National Self-Help Housing Conference San Antonio, Texas July 21–23, 2015 Registration Brochure National Self-Help Housing Conference Overview Come join us at the National Mutual Self-Help Housing Conference, July 21–23, 2015 Conference Sponsors at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX. This year’s conference This conference is presented by the theme, 50 Years of Building Dreams, celebrates the half-century success of the USDA Rural Development Section 523 program. It embodies the spirit of the work we do building capacity in people, organizations and communities to improve quality of life and access to affordable housing. The Technical and Management Assistance (T&MA) providers who are organizing this conference are: Florida Non Profit Housing Inc., Little Dixie Community Action Agency Inc., National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor Research Fund, Inc. regional T&MA providers with generous support from our sponsors. This support includes monetary and/or in-kind contributions from: • NeighborWorks • USDA-Rural Development (NCALL) and Rural Community Assistance Corporation. The T&MA contractors ex- • Housing Assistance Council (HAC) tend an invitation to its network of partners working to create these opportunities • Comerica in the rural communities we serve and others who share our passion for improving • Rural LISC the quality of life across the country. The conference will feature informative and interactive workshops delving into timely topics, as well as providing opportunities for sharing best practices, networking and motivational keynote speakers. Each aspect of the conference is designed to build efficiency and increase effectiveness in serving our communities. Here is an opportunity to get up-to-date training and information on the program, Conference Partners • Florida Non Profit Housing, Inc. • Little Dixie Community Action Agency as well as meet with other professionals in the field. • NCALL This year’s conference includes workshop tracks for Mutual Self-Help Housing • Rural Community grantee staff, board members, potential grantees and Rural Development personnel. The conference tracks are: Program and Organizational Management; Construction; Financial Management; Group Worker/Loan Underwriting; Governing Boards Assistance Corporation • U.S. Department of Agriculture— Rural Development of Grantees/Organizations New to the Program; and Networking/Other. San Antonio features many attractions including SeaWorld, The Alamo, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, Alamodome and dozens of local boutiques and famous entertain- Photos may be taken at ment venues. The San Antonio Riverwalk hosts miles of cafes, bars, boutiques and any time during the confer- nightlife to entice the adventurous explorer. ence, and used in the T&MA providers’ and USDA publi- Introducing the New Self-Help Housing Logo cations and other materials (both printed and electronic). If you do not want your photo taken, please notify the photographer. To celebrate the 50th anniversary and 50,000th home, a new Self-Help Housing logo was developed for all self-help agencies to use. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 Registration Brochure–Page 2 Hotel & Transportation Information Location All conference activities will be held at: Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk 111 East Pecan Street San Antonio, TX 78205 Hotel phone: (866) 764-8536 or (210) 354-2800 Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk Delta Air Lines Discount A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the prevail- Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer discounted airfares, from ing federal per diem rate of $115 single/double occupancy, 2% to 10% depending on the type of ticket, for our con- plus taxes, per night. These special rates are being offered ference. Refer to the Ticket Designator code of NMLE4 to three days prior to and three days after the conference, purchase tickets and receive our negotiated discount. Res- based on availability. The Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk ervations and ticketing are available via or is fully accessible and features a host of thoughtful additions by calling our Delta Meeting Network Reservations at (800) aimed at providing the best level of service for each guest. 328-1111. Please note that a Direct Ticketing Charge will apply Brailed elevator access on all levels near ADA-accessible for booking by phone. When booking online, select Book A rooms and flat terrain between the parking lot and hotel Trip, click on Advanced Search and enter the meeting code, entrance cater to all travelers. The Wyndham features: NMLE4, in the box provided on the Search Flights page. • Onsite river taxi service • Full-service restaurant and bar • Non-smoking rooms • Spa services • Friendly, professional and multilingual staff Airport Ground Transportation We have arranged for a discount with Go Airport Shuttle for your transportation to/from the San Antonio Airport and the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk. Our group discounted • Fitness center rate is $17 one-way or $30 round-trip and our group code is • High-speed Internet access at no cost SH2015. Click on the link below to make your reservation: • Garage with self and valet parking • Business Center Reservations To reserve a room, call the hotel directly at (866) 764-8536 or (210) 354-2800, and ask for the National Self-Help Housing Conference Block to receive the special rate. This block of rooms is guaranteed at these rates until June 19, 2015. res?USERIDENTRY=SH2015&LOGON=GO Parking Self parking is available for free for our conference attendees at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk. Valet parking is also available at $28/day. Please reserve your room early to avoid disappointment. