TIC [U] Tire Inspection Center Freely configurable test sequence High repeat accuracy NC-controlled movement sequences Time-saving due to conicity correction at system level Energy-saving due to feedback of electricity and dispensing with the use of a hydraulic unit Space-saving due to compact design Easy to maintain Good accessibility of the machine and all components Transport of the undismantled machine allows for fast startup Load wheel drives to tire TIC [U] Tire Inspection Center Uniformity Machine data Picture below: TIC as a module in a complete test line Dimensions (W x D x H) Weight Rim diameter Machine rim width range Load wheel Supplies required Electrical Pneumatic 1725 mm x 2800 mm x 2500 mm 3100 kg 13" to 25" 6.5" Ø 854 mm x 16" width Tire data Min Max Bead diameter Bead width Outside diameter Tire cross section Tire weight 13" 3.5" 476 mm 127 mm 5 kg 25" 14" 950 mm 400 mm 50 kg 3 ph, 400 V, 50 Hz, 35 A 600 kPa Technical specifications for uniformity Measurement range lateral Measurement range radial Test pressure Measurement speed Repeat accuracy (s)* radial force & harmonics Repeat accuracy (s)* lateral force & harmonics Repeat accuracy (s)* conicity Repeat accuracy (s)* test load Repeat accuracy (s)* test pressure Repeat accuracy (s)* test pressure fluctuation Cycle time** (Two directions of rotation, two settling times [2 s and after changing direction 4 s], no rim width adjustment) 9 kN 18 kN Max 500 kPa 60 min-1 – 90 min-1 ≤2N ≤2N ≤2N ≤ 20 N ≤ 0.1 kPa ≤ 0.2 kPa 20 s * (s) = Average standard deviation ** Measurement conditions: 10 x 10 test, verifiably tested master tires 16" (205/55 R16) with stable values, spring stiffness ≤ 180 daN/cm, max radial uniformity 100 N, test pressure 200 kPa, rim contour as per WDK 109, tire mounting lubricant Dr. Schnell C12 TIC [U] Tire Inspection Center Uniformity Seichter GmbH | Esperantostr. 8 | 30519 Hannover | Germany | Phone: +49 511 87597-0 | Fax: +49 511 87597-39 | E-mail: contact@seichter.com | www.seichter.com
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