Emily Elfner Banting Postdoctoral Fellow First Nations and Endangered Languages Program University of British Columbia Buchanan E-256 1866 Main Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 emily.elfner@ubc.ca http://emilyelfner.sites.olt.ubc.ca/ (604) 822-4021 April 13, 2015 Citizenship: Canadian Employment Sept. 2014-present Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, First Nations and Endangered Languages Program, University of British Columbia. Project: The grammar of prosody in Kwak’wala: Documentation, theory and community collaboration. Supervisor: Patricia A. Shaw. Jan.-Aug. 2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Linguistics, McGill University. Funded by the “Exploring the Interfaces” FQRSC team grant (PI: Lisa Travis). Supervisor: Michael Wagner. Jan. 2012-2014 SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Linguistics, McGill University. Project: Evidence for recursion in Irish prosody. Supervisor: Michael Wagner. Education 2006-2012 PhD in Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dissertation: Syntax-prosody interactions in Irish Committee: Elisabeth Selkirk (chair), John Kingston, John McCarthy, Jim McCloskey, Mark Feinstein 2004-2006 MA in Linguistics, University of Calgary. Thesis: The mora in Blackfoot. Committee: Darin Flynn (supervisor), John Archibald, Douglas Walker 2001-2004 BA (Honours) in Linguistics, University of Calgary. Thesis: The role of sonority in Blackfoot phonotactics. Supervisor: Darin Flynn 1 Publications Journal articles To appear Bennett, Ryan, Emily Elfner, and Jim McCloskey. Lightest to the right: An apparently anomalous displacement in Irish. Linguistic Inquiry, 64pp. 2015 Elfner, Emily. Recursion in prosodic phrasing: Evidence from Connemara Irish. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. Available as “Online First”: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11049-014-92815?sa_campaign=email/event/articleAuthor/onlineFirst Book chapters (peer-reviewed and invited contributions) In press Bennett, Ryan, Emily Elfner, and Jim McCloskey. Pronouns and prosody in Irish. In Plenary Addresses from the Fourteenth International Congress of Celtic Studies (invited contribution to collection of plenary talks). Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies. 42pp. In press Elfner, Emily. Stress-epenthesis interactions in Harmonic Serialism. In John McCarthy and Joe Pater (eds.) Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism. Equinox Press. 30 pp. 2011 Elfner, Emily. The interaction of linearization and prosody: Evidence from pronoun postposing in Irish. In Andrew Carnie (ed.) Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 17-40. Conference proceedings (based on peer-reviewed abstract) 2013 Elfner, Emily. Recursivity in prosodic phrasing: Evidence from Conamara Irish. In Seda Kan, Claire Moore-Cantwell, and Robert Staubs (eds.) Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the North-East Linguistic Society. Amherst, MA: GLSA publications, 191-204. 2011 Elfner, Emily. Recursive phonological phrases in Conamara Irish. In Mary Byram Washburn, Sarah Ouwayda, Chuoying Ouyang, Bin Yin, Canan Ipek, Lisa Marston, and Aaron Walker (eds.) Proceedings of the 28th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Available online: https://sites.google.com/site/wccfl28pro/elfner 2008 Elfner, Emily and Wendell Kimper. Reduplication without RED: Evidence from diddly-infixation. In Natasha Abner & Jason Bishop (eds.) Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 150-158. www.lingref.com, # 1827. 2006 Elfner, Emily. Contrastive syllabification in Blackfoot. In Donald Baumer, David Montero and Michael Scanlon (eds.) Proceedings of the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 141-149. www.lingref.com, #1442. 2 Edited volumes In prep Clemens, Lauren, Emily Elfner, and Michael Wagner (eds.) Prosody and Constituent Structure (Special Issue of Lingua). Anticipated publication in 2015. 2008 Elfner, Emily and Martin Walkow (eds.) Proceedings of the 37 Annual Meeting of the North-East Linguistic Society. Amherst, MA: GLSA publications. th Working papers/Other 2009 Elfner, Emily. Syllabification and stress-epenthesis interactions in Harmonic Serialism. Unpublished manuscript. Available on Rutgers Optimality Archive, #1047. (20 citations on Google Scholar). 