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 Registration Brochure–Page 3 Schedule at a Glance Monday, July 20 3:00–6:00 pm Registration and information desk open; exhibits open Tuesday, July 21 7:30 am Registration and information desk open 8:00 am Hot breakfast buffet 8:30 am Conference welcome and opening plenary session 9:45 am Break, networking and visit exhibits 10:15 am CONCURRENT SESSIONS Noon 1:45 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3:15 pm Break, networking and visit exhibits 3:45 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 4:45 pm Adjourn for the day 5:30–7:00 pm Lunch & program Networking reception Wednesday, July 22 7:30 am Registration and information desk open; exhibits open 7:30 am Hot breakfast buffet 8:00 am General session 9:45 am Break, networking and visit exhibits 10:15 am CONCURRENT SESSIONS Noon 1:45 pm Lunch & program CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3:15 pm Break, networking and visit exhibits 3:45 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 4:45 pm Adjourn for the day; free evening to enjoy San Antonio Thursday, July 23 National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 7:30 am Registration and information desk open; exhibits open 7:30 am Hot breakfast buffet 8:00 am General session 8:45 am Break, networking and visit exhibits 9:00 am CONCURRENT SESSIONS 9:00 am Exhibits close 10:30 am Break and networking 10:45 am Closing general session 11:30 am Conference adjourns Registration Brochure–Page 4 Workshop Descriptions A-2: Planning: Successful Schedule Management Workshop Tracks Track: Construction 1: Program & Organizational Management have your agency on schedule prior to and during construc- In this session we will discuss self-help systems that will 2:Construction tion. Techniques in time management and task allocation 3: Financial Management are essential elements to completing a successful self-help 4: Group Worker/Loan Underwriting 5: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to the Program 6: Networking & Other program on time. A-3: What Does the “SuperCircular” Mean for My Organization? Track: Financial Management Are you curious about the new OMB Uniform Guidance (sometimes known as the “SuperCircular”) and how it will Tuesday, July 21 8:30 am GENERAL SESSION Welcome & Introductions—Invited Speakers: • Francisco Valentin, Jr. (Paco), Texas RD Director • NRSHHA Representative • Lisa Mensah, Under Secretary for Rural Development 10:15 am CONCURRENT SESSIONS A-1: Diversification: Rehab, Different Self-Help Models impact your federal awards? Do you want to know what the new procurement rules and allowable costs will be and when they will take effect? Join this very timely and informative session to learn about the changes to the regulations governing federal awards including your future self-help grants. A-4: Marketing and Outreach Track: Group Worker/Loan Underwriting Marketing to rural communities can be challenging. Discuss how to develop a message for your market and the marketing tools to deliver the message. Come prepared to share your ideas! A-5: Strategic Planning Track: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to Track: Program & Organizational Management the Program As Program Managers you have been trying to make things This session will encourage board members and attendees work in new construction self-help housing. Then the to use strategic planning as part of their governance economy turns down and the government not only decreas- responsibilities. This sets the course for their organizations es the funding but shuts down! So what will you do? Many by highlighting its importance. It will include a discussion of have used the option within the current program to add in strategic planning formats along with typical components a housing rehabilitation component, both owner occupied such as vision/mission, SWOT analysis, needs assessment, and purchase/rehab, to make the 523 program work. Others stakeholder input, goals, and operational planning. have developed an individual self-help model using the 502 Direct program and leveraged funding to supplement the lost mutual units. Some have added on new homeownership programs to make-up the loss in the 523 mutual activity. Come and hear about the alternatives that grantees are using to make their programs remain viable. