President`s Message - SELA ACHE

1st Quarter 2015
Southeast Louisiana Chapter
SELA ACHE Of�icers
Phyllis Peoples
President’s Message
I would like to begin by stating that “I am honored to
serve as the SELA chapter President.” We have a great
group of of�icers this year and I look forward to working
with each of them towards our goal of providing our
members with excellent professional, educational, and
leadership programs, as well as opportunities for
advancement. We have recently met and developed our
goals for the year and are working very diligently on
scheduling many exciting educational and networking
Vice President
Coletta Barrett RN, FACHE
Kiley Cedotal, FACHE
Judy Brown, FACHE
Regent for Louisiana
Michele K. Sutton, FACHE
Members at Large
Nancy Cassagne, CPA, FACHE
Patricia Jeter, CPA, FACHE
Newsletter Chairman
Sidney Hutchinson, FACHE
Career Advancement
Malorie Tadimi, MBA, PMP
Chad Cathey
Diane Yeates, FACHE
Rickie Ragan
Student Members
Aimee’ L. Levy, BS. HSA
Kelsey Moran
The members of our Board welcome your feedback and
participation. Please feel free to contact any of us if you
would like to become involved in our Chapter, or if you have a speci�ic need that we
could address.
The 2015 Chapter Member Needs Survey will be sent electronically May 4–22 to all
ACHE members who have been chapter members for more than one year. The survey
was developed and will be administered by ACHE’s Division of Member Services,
Research. Results will be available by September for the Chapter Leaders Conference,
Oct. 12–13 in Rosemont, Ill. We encourage all members to take an active role and
participate in this survey.
In 2014, 41 percent of Members who received the survey responded to it. Individual
chapter response rates ranged from 30 to 56 percent.
The 2015 survey will focus on the importance of and members’ general satisfaction
with chapter programs, services such as career assistance, education, networking
events and newsletters, and the volunteer experience. In addition, the survey will ask
respondents to rate their overall satisfaction with their chapter.
Details of our scheduled events for the year will be provided very soon and I look
forward to meeting each of you!
Phyllis Peoples
Meet the Board
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Phyllis LeBlanc Peoples has served as the President and Chief Executive
Of�icer of Terrebonne General Medical Center since 2003. A native of Houma, Louisiana,
Phyllis has worked in healthcare administration for over 24 years. She is currently a
member of the American Hospital Association Regional Policy Board 7 and of the
Louisiana Hospital Association Board of Trustees. She serves as the Chairman of the
LHA Quality Committee, and is a member of the LHA Research and Education
Foundation Board. She has been a member of the American College of Healthcare
Executives since 2001 and is serving her �irst year as President of the Southeast
Louisiana Chapter.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Southwestern Louisiana and two master’s
degrees from Valdosta State University in administration and education, as well as a master’s degree in
Healthcare Administration from Tulane University.
She is a member and has served on the Boards of numerous other local, state and national organizations.
She was recognized as a community Role Model for 2011 by the Young Leadership Council of New Orleans
and was awarded the Golden Pelican President’s Award from the Louisiana Society for Hospital Public
Relations and Marketing. She was also honored as one of the New Orleans City Businesses’ Health Care
Heroes for 2012 and, as one of the CityBusiness 2013 Women of the Year.
Coletta Barrett possesses more than 35 years of hospital clinical, health plan medical
management and executive leadership, she serves as Vice President of Mission for Our Lady of
the Lake Regional Medical Center – a tertiary, Catholic Academic Medical Center with 724
licensed beds. Coletta serves as the senior leader responsible for the interpretation,
clari�ication, and integration of the mission of the organization and is operationally responsible for the development and administration of programs and processes relevant to the mission
and philosophy, in order to ensure high quality health care services are provided with
compassion, understanding, respect, and dignity. Operationally, Coletta is responsible for
Community Advocacy, Pastoral Care, Parish Nursing, Mission Services, Community Bene�it,
Vice- President
Government Relations, Tele-Medicine, Health Centers in Schools and the Palliative Medicine
Program. Prior to her position at Our Lady of the Lake, she was Vice President of Research and Policy at the
Louisiana Hospital Association (LHA). As Administrative Of�icer for the LHA Research & Education Foundation, she
served as the senior leader responsible for special project management in Emergency Preparedness, Managed Care,
Trauma and Quality/Patient Safety. Prior to joining LHA in January 2002, Coletta was Vice President of
Administration for Baton Rouge General Medical Center- a 356 bed, inner city, medical teaching institution. With 24
years experience at General Health, she also served as the System Vice President for Care Management. A
cardiovascular nurse specialist, Coletta maintains her nursing license, is a fellow in the American Heart Associations’
Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and passed the Governor’s Board of Examination in 2010 to become a Fellow in
the American College of Healthcare Executives.
