HOW to Bring PEACE to the Middle East!

HOW to Bring
PEACE to the
Middle East!
A Photo of a Brahman Bull and his Offspring
(A Special Tale of Wisdom)
Ray Walter Swangkee 
The Colorful Peacock from Angel Ridge,
Box 305D10, King’s Mountain, Kentucky
40442 The Divided States of United Lies!
My E-mail Address is: as in,
“The King at TELL ALL, dot, Network of Truth!”
Please Visit the most Beautiful, Enlightening, and
Inspiring Website on the Internet, at:
“And it shall come to pass during the Last Days, that
the Mountainous House of the SUPREME RULER shall be
Established on the Top of the Mountains, which is to
say that the Government of the SUPREME RULER will be
Established in the Chief of the Nations, at the Top of
the Kingdoms, and that Government will be Exalted
above the Hills, or above the Kingdoms of Inferior
Nations, and all Nations of Wise People will Flow unto
it, in Order to Learn of its Ways: because it will be a
Righteous GovernMint, which will Mint and Print the
Necessary New Money in Order to use that Money
Wisely in Order to HIRE whomever is Willing and Able
to Learn and Work, in Order to Do all Kinds of Good
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Works, such as the Building of Beautiful Stone
Domehomes, Homecraft Workshops, Sales Shops, AllMineral Organic Gardens, Vineyards, and Orchards, as
well as Fruit Tree Houses, Stone Greenhouses, Cisterns
for Water Storage, Stone Bat Houses, Honeybee
Houses, Warehouses, and all that it Requires within
Planned City States, so that each City State can Govern
itself and Attend its own Businesses. Therefore, many
People will go to a Great Nation of Wise People, and
will say: ‘Come, O you Oppressed Tax Slaves, and let us
go up to the Mountainous House of the SUPREME
RULER, to the House of the God of Jacob; and he will
Teach us concerning his Ways, and we will Walk in his
Paths: because they are most Prosperous.’ And the
Reason that they will say that, is because the Law will
go forth from Mount Zion, and the Words of the
SUPREME RULER will come from Jerusalem, which is a
Daughter of Zion, which is the Holy City of the Great
King, even Mount Zion in the Recesses of the Uttermost
Parts of the Far North, whose Glory makes the
Northern Lights, or the Aurora Borealis, which comes
from within the Earth: because the Headquarters of the
Kingdom of the SUPREME RULER is within the Hollow
Earth, which is the Paradise of God, from which Adam
and Eve were Expelled for their Disobedience.1 And the
SUPREME RULER will Judge among the Nations, and
shall Rebuke many People for their Lusts, Greed, and
Wickedness; and therefore, they shall Beat their Swords
into Plowshares, and their Spears into Pruninghooks:
because no Nation shall lift up a Sword Against
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: WHERE is The City of God??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
another Nation, and neither shall they Learn War any
more. O House of Jacob, come, O you Afflicted People,
and let us Walk in the Light of the SUPREME RULER,
who Enlightens our Minds; and let us not Learn the
Evil Ways of the Heathen, who Reject True Knowledge,
who Comfort themselves with their Unbelief, who say
that God is not Able to bring it to pass.” The New
MAGNIFIED Version of a Part of Isaiah 2, in PLAIN
English for Wise People.2
“O my Son, the Way into the Temple of Peace is to pass
through the Door of Confession, which begins with a
Confession of the Truth, which Requires Honesty,
Humility of Mind, and a Humble Spirit. Therefore, if
you Sincerely Seek Peace, you must Search for that
Truth that can Liberate you from the Prison of Lies:
because, only the Truth has the Power to set us Free in
Words and in Deeds.” Proverb of the Peacock
“O my Daughter, do not be Deceived by any Flattering
Lies about People who are like Sheep and Goats being
Able to Live in Peace with People who are like Lions
and Wolves: because such is Impossible, until their
Natures are Changed. Therefore, do not have any Faith
in Flattering Lies, as Ignorant People do; but put your
Faith in the Inspired Words of Provable Truth: because
those Words can Save you from many Years of
Suffering and Woes.” Proverb of the Peacock
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Justification of Magnification,
for an Explanation for the use of so many Words in the above Quote. Also, see
Justification of Capitalization, in Order to Understand WHY that I use so
many Capital Letters on my Inspired Words of Provable Truth.
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Copyright, Dedication, and
The Professor Wordcraft from
The Universal College of Superior Knowledge
This Special Booklet is COPYRIGHTED 2003 AD, by Ray
Walter Swangkee, whose God-given Pen Name is The PEACOCK,
who is the Author of more than 200 Inspired Books and Booklets.
All Rights are Reserved for the Truth’s Sake. No Portion of this
Booklet shall be Reproduced by any Mean for Sale: because it
is provided Free of Charge by The Swangkee Association of
Truth Seekers and Treasure Hunters, Worldwide!3
This Inspired Booklet is now DEDICATED to those
millions of Israelis, Arabs, Christians, and Palestinians who are
Attempting to Live Together in PEACE within the Land of Israel,
which has been Promised to the Descendents of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob, which does not Include all of those People who are
Attempting to Live in Israel: because Abraham is the Father of
Peacemakers, not Murderers and Terrorists; and Jacob was
Renamed Israel, which Means PRINCE of GOD, who is the Chief
Peacemaker. (See Genesis 32: 28.) Therefore, whatever the
Solutions are, for the Present and Ancient Problems of the Blest or
Cursed Land of Israel, those Solutions must bring Actual Peace to
ALL of the People in the Middle East, including those
Neighboring People who Live in SURROUNDING Countries:
because the entire Middle East has been a Hotbed for Bloodshed
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Is it a SIN to Make
MERCHANDISE of The Words of God??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
since Ancient Times! Indeed, Jerusalem, itself, has been the
World’s Headquarters for Wars, ever since Ancient Times:
because of the SUPERIORITY Complex of whomever was in
Control of it. Indeed, each Group of Proud People have always
thought of themselves as being Better than the other People, which
is called a Superiority Complex, which is Supported by dozens of
Scriptures, which refer to “the Chosen People,” “the Royal
Priesthood,” “my Chosen People,” “the Blest People,” and
hundreds of “my People” Expressions, and so on, as you can read
for yourself within the Holy Bible, whose Words of Truth cannot
be Disputed: because the Jews in general are the SUPERIOR Race
of People, at least INTELLECTUALLY, or else they and their
half-breed Offspring would not make up 80% or more of Leading
Medical Doctors, Chemists, Bankers, Lawyers, Judges, Scientists,
Politicians, Businessmen, Engineers, Architects, Military Generals,
Accountants, Actors, Authors, Preachers, Teachers, Professors
(including myself), and other Intellectual Professions and
Occupations, even within the United States and Great Britain, who
are also Descendents of Abraham, being mostly Descendents of
Isaac and Jacob!4 Indeed, there is little Doubt that such People are
Extremely Intelligent, or else they would not be in such High
Positions of Authority, Power, and Control. However, in the
Special Case of the Land of Israel, it is Divided into different
Sectors or Territories for the Sake of Establishing a certain Degree
of Peace among such Diverse People: because People who are like
Sheep and Goats never did get along very well with People who
are like Lions and Wolves. Nevertheless, there has also been much
Effort and Money spent in VAIN, in Order to Attempt to
DESEGREGATE and INTEGRATE those Israelis, Christians,
Arab Moslems, and Palestinians in the Land of Israel. In Fact, the
See a Book, called: Europe and America in Prophecy, for the Proof of what I
Teach, and Understand that I do not Endorse all of the Religious Teachings of
Herbert W. Armstrong, nor his Son Garner Ted; but I do Accept any Truth that
any Person Teaches, including that Great Truth, which he and many others have
Proven to be True, for which I Offer a ONE-MILLION-DOLLAR REWARD
to any Person who can Prove the Truths within the above mentioned Book to be
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Divided States of United Lies, itself, has WASTED Enough
Money in that Part of the World, to have already Solved their
Problems, IF Money alone could Solve such Problems; but it
 Chapter 1 
Who has the Right to Own the
Land of Israel??
