How to open a Bicycle Shop, 1

How to open a Bicycle Shop, 1
How to open a Bicycle Store
Supplier and Wholesale Distributors List
How To sell Online
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 2
How to open a Bicycle Store
Opening a bicycle shop is no different that open a regular store. I will explain
briefly steps for opening the store. For more information go online and search by this
topic in webs and blogs. Also go to your local permit office to request documentation
necessary. First, before opening the store, study your local market, see what’s missing on
other bicycle store, what is your strong side on your future business. Your strong side can
be, your vast knowledge on bicycle mechanics, your customer service professionalism,
location, exclusive brands, fat wallet, you name it. Also have to decide wich market you
will focus, Cycling, Mountain Bike, Down Hill, Recreational riders, Recumbent,
Tandem. Because a bicycle store can’t have all bases covered in the bike world, you have
to specialized in one area and work one or two more. I recommend you to focus
depending your location
The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA) regularly receives requests from people
interested in starting their own retail bicycle businesses. Our message can be broken into two
parts: Good News and Bad News. We'll start with the "bad."
We’d be remiss if we didn’t try to scare you off from the difficult task of starting a retail bicycle
business. So here goes: Retailing is difficult, and it’s getting tougher. If we told you that you’d go
broke within the first three years, we’d be right 70% of the time. The United States is in the midst
of a revolution in retailing, with mass merchants, mail order, chains, and other forms of selling
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 3
having momentum, and small independent stores under tremendous pressure. Today’s consumer
wants high quality, great personal service, and a super-low price. There isn’t much room for error,
and the small store’s costs are usually higher than the big guy's. The competitive battle is won
through excellence, and excellence is not always easy to achieve.
The number of independent bicycle dealers is dropping, from a high of about 8,000 in the early
1980s to about 5,000 in early 2004. The bicycle retail industry typically loses about 1,000 bicycle
dealers each year, mostly start-ups, but gains that many back because of even more start-ups.
However, the overall number of storefronts has been declining in the last few years. Many people
have lost their lives’ savings in the retail bicycle business because they loved bikes, but didn’t
have a similar zest for the art of retailing. Bike shops run by people who are only bicycle
hobbyists, and not business people, typically find the going tough in today’s competitive market.
Add all that to the overall slim profitability in the bicycle industry, and you can really get
depressed. NBDA studies show the typical bicycle dealer needs about a 36% profit margin to
cover the costs of doing business and break even financially. Studies also show the average
realized profit margin on bicycles to be around 36%, which is a break-even proposition devoid of
profit. Fortunately accessories products generally carry a higher profit margin than bicycles. Still,
the average bike dealer’s profit is less than 5% at year’s end -- about $25,000 for an average size
store of $500,000 in annual sales.
If you’re still reading this, maybe you’re ready for...
The level of innovation and diversity has never been higher in "dealer-quality" bicycle products.
The number of entrepreneurial companies designing and manufacturing appealing products for
the public is high, both in bicycles and accessories items. There isn’t any part on a bicycle which
hasn’t been improved in the last five or so years. The bicycle is tied to health, vitality, fun and
exercise. The bicycle is one of the least-expensive transportation choices available, as well as a
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 4
wonderful tool for fitness and fun. The bicycle affects peoples’ lives in very positive ways, and its
use contributes to the betterment of the environment.
Cycling participation is solid. There are approximately 45 million adult "cyclists" today, and cycling
ranks fifth on the list of most popular outdoor recreational activities. The government has started
to include bicycles in transportation planning. And for the retailer, the opportunity to successfully
operate your own business in this very special field can be personally very satisfying.
Look closely at yourself before taking on the difficult task of starting a bicycle business.
Enthusiasm is important, but it’s not enough. Make sure you can muster excitement and creativity
for merchandising, buying strategies, accounting, inventory control, advertising, employee
relations, and sweeping the floors. You must want to serve people of all ages, types, colors and
creeds. You’ll need some mechanical inclination and a strong constitution — not flinching from
long hours, hard work and setbacks.
Use all the resources you can find to learn about small business basics. "Seat of the pants"
business management principles can get you into a lot of trouble. Above all else, take the time to
do your research and build a sound business plan (see article in the newsletter section of this
web site). Planning, organizational skills, and high energy are prerequisites for success in the
bicycle business.