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 Registration Brochure–Page 5 B-4: Board Responsibilities: Leadership and Knowing Your Role Track: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to the Program “Moving your board from sitting to standing” Learn the dynamics of effective boards—what makes some boards highly effective and others lethargic and sluggish? Workshop attendees will leave with tools to tune up board leadership and shore up board members’ tool boxes. This 12:00 pm GENERAL SESSION Lunch & Program: Looking Back—Invited Speakers: • Longest Running Self-Help Groups • Moises Loza, Executive Director, HAC • Julián Castro, Secretary, HUD workshop is directed to organizational leaders that desire to re-charge their boards to “Stand Up” with their organizations and move toward effective leadership. B-5: Let’s “SHOP” Around: SHOP Program Track : Networking & Other We will discuss the SHOP Program from beginning to end. We will cover the allowable uses of SHOP funds, the application process, environmental information and energy efficien- 1:45 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS B-1: Hire Me! Train Me! Keep Me!: Best Practices for Hiring, Training and Maintaining Staff Track: Program & Organizational Management We will discuss ways to recruit employees that are the best fit for your program. Special skills, talents and experience, based on historical hiring practices of existing grantees, will be highlighted. Developing and providing training for new staff members to assist them in being productive in their positions and keeping them in place to establish workplace cy requirements for the SHOP program. 3:45 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS C-1: Land Acquisition and Development Basics Track: Program & Organizational Management Smart choices in land acquisition and proper choices and procedures in land development save time and money and reduce risk for the non-profit housing builder. As all experienced land developers know, these phases of a project can, stability will be covered. from the outset, be a strong determinant of overall project B-2: Problem Solving and Mediation to procuring, obtaining approvals and developing sites that success. This session will explore basic effective approaches Track: Construction and Group Worker/Loan Underwriting are suitable for affordable housing. The self-help housing program can be filled with differences C-2: New Construction Technology and Techniques: and difficulties. The program can be stressful and conflict is inevitable. The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way we use them. Join in small group discussions and brainstorm and share problem solving Green Building and Energy Star Track: Construction Enter a discussion on how you can improve the energy effi- strategies and ideas. ciency of your homes, whether you’re building to Energy Star B-3: 523 Grant Management ficiency efforts to show up on appraisals? Learn more about standards or not. Want to know how to get your energy ef- Track: Financial Management the latest developments in building science and where we’re Although our program regulations have been around for headed in the journey to net zero. more than 30 years, come rediscover the regulations that guide us and best practices in managing the program. We will review the requirements of the regulations in an interactive format and present samples of useful tools in tracking the funds compared to production. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 Registration Brochure–Page 6 C-3: Creating Financial Statements That Can Be Used as a Management Tool Wednesday, July 22 Track : Financial Management Come find out how to create financial statements to be used as a tool for your organization to better manage your selfhelp program. Learn what numbers and terms you should 8:00 am GENERAL SESSION Looking at Now—Invited Speakers: use when creating your reports. • Thomas Vilsack, Agriculture Secretary C-4: Pre-construction Meetings • Centralized Servicing Center Representative Track: Group Worker/Loan Underwriting • Bob Rapoza, President, Rapoza and Associates The Who, What and Why of forming family groups. Anyone • Russ Huxtable, President, NRSHHA involved with your families as they become a group, anyone working with the group as they prepare for construction, and especially anyone who works with the families as a group during construction will benefit from this session. Once you’ve formed a group, you must meet with the group members regularly. In this session, we will review the information you should share with the group. C-5: Risk Management: Insurance for Organizations and Participants Track: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to the Program Ever wonder if you have the right insurance? And who’s supposed to have what? The participants, organizational staff 10:15 am CONCURRENT SESSIONS D-1: Best Practices: What Does a High-Performing SelfHelp Grantee Look Like Track : Program & Organizational Management Managing a successful self-help housing program takes a lot of work. Hear about best practices for managing a program and learn from other groups on what makes their programs work well. D-2: Self-Help Rehab Track: Construction and contractors—they all need it, right? Join us to learn about Do you know that there is another kind of self-help program the right coverages for everyone involved in the mutual self- besides mutual self-help? Do you know that