Well, just the NAME of Israel, itself, is Sufficient Evidence
that the Land belongs to ISRAEL, except that it is also often called
PALESTINE, which is Sufficient Evidence that it must belong to
Palestinians! In Fact, if it had been taken over in some War by
Ethiopians, I suppose that it would be called Zululand, Bongo,
Ethioops, or something else: because the Conqueror has that
Privilege of Naming whatever he Conquers.
Nevertheless, there are Endless and FUTILE Arguments
over WHOSE Land it is, and who has the Right to Govern it:
because it has been Owned by various People, including Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, and the Descendants of Esau, all of whose
Descendants have Reasonable Arguments  even as the American
Negroes have made their Arguments for the Integration of Blacks
and Whites, which have been Heard all of the Way to the Supreme
Court of Injustice in Washington, which did not by any Means
provide JUSTICE for the millions of Poor American Negroes,
most of whom were only Deceived by the White Fathers in
Washington, District of Criminals, who have made it out that all
Americans are now EQUAL with Equal Rights, rather than
“SEPARATE but EQUAL,” as it used to be for 90+ Years!
However, the Truth is that White Chickens and Black Chickens are
NOT Equal with Peacocks and Pheasants, even if they Imagine
themselves to be Equal. Indeed, it is the Equivalent of some
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Arrogant Fool Claiming to be EQUAL with Jesus Christ and his 12
Disciples, even though that Fool cannot even Heal himself, much
less Heal others and Raise up the Dead! Therefore, there is a
Distinct DIFFERENCE between all Races of People, and
especially between those Arabs, Israelis, Jews, and Palestinians,
who cannot be Expected to Live Together in PEACE: because it is
the Equivalent of Sheep and Goats Living in Peace Together with
Lions and Wolves, which is Unrealistic, Insane, and Unnecessary:
because there is Plenty of Space within this World of Wonders for
all Kinds of People, who are well Able and Willing to Govern
themselves, according to their own Elected Laws and Flexible
Rules.5 In Fact, I do not Personally Know of one single Black
Person in this Country who PREFERS White Rulers, even though
there might be a few such People here and there; and neither do I
Know of one single White Person who PREFERS Black Rulers,
even though there might be a few such People: because they Love
Confusion, just for the Sake of Rebellion against whatever is
Reasonable. (For Example, there are more than 77 Good Reasons
and Great Advantages for Men to Make and Wear Swangkee
ROBES and CLOAKS!; but most American Men Choose to
Wear Complicated Clothes, like 3-piece Suits: because they have
been Sold another BIG LIE, even though all Honest Christians will
Confess that Jesus Christ will be Wearing a ROBE when he
Returns in all of his Glory: because the Book of Revelation says
so. See Chapter 1, Verse 13, which is in Agreement with that
Scripture that states that “Jesus Christ is the SAME, both
Yesterday, Today, and Forever,” which is most Reasonable:
because, if he were a Changeable Ruler, who could Trust him? See
Hebrews 13: 8. Therefore, whether or not anyone LIKES the
Looks of a ROBE on a Man, is not the Point; but whether or not
you Love your Master Enough in Order to Desire to be like him in
all Ways, as Opposed to being a HYPOCRITE like President
See my Website for my Free Books, called: Is the Peacock a RACIST??, Did
the Creator Intend for Peacocks to Marry Chickens??, The
CONSTITUTION for the New Righteous One-World GovernMint!, plus: Is
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Traditional Double-tongued Murderous Lying Ignorant
SLOTHGUT Windbag Hole-in-his-Head!, who is no more like
Jesus Christ than Satan and Sons, Incorporated, who will Sell any
Abomination on Earth for Profit: because “the Love of MONEY” is
their Main Motive.)6 Likewise, I Seriously Doubt that one single
Israeli actually WANTS a Palestinian President, King, Governor,
Major, or whomever, Ruling over him or her. Likewise, I Sincerely
Doubt that any Palestinian actually WANTS an Israeli Ruling over
him or her: because each Wise Group of Honest People are quite
Able and Willing to Rule over or Govern themselves. Moreover, it
is the only Way that such People can have Perfect Peace: because
they have Conflicting Religious Viewpoints, which are as Contrary
as Black and White, Night and Day, plus Bitter and Sweet, which
are EXTREME, you might say; but also Realistic. Indeed, there is
nothing Wrong or Evil about having such Viewpoints: because
who is to say WHO is Right and WHO is Wrong?? After all, not
even Jesus Christ managed to Convert his Enemies, who at last had
him put to Death. Therefore, it is Doubtful that WE are going to
Convert those Israelis and Palestinians, who are Hell-bent on
Killing each other: because they HATE one another for Just
Causes.7 In Fact, if it were not for their Just Causes, there
would be no Problem in the Middle East; but because of their
Just Causes, there is that Eternal Conflict, which can only be
Settled by the Spirit of Wisdom, which Possessed King Solomon.
Therefore, the Righteous and Honest People have the Right to
Own that Land, even as they have the Right to Own any Land in
any Place in the World, which belongs to the Righteous Ones:
because they alone are Worthy, even though it Appears that no
one has Figured out WHO those Righteous Ones ARE!
Moreover, whomever cannot Agree that such Land should
belong to the Honest and Righteous People, who Sincerely
Want to do what is Right for ALL of the People, whomever
they might be, is an Evil Person. Yes, he or she is Related with
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Justification of Symbols,
Creatures, and Characters!
7 See my Website for my Free Book, called: WHERE is HELL??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
those Insane Idiots who are now Living in Israel/Palestine, who are
MURDERING one another, while Vainly Imagining that they are
Doing what is Right! Indeed, none of those People who are
Involved in such Murders are Worthy of such a Holy Place, just by
Reason of their Murderous Nature: because they are not the
Spiritual Children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who were
 Chapter 2 
Do True Peacemakers KILL??
Well, Mr. Colt’s .44 caliber Pistol was called “the
Peacemaker of the West,” but what Examples do we have from the
Bible, which might Enlighten our Minds concerning this most
Important Subject? Indeed, if there are no Good Examples of
Peacemakers within the Bible, then we are left with the “Arms
Race to HELL,” as they say, which is a General overall Policy in
the Middle East, where most Nations are Armed to the Teeth:
because they seem to Sincerely Believe that WARS, Terrorism,
and REVENGE bring Peace and Happiness; but I Assure you that
such Evil Acts do NOT bring Peace nor Happiness: because Evil,
itself, Breeds more and more Evil, which has now Multiplied in the
Middle East, until it is Unsafe for most Visitors to even go there.
Therefore, let us Examine a few Scriptures, in Order to try
to Learn HOW to Produce Peace, even in the Divided States of
United Lies, which could also very easily get into another Civil
War: because of Ignorance concerning those Scriptures, which
Reveal that certain People were Born to be Good MASTERS,
while others were Born to be Good, Humble, and Obedient
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: HOW to get WISDOM!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
SERVANTS.9 First of all, we have Father Abraham making Peace
with his Nephew Lot. Now the SUPREME RULER had said to Abram,
who later became Abraham, “Get you out of your Country, and
away from your Kindred, and away from your Father’s House,
unto a Land that I will show to you; and I will make of you a
Great Nation, and I will Bless you, and make your Name Great;
and you shall be a Blessing unto all Nations; and I will Bless
them that Bless you, and Curse them that Curse you; and in you
and your Seed shall all Families of the Earth be Blest.” So,
Abram Obeyed and Departed, as the SUPREME RULER had
Spoken to him; and his Nephew Lot went with him; and Abram
was 75 Years Old when he Departed out of Haran. And Abram
took Sarai [pronounced SEIR-aa-ii] his Wife, and Lot his
Brother’s Son, and all of their Substance that they had gathered,
including the Souls that they had obtained in Haran; and they went
forth to go into the Land of Canaan; and thus they came into the
Land of Canaan, Together as one Nation. The New MAGNIFIED
Version of Genesis 12: 1  5. In other words, Abraham
SEPARATED himself from his own Family, in Order to be Blest
by God, and in Order to bring Peace to his own Mind and
Household; and also in Order to be a Blessing unto all People,
even as we can also do, nowadays: because the Law still Applies to
whomever might Learn it and Obey it, as all of the Holy Prophets
And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his Wife, and all
that he had, and Lot went with him, into the South. And Abram was
very Rich with Cattle, with Silver, and with Gold. And he went on
his Journeys from the South even to Bethel, unto the Place where
his Tent had been at the Beginning, between Bethel and Hai [HAAii]; unto the Place of the Altar, which he had made there at the
first; and there Abram called on the Name of the CREATOR. And Lot
also, who went with Abram, had Flocks, Herds, and Tents. And the
Land was not able to bear them, so that they might Live Together
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Were you Born to be a
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
as one Family, in Peace: because their Substance was too great.
