TOWN OF LOCKPORT 2015 SPRING EDITION It is hard for me to believe that another winter has passed and spring has arrived. Inside this exciting issue of the Town of Lockport Newsletter are details of our planned activities and recreation events. Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall: Arriving June 10th and departing June 15th. The Vietnam Memorial Wall arrival is much anticipated and will include events for the entire family to enjoy. Councilmen Paul Siejak and Thomas Keough are putting together the final plans for this great event to thank our veterans and their families for their service to our country. Opening ceremonies will begin Thursday June 11th. Please try to attend some portion of the event and say thank you to any veterans you meet. Heather Drive: Because of water line breaks this winter we were unable to complete the Heather Drive water project. The neighborhood has experienced lower than expected water pressure from our use of pressure reducing valves. These valves (PRV pits) keep the water pressure below the Niagara Escarpment to a manageable level. Once this change is complete, Heather Drive water pressure should be greatly improved. Thank you for your patience. Construction: This spring will see construction in the following areas: 1.Transit Road – waterline from Tonawanda Creek North to the Big Lots store, just north of Robinson Road (East side of the road) 2.Transit Road – New York Beer Project near Tonawanda Creek. 3.East High Street - Sidewalk from the City line to Greenview Drive. 4.Tonawanda Creek Road – sewer line repairs and replacement. 5.Highway Dept. - repairs across many additional roads will cause limited delays. New Business: Welcome to the following new businesses: Walmart Super Center opened 1/21, Shoe Show, Maurice’s moved into the Tops Plaza, New York Beer Project should have broken ground on the new 17,000 square foot micro-brewery and restaurant. Caution: Please drive carefully. When out walking, face traffic, wear bright colored or reflective clothing and carry a flashlight after dusk. Sincerely, Marc R. Smith Supervisor Town Newsletter Now Posted on! TOWN DIRECTORY SUPERVISOR Marc Smith TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas Keough Paul Siejak Pat Dufour Mark Crocker TOWN CLERK Nancy Brooks TOWN HIGHWAY SUPT. Dave Miller TOWN SEWER/WATER Water Clerk Emergency After Hours TOWN JUSTICES Cheryl Antkowiak Leonard Tilney Jr. TOWN RECEIVER OF TAXES Lori Carrero TOWN ASSESSOR Jill Lederhouse BUILDING INSPECTOR Brian Belson DOG CONTROL OFFICER Barry Kobrin TOWN HISTORIAN Larry Haseley STATE REPRESENTATIVES State Sen. Robert Ortt State Assembly Jane Corwin 439-9520 439-9575 433-8188 433-4605 434-0898 439-9524 439-9522 439-9529 433-0005 439-9528 439-9528 439-9531 439-9526 439-9527 628-2347 434-1547 434-0680 839-4690 NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATORS Anthony Nemi – 11th Leg. Dist. 434-0133 Wm. Keith McNall – 13th Leg. Dist. 434-8070 Richard Updegrove – 12th Leg. Dist. 434-2140 John Syracuse 14th District 778-5064 Michael A. Hill 15th District 735-3259 POLICE Emergency New York State Police Niagara County Sheriff’s Dept. 911 434-5588 438-3393 NYS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Roger A. Thompson 877-457-5680 Nate Verhag 877-457-5680 2 Economic Development Coordinator David Kinyon 439-9535 Office Hours Town Court: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mon. -Fri. 12:00 p.m.. - 7:30 p.m. 1st and 3rd Tuesday Town Hall: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon. -Fri. Building & Assessing Department: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon. -Fri. Offices Closed Good Friday, April 3rd Memorial Day, May 25th Independence Day, July 3rd 2015 Town Board Meetings 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 6560 Dysinger Road April 8th May 6th June 3rd July 8th FREE RABIES IMMUNIZATION CLINICS 2015 The Niagara County Department of Health in cooperation with the Niagara County Veterinary Society will hold FREE Rabies Immunization Clinics in 2015. FOR DIRECTIONS call the specific clinic site FOR ANY OTHER CLINIC RELATED QUESTIONS: call 439-7511 1. Saturday, April 11 Town of Hartland Highway Garage 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 8940 Ridge Road Gasport, NY 14067 • Phone: (716) 735-7179 2. Saturday, June 6 Hyde Park – Oasis/Centennial Pavillion (behind Ice Arena) 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. 