2006 Elfner, Emily. The mora in Blackfoot. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Calgary. 2005 Elfner, Emily. The role of sonority in Blackfoot phonotactics. Calgary Papers in Linguistics 26:27-91. Available online: http://www.ucalgary.ca/lingcpl/volume26.html Presentations Invited presentations 2015. Rethinking the prosodic hierarchy: Prosodic domain mismatches and implications for Match Theory. Invited talk, Proseminar in Phonology taught by Junko Ito and Armin Mester. Department of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Cruz. April 29. 2014. Syntax-prosody mismatches and where to find them. Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia. November 14. 2014. Syntax-prosody mismatches in Irish and English verb-initial structures. Exploring the Interfaces 3 workshop “Prosody and Constituent Structure”, McGill University. May 8-10. 2014. The status of intermediate phrases in Connemara Irish. Workshop on “The Prosodic Hierarchy in a Typological Perspective”, Stockholm University. March 14-15. 2013. Recursive prosodic structure in Connemara Irish: Implications for the syntax-prosody interface. Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, McGill University. October 4. 2013. La récursivité de la structure prosodique en irlandais du Connemara: Les implications pour l'interface syntaxe-phonologie. Université du Québec à Montréal. April 10. 2013. Recursive prosodic structure in Conamara Irish: Implications for the syntax-phonology interface. University College London, February 25. 2012. Pitch accents in Conamara Irish: Implications for the syntax-phonology interface. Workshop on “The Syntax-Phonology Interface from a Cross-linguistic Perspective”, ZAS, Berlin. November 2. 2012. (with Seunghun Lee). Building a database for phonology-syntax interface research. Workshop on “The Syntax-Phonology Interface from a Cross-linguistic Perspective”, ZAS, Berlin. November 1. 2012. Pitch accents in Conamara Irish: Implications for the syntax-phonology interface. Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta. October 19. 3 2012. Pitch accents in Conamara Irish: Implications for the syntax-phonology interface. Colloquium (Speaker Series), Department of Linguistics, University of Calgary. October 5. 2011. Cumulative constraint interaction in syntax-prosody mapping: Evidence from Irish. PhLunch, University of California, Santa Cruz. May 20. 2009. (with Wendell Kimper). What can Ned Flanders tell us about linguistic knowledge? Diddly-infixation and the poverty of the stimulus. Hampshire College Cognitive Science Lunch Talk, Hampshire College. February 18. Conference/Workshop presentations and posters 2015. Prosodic juncture strength and syntactic constituency in Connemara Irish. Paper to be presented at Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 3, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. May 28-30. 2014. Prosodic boundary strength in verb-initial structures: Evidence from English and Irish. Paper presented at the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting. January 4. 2013. Prosodic boundary strength in verb-initial structures: Evidence from English and Irish. Poster presented at Phonology 2013, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. November 8-10. 2013. (with Seunghun Lee). Building a database for phonology-syntax interface research. Paper presented at Exploring Data from Language Documentation, ZAS, Berlin. May 10-11. 2013. Locality conditions on syntax-prosody matching (in Conamara Irish). Paper presented in the parasession on the syntax-phonology interface at the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 49, University of Chicago. April 19. 2012. Cumulative constraint interaction in syntax-prosody mapping: Evidence from Conamara Irish. Paper presented in the Workshop on the Phonology-Syntax Interface preceding the Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP) 9, ZAS, Berlin. January 18. 2011. Prosodic constraints on syntax-prosody mapping: Evidence from Conamara Irish. Paper presented at Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 2, McGill University, Montréal. September 24. 2011. Tonal evidence for recursive prosodic phrasing in Conamara Irish. Poster presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Pittsburgh, PA. January 7. 