges with attracting women to this field and retaining women in the engineering workforce. It was a very informative presentation that was followed with a great question and answer session. We are grateful for the engaged members of our branch and their willingness to attend and sometimes present at our meetings. The Community Giving Committee has coordinated a service project for April BY STEVEN EARL bring your families to this event. This is also a combined activity with the USU Student Chapter. Please RSVP with Steven Earl @ searl@cachelandmark.com if possible. Food is free for ASCE members and their families. We plan to have some fun with the concrete canoes at 1:00, after we eat. This should be a lot of fun, so please come!!! There are 2 nominees on the ballot this year for ASCE NUB President for 2016-2017: John Powell and Cameron Draney. Please be sure to vote! Ballots will be coming out soon. We hope to see you both on April 17th and also on April 25th! Please come out and support ASCE!!! BY BLAKE THOMAS 25th in conjunction with the Jordan River Commission. Efforts will be focused on restoring the lower section of the Jordan River Corridor. The overall restoration project is a threeyear effort to clean-up garbage and plant 1,000 native trees and shrubs along the Jordan River. If interested, please meet up at the south gate to the Legacy Nature Preserve in North Salt Lake at 9:00 am. After the project concludes at 1:00 pm the Community Giving Committee will provide pizza at a nearby park. Additional information may be found online at: http://jordanrivercommission.com/ev ent/lower Our April luncheon will be held at WesTech on Friday, April 24. Since April is earthquake awareness month here in Utah we felt it appropriate to have Jerod Johnson with Reaveley Engineering speak to us about structural engineering challenges in regard to earthquakes. We encourage all to participate in The Great Utah ShakeOut Day of Action on April 16. You can register online for this event. I look forward to seeing you at these events and thank you for your activity in our Branch activities. FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://SECTIONS.ASCE.ORG/UTAH/ FEBRUARY 2015 Page 3 CENTRAL UTAH BRANCH UPDATE BY ALANSON TAYLOR event. The currently plan is to have a lunch, presentation, and a tour of the Utah Lake Pump Station Replacement Project Utah Lake Pump Station. Alanson Taylor, P.E. There was a great turn out for the question and answer panel discussion with local City Engineers at our March luncheon. Discussions included water conservation, development process and web site access to municipal ordinances. We appreciated Andy Spencer with American Fork City, Dave Bunker with Cedar Hills, Degen Lewis with Pleasant Grove City and Chris Thompson with Spanish Fork City for their willingness to participate. Our April luncheon is in conjunction with AWWA. The Young Professionals Committee at AWWA is planning the The Utah Lake Pump Station pumps water from Utah Lake into the Jordan River. The construction of the Utah Lake Pump Station Replacement Project was completed last year. The old pump station was over 100 years old and was replaced with (4) operating and (1) future 350 HP vertical propeller type pumps, each with a capacity of 200 cfs, for a total of 360,000 gpm (800 cfs). The project also included design of a new intake and pump house, maintenance shop, and operator’s residence. The project included significant hydraulic 3D computer modeling and a physical model was built and tested at the Utah State Water Research Laboratory to model the pump station intake hydraulics. Environmental permitting and compliance for the project, which includes a biological assessment for the June Sucker, permitting with the Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife were also required for this project. SOUTHERN UTAH BRANCH UPDATE Anthony B. Schmid S.E. This last month we had the opportunity to have Michael Smith present to us on ethics and procurement for engineering professionals. Michael Smith has been the Executive Director of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Utah since 2005. The engineer on the project was Bowen-Collins and Associates. One of their engineers, Todd Olsen, will be presenting. The luncheon will be at Inlet Park in Saratoga Springs, Utah. The luncheon is currently scheduled for Wednesday April 29, 2015. This month is the election of CUB officers and Utah Section officers for the 2015 and 2016 term. We are looking for nominations and people that would like to be a CUB or Utah Section officer. Those that would like to run for office may email Alan Taylor at alan@taylorgeotech.com . BY ANTHONY SCHMID Before his involvement with ACEC Utah, Michael served on the staff of Governor Olene Walker and Governor Michael Leavitt. He also has worked in sales and sales management for several fortune 500 software and business service