eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual, April, 2015 Version 1.0 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Notice © 2015 Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs This is a controlled document. Unauthorized access, copying, replication or usage for a purpose other than for which it is intended, are prohibited. All trademarks that appear in the document have been used for identification purposes only and belong to their respective companies. MINISTRY OF OVERSEAS INDIAN AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AKBAR BHAWAN CHANAKYA PURI NEW DELHI-110021 Telephone No.: +91-11-24197900 Fax No.: +91-11-24197919 Email: info@moia.nic.in MOIA Confidential i eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 PF3020 Document Release Note Notice No.: 01 Customer: Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs Project: eMigrate Document Details Name Version Number Employer Operational Procedure Manual 1.0 Description This document contains detailed process steps for all processes for which the Employer uses the eMigrate system. Revision Details Action Taken (add/del/change) Previous page number New page number Revision description Change Register serial numbers covered: The documents or revised pages are subject to document control. Please keep them up-to-date using the release notices from the distributor of the document. These are confidential documents. Unauthorized access or copying is prohibited. MOIA Confidential ii eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 PF2060C Document Revision List Customer: Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs Project: eMigrate Document Name: Employer Operational Procedure Manual Release Notice Reference (for release) Revision Revision Number Date MOIA Confidential Revision Description Page Number Previous Page Number Action Taken Addenda/ New Page Release Notice Reference iii eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 About this Document Purpose This manual has been written to help you understand and use the eMigrate system. It presents the functional capabilities and operational details of the eMigrate system, and contains the procedures that you should know for performing your business tasks using it. Intended Audience This manual is intended for the Employers registered by the respective country’s Indian Mission, or applicants who want to apply to the Indian Mission for Registration. Organization of this Document Information in this document has been organized as follows: Table 1: Organization of the Document Chapter Description Chapter 1 Introduction to eMigrate System Chapter 2 Getting Started Chapter 3 Registration Chapter 4 Interview Advertisement Permission Chapter 5 Capacity Enhancement Chapter 6 Emigrant Related Processes Chapter 7 Reporting Processes Appendix A Glossary Appendix B FAQs Typographical Conventions The following table gives the details of the typographical conventions used in the document: Table 2: Typographical Conventions Formatting Convention Key Names MOIA Confidential Type of Information Keys on the keyboard appear in title case (first letter in upper case). For example, Page Up, Caps Lock A combination of keys is connected by a +. For example, Shift + Tab means you should press the Shift key and the Tab key together. iv eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Filenames Names of files are in italics. Example, system.mdb Commands and Screen element names Buttons, check boxes, etc. Commands that you choose from the menus or dialog boxes appear in title case and are bold-faced. Example: Click Components from the Action menu. User-entered text Text that you would need to enter appears in Verdana font. Notes section. This section contains alternate flows or any additional information related to a particular business process. MOIA Confidential v eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Contents 1. Introduction to eMigrate System .................................................................... 12 1.1. Features of eMigrate System................................................................................................. 12 1.2. Software and Hardware Requirements ................................................................................. 12 1.2.1. Software Requirements ............................................................................................... 12 1.2.2. Hardware Requirements.............................................................................................. 12 1.3. eMigrate System URL ............................................................................................................ 12 2. Getting Started ................................................................................................. 15 2.1. Opening eMigrate System ..................................................................................................... 15 2.2. Using the System Interface.................................................................................................... 15 2.2.1. Header ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.2. Navigation Bar ............................................................................................................. 15 2.2.3. Main Body .................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.4. Footer .......................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.5. Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 17 2.3. Logging in eMigrate system (for Registered Employers) ...................................................... 17 2.4. Using the system Interface (for Registered Employers) ........................................................ 18 2.4.1. Header ......................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.2. Navigation Bar ............................................................................................................. 19 2.4.3. Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 20 3. Registration ....................................................................................................... 21 3.1. Applying for Registration ........................................................................................................ 21 4. Interview Advertisement Permission ............................................................. 29 4.1. Applying for Interview Advertisement Permission ................................................................. 29 5. Capacity Enhancement ................................................................................... 31 5.1. Applying for Capacity Enhancement ..................................................................................... 31 6. Emigrant Related Processes .......................................................................... 34 6.1. Raising Demand .................................................................................................................... 34 6.2. Applying for Employer Permit ................................................................................................ 43 6.3. Generating Employment Contract ......................................................................................... 48 6.4. Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) .................................................. 51 6.5. Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Cancellation ............................. 59 MOIA Confidential 6 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 6.6. Updating Emigrant Association Details ................................................................................. 60 6.7. Cancelling Unutilized Jobs ..................................................................................................... 62 6.8. Entering New RA Details ....................................................................................................... 63 7. Reporting Processes ....................................................................................... 65 7.1. Viewing Application Status .................................................................................................... 65 7.2. View Demand Letter .............................................................................................................. 66 7.3. Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application...................................... 68 7.4. Viewing Open Jobs ................................................................................................................ 68 7.5. View Permits .......................................................................................................................... 70 7.6. Viewing Grievances Details ................................................................................................... 70 A Glossary ........................................................................................................... 72 B FAQs ................................................................................................................. 74 MOIA Confidential 7 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 List of Figures Figure 1: eMigrate System Home Page ................................................................................................ 13 Figure 2: eMigrate system after logging in as a Registered Employer ................................................. 13 Figure 3: System Interface- Header ...................................................................................................... 15 Figure 4: System Interface- Navigation Bar .......................................................................................... 15 Figure 5: System Interface- Main Body................................................................................................. 16 Figure 6: System Access (for Registered Employers)-Registered Users Login ................................... 18 Figure 7: System Access (for registered Employers)- Header ............................................................. 18 Figure 8: System Access (for registered Employers): Navigation Bar .................................................. 19 Figure 9: Applying for Registration Screen 1 ........................................................................................ 22 Figure 10: Applying for Registration Screen 2 ...................................................................................... 22 Figure 11: Applying for Registration Screen 3 ...................................................................................... 22 Figure 12: Applying for Registration Screen 4 ...................................................................................... 23 Figure 13: Applying for Registration Screen 5 ...................................................................................... 23 Figure 14: Applying for Registration Screen 6 ...................................................................................... 24 Figure 15: Applying for Registration Screen 7 ...................................................................................... 24 Figure 16: Applying for Registration Screen 8 ...................................................................................... 24 Figure 17: Applying for Interview/ Advertisement Screen 1 .................................................................. 29 Figure 18: Applying for Capacity Enhancement Screen 1 .................................................................... 31 Figure 19: Applying for Capacity Enhancement Screen 2 .................................................................... 32 Figure 20: Raising Demand through RA Screen1................................................................................. 35 Figure 21: Raising Demand through RA Screen2................................................................................. 35 Figure 22: Raising Demand through RA Screen2 (cont.) ..................................................................... 35 Figure 23: Raising Demand through RA Screen3................................................................................. 