Therefore, there was a Strife between the Herdsmen of Abram’s
Cattle and the Herdsmen of Lot’s Cattle; and the Canaanite and
the Perizzite also Lived on the same Land. Nevertheless, Abram
was a Wise Man, who said to Lot, “Let there be no Strife, I Pray
you, between me and you, and between my Herdsmen and your
Herdsmen: because we are Brothers. Is not the whole Land before
us? Come, let us walk Together up to the Top of the Highest
Mountain around here, and Look at it from there.” And they did
so. And when they arrived there, Abram said to Lot, “We have
Lived in Peace all of these Years; therefore, Separate yourself, I
Pray you, from me, so that we can continue to have Peace; and if
you will take the Left Part, then I will go to the Right Part; or, if
you depart to the Right-hand Side, then I will go to the Left-hand
Side.” And then Lot lifted up his Eyes, and beheld all of the Plain
of Jordan, that it was well Watered everywhere, which was before
the Time when the CREATOR Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,
which was even like the Garden of Eden, which the CREATOR
Planted Eastward, being like the Land of Egypt, as you come into
Zoar, which is thoroughly Watered by the Nile River. Then Lot
Chose for himself all of the Luscious Plain of Jordan; and Lot
Journeyed East with all of his Livestock and Servants; and Abram
went to the West; and they Separated themselves one from
another in Order to bring Peace among themselves. Yes, Abram
Lived in the Land of Canaan, and Lot Lived in the Cities of the
Plain, and pitched his Tent toward Sodom, which was full of
Overfed Lazy People, who did not have to do much Work in Order
to Maintain a Thriving Community: because everything Grew very
well. However, the Men of Sodom were exceedingly Wicked, and
Chief Sinners in the presence of the CREATOR: because of their
Idleness, Fullness of Food, Disregard for the Welfare of the Poor,
and great Pride for their Successes. And after Lot was Separated
from Abram, the CREATOR caught hold of Abram by the Power of
his Spirit, in a Dream, and took him up to the Top of a High
Mountain, and set him down on a Rock, and he said to Abram:
“Now, lift up your Eyes, and look from the Place where you are
Sitting on this Mountain, even Northward, Southward, Eastward,
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
and Westward: because all of the Land that you See, I will Give it
to you and to your Seed for ever; and I will make your Seed as
Abundant as the Dust of the Earth: so that if a Man could Count
all of the Particles of the Earth, even all of the Grains of Sand,
then shall your Seed also be Numbered. Therefore, Arise, walk
throughout the Land in the length of it and in the breadth of it:
because I will give it to you, even all of the Land from the
Euphrates River unto the Nile River.” Then Abram got up and
walked throughout the Land for the next Year; and at last he
removed his Tent, and came over and Lived in the Plain of Mamre
[MAM-ree], which is in Hebron, and built there an Altar unto the
CREATOR. The New MAGNIFIED Version of Genesis 13 in PLAIN
English. Now, we can Understand HOW Abraham made Peace,
by SEPARATING himself and his Servants from Lot and his
Servants, so that they would have Space for Living: because
every Person in the whole World NEEDS a certain Amount of
SPACE for Living, in Order to be Healthy and Happy. After
all, if there were a LACK of Space, we might have some Excuse
for not having Peace; but there is NO Lack of Space. See my
Website on the Internet for my Free Booklet, called: Is the
Therefore, let us Do what the Scriptures Teach, and
“Overcome Evil by Doing Good.” And what more Good can we
Do, than to provide a Way for all of those Poor Wretched People to
become Moderately RICH, on their own Land, so that they will not
have a Just Cause for Wanting to go to War?10 Truly, I say to you,
nothing can make a Better Way for Peace to SURVIVE, and even
THRIVE, than to HIRE such Poor People to Build their own
Beautiful Planned City States, where they can Govern themselves
and mind their own Businesses. In Fact, just Picture yourself trying
to Live in such a Hell Hole as Modern Jerusalem, at which Time a
certain Rich Man comes along and says: “Son, how would you like
to Work for me, getting Top Wages, in Order to Help Build your
own Beautiful Multi-million-dollar $wangkee Stone Domehome
See my Website for my Free Book, called: The INSANITY of WAR!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Complex, which will include a large Stone Domehome about 100
feet in diameter, with Polished Marble Walls and Granite Floors,
which Domehome will have a Tunnel going to your Homecraft
Workshop Dome, which is also about 100 feet in diameter, which
will be Connected with other Stone Dome Storage Rooms,
$wangkee Fruit Tree Houses with Removable Glass- and Stainlesssteel-covered Roofs, Stone Greenhouses, large Concrete Cisterns
for Water Storage, Terraced Rock Walls for All-Mineral Organic
Gardens, Vineyards, and Orchards, plus whatever Tools that you
Need in Order to Live and Work at Home with your own Family
and Friends?” And your Immediate Response would Naturally be
one of Great Unbelief: because no Rich Man is going to walk up to
you and ask such a Question, much less carry on through with it:
because that would be like an Act of God, or an Angel of Mercy
Rescuing you from the Quicksand! Indeed, it will now take you by
Surprise to Learn that I am known as Multi-Trillionaire Truth,
the Son of Great Faith and True Love: because I Propose to
HIRE each and every one of those Arabs, Israelis, Christians, and
Palestinians in Order to go to Work with the Right $wangkee
Tools, in Order to Build all Kinds of Beautiful Planned City
States, called: $wangkee Hotels, Castles, and Fortresses, which
just happen to have more than 248 Advantages over Normal Cities
of Massive Confusion, which are Designed by SATAN and Sons,
Incorporated: because they are Centers for both Legal and Illegal
Crimes of all Kinds: because they LACK those All-Mineral
Organic Gardens, Vineyards, Orchards, Stone Fruit Tree Houses,
Homecraft Workshops, Sales Shops, and Stone Domehomes with
the Beautiful Marble-faced Walls, Agate Windows, and Granitecovered Floors, which INSPIRE Honest People to Exclaim:
“PRAISE THE CREATOR OF ROCKS!” Yes, it is most difficult
to Think Evil, when you are Surrounded by such Beauty, including
those Terraced Flower Gardens, Vegetable Gardens, Vineyards,
and Orchards. See Photo Gallery 2  The Swangkee Brothers’
98% Rock House, on my Website for an Example of what you
could also have, if you were WISE and had the Faith of a Humble
Sheep of the Good Shepherd.
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Now, I Hear someone, who is like an Innocent Lamb, bleat:
“O Peacock, are you Suggesting that it might be Possible for some
Rich Americans to HIRE those Israelis and Palestinians to Do
GOOD Works, instead of EVIL Works??” No, O Lamb, I would
not put such a Burden on anyone, including Rich Americans, even
if they were as Rich as Bill Computer Software Gates: because a
Righteous Government has no Lack of Money, in Order to Do
Good Works, as I have Proven within a Free Book, called: The
New and Wonderful MONETARY and ECONOMIC
SYSTEM of The New RIGHTEOUS One-World GovernMint!,
which all People should Study, which Agrees with the Quotation
from Isaiah 2, which is found at the Beginning of this Booklet.
