SPECIAL ASSESSMENT MEETING NOTICE & UPDATE April 22, 2015 Dear Seminole Palms Homeowners: You may have received a letter from Regal CAM in which Regal CAM falsely identifies itself as the property management company for the Association, and Lisa Hargrove as President of the Association. Your legally elected Board, Allen Borza, Sterling Jean and Ted Matz would like to provide a response to Regal CAM’s latest letter, which is replete with bold faced lies, and misrepresentations. We apologize for confusion created by Regal CAM, and Lisa Hargrove. We are currently litigating the issue of Lisa Hargrove’s unlawful power grab in Palm Beach County Court, and hope to have her, and Regal CAM, out of the picture as soon as possible, so they can no longer hold our funds hostage, and continue to injure us. The following is a brief synopsis. Get the facts and full story at www.SeminolePalms.com Regal CAM is not concerned with our interests, or preserving our community. It is in bed with Lisa Hargrove, and it is only concerned with self-‐preservation, and taking our money. Regal CAM knows it was not legally retained by our Board, and needs to align itself with Lisa Hargrove (who illegally “retained” Regal CAM) in order to continue to overcharge us for services they have not even provided! Regal CAM recognizes that once this matter plays out in Court, it will receive no more of our money, and that we will seek to have it held accountable for the money it has taken from us. Regal CAM has chosen to ignore a letter from the Association’s attorney, Richard Lubliner, of Greenstein & Associates, P.A., which is enclosed for your review. In the past 30 days, Lisa Hargrove wrote checks (that only she unlawfully signed) to Regal CAM for almost $15,000! These unexplained payments were $9,416.67 for “management,” and $5,000 for “legal services.” Regal CAM is not entitled to anything for “management,” let alone the exorbitant amount of over $9,000.00. Also, it is unclear why Regal CAM is accepting money for legal services, as it is not a law firm. We have not yet been provided with full access to all account statements (Lisa Hargrove is refusing to turn them over). We believe that these unjustified payments are just the tip of the iceberg, and once we have full access, we will uncover more unexplained payments to Regal CAM, which appears to have been conspiring with Lisa Hargrove. Regarding Regal CAM’s lies about the Association’s bank accounts, as soon as the Board was elected, it unanimously decided to move the Association’s funds to another bank to safeguard the funds, and prevent Lisa Hargrove from unlawfully spending the funds. At the same time, Lisa Hargrove caused the Association’s Sunbiz filing to be illegally changed to reflect that she and Svetlana Buccellato were the only purported members of the Board of the Association. Significantly, Svetlana Buccellato has denied authorizing Lisa Hargrove to place her on the Board. Lisa Hargrove also disputed the moving of the funds from Valley National Bank. As a result of Lisa Hargrove’s fraudulent dispute, Valley National Bank froze the funds, and filed an interpleader to have a judge decide who the duly constituted board is (so only that entity may have access to the funds). Neither Lisa Hargrove nor your legally elected Board has access to these funds now, with the exception of a couple of vendors with ongoing payments. This is a positive development, as the funds are protected from Lisa Hargrove, and the interpleader provides us with an opportunity to have a Court declare that we are the duly elected Board of the Association. I note that the Association’s Sunbiz filing has been amended to correctly reflect the Association’s legally elected Board. Despite Regal CAM’s ignorance of the situation, parking enforcement will continue per the association Rules and Regulations, just as Comcast will be continued to be paid from the (frozen) Valley National account. Valley National Bank has agreed to allow these recurring payments (with our approval) only because they identified these expenses as previously recurring payments for vital services. Please be advised that Lisa Hargrove is no longer the President of the HOA, or on the Board of Directors, AND HAS NO AUTHORITY TO ACT ON THE ASSOCIATION’S BEHALF. She lost the legal election and stubbornly refuses to accept it significantly; we also have enough signatures to recall Lisa Hargrove as a board member – an act we have not proceeded with because she was not re-‐elected. We can only wonder what Lisa Hargrove is trying to hide by refusing to acknowledge that she is not an officer of the Association, or a Board member, and refusing to turn over our books and records. Rest assured we will undertake a thorough analysis of all of Lisa Hargrove’s actions, and hold her accountable for any unlawful activities we uncover. Given neither Lisa Hargrove, nor Regal CAM, have any authority to act on behalf of the Board, or the Association, PLEASE IGNORE HER AND REGAL CAM’s illicit propaganda. Please continue to mail all HOA payments to the address below, where they will be properly accounted for by the Association’s property manager: Seminole Palms Homeowners Association, Inc. c/o Phoenix Management Services, Inc. 6131 - B Lake Worth Road Greenacres, Florida 33463
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