In 2002, Coletta was honored as the YWCA Woman of Achievement in a Specialized Category for her volunteer work
in the Baton Rouge Community and in 2008 she was chosen by the Baton Rouge Business Report as an In�luential
Woman in Business. She currently serves on the Advisory Council for the National Heart Blood and Lung Institute,
the Strategic Planning Board for the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse School of Commerce and Business for
Healthcare Management in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and is an adjunct faculty member of the University of Alabama in
Meet the Board
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Kiley Cedotal is a graduate of LSU with BGS, MSW, and MBA. He is the Baton
Rouge Area CEO for Promise Hospital with over 20 years of healthcare leadership
Judy Brown began her career in 1984 for a for-pro�it national hospital chain. She
is a Board Certi�ied Public Accountant with over 30 years experience in the health care
industry, who is strategically focused and strong in business development. She received
her B.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Texas, Tyler and a Master’s in Healthcare
Administration from Trinity University.
Brown joined the executive team at East Jefferson General Hospital as Senior
Vice President and Chief Financial Of�icer in January of 2010 and was promoted to
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Of�icer in February of 2012. Her previous
employment experience includes: Regional Chief Financial Of�icer, Provena Health, 2007
– 2009; Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Of�icer, Good Shepherd Health System, 2005 – 2007; and,
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Of�icer, Good Shepherd Health System, 1996 – 2005. Brown served
as Chairman of the Board of a 3-hospital EMS management service organization for nine years, and also,
assisted with a �inancial turnaround of a small rural hospital by serving on their Board of Directors and their
Operations Ef�iciency Council. Her ability to collaboratively work with Boards, physicians, senior leadership,
and outside parties has assisted in the development of several successful joint ventures and partnerships.
Her professional af�iliations include: Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives, Past Executive Board
Member of local chapter, American Institute of Certi�ied Public Accountant, and State hospital association
committees in Texas and Illinois.
Nancy Cassagne is the Chief Executive Of�icer of West Jefferson Medical Center.
She was appointed CEO in early 2008 after serving as Chief Financial Of�icer since
October 2006 when she was hired to �ill a vacancy created in the aftermath of Hurricane
At Large
She has 30 years of experience in a variety of industries including healthcare,
government (as former Finance Director and Chief Administrative Of�icer for Jefferson
Parish), and also in utility accounting (having worked for Entergy Corporation).
Nancy is a Certi�ied Public Accountant and is also a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives.
She is active in many volunteer organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the American Heart
Association, and her local church.
Meet the Board
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Patricia 'Tatsy' Jeter is the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Of�icer of
the LHA. She joined the LHA in April 2001 and served as both Vice President of Health
Economics and Vice President of Finance. In her current role, Tatsy oversees the accounting
and human resources functions of the LHA, the LHA Research and Education Foundation,
the Metropolitan Hospital Council of New Orleans and ShareCor. She advises the CEO and
other key members of senior management on �inancial planning, budgeting, cash �low,
investment priorities and policy matters. She also serves as liaison to the Board and Finance
Committee. She represents the organization externally as necessary, particularly in banking
and investment and risk management matters. Additionally, she is responsible for the
At Large
�inancial management of all grants and contracts in which the Association and Foundation
participate. Tatsy has served on two committees for the Louisiana Department of Revenue pertaining to the
taxation of digital transactions and other sales tax issues; and she currently serves on the Louisiana Association of
Business and Industry Tax Committee.
Tatsy is a graduate of Louisiana State University and is a Certi�ied Public Accountant, with more than 25 years of
experience in auditing and �inancial services. Prior to coming to the LHA, she was self-employed as a �inancial and
business consultant serving several Louisiana clients, including two large healthcare providers. She previously
was a Senior Manager of the accounting �irm of Deloitte, Haskins & Sells and an Audit Supervisor with Ernst &
Whinney. In 2008, she was recognized as a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Michele Kidd Sutton, Serves as Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Of�icer
of North Oaks Health System in Hammond, La. With a career spanning 27 years in healthcare
administration with North Oaks Health System, Mrs. Sutton also is Chief Executive Of�icer
/Administrator of the system’s acute care hospital, North Oaks Medical Center. She has
belonged to ACHE since 2004 and served as President of the SELA chapter for 2013 and
2014. In late 2014, she was elected to serve on ACHE’s Council of Regents effective
March 15, 2015 and will represent membership in the Southeast Region of the U.S.