911 Robbins Drive, City of Niagara Falls • Phone: 286-4940 3. Saturday, July 11 Town of Lewiston Highway Garage 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. 1445 Swann Road, Town of Lewiston • Phone: 754-8213 4. Saturday, September 19 Town of Lockport Highway Department 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. 6560 Dysinger Road, Town of Lockport • Phone: 439-9524 5. Saturday, December 5 City of North Tonawanda - Public Works Department 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 758 Erie Avenue, City of North Tonawanda • Phone: 695-8585 • By law, all cats, dogs and domesticated ferrets must have a current rabies vaccination from four months of age and on. • Cats and dogs receiving immunization WITHOUT PROOF of a previous rabies immunization will receive a certificate valid only for one year. Cats and dogs WITH PROOF of previous rabies immunizations will receive a certificate valid for three years. • Ferrets must receive vaccinations annually, regardless of previous immunization. • All Animals must be properly restrained. Cats & Ferrets must be in a box or carrier. Dogs must be leashed. • The Department does not offer dog or cat vaccinations other than rabies. It is very important for the health and well being of your animal and the other animals attending our rabies clinics, that they have seen a veterinarian and are up to date on all of their immunizations, to include dog parvo virus. • Volunteers are needed. Please call 439-7511 if interested. • It is requested that anyone bringing more than six animals to one clinic contact the Niagara County Department of Health at 439-7511 up to one week prior to the clinic so paperwork can be processed more efficiently. VETERINARY SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE NIAGARA COUNTY VETERINARY SOCIETY Community News TOWNWIDE GARAGE SALE Lockport Chiropractic Office Upgrades Lincoln Avenue Appearance JUNE 5TH – JUNE 7TH NO PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AND THE TOWN WILL ADVERTISE THIS EVENT LOCALLY! Town of Lockport Outstanding Youth Award By David Kinyon, Economic Development Coordinator Lockport Chiropractic, owned by Dr. August Domenico, has completed an extensive renovation of a long-vacant building at 6612 Lincoln Avenue. The transition of the property into professional office space greatly enhances the appearance of this section of Lincoln Avenue, which has become a center of professional and health care practices. The Lincoln Avenue/Davison Road Corridor of Lockport also features the Lockport Professional Office Park, Briody Health Care Facility and Quinlivan Rehabilitation Center, Horizon Health Services, as well as numerous private medical, legal and financial practices. The building at 6612 Lincoln Avenue had previously housed Bracetto’s Restaurant, and prior to that, Pizza Dome. This award is offered to a graduating high school Senior who resides in the Town of Lockport. The award includes a $1,000 scholarship, a recognition plaque and a proclamation from the Town. Completed applications must be returned to the Town Clerk’s office by April 27, 2015. Applications can be obtained at the Town Clerk’s office, Lockport Public Library, Lockport High School Guidance Office and page 9 of this newsletter. Past Winners: 2012 Jenna LaRose 2013 Katie Britt 2014 Bryan Wojcinski Photo Credit: Donna Johnston Congratulations Bryan Wojcinski The Annual Drinking Water Quality Report is available on the Town of Lockport website: Will be coming to the Town of Lockport and will be on display at the Lockport Town Hall complex at 6560 Dysinger Road Thursday, June 11, 2015 through Sunday, June 14, 2015 The nearly 300-foot long, six-foot high, faux-granite replica is inscribed with the names of more than 58,000 American Patriots who died or were missing in action in Vietnam. To see the memorial, to touch it and experience its magnitude offers many unforgettable moments to visitors. Many activities are being planned for this special event. The Lockport Town Board and staff thank all Veterans for their service. CONTACT INFORMATION: Paul Siejak - Town Councilman Chairman 433-8188 Thomas Keough - Town Councilman Co-Chairman 439-9575 3 Community