companies. He is also one of the founders and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Monticello Academy, a Kindergarten thru 9th grade charter school. He completed a bachelor’s degree in business management at Brigham Young University. It was a very informative presentation on the ethics he also spent some time discussing some of the latest legislature that has been passed. On behalf the Southern Utah branch I would like to thank him for his time. I would like to encourage our Southern Utah Members to attend this year will be held at Snow Bird Resort on May 15, 2015. It is a great opportunity to network with engineers that work throughout the state. They have a great line up of presenters and also are offering some tour opportunities. See the flyer located this month This month we will be having our luncheon on April 16th, so watch for an upcoming email with more details. If you would like to get involved with the Southern Utah Branch of ASCE please contact us. We will be looking for volunteers or nominations for a new president elect so email us at asce.so.utah@gmail.com if you are interested or know somebody who is nomination are due April 13, 2015. FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://SECTIONS.ASCE.ORG/UTAH/ FEBRUARY 2015 Page 4 YOUNGER MEMBER FORUM UPDATE BY CLARK ANDERSON as recent graduates and help the students prepare for their transition to the career field. Imanuel Alex Tiffany Clark If you are reading this you are likely a member of ASCE; however, you may not have known that the ASCE Utah Section has a Younger Member Forum (YMF). The YMF is a great place where young engineers can encourage each other along our paths to becoming the future engineering leaders in the state. Often times it can be a little nerve racking to show up at an event without previously knowing any attendees. I promise you will have a good time, make new friends, and begin to see the value of your membership in ASCE. Each month we hold an informal networking social, generally after work hours. On March 26th, we had a combined networking social with students from the University of Utah. We met at the Pie Pizzeria near campus. The event was a great opportunity to interact with students. We were able to share some experiences of successes and failures Our networking social in April will be combined with our Annual Spring BBQ and YMF Elections. It will be held at 6pm on Friday April 24th at the Rice Terrace Pavilion at Liberty Park (Northeast end of park). There is no cost to attend and the event will be family and pet friendly. Food will consist of the “Burgers and Dogs” style BBQ. Please bring your favorite side to share. We will have some small games with ASCE “swag” for the winners. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Please RSVP to asceutahymf@gmail.com with the number of people who will attend with you and if you have any dietary restrictions. We look forward to meeting you! The YMF Spring PE Review Course is in its final weeks and feedback from the participants has been positive. A HUGE thanks goes out to UDOT for providing the facilities for our review course, our volunteers who put this together, and our incredible instructors who do an amazing job preparing students to PASS the PE! The Spring PE Exam is on April 17th at the South Towne Expo Center. Good luck to all who are sitting for the exam this spring. If you are planning on taking the PE Exam in the near future, please consider the YMF Review course as your primary method of studying for the exam. We hold review sessions prior to each exam (Spring and Fall). Email asceuthaymf@gmail.com to receive more information on future PE Review courses. On March 24th – 26th the YMF participated in judging the annual Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair (SLVSEF) held at Rice Eccles Stadium. Each year the YMF has the opportunity to judge student projects from Elementary, Junior High, and High School divisions and award three prizes for each category. The students had some great projects relating to structural engineering, transportation planning, alternative transportation concepts, water resource management, and slope stability concepts. The YMF is full of ideas, but many times short on volunteer power. If you would like to volunteer to help plan community outreach projects, socials, professional development events, and more, please contact Clark Anderson 713-679-9136 or asceutahymf@gmail.com. Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ASCEUtahYMF. FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://SECTIONS.ASCE.ORG/UTAH/ FEBRUARY 2015 Page 5 UTAH GEO-INSTITUTE (G – I) UPDATE BY RYAN COLE & RYAN MAW work with other great organizations and universities to provide technical opportunities to membership. This next year we look forward to the joint Structural Engineering and GeoInstitute conference in Phoenix. We had the opportunity to attend the combined Geo-Institute International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo (IFCEE) in San Antonio this past month. This combined event represents the efforts of the GeoInstitute, on a national level, to collaborate with other geoprofessional organizations. This large event contained interesting presentations and discussions on forthcoming research with a broadened focus. This effort for better collaboration will be a focal point of the Geo-Institute at a national level in the months and years to come. Locally Salt Lake has been an example of how the G-I chapter can A 2 day NHI training course on LRFD seismic analysis and design of transportation geotechnical features is planned for May 6th and 7th. The training course will focus specifically on the geotechnical earthquake engineering aspects of geotechnical design. It will be a comprehensive and practical training, addressing seismic analysis and design of transportation geotechnical features including ground motion characterization, development of the AASHTO acceleration response spectrum for structural design using the 1000-yr USGS hazard map for reference site conditions, and evaluation of AASHTO site class and application of AASHTO soil factors to account for local soil conditions; site characterization for geotechnical seismic analysis; equivalent linear site response analysis; identification of geotechnical seismic hazards; seismic stability and deformation analysis of embankments and slopes; analysis procedures for liquefaction and liquefactioninduced lateral spread or flow failures; seismic settlement analysis; and geotechnical hazard mitigation measures. We hope that you all enjoyed the great EERI short course this past month and we look forward to the continued collaboration with our direct membership and that of our affiliated members in other organizations. FIND US ON THE WEB AT HTTP://SECTIONS.ASCE.ORG/UTAH/ ASCE Utah Section Contacts 2014‐2015 Date of Elections: Date Officers are Installed: May 7, 2014 May 14, 2014 Utah Section Name * Bob Lamoreaux, P.E. * Stanley Klemetson * Cody Palmer, P.E. * Brian J. Andrew, P.E. * Paul Feser Office Phone No. 1 President (435) 817‐5371 President‐Elect (801) 368‐6476 (801) 863‐8165 sklemetson@uvu.edu 475 E 1960 S, Orem, UT 84058 Secretary/Treasurer (435) 227‐2218 (208) 252‐1950 cody@mcneileng.com 140 E. 2200 N., Office 1, Logan, UT 84341 (801) 362‐1844 Past‐President (801) 216‐8890 UEC Representative (801) 891‐9376 Phone No. 2 Email Mailing Address lamoreauxbob@stanleygroup.com 2301 Julie Drive, Santa Clara, UT 84765 bandrew@hansenallenluce.com 1107 Nathanial Drive, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 paul@sescience.com 1001 Arbor Way, Layton, UT 84041 Northern Utah Branch * Steven Earl, P.E., P.L.S. President (435) 713‐0099 (435) 787‐1199 searl@cachelandmark.com 1011 W 400 N Ste. 130, Logan, UT 84321 Jeremy Jensen, P.E. President‐Elect (801) 718‐6518 (208) 852‐0405 jjensen@isiwest.com 135 Ranch Loop Road, Preston, ID 83263 Justin Maughan, P.E. Secretary/Treasurer (435) 770‐0727 (435) 716‐9165 justin.maughan@loganutah.org 290 North 100 West, Logan, UT 84321 Craig Rasmussen, P.E. Past‐President (435) 753‐7214 (435) 232‐7265 crasmussen@forsgren.com 160 West 100 North, Hyrum, UT 84319 bthomas@herriman.org 4117 Juniper Hills Drive, South Jordan, UT 84095 Wasatch Front Branch * Blake J. Thomas, P.E. President (801) 446‐5323 Craig Friant, P.E. President‐Elect (801) 886‐9052 (801) 319‐8267 cjf@jub.com 2875 South Decker Lake Drive, Suite 575, SLC, UT 84119 Jeff McBride, P.E. Secretary/Treasurer (801) 352‐5980 (801) 214‐4967 jmcbride@mbakerintl.com 6955 Union Park Center, Suite 370, Midvale, UT 84047 LeeAnn Miller, P.E. Past‐President (801) 450‐5734 leeanndm@gmail.com 2055 Riggs Dr, Sandy, UT 84092 alan@taylorgeotech.com 2650 North 180 East, Lehi, Utah 84043 Central Utah Branch * Alan Taylor, P.E. President (801) 400‐9784 Alex Vaz, P.E. President‐Elect (801) 756‐0309 Marshall Shore Secretary/Treasurer (385) 439‐6568 Stanley Klemetson Past‐President (801) 368‐6476 Anthony Schmid, S.E. President Mike Chandler President‐Elect James Thompson Jason Ward, P.E. President (801) 766‐3246 avaz@fransoncivil.com mfshore@msn.com 10622 Bermuda, Cedar Hills, UT 84062 (801) 863‐8165 sklemetson@uvu.edu 475 E 1960 S, Orem, UT 84058 (435) 632‐7660 (435) 656‐2064 anthony@mcneileng.com 389 East 500 South, Ivins, UT 84738 (435) 656‐3299 (435) 668‐8525 mchandler@bowencollins.com 20 N. Main Street Suite 107, St. George, UT 84790 Secretary/Treasurer (435) 673‐8586 (435) 673‐8397 jamest@racivil.com 352 E Riverside Dr. Suite A‐2, St. George, UT 84790 Past‐President (435) 673‐8586 (435) 680‐3580 jasonw@racivil.com 352 E Riverside Dr. Suite A‐2, St. George, UT 84790 (801) 561‐1555 (713) 679‐9136 clarkanderson83@gmail.com 7324 S Union Park Ave, Ste 100, Midvale, UT 84047 (385) 414‐2344 pocockt@pbworld.com 488 E Winchester Street, Ste 