there is both help housing program. owner-occupied and acquisition (purchase) repair self-help? While there is limited guidance in RD Instruction 1944-I on self-help repair & rehab, several organizations across the 5:30 pm NETWORKING RECEPTION country have developed programs that meet the intent of the regulation. Come and listen to these organizations share Join your collegues in celebrating our 50th year/50,000 homes. information on how they have developed their programs. It could be something that you may want to consider in the future. D-3: Best Practices: Passing the Financial Certification with Flying Colors Track: Financial Management One of the requirements for the RD 523 program is that each grantee establishes a record keeping system that meets the grant agreement. What is a “certifiable” recordkeeping system for an organization? What are the unique requirements for accounting for and managing the 523 grant funds and the participating families’ 502 loan funds? Come to this session to find out the secrets to passing the financial certification tests with flying colors. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 Registration Brochure–Page 7 D-4: 502 Loan Packaging: Common Mistakes 12:00 pm GENERAL SESSION Track: Group Worker/Loan Underwriting Learn how to avoid the common errors and omissions that cause delays in processing 502 loan applications. This session will help you improve the quality and completeness of your applications getting your families a faster loan closing. D-5: Overview of the Self-Help Program Track: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to Lunch & Program: Looking Forward—Invited Speakers: • Tony Hernandez, Rural Housing Service (RHS) Administrator, USDA Rural Development • Peter Carey, Former CEO of Self-Help Enterprises, Former Chief Operating Officer of NeighborWorks America the Program 1:45 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS This session will focus on the history of the program and E-1: Understanding the Grant Agreement: 1944-I how it has changed through the years. We will discuss the initial reason for the program and why it continues to be a viable solution to the lack of adequate, affordable homes in rural areas. A discussion will be pursued as to the importance of a strong partnership between the grantee and Rural Development in the future success of the program. D-6: Fair Housing, ADA and Civil Rights Track: Program & Organizational Management Definitions and terms of the agreement will be discussed in detail during this session, to include but not limited to grant terms, application docket conditions, grant closeout and termination procedures, extensions, audits, reports and letter of condition attachments. Track : Networking & Other E-2: Effective Bid Process and Utilization of Policies, procedures and perceptions must support fair hous- Track: Construction ing and civil rights laws throughout the management of the self-help housing grant. Learn how to prevent violations of fair housing laws before they occur. Construction Contracts This session will outline the bidding process practices, from newspaper advertisements to bid awards, that will ensure clear and concise construction contracts are set in place and identify common mistakes in both. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 Registration Brochure–Page 8 E-3: 502 Bookkeeping: Establishing Consistency Track: Financial Management 3:45 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS The development of sound and consistent 502 bookkeeping F-1: Program Manager Networking practices will be explained, detailing the process from A–Z. Track: Program & Organizational Management This includes the who, what, when, why and how of establishing and maintaining proper family bookkeeping records. We will also cover the importance of the families’ knowledge of their accounts. E-4: Cleaning Up Budget and Credit Readiness Track: Group Worker/Loan Underwriting This introductory session provides the basics of credit reports and counseling techniques to help correct inaccurate information and assist the clients in repairing their credit score. You will gain the understanding of basic budgeting This session is an opportunity to work in a roundtable setting. We will discuss and solve problems that are presented concerning issues that are encountered by a Program Manager when operating a self-help housing program. F-2: Construction Supervisor Networking Track: Construction Join this session to discuss current issues, explore best practices and network with fellow Construction Supervisors from around the nation. practices and tools to help build positive credit profiles and F-3: Financial Management Networking qualify more families for mutual self-help. Track: Financial Management Come to this session to meet and share the challenges of managing the money. We will talk together about the grant and family accounts, how they fit into your organization’s financial picture, and hear some tips from your peers. F-4: Group Coordinator Networking Track: Group Worker/Loan Underwriting This session is an opportunity to work in a roundtable setting. We will discuss and solve problems concerning issues that are encountered with