Legacy: Fame, Infamy, or . . . ? Oklahoma History Center Tuesdays, 10 – Noon June 2, 9, 16 Instructor: Dr. Lloyd Musselman You know each of our characters: Henry Kissinger, Daniel Ellsberg, Barack Obama. Our class participants will likely have differing views of the legacies of our subjects. In one case, the class will be confronted with a harshly critical view of a very famous American. Our goal with these personalities will not be to exhaust the discussion possibilities, but rather to get the class thinking (perhaps anew) about these very important people. Indeed, the class might re-think their views of seminal events in American history as well. We begin each session with a documentary film that will provide the topic for that day followed by stimulating discussion. The Trials of Henry Kissinger, June 2 Daniel Ellsberg & the Pentagon Papers, June 9 Obama's Deal: Ba le for Health Care Reform, June 16 Lloyd K. Musselman has taught American History at the high school and college levels for some 50 years. During his 38 years of teaching for Oklahoma City University, he was twice named faculty member of the year. Though Lloyd is retired from full time teaching, he occasionally teaches in an OCU program in Singapore. In 2007, he was inducted into the Oklahoma Higher Education Hall of Fame. Lloyd has given presentations throughout the state using his unique blend of scholarship and love for American History to engage people in conversation and study of our great country. A Lost Lady and Ellen Foster Oklahoma History Center Tuesdays, 1 – 3 pm June 2, 16, 23 Instructor: Steve Surbeck If you like to read fiction, and you enjoy expressing opinions asking questions and hearing what others have to say –please join us as we read Willa Cather’s A Lost Lady and Kaye Gibbons’s Ellen Foster. This course examines the inner qualities that female protagonists rely upon as they confront personal crises such as economic hardship, cultural upheaval, or family cruelty. In A Lost Lady, Willa Cather’s Marion Forrester experiences the end of pioneering traditions as the frontier culture succumbs to a new generation of young, ruthless businessmen. “The road is all, the end is nothing.” – Willa Cather’s tombstone epitaph. In Ellen Foster (1987), Kay Gibbons’s 10 year-old Ellen endures the hardships of a dysfunctional family marked by poverty, neglect, and abuse. “Filled with lively humor, compassion and integrity…Ellen Foster may be the most trustworthy character in recent fiction.” - Alice Hoffman *Note: 15 sets of gently used books available for pre-order with enrollment $7.50. First reading assignment (first 6 chapters of Willa Cather) will be emailed to enrollees prior to class. **Class does not meet June 9. After graduating from OSU with a BA and Dartmouth with an MA in Liberal Studies, Steven Surbeck joined the faculty of Casady School in 1970. He taught upper school English for 36 years, developing his skills in leading discussion-based examination of plays, novels, short stories, and poems. “I realized that student readers were not so much interested in being told the meaning of books, but rather were excited to voice their own observations and reactions and share them with their peers. Art: The Big Picture Spanish Cove Fiesta Room Wednesdays, 10 – Noon June 3, 10 & 17 Instructor: Bob Palmer Bob Palmer knows a thing or two about creating public art—he’s painted more than 1,800 murals in Oklahoma, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. You’ve probably seen and admired his work in Oklahoma’s small towns and big cities, along the highway, in churches and universities, hospitals and businesses. His works are historically accurate and illustrative of our western heritage. As an art educator, Bob has taught people from all walks of life how to paint murals. Pick up a brush and learn the basic techniques of mural painting. In the process, you’ll hear some of Bob’s amazing stories and what he’s learned in his work with communities around the world. Although Dr. Bob Palmer, Ed.D., retired after 40 years as Professor of Art from The University of Central Oklahoma in 2014, he continues to maintain the thriving Palmer Studios, Inc. Bob was chosen to be the Feature Mural Painter for Oklahoma’s Centennial in 2007 and was commissioned for murals at the State Capital Complex, Bricktown, and around Oklahoma City. In that same year, he was chosen to be the Oklahoma Art Educator of the Year and honored at a national conference in New York City. In 2013, Governor Mary Fallin recognized his contributions to the state with the Governor’s Art Award in Community Service. $20 consumable materials fee. Gourmet Cinema Spanish Cove Fiesta Room Wednesdays, 1 – 3 pm June 3, 10 & 17 Instructor: Vickie Sturgeon Sample these tasteful mo on pictures featuring gourmet cooking and deligh ul stories of families and romance. Judi Dench, Julie e Binoche and Johnny Depp star in Chocolat, where a mysterious chocola er concocts sensual pleasures to melt the constraints of a French village. Ang Lee directs Eat Drink Man Woman - crea ng the world of a Master Chef in Taiwan as this widower raises his three daughters. In Julie and Julia, Meryl Streep portrays the incomparable Julia Child struggling to publish Mastering the Art of French Cooking, while Amy Adams struggles to master the recipes. Vickie Sturgeon is a graduate of the Radio-TV-Film program at OSU. She studied broadcas ng and mo on picture history at the University of Kansas. Vickie taught Mass Communica on and Media courses for twenty years at Tennessee State University in Nashville. She has worked for several public radio sta ons including KOSU and Minnesota Public Radio. Mo on Pictures of the 1930s and 1940s are her par cular interest. Please complete this form and mail to: OLLI @ OSU, 100 Scott Hall Stillwater, OK 74078-0001 Questions? Call the OLLI Office at 405.744.5868 or email olli@okstate.edu _____________________________________________________________________________________ NAME(S) _____________________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS PHONE DATE OF BIRTH _____________________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE RELATIONSHIP Legacy: Fame, Infamy, or . . . ? Tuesdays, 10 – Noon, June 2, 9, 16, OHS A Lost Lady and Ellen Foster, Tuesdays, 1–3PM, June 2, 16, 23 OHS* Art: The Big Picture, Wednesdays, 10–Noon, June 3, 10, 17, Spanish Cove *$20 Gourmet Cinema, Wednesdays, 1–3PM, June 3, 10, 17 Spanish Cove Annual Membership @ $50 (current membership runs through 7/01/15) $_____________ Plus # of Individual Courses ______ @ $25 = $_____________ *Used textbook set for Literature class $7.50 $_____________ *Consumable Materials for Art class $20 $_____________ Total Membership/Class Fees Enclosed= $_____________ *If you paid for an unlimited ($150) membership this fiscal year, you do not need to pay for academic course fees. If you paid a $50 membership fee, you will need to pay $25 per class. If you are a new member this semester, you may pay the $50 fee and receive one free course as part of your membership. Each additional course will be $25. (Make checks payable to Oklahoma State University) I will pay with: Visa or MasterCard ________ ________ ________ ________ EXP ___/____ 1.800.765.8933 100 Scott Hall Stillwater, OK 74078 education.okstate.edu/olli
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