News 4 Community News ATTENTION ALL VETERANS The Lockport Town Clerk’s office will be hosting a Niagara Co. Veteran’s Service Agency Outreach Day at the Town Hall on April 14, 2015 from 9:00 – 4:00 p.m. This program will give all veterans an opportunity to meet one-on-one with a representative from the agency to answer some of the most frequently asked questions of veterans and to discuss all of the available service programs offered to area veterans including but not limited to: • Nonservice-Connected Disability Pension • Widows’/Dependents’ Pension/DIC • Montgomery G.I. Educational Bill/Post 911 G.I. Bill • Vocational Rehabilitation • VA Healthcare • Home Loan Guaranty • Request for Military Records • Request for Service Medals • Recording of DD214/Separation Papers with the County Clerk’s Office • New York State Property Tax Exemptions • New York State Medals for Certain Duty Service • New York State Exempt Parks Pass • New York State Exempt Thruway Pass (E-Z Pass) • Discharge Upgrade • Burial Benefits Any interested veterans and/or family members can call the Town Clerk’s office at 439-9524 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to make an appointment to talk with an agency representative. Appointments will be on a first-come-first served basis. The Lockport Town Clerk and staff thank all veterans for their service. COMPUTER CLASSES 2015 Computer Classes held at the Lockport Town Hall Sponsored by Lockport Public Library, Town of Lockport and NIOGA Library system CLASSES @March YOUR LIBRARY Thursday, 12 Check out ebooks and ezines (1pm to 4pm) Thursday, April 9 Facebook! (1pm to 4pm) Thursday, May 14 Excel Basics (1pm to 4pm) Thursday, July 9 Flash Drives, the Cloud and File Management (1pm to 4pm) Register for classes (716) 433-5935 Ext 3 Register Early, Class space is Limited Lockport Television elevis Lo ckport Community Community T Training T raining Classes ffor or Spring 22015 Have you even wanted to learn television production and produce your own television program? Are you looking for a fun volunteer activity that affords ffords your endless creativity? Do you plan on making television a career and want to learn more? Whatever the reason, LCTV classe classes might be right for you. For more information please sign up for an LCTV Ori Orientation session which is held free of charge throughout the year and learn more about what you can do at LCTV. Classes begin again this Spring! LCTVs next Orientation session will be held on: Tuesday - May 26th, 2015 at 7pm (Attendance is required to enter classes and produce a program at LCTV) For more information or to sign up for Orientation call: 434-1733 LCTV is located at: 293 Niagara Street Lockport, NY 14094 Portable P Production roduction Class Tuesday - June 2nd at 7pm Fee:$25 Editing in Final Cut Express Tuesday - June 9th at 7pm Fee: $35 Complex Media Tuesday - June 16th at 7pm Fee: $15 Studio Camera Operations Tuesday - June 23rd at 7pm Fee:$15 Studio Directing Additional information as well as programming schedules available at: Tuesday - June 30th at 7pm Fee: $25 Day Road Park Memorial Tree Program Update I am pleased to report that the Town Board has approved the purchase of 25 new trees for our Day Road Park. Approximately 10 of these trees will be used to replace trees that are stressed or dying. The balance of the trees will be available for purchase. If you have an interest in purchasing one of the trees to memorialize or honor someone, please leave me a message at 439-9524. I will work out the details of location, species, etc. on an individual basis. The approximate cost including the memorial plaque will be $250 per tree (prices will vary depending on the engraving charge for the memorial plaque). Trees will be available on a first come, first serve basis. I have continued to assure our residents who are concerned about trees that were previously planted, we will continue to monitor the health of the trees and replace them as necessary. I will look forward to continuing this wonderful program at Day Road Park. Pat Dufour Town Councilmember 5 Highway Department GARBAGE AND RECYCLING Please make sure your garbage and recycling is out by 6:30 am on your scheduled day. There are times Waste Management is earlier than expected. Remember if you’re over the limit of six (6) bags and/or cans you will need to purchase stickers in order for Waste Management to take everything you have. Stickers are $1.00 each and can be purchased at the Town Clerk’s office Monday – Friday 8:30 am -4:30 pm. Any large item such as a mattress, box spring, any appliance, etc., is considered one unit of garbage. If you have any questions please call 439-9522. 