36 Figure 24: Raising Demand through RA Screen4................................................................................. 36 Figure 25: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen 1 ................................................................... 37 Figure 26: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen 2 ................................................................... 38 Figure 27: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen2 (Cont.)........................................................ 39 Figure 28: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen3 .................................................................... 39 Figure 29: Raise Permit Screen1 .......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 30: Raise Permit Screen1 (Cont.) .............................................................................................. 44 MOIA Confidential 8 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 31: Raise Permit Screen2 .......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 32: Raise Permit Screen3 .......................................................................................................... 45 Figure 33: Generate Employment Contract Screen1 ............................................................................ 48 Figure 34: Generate Employment Contract Screen2 ............................................................................ 49 Figure 35: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 1 ................................ 52 Figure 36: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 2 ................................ 52 Figure 37: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 3 ................................ 53 Figure 38: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 4 ................................ 53 Figure 39: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 5 ................................ 53 Figure 40: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 6 ................................ 54 Figure 41: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 7 ................................ 54 Figure 42: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 8 ................................ 54 Figure 43: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Cancellation Screen 1 ........... 59 Figure 44: Update Emigrant Association Details Screen1 .................................................................... 61 Figure 45: Cancel Job ID Screen1 ........................................................................................................ 62 Figure 46: Associate New RA with Demand Screen1 .......................................................................... 63 Figure 47: Associate New RA with Demand Screen2 .......................................................................... 64 Figure 48: Viewing Application Transaction Status Screen 1 ............................................................... 65 Figure 49: Viewing Application Transaction Status Screen 2 ............................................................... 66 Figure 50: Viewing Demand Letter Screen1 ......................................................................................... 67 Figure 51: Viewing Demand Letter Screen2 ......................................................................................... 67 Figure 52: Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application Screen 1 .................... 68 Figure 53: Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application Screen 2 .................... 68 Figure 54: Viewing Open Jobs Screen 1 .............................................................................................. 69 Figure 55: Viewing Open Jobs Screen 2 .............................................................................................. 69 Figure 56: Viewing Permits Screen 2 .................................................................................................... 70 Figure 57: Viewing Grievances Screen 1 .............................................................................................. 71 MOIA Confidential 9 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 List of Tables Table 1: Organization of the Document ................................................................................................. iv Table 2: Typographical Conventions ..................................................................................................... iv Table 3: Software Requirements .......................................................................................................... 12 Table 4: Hardware Requirements ......................................................................................................... 12 Table 5: Business Processes through eMigrate system ....................................................................... 13 Table 6: System Interface- Header Hyperlinks ..................................................................................... 15 Table 7: System Interface- Navigation Bar Dropdown Menus .............................................................. 15 Table 8: System Interface- Main Body Elements .................................................................................. 16 Table 9: System Interface- Footer hyperlinks ....................................................................................... 16 Table 10: System Interface- Buttons Description ................................................................................. 17 Table 11: System Access (for registered Employers)- Header Hyperlinks ........................................... 18 Table 12: System Access (for registered Employers): Navigation Bar Dropdown Menus ................... 19 Table 13: System Access (for registered Employers): Buttons Description ......................................... 20 Table 14: Employer Registration Form Field Reference Table............................................................. 25 Table 15: Interview/ Advertisement Permission Form Field Reference Table ...................................... 30 Table 16: Capacity Enhancement Form Field Reference Table ........................................................... 32 Table 17: Raising Demand Form Field Reference Table ..................................................................... 40 Table 18: Employer Permit Form Field Reference Table ..................................................................... 46 Table 19: Generating Employment Contract Form Field Reference Table .......................................... 49 Table 20: Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Form Field Reference Table ....................... 55 Table 21: Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Cancellation Form Field Reference Table .. 60 Table 22: Updating Emigrant Association Form Field Reference Table ............................................... 61 Table 23: Canceling Unutilized Jobs Form Field Reference Table....................................................... 62 Table 24: New RA Details Form Field Reference Table ....................................................................... 64 Table 25: Viewing Application Transaction Status Form Field Reference Table.................................. 66 Table 26: Viewing Demand Letter Form Field Reference Table........................................................... 67 Table 27: Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application Form Field Reference Table ..................................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 28: Viewing Open Jobs Form Field Reference Table ................................................................. 69 MOIA Confidential 10 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 List of Abbreviations Abbreviation IM Expanded Form Indian Mission MOIA Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs PGoE Protector General of Emigrants PoE Protector of Emigrants TCS Tata Consultancy Services MOIA Confidential 11 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 1. Introduction to eMigrate System The eMigrate system is an e-governance initiative by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), Government of India. Employers registered by the MOIA or applicants who want to apply to the MOIA, for getting registered, have to use the eMigrate system for various business processes defined in the Emigration Act, 1983. 1.1. Features of eMigrate System Using the eMigrate system, you can: Apply online to Indian Mission / MOIA as per the various business processes defined in the Emigration Act, 1983. Track status of your application. 1.2. Software and Hardware Requirements This section describes the software and hardware requirements required to access the eMigrate system. 1.2.1. Software Requirements Table 3: Software Requirements Operating System Web Browser Java Runtime Requirements Adobe Acrobat Reader Windows OS(Vista and above) Internet Explorer (7 and above), Google Chrome, Firefox Mozilla (Best Viewed in Internet Explorer 7.0 and above at resolution 1024 X 768) Latest version Latest version 1.2.2. Hardware Requirements Table 4: Hardware Requirements Desktop/Laptop Network Infrastructure Printer Scanner Any basic model having sufficient Processor speed (1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster), RAM size (Min 512 MB), Hard Disk (Minimum 20 GB and above) etc Internet connectivity (Min 512 kbps recommended). Any basic model capable of printing documents. Any basic model capable of scanning documents (Min 300 dpi). 1.3. eMigrate System URL The eMigrate system can be accessed by the following URL: https://emigrate.gov.in The Website is meant to be used by applicants who want to apply to MOIA for becoming a registered Employer, and also by registered Employers. MOIA Confidential 12 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 1: eMigrate System Home Page Figure 2: eMigrate system after logging in as a Registered Employer The eMigrate system is used for the following business processes: Table 5: Business Processes through eMigrate system Registration related MOIA Confidential Applying for Registration 13 eMigrate System processes Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Re-submitting application for Registration (in case of incomplete application). Tracking status of application submitted. Interview Advertisement Permission Capacity Enhancement Emigrant Related Processes Applying for Interview Advertisement Permission Applying for Capacity Enhancement Raising demand Applying for employer permit Generating employment contract Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Applying for cancelling Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Updating emigrant details Canceling unutilized job Entering new RA details Reporting Processes View Application Status View Demand Letter Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Viewing Open Jobs Viewing Permits Viewing Grievances Details MOIA Confidential 14 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 2. Getting Started This chapter covers the design and navigation details of the system. 2.1. Opening eMigrate System Access to the eMigrate system is open to any public user. To open the eMigrate System, enter the URL- http://www.eMigrate.gov.in in a web browser. 2.2. Using the System Interface This section introduces you to the screen elements of the eMigrate System (header, navigation menu, main body, footer and buttons) which you will use to perform various tasks and operations. 