Sutton earned a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and master’s degree in Business
Administration from Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond. She earned board
certi�ication in healthcare management as an ACHE Fellow in 2009.
In 2014, Sutton was honored as one of the “Top 20 Most In�luential Women in Tangipahoa Parish” by The Daily
Star. In 2007, she was recognized as one of 50 “Women of the Year” honorees by New Orleans CityBusiness, and in
2004, the Louisiana Society of Hospital Public Relations and Marketing (LSHPRM) distinguished her as “Marketer
of the Year.”
Sutton also belongs to The Healthcare Roundtable for Chief Operating Of�icers, and the Louisiana Hospital Association, where she is member of the Legislative, Regulatory and Policy Committee and through which she was
appointed to the Department of Health and Hospitals’ Perinatal Clinical Guidelines Committee.
Meet the Committee
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Jyric Sims was recently named Chief Operating Of�icer of Tulane University
Community Outreach
Hospital & Clinic. Prior to his appointment, Jyric was Chief Operating Of�icer and
Chief Staf�ing Of�icer at St. Lucie Medical Center in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Previously,
Jyric completed the HCA executive development program with HCA serving as
Associate Chief Operating Of�icer and Ethics and Compliance of�icer of Clear Lake
Regional Medical Center in Webster Texas. He also has held leadership positions in
academic medical centers serving for over four years as a Director at MD Anderson
Cancer Center in Houston Texas, and prior stents with University of Arkansas for
Medical Sciences and Medical University of South Carolina.
Jyric Sims received a Master of Health Services Administration from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
(UAMS) and a Bachelor of Science with honors from Louisiana State University. He is a fellow of the American
College of Healthcare Executives and certi�ied in project management with the Project Management Institute as a
PMP. He is very active in the community and has served on various board of directors including Chamber of Commerce, Education Foundation, Economic Development, LSU National Advisory Board, and March of Dimes.
Jyric is married to Maisha Sims and they are the proud parents of a daughter, Sabriya Sims, age 20 months, and
son Noah, age 2 months. In his spare time, Jyric enjoys running and watching/playing any sporting activity.
Ernst & Whinney. In 2008, she was recognized as a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Frances Diane Yeates graduated from Slidell High School and earned a
Education Program
Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Southeastern
Louisiana in 1982 and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Nicholls
State University in 2004. Diane has been a Certi�ied Public Accountant since 1987.
She was appointed Chief Operating Of�icer of Terrebonne General Medical Center in
July 2007. She previously held the position of Chief Financial Of�icer since November
2000. She has worked in the healthcare industry for over 25 years, also serving as
Director of Patient Financial Services, and Director of Budget and Reimbursement at
Terrebonne General Medical Center. She was most recently recognized as a Fellow in
American Hospital of Healthcare Executives, Fellow in Healthcare Financial
Management Association as well as named CityBusiness’ Woman of the Year for 2014.
Diane has been a Board of Trustees member of the United Way of South Louisiana since 2003, and is a current
member of their Fund Distribution and Executive Committee. She has served on the Board of the LaTerre Credit
Union for over �ifteen years. She is a current member of the Lincoln Healthcare Community Hospital 100 Advisory
She is also a member of the following: Louisiana CPA Society, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry,
Healthcare Financing Management Association, Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce and a past member of
the Board of Directors, American College of Healthcare Executives, Past Member of the AICPA, Leadership
Terrebonne Alumni.
Meet the Committee
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Chad Cathey grew up in Ponchatoula, Louisiana and received his undergraduate
degree from Louisiana State University in Business Management. After completing his
undergraduate degree he attended Southeastern Louisiana University to receive his
Masters in Business Administration. After the completion of hisMBA, Chad moved to
Houston, Texas and attended the University of Houston – Clear Lake to receive his
Masters of Healthcare Administration.
Once he completed his studies, Chad was accepted into the Our Lady Of The Lake Fellowship program. After
completion of the program he was then hired by Our Lady Of The Lake Physician Group as an Operations
Director for the Pediatric Division.