The most successful dealers in the country stress personal service, and developing personal
relationships with customers based on caring and service. Quality and personal attention are
powerful ways to differentiate yourself from the various discounters and mail order outfits
competing for the cycling dollar. The owner and key managers must truly want to help customers
and the community, and be truly concerned about and involved with them.
This model of service affects almost every decision made by a retailer. Each time a customer
steps into your store, he or she is judging the experience. You and your store are performing, and
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 5
the showroom is your stage for showing product in interesting ways, where you interact with
customers, and try to find out what they need and want that you can provide. The successful
dealer pays very close attention to the quality of the customer’s "retail experience." Customers
don’t like to be ignored, or taken for granted, or manipulated, or bored. Attention to detail, good
selection, knowledge, a caring attitude, good product presentation — these are all keys to giving
the customer that good experience. The store must be identified as "the brand" in the community
-- not just the products they carry. Relying on the specific products you sell for your identity is
extremely risky because others can also sell those specific products.
High quality retailing is not possible without being profitable, having the resources to meet
customer expectations and wants. A common scenario of a struggling dealer is one who fails to
maintain appropriate profit margins that allow financial viability, but instead uses unrealistic low
prices across the board to attract customers. This can lead to what some refer to as the "death
spiral." The retailer may appear busy and successful at first, but if revenue doesn't cover
operating costs, failure is inevitable. The NBDA urges all dealers to keep records and know what
their true cost of doing business is (rent, utilities, salaries, etc.) The numbers here are from the
NBDA Cost of Doing Business Survey, reporting dealerships with expenses shown as a
percentage of gross sales. It’s simple arithmetic — if your sales don’t cover your cost of goods
plus your expenses, you’re losing money. Know what YOUR break-even point is. Be in control.
(From NBDA Cost of Doing Business Survey,
expressed as a percentage of gross annual sales)
Payroll Expenses — 20.5%
Occupancy Expenses — 7.7%
Advertising/Promotion — 3.%
Auto and Delivery — 0.5%
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 6
Depreciation — 0.9%
Insurance — 0.8%
Licenses/Other Taxes — 0.5%
Professional Services — 0.5%
Office Supplies/Postage — 1.2%
Telephone — 0.6%
Travel/Entertainment — 0.4%
Other operating expenses— 1.3%
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 7
Business Planning
The following outline for business planning has been provided by bicycle industry veteran Ed
Benjamin, who owned and operated successful stores in Florida for many years. It is targeted for
people who may be looking at buying or starting a bicycle retail business, but can also be very
useful to existing bicycle stores.
By Ed Benjamin
Questions to consider before buying or starting a bicycle store…
By answering these, you will create a list of concerns, information and goals that you can use to
start your business plan.
Goals and Lifestyle:
1. What are your personal, long and short term goals? Describe them in both lifestyle and dollar
2. How long will the contemplated business serve these goals?
3. What is unique about you or your situation that will enable you to be successful at this
4. How much money do you have to invest?
5. What would be the consequences of losing that money?
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 8
6. What about this business would make it attractive to other investors?
7. What return do you expect?
8. What return do you think your investors (if any) will expect?
9. Where is your expertise?
10. What do you like to do the most?
11. What do you like to do the least?
12. In what areas do you need other's expertise?
13. Are you willing to work longer, harder hours?
14. Are you willing to work weekends?
15. Are you wining to forgo vacations, or time off, perhaps for years?
16. How will longer harder hours, and few holidays affect your family or other relationships?
17. Who will help you?
18. How will you feel if your business is not successful?
19. What will you do, if your business is not successful?
1. What is the population within a 15 minute drive?
2. What is the income, and age demographics of that population?
3. What sort of bicycle facilities such as bicycle paths, BMX tracks, etc. exist?
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 9
4. What is the economic base of the community?
5. How many bike shops exist in the area?
6. How well are they doing?
7. How big is the local bicycle club?
8. Is there racing in the area?
9. Is there a local triathlon(s) every year?
10. How rapidly is the community growing (or not)?
11. What bicycle brands are represented by local shops already?
12. What brands are not represented?
13. Have you compiled an analysis of each bike shop? (including years in business, size of store,
number of employees, volume of sales)
14. Have you talked the local reps for any of the bike lines?
15. Have you considered franchising?
16. Have you considered buying an existing store?
17. Have you talked to the staff of existing stores?
18. Have you considered hiring any of them?
19. Check the yellow pages, add to this information clippings of newspaper ads and notes about
any advertising the other bike shops are doing. What conclusions have you come to about
advertising in this market?
