20 14 Wave Energy Resource Assessment for Southeast Asia 1 Energy Research Institute @ Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore SE E 2 PRESETATION OUTLINE 20 14 Methodology • Numerical Wind-Wave Modelling • Model Inputs • Model Computations SE E Potential of Wave Energy in South East Asia • Annual mean wave energy • Seasonal variations of wave energy • Wave energy in Singapore Conclusions and Perspectives METHODOLOGY Numerical Modelling: 20 14 • Applying MIKE 21 SW (Spectral Wave) • Simulating the growth, decay and transformation of wind-generated waves and swells in offshore and coastal areas SE E Domains: 1. Indo-Western Pacific (IWP) domain: to provide boundary conditions for the smaller domain 2. South East Asia (SEA) domain: (South China Sea, Malacca Strait and Singapore Strait) METHODOLOGY Wind data: SE E Bathymetry data: 20 14 • Gridded wind data (at 10 m height) from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) with spatial resolution of 2.5°×2.5° and temporal resolution of 6 hours are applied in the IWP model. • Wind data computed using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for SEA model, 30km × 30km spatial resolution and 6-hour temporal resolution. • ETOPO5 (for the Indian Ocean and part of Western Pacific) and ETOPO1 (for SEA) from National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), U.S.A. • Scattered depth data from Electronic Navigational Chart (for the Singapore Strait). Interpolated bathymetry in Singapore Strait METHODOLOGY Duration: 1-year period 20 14 Model computations: Spectral discretization (logarithmic): 25 bins of frequencies, minimum frequency – 0.055 hz and frequency factor – 1.1 Directional discretization: 360° rose with 16 directional bins (22.5° in each bin) Bottom friction: Nikuradse roughness, kn = 0.02m SE E White capping: dissipation coefficient, cdis = 4.5, DELTA dis = 0.5 Wind sea and swell parameters separated using a dynamic threshold frequency approach where the maximum threshold was given as 0.3 hz Model outputs (for every 6 hour): integral wave parameters (wave height, wave period, direction etc.) and wave energy spectra ANNUAL WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL IN S.E.A. SWH SE E 20 14 Annual Mean Wave Energy is highest in the western side of Sumatra island, the Andaman Sea part offshore of Myanmar, followed by the South China Sea area between Vietnam and the Philippines Wave power per unit crest (assumption for deep water waves): Wave period Annual Mean Wave Power WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL IN S.E.A. (MONSOONS) Southwest monsoon (Jun-Sep) SE E 20 14 Northeast monsoon (Dec-Mar) Wave power of South China Sea is the highest during Northeast Monsoon (NEM), and significantly lower during Southwest Monsoon (SWM). Maximum wave power is in the northern sea waters of Luzon island, Philippines. Wave power of the southwestern side of Java Island is the highest during SWM, due to high waves from the South Indian Ocean. SE E 20 14 WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL IN S.E.A. (INTER-MONSOONS) • Wave energy during inter-monsoon periods (April to May and October to November) are lower than monsoon periods. • The Indian Ocean and Andaman Sea parts show greater wave power than other parts in the two intermonsoon periods WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL IN SINGAPORE 20 14 The area producing greatest wave energy in Singapore Strait is in the south east of the island because of higher energy swells and wind waves propagating from South China Sea, (larger depth and fetch). SE E The total annual wave energy within the buffer area covering 2 km from the coastline of Singapore is estimated to be approximately 47.2 GWh. WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL IN SINGAPORE 20 14 Most energetic waves are corresponding to north-east monsoon due to swell-waves propagating from the southern SCS (predominantly easterlies) and wind-seas in the Singapore Strait (north-easterlies). SE E Wave energy during south west monsoon is particularly low due to limited fetch and shallow depth. Wave energy in the other seasons is insignificant because of weakening synoptic wind. Major inputs to the wave energy are produced by local wind systems such as sea breeze. Ongoing works: Wave Measurements SE E Wave Rider 20 14 Different types of sensors have been deployed in Singapore sea waters recently by ERI@N for validation purpose and other site feasibility studies : Wave Staff ADCP Conclusions & Perspectives 20 14 Modelling result presents the maps of annual and seasonal mean wave energy of the SEA region. Wave energy is highest in the western side of Sumatra island, the Andaman sea part offshore of Myanmar, followed by the south china sea area between Vietnam and the Philippines. Within the Singapore Strait, wave energy is found to be strong in the south east, and showing the SE E greatest magnitude during northeast monsoon. The available wave power is not of high level compared to northern Europe or Australia, which is understandable, given the wave conditions of Singapore waters. Nevertheless, Singapore should not put aside any tappable source of renewable energy. The high predictability and sustainability of ocean waves can contribute to resolve the growing need of electricity in the next decades. REFERENCES SE E 20 14 Cahill, b. G. And Lewis, T. (2013). Wave energy resource characterization of the Atlantic marine energy test site. International Journal of Marine Energy. Vol. (1), pp. 3-15. DHI (2012). MIKE 21 spectral waves FM user manual, DHI Water & Environment. 122 pp. http://erian.ntu.edu.sg/Pages/Home.aspx Young, I.R. (1999). Wind generated ocean waves. In Elsevier Ocean Engineering Book Series, volume 2. Eds. R. Bhattacharyya and M.E. McCormick, Elsevier. 20 14 Wave Energy Resource Assessment for Southeast Asia 1 Energy Research Institute @ Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore SE E 2
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