2.2.1. Header The header is the top bar in the eMigrate System. It contains elements like hyperlinks, MOIA logo, eMigrate system logo etc. Figure 3: System Interface- Header The following table below details the various hyperlinks in the header and their function. Table 6: System Interface- Header Hyperlinks Hyperlink Allows you to… Return to the home page. Adjust the font size on the portal. Select any colour theme for the portal. View information about MOIA View FAQs on eMigrate system View MOIA contact information View the sitemap of the portal 2.2.2. Navigation Bar The navigation bar is placed below the header. It contains drop down menus for various business processes. It also contains a home button ( ) for returning to the home page. Figure 4: System Interface- Navigation Bar The menu items applicable to you are detailed in the table below: Table 7: System Interface- Navigation Bar Dropdown Menus Menu Allows you to… MOIA Confidential Apply for Registration Resubmit Application Track Status Find Employer 15 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 2.2.3. Main Body The main body contains shortcut hyperlinks for various business processes and quick search options. Figure 5: System Interface- Main Body The elements applicable to you are detailed in the table below: Table 8: System Interface- Main Body Elements Element Allows you to… Apply for Registration Resubmit Application Find a Recruiting Agent Navigate through FAQs 2.2.4. Footer The footer contains some additional hyperlinks. The table below details the hyperlinks: Table 9: System Interface- Footer hyperlinks MOIA Confidential 16 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Hyperlink Allows you to… Return to home page. Redirects to MOIA website: www.moia.gov.in. Redirects to OWRC website: www.owrc.in Opens the terms and conditions page. Opens the hyperlinking policy page. Opens the FAQs list. Opens the submit feedback form. Opens the FAQs list. 2.2.5. Buttons Various buttons are used in the eMigrate System. The table below details the icon, name and description of the button used: Table 10: System Interface- Buttons Description Button Icon Name Cancel Description Takes the user to the home page. Clear Resets the current page and clears all the page content. Delete Deletes a file uploaded on the form. Edit Allows the user to edit the details entered in the form. Takes the user to the next page. Next Open .pdf file Opens the .pdf file like application form submitted, payment receipt etc. Open Calendar Opens a calendar. Previous Takes the user to the previous page. Refresh captcha image Loads a new captcha image on the page. Save & Next Saves the details entered by the user and takes the user to the next page. Search Searches for information based on parameters entered by the user. Submits the form containing user entered details. Submit Upload Opens a pop up for selecting file required to be uploaded. Validate Validates whether the name and PAN card number of the agency do not match with an already registered recruiting agency. 2.3. Logging in eMigrate system (for Registered Employers) For registered employers: you will log in the system using your login ID and password. MOIA Confidential 17 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 1. Open URL https://emigrate.gov.in. Click Registered Users Login Here. . Figure 6: System Access (for Registered Employers)-Registered Users Login 2. Select Employer from the drop down menu. 3. Enter your Login ID and Password, and click Login. 4. On successful authentication of the user, the system home page for registered Employer appears. 2.4. Using the system Interface (for Registered Employers) This section introduces you to the screen elements of the system for registered Employers (header, navigation menu, and buttons). 2.4.1. Header The header is the top bar in the eMigrate system. It contains elements like hyperlinks, MOIA logo, eMigrate system logo, user details etc. Figure 7: System Access (for registered Employers)- Header The table below details the various hyperlinks in the header and their function. Table 11: System Access (for registered Employers)- Header Hyperlinks Hyperlink MOIA Confidential Allows you to… Return to the internal home page for registered Employers Adjust the font size on the portal. 18 eMigrate System Hyperlink Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Allows you to… Select any colour theme for the portal. N.A. for your role. Logout of the eMigrate system. View information about MOIA View FAQs on eMigrate system View MOIA contact information View the sitemap of the portal 2.4.2. Navigation Bar The navigation bar is placed below the header. It contains drop down menus for various business processes. It also contains a home button ( ) for returning to the internal home page. Figure 8: System Access (for registered Employers): Navigation Bar The table below details the drop down menus available in the navigation bar. Table 12: System Access (for registered Employers): Navigation Bar Dropdown Menus Menu Training Search Services Administration MOIA Confidential Allows you to… Access Training Material (Training Manual, Training Videos etc) View Grievances Details View Registration Application Find Emigrant Find Grievance View Approved Demand View Demand View Emigrant Details View Emigrant Drill Down Details View Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application View Grievances Details View Open Jobs View Permit Apply for Interview / Advertisement Permission Apply for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Apply for Capacity Enhancement Associate New RA for a Demand Cancel Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Generate Individual Employment Contract Make Bulk Payment Raise Demand Raise Permit Resubmit Application Submit Response (Query for PoE / PGoE Office) Track Status Cancel Job ID Update Account Details Update Emigrant Association Details 19 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 2.4.3. Buttons Various buttons are used in the eMigrate system. The table below details the icon, name and description of the button used: Table 13: System Access (for registered Employers): Buttons Description Button Icon Name Cancel Clear Resets the current page and clears all the page content Delete Deletes a file uploaded on the form Edit Allows the user to edit the details entered in the form Takes the user to the next page Next MOIA Confidential Description Takes the user to the home page Open .pdf file Opens the .pdf file like application form submitted, payment receipt etc. Open Calendar Opens a calendar Previous Takes the user to the previous page Refresh captcha image Loads a new captcha image on the page Save & Next Saves the details entered by the user and takes the user to the next page Search Takes the user to the related search screen Submit Submits the form containing user entered details Upload Opens a pop up for selecting file required to be uploaded Validate Validates the job id and emigrant’s passport number entered by the user in the Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) form 20 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 3. Registration All employers will have to get registered by the Indian Mission. Only registered employers will be able to raise demand / apply for permits for recruiting Indian Emigrants. This chapter covers the process of applying for Registration to Indian Mission through the eMigrate system. 3.1. Applying for Registration Pre requisites: None Prescribed Documents: The soft copies of the following documents are required to be uploaded while filling the online Employer registration form: 1. Copy of specimen employment contract. 2. In case of a company and if operational office country is different from incorporation office country, then a copy of certificate of incorporation, if registered outside the country of operation. 3. Copy of: Registration certificate from Registrar of Companies (RoC) in case of a company. Registration certificate from Registrar of Firms (RoF) in case of a partnership. Personal identification number in case of individuals. 4. In case of a company, a copy of the memorandum of association. 5. Letter of Authorization. 6. In case of a company, a copy of the article of association. 7. If registration number to import manpower is available, a copy of the certificate to import manpower. 8. In case of a partnership, a copy of the partnership deed. 9. Copy of specimen signature of authorized signatory. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To apply for Employer Registration: 1. Open https://emigrate.gov.in in a web browser. 2. Go to Employer → Apply for Registration. 3. Fill the Employer Registration form. MOIA Confidential 21 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 9: Applying for Registration Screen 1 Figure 10: Applying for Registration Screen 2 Figure 11: Applying for Registration Screen 3 MOIA Confidential 22 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 12: Applying for Registration Screen 4 Figure 13: Applying for Registration Screen 5 MOIA Confidential 23 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 14: Applying for Registration Screen 6 Confirm the data entered or edit to make any changes. Figure 15: Applying for Registration Screen 7 Figure 16: Applying for Registration Screen 8 4. Submit the signed application form along with the required documents at the respective Indian Mission. 5. As a part of the application processing, a Indian Mission official may visit your premises MOIA Confidential If some further clarifications/inputs are required from you, the Indian Mission can send back the application for re-submission. In such a case, you will receive a system generated mail containing instructions for re-submitting the application along with the required documents. 24 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 6. If the application is approved by the Indian Mission, a system generated mail containing the following will be sent to your email id: A unique employer id assigned Printable confirmation letter with bar code Password for accessing eMigrate system If your application is rejected by the Indian Mission, a system generated email will be sent to your email id informing of the rejection. The table below details the description of the fields in the Employer Registration form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 14: Employer Registration Form Field Reference Table Field Name Employer Registration Form 1 Name of the Employer 2 Country 3 Registration/Personal Identification Number 4 Date of Registration 5 6 Registration Valid Up to Enter the character that you see along side Organization Details 1 Name of Employer 2 Country 3 Registration/Personal Identification Number 4 Date of Registration 5 Registration Valid Up to 6 Website URL 7 Type of Business 8 Total no. of Indian workers employed as on date 9 Total workforce Employed 10 Type of Organization 11 Is there any complaint from Indian Worker pending against you MOIA Confidential Description Enter the name of the proprietor if the Employer is sole proprietor else enter the name of Firm/Company. Enter the Employer's country. The eMigrate system will pop down auto complete options as you type. Enter the unique Registration number in case of Company/Firm and Personal ID in case of proprietor. Enter the date of Registration when Company / Firm was formally registered with Local Ministry of Company Affairs Enter the date till when the Registration is valid. Enter the text as shown in Captcha image Display Field. This field is auto populated by eMigrate system. Display Field. This field is auto populated by eMigrate system. Display Field. This field is auto populated by eMigrate system. Display Field. This field is auto populated by eMigrate system. Display Field. This field is auto populated by eMigrate system. Enter the website URL of the Employer Select the type of business of the Employer from the drop down menu. Enter the total no. of Indian workers employed by the Employer till date. Enter the total no. of workers employed by the Employer till date Select the type of organization of the Employer from the following options: Company Firm Proprietorship Individual Select Yes or No as applicable. If yes is selected then enter the details of the complaint 25 eMigrate System Field Name 12 Whether you have got a Registration no. to import manpower Operational Office Details 13-20. Operational Office Address, Email and Contact Details Incorporation Office Details 21. Incorporation Office address same as Operational Office 22-28. Incorporation Office Address, Email and Contact Details Authorized Signatory Details 