Therefore, as the Elected KING of that New Righteous
Government, I will simply HIRE those Poor Wretched Souls in
Order that they might go to Work, Helping to Build their own
Beautiful Planned City States, which they can Govern
According to their own Elected Laws and Flexible Rules:
because they are Willing and Able. Yes, they are now even
DETERMINED to Do GOOD, by Doing what is Right! Moreover,
if anyone Objects to that Master Plan, let them please STAND UP,
or else Hold their Peace: because that is the most Generous Offer
that has ever been made to such People, who are not exactly
Now, I Hear someone, who is like a Jackal, say: “O
Peacock, I Object to your Master Plan, on the Grounds that
Jerusalem is the Place where I Choose to Live, even if you Want to
make it the World Capital for your New Wicked One-World
GovernMint, where you intend to Build The Great World
Temple of PEACE, in JERUSALEM! Yes, I have read your
Book about that Temple, and I say that you are INSANE: because
no such HUGE Building could ever be made, even if it Covered
the entire present City of Jerusalem: because it is an Engineer’s
Worst Nightmare, as well as an Architect’s Worst Nightmare:
because it has never been Done before. Indeed, you are talking
about the largest and tallest Building on Earth, which is basically
held up by 4 Huge Posts and 12 Granite Pillars, which could not
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
even hold up their own Weight, much less that of 10 million
People and hundreds of Restaurants and Museums with Collections
of Marble, Gold, and Heavy Objects of all Kinds. Therefore, you
are just a NUT! Moreover, your Segregation Plan will not Work:
because a large percentage of those People in Palestine have
CROSSBRED with whomever, and have Children that Intermingle
with whomever. Therefore, HOW could you Separate them??”
†‡11 Well, O Jackal, as Impossible as it might seem to be  and
especially in the Divided States of United Lies, where People
have Interbred with all Kinds of People from all Nations  it is
still a Possibility to SEPARATE those People who WANT to be
Separated, which will give to them their True Freedom, which will
not Harm anyone else, even if certain Jackals Vainly Imagine that
it will Harm them. In Fact, it brings up an Age-old Controversy
about the RACES, which I have Addressed within other Literature,
namely: Is the Peacock a RACIST??, and Did the CREATOR
Intend for Peacocks to Marry Chickens?? Therefore, in Order to
more thoroughly Understand my Viewpoints on that Subject, you
will have to Study those Books. However, I must say right now
that I do not Believe that White People are any Better than Black
People, and vise-versa, even if they are more Conniving, Tricky,
Deceptive, and Intelligent: because a Peacock can only Thank God
that he was Born as a Peacock, and not as a White Chicken, nor a
Black Chicken.12 Indeed, no one got to Choose what Body, nor
what Family and Nation that they would be Born into: because that
was Decided by the CREATOR, who is the SUPREME JUDGE, who
will also Decide our Fates during the Future, after he passes
Judgment on us according to our Words and Works. Therefore, it
is for the Benefit of all Souls to Seek PEACE, and to Pursue it with
all of our Wit and Wisdom, even if we have to Sacrifice our Pride
and Foolishness. After all, the Desegregationists have Proven that
Integration of the Races has been Devastating to all of the Races
that Participated in that Experiment: because it more or less
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Justification of Symbols,
Creatures, and Characters!
12 See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: WHY were we BORN??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Destroyed the Beauty of each Race, which Explains WHY that
Hollywood is finding it Difficult to come up with Classic
Entertainment, which People will PAY to View: because the
Jewish Screen Writers have Interbred with whomever, and there
went their Wit and Wisdom, which has been Replaced with
TRASH Movies, Sex, Violence, and Childish Comedies.13 Indeed,
it is much like the American Grocery Store, which at one Time in
History had fairly Good Food for Sale; but now it is basically Junk
Food, Chemical Garbage, Poisonous Flesh with Growth
Hormones, Insipid Tasteless Fruits and Vegetables, and who
Knows what? In Fact, if anyone is Bold Enough in Order to take a
Chance on what they might Discover and Buy within a GROSS
Grocery Store in Order to EAT it, they might Want to Consider the
3,000+ Chemicals that have been ADDED to such Foods, by
whatever Means, from the Farm to the Store, which can no more
be Trusted than the Federal Cover-up FALSE Anti-Christ Doublespeak Big Brother Government, itself, which Legalized DDT for
more than 25 Years in America, and still Allows it to be
Manufactured and Sold to other Poor People of other Countries,
who are not quite Aware of the American Scam to get their Hardearned Money. However, after Americans Eat Enough of such
Imported Cancer-producing Produce, they might even come to
Realize that no Enemy could be Worse than that of the Federal
Cover-up Government of the Divided States of United Lies,
which still Allows the Sale of Addictive Tobacco, which still has
all Kinds of Addictive Chemicals added to it. Indeed, the Real
Criminals reside in Washington, District of Criminals, who should
be Locked up in a Maximum Security Prison, and given 40 Years
of Hard Labor: because they will do just about anything for the
Love of Money: because, at Heart, they are RED Jews! Yes, they
are of the very same Evil SPIRIT as those Red Jews in the Land of
Israel, who Love Murder, who dig up and Harbor Old Grudges,
Please take Special Notice of the Photograph on the Front Cover of this
Booklet, which shows a Brahman Bull and his Offspring. Notice that his
Offspring lacks the BEAUTY of the Hump on his Back, as well as his Beautiful
Color, which has now Degenerated so much that his Race of Cattle are in
Danger of becoming EXTINCT!! Selah!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
who Cling to Vain Traditions, who were apparently Born for
Destruction: because their Meditation all of the Day long is to
Murder the Enemy, rather than to Convert him to the Truth, which
alone can Save both of them: because the Truth alone has that
Power, which is Accepted by all Sane People who still have their
Right Minds, who can Understand that Peacocks were not
Mentally nor Physically Equipped in Order to Deal with the
Personal Problems of Chickens and Ducks, so to speak. Therefore,
let them SEPARATE themselves from those People who cannot
“See Eye to Eye,” as the Bible says, nor “Hear Ear to Ear,” as we
might say: because they are of a Different Spirit, which cannot
Synchronize with US; nor should it Synchronize with US: because
it was Created for a Different Purpose, even as the Jackals and
Lions were Created for Different Purposes than the Rabbits and
Deer. Yes, each Creature is Unique and SPECIAL, even as the
Brahman Bull that is Pictured on the Front Cover of this Inspired
Booklet, which should not be Destroyed by CROSSBREEDING
such Creatures with other Races: because it is an Abomination, as
Ezra pointed out. See Ezra 9  10. Likewise, it is an Abomination
for White People to Interbreed with Black People for the same
Reason: because it is a SIN to Destroy the Beauty of both Races of
People, which are Unique and SPECIAL, or else God would not
have made them that Way: because God is not exactly Stupid,
either. No, but he is the Wisest of all, who Wanted to Teach to US
all of these Good Lessons.
Now, I Hear someone, who is like a Laughing Hyena, say:
“O Peabrain Peacock, you can sometimes say the most Ridiculous
things  such as that last Statement about God making Special
Races of People  as if Crossbred People were not also Special,
even as those Multi-colored Crossbred Cattle that are shown in the
Photo on the Front Cover of this Insane Booklet. Indeed, God
made ALL Colors of ALL Cattle and People; and he Intended for
them to be Crossbred, as are those American Brahman Cattle, or
else he would have made them of a different Species, even as
Gorillas cannot Crossbreed with Chimpanzees and Orangutans. In
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Fact, it is most Obvious that God Intended for People to become
one Race of Dark LOATHSOME Mongrels, who look so much
alike that they cannot Distinguish one from another, even as he
also Intended to have one Race of Cattle, rather than 200 or more
Different Kinds of Cattle, Sheep, and Goats: because DIVERSITY,
itself, is very UGLY. However, the Truth is that God has nothing
to do with the Creation of any Creatures, who just EVOLVED
from whatever they happened to Bump into. For Example, I have a
Black Great Aunt who Married a Mexican, and one of their
Children Married a Chinaman, who was partly Korean and
Japanese, whose Son Married a Jew who was partly German and
Italian; and now their Daughter is Dating a Black Boy from South
Africa, who is partly German and English; and all of these
Marriages are working out very well, in spite of their Crossbreeding, even as that Herd of Cattle seem to get along well.