Rickie Ragan is a Senior Account Manager for General Electric Healthcare for the last 17
years. He covers most of the hospitals in the Greater New Orleans area and the MS. Gulf Coast.
Rickie is a Registered Radiologic Technologist and previous Radiology Department Director at
North Oaks in Hammond, LA. Rickie has a MHA from the University of St. Frances, IL. He has
served in this position for the last two years.
Malorie Tadimi, MBA, PMP will be serving as the Career Advancement Committee
Career Advancement
Chairman. In this role, Malorie will work to bring education and collaboration opportunities
to regional ACHE chapter members. Malorie was chosen to work with Terrebonne General
Medical Center in 2012 as a Lead Project Manager with Ivesia Solutions. From 2012 to
present, she has been applying her consulting expertise and Information Technology
experience to drive innovation and change for Terrebonne General Medical Center through
technology solutions. She has previously worked at one of the nation’s top �ive health
systems, Advocate Healthcare, and for the Fortune 15 company, McKesson. Her background
includes strong strategic focus on healthcare, technology, project management, business
strategy, and business development. Malorie has great talent in bringing those �ive
specialties together to achieve results driven goals and initiatives.
Malorie received her Bachelor’s of Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh in Neuroscience and a
Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management. She is also a certi�ied
Project Management Professional by the Project Management Institute.
Meet the Committee
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Sidney Hutchinson is currently Vice President of Clinical Ancillary Services at
Terrebonne General Medical Center. He is responsible for the planning, organization and
management of inpatient and outpatient ancillary services including, pharmacy, radiology
and special imaging, cardio-respiratory care, cardiac catheterization lab, laboratory and
pathology, guest relations, and strategic business development and quality improvement.
He is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives. He received a Master of
Health Administration from the University of Phoenix in May 2005, a Bachelor of Science in
Pharmacy from the University of La. at Monroe in August 1979, and a Bachelor of Science in
Biology from Nicholls State University in May 1977.
His 34-year career at TGMC began as a staff pharmacist in 1980. In 1985 he was promoted to Assistant Director
of Pharmacy Services, and in 1990 became Director of Pharmacy. In 2002, he assumed the current position of
Vice President of Clinical Ancillary Services.
His professional af�iliations include The American College of Healthcare Executives, National Association for
Healthcare Quality and the American College of Medical Practice Executives. He has been active in numerous
other professional and social organizations throughout his career.
Aimee’ Levy have been employed by Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
for 20 years; currently her role is the Pediatric Residency Operations Coordinator. She is
currently enrolled at Our Lady of the Lake College (OLOL-C) in the Masters of Healthcare
Administration program as well as being a 2003 Bachelor of Science graduate in Health
Service Administration from OLOL-C. She was a member of the inaugural health service
administration class at OLOL-C and had the honor of being on the team that wrote the
by-laws when creating our �irst American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) student
It is in this role that she learned the importance of involving healthcare administrators and
promoting interactions between residents (students) and faculty, we are building relationships to enhance learning and career opportunities. It is this kind of opportunity she wants to take advantage
of – promoting educational development to be an effective leader. Currently she is a member and hold the
following of�ices in following organizations: SELA/American College of Healthcare Executives Board Member;
Student member, 2013-Present, American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Student Chapter President,
2014-Present, OLOL College Alumni Association Executive Committee, Alumni Giving Coordinator, 2015, OLOL
College Alumni Association; Treasurer, 2011 - Present.
Kelsey Moran is a �irst year Master's of Health Administration student at Tulane
University and currently an Administrative Resident for Children's Hospital New Orleans.
Kelsey is from Gulf Breeze, Florida, majored in Public Health and Spanish at Tulane
University and has a passion for healthcare, �itness and pediatric care. While Kelsey is not
in school, she can be found with her border collies or at the local CrossFit gym.
organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, and
her local church.
News and Information
page 8
View Presentations From ACHE's Congress on Healthcare Leadership
If you were unable to be part of the action in Chicago at the 2015 Congress on Healthcare Leadership or
make it to all of the major sessions, you can now view videos of some of the key presentations. Here's what
you may have missed:
• Richard D. Cordova, FACHE, president/CEO, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, made his �irst address
ACHE's 2015–2016 Chairman during the Congress Opening Session.
• Stuart Rothenberg, PhD, editor and publisher, Rothenberg Political Report, and columnist, Roll Call,
presented "Political Update 2015: Impact on Healthcare."