29. Name 30. Designation 31. Email 32. National of Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Select Yes or No as applicable. If yes is selected then enter the Registration number. Enter the Operational office address, email and contact details in the respective fields. Select Yes or No as applicable If previous field is selected as No, then Enter the Incorporation office address, email and contact details in the respective fields. If previous field is selected Yes, then eMigrate system auto populates office address, email and contact details in the respective fields. Enter the Authorized Signatory name Select the Signatory's designation from the drop down list. Enter the Signatory’s email address. Select the country to which Employer belong from the drop down list. Residential Address 33-39. Residential Address, Enter the Residential address, email and contact details of Email and Contact Details Authorized Signatory in the respective fields. Managing Director/ Managing Partner/ Proprietor/ Individual Details Pre-filled in case authorized signatory has selected designation 40. Name as Managing director/ managing partner/ proprietor/ Individual else enter the name. Pre-filled in case authorized signatory has selected designation 41. National of as Managing director/ managing partner/proprietor/ Individual else select the country from the drop down list. Pre-filled in case authorized signatory has selected designation 42. Email as Managing director/ managing partner/proprietor/ Individual else enter the email address. Residential Address Pre-filled in case authorized signatory has selected designation 43-49. Residential Address, Email and Contact Details Project Demand Details 50. Category 51. Expected Vacancies 52. Work Timings 53. Please specify working hours 54. Details of mode of settlement of Disputes Monthly Salary Offered 55. Currency MOIA Confidential as Managing director/ managing partner/ proprietor/ Individual else enter the Residential address, email and contact details in the respective fields. Select the Job Category from the drop down menu. Enter the number of vacancies in the selected Job Category Enter the work timings Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field depending upon the entered work timings. Enter the details of how disputes(if any) would be settled Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field depending upon the country of employment. 26 eMigrate System Field Name 56. Amount Additional Facilities 57. Whether Transportation facility is provided? 58. Whether free food is provided? If No, Allowance value Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Enter the amount that would be paid to Emigrant. Select Yes or No as applicable Select Yes or No as applicable. 59. Whether free accommodation is provided? If No, Allowance value Select Yes or No as applicable. 60. Whether overtime allowance is payable as per local labor law? If Yes, Allowance value Select Yes or No as applicable. 61. Whether Visa fee is provided? 62. Whether weekly off is provided 63. Whether to and fro air fare is provided 64. Whether Insurance facility is provided? If Yes, Insurance details 65. Whether free medical facility is provided? If Yes, Medical facility Details 66. Any Other facility provided? If Yes, give details 67. Whether paid leave is provided? If Yes, Leave details 68. Have provision in regard to disposal or transportation of dead body of emigrants to India? List of Documents 69. Copy of article of Association 70. Copy of Memorandum of Association 71. Copy of registration certificate from ROC/ Registrar of firms in operation country/ Proof of Personal Identification Number 72. Copy of Specimen Employment Contract 73. Copy of specimen signature of authorized signatory 74. Copy of certificate of incorporation, If registered outside the country of operation 75. Copy of Certificate to Import Manpower 76. Letter of Authorization MOIA Confidential Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select this check box as applicable Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. 27 eMigrate System Field Name 77. Optional Attachments 78. More Optional Attachments? 79. I undertake that in the event of any of the information/ documents furnished above being found to be false or incorrect in any respect, the Registration is liable to be canceled. 80. I also undertake that I will not withhold the passport of the Indian Emigrant. Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Select Yes if you want to upload more optional Documents(if any) else ignore this field. Select this check box Select this check box Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. MOIA Confidential 28 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 4. Interview Advertisement Permission Each registered Employer can request to conduct interview/advertisement for recruitment in India, against a valid permit ID. This chapter covers the process of interview/Advertisement Permission of registered employers. 4.1. Applying for Interview Advertisement Permission Pre requisites: None. Prescribed Documents: None Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To apply for Interview / Advertisement permission: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Services → Apply for Interview/Advertisement Permission 3. Fill the online form. After filling field numbers 1-12, click Add to List. After filling field numbers 14-17, click Submit. Figure 17: Applying for Interview/ Advertisement Screen 1 4. The application will be processed by PoE office. If the application is approved, a system generated mail along with the printable confirmation letter is sent to your email id. MOIA Confidential If your application is rejected, a system generated email will be sent to your email id informing of the rejection. 29 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 The table below details the description of the fields in the capacity enhancement form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 15: Interview/ Advertisement Permission Form Field Reference Table Field Name Address 1-6. Address Details 7. Permit ID 8. Reason for Re-Interview 9. Number of recruitment in skilled category 10. Number of recruitment in semi-skilled category 11. Number of recruitment in other category 12. Number of recruitment in unskilled category 13. Total number of recruitment Description Enter the address where interview would be conducted Select the Permit ID from the drop down List. The list gets populated with permits of associated Employer. Enter the reason for Re interview if earlier applied for Interview else ignore this field. Enter the number of requirement in the particular skill set Enter the number of requirement in the particular skill set Enter the number of requirement in the particular skill set Enter the number of requirement in the particular skill set Display field. Emigrate system displays the total number of requirement in all the skill set Interview Advertisement List 14. Interview start date 15. Interview end date 16. Copy of Advertisement 17. Optional Attachment More Optional Attachments Enter the date from when the interviews would be conducted. It should be future date. Enter the date till when the interviews would be conducted. It should be future date and greater then interview start date. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Upload the required document as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. MOIA Confidential 30 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 5. Capacity Enhancement Each registered employer can recruit emigrants limited to the capacity granted during Registration. If an employer wants to recruit emigrants more than the capacity, he/she can apply for capacity enhancement. This chapter covers the process of capacity enhancement of registered employers. 5.1. Applying for Capacity Enhancement Pre requisites: You should have used more than 50% of your existing capacity. Prescribed Documents: 1. In case you have applied for more than 50% of existing capacity, then a copy of the financial statement. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To apply for Capacity Enhancement: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Services → Apply for Capacity Enhancement. 3. Fill the form online and upload the required documents. Figure 18: Applying for Capacity Enhancement Screen 1 MOIA Confidential 31 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 19: Applying for Capacity Enhancement Screen 2 4. The Indian Mission processes the application. If the application is approved, a system generated mail along with the printable confirmation letter is sent to your email id. If your application is rejected, a system generated email will be sent to your email id informing of the rejection. The table below details the description of the fields in the capacity enhancement form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 16: Capacity Enhancement Form Field Reference Table Field Name Capacity Extension Details Description 1. Category Select the category from the drop down list for which you want to apply for Capacity Enhancement. 2. Expected Vacancies Enter the expected vacancies under the selected category. 3. Work Timings Enter the work timings Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field depending upon the entered work timings. 4. Total Working Hours 5. Details of mode settlement of Disputes Monthly Salary Offered Enter the details of how disputes(if any) would be settled. Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field depending upon the country of employment. 7. Amount Enter the amount that would be paid to Emigrant. Facilities Provided by Employer in addition to monthly Salary 8. Whether Transportation Select Yes or No as applicable facility is provided? 9. Whether free food is Select Yes or No as applicable. provided? If No, Allowance value 6. Currency MOIA Confidential 32 eMigrate System Field Name 10. Whether free Accommodation is provided? If No, Allowance value 11. Whether overtime Allowance is payable as per local labor law? If Yes, Allowance value 12. Whether Visa fee is provided? 13. Whether weekly off is provided 14. Whether to and fro air fare is provided 15. Whether Insurance facility is provided? If Yes, Insurance details 16. Whether free medical facility is provided? If Yes, Medical facility Details 17. Any Other facility provided? If Yes, give details 18. Whether paid leave is provided? If Yes, Leave details 19. Have provision in regard to disposal or transportation of dead body of emigrants to India? List of Document Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select this check box as applicable Upload this document if 1. Financial Statement Employer has asked for capacity enhancement which is more than 50% of existing capacity. Else ignore this field 2. Optional Attachments More Optional Attachments? Upload optional documents(if any) Select Yes if you want to upload more optional Documents (if any) else ignore this field. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. MOIA Confidential 33 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 6. Emigrant Related Processes This chapter covers all the emigrant related processes for which the employer applies online through the eMigrate system. The following business processes are covered in detail: Raising demand Applying for employer permit Generating employment contract Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) cancellation Updating emigrant details Canceling unutilized job Entering new RA details 6.1. Raising Demand If you are a registered Employer, you will raise demand for emigrants through the eMigrate system. This section covers the process of raising demand. The mode of recruitment will be specified in this process: 1. Through a recruiting agent You will enter the agent details through which you will recruit emigrants. 