Therefore, the most Reasonable Solution for those People who are
now Living in Palestine, is to CROSSBREED with one another,
until they cannot tell a Jew from an Arab. Yes, they ought to be
FORCED to get Married with each other: because that would
Solve their Racial Problems. Moreover, they should also Adopt
each other’s Religious Viewpoints: because one Insane Religion is
just as Good as the other one; and all of them are of the Devil, who
is the Author of Confusion.14 Furthermore, WHO CARES if those
Brahman Bulls become EXTINCT: because, if there IS a Creator,
he can simply make some more of them, if he Wants them; but
behold, he apparently does not Want them, or else he would not
have given to us the Knowledge to Transport them across the
Ocean in the first place, in Order to Crossbreed them. Indeed, if
God did not Want us to Invent Hydrogen Bombs, he would not
have Given to us the Knowledge in Order to Do so; but he
Obviously Wanted us to Invent and MASS-PRODUCE those
Bombs (as well as all Kinds of Harmful Chemicals, Drugs, and
Medicines), so that we could Blow ourselves into Outer Space in
fine Particles of True Love, which could be Reunited with a Holy
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Which Church is the Right
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Matrimony by the Grace of God on Mars or Venus. Therefore,
why not just drop the First Hydrogen Bomb on Jerusalem, just to
say that God did not Allow anything to be Created in Vain; and
after that we could ship in Crossbred People from the United States
of America, in Order to Rebuild Jerusalem with True Love,
wherein 50% or more of the Marriages would end with a Divorce,
even as they now do in the Great Late Divided States of United
Lies! Indeed, I told you that those Marriages were working out
well; but it was just another Lie, which I must now Confess, before
I drive myself Insane.” †§‡§§15 Well, O Laughing Hyena, it might
all seem to be a BIG JOKE to some Scavenger like you; but to me,
in my Opinion, you are already Insane; and your Reasoning is like
that of the Universal College of almost Worthless Knowledge,
which has Produced a World of Insane Idiots just like you, who
cannot See the BEAUTY of God’s Creation, nor can you
Understand WHY he would SEPARATE all such People by
Various Features, including the Color of their Skin: because you
are Blinded by your Pride and Foolishness. Therefore, it would not
Surprise me to Learn some Sad Day that the Hydrogen Bomb Blew
AWAY the whole City of Jerusalem, along with all of you
Laughing Hyenas, Jackals, Skunks, Snakes, Liars, Deceivers,
Hypocrites, Soothsayers, Witchdoctors, and all who Love Lies.
No, it would not Surprise me the slightest bit, if you all Killed
yourselves over the Last Drop of Water when the Great Famine
comes: because that is your Sorry Mentality, rather than going to
Work in Order to Build all Kinds of large Concrete Cisterns,
Swangkee Moats, Swimming Pools, Fish Ponds, and Solar
Distilleries for making Ocean Water into Irrigation Water for
Profitable $wangkee Fruit Tree Houses.16 Yes, you could put your
Time, Money, Materials, and Energy to Work for you, and Do
something Constructive and Useful; but instead, like General
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Justification of Symbols,
Creatures, and Characters!
16 See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: What will you Do when the
Rain STOPS??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Fools, you will lie around and wait for that Great Famine to come,
and then you will go to War over the Last Loaf of Stale Bread!
 Chapter 3 
Just Exactly WHERE should such
People Live and Work??
Well, first of all, it is Self-evident that there is not Enough
Space within Jerusalem, itself, for all of the Descendents of
Abraham, which would include most Europeans and Americans, as
well as the Jews and Arabs, who might all Want to Live in
Jerusalem: because it is their “Homeland,” as they say. Yes, Israel
is their Fatherland. Therefore, the Right thing to Do, is to make
Jerusalem the World’s Great CAPITOL, and to Build The
Great World TEMPLE of PEACE, in Jerusalem! Yes, God,
himself, Agrees with that Master Plan: because there are dozens of
Prophecies that are Related with the Great World Temple of
PEACE, which will bring Peace to the Middle East: because each
Nation of Wise People will be Represented there, as I have
Explained within that other Good Book, which can be found for
Free on my Website on the Internet at
Therefore, in spite of all Unbelief, it is now Time to take
ACTION: because “the Fruits are Ripe and Ready for Harvesting,”
as they say. Yes, the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict has gone on long
Enough, and for what Reason?? Well, for one very Good Reason,
which is to Teach to all of US that People who are like Sheep and
Goats do not get along Well with other People who are like Lions
and Wolves. Therefore, the Solution is to SEPARATE them
according to their DESIRES, and HIRE them in Order to Build all
Kinds of Beautiful Planned City States, called: $wangkee Hotels,
Castles, and Fortresses, where each Intelligent Group of Wise
People can Govern themselves according to their own Beliefs.
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
However, there is not Enough Space in the Land of Israel for all of
the Swangkee Fortresses that Need to be Built: because it is just a
Small Country, being about as big as the State of Idaho, in the
United States of America, which might be Appropriate for a dozen
or so large Swangkee Fortresses, and perhaps a hundred or so
small Swangkee Fortresses. After all, most of the Land of Israel is
not exactly Ideal for Building Swangkee Fortresses: because the
Terrain is not level, which Means that a lot of Work would have to
be done, just to get it leveled out here and there. Nevertheless,
certain Hilltops will be Ideal for Swangkee Hotels, which can then
be Terraced down to the Swangkee Castles, which can then be
Terraced down to the Swangkee Fortresses. (See the Rough
DRAWING of an Outline for a Fourth Swangkee Fortress at the
Backend of this Booklet.)
Now, the Great Question is, WHAT can be done for all of
the People who cannot Live within the Land of Israel, who also
Need Profitable $wangkee Fortresses, which will Solve more than
248 Massive Problems, just by their Designs, alone?? Well, as a
general Rule, most People do not Want to leave their Homeland,
even if they are Offered Money in Order to do so; but I Offer to
them $wangkee PALACES, if they are Willing and Able to Work
for them, at Cost, without any Loans, without any Interest, and
without any Taxes! In Fact, if they Do the Work in Order to Build
their own Beautiful $wangkee Fortresses, they can Live in them
until they Die, even if they do not Pay for them: because those
Fortresses will Belong to that New Righteous One-World
GovernMint, until someone Earns Sufficient Money by Honest
Labor, in Order to Pay for their own Property, even if it takes them
and their Children a Lifetime in Order to do it; and then their
Grandchildren will Inherit it, if they Want them to. Otherwise, they
can Will their Property to whomever they Want to. See The
CONSTITUTION for the New Righteous One-World
Now, I Hear a Palestinian say, “O Peacock, your Plan
seems to be Fascinating to a Homeless, Jobless, Poor Palestinian,
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
who is Crowded into a Tiny Government Apartment House with a
dozen other Homeless, Jobless, Poor Palestinians, who Hate the
Situation so much that we could KILL the Idiots who Thought of
it; but the Great Question in my Mind is this, WHAT COUNTRY
would we all move to, if we COULD??” Well, my Friend, just
South and East of Israel is a Great Deserted Desert, which was also
Promised to Abraham, where the Children of Israel Wandered in
the Wilderness for 40 Years, which would be a Good Place to
Begin your Migration to: because it is Open Territory, with the
Red Sea for a Water Supply, which can be Pumped anywhere by
Means of Solar-powered Electric Plants, along with Topsoil that
is now in the Bottom of that Sea, which can be Dredged out and
used within $wangkee Fortresses, by using the Right Tools.