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 10
20. Have you subscribed to the bicycle trade magazines?
21. What trade shows have you attended?
22. Have you acquired the NBDA studies on the bike business?
23. Have you investigated banks, do you have a potential line of credit arranged?
24. Do you qualify. for any Federal or State assistance programs?
25. Have you investigated SBA loans?
26. Have you talked to merchants in similar businesses, in the local community, about their
business experiences?
27. Do you have a mentor(s) that can help you with the bike business?
28. Do you have a CPA and a lawyer that you are comfortable with, and who have successfully
worked with other small merchants for many years.
29. Do you have an insurance agent and advertising agency (or consultant) that you are
comfortable with, and have successfully worked with other small merchants for many years?
30. What market share do you think existing shops have?
31. Have you made a list of every place that sells bikes in the area? (include grocery stores,
sporting goods, bike shops, hardware stores, used bicycle outlets, everything)
32. What complaints do local cyclists have about existing stores?
33. Is any local store participating in the Catalyst Super Sale?
34. Is any local store participating in the Catalyst Cycling Guide?
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 11
35. Are any local stores parts of Bike Line or Performance??
1. Have you defined your business in 50 words or less?
2. What will you name your business?
3. Are you convinced that business planning is an absolute necessity?
4. Have you made a financial plan that defines the capital you will need, projects your sales and
projects your profits?
5. Do you have a computer? Are you competent with spreadsheets?
6. What business structure do you plan to use?
7. Have you prepared your current financial. statements?
8. What is your current personal credit rating?
9. Do you have substantial personal assets to collateralize loans to the business?
10. What is your marketing plan?
11. What is your mission statement?
12. What trends in this business are forecast for the nation?
13. What plans do you have to acquire additional training for yourself?
14. How will you train your staff?
15. What vulnerabilities do you think you will have? What are your plans to deal with them?
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 12
16. Are there plans by local or state government that will affect your business? (example:
widening a road in front of the site)
17. What is happening with the increase or decrease in supp1iers to the bike business?
18. How do you expect to exit this business? (sell it, liquidate it, die, etc.)
19. Have you investigated possible alternative locations?
20. Describe the basic lease terms offered or purchase price?
21. Have you talked to merchants who rent from this landlord, or are in the same immediate area
about their experiences?
22. What marketing position do you expect to occupy?
Now take the information that you have accumulated by answering these questions and:
1. Describe the present situation of yourself and the market you want to enter.
2. Describe your objectives in starting this business, and how you will know if you reach them.
3. Describe the management team and organization you will create.
4. Describe the products you will offer, both merchandise and service.
5. Describe what equipment and facilities you will need
6. Analyze and describe the market.
7. Describe your marketing strategy.
8. Using a spreadsheet, create cash flow projections for five years.
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 13
9. Review all of the above, and write an executive summary.
There are a lot of people, including myself, who would tell you that the bike business has been
good to them. The vendors, the dealers and the customers are a better than average bunch.
They love what they do, they are healthy and pleasant. A well run bike shop can make money,
and while no one ever got rich, a lot of dealers have been very comfortable.
But, this is a flat out warning. Going into business is dangerous to your lifestyle, your net worth,
your relationships with family and friends, and to your peace of mind.
If I seem to overstate this, it is because I believe that I am doing you a favor by giving you simple
honest advice that being an Independent Bicycle Dealer is not for everyone. And it may not be for
Before entering into a business, you should contemplate the following:
You are probably in a pretty good situation right now. You probably have adequate income, and
you probably enjoy your life and the relationships you have around you. By starting a business,
you may alter the fabric of your life so much that you will lose all the friends you have, and be
taken over by the interests of your business to such a degree that you (and others) will find your
life monotonous or stressful to a unpleasant degree. You may make money, but you may also
lose everything you have, and wind up bankrupt or with crushing debts.
You do not have to start a business, it is a choice. If you choose not to start a business, that may
be the better of the two decisions.
You must believe this to the point where if the plan does not shape out to meet your goals, you
will drop the business idea, and smile while you do so.
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 14
People who find problems in the planning stages and go ahead anyway are usually doomed to
failure. By telling yourself it is OK to not start the business, you make your chances of a
successful business much more likely.
