UNM El Centro de la Raza El Puente Fellows Program 2015-2016 What is El Puente Fellows Program? Over the last twelve years El Puente Fellows Research Program under El Centro de la Raza continues to support students from multiple academic areas promoting undergraduate research experience. El Puente Fellows Program offers a select group of 20 undergraduates a two-semester program with the intention to prepare them for future educational opportunities at the graduate level. This structured program will provide the opportunity to work closely with graduate mentors, faculty and increase understanding and experience of academic research. This fellowship will take your educational experience to the next level and better prepare you for future opportunities in the academic and professional worlds. As an El Puente Fellow, the Instructional Team will guide you closely through your research experience. With guidance, you will identify and engage in research project of your interest for the fall and spring semesters. El Puente gives you the opportunity to understand and connect critical issues in your community to your field of study. You will present your research findings in a formal academic conference. During the program, El Puente Fellows will participate in mandatory seminars conducted during fall and spring semesters. The seminars focus on providing you the knowledge and tools to begin the research process, develop a research proposal and prepare you to apply to graduate schools. You will also have the opportunity to grow as a community of scholars with the other El Puente Fellows. As your research projects develops you will have the seminar space to rely on your colleagues for input and critiques. Most importantly, all the fellows are on similar journeys toward professional development and/or a graduate degree. It is important to note that prior research experience is not necessary. DACA-eligible, Non DACA eligible, and Dreamers students are encourage to apply. We look forward to having you join the legacy of El Centro scholars and partner with you in your journey of academic excellence and development. Contact: Dayra Fallad at El Centro de la Raza for more information. 505-277-5020 or dfallad@unm.edu Priority deadline for completed applications to be submitted is: June 26, 2015 1|Page UNM El Centro de la Raza El Puente Fellows Program 2015-2016 Benefits: •Experience academic research. •Graduate School exploration, preparation and site visits. •Engage with faculty. •Work closely with a graduate mentor. •Engage with a prestigious community of scholars. •Develop excellent research writing, reading skills and critical thinking. •Understand and connect critical issues in your community to your field of study. Scholarship: $2,000 award for completion of fellowship requirements o ($1,000 Fall and $1,000 Spring). Requirements: With guidance and support fellows are expected to complete the following capstone projects during the 2015-2016 fellowship: Develop a research proposal Develop a Literature Review Research Presentation Develop a Letter of Intent for graduate school Participate in all required seminars and activities. Eligibility Students must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for acceptance into the fellowship: Enrolled at UNM for Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Undergraduate student with a minimum of 30 credit hours (completed or in progress at time of application). Able to commit to one academic year ( Fall and Spring) and 10 hours weekly Must meet 1 of 3 of the following criteria: o Member of an underrepresented ethnic group in higher education o First generation college student o Qualify as low income 2|Page UNM El Centro de la Raza El Puente Fellows Program 2015-2016 El Puente Fellows Program Application Checklist We encourage you to take time and care in completing this application. Make sure that all information provides us with the best representation of your interest and goals. All application materials MUST be complete in order to have your application reviewed. These materials include: Completed and Signed Application Form (pages 4-5) Transcripts (Unofficial transcripts from all colleges & universities attended) Resume Typed Personal Statement 1-3 pages in length Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced Please address the following in your personal statement letter: 1 Briefly discuss your personal background: Include family history, socioeconomic background, community and educational history. 2 Discuss your research interests, educational goals and career objectives. 3 What do you expect to gain and learn from this fellowship? 4 Why is this opportunity important to you personally. 1 Professional Letter of Recommendation (see page 6) Income Documentation (see page 7)- Copy 2015-2016 FAFSA or Fill out income form Submit your completed application packet to (with the exception of letter of reccomendation) : El Centro de la Raza 1153 Mesa Vista Hall, MSC06 3830 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 3|Page UNM El Centro de la Raza El Puente Fellows Program 2015-2016 Application Form Date: Name: Phone: Last, First MI Permanent Address: Street City, State Zip Mailing Address: Street City, Telephone # State Zip E-Mail Address: UNM ID # Undergraduate Major: Expected Graduation Date: Minor: (Month/Year) Class Level: Sophomore Junior Senior Credit Hours: _ GPA: _ Describe Your Race or Ethnic Identity: (Select all categories that apply) Asian African American Hispanic/Latino (a) White American Indian/Alaska Native Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other: What is the highest level of education completed by your parent/s and/or guardian? Mother: Elementary Middle School High School College Father: Elementary Middle School High School College Are you the first in your immediate family to attend college? Yes No 4|Page UNM El Centro de la Raza El Puente Fellows Program 2015-2016 Application Form Did you complete a 2015-2016 FAFSA? Yes No Estimated household income: (You and your parents if uner24 years of age) Are you Pell Grant eligible for the 2015-2016 academic year? Yes No List the extracurricular activities you will be involved in the 2015-2016 academic year. Briefly indicate your specific experience with the following: (The answers to these will not affect your entrance to the program) Have you thought about applying to graduate school? Degree Objective: Masters Doctoral Prior Research Assistant experience? Yes Yes Professional No Unsure Unsure No Speak/Read/Write in a language other than English? Yes No If yes which one/s: 5|Page UNM El Centro de la Raza El Puente Fellows Program 2015-2016 Letter of Recommendation Guidelines Form Thank you for taking the time to nominate this student to be a part of the 2015-2016 El Puente Fellows Program. This is a very competitive undegraduate research program hosted at the University of New Mexico El Centro de la Raza. In a separate document please: 1. Describe your relationship with the student: whether you have taught him or her in a lecture class, in independent study, in a laboratory course, through a research project, or have interacted with the student in some other manner. 2. Please also comment on the student's: motivation, how quickly s/he learns and ability to seek & take advice from others. Also, please address how you think s/he can benefit and contribute to an undergraduate research program. Please submit your letter of recommendation no later than June 26, 2015 by 5pm. Please email your letter of reccomendation directly to: Dayra Fallad at dfallad@unm.edu Subject: EP Letter of Recommendation (Student's Name) For any questions please contact: Dayra Fallad Student Programs Specialist, El Centro de la Raza 505-277-5020 dfallad@unm.edu 6|Page EL Puente Fellows Program 2015-2016 Application Financial Information Alternative Form Please fill out form completely and to the best of your ability. Applicants Name (First, Last) ___________________ ___________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Number of individuals in household ___________________ Household Income ___________________ Estimated College Expenses for the 2015-2016 Academic Year Tuition and Fees Books and Supplies Room and Board Local Transportation Medical Insurance Estimated Income to Cover Costs for the 2015-2016 Academic Year $___________________ Student’s Income $___________________ Spouse’s Contribution $___________________ Parental Support $___________________ Savings $___________________ Other Scholarships Other expenses (list) Grants (Pell, state etc.) $__________________ $__________________ Student Loans $__________________ $__________________ Other Total Expenses $__________________ Total Income $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ I certify that the income information provided is true to my knowledge. I understand that this information may be used for data collection purposes and reports created by El Centro de la Raza, but my identity will be kept confidential. _______________________________ Signature _________________ Date 7|Page
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