Indeed, it Sounds like an ENORMOUS Project, which will never
get Done; but that is only because of your Limited Imagination:
because there is nothing that we cannot DO, if we set our Minds
and Bodies to the Task. Yes, we have already Wasted hundreds of
billions of Dollars on Wars, Sports, and Foolishness, which should
have been used Wisely in Order to Build those Beautiful $wangkee
Fortresses.17 Nevertheless, there is no use in “Crying over Spilled
Milk,” as the Old Saying goes: because that is all in the PAST.
Indeed, the Right Thing to Do right NOW, is to Inspire everyone to
go to Work for something that would Benefit ALL People,
Now, I Hear an Israeli, say: “O Peacock, we simply do not
have the Necessary MONEY, in Order to HIRE Seven Great
Swangkee Armies of WORKING Soldiers in Order to Build
even ONE Profitable $wangkee Fortress. Therefore, HOW can we
Do it?? Moreover, what makes you think that the Arabs will Allow
us Israelis to move into their Territory, and begin to Build
Fortresses in Saudi Arabia??” Well, my Friend, what makes you
think that they will NOT Allow you to move into their Territory,
since they are also the Children of Abraham, who Want to Help
US to make PEACE in the Middle East? Indeed, WHO ELSE can
See my Website for my Free Booklet, called: Why Buy any more TRASH??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Afford to be so GENEROUS? After all, if you Discover Oil or
anything that is Valuable in their Territory, you can Surrender it to
THEM: because, after your $wangkee Fortresses are finished, you
will not have any Need for such Oil and whatever you might
Discover in that Wasteland: because your Riches will come from
all of the Sweet Fruits that you will be Able to Grow and Sell, such
as Mangoes, Cherimoyas, Litchis (Lychees), Bananas, Oranges,
Dates, Figs, and even Coconuts for Naturally Purified Drinking
Water. Yes, the Desert will Truly Blossom like the Roses, which
require Fertile Topsoil, which will be 3 feet deep in your
$wangkee Terraced Gardens. Moreover, I am Fully Persuaded
that at least 99% of those Saudi Arabians would also rather be
Living within $wangkee Palaces, than to be Living as they are
right now with all of their Pollution, Poverty, and American
TRASH. Therefore, do yourself and the whole World a Great
Favor, and PRAY that everyone in the World Discovers the Truth
that is Revealed on my Website at
Now, I Hear someone, who is like a Fat Walrus, snort: “O
Peacock, if anyone is Lacking SPACE for the Building of
$wangkee Fortresses in the Middle East, they should take an
Airplane Ride over those VAST Territories of Deserts  not only
in Saudi Arabia  but also in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Libya,
Algeria, Ethiopia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Kazakstan,
Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Western China  all of
whose People would no doubt be Willing to SACRIFICE Enough
Space for a few $wangkee Fortresses, considering the Fact that no
Space is Wasted within a $wangkee Fortress, including the
$wangkee Covered Highway with the Arched Rock Windows,
which go all of the way around the Fortress, which Overlook the
Terraced Flower Gardens, Vegetable Gardens, Vineyards, and
Orchards. However, if none of those People are Interested in
Helping those Pitiful People, then surely the United States will
Help them: because we have thousands of square miles of
Wilderness, which would be Ideal for $wangkee Fortresses. In
Fact, with just ONE Good Example of such a Fortress, it would not
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
take anything more to Persuade all Nations of Wise People,
Worldwide, to go out and Do likewise: because they would Raise
their Standard of Living many Times. Indeed, we could begin by
Building the First such Fortress in Israel, itself; and the Israelis
could VOLUNTEER to Help those Palestinians to Do the Work on
it, being like Humble Servants who Do whatever they are Asked to
Do; and then the Palestinians could VOLUNTEER to Help those
Israelis to Build the Second $wangkee Fortress; and then both the
Israelis and Palestinians could VOLUNTEER to Help those Arabs
to Build their own Swangkee Fortress, and so on  until at last
they would all be in LOVE with each other, except that neither
Group of People are Humble Enough in Order to be Good
Servants. No, but each one would Want to tell the others how to
Do their Work, instead of just taking Notes concerning whatever
they Observe has been done Wrong, so that they do not Repeat
those same Mistakes. However, if they were Wise, they would all
take Counsel with one another, in Order to Discover which Plan
might be the Best Plan, and then they would go to Work on it,
except that they would be Arguing for 40 Years over which Plan is
the Right Plan. Therefore, it might be Best for each Group to Build
their own Planned Cities, and stay away from the other Groups:
because no one could be Blamed for whatever might go Wrong,
except themselves. However, once we have made 3 or 4 Swangkee
Fortresses, we will Discover the Right Way to Do it; but, if not,
then we will Discover it after we have made 300 to 400 of them,
which we can begin to Experiment with in Saudi Arabia: because it
is like the Wanderings of the Children of Israel, who Learned
many Good Lessons while Living in that Great Desert.” † Well, O
Walrus, thank you for your Good Advice; but Understand that
nothing will be done, until we hold a GREAT Worldwide
TELEVISED Court HEARING, at which Time I may Ask all of
the Leaders of the World a few Important Questions, which I have
Outlined in a Free Booklet, called: Are we Tax Slaves??, which
you should Study with an Open Mind that is Full of Faith: because
that Televised Court Hearing is another Prophecy that must be
Fulfilled. See Second ESDRAS, Chapter 12, Verses 31  34,
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
which is Referring to ME, the Colorful Peacock from Angel
 Chapter 4 
The Conclusion
If this Booklet does not Answer all of your Important
Questions, please Refer to the other Inspired Books that deal with
this Subject, such as The CONSTITUTION for the New
Righteous One-World Government!, The Great World
TEMPLE of PEACE, in Jerusalem!, and The New Righteous
One-World GovernMint! And if you are not Satisfied with that
Knowledge, just keep on Studying The TALE of The
PEACOCK, and The Rope of Hope, which contains
Controversial Subjects that other books do not even Address, much
less present Reasonable Solutions that every Sane Person can
Wholeheartedly Agree with.
Now, I Hear someone, who is like a Ladybug, say: “O
Peacock, I have Listened in on Private Conversations between
International Diplomats, and I can plainly tell you that all of them
would like to Assassinate you: because your Master Plan Threatens
their Evil Empires with Extinction. Therefore, if you do get
Assassinated, WHO will take your Place in World Affairs, seeing
that no one else has the Wisdom of King Solomon, nor the
Foolishness of Ray Walter Swangkee??” † Well, O Ladybug, they
might Kill me; but they cannot Kill the Truth: because it is
Immortal, even if God must Inspire someone else to Reveal it
during some Time in the Future. Therefore, do not Underestimate
the Abilities of God, nor his Power to bring the Evil Empire to an
End, even if it must be by a Ladybug and her Descendants. After
all, this Garden with all of its Bad Bugs only needs to be Cleaned
up: because it has been Overrun by Aphids, you might say.
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Therefore, if you will Help me, we can Work Together in Order to
bring the Chief Evil Empire to an END. Amen.
 Chapter 5 
Supplemental Thoughts
From Time to Time I will ADD Supplemental Thoughts to
this Inspired Booklet, in Order to try to Answer Important
Questions that might not have been Answered in other Books or
Booklets. After all, I am a “Peabrain Peacock,” you might
Honestly say, who does not Remember very well: because I
Suffered with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, whereby I Lost my
Memory, even to the Point that I could not Remember my own
First Name. However, after Doing much FASTING and
PRAYING, my Mind has been greatly Restored. (See my Website
for my Free Booklet, called: 40 Good Reasons WHY People
should Fast and Pray!, along with What does it Mean to
REPENT??, which will help you to Unravel that Mystery.)
