R 01 GUIDE shower tray system I T ’ S W H AT ’ S U N D E R N E AT H T H AT CO U N T S A C O U S T I C I N S U L AT I O N WAT E R P R O O F B O A R D S shower tray system R The M ar mox Shower Tray System is available with an extruded polystyrene core or as a solid shower stone base. E X T R U D E D P O LY S T Y R E N E The extruded polystyrene shower tray is faced Lightweight & easy to cut with fibreglass mesh embedded into a cement polymer mortar on each side. It must be fully s u p p o r t e d b y a s t r u c t u r e d f l o o r. It is ideal for w e t r o o m s a n d s h o w e r s i n c o n fi n e d l o c a t i o n s . I t c a n b e e a s i l y c u t t o fi t t h e s h o w e r a r e a o r t o produce an irregular or circular shower base. Unlike some other underlays, the Marmox Shower Tray System is s u f fi c i e n t l y robust allowing 100mm tiles or waterproof sheeting to be laid on it without the risk of compression through point loading. The solid shower stone tray is made of polymer (acrylic) modified concrete. It does not need to b e f u l l y s u p p o r t e d b y a s t r u c t u r e d f l o o r. T h i s i s the main advantage of the solid shower stone as it can be fixed directly to the floor joist. It can be finished either by tiles, mosaics, or vinyl. SHOWER STONE Can be fixed directly to floor joist 01 GUIDE T H E R M A L I N S U L AT I O N I T ’ S W H AT ’ S U N D E R N E AT H T H AT CO U N T S A D VA N TA G E S MORE ECONOMICAL WATERPROOF SYSTEM 100% WATERPROOF MARMOX SHOWER TRAY SYSTEM ACOUSTICALLY BETTER THAN SCREED EASY ACCESS, FLOOR LEVEL PRE-LAID TO FALLS (MIN 2% DRAIN ANGLE) AVAILABLE WITH OFFSET OR CENTRAL DRAIN LIGHTWEIGHT (FROM AS LITTLE AS 3.5 KG) CAN BE FINISHED WITH TILES OR SHEET SYSTEMS HYGENIC AS NO MOISTURE BUILDS UP UNDER THE TILES CAN BE EASILY CUT TO FIT ON SITE PREFORMED ( NO SKILLED LAYING OF FALLS) CAN BE FIXED TO TIMBER OR CONCRETE FLOORS TIMBER FLOOR EXAMPLE This option involves cutting the floor boards where the Marmox shower tray will drop into. Tiles Aluminium Angle 6mm Marmox Board 19mm Structured Floor Marmox Shower Tray Floor joist Note: The shower tray must be fully supported Polyurethane adhesive S H O W E R T R AY I N S TA L L AT I O N (HOBLESS CONSTRUCTION) 1 SOLID BASE S H O W E R T R AY F I X E D D I R E C T LY TO FLOOR JOIST & NOGGINS NOTE: The solid base shower tray only needs to be supported along all four edges and around the drain cutout. Otherwise the following installation and wate r p ro o f i n g s te p s 1 to 8 s t i l l a p p l y. Check the timber floor for flatness and level. E X T R U D E D P O LY S T Y R E N E S H O W E R T R AY F U L LY S U P P O R T E D B Y STRUCTURED FLOORING 2 Dry position the underlay and mark the location of the drain, and the o u t s i d e e d g e ( s ) o f t h e u n d e r l ay. Cu t the floorboard in the pipe location and finish plumbing connections. 01 CONCRETE FLOOR EXAMPLE GUIDE shower tray system R This option is perfect for applying the shower tray with concrete slabs. It combines a full Marmox floor covering and a shower tray with a hob construction. Cement based tile adhesive 3 Fix 40X40 mm aluminium angle to the outside(S) line of the underlay to be used as a water stop using polyurethane adhesive. 4 Use a polyurethane adhesive (nonsolvent based), to glue down the underl ay t o t h e f l o o r. P l a c e t h e u n d e r l ay i n position, apply downward pressure on the underlay and check for level. CENTER DRAIN SIZES SHOWER HOB SIZES Other dimensions available on request 1000 x 2000mm 65mm Pre-cut 45 mitre a nd a St 1200 x 1200mm 1000 x 1000mm 900 x 900mm 100mm 65mm 65mm 1000 x 1500mm 1000 x 1200mm 900 x 1200mm 1500 x 1500mm rd 1065mm th kn ic m 5m :2 s es 1565mm OFFSET DRAIN SIZES 2065mm 320mm Other dimensions available on request 320mm 900mm 1000mm 6 750mm 1500mm Apply a bead of polyurethane on the stainless steel plate, plumber glue to the drain pipe, and fix the drainage flange in position, then apply a bead of polyurethane to the outside of the flange. 1850mm 1000mm 320mm 925mm 1000mm 5 1000mm 600mm 1200mm 1200mm 320mm 2000mm 320mm 1000mm After the shower tray system place install the wall sheeting is in 01 4mm TROUGH DRAIN SIZES Other dimensions available on request 900mm 1200mm 800mm 100mm 105mm 8 25mm 2000mm 1000mm 100mm Apply an approved water proof membrane to t h e e n t i r e s u r f a c e o f t h e u n d e r l a y, f l a n g e, water stop, and the wall sheeting according to the manufacturer recommendations. 800mm 105mm 1200mm 25mm 1000mm 105mm 25mm 900mm 100mm 100mm 7 105mm 25mm 1000mm 1500mm Stainless Sheet Standard thickness: 25mm 1000mm After the waterproof dries the shower c a n b e t i l e d i n t h e r e g u l a r m a n n e r. shower tray system R GUIDE 3mm DESCRIPTION CENTRE OFFSET TROUGH Shower Underlay 900mm x 900mm Shower Underlay 1000mm x 1000mm Shower Underlay 900mm x 1200mm Shower Underlay 1000mm x 1200mm Shower Underlay 1200mm x 1200mm Shower Underlay 1000mm x 1500mm Shower Underlay 900mm x 1850mm Shower Underlay 1000mm x 2000mm Shower Underlay 1500mmx 1500mm Solid Underlay 900mm x 900mm Solid Underlay 1000mm x 1000mm Solid Underlay 900mm x 1200mm Solid Underlay 1000mm x 1200mm Solid Underlay 1200mm x 1200mm Solid Underlay 1000mm x 1500mm Solid Underlay 900mm x 1850mm Solid Underlay 1000mm x 2000mm *Coming soon to Marmox Australia I T ’ S W H AT ’ S U N D E R N E AT H T H AT CO U N T S + 01 GUIDE shower tray system R MORE Marmox construc tion boards are waterproof, provide thermal insulation, and even have acoustic insulating properties. These innovative construction boards are versatile enough to use in any wet area application. Fr o m c o n s t r u c t i n g a s i m p l e p i p e b ox , a c o m p l e x s p a b a t h f r a m e o r va n i t y, t o u n d e r f l o o r h e a t i n g i n s u l a t i o n . www.marmox.com.au ~ 1300 783 693 ~ info@marmox.com.au
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