Save the Date “Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum Basic and Training of Trainers Workshops Spring -- 2015 Since its initial online release nearly five years ago, the Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum has been revised, refined and become a model for curriculum nationwide. The first state endorsed curriculum to be aligned with Common Core Standards, the Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum is easy to implement because all lesson plans and materials are available on the website and it is completely free. The integration of tribal history and sovereignty into social studies lessons has never been easier. OSPI’s web-based Tribal sovereignty curriculum ( is: Linked to locally-based tribal information Accurate and reliable so you can feel confident about what you are teaching Endorsed by OSPI and Washington’s federally recognized Tribes Easy to access so you don’t have to wait for materials—they are just a click away Easy to integrate within your existing units so you don’t have to feel like you have to throw out your own lessons to “make room” for these materials Aligned to the state’s Social Studies standards, classroom-based assessments, and the Common Core Standards in English and language arts Free RCW 28A.320.170 officially encourages the inclusion of Tribal history in all common schools. RCW 28A.345.070 encourages school boards to identify and adopt curriculum that includes tribal experiences and perspectives so Indian students are more engaged and learn more successfully, and so that all students learn about the history, culture, government, and experiences of their Indian peers and neighbors. RCW 28A.230-090 mandates that any course in Washington State history and government shall consider including information on the culture, history and government of the American Indian peoples who were the first inhabitants of the state. The Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum is an on-line curriculum has a menu of Tribal sovereignty information, short lessons, and entire units for U.S. History, Washington State History, and Contemporary World Problems units that OSPI recommends. YOU get to choose how much you wish to include in your units. Over This spring we are offering six full day basic training workshops and one training of trainer workshop for your participation: Basic Trainings: Friday, March 27: Puyallup School District Education Services Center Friday, April 10: Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen Friday, April 17: North Kitsap School District, Poulsbo Friday, April 24: Tulalip Tribes Administration Building, Tulalip Wednesday, April 29: Puget Sound Skills Center, Burien Tuesday, May 5: Nespelem Elementary School Training of Trainers: Thursday, June 18 Fife School District Administration Building It is preferred that persons registering for the training of trainers would already have participated in at least one basic Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum in the past two years. School teams are another option. There is no fee to attend our trainings and free clock hours and lunch are provided. Each session will begin at 8:00 a.m. and go no later than 4 p.m. Registration is required using the attached form which helps us plan for room set up, our lunch count, and handout materials. Wireless internet access will be available at each site and you are requested to bring: (1) a laptop with wireless internet capability (2) headphones which are helpful when viewing videos for lesson planning If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joan Banker, Office of Native Education, at 360/725-6160 or Spring 2015 Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum Inservice Schedule Each training begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. Basic Training Workshop Sites Date Location Register by: March 27: Friday Puyallup School District Education Services Center Mt. Tahoma Room (formerly Pioneer Room) 302 – 2nd Street SE, Puyallup, WA, 98372 253/841-1301 Monday, March 23 April 10: Friday Grays Harbor College Manspeaker Instructional Building 2000, Room 2255 1620 Edward P. Smith Drive, Aberdeen, WA, 98520 Campus Map: Monday, April 6 April 17: Friday North Kitsap School District Board Room 18360 Caldart Avenue NE, Pouslbo, WA, 98370 360/396-3000 Monday, April 13 April 24: Friday Tulalip Tribes Administration Building Training Room #162 6406 Marine Drive, Tulalip, WA, 98271 360/716-4300 Monday, April 20 April 29: Wednesday Puget Sound Skills Center (SeaTac) Wormark Room 18010 – 8th Avenue South, Burien, WA 98148 206/631-7300 Thursday, April 23 May 5: Tuesday Nespelem Elementary School Library 229 School House Loop, Nespelem, WA 99155 Tuesday, April 28 Training of Trainer Workshop Sites June 18: Thursday Fife School District Administration Building 5802 20th Street East, Tacoma, WA, 98424 253/517-1000 Friday, June 12 For more information contact: Joan Banker, OSPI Office of Native Education, 360/725-6160 (office) or email Spring 2015 Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum Registration Name (please print): Address (Street/PO Box): City Zip School District/Tribe/Other: Title: Telephone Number: Email: Have you attended previous Tribal Sovereignty curriculum trainings? Approximate date?_____________________________________ Yes No Have you gone into the Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum website and are Somewhat familiar with the curriculum? Yes No Are you currently using any of the curriculum units in your classroom? Yes No Session you wish to attend (please check one): Basic Training Sites: 3/27 – Puyallup School District 4/10 – Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen 4/17 – North Kitsap School District, Poulsbo 4/24 – Tulalip Tribes, Tulalip 4/29 – Puget Sound Skills Center, Burien 5/5 – Nespelem Elementary School Training of Trainers Site: 6/18 – Fife School District Email or fax back to Joan Banker, Office of Native Education/OSPI: 360/586-3305 Fax email: Questions? Please call Joan at 360/725-6160 or email at above address. Mailing address: Office of Native Education, PO BOX 47200, Olympia WA 98504-7200
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