Once upon a tune, a friend came to me and said, "Ed! I need your help." When asked what was
the matter, he replied: "I bought this bike shop, and now I have to start work long before starting
time, and I have to stay long after quitting time, and I have to work weekends, and now my wife
has to help me!"
"So?" I inquired.
"And I'm not making any money," he complained.
"Welcome to being self employed," I replied.
Steps to starting a retail business
1. Choose a Business Legal Structure
Choosing the proper legal organizational structure for your business is one of the most
important decisions you will make. While it is possible to change your structure at a later
date, it can be a difficult and expensive process. Therefore it's better to make the right
decision before you start your own business.
2. Choose a Name for Your Retail Business
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 15
Dreaming up a moniker may come easy for some, but others struggle with the task. Here
are some do's and don'ts for naming your own retail business.
3. Apply for an EIN
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification
Number, and is used to identify a business entity. Here's why you need one and how to
apply online for an EIN before you start your own business.
4. Decide What Products to Sell
Finding a product for your retail business to sell may very well be the most difficult
decision you will need to make when starting a retail business. Before you commit to a
product or product line, consider these factors while deciding what to resell.
5. Write a Business Plan
Whether it is formal or informal, on paper or on disk, the process of creating a business
plan will only help your business become successful. It is one of the most crucial steps in
starting a retail business. Learn how to write a business plan for your retail store, why
writing a business plan is necessary, purchase business plan software and view free
sample retail business plans.
6. Learn the Laws
Understand what business licenses and permits you need to obtain by contacting your
city, county and state government offices. Before you start your own business, find out
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 16
what laws govern your type of retail store. Consider consulting with both a lawyer and an
accountant, as each will help you properly organize your business.
7. Find a Location
Where you choose to locate your retail business will have a major impact on everything
your shop does. The difference between selecting the wrong location and the right site
could be the difference between business failure and success.
8. Buy Wholesale Products to Resell
A successful retail business depends greatly on offering the right product, at the right
price, at the right time. Therefore, it is paramount to the success of your business to be
able to locate the best sources for those products. As you take this step to starting a retail
business and decide what products or product lines you would like to sell, it's then time to
find places to buy those items at wholesale. For buying wholesale we provide list of
distributor of Bicycle Parts and other merchandise.
9. Establish Store Policies
The best time to establish policies and procedures for your retail business is during the
planning stages. By anticipating problems before you open your doors, you can choose
how you'll handle special situations, as well as the normal day to day operations. This
helps avoid making mistakes once you're faced with customers.
10. Spread the Word
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 17
Before you open a retail store, start spreading the word. Create a retail marketing plan,
brainstorm sales promotion ideas, begin branding and advertising your retail store. Learn
how to use loss leaders, media buys and sales events to the benefit of your retail shop.
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 18
How to start a Home Based Business
The best home-based business is the one you start with your own two hands – not the one
in the ad or the one your friend is promoting.
How do you start a successful home-based business? The secret of success is not to stop
halfway through the business selection process as so many people do. Follow these six
steps to start a home-based business that will succeed rather than just being a drain of
your time and money.
1. Assess your talents.
Think of your talents as the things you’re really good at. They’re like personality traits.
For instance, you may be a very creative person, or a person who’s really good at
attending to details or a person with a gift for communicating. Your talents are the base
for any successful business venture, including a home-based business.
2. Examine your skills.
These are the things that you can do. The difference between talents and skills is that
talents are passive and skills are active. Or, to put it another way, you’re born with talents
but you develop skills over time as you learn. For instance, a creative person may have
excellent skills for drawing or writing or design. A person who has a talent for attending
to detail may have strong accounting or organizational skills.
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 19
3. Put your talents and skills together and generate business ideas.
The procedure I’m outlining here will work for starting any kind of business, but as we’re
focusing on home-based businesses, the question is, “With these talents and skills, what
kind of home-based business could I start?”
Suppose you’re one of those people who has accounting and organizational skills and the
talents to back them. Some of the home business ideas you come up with could include:
Tax preparation
Business manager
Professional organizer
And that’s just four ideas from our limited premise here. When you’re doing this
exercise, you, of course, have more than one or two skills, so you’ll find that your list of
possible home business ideas is much longer.
Don’t censor yourself as you list home business ideas. List all your ideas at this stage;
crossing off choices comes later.
