Observing Mathematics and Science Classrooms April 24, 2015 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 107 Willard Hall $25 registration fee (lunch & materials provided) Registration limited to first 30 participants Participants need to bring their own laptop To register visit: http://education.okstate.edu/ node/728 Carol L. Stuessy, Ph.D. Co-Director, Center for Mathematics and Science Education (College of Science and College of Education and Human Development) Director, Online Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction Program Texas A&M University Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture Email: c-stuessy@tamu.edu IMPROVING PRACTICE THROUGH RESEARCH ON CLASSROOM TEACHING AND LEARNING Dr. Stuessy has spent her professional career investigating qualities of the “expert” classroom teacher. She uses terms such as flow, orchestration, cognitive complexity, higher-order thinking, mental models, and student initiative to “make sense” of teaching expertise in designing and implementing effective 21st century mathematics and science lessons. Dr. Stuessy is former president of the School Science and Mathematics Association, known internationally for its focus on the integration of mathematics and science in contemporary K16 classrooms. She has a record of extensive graduate teaching, research and grant support addressing the enhancement of mathematics and science teaching through integration, interdisciplinary teaching, technology, cross-disciplinary partnerships with scientists and engineers, and innovative assessment. This workshop uses videotapes of classroom lessons to provide participants with hands-on experience in characterizing and visualizing teachers’ practice in implementing mathematics and science lessons. Outcomes of the day will include certification in the use of the Mathematics and Science Classroom Observation Protocol System (M-SCOPS), useful in pre- and inservice mentoring, research, and evaluation settings. For questions or more information, please contact the Center for Research on STEM Teaching & Learning (CRSTL): Phone: 405-744-3840 Email: CRSTL@okstate.edu Website: http://crstl.okstate.edu/
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