INDIAN SOCIETY OF SEED TECHNOLOGY DIVISION OF SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Oelhi-110 012 (India) Dated Estd. 1971 ISST/AGM/2015/DSRM 20 March 2015 Dear Members: Coinciding with the Directorate of Seed Research, Mau, XXX Annual group Meeting of AICRP NSP (Crops), during 35 April 2015, it is decided to organize ISST Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) on 04 April 2015 at 18:00 hrs at Directorate of Seed Research, Mau. Please make it convenient to be present in AGM at Mau. You are reque4sted to please contact Dr Rajendra Prasad, Project Director, DSR, Mau & President ISST {09452883308; 0547-2530384;;;,} indicating your literary, for boarding and lodging arrangements, with a copy to ISST Secretariat. Cooperation from alllSST members is solicited. The brief agenda of the AGM is given below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Welcome address - President, ISST Action taken report (ATR) on the AGM held on June 2013 at UAS, Bengaluru - Secretary Society activities - A report - Secretary Presentation of Audit Report for the period of 2012-13 & 2013-14 - Treasurer Secretariat management - Regular facilities for smooth functioning of Secretariat - Secretary ISST Publications - Seed Research, Seed Tech News - Research articles - Appointment of Chief Editor Membership drive - All EC members Future programme including budget (Tentative )for 2015-16 - Secretary/ Treasurer Any other item, with the permission of chair Vote of thanks - Joint Secretary This is issued with the concurrence of President, ISST. Looking to see you in person, at DSR, Mau during 3-5 April 2015. With warm regards: Sincerely yours .
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