recruitment/outreach, borrower applications, handling credit issues, and family retention while E-5: Assessing the Program Fit for Our Organization and Community Track: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to the Program This session will assist organizations with assessing the need for self-help housing, interest and desire of potential participants, availability of building sites, eligibility and capacity of the organization and the level of community support. waiting to start construction. F-5: How to Complete a Section 523 Application Track: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to the Program Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask, about completing a Section 523 application. Governing boards of grantees and/or organizations new to the self-help program (or anyone just wanting a refresher) will benefit from an overview of the 523 application. Find out what is E-6: Understanding Appraisals needed, why it’s needed and the recommended format to Track : Networking & Other provide the data. Are appraisals a mystery to you? Do you question how and F-6: SHARES & Technology Today why appraisers place a certain value on a property? Do you Track : Networking & Other have questions about the different methods used to determine market value? Does your client have recourse if they believe the appraised value is unfair or incorrect? This session looks at the rules and methodology used in appraising a property, new or existing, and the appraisal process itself in a way that anyone with some familiarity with real estate can understand. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 The Self-Help Automated Reporting and Evaluation System (SHARES) will assist you in tracking your self-help housing program’s progress. This session will provide an overview and discussion on the new SHARES system. We will also introduce useful programs, mobile apps, and methods for bringing your program into today’s technological world. Registration Brochure–Page 9 Thursday, July 23 G-4: Best Practices: Running a Successful Self-Help Building Group; Creating, Managing and Team Building for Success Track: Group Worker/Loan Underwriting 8:00 am GENERAL SESSION Telling Our Stories: • Participant stories • Organizational stories of community and economic impact From the honeymoon phase through the day the keys get turned over—building a team and keeping the team together will make your self-help builds easier, more enjoyable for all participants and get the builds done more quickly. Come and share your most successful tips for efficiency, best practices, time saving techniques and tools to keep productivity and morale high from start to finish. Project Managers, Group Coordinators, and Construction Supervisors will all benefit 9:00 am CONCURRENT SESSIONS from this interactive session. It takes the grantee’s team of superstars to make each building group successful, bring G-1: Economic Impacts: Direct, Indirect and Induced—The Ripple Effect of Housing Development Track: Program & Organizational Management your team to share and learn from other self-help star teams. G-5: Other Funding $ources: Affordable Housing Program (AHP), HOME, Community Development Block Grants, Re- How do we measure the economic impacts of self-help hous- volved SHOP Funds, etc. ing development in the local community and the region? This Track: Governing Boards of Grantees/Organizations New to workshop will introduce models used to project economic the Program impacts from construction activity. Attendees will leave the workshop armed with practical tools to quantify economic impacts and strategies to market their programs to supporters, communities, funders and legislative bodies. What do you do when credit issues are resolved but the household still lacks sufficient income to qualify? And what about when your organization’s 523 grant just isn’t quite enough? Gap or supplemental financing may be the answer. G-2: Best Practices: Tools for Success This session will explore gap funding sources used for down- Track: Construction payment assistance and supplemental funding for program This session will cover the role of the construction supervi- management and participant construction funds. sor, the homeowners and the roles each will play during G-6: Advocacy the construction of their homes. The supervisor has to wear Track : Networking & Other many hats, and the families have to work together safely from the hammering of that first nail to installing the lock on the front door. Hear from the National Rural Housing Coalition (NRHC) and the National Rural Self-Help Housing Association (NRSHHA) about the self-help housing program and its issues on the G-3: Direct or Indirect…That is the Question! Hill. Learn how your organization can help make a difference Track: Financial Management in funding levels and support. If your organization has more than one program and/or more than one funding source, you should have a fair and equitable way of allocating allowable shared costs. This may simply be a cost allocation plan or it may include an approved indirect cost rate. But which one is right for your organization and 10:45 am CLOSING GENERAL SESSION Self-Help Program Video Unveiling and More! what