4. Give your business ideas the home-based business test.
The fact is that not all businesses are going to work well as home-based businesses, and
some won’t work at all. You are not going to be able to start a manufacturing business in
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 20
a residential neighbourhood, for example, and any home-based business that involves a
lot of clients coming and going is sure to upset the neighbours.
Go back over your list and cross off any business ideas that won’t work as home-based
If you are intent on starting a home-based business where you actually get to work at
home, also cross off any business that could be operated as a home-based business but
wouldn’t allow you to work at home. For example, in the short list of sample business
ideas above, I would cross off “business manager”, as this would involve off-site work.
Many people who want to start home-based businesses stop here. They’ve come up with
an idea for a home-based business that they like and feel they’ll be good at, so they
plunge into it at this point.
Don’t make this mistake! If you do, you run an extremely high risk of investing months
of your time, energy and money in a losing venture and seeing the home-based business
you had such hopes for fail. As I said in the introduction, the secret to starting a homebased business that will succeed is to work through the entire business selection process.
The next two steps are critical to your home-based business’s success. Click to continue
on to the next page.
Figuring out the profit angle and doing a business plan are two important parts of the
process of starting a home-based business – two parts that many people starting a homebased business don’t bother with. But if you want to start a home-based business that will
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 21
succeed, rather than just being another business failure that drained your time and wallet
and left you disappointed, you need to pay particular attention to these two steps of the
starting a home-based business process.
5. Figure out the profit angle.
This is the litmus test for anyone wanting to start a home-based business. You may have
a great talent for something and the skills that enable you to express it, but if people
aren’t willing to pay you for the product or service, it won’t work as a business. For each
home based business idea, you need to know the answer to two questions:
How much are people willing to pay me for this product or service?
Can I make a sufficient income from that?
Suppose that you, being a creative person, are able to make beautiful quilts. However,
because of the time involved, you’re only able to make two quilts per month. You
discover that people are willing to pay $200 for each quilt you produce. The math says
that you would have, therefore, an income of $400 per month. (Actually less, as there will
be expenses related to quilt production, such as cloth and thread, to deduct from this
An outrageous example, isn’t it? But many people put themselves in a very similar
position by starting home-based businesses without considering the profit angle. Business
is about profit, and without sufficient profit, you’ll never have enough income to even
pay the bills, let alone generate wealth.
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 22
Go back to your list of home business ideas and assess the profit-making potential of
each. If the answer to either of the two questions above isn’t satisfactory, cross that idea
for starting a home-based business off your list.
Note that you decide how much income is enough. Many people run part-time homebased businesses that supplement their income and are perfectly satisfied with that. If you
are planning to start a home-based business that will provide all of your income,
however, you have to research the profit-making ability of your business idea very
6. Do a business plan to assess the viability of your new home-based business.
Many people are under the impression that working through a business plan is only
necessary if you’re going to be looking for a business loan. But the primary reason to do
a business plan is to find out if your business idea has a chance of becoming a successful
So once you’ve chosen a home-based business idea you’re passionate about, start
working through a business plan. My Business Plan Outline will lead you through the
process. The research and thinking that you do as you work through the business plan
will do more than anything else to ensure that the home-based business you start
And if your work on the business plan shows you that your idea for starting a home-based
business is not a good idea, shelve it, choose another home business idea and go through
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 23
the process again. It’s not uncommon to work through part of at least three business plans
before you find the business idea that will blossom into the thriving business you want to
So if you want to start a home business, ignore the home-business opportunity ads; there
are no shortcuts to starting a successful home-based business. By following the six steps
outlined above instead, you’ll end up with an idea for a home-based business that truly
has the potential to succeed, bringing you the money and the satisfaction you’ve been
dreaming of.
Bicycle Parts Wholesalers List
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 24
This list is from the bigger companies in the bike Industries. All of them require the
1. Physical Store
2. State Resale License
3. Federal ID#
4. Business Telephone Number
5. Copy of yellow page add
6. Business Insurance
7. Photo of front, showroom and repair section of your store
8. Minimum order requirement between $1,000 to $1,500 each.
9. Fill Dealership Application Forms, Banks information and authorize to check
your credit report.
10. Trade reference. At beginning is difficult, because you won’t have any trade or
any wholesaler reference as a reference.
