zjvwpunG{olGjohsslunlSGlunpullypunG{olGylzwvuzlaGjp}ps j GGaG SGGG G Like the rest of society, transportation is now facing new cyberthreats. Simon Michell reviews the vulnerabilities within the transport sector and looks at how, with a little help from cybersecurity, electric vehicles can boost national grid supplies T hat the internet has morphed from its origin as an experiment on powering academic research into something that may have the ability to bring society to its knees is an uncomfortable yet plausible irony. Today, with the developed world connecting almost all of its electronic systems to the internet, very little seems safe from cyberthreats. Threats within the railway network Transportation is a particularly vulnerable area. While those in control of aviation, the railroads and the highways will tell you that the threats are exaggerated and that there are fail-safe and fall-back systems, the transportation community has already faced multiple attacks. Each transportation sector has its own vulnerabilities related, among other things, to their customer-facing websites and the digital systems they use to control their fleets. Although the railway system has so far remained relatively free of cyberattack, there is concern over the latest GSM-Railway (GSM-R) wireless standard that is being adopted in Africa, Asia and Europe to enable communications between controllers and drivers and control of track-switching systems. The GSM-R system is more secure than the 2G set-up it is starting to replace, but according to a leading expert from Germany’s Technische Universität Darmstadt, Professor Stefan Katzenbeisser, there is a theoretical vulnerability in the way in which encryption codes are distributed. The codes are generated by computer and distributed via USB sticks; if an unauthorised person got hold of one of these sticks, the potential for a cyberattack 16 — Securing the Cybersphere | Preview Edition is clear. Such an attack would not necessarily lead to a crash, but it could certainly create the conditions for gridlock. For some years now, commercial aviation has been in the process of upgrading its networks, particularly in the US under the NextGen programme and in Europe as part of the SESAR project. In both cases, the aim is to expand capacity and increase efficiency so that more aircraft can use the network on routes that burn less fuel. A backbone of both of these new systems is digital technology, which is already being introduced worldwide. Ever more aircraft are replacing elements of their voice communications between the cockpit and ground-based traffic controllers with digital messaging protocols akin to emails. In addition, aircraft over a certain size have been fitted with an electronic system, known as ADS-B (automatic dependents surveillance – broadcast), which automatically sends out information about an aircraft’s identity and position in the sky. Significantly, a similar system, AIS (automatic identification system), has been adopted by commercial shipping for vessels over a certain tonnage. The theoretical vulnerability for digital messaging is that a hacker might be able to get into the system and alter messages or send bogus instructions to and from pilots and the air-traffic controllers using the controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC). Another possibility, although much more technically challenging, would be to create a virtual aircraft with an ADS-B signal and ‘fly’ it close enough to other aircraft to force them to change their position quickly. The danger is that any rapid change of position by an aircraft, particularly in congested airspace, such as an airport approach lane, could lead to disaster. The power of electric vehicles The cyber vulnerabilities of automobiles, however, are far more complex. Electric vehicles – family cars in particular – will, in a matter of years not decades, be integrated into the energy grid so that they can charge themselves and be used as a potential electricity storehouse that can help to balance supply and demand in the overall grid system. Today, an average electric vehicle such as the Nissan Leaf has a battery that holds approximately 25 kWh of power. This, of course, is not a great amount, but the potential to aggregate the power of 10,000 or maybe one million electric vehicles makes it a possible game-changer for regional and even national power providers. One of the biggest challenges in electricity supply is being able to balance the amount ALVEY & TOWERS PICTURE LIBRARY/ALAMY zjvwpunG{olGjohsslunlSGlunpullypunG{olGylzwvuzlaGjp}ps Railway systems worldwide are vulnerable to cyberattacks, particularly as the tendency to use wireless technology operationally increases of power being produced in the grid with the demand for that power. Most, if not all, of the time, this is out of kilter. The difficulties for the utility independent-system operators (ISOs), which control the amount of energy in the grid, is that there is only ever a segment of that supply that is a constant baseline – from nuclear power stations and other regular sources, such as hydropower. The bulk of the electricity is created by the ISOs asking gas-, oil- and coal-power stations to switch on their systems in order to feed it into the grid. There is regularly a long lead time in this transaction. This represents one of the biggest inefficiencies in the supply chain. If it could be solved, or at least improved, then the consequences would be huge – particularly for the reduction of household energy bills. Syracuse University cyber experts have been aware of this implication for many years, and are working on developing systems that secure the network between the cars, their electric-vehicle service equipment (EVSE) charging systems, the middlemen – the thirdparty aggregators (TPAs) that will implement the charging contracts and facilitate the electricity supply – and the ISOs that will make the decisions to be able to meet demand. Protecting privacy The security along the entire line of transactions has to be assured in a way that not only