Now, I Hear someone, who is like a Workhorse without a
Harness, whinny: “O Peacock, there is presently a HUGE
American Military Build-up of Murderous Soldiers in the Middle
East, who are fixing to make WAR on the People of Iraq, just to
get RID of Saddam Hussein, who Gassed his own People with the
Permission of the United States Government, which Supplied him
with the Technology and Means in Order to do all Kinds of Evil
Deeds to his Enemies during the 1980's. In Fact, Donald Rumsfeld
was Visiting with Saddam Hussein during the very Time that he
was Poisoning his own People, called the KURDS, who Lived in
Northern Iraq; and Donald did not Object to the Evil Deeds of
Saddam Hussein: because they were Bedfellows, you might say,
with whom the U.S. Federal Government was in Love: because
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
American Manufacturers of all such Evil Military Weapons Used
all of those People as Laboratory Rats, you might say, in Order to
Discover which Weapons to Mass-produce and SELL for Profit:
because the American/Israeli Game is basically to get RICH by
Means of Selling Military Weapons: because it is a Multi-billiondollar Business. After all, we could have already Built tens of
thousands of Beautiful $wangkee Fortresses, just for the Amount
of Money, Materials, Time, and Energy that we have WASTED on
Military Games and Reconstruction Projects. Indeed, we could
have easily helped those Israelis and Palestinians to have Built
their own Beautiful Planned City States, wherein they could have
all been Moderately Rich; but, instead, our Governments Chose to
keep those People in Poverty, in Order to ASSURE themselves of
Endless Wars: because the Warmongers stand a Chance of Gaining
much Wealth by Means of the Sale of all Kinds of Weapons.
Therefore, it is not in the Interest of Bankers, Weapons
Manufacturers, Politicians, and Sensational News Reporters to do
AWAY with the Evil Empire, when it is far more Profitable to just
Continue Business as Usual, and PRETEND that there are NO
Reasonable Solutions for all such Problems. Indeed, we have not
Heard so much as ONE News Report about a GREAT Worldwide
TELEVISED Court HEARING: because none of those People
are Sincerely Interested in Solving our Massive Problems.
However, there have been Endless Hours WASTED on Television
Reports about September 11, 2001, wherein the Terrorists
Attacked the World Trade Center in New Yuck City, and
Destroyed it, while Killing about 3,000 People. Nevertheless, since
that Time, there have been more than 600,000,000 People who
have DIED from Starvation, Curable Diseases, Bad Water,
Malnutrition, and so on: because the Politicians are not Sincerely
Concerned for the Masses of People in this World of Woes, who
might DIE from Various Preventable Causes; but they are only
Concerned about how much MONEY that they might Lose by
Terrorist Attacks. Indeed, if they were Sincerely Concerned for the
Masses of People who might DIE from Preventable Causes, they
would make some Effort to CHANGE the Situation; but, instead,
they rarely if ever Mention those Masses of People, while they
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Harp and Hound for Hours on end about the Wicked Terrorist:
because their Real Concern is Obviously for their MONEY.
Indeed, the Loss of 3,000 People is almost nothing, when
Compared with the Great Loss of 600,000,000 People! For
Example, there are upwards of a million People who Die each
DAY from Starvation, Diseases, Bad Water, and even Car Wrecks,
Worldwide; and little or no Mention is made of them: because they
are EXPENDABLE! Yes, they are like those American Soldiers
who came back Home from the Persian Gulf War, who have
Suffered with all Kinds of Ailments, which the Federal
Government just IGNORES: because they are as Expendable as
Army Trucks and Rifle Bullets. Otherwise, why would they not
Spend some Money in Order to HELP THEM? Furthermore, many
Americans BRAG about how we Liberated so many People in this
World of Woes, and how we Gave to them Democracy, and even
Rebuilt their Countries. For Example, they say that we Liberated
the French from the Nazi Germans, and then we Americans
BUILT them up again by the SWEAT of our Brows, which is
nothing but a BIG FAT LIE: because, if those Nations of Wise
People had not Built up their own Countries, they would be in the
same Evil Condition that many other Poor Countries are now in:
because those other Nations did not HELP THEMSELVES, as
those Germans and Frenchmen did, who dragged themselves out of
Extreme Destruction and Poverty into Prosperity and Peace:
because they are not nearly so STUPID as those People in the
Middle East, who have been Given far more than the 4 billion
Dollars that we Gave to Germany, France, and Great Britain, after
World War II. In Fact, we Give to Israel about 4 billion Dollars per
YEAR, even NOW; and look at what they have to Show for it!” †
Well, O Workhorse, I do not Know all of the Facts; but I do Know
that few Americans did any Work in Germany, for Example, in
Order to Help them to get Reconstructed after World War II:
because that would have been Above their Dignity. However, I did
Personally Witness American Army Trucks passing through
German Streets, while Spewing out CLOUDS of Stinking Black
Diesel SMOKE into the Faces of Women and Children along their
Streets: because of a Lack of Respect for the Life of other People,
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
which is Magnified by the present Administration in Washington,
District of Criminals, which would BOMB Iraq, in Order to
TERRORIZE them with Weapons of MASS Destruction, while
calling the Deaths of Uncounted thousands, "Collateral Damage."
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Rough Top View of a square $wangkee Fortress
Rock Terraced Gardens for Flowers,
Vegetables, Vineyards, and Fruit Trees,
stepping down from Castle to Fortress.
Beautiful Terraced Gardens
surround Hotel for Visitors
Post Office,
Court House,
Barracks for
Bank, etc.
Health Care Center
Tunnels run
throughout City,
servicing 1,000
Wise Families.
Auditorium, or
whatever the
Vote for.
Palaces for
-ping Maul/
Entertainment Center
Arched Windows
Swangkee Covered Highway with Mulching Rocks & Weedless Gardens on Roof
Moat for Water Storage,
Fishing, Swimming, Ice
Skating, and Boating.
Domehomes, Homecraft Workshops & Sales Shops surround City
Underground Tunnel Entrance is only way into
Fortress. Underground Parking Lot is outside of
Self-governed Planned City State.
This Fortress is surrounded by Hay Fields, Forests, and Unmolested
Wilderness, so that Buffalo, Deer, etc., can roam the Great Plains once
again, and the Gardens can be Protected from Unwanted Creatures.
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Explanation of Previous Drawing
Most People think of a Fortress as a Castle, or Place where
some Benevolent or Tyrant King might Protect himself from his
Enemies; but $wangkee Fortresses are Designed for ALL of the
People, whose Gardens, Orchards, Vineyards, Homecraft
Workshops, Sales Shops, and Beautiful $wangkee Stone
Domehome Complexes are within the Borders of a $wangkee
Moat, which surrounds the Planned City State, which helps to keep
OUT all of the Unwanted Creatures  and especially those Tax
Masters and Interest Masters, who are the Chief Thieves and
Robbers of Honest Hardworking People, whom I call Tax Slaves
and Interest Slaves. Such $wangkee Fortresses have far more than
248 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Building them
and Living within the Borders of them, with NO Great
Disadvantages! See my Book for the Proof. You can find it on my
Internet Website, at:
Please notice the 2-way $wangkee Covered Highway/
Freeway, which alone will Solve hundreds of Problems that are
faced every Day by those People who drive on non-covered
highways, which Problems involve Icy Roads, Blinding Sunlight,
Stop Lights, Worn-out Brakes, Wasted Gas, Accidents, and all that
is Associated with the present System of Confusion, and the Tax
Money that Supports it. Also notice that the Gardens are in
Beautiful Terraces within the Fortress, which makes it a very
Pleasant Place to Live and Work, at Home with your own Family
and Friends, which is the Ideal Lifestyle, having lots of Space to
Work and Play within a Peaceful Fortified City State, where you
can Live with other People of Likemindedness, who Gladly Obey
the Laws and Rules that they all Vote for, which is True
Democracy, as Opposed to Dumbmocracy, Tax Slavery, Interest
Slavery and all that is Associated with the Evil Empire of Tax
Masters and Interest Masters, who are mostly RED Jews; but
NOT White Jews like Jesus Christ and his Disciples.