2015 BRUSH SCHEDULE Brush pick up will begin the third Monday of the month between March - November. Brush pick up will continue for that entire week and for the entire town. Please have your brush out by 7am. The highway department will not pick up brush from cleared lots, roots, stumps or limbs larger than 8 inches in diameter. Brush must be piled neatly, with cut end to the road. There will be no return trips to pick up brush. NO EXPCEPTIONS! PLOW DAMAGE If you have any damage to your yard from our plows, please call the highway office, 439-9522. Also, please be patient with the pot holes. We will be fixing them as weather allows. DEAD ANIMALS The Town of Lockport ONLY picks up dead deer on town roads. No other animal, no exceptions. IF you have a dead animal, please call the regional office of the D.E.C. at 851-7010. If you live on a county road, call 439-7360. If you live on a state road, call 438-2396. REMINDER: Please be cautious when driving on any road. Our employees, along with state and county employees, work hard to maintain our roads. Drive carefully and slowly when you’re around road construction. Thank you. Note from Building Inspector HOLIDAY GARBAGE RECYCLING SCHEDULE MAY 2015 MONDAY 25 MEMORIAL DAY No Collection TUESDAY 26 Monday’s Collection WEDNESDAY 27 Tuesday’s Collection THURSDAY 28 Wednesday’s Collection FRIDAY 29 Thursday’s Collection SATURDAY 30 Friday’s Collection SEPTEMBER 2015 6 MONDAY 7 Labor Day NO Collection TUESDAY 8 Monday’s Collection WEDNESDAY 9 Tuesday’s Collection THURSDAY 10 Wednesday’s Collection FRIDAY 11 Thursday’s Collection SATURDAY 12 Friday’s Collection Premises Identification: new and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers, or approved building identification plainly legible and visible from the street. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches. Jason Thompson Deputy Building Inspector Town of Lockport Assessor Collection ANNUAL RE-ASSESSMENT PROGRAM The Town of Lockport continues in its 15th year of annual re-assessment, to maintain its equalization level of 100% of market value. All properties in the Town are analyzed. Any changes will be determined by recent sale information showing an increase or decrease in value. Change of Assessment Notices are mailed around the first week of April. Any changes to the property, including additions, garages, pole barns, sheds, decks and demolition of structures; may also affect the assessments. Please review these notices. Informal meetings with the assessor are available in April, by appointment. Formal challenges to the assessments are scheduled for the Board of Assessment Review, Tuesday, May 26, 2015, by appointment. Town Historian I hope you enjoy my Memories from the Past – When You Drive And Caution Ceases You Are Apt To Rest In Pieces Burma Shave The First Methodist Society Of Chestnut Ridge I am sure many of you have seen the Stone Church on the North side of Chestnut Ridge Road, at the “T” intersection with Keck Road. This Church is believed to be the Oldest Church in the area that has continued it’s original (Methodist) Denomination, while still holding Services in their Original Building. They will Celebrate the 180th anniversary of the Church Building, which held the First Service on June 13, 1835. The Congregation, with 37 members, was formed January 27, 1834, at a meeting in the original District #3 School, that was located on a small piece of land next to the present Church. Titus Hall (an ancestor of Historian John Hall), and his nephew Sylvester Flagler, were just two of the prominent local residents that were involved in the building of the Church. Titus donated the land for the Church, and was appointed the Supervisor of Construction, which he completed for $1850. He got the Stone from the Shuler Quarry, at Chestnut Ridge and Cold Springs Road, Sand and Gravel from John Wilson, on the Sandpit Road, and Lumber from Lyman Spalding. In 1866, the Church was enlarged Recreation and