2. Direct You will enter the emigrant details whom you want to recruit. Pre requisites: In case of direct recruitment, you cannot enter information about an emigrant in the following cases: - If less than 6months are left for the emigrant’s passport to expire. If age of a female emigrant is less than 30years of age. If age of an emigrant is less than 18years of age. In case you have already have raised demand for 10 emigrants in the last year. Prescribed Documents: 1. A copy of government approval for recruiting Indian workers. 2. In case of direct recruitment: A copy of the emigrant’s visa. A bank guarantee of $ 2500. 3. If employer country is Saudi Arabia, then a copy of the e-Wakala. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To raise demand: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Services → Raise Demand 3. Fill the online form and upload the required documents depending on the mode of recruitment: MOIA Confidential 34 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 1) Through a recruiting agent Figure 20: Raising Demand through RA Screen1 Figure 21: Raising Demand through RA Screen2 Figure 22: Raising Demand through RA Screen2 (cont.) MOIA Confidential 35 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 23: Raising Demand through RA Screen3 Figure 24: Raising Demand through RA Screen4 OR 2) Direct MOIA Confidential 36 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 25: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen 1 MOIA Confidential 37 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 26: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen 2 MOIA Confidential 38 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 27: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen2 (Cont.) Figure 28: Raising Demand- Direct Recruitment Screen3 4. Pay the requisite fee and (if required) bank guarantee at the respective Indian Mission. 5. The Indian Mission will process your application. MOIA Confidential 39 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 If mode of recruitment is through RA and, terms and conditions are same as declared at the time of Registration, the demand will be auto approved and the system will be sent to your email ID containing: 1. A unique demand id 2. Job ID’s 3. Demand letter 4. Power of attorney 6. If some further clarifications/inputs are required from you, the Indian Mission can send back the application for re-submission. In such a case, you will receive a system generated mail containing instructions for re-submitting the application. 7. If your application is approved by the Indian Mission, a system generated email will be sent to your email ID containing: 1. A unique demand id 2. Job ID’s 3. Demand letter 4. Alphanumeric security code against each job id If your application is rejected by the Indian Mission, a system generated email will be sent to your email id informing of the rejection. The table below details the description of the fields in the raising demand form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 17: Raising Demand Form Field Reference Table Field Name Raise Demand 1. Employer ID 2. Employer Name Description Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field 3. Country Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field Select the mode of recruitment from the following options: 4. Mode Of Recruitment 1. Direct 2. Through Indian Registered Recruiting Agent If the Employer selects the mode of recruitment as Direct, then enter the following details: Emigrant Details Display field. Emigrate system auto populates this field 5. Passport Number depending upon the country of employment. 6. Name(as on passport) Enter the amount that would be paid to Emigrant. Select Yes or No as applicable 7. Father's Name 8. Passport type Select ECR or ECNR as applicable 9. Date of Issue Select the date of issue of passport 10. Place of Issue Select the place of issue of passport 11. Date of Expiry Select the date of expiry of passport 12. Date of Birth Select the date of birth of Emigrant 13. Gender Select the gender of the Emigrant Address 14. Address Details Enter the address details of the Emigrant Job Details Select the Job Category for which the Emigrant is being 15. Category recruited MOIA Confidential 40 eMigrate System Field Name 16. Experience level 17. Designation 18. Period of Contract Deputation 19. 20. Job Description 21. Work Timings 22. Total working hours 23. Details of mode settlement of disputes Monthly Salary Offered Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Select the desired Experience Level of the Emigrant Select the Job Designation for which the Emigrant is being recruited Enter the period of contract deputation for which the Emigrant is to be recruited Enter the Job Description Select the work timings for which the Emigrant for which the Emigrant is required to work Display field. Enter the details as to how a dispute with Emigrant will be settled if any arises Display field. Unit of currency will be displayed as per the Employment country. 25. Amount Enter the monthly salary which will be paid to Emigrant Facilities Provided by Employer in addition to monthly Salary 26. Whether Transportation Select Yes or No as applicable facility is provided? 27. Whether free food is Select Yes or No as applicable. provided? If No, Allowance value 28. Whether free accommodation is provided? Select Yes or No as applicable. If No, Allowance value 24. Currency 29. Whether overtime allowance is payable as per local labor law? If Yes, Allowance value 30. Whether Visa fee is provided? 31. Whether weekly off is provided 32. Whether to and fro air fare is provided 33. Whether Insurance facility is provided? If Yes, Insurance details 34. Whether free medical facility is provided? If Yes, Medical facility Details 35. Any Other facility provided? If Yes, give details 36. Whether paid leave is provided? If Yes, Leave details Visa Details 37. Visa Number 38. Re Enter Visa Number 39. Date of Issue 40. Date of Expiry 41. Place of Issue 42. Visa type MOIA Confidential Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Enter the VISA Number of the Emigrant Re-enter the above value Select the date of issue of the Visa Select the date of expiry of the Visa Enter the place of issue of the Visa Select the type of Visa from Employment or Entry 41 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Field Name Description 43. Copy of Visa Upload the copy of Visa 44. Have provision in regard to disposal or transportation of Select this check box as applicable dead body of emigrants to India? List of Documents 45. Copy of Govt. Approval for Upload the required document recruiting Indian Workers 46. E-Wakala Upload the required document if applicable 47. More Optional Attachments If the Employer selects the mode of recruitment as Through Indian Registered Recruiting Agent then Recruiting Agent Details 1. Recruiting Agent ID Enter the RA ID of the RA who will recruit on your behalf 2. RC Number Enter the RC Number of the RA 3. Category Select the Job Category for which the Emigrants are required 4. Experience level Select the experience level of Emigrants which you require Select the Job Designation for which the Emigrants are 5. Designation required 6. Period of Contract Enter the time period of contract Deputation 7. Age Limit Select the Age Limit preference of the Emigrants you require 8. Gender Preference Select the gender preference of the Emigrants you require 9. Job Description Enter the Job Description of the Job 10. Work Timings Select the work timings of the job 11. Total working hours Display field. 12. Details of mode settlement Enter the details as to how a dispute with Emigrant will be of disputes settled if any arises Monthly Salary Offered Display field. Unit of currency will be displayed as per the 13. Currency Employment country. 14. Amount Enter the monthly salary which will be paid to Emigrant Facilities Provided by Employer in addition to monthly Salary 15. Whether Transportation Select Yes or No as applicable facility is provided? 16. Whether free food is Select Yes or No as applicable. provided? If No, Allowance value 17. Whether free accommodation is provided? Select Yes or No as applicable. If No, Allowance value 18. Whether overtime allowance is payable as per local labor law? If Yes, Allowance value 19. Whether Visa fee is provided? 20. Whether weekly off is provided 21. Whether to and fro air fare is provided 22. Whether Insurance facility is provided? If Yes, Insurance details MOIA Confidential Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. 42 eMigrate System Field Name 23. Whether free medical facility is provided? If Yes, Medical facility Details 24. Any Other facility provided? If Yes, give details 25. Whether paid leave is provided? If Yes, Leave details 26. Have provision in regard to disposal or transportation of dead body of emigrants to India? Other Details 27. Demand Expiry Date 28. Has the applicant arranged to obtain visa for the proposed number of Emigrants 29. If yes, Basis of Visa 30. Visa Number 31. Copy of Govt. Approval for recruiting Indian Workers 32. More Optional Attachments Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select this check box as applicable Select the Demand Expiry date. Select Yes or No as applicable Enter if Yes is selected above Enter the Visa number if basis of visa has been entered Upload the required document Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. 6.2. Applying for Employer Permit If an employer wants to himself / herself recruit emigrants by flying down to India. This section covers the process of applying for permit on the eMigrate system. Pre requisites: None Prescribed Documents: 1. Copy of government approval for country for which recruitment is being done. 2. Details of proposed recruitment process. 3. If employer country is Saudi Arabia, a copy of e-wakala. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To apply for Employer Permit: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Services → Raise Permit 3. Fill the online form and upload the required documents. MOIA Confidential 43 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 29: Raise Permit Screen1 Figure 30: Raise Permit Screen1 (Cont.) Figure 31: Raise Permit Screen2 MOIA Confidential 44 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 32: Raise Permit Screen3 4. Print the application form and make the required payment at the Indian Mission. 5. The Indian Mission scrutinizes your application: On a successful scrutiny, the Indian Mission forwards the application to the Protector General of Emigrants (PGoE) office through the eMigrate system. If some further clarifications/inputs are required from you, the Indian Mission can send back the application for re-submission. In such a case, you will receive a system generated mail containing instructions for re-submitting the application. 6. The PGoE office processes your application. If the application is in-principle approved by the PGoE, a system generated email will be sent to your email id to submit the required bank guarantee within the defined time limit at the Indian Mission. If your application is rejected by the PGoE, a system generated email will be sent to your email id informing of the rejection. 7. Deposit the required bank guarantee at the Indian Mission. You need to provide bank guarantee of Rs. 10000 per emigrant subject to minimum of Rs. 1 lakh and maximum of Rs. 20 lakh with the validity of minimum 1 year from the date of expiry of contract. 8. First the Indian Mission, then PGoE office will verify the bank guarantee submitted. 9. If your application is approved by the PGoE, a system generated email will be sent to your email ID containing: A unique permit id Job ids Permit MOIA Confidential 45 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 If your application is rejected by the PGoE, a system generated email will be sent to your email id informing of the rejection. The table below details the description of the fields in the employer permit form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 18: Employer Permit Form Field Reference Table Description Field Name Raise Permit 1. Employer ID Display field 2. Employer Name Display field 3. Country Display field 4. Type of Organization Display field Job Details 5. Category Select the Job Category for which the Emigrant is being recruited 6. Experience level Select the desired Experience Level of the Emigrant 7. Designation Select the Job Designation for which the Emigrant is being recruited Enter the period of contract deputation for which the Emigrant is 8. Period of Contract Deputation to be recruited 9. Vacancies Enter the number of vacancies for the job 10. Description Enter the Job Description 11. Age Limit Select the Age Limit preference of the Emigrants you require 12. Gender Preference Select the gender preference of the Emigrants you require 13. Currency Display field. Unit of currency will be displayed as per the Employment country. 