• Christine K. Cassel, MD, president/CEO, National Quality Forum, presented "Quality Matters: Accelerating
Improvement in Health and Healthcare."
• Ravi Ramamurti, DBA, D'Amore-McKim Distinguished Professor of International Business and Strategy/Director of the Center for Emerging Markets, Northeastern University, presented "Delivering World-ClassHealthcare Affordably: Lessons From India."
• Grant Korgan, speaker/author/athlete, Choose Positivity Now, presented "Turning Attitude Into Action:
Possibility Through Positivity."
• Richard J. Pollack, executive vice president, American Hospital Association, delivered "American Hospital
Association Federal Legislative and Policy Update" (audio only).
Access these presentations at any time by visiting the Congress archives
Summary of requirements to earn the FACHE Credential
Submitting a Fellow Application
1. Be a Member of ACHE
2. Hold a Master's or other advanced degree
3. Hold a healthcare management position and have a minimum of two years of healthcare management
4. Three references from current Fellows (one of which must be a structured interview)
5. Provide a copy of your current job description, organizational chart, and resume
Completing the Fellow Requirements
1. Have a minimum of �ive years of healthcare management experience (as noted above two years is required
to submit a Fellow application)
2. 36 hours of Healthcare Management Continuing Education credit earned during the three years preceding
becoming a Fellow; 12 hours must be ACHE Face-to-Face Education
3. Participation in two healthcare related and two community/civic activities within the past three years
4. Pass the Board of Governors Examination in Healthcare Management
5. Have three years of ACHE membership tenure
Managing a Workforce of Multiple Generations
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For the �irst time in history, �ive generations - traditionalists, baby
boomers, millennials, Gen X and Gen 2020 - will soon be working
side by side. Whether this multigenerational working environment
feelsproductive and energizing or challenging and stressful is up to
the organization’s leadership. Ideas to keepin mind are how to
relate to employees from different age groups and how to motivate
and encourage employees.
Straight From the Experts
As people work for longer periods of time, internal career paths start to change. It’s becoming common to
see someone younger managing someone older, which can lead to tension on both sides. “It’s important to
be aware of general tension among colleagues,” says Jeanne C. Meister, a founding partner of Future
WorkPlace - an executive development �irm. “It’s your job to help your employees recognize that they
have distinct sets of different things they bring to the table.”
Don’t Dwell on Differences
Generational stereotypes abound both inside and outside of the working environment. However, creating
generation-based employee af�inity groups is not bene�icial to your organization, instead get to know each
person individually as opposed to lumping them into a group with people their age.
Build Bene�icial Relationships
Managing someone older than you can seem like a daunting task, but it’s something the military routinely
practices. The way to make this successful is to make the older employee a partner - involve them in
everything you do, as well as hearing them out. You’re still making the decisions, but this way they feel
involved. This type of collaborative effort also works well in managing workers in their 20s.
Study Your Employees
By studying the demographics of your employees, you can determine what they want out of their jobs and
how these desires differ (or not) from generation to generation. Conducting a survey inquiring about
communication styles, career goals and other topics is a low-cost way to get a pulse on your workforce.
Figure out what matters to different groups of employees and what you can do to attract younger or more
experienced workers; it’s an easy way to discover potential generational career issues.
Engage in Cross-Generational Mentoring
Pairing younger workers with experienced employees to work on business objectives - typically revolving
around technology - is becoming more prevalent in companies across the nation. The younger employee
can teach the older worker about social media, while the seasoned employee can share institutional
knowledge with the young worker.
Consider Work Goals
Keep in mind where your employees are at in their lives and what their needs are when it comes to
inspiring and incentivizing them. Younger people may not have many outside responsibilities - they are
motivated by new experiences and opportunities. Employees in their 30s and 40s often have children and
mortgages and need �lexibility as well as advancement opportunities; while those at the end of their
careers may not be as interested in training but would enjoy a strong work-life balance. Understanding
these desires will go a long way in �iguring out how to challenge and motivate employees.
Adapted from “Managing People From 5 Generations,” by Rebecca Knight, Harvard Business Review Blog Network
Bene�its of Chapter Membership
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Your ACHE chapter provides educational programs, local information, and volunteering and networking
opportunities to help you develop crucial leadership skills and stand out in this dynamic healthcare
environment. Chapters also provide senior-level executives and other established leaders opportunities to give back
to the profession. You'll also have access to local education programs that qualify for ACHE Face-to-Face Education
Connect to Network
There is no better time to expand your network. When you get involved with your local ACHE chapter you'll �ind a
number of opportunities to connect with healthcare leaders at every career stage.