remodeled for $1900. Sylvester Flagler bought land on the South West corner of Keck Road, and built a Log Cabin. In 1839 he built the Stone House to the West of the intersection, which is owned by the Hamilton family. I do not have any information about the construction of the Stone District #3 School, near the intersection of Chestnut Ridge Road and Route #31, which is now the Town Historian’s Office, but it appears that it may have been built by the same people. In the last issue of the Town News Letter, I wrote about “Wyndham Lawn”, and I neglected to write anything about the Stone House that sits on the front corner of the property. I do not have any information about the House, except that it was the “Caretakers House”, and later was used as Rental Property. A Reminder – my office in the former Dist. #3 School is open on Thursdays from Noon until 4:00, and by appointment. I have acquired quite a bit of Historical info about the Town, and am always looking for more. Another Shameless Shout-out --The Town Historical Society is in need of some New Members -- we meet (8) times a year, and we need more Members to attend so that we can put on Good Programs. Larry Haseley, Town Historian (716) 434-1547 • Cell (585) 301-1672 FREE TOWN MOVIE NIGHT FRIDAY, JUNE 19TH, 2015 Day Road Park Corner of Day Road & East High Street enjoy the sounds of Greater Niagara Musicians at 7:00 p.m.before showtime at dusk. 7 Recreation TOWN OF LOCKPORT SUMMER SWIMMING PROGRAM The town will be participating with the Youth YWCA Swim program July 6th thru July 31st at the Lockport High School Pool Sessions will run for 45 minutes everyday from 10:00am – 12:45pm. General cost will be $55.00 per swimmer, at the Lockport High School Pool. The Town will be providing a coupon for $20.00 off the program registration fee at the Town Clerk’s Office, please be sure to bring proof of residence. Registration will be the first week in May at the YWCA on a first come, first served basis. Or sign up at Lockport High School on June 10th and 17th from 5PM to 7PM. Questions may be directed to the YWCA at 433-6714. Lock Into History at the ERIE CANAL DISCOVERY CENTER 24 Church St. 210-228 Market St., Lockport NY (716) 433-6155 See the 20 x 30 foot Raphael Beck Erie Canal Mural. Learn the history of the Erie Canal. Interactive, multimedia facility. Hear the stories of the Canawalers. Cruises run from May 4 – Oct. 12, 2015 Adults $14.00 with Coupon Children (4-10 yrs.) $7.00 with Coupon Reservations suggested. Coupons on pg. 12 8 439-0431 January 1st – April 30th, 2015 (Friday - Saturday) 10:00am to 3:00pm May 1st to October 31st, 2015 9:00am to 5:00pm November 1st - December 31st, 2015 (Thursday - Saturday)10:00am to 3:00pm Regular Admission: $6 for adults; Free for children 18 and under when accompanied by an adult, coupons on pg. 12 TOWN OF LOCKPORT: OUTSTANDING YOUTH AWARD This award is offered to a graduating high school Senior who resides in the Town of Lockport. The award includes a $1000 scholarship, a recognition plaque and a proclamation from the Town. Fill out the application below or pick one up at the Town Clerk’s office from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Completed applications must be returned to the Town Clerk’s office by April 27, 2015, attention Recreation Commission. All information will be kept confidential. For High School seniors who are Town of Lockport residents ONLY! Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________________ Phone Number:_________________________ Date Submitted: ______________________________ Name of School: ________________________________ 1.) Scholastic Achievement (list any honors or awards): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.) Leadership/Extracurricular Activities: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.) Community Service (Clubs, churches, charities, etc.): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.) Essay: Attach an essay of no more than two typed pages describing the person you are and the person you hope to become. For more information, contact Chairwoman Jeanine Shaw at 433-7876 Additional applications are available at the Town Clerk’s office. 