14. Amount Enter the monthly salary which will be paid to Emigrant 15. Work Timings Select the work timings for which the Emigrant for which the Emigrant is required to work 16. Total working hours Display field. MOIA Confidential 46 eMigrate System Field Name Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description 17. Details of mode settlement of Enter the details as to how a dispute with Emigrant will be settled disputes if any arises Facilities Provided by Employer in addition to monthly Salary 18. Whether Transportation facility Select Yes or No as applicable is provided? 19. Whether free food is provided? Select Yes or No as applicable. If No, Allowance value 20. Whether free accommodation is provided? If Select Yes or No as applicable. No, Allowance value 21. Whether overtime allowance is payable as per local labor law? If Yes, Allowance value Select Yes or No as applicable. 22. Whether Visa fee is provided? Select Yes or No as applicable. 23. Whether weekly off is provided 24. Whether to and fro air fare is provided 25. Whether Insurance facility is provided? If Yes, Insurance details 26. Whether free medical facility is provided? If Yes, Medical facility Details 27. Any Other facility provided? If Yes, give details Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. Select Yes or No as applicable. 28. Whether paid leave is Select Yes or No as applicable. provided? If Yes, Leave details 29. Have provision in regard to disposal or transportation of Select Yes or No as applicable. dead body of emigrants to India? Other Details Select the Demand Expiry date. 30. Demand Expiry Date 31. Has the applicant arranged to Select Yes or No as applicable obtain visa for the proposed number of Emigrants Enter if Yes is selected above 32. If yes, Basis of Visa 33. Visa Number List of Documents 34. Copy of Govt. Approval for recruiting Indian Workers 35. Details of proposed Recruitment process 36. E-Wakala Enter the Visa number if basis of visa has been entered Upload the required document Enter the details of the proposed process Upload the required document if applicable 37. Optional Attachments MOIA Confidential 47 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Field Name Description 38. More Optional Attachments Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. 6.3. Generating Employment Contract You have to upload signed copy of employment contract on the eMigrate system during applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance). This section covers the process of generating employment contract. Pre requisites: You have an approved demand letter/approved permit for recruiting emigrants. Prescribed Documents: Copy of VISA. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To generate Employment Contract: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Services → Generate Individual Employment Contract 3. Enter the mode of recruiting, passport no., job id, visa details and upload the copy of visa. Figure 33: Generate Employment Contract Screen1 MOIA Confidential 48 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 34: Generate Employment Contract Screen2 4. Generate the employment contract. The table below details the description of the fields in the generating employment contract form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 19: Generating Employment Contract Form Field Reference Table Description Field Name Generate Individual Employment Contract Select Recruitment Mode from the following options: 1. Recruitment Mode 2. Passport Number 3. Job ID Direct Permit Through Indian Recruiting Agent This field is Mandatory in case recruitment mode is selected as Permit This field is Mandatory in case recruitment mode is selected as Permit This field is Mandatory in case Job ID is not entered and recruitment mode is selected as Direct/ Through Indian Recruiting Agent Job Details 4. Name(as on passport) Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. Else enter the name of Emigrant as mentioned in the passport Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. 5. Surname Else enter the Surname of Emigrant as mentioned in the passport MOIA Confidential 49 eMigrate System Field Name 6. Passport type 7. Date of Expiry 8. Place of Issue 9. Date of Issue Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. Else enter the type of passport. Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. Else enter the date of expiry of passport. Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. Else enter the date of expiry of passport. Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. Else enter the Place of Issue of passport. Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. 10. Date of Birth 11. Gender Else enter the date of birth of Emigrant as mentioned in the passport Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. Else enter the Gender of Emigrant. Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. 12. Father's Name Else enter the Father's name of Emigrant as mentioned in the passport Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. 13. Surname Else enter the Father's surname of Emigrant as mentioned in the passport Address as per Passport Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct/Through Indian Recruiting Agent. 14. Address Details Else enter the address details of Emigrant as mentioned in the passport Visa Details Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Through Indian Recruiting Agent. 15. Visa Number Else if recruiting mode is selected as Permit/ Direct then enter the visa number of the emigrant Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct 16. Re Enter Visa Number 17. Date of Issue MOIA Confidential Else if recruiting mode is selected as Permit/ Through Indian Recruiting Agent then re enter the visa number of the emigrant Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct Else if recruiting mode is selected as Permit/ Through Indian Recruiting Agent then enter the date of issue of visa 50 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Field Name Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct 18. Date of Expiry 19. Place of Issue 20. Visa type List of Documents Copy of Visa Else if recruiting mode is selected as Permit/ Through Indian Recruiting Agent then enter the date of expiry of visa Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct Else if recruiting mode is selected as Permit/ Through Indian Recruiting Agent then enter the place of issue of visa Pre filled in case mode of recruitment is selected as Direct Else if recruiting mode is selected as Permit/ Through Indian Recruiting Agent then enter the date of expiry of visa Upload the copy of visa Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. 6.4. Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) In case you are recruiting emigrants through a permit, you will have to register emigrants through the eMigrate system. This section covers the process of applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance). Pre requisites: You have an approved permit for recruiting emigrants. Employment contract is signed by the emigrant(s). Prescribed Documents: 1. Individual employment contract for each emigrant. 2. Copy of the first and last page of passport. 3. Photograph of each emigrant. 4. If emigrant is a female, age is less than 30years and passport is ECNR type-then a copy of emigrant’s highest educational certificate. 5. In case UID is available, a copy of the Aadhar card. Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To apply for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance): 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Service → Apply for Emigrant Registration (notified countries). 3. Fill the form online and upload the required documents. MOIA Confidential 51 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 35: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 1 Figure 36: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 2 MOIA Confidential 52 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 37: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 3 Figure 38: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 4 Figure 39: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 5 MOIA Confidential 53 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 40: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 6 Figure 41: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 7 Figure 42: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Screen 8 MOIA Confidential 54 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 4. Make the online payment for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance). 5. The system generates the: Application reference number Printable registration form Payment receipt 6. The PoE will process the application. If the PoE approves the application, electronic emigration clearance will be granted to the emigrant and system will send an SMS/email to you and the emigrant informing of the approval. If your application is rejected by the PoE, a system generated email will be sent to you and emigrant informing of the rejection. The table below details the description of the fields in the Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 20: Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Form Field Reference Table Field Name 1. Job ID 2. Passport Number 3. Job ID Code 4. Name 5. Passport Type 6. Date of Expiry 7. Date of Issue 8. Place of Issue 9. Date of Birth 10. Gender 11. Fathers Name Description Enter the job ID against which you want to recruit the emigrant. Enter the emigrant passport number whom you want to recruit. N.A. in case of recruitment through RA. Mandatory in case of Direct recruitment Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Address as per passport 12. Address Line 1 13. Address Line 2 14. City / Town / Village 15. State / UT MOIA Confidential Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. 55 eMigrate System Field Name 16. District 17. Country 18. Postal / Pin Code Visa Details 19. Block Visa Number 20. Visa Number 21. Date of Issue 22. Date of Expiry 23. Place of Issue 24. Visa Type Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Display Field. The eMigrate system will populate the details as entered by the employer. Display Field. The eMigrate system will populate the details as entered by the employer. Display Field. The eMigrate system will populate the details as entered by the employer. Display Field. The eMigrate system will populate the details as entered by the employer. Display Field. The eMigrate system will populate the details as entered by the employer. Display Field. The eMigrate system will populate the details as entered by the employer. Insurance Details 25. Policy Number 26. Insurance Agency 27. Effective from 28. Sum Insured for Enter the emigrant’s PBBY number in case passport type is selected as ECR. Else this field is disabled Select the name of Insurance Agency in case passport type is selected as ECR. Else this field is disabled Select the date from which PBBY insurance policy is valid in case passport type is selected as ECR. Else this field is disabled . Enter the amount of insured amount in case passport type is selected as ECR. Else this field is disabled. Personal Details 29. Marital Status 30. Educational Qualification 31. Place of Birth Number of Dependents 32. Spouse 33. Parents 34. Children 35. Siblings 36. Total Number of Dependents 37. NRI / PIO / OCI Status 38. UID Address in India 39. Whether Present Address is Same as in Passport? 