are the benefits and drawbacks of each? Learn the answers to these questions and more from your trainer and from representatives from the Department of the Interior, Office of Indirect Cost Services, during this informative discussion dealing with fair allocation of organizational costs. National Self-Help Housing Conference 2015 Registration Brochure–Page 10 Registration Form Please register online, if possible, at: If you can’t register online, use this form. Complete a separate form for each person registering. You can copy this form or download additional forms. Name_____________________________________________________________ Title______________________________________________________________ Agency____________________________________________________________ Mailing address_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________________ Phone (__________ )________________________________________________ E-mail____________________________________________________________ o_ I prefer vegetarian meals. Special needs: If you have special needs addressed by the Americans with Disability Act, please notify Susan Buntjer at (916) 447-9832 ext. 1009 by June 1, 2015. Conference Registration Fee: o Early Bird Registration until June 5: $245 o Registration from June 5–June 30: $295 Register on-site at the Wyndham San Antonio after June 30. Amount paid $_____________ purchase order no._________________ enclosed o Check no._______________________________________________ enclosed (make payable to Little Dixie Community Action Agency) o Mastercard o Visa o American Express Card No.___________________________________________________________ Exp. Date___________________ CSC (3 or 4 digit code)___________________ Print name as on card________________________________________________ Billing address______________________________________________________ Billing City/State/Zip_________________________________________________ Cardholders Phone (_________ )_______________________________________ Workshop selection: Please select one session for each time slot. Tuesday, July 21 Wednesday, July 22 Thursday, July 23 10:15 am Concurrent Sessions A-1: Diversification: Rehab, Different Self-Help Models A-2: Planning: Successful Schedule Management A-3: What Does the “SuperCircular” Mean for My Organization? A-4: Marketing and Outreach A-5: Strategic Planning 10:15 am Concurrent Sessions D-1: Best Practices: High Performing Self-Help Grantees D-2: Self-Help Rehab D-3: Best Practices: Financial Certification D-4: 502 Loan Packaging: Common Mistakes D-5: Overview of the Self-Help Program D-6: Fair Housing, ADA and Civil Rights 9:00 am Concurrent Sessions G-1: Economic Impacts: Direct, Indirect and Induced G-2: Best Practices: Tools for success G-3: Direct or Indirect…That is the question! G-4: Best Practices: Running a Successful Self-Help Group G-5: Other Funding $ources G-6: Advocacy 1:45 pm Concurrent Sessions B-1: Best Practices for Hiring, Training and Maintaining Staff B-2 Problem Solving and Mediation B-3: 523 Grant Management B-4: Board Responsibilities B-5: Let’s “SHOP” Around: SHOP Program 3:45 pm Concurrent Sessions C-1: Land Acquisition and Development Basics C-2: New Construction Technology and Techniques C-3: Creating Financial Statements That Can Be Used as a Management Tool C-4: Pre-construction Meetings C-5: Risk Management 1:45 pm Concurrent Sessions E-1: Understanding the Grant Agreement E-2: Effective Bid Process & Utilization of Construction Contracts E-3: 502 Bookkeeping: Establishing Consistency E-4: Cleaning Up Budget and Credit Readiness E-5: Assessing the Program Fit for Our Organization and Community E-6: Understanding Appraisals 3:45 pm Concurrent Sessions F-1: Program Manager Networking F-2: Construction Supervisor Networking F-3: Financial Management Networking F-4: Group Coordinator Networking F-5: How to Complete a Section 523 Application F-6: SHARES & Technology Today How to Register: 1. Please register online at: 2. If you can’t register online, you can mail this registration form and payment to: National Self-Help Conference C/O Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc. 209 N. 4th Street, Hugo, OK 74743 3. If paying by credit card, you can also fax your registration to: (580) 326-9239 Refund Policy: There is a $50 cancelation fee. Refunds will be granted if a written request is submitted to Little Dixie before July 1, 2015. After July 1, no refunds will be granted, but substitute registrations are welcome if submitted in writing to Little Dixie. There are no refunds for no-shows at the conference. Questions? For questions about registration, contact Little Dixie Phone: (580) 326-5165 Email: Scholarships: Limited funds may be available for scholarships. Please contact your T&MA provider to submit a scholarship request. You will be notified by May 15, 2015 if your request is approved and the amount we are able to provide. All requests must be made by May 1, 2015. Please contact your T&MA contractor representative below: Florida Non Profit Housing, Inc. Tiffany Green Little Dixie Community Action Agency Jeannie Reynolds NCALL Jill Lordan Rural Community Assistance Corporation Kim Strong
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