2010. (with Ryan Bennett, Andrew Dowd, and Jim McCloskey). Lightest to the right: An anomalous displacement in Irish. Paper presented at the 6th Celtic Linguistics Conference, University College Dublin. September 10. 2010. Tonal evidence for prosodic phrasing in Conamara Irish. Paper presented at the 6th Celtic Linguistics Conference, University College Dublin. September 10. 2010. Prosodic recursivity in Conamara Irish. Paper presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association Conference, Concordia University, Montréal. May 29. 2010. Recursive phonological phrases in Conamara Irish. Paper presented in the Special Session on Prosody in Grammar, Acquisition, and Processing at the 28th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, University of Southern California. February 19. 2010. Stress-epenthesis interactions in Harmonic Serialism. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Baltimore, MD. January 9. 2009. Recursivity and binarity in prosodic phrasing: Evidence from Conamara Irish. Paper presented at the 40th Meeting of the North-East Linguistic Society, MIT. November 14. 2009. The interaction of linearization and prosody: Pronoun postposing in Irish. Paper presented at Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, University of Arizona. March 27. 2008. (with Wendell Kimper). Reduplication without RED: Evidence from diddly-infixation. 4 Paper presented at the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles. May 17. 2007. Moraic faithfulness: Evidence from Blackfoot and English. Paper presented at the 15th Manchester Phonology Meeting, University of Manchester, England. May 26. 2006. Contrastive syllabification in Blackfoot. Paper presented at the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, University of Washington. April 29. 2005. Syllable weight in Blackfoot. Paper presented at the 37th Algonquian Conference, University of Ottawa. October 21. 2004. The role of sonority in Blackfoot phonotactics. Paper presented at the Alberta Conference on Linguistics. Banff, AB. October 30. Grants 2015 2014 2012-2015 Individual grant, Jacobs Research Funds “The grammar of prosody and intonation in Kwak’wala”. [April 2015, $3,000 USD] Co-applicant, SSHRC Connection Grant for the workshop “Exploring the Interfaces: Prosody and Constituent Structure”. (Applicant: Michael Wagner). [611-2013-0125, March 2014, $14,610 CAD] Collaborator, National Science Foundation Grant “The effects of syntactic constituency on the phonology and phonetics of tone”. (Collaborator/member of primary research team; PI: Elisabeth Selkirk, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Co-PI: Gorka Elordieta, University of the Basque Country; Co-PI: Seunghun Lee, Central Connecticut State University) [BCS-1147083, July 2012-December 2015, $499,946 USD]. Grant-supported Research Summer 2009 Summer 2008 Summer 2007 2003-2005 Research assistant, National Science Foundation Grant “Investigations in Optimality Theory: Typology, Learning, and Modeling”. (PIs: John McCarthy and Joe Pater, University of Massachusetts, Amherst). [BCS0813829]. Research assistant to John McCarthy, Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Research assistant, “Black and White Prosody”. (PIs: Lisa Green and Lisa Selkirk) Research assistant, SSHRC Grant “Prosody of Western Canadian Languages”. (PI: Darin Flynn, University of Calgary). Awards, Scholarships, and Fellowships Federal Government (SSHRC) 2014-2016 Two-year Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). First Nations and Endangered Languages Program, University of British Columbia, beginning September 1, 2014. Supervisor: Patricia Shaw. $140,000 over 2 years. 1 of 23 recipients selected from an international applicant pool spanning the Humanities and Social Sciences. 