9 Recreation Movie tickets are not available online, only at the Palace box office, beginning 1 hour prior to the showtime. -Please allow up to 24 hours to process orders. -All off site ticket purchases may be subject to a handling fee. Is the online order process secure? YES! Ticket sales are provided through Vendini, a leader in online ticket sales. They use the latest in security technology to keep your orders safe. Telephone Orders Call our Box Office at (716) 438-1130, Monday through Friday 10am-2pm and 2 hours prior to any show. Telephone orders are accepted with credit card payment (Visa or MasterCard). Please have your credit card number with expiration date ready. Tickets will be held at the Box Office. Mailed tickets will be subject to a shipping fee. Visit our Box Office Tickets may be purchased at the Palace Theatre during regular Box Office hours (M-F 10am-2pm). We accept cash, local checks, travelers checks and VISA & MasterCard. Tickets are also available at Mills Jewelers. Reserved Seating Seats are reserved with the exception of student matinees and performances noted as general admission. Lobby doors open 45 minutes prior to the announced time of each performance. Theatre doors open 30 minutes prior to curtain. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the management. Ticket Prices Ticket prices are given with the listing for each production. Senior Citizen discount applies to age 60 and over. Child discount applies to ages 10 and under. Everyone, regardless of age, must have a ticket. Group Sales Group sales are available for groups of 10 or more. Call (716)438-1130 for details. Every effort will be made to have your group seated together. 10 The Dale Association AFTERNOON DELIGHT Annual basket raffle and luncheon featuring 100 baskets and prizes, 50/50 split club, lunch by Donna Eick catering, Saturday, May 9 (doors open at 11:00, lunch at 12:30), 33 Ontario St, Lockport. Tickets: 433-1886, or FREE HEALTH & RESOURCE EXPO Featuring the best in health care, free health screenings, and basket raffle, Tuesday, May 19 (10:00 am2:00 pm), 33 Ontario St, Lockport. RSVP: 433-1886 Town Clerk’s Office THE DALE, UNCORKED Annual wine tasting event featuring wines and hard ciders from Niagara’s best, highend raffle, 50/50 split, delicious hors d’oeuvres and cash bar; Thursday, June 18 (6:00-8:00 pm), Lockport Town & Country Club. Tickets: 433-1886, or Driver Safety Program • Safety tips • Safe following distance • Right-of-Way situations • Left turn rules • Temperature conditions of icy roads • Defensive driving tips • Parking lot danger spots • Medications that may cause problems • How to handle adverse driving conditions • Many other preventative measures Insurance deductions may apply! CLASSA REFRE ROOM COURSHER GEARE SE PEOPL D FOR EO 50 VER Smart Driver Course One, 6-hour session Saturday, May 30, 2015 9:00AM - 4:00 PM Lockport Town Hall Two, 15 minute breaks and 1/2 hour for lunch $20.00 AARP Members $25.00 Non-members Registration closes Friday, May 22, 2015 THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS Return enrollment application to: Lockport Town Clerk - AARP Driver Safety; 6560 Dysinger Road, Lockport, NY 14094 Please enroll me/ us in the AARP Driver Safety Program on May 30, 2015 Enclosed is a check/money order Made Payable to: “AARP” (No Cash Please) Name: Street: Mr. Mrs. Lockport, NY 14094 Miss Ms. Phone: (716) ___________________________________________________________ AARP# ________________________________________ (Please list AARP# on check.) 11 Town of Lockport 6560 Dysinger Road Lockport, NY 14094-7970 PRESORT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #862 BUFFALO NY SAVE $2.00 ON ALL PALACE THEATRE EVENTS! SAVE $2.00 ON ALL PALACE THEATRE EVENTS! SAVE $2.00 ON ALL PALACE THEATRE EVENTS! SAVE 75 ¢ ON ANY ONE CONCESSION ITEM SAVE 75 ¢ ON ANY ONE CONCESSION ITEM SAVE 75 ¢ ON ANY ONE CONCESSION ITEM 2.00 OFF $ Erie CanalDiscovery Center Lockport Locks & Canal Cruises $ .50 OFF 3 ADULT EXPIRES 4/12/16 Lockport Locks & Canal Cruises $ .00 OFF 2 CHILD EXPIRES 4/12/16 2.00 OFF $ Erie CanalDiscovery Center Lockport Locks & Canal Cruises $ .50 OFF 3 ADULT EXPIRES 4/12/16 Lockport Locks & Canal Cruises $ .00 OFF 2 CHILD EXPIRES 4/12/16 2.00 OFF $ Erie CanalDiscovery Center Lockport Locks & Canal Cruises $ .50 OFF 3 ADULT EXPIRES 4/12/16 Lockport Locks & Canal Cruises $ .00 OFF 2 CHILD EXPIRES 4/12/16
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