40. Emigrant’s Present Address Details MOIA Confidential Select the marital status of the emigrant from the drop down menu options: 1. Single 2. Married 3. Separated 4. Divorced th Display field. The eMigrate system will auto select Below 10 Std for ECR passport holders. Enter the emigrant’s place of birth. Enter the number as appropriate. Enter the number as appropriate. Enter the number as appropriate. Enter the number as appropriate. Display field. The eMigrate system display the summation of the above four fields. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Enter the Aadhar card number of the emigrant if available. Select any of the following options: 1. Yes 2. No If the previous field is selected as Yes, the eMigrate system will populate the fields from the values entered in the previous screen. If the previous field is selected as No, enter the emigrant’s present address details. 56 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Field Name Description Phone Number 41. Landline Enter the emigrant’s landline number. 42. Mobile Enter the emigrant’s mobile number. 43. Email Enter the emigrant’s email id. Details of contact person in emergency (in India) 44. Name Enter the contact person’s name. Select the contact person’s relationship with the emigrant from the 45. Relationship drop down menu. Enter the contact person’s relationship with the emigrant if Others 46. Others is chosen in the field above. 47. Address Enter the contact person’s address. Phone Number 48. Landline Enter the contact person’s landline number. 49. Mobile Enter the contact person’s mobile number. 50. Email Enter the contact person’s email id. Travel Details 51. Purpose of Display field. The eMigrate system will display Employment. Travel 52. Destination Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Country Enter the date when emigrant will board the flight to destination 53. Date of Boarding country. 54. Port of Departure Enter the departure city name. 55. Port of Final Enter the destination city / country name. Destination 56. Flight Number Enter the emigrant’s flight number. Details of Contact Person in Destination Country 57. Name Enter the contact person’s name. Select the contact person’s relationship with the emigrant from the 58. Relationship drop down menu. Enter the contact person’s relationship with the emigrant if Others 59. Others is chosen in the field above. 60. Address Enter the contact person’s address. Phone Number 61. Landline Enter the contact person’s landline number. 62. Mobile Enter the contact person’s mobile number. 63. Email Enter the contact person’s email id. Employment Details 64. Company Name Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. 65. Country of Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Deployment 66. Period of Contract / Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Deployment 67. Job Category Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. 68. Job Designation Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. 69. Address Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Monthly Salary 70. Currency Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. 71. Amount Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Facilities Provided by Employer / Project Exporter in addition to Monthly Salary 72. Whether free Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. food is provided? 73. If No, Allowance Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Value MOIA Confidential 57 eMigrate System Field Name 74. Whether free accommodation is provided? 75. If No, Allowance Value 76. Whether Overtime Allowance is Payable as per Local Labour Law? 77. If Yes, Allowance Value 78. Whether Visa fee is Provided 79. Whether Paid Leave is Provided 80. If Yes, Leave Details 81. Whether Weekly Off is Provided? 82. Whether To and Fro Airfare is provided? 83. Whether Insurance facility is Provided? 84. If Yes, Insurance Details 85. Whether Free Medical Facility is Provided? 86. If Yes, Medical Facility Details 87. Please Specify Working Details 88. Work Timings 89. Details of Mode of Settlement of Dues 90. Have Provision in Regard to Disposal or Transportation of Dead Body of Emigrants to India? 91. Any Other Facility Provided? 92. If Yes, Give Details Documents 93. Upload MOIA Confidential Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Display field. The eMigrate system will populate the field. Upload the required documents as per the Prescribed Documents list mentioned in this section. 58 eMigrate System Field Name Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Description Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. 6.5. Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Cancellation Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) can be cancelled if the emigrant has not travelled abroad. This section covers the process of applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) cancellation. Pre requisites: The emigrant whose registration is to be cancelled should not have travelled abroad. The visa of the emigrant should be valid. Prescribed Documents: 1. Emigrant’s passport Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To apply for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) cancellation: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Service → Cancel Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance). 3. Select the Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) you want to cancel. Figure 43: Applying for Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Cancellation Screen 1 4. Submit the emigrant passport at the jurisdiction PoE office. 5. The PoE processes the application on the eMigrate system. MOIA Confidential 59 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 If the PoE approves the application, a system generated email will be sent to your email id informing of the approval. If your application is rejected by the PoE, a system generated email will be sent to you and emigrant informing of the rejection. The table below details the description of the fields in the Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) cancellation form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 21: Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Cancellation Form Field Reference Table Field Name 1) Passport Number 2) Job ID 3) Reason of Cancellation 4) Cancellation Request Description Enter the emigrant passport number . Enter the Job ID against which the emigrant is registered. Display Field. The eMigrate system will fetch the fields from the passport system and display the same. Upload the cancellation request document Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. 6.6. Updating Emigrant Association Details You can update the details of emigrant(s) recruited on the eMigrate system if: At the end of employment contract If the emigrant leaves before the end of contract If visa details of emigrant change in the period of contract This section covers the process of updating emigrant details. Pre requisites: None Prescribed Documents: None Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To update emigrant association details: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Administration → Update Emigrant Association Details 3. Enter the emigrant’s passport number and click Submit next to the passport number field. The eMigrate system displays the emigrant details. Update the emigrant details as required. MOIA Confidential 60 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 44: Update Emigrant Association Details Screen1 The table below details the description of the fields in the updating emigrant association form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 22: Updating Emigrant Association Form Field Reference Table Field Name Update Emigrant Association 1. Passport Number 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name Job ID Job Category Demand ID Whether you want to update the contract details 7. Contract Expiry Date 8. Whether you want to update the Visa details Visa Details 9. Visa Number 10. Visa Type 11. Valiid from 12. Valid to Visa Details 13. Visa Number 14. Visa Type 15. Valiid from 16. Valid to 17. Whether you want to update the Association details 18. Association status 19. Date of Termination 20. Reason of Termination MOIA Confidential Description Enter the emigrant passport number whose association details is to be updated. Display field based on passport number entered. Display field based on passport number entered. Display field based on passport number entered. Display field based on passport number entered. Select Yes or No as applicable If Yes is selected in the above field, the select the new contract expiry date Select Yes or No as applicable Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Enter the new value if Visa details are to be updated Select Yes or No as applicable Enter the new value if association details are to be updated Enter the new value if association details are to be updated Enter the new value if association details are to be updated 61 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 21. Compliance to Insurance required as per destination country labour law Enter the new value if association details are to be updated Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. 6.7. Cancelling Unutilized Jobs You can cancel unutilized jobs associated with a demand, or even cancel an unutilized demand on the eMigrate system. This section covers the process of cancelling job. Pre requisites: None Prescribed Documents: None Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To cancel unutilized jobs: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Administration → Cancel Job ID 3. Enter or search for the job id(s) which you want to cancel and submit. Figure 45: Cancel Job ID Screen1 The table below details the description of the fields in the cancelling unutilized jobs form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 23: Canceling Unutilized Jobs Form Field Reference Table Field Name Search Criteria 1. Job ID 2. Demand ID Cancel Job ID MOIA Confidential Description Enter the Job ID which is required to be cancelled 62 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 3. Are you sure you want to cancel Job ID Select Yes to proceed and cancel Job ID Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. 6.8. Entering New RA Details You can associate a new RA with your approved demand, if you are not satisfied with the service provided by the associated RA or if the associated RA is not in a position to service your demand. This section covers the process of entering new RA details in the eMigrate system. Pre requisites: None Prescribed Documents: None Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other document(s) are also required. You are requested to confirm the list of documents with Ministry / Local Indian Mission before filing application on eMigrate system. If any other documents are required by Ministry, the same may be uploaded in ‘Optional Attachments’. Process steps: To enter new RA details: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Services → Associate new RA for a Demand. 3. Select the demand id for which you want to associate a new RA. Figure 46: Associate New RA with Demand Screen1 4. Select the new RA from the given list of active RA's and submit. MOIA Confidential 63 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 47: Associate New RA with Demand Screen2 The table below details the description of the fields in the new RA details form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (first left to right, then top to bottom). Table 24: New RA Details Form Field Reference Table Field Name List of Demands 1. RA ID 2. Recruiting Agent Name Description Search for the new RA ID to whom Demand has to be assigned. Once new RA is selected, these field will auto populate Please note: The Ministry may notify from time to time if any other field(s) are also required in the online form. The online form will be updated accordingly. MOIA Confidential 64 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 7. Reporting Processes You can view information like status of their application, Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) application, open jobs, approved demands, permits and grievances raised against you by emigrants. This chapter covers the following processes in detail: 1. Viewing application status 2. Viewing Demand Letter 3. Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) application 4. Viewing open jobs 5. View permits 6. Viewing grievances details 7.1. Viewing Application Status You can view the status of your application through the eMigrate system. Process steps: Follow the steps below to view the application transaction status: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Services → Track Status. 3. Enter the ARN in the form and click Submit. Figure 48: Viewing Application Transaction Status Screen 1 4. The eMigrate system displays the name of the applicant and the application status. MOIA Confidential 65 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 49: Viewing Application Transaction Status Screen 2 The application status can be any one of the following: Under Scrutiny – the application is being scrutinized. Under Processing – the application is being processed. Approved Inprinciple – the application has been approved by the MOIA official but the RA has to deposit the required bank guarantee for further processing. Approved – the application has been approved by the MOIA official. Rejected – the application has been rejected by the MOIA official. Open – in case of grievances; if the grievance case has been registered but not yet addressed. Closed – in case of grievances; if the grievance case has been redressed. The table below details the description of the fields in the viewing application transaction status form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (top to bottom). Table 25: Viewing Application Transaction Status Form Field Reference Table Field Name 1. Application Reference Number Description Enter the ARN of the application whose status you want to know. 7.2. View Demand Letter You can view list of all the approved demands on the eMigrate system. You can also select any approved demand and print the respective demand letter. Process steps: Follow the steps below to view the Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) application: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Search → View Demand Letter. 3. Enter the start date and end date of the period for which you want to view the approved demands and click View Approved Demands. 4. The eMigrate system displays the list of the approved demands in a tabular form. MOIA Confidential 66 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 50: Viewing Demand Letter Screen1 Click on any of the approved demand ID to open the respective application. Figure 51: Viewing Demand Letter Screen2 The table below details the description of the fields in the viewing demand letter form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (top to bottom, or left to right). Table 26: Viewing Demand Letter Form Field Reference Table Field Name 1. Start Date MOIA Confidential Description Enter the start date of the period for which you want to view the applications. 67 eMigrate System 2. End Date Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Enter the end date of the period. The end date should be within 1 year from the Start Date. 7.3. Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application You can view all the Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) applications submitted by you till date on the eMigrate system. Process steps: Follow the steps below to view the Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) application: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Search → View Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application. 3. Select the start date and end date of the period for which you want to view the applications and click View Applications. Figure 52: Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application Screen 1 4. The eMigrate system displays the list of the applications in a tabular form. Figure 53: Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application Screen 2 Click on any of the ARN to open the respective application. The table below details the description of the fields in the viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) application form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (top to bottom, or left to right). Table 27: Viewing Emigrant Registration (Emigration Clearance) Application Form Field Reference Table Field Name 1. Start Date 2. End Date Description Enter the start date of the period for which you want to view the applications. Enter the end date of the period. The end date should be within 1 year from the Start Date. 7.4. Viewing Open Jobs You can view all the open jobs of employer demands acknowledged by you on the eMigrate system. Process steps: MOIA Confidential 68 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Follow the steps below to view open jobs in an approved demand: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Search → View Open Jobs. 3. Enter any of the following search criteria: Demand ID, Employer’s Country or Start Date for searching for open jobs and click Submit. Figure 54: Viewing Open Jobs Screen 1 4. The eMigrate system displays the list of open jobs in a tabular form. Figure 55: Viewing Open Jobs Screen 2 The table below details the description of the fields in the viewing open jobs form. The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (top to bottom, or left to right). Table 28: Viewing Open Jobs Form Field Reference Table Field Name 1. Demand ID MOIA Confidential Description Enter the Demand ID if you want to search for open jobs linked to the demand id. 69 eMigrate System 2. Country 3. Start Date Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Enter the destination country if you want to search for open jobs linked to a particular destination country. Enter the date from which you want to search for open jobs. 7.5. View Permits You can view all your approved permits on the eMigrate system. Process steps: Follow the steps below to view an approved permit: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Search → View Permits. 3. Enter any of the following search criteria: Demand ID, Employer’s Country or Start Date for searching for open jobs and click Submit. 4. The eMigrate system displays the list of approved permits in a tabular form. Figure 56: Viewing Permits Screen 2 7.6. Viewing Grievances Details You can view details of grievances raised against your firm by emigrants on the eMigrate system. Process steps: Follow the steps below to view grievance details: 1. Log in into eMigrate system as a registered Employer. 2. Go to Search → View Grievances. 3. The eMigrate system will display the list of grievances raised against your firm. MOIA Confidential 70 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 Figure 57: Viewing Grievances Screen 1 4. Click on any Grievance Reference Number to open the respective grievance details. MOIA Confidential 71 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 A Glossary A D E Registration Mandatory process for employers who want to recruit Indian emigrants, under which the Indian Mission in the employers country will verify the employer’s credibility and genuineness. Act Refers to the Emigration Act, 1983 Application Reference Number (ARN) A unique number generated by the eMigrate system for each online application filed on it. Demand Category-wise, skill-wise, number of workers required by the employers for being employed in their establishment. This includes description of job specifications and salary offered. Departure Card Mandatory form which needs to be filled and deposited at the Immigration Check Post at the International Airport before an emigrant leaves the country. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) An electronic key for digitally signing documents on the computer. Emigrant Any citizen of India who intends to depart out of India for taking up employment in any country outside India. eMigrate System The web based IT system connecting all stakeholders involved in the emigration lifecycle on a single electronic platform. Emigration Clearance (EC) Mandatory clearance required from PoE, for emigrants having ECR passports and going to any notified country for a job. Emigration Clearance Not Required (ECNR) Passport without an ECR stamp. Emigration Clearance Required (ECR) Stamp on passport indicating emigration clearance is mandatory if the passport holder has to go for a job to any of the notified country. Employment Contract Legal document containing the terms and conditions of the employment along with detailed salary structure, allowances etc offered by the employer to the emigrant. e-Wakala An electronic authorization slip issued to Saudi employers from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia. MOIA Confidential 72 eMigrate System Employer Operational Procedure Manual V1.0 I eMigrate system The eMigrate system is the web portal of the eMigrate system meant to be used by registered RAs for applying online to MOIA for various business processes. N Non Notified Countries All countries other than notified countries. Non Resident Indian (NRI) An Indian Citizen who stays abroad for employment/carrying on business or vocation outside India or stays abroad under circumstances indicating an intention for an uncertain duration of stay abroad is a non-resident. Notified Countries Countries which are perceived to be less labor friendly and emigration wherein will be subjected to extra checks. Partners Stakeholders envisaged to be partnering with MOIA under the new scheme of business processes. These include recruiting agents, enrollment agents, employers and project exporters. Pravasi Bhartiya Bima Yojna (PBBY) Insurance policy exclusively for ECR passport holders going to any notified country for a job. Recruiting Agent (RA) Person/ agency engaged in the business of overseas recruitment in India on behalf of an employer. Registrar of Companies (RoC) Statutory authority responsible for registering companies under the Companies Act, 1956. Registrar of Firms (RoF) Statutory authority responsible for registering partnerships under the Partnership Act, 1932. Registration Certificate (RC) Certificate issued by MOIA to all RAs on approval of their registration applications. UID The unique 12 digit Aadhar card number of the applicant. P R U MOIA Confidential 73 eMigrate System User Manual V1.0 for User Manual B FAQs Q1. I cannot log on to the eMigrate system. Ans. It can be due to any of the following reasons: Incorrect User Name Incorrect Password Expired Registration Q2. An error message-‘Contact System Administrator’ has occurred. Ans. Please email the error details along with the screenshot to helpdesk@emigrate.gov.in. Q3. What is an ARN? Ans. ARN stands for application reference number. Each application you file online to MOIA, through the eMigrate system, has a unique ARN. The format of the ARN is PT<Sequence Number> ex PT2876, PT96498 etc. Q4. I do not have all the Prescribed Documents for applying for Registration. Can I apply without some of the mandatory documents? Ans. No, all the mandatory documents are required. Q5. How can I track the status of my application? Ans. You can know the status of your application through the Application Reference No.(ARN). Please follow the below mentioned steps: 1. Open https://emigrate.gov.in in a web browser. 2. Go to Services -> Track status 3. Enter your application´s ARN and click ´Submit´. The eMigrate system displays the status of your application. Q6. I have received an email from the eMigrate system for re-submitting my application. What should I do? Ans: If some further clarifications/inputs are required from you, the Indian Mission can send back the application for re-submission. In such a case, you receive a system generated mail containing instructions for re-submitting the application along with the required documents. MOIA Confidential 74
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