South East Europe 2050 Energy Model – Call for

South East Europe 2050 Energy Model
Showing the way to a fairer, cleaner, more efficient
energy system in South East Europe!
Call for Evidence
A final opportunity to make our energy model data better!
Welcome to the South East Europe 2050 Energy Model Call for Evidence!
After 18 months, more than 500 consultations with key stakeholders and relevant experts in the region
and a long process of data gathering, we are opening the Call for Evidence for the South East Europe 2050
Energy Model, covering 7 countries of South East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*,
Macedonia**, Montenegro and Serbia.
You will have the opportunity to view data from all listed countries of the region, in the form of Excel spread
sheets and Power Point presentations that include historical trends, assumptions and ambition levels for
different sectors (demand side: buildings, transport, cement, steel and aluminium and supply side: oil, gas and
coal power, hydro power and other renewables).
You will also have the opportunity to affirm, comment or suggest correction if you have better data. We are
open to your feedback and welcome it as a step closer to the goal of having a better energy model with reliable
and transparent data.
The steps undertook by 10 CSO researchers in creating these energy models were:
•• Mapping sectors and stakeholders
•• Literature review (more than a 100 studies reviewed in the region)
•• Sectorial analysis (demand and supply side)
•• Consolidated modeling
•• Technical consultations – including industry, government and academia (more than 30 meetings and more
than 500 relevant stakeholders and experts consulted)
The next steps will be:
•• Scenario modeling
•• Development of user-friendly interface
The Call for Evidence will be open from March 23 to April 30 2015.
To access the data, please use the registration form. Your registration will be valid until the end of the Call for
Feel free to send comments and/or upload your documents through the commenting form, or send them
directly to
Visit and please comment!
We are looking forward to your feedback!
* According to the UN, the official name for Macedonia is “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.
** According to the UN, Kosovo is “under the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1244.”
With approximately 25 million potential new EU citizens in South East
Europe, who are all energy consumers, energy is perhaps one of the
most complex issues which is facing the region. It has interrelated and
far reaching impacts on several areas, including society, the economy
and the environment, particularly as South East Europe faces the
imminent deregulation of the market in 2015 in a less than ideal
governance environment. The South East Europe Sustainable Energy
Policy (SEE SEP) programme is designed to tackle these challenges.
This is a multi-country and multi- year programme which has 17 CSO
partners from across the region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and the EU. It is
financially supported by the European Commission. The contribution
of the SEE SEP project will be to empower CSOs and citizens to better
influence policy and practice towards a fairer, cleaner and safer energy
future in SEE.
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