mitigates cyber vulnerabilities, but also meets a range of other social, legal and regulatory factors. One of the key elements is the interface between the cars and the EVSE. Drivers will want to be able to charge their cars when they are out and about – at a restaurant, a cinema, a hotel – as well as when the car is parked in the home garage. To do this, a foolproof identification-authentication protocol will have to be implemented. This is where a major hurdle comes into play. The distribution agents, who will switch on the electricity for the cars to be charged via a grid-to-vehicle transaction, will want to know that the owner will pay for that electricity. The obvious way to do this is by identifying the car and the billpayer. However, with the increasing alarm over the expansion of the ‘big brother’ society, many car owners are likely to be reluctant for their names to appear against a charger that is not their home EVSE. In other words, they will not want their movements to be traceable according to the locations they have charged their cars. Some anonymous system has to be agreed before a large-scale charging infrastructure can be implemented and accepted by enough users to achieve the grid-power balancing end goal. Another factor, especially in the US, is that some states, such as Maryland, have enacted laws dictating that electricity cannot be sold at a higher price than it was purchased for. Again, this is a game stopper. The whole concept of the electric vehicle as a regional/national storage facility hinges on car owners being able to buy electricity when it is cheap (at night) Securing the Cybersphere | Preview Edition — 17 zjvwpunG{olGjohsslunlSGlunpullypunG{olGylzwvuzlaGjp}ps JIM WEST/ALAMY Electric vehicles, such as the Nissan Leaf, have the potential to transform the energy grid and sell it when demand and therefore price is highest (during the peak hours of the day). The electric vehicle community itself will want assurances that the system cannot be penetrated and bills destined for one car owner diverted to another. For their part, the electricity suppliers will want guarantees that the system is not vulnerable to theft of the electricity itself – a problem that is endemic in many parts of the world. Moreover, the network of cars that are plugged into this new smart grid must be protected against hackers to prevent a malicious penetration that can bring the grid down. For electric vehicles to be used as a storage facility that can help balance the grid’s supply/demand challenge, there has to be a mechanism that controls the EVSE network in order to time the charging/discharging. This way, it can balance the electricity-grid supply in line with the charging requests of the vehicle owners; this is the so-called vehicle-to-grid transaction. The nightmare scenario might be that, during the night, when the majority of the cars are plugged into the grid via their home EVSEs, somebody hacks into the system and reverses the electricity flow so that instead of the cars being charged, they dump their electricity back into the grid, causing an overload that might create an outage. Of course, the reverse is also possible. Getting all of the plugged-in cars to suddenly start charging at the same time 18 — Securing the Cybersphere | Preview Edition during daytime/evening peak demand period could also create blackouts. These blackouts could spread rapidly across the grid. Most developed countries’ electricity infrastructure of power lines and substations is ageing and relatively prone to the occasional shutdown – some of which, while traceable to a very small incident, can be massive in their impact. The 2003 blackout that affected more than 55 million people in the north-east of the US and Canada’s Ontario was due to an overload that caused a power line to heat up and sag onto some foliage beneath it. The grid’s automatic attempt to reroute electricity only exacerbated the problem, sending surges of power and blackouts from state to state and then to Canada, before returning to the US. Syracuse’s preSAGE group According to Steve Chapin, Associate Professor at the Syracuse University College of Engineering and Computer Science, “Time is running out to get this right”. Many countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East have already started installing the smartgrid electric-vehicle infrastructure to enable the mass electric-vehicle market. Professor Chapin warns: “If we don’t get the security aspect solved in time, we might find ourselves in the same situation as the PC industry, where the vulnerabilities in the system are so widespread that the cost of retrofitting the security measures becomes too expensive.” Indeed, producing the economic model before putting the required protection in place is what produced much of the current internet vulnerability in the first place. To ensure that this does not happen – in the US, at least – the preSAGE (Privacy, Regulation & Economics in a Smart Assured Grid Ecosystem) group has been formed at Syracuse University. The group highlights the holistic approach that the university adopts when dealing with cyber issues. PreSAGE was created by a cross-disciplinary team from the College of Engineering and Computer Science in which Steve Chapin teaches, the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, all of which are within a short walk of each other on the university campus. The multi-dimensional, five-person team that forms the group’s engine applies four key perspectives to the problem: technology, security, economics and law. As Steve Chapin says: “Only by looking at all sides of the issue can a workable solution that covers all aspects of the challenge hope to be found.” The revolution in the electric-vehicle sector that could provide massive benefits to society will depend on cybersecurity to enable its public acceptance. However, also involving elements of government regulation, commercial practice, public opinion, legislation and law enforcement, is far more than simply an IT challenge.
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