400, Murray, UT 84107 afisher@utah.gov 2010 S 2760 W, SLC, UT 84104 imanuel_aswandi@yahoo.com 2875 S Decker Lake Dr, Ste 575, SLC, UT 84119 dave.lehman@urs.com 756 E Winchester St, Ste 400, SLC, UT 84107 Southern Utah Branch * Younger Member Forum * Clark Anderson, EIT Tiffany Pocock, PE President‐Elect (801) 262‐3735 Alex Fisher, EIT Secretary (801) 964‐5501 Imanuel Aswandi, PE PTOE Treasurer (801) 886‐9052 Dave Lehman, PE Past‐President (801) 904‐4055 Chair (801) 930‐9262 (801) 849‐0055 ryan@gerhartcole.com Vice Chair (435) 232‐4984 (801) 904‐4000 ryanbmaw@yahoo.com 756 E Winchester St, Ste 400, SLC, UT 84107 conradg@ckrengineers.com 1295 N State Street, Orem, UT 84057 (801) 809‐0852 Geo‐Institute (GI) Chapter * Ryan Cole, Ph.D., P.E. Ryan Maw, P.E. Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Chapter * Conrad Guymon, S.E. Chair (801) 222‐0922 ext 128 Newsletter Editor * Board of Directors Last Updated: March 9, 2015 NHI 2-Day Training Course LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design Of Transportation Geotechnical Features (FHWA-NHI-132094A) Date: May 6th-7th, 2015 (Wednesday - Thursday) Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Location: Region 2 Hurley Conference Room 2010 South 2760 West Salt Lake City, UT 84104-4592 Course Fee: $575.00 -Workshop manuals included Registration Deadline: Who to Contact: Tuesday, April 14th, 2014. Receipt of your fee will reserve your space in this workshop. To register contact – Jennifer Avila (801) 965-4188 or javila@utah.gov For more information contact - Keith Brown (801) 965-4234 Jon Bischoff (801) 633-0094 Darin Sjoblom (801) 964-4474 A limited number of slots are available for this course to be filled by consultants on a firstcome first-serve basis, so call or email soon. (Continuing Education Credits awarded) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 2-day NHI training course 132094A entitled "LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design of Transportation Geotechnical Features" is a shortened version of the NHI training course 132094 "LRFD Seismic Design of Transportation Geotechnical Features and Structural Foundations" focusing specifically on the geotechnical earthquake engineering aspects. It is a comprehensive and practical training course that addresses seismic analysis and design of transportation geotechnical features including ground motion characterization, development of the AASHTO acceleration response spectrum for structural design using the 1000-yr USGS hazard map for reference site conditions, and evaluation of AASHTO site class and application of AASHTO soil factors to account for local soil conditions; site characterization for geotechnical seismic analysis; equivalent linear site response analysis; identification of geotechnical seismic hazards; seismic stability and deformation analysis of embankments and slopes; analysis procedures for liquefaction and liquefaction-induced lateral spread or flow failures; seismic settlement analysis; and geotechnical hazard mitigation measures. The 132094A course also focuses on interactions between the geotechnical specialist and the bridge design engineer in the seismic design process. OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to: Describe the AASHTO seismic design performance criteria and develop an AASHTO acceleration response spectra for reference site (weak rock) conditions. Calculate fundamental period of the site and peak ground velocity from a spectral acceleration. Identify key soil properties necessary for seismic analysis and methods for evaluating them. Identify conditions warranting, establish input parameters, and conduct a one-dimensional equivalent linear site response analysis. Assess seismic slope stability and deformation potential in accordance with the AASHTO specifications and national state of art analysis and design guidance. Evaluate the potential for earthquake-induced liquefaction and its impacts on geotechnical transportation features in accordance with AASHTO specifications and national state-of-practice analysis and design guidance. Identify common mitigation methods for geotechnical seismic hazards. ASCE Service Project July 16 Camp Kostopulos (Camp K) is a non‐profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities through recreation, education, and growth opportunities since 1967. All are invited. Bring your spouse, friends, kids, and neighbors to provide service to a nationally recognized charity. You would be helping the Camp Staff and working with the kids and participants. There would be a morning and afternoon session. Please RSVP to VolunteerASCEUtah@gmail.com and indicate how many and if you prefer morning, afternoon, or both. Located at 4180 E. Emigration Canyon. http://www.campk.org/ Who is Camp K? Check out Jason's, or Chad's, or Gavin's Story at http://www.campk.org/news/
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