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
The following Alphabetical List of other
Interesting Literature by the same Author in
10 Categories can be Found Free of Charge at:
Category 1 ― MAGNIFIED Scriptures
Justification of Magnification!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of ACTS ― Volumes 1 & 2!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of DANIEL! (This Book also
contains HOSEA, JOEL, AMOS, and OBADIAH.)
The New MAGNIFIED Version of DEUTERONOMY 1 & 2!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of EZEKIEL ― Vol. 1 & 2!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of EZRA, NEHEMIAH, and
The New MAGNIFIED Version of First and Second
The New MAGNIFIED Version of First and Second
The New MAGNIFIED Version of First KINGS!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of First SAMUEL!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of ISAIAH in Plain English!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of JAMES plus First and
Second PETER!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of JEREMIAH ― Volume 1!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of JONAH!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of JOSHUA!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of JUDGES and RUTH!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of MARK!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of MICAH! (This Book also
The New MAGNIFIED Version of ROMANS!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of Second SAMUEL!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of GENESIS in Plain English!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of EXODUS, in Plain English!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of the Book of JOB!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of The Book of MORMON ―
Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of The GOOD NEWS
The New MAGNIFIED Version of The GOOD NEWS
According to Saint LUKE ― Volumes 1 & 2!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of The PROVERBS of King
Solomon in PLAIN English Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of The PSALMS of King
David ― Volumes 1, 2, & 3!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of The Sermon on the Mount!
The New MAGNIFIED Version of The Ten Commandments!
Category 2 ― Spiritual/Religious
40 Good Reasons WHY People should Fast and Pray!
Contradictions within the “Holy” Bible!
Did Jesus Christ Create the Worlds??
Did Jesus Christ Rise from the Dead on Easter Sunday??
Do Christians have to Obey the Ten Commandments in Order
to be Saved?? And, What does it Mean to be SAVED??
Do Christians have to OVERCOME their Sins and STOP
Sinning in Order to be SAVED??
Do People go to Heaven when they Die???
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Does God FAVOR the Righteous Ones??
Does God Inspire any Person to Reveal any Truth during these
How are we Saved by GRACE??
How many Times was Jesus Christ Reincarnated??
HOW to get WISDOM!
How to get your PRIORITIES in ORDER!
Is God a TRINITY??
Is The Book of MORMON Inspired by God??  Volume 1!
Is the Holy Spirit Male or Female??
Is the Tale of the Peacock POSITIVE, or NEGATIVE??
Is this the ONLY DAY of SALVATION??
“Judgment Begins at the House of God”
Should Christians JUDGE??
Should Christians Keep God’s Holy Days, or Men’s
Should Christians OBEY Whatever Authority Rules over
Should People PRAY for PEACE??
Should True Christians Keep God’s Sabbath Day Holy, or
Men’s Sunday??
The KEY of the Knowledge of All that is Good and Evil!
The Mystery of the RICH MAN and LAZARUS Revealed!
The Religious Controversy of the Millennium!
The Swangkee Sword of Divine Truth!
Was Christ Born on Christmas??
Was Joseph Smith Junior a True Prophet or a False Prophet??
Were all Men Created EQUAL??
What are GHOSTS??
What are the GIFTS of God??
What does BAPTISM Mean??
What does it Mean to be Born Again??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
What does it Mean to be HOLY??
What does it Mean to be SAVED??
What does it Mean to BELIEVE and Who does NOT
What does it Mean to “Lay not up for yourselves Treasures
upon the Earth”??
What does it Mean to REPENT??
What does it Mean to Worship God in Spirit and in Truth??
What Happens when we DIE???  Volumes 1 & 2!
What is a SOUL??
What is God’s NAME??
What is the Gift of Speaking in Tongues??
What is The GREATEST SIN??
What is The KINGDOM of GOD??
What is the Love of God??
What IS the MARK of The BEAST??
What is The MASTER PLAN of The Master Farmer??
What is the POTENTIAL Destiny of Mankind??
What is True Love??
What is WIZDUM??
What is WRong with the UPCI?
What or WHO are ANGELS??
What or WHO is GOD??
WHERE is The City of God??
Which Church is the Right Church??
Who are the False Prophets??
WHO has Authority from God??
WHO is The DEVIL??
WHY were we BORN??
Will Christians be RAPTURED up to Heaven before the Great
Category 3 ― Government/Politics
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
101 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Establishing a
RIGHTEOUS One-World GovernMint!
A List of the EVILS of DEMOCRACY!
A New Solution for the IMMIGRATION PROBLEM!
A Reasonable Solution for Capital Punishment that Everyone
can Accept!
A Reasonable Solution for Kosovo!
A Reasonable Solution for the ENERGY CRISIS!
A Reasonable Solution for the IMMIGRATION PROBLEM!
A Reasonable Solution for the SOCIAL SECURITY
Can Politicians be Trusted??
Do you Belong to some CULT??
Do you Pledge your Allegiance to God, or to a RAG??
How to Bring PEACE to the Middle East!
How to Deal with Natural Disasters!
Government without Going to WAR!
How Working People can PROSPER and Live in PEACE
under the Rulership of a RIGHTEOUS King!
Is Democracy Reasonable??
Seven Great Swangkee Armies of WORKING Soldiers!
Should Christians VOTE??
Should The Peacock be Summoned for Jury Service??
Should there be a WALL of SEPARATION Between Church
and State??
Swangkee Associations of Working Soldiers! (A Tale of
Unification) by The Army Ants
The BOOK of Swangkee Associations of Working Soldiers! (A
Tale of Wit and Wisdom) by The Multicolored Camel
with 2 Humps on his Back
The CRACK in the Liberty Bell, and What it Means!
The Declaration of Interdependence!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
The Divided States of United Lies!
The Great World Temple of PEACE, in JERUSALEM!
The Great Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING!
The Little White BACKHOUSE!
The New RIGHTEOUS One-World GovernMint!
The QUALIFICATIONS for Kings and Queens at Swangkee
Castles! (A Tale of Revelation) by The Queen Bee
VOTE for The GOAT!
What is FREEDOM??
What is The BEAST??
What IS the MARK of The BEAST??
What is the Punishment for Unjust Judges??
WHO QUALIFIES to Rule over US??
Why Vote for One of 2 or 3 WRong Political Parties??
Category 4 ― Education
30 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Spelling and
Reading Words According to the Swangkee Phonetic
ARE WE DECEIVED  Volumes 1 & 2!
Arkansas Fish!
Can News Reporters be Trusted??
Did People Evolve from Apes??
Do People Need to go to School in Order to get a Good
FREEDOM of SPEECH Magazine of Opinions  Volume 1!
HOW to Read a Good Book!
How to Resolve ARGUMENTS!
Is Ignorance Bliss??
Justification of Capitalization!
Justification of Symbols, Creatures, and Characters!
Should the Ten Commandments be Posted in Public Schools??
The School of FOOLS!
What is WRong with C-span??
What is WRong with the Book of MORMON?? — Volume 1!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Category 5 ― Money/Economy/Prosperity
A List of Swangkee Wages!
A List of the Evils of Capitalism!  Volumes 1 & 2!
A Reasonable Solution for SWEAT SHOPS!
A Reasonable Solution for TRASH DISPOSAL!
Are we Tax Slaves?? And, What Positive Things we can Do in
Order to be set Free from Tax Slavery!!
Are you a BAAL Worshipper??
Are you Poor — and not too Proud to Confess it??
Can Bankers be Trusted??
Dear Reverend Ralph Workaholic Beiting!
Does the Colorful Peacock have a JUST CAUSE for NOT
Paying Taxes??
How Could We Afford It??
How GOOD are CARS??
How much would you Pay for an Obedient Goat??
How we can All get Moderately RICH!
Is it a