11. I recommend you, If your plans are sell on Ebay or Home Base business selling
to local customer or website, visit , you will
access to the biggest suppliers without the hassle to open a retail location. Only a
low yearly membership ($49.00) is required. You will see actual prices that pay
retail stores for their goods and then they add a commission for their service as a
middleman from the big wholesalers companies to you! .
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 25
Wholesaler List
Action Bicycle USA
Action Bicycle USA
217 Washington Ave.
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
Phone: 800-284-2453
Fax: 800-532-7329
**Complete Wholesaler
Bicycle Technologies International
Bicycle Technologies International
1216 Mercantile Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Phone: 800 558-8324
Fax: 505 473-0011
**Complete Wholesaler
Cycles Lambert
Cycles Lambert
Brands carried:
Abus, AXO, Cane Creek, Cat Eye, Ergon, Finish Line, Fulcrum, Garmin, IRC, Michelin,
RaceFace, White Lightning, Zipp, and many more.
DPM Sports
DPM Sports
62 Hillside Ave.
Cresskill, NJ 07626
Phone: 201-871-1558
Fax: 201-871-1617
Brands carried:
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 26
Dolan and Spiuk.
Gita Sporting Goods, Ltd.
Gita Sporting Goods, Ltd.
12500 Steele Creek Road
Charlotte, NC 28273
Phone: 800.366.4482
Fax: 704.588.4322
Brands carried:
Giordana, Pinarello, Opera, Eddy Merckx, Pegoretti, DMT,, Gommitalia,
Campagnolo, Cinelli, Deda, Bike Ribbon, FSA, and Reynolds Composites.
Hans Johnsen Company
Hans Johnsen Company
8901 Chancellor Row
Dallas, TX 75247-5363
Phone: 800-879-1515
**Complete Wholesaler
J&B Importers
J&B Importers
**Complete Wholesaler
Kemco Group International
Kemco Group International
12350 Montague St., Unit L
Pacoima, CA 91331
Phone: 866-488-3582
Ochsner USA
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 27
Ochsner USA
246 East Marquardt Drive
Wheeling, IL 60090-6430
Phone: 847.465.8200
Fax: 847.465.8282
Brands carried:
Assos, Campagnolo, Carnac, Schwalbe, Tacx, Zym, and more.
Olympic Supply Company
Olympic Supply Company
5711 W. Douglas Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53218
Phone: (414) 461-8380
Fax: (414) 461-5601
Brands carried:
ACS, Alex, Araya, Crank Bros.,Jagwire, KMC, Koolstop, Odyssey, Panaracer, Park
Tool, Pedros, Polar Bottle, Selle Italia, Shimano, Wellgo, Wheelsmith, White Lightning,
and more.
Orange Sport Supply, Inc.
Orange Sport Supply, Inc.
#106 - 2433 Dollarton Hwy.
North Vancouver, BC V7H 0A1
Brands carried:
Chris King, DMT, FSA, Kool Stop, Magura, Oury, SKS, Titus, Velox, Wheelsmith
Spokes, Wippermann, and more.
Paceline Products
Paceline Products
6608 Royal St.
Pleasant Valley , MO 64068
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 28
Phone: (888) 411-0287
Fax: (800) 792-2690
Brands carried:
AquaJoe, Chamois Butt'r, Boeshield T-9, Halo, Headsweats, Maxxis, Qoleum, and more.
Quality Bicycle Products
Quality Bicycle Products
6400 W. 105th Street
Bloomington, MN 55438
Phone: (952) 941-9391
Fax: (952) 941-9799
**Complete Wholesaler
Seattle Bike Supply
Seattle Bike Supply
7620 S. 192nd St
Kent, WA 98032
Phone: 1-800-283-2453
**Complete Wholesaler
Seventies Distribution
Seventies Distribution
Brands carried:
Fit, FBM, Federal, Kink, Primo, S & M, Props, Macneil, T1.
Ten Pack Distribution
Ten Pack Distribution
110 - 8575 Government St.
Burnaby, BC V3N 4V1
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 29
Phone: (604) 421-2229
Fax: (604) 421-2239
Brands carried:
Ronin, Solid, Fit, FBM, Profile, Little Devil, Macneil, Kink, Ares, Diatech, SST, Federal,
Terrible One, We The People, Props, Araya, Chase BMX, and more.
Tifosi Sales Inc.
Tifosi Sales Inc.