- Strengthen your leadership skills as you share experiences, challenges and successes with new
professional contacts, mentors and friends
- Develop relationships with executives who share your commitment to your community
- Meet local healthcare associates at your chapter meetings and events
- Increase your local professional contacts
Connect to Learn
Now more than ever you need to make the most of every resource to become a more effective professional. Your
local ACHE chapter provides a wide variety of educational programs and events–close to home–designed to �it
your professional development goals schedule and budget.
- Attend your chapter's educational programs without incurring hefty travel expenses
- Earn ACHE Face-to-Face Education credits that count toward earning or recertifying your FACHE
- Make recommendations to your local chapter and get education on the topics that meet your needs
Connect to Advance
Whether you're just beginning your career, are in transition, or on the path to earning your FACHE credential,
your local ACHE chapter is here to help! Take advantage of the career management tools and local resources to
help you advance to the next level.
- Participate in information sessions and study groups for the FACHE credential
- Network with local executives for future opportunities
- Attend local education programs to earn ACHE credits towards advancement
Connect to Lead
When you're ready to take on new leadership roles, your local ACHE chapter is ready to support you. Take advantage of volunteer opportunities, career management resources and educational programs–close to home–to
develop crucial leadership skills.
- Serve on a chapter committee or task force
- Volunteer for leadership opportunities locally
- Be recognized as a leader in the community
Learn how ACHE recognizes the volunteering efforts of its members through the ACHE Recognition Program.
When you Join ACHE, you are automatically enrolled in your local chapter.
As an ACHE member, you may opt-in to the contact lists of up to �ive additional chapters via My ACHE in the
Members Only area at no charge. Those chapters will then send you notices and announcements about
upcoming activities.
Upcoming Educational Opportunites
page 11
SELA-ACHE has been graciously invited to participate in a joint education opportunity with WHEN this
summer on the topic of “Enterprise-wide Compliance for Healthcare Organizations”.
June 4, 2015
5 p.m. – 7 p.m
New Orleans Bio Innovation Center
1441 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70112
Heidi Redmond Raines, President of Medical Executive Partners, LLC,
and Compliance Partners, LLC
Dinner will be served at the event.
In addition to the above, our education committee will be creating a survey for all of the members to
assess educational interests. The survey will be emailed to members by the end of May. For your information, our education committee is as follows:
Education Committee Chair: Diane Yeates, COO, Terrebonne General Medical Center
Education Committee Members: Michael Adcock, COO, West Jefferson Medical Center, Tim Goatley,
Representative – Service Sales, Daikin Applied (Past Education Chair), Sid Hutchinson, VP of Clinical Ancillary Services,
Terrebonne General Medical Center, Hiral Patel, Assistant COO, Tulane Medical Center, Malori Tadimi, Consultant, Ivesia
If anyone else is interested in participating on this committee, please contact Diane Yeates at (985) 873-4664 or
Congratulations to our Fellows and Welcome New Members
Demetrius J. Porche, PhD, RN, FACHE, New Orleans
Terrie P. Sterling, FACHE, Baton Rouge
Ava J. Collins, FACHE, New Orleans
Recerti�ied Fellows
Timothy J. Allen, FACHE, Thibodaux
Travis D. Capers, FACHE, Terrytown
Nicole M. Gonzales, FACHE, Madisonville
Eric McMillen, FACHE, Baton Rouge
Michele K. Sutton, FACHE, Hammond
James T. Montgomery, FACHE, New Orleans
New Members
Lindsay N. Harmon, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Hluchy, Baton Rouge
Mary A. Knaur, Baton Rouge
Bruce Rivers Jr., Madisonville
Clay Underwood Jr., Baton Rouge
Henry Batiste, New Orleans
Laura Carleton, New Orleans
Brandon Darrington, Bastrop
John F. Heaton, MD, New Orleans
Lisa F. Pellerin, RN, New Orleans
Clayton Williams, New Orleans
Tiffani Ducote, Madisonville
Kevin O. Joseph, MD, Kenner
Fernis J. LeBlanc Jr., Raceland
Jill Mistretta, Donaldsonville
Andree Schaubhut, Belle Chasse
Thanks to our Sponsor!
2015 Sponsorship Opportunities
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