5 2012-2014 2006-2011 2006-2009 2005-2006 Two-year SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Department of Linguistics, McGill University, beginning January 1, 2012. Supervisor: Michael Wagner. $81,000 over 2 years. Four-year Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (interrupted Spring 2009 and Spring 2010 for teaching). $80,000 over 4 years. Three-year Canadian Graduate Scholarship, Doctoral, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) (declined). $105,000 over 3 years. Canadian Graduate Scholarship, Master’s, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Department of Linguistics, University of Calgary. $17,500 Other 2009 2006 2005 2004-2005 2004-2005 2003 2002 2002 2001 2001 Scholarship to attend Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, a four-day mini-course followed by a conference. Department of Linguistics, University of Arizona Graduate Research Scholarship, Department of Linguistics, University of Calgary Graduate Student Scholarship, Government of Alberta, Alberta Advanced Education’s Achievement Scholarship Program Graduate Research Scholarship, Department of Linguistics, University of Calgary Department of Graduate Studies Award, University of Calgary Louise McKinney Scholarship, Province of Alberta, Alberta Scholarship Program Jason Lang Scholarship, Province of Alberta, Alberta Scholarship Program Undergraduate Merit Scholarship, University of Calgary Alexander Rutherford Scholarship, Province of Alberta Undergraduate Merit Scholarship, University of Calgary Teaching At the University of British Columbia Winter 1 2015 FNEL 281: Sounds of Endangered Languages: Conservation and Revitalization (First Nations and Endangered Languages Program) (to be taught) Winter 1 2014 FNLG 448S: Sounds of Endangered Languages: Conservation and Revitalization (co-taught with Patricia A. Shaw; First Nations Languages Program) Course description: Development of skills in the perception and transcription of speech sounds in endangered languages, focusing on the diversity within BC Aboriginal languages. Capacity-building techniques for digital recording, editing, analysis, and archiving; guided by community-based conservation and revitalization goals. 6 At McGill University Fall 2013 Linguistics 331: Phonology 1 (46 students; supervision of one TA; required course for linguistics majors) Winter 2013 Linguistics 417/682: Topics at the Interfaces I: Prosody and Intonation (cross-listed undergraduate/graduate course) (15 students) Winter 2012 Linguistics 635: Phonology 4 (leave replacement) Full responsibility for teaching two weeks of the second course in the firstyear graduate phonology sequence (leave replacement for Michael Wagner) (5 students) At the University of Massachusetts Amherst Spring 2010 Linguistics 201: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (30 students) Teaching assistantships/Grader positions At the University of Massachusetts Amherst Fall 2011 Teaching Assistant, Linguistics 101: People and their Language Instructor of record: Peggy Speas Responsibilities: teaching two discussion sections per week, grading student essays (50 students) Summer 2011 Grader, Linguistics 101 (online): People and their Language (session 3) Instructor of record: John McCarthy Spring 2011 Grader, Linguistics 402: Speech Sounds and Structure Instructor of record: Anne Pycha Spring 2009 Teaching Assistant, Linguistics 201: Introduction to Linguistic Theory Instructor of record: Lisa Green Responsibilities: teaching two discussion sections per week, grading student assignments/exams (50 students) Fall 2008 Grader, Linguistics 101 (online): People and their Language Instructor of record: John McCarthy Spring 2008 Grader, Linguistics 101 (online): People and their Language Instructor of record: John McCarthy At the University of Calgary Winter 2005 Teaching Assistant, Linguistics 319: Introduction to Semantics Instructor of record: Ilana Mezhevich Fall 2004 Teaching Assistant, Linguistics 201: Introduction to Linguistics I Instructor of record: Susan Bennett 7 Ad-hoc Reviewing Journal articles: 2015 2014 2013 2012 2010-2011 Journal of East Asian Linguistics International Journal of American Linguistics, Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Language, Lingua, Linguistic Inquiry, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Language, Phonology, Syntax Phonology Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Book chapters: 2015 2014 2014 2013 2011 2010 Monica Macaulay and Meg Noodin (eds.) Papers of the 46th Algonquian Conference. Luiz Amaral, Marcus Maia, Tom Roeper, and Andrew Nevins (eds.) Recursion and Embedding in Brazilian Languages and Beyond. Vera Gribanova and Stephanie Shih (eds.) The Morphosyntax-Phonology Connection, Oxford University Press. Caroline Féry and Shin Ishihara (eds.) OUP Handbook on Information Structure, Oxford University Press. John McCarthy and Joe Pater (eds.) Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism, Equinox Press. Andrew Carnie (ed.) Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, Cambridge Scholars Press. Abstracts: 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 3. Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP) 12. Phonology 2014. Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP) 11. Workshop on “Quantitative approaches in corpus linguistics psycholinguistics: Word order and constituent order”. Phonology 2013. and Service 2013-2014 2013-2014 2012 Co-organizer, Exploring the Interfaces 3 (ETI3) conference “Prosody and Constituent Structure” (with Jessica Coon, Lisa Travis, and Michael Wagner). May 8-10, 2014 at McGill University. Co-organizer, Syntax-Phonology Reading Group, Department of Linguistics, McGill University (with Michael Wagner). Invited discussant, Exploring the Interfaces 1 workshop at McGill University. 8 2009 2008-2009 2004-2005 Co-organizer of HUMDRUM (with Brian Smith), a graduate student workshop on Optimality Theory (participating schools: UMass, Rutgers, Yale, NYU). April 18, 2009, at UMass, Amherst. Colloquium coordinator, Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. (Fall and Spring semesters) Graduate Student Representative, Department of Linguistics, University of Calgary Graduate Students Association. Other Academic Experience/Visiting Scholar Positions 2015 2012 2011 2009 2009 2009 2008 2005 University of California, Santa Cruz. One-week visit partially sponsored by Department of Linguistics. Invited guest lecture in graduate phonology proseminar taught by Junko Ito and Armin Mester. April 26-May2, 2015. University of Calgary. Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics. Fall 2012. University of California, Santa Cruz. One-week visit sponsored by CrISP (Cross-linguistic Investigations in Syntax-Phonology research group), to pursue collaborative research on Irish prosody (with Jim McCloskey and Ryan Bennett), May 17-24, 2011. University of California, Santa Cruz. Research Associate/visiting student, Linguistics Research Center. (Courtesy appointment, fall quarter). Irish Language Summer School. International Summer School, National University of Ireland, Galway. An Cheathrú Rua (Carraroe), Ireland. July 17August 14. Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics mini-course. Department of Linguistics, University of Arizona. March 23-29. InField: Institute on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation (including participation in two weeks of workshops and a four-week field training and documentation project on Kwak’wala). Department of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara. June 23-August 1. Cwrs Wlpan (intensive Welsh language course). Welsh Language Teaching Centre, Cardiff University. Llanbedr Pont Steffan (Lampeter), Wales. July 1August 26. 9 Fieldwork Experience 2014-present Kwak’wala (North Wakashan). Funding: Banting Postdoctoral fellowship 201310BAF-327995-SSH-CAAA249165, Jacobs Research Funds Individual Grant 2015 2009-present Irish (Celtic; Connemara dialect). June 2013 January 2012 September 2011 July-Aug. 2009 2009-2012 July 2008 2003-2006 Carraroe & Dublin. NSF grant BCS-1147083 to Elisabeth Selkirk Dublin. SSHRC postdoctoral fellowship 756-2011-0285, SSHRC standard research grant on Relative Boundary Strength to Michael Wagner Carraroe & Dublin. UMass Amherst Linguistics research funding Carraroe (Irish Language Summer School, 5 weeks) Boston, MA. On-going elicitation sessions, UMass Amherst Linguistics research funding Intensive four-week field methods course and collaborative documentation project on Kwak’wala. InField, University of California, Santa Barbara (instructor: Patricia A. Shaw, UBC). Blackfoot (Algonquian; Siksiká dialect). Calgary, AB. On-going elicitation sessions, SSHRC grant to Darin Flynn. Technical Skills Experiments Phonetics Statistics Databases Matlab/Psychtoolbox Praat (acoustic analysis and scripting), prosodylab-aligner R FileMaker Pro (relational database design and implementation) Languages English (native) French (fluent) Irish (conversational; structural knowledge; fieldwork) Kwak’wala (structural knowledge; fieldwork) Welsh (conversational; structural knowledge) Blackfoot (structural knowledge; fieldwork) 10
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