Phone: 201-493-1502
Fax: 201-493-1503
Brands carried:
Bell, Blackburn, Ciclosport, Descente, Easton, Enervit, Giro, Look, Sidi, Thule,
Vredestein, and Zipp Speed Weaponry.
Tip Plus Distribution
Tip Plus Distribution
Link: site
Brands carried:
Primo, and more.
United Bicycle Parts
United Bicycle Parts
Phone: 1-800-482-1984
**Complete Wholesaler
United Bicycle Supply
United Bicycle Supply
447 Williamson Way
Ashland, OR
**Complete Wholesaler
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 30
Veltec Sports
Veltec Sports
5070 Sigstrom Dr.
Carson City, NV 89706
Phone: (800) 578-5790
Wm Lewis Imports, Inc.
Wm Lewis Imports, Inc.
910 Todo Lane
Driftwood, TX 78619
Phone: 512-847-5797
Fax: 512-847-6064
Brands carried:
Quattro Assi.
Bicycle Parts Wholesaler
Puerto Rico
if you want to start selling and profit or buy and save right away, without the hassle of
opening a physical store, this is the place.
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 31
How to sell on eBay
Follow these easy steps
Go to then go to Register. (If you have an eBay account please skip)
Set up a seller's account by providing a valid credit card and bank account information. If
you do not want to provide eBay this information, become ID Verified instead (which
will require you to send copy of different legal documents such as Ontario Driver Licence
and etc.)
Sign up to accept PayPal
If you want to use PayPal's easy way to accept buyers' credit card and electronic check
online, we recommend signing up before we list your first item for sale. Register for
Fill out the Sell Your Item form.
The Sell Your Item form is where you'll create your eBay listing. Here are some of the
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 32
you'll find:
Choose a Selling Format
Are you selling through eBay's standard online auction format, setting a fixed price, using
own eBay Store, or listing an ad in the Real Estate category? More about selling formats.
Select a Category
Explore eBay categories ahead of time to help you choose the best place to list your item.
searching for similar items and see where they are listed.
Write a Title
Be clear, complete, and descriptive. Your title should include words buyers would search
when looking for your item. View tips on titles.
Item Specifics
This field is only available for select categories. If you see it, fill in the details to help
your item sell
fast. More about item specifics.
Item Description
Here's your chance to really describe and promote your item. Be clear and complete, of
But you can also be creative, telling the history of your item or listing uses for it.
Add Pictures
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 33
Show off your item with vivid pictures. You can use eBay Picture Services, which lets
you add
pictures straight from the selling form—and offers some attention-grabbing options. Or
you can
click Web Hosting to use your own hosting service.
Pricing and Duration
How long do you want your listing to run? How many items are you selling? What will
starting price be? Would you like to use a reserve price or sell with Buy It Now? Answer
questions here.
Item Location
It's as simple as saying where you are and it helps people near you find your item.
Increase Your Item's Visibility
Explore the many listing upgrades that can help your item stand out from the crowd.
Choose the
options that are right for you.
Enter Payment and Shipping Information
How will you accept payment from your buyer when your listing ends? eBay
recommends offering
PayPal the fast, easy and secure way to accept credit card or checking account payment.
Where will you ship your item and who will pay for that cost? The more details you
include on the
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 34
Sell Your Item form, the easier the end of your listing will be.
Review and submit your listing.
Now you'll see a preview of your listing and a summary of its details. Look this over
carefully. If
you're satisfied and finished, submit your listing.
Now your listing begins!
And when your listing ends…
Communicate with your buyer.
Using eBay's Checkout service? When your buyer has completed Checkout, eBay will
notify you
by email. If you didn't specify shipping and payment details, the buyer can use Checkout
request this info. You can also use Checkout to send the buyer an invoice.
If you selected not to use Checkout, you should contact the buyer directly using email or
Important: You should contact the buyer directly if you have not heard from the buyer or
buyer has not completed Checkout within 3 days of your listing's end.
Receive payment.
If the buyer paid with PayPal, you will receive an email confirming payment. If you have
not yet
registered for the PayPal service, you will be asked to register to accept the payment.
Ship the item to the buyer.
How to open a Bicycle Shop, 35
Pack it up well! You don't want damage from shipping to create problems for you and
your buyer.
Leave the buyer feedback.
eBay's feedback system helps create a trustworthy community for everyone. Your
about your buyer is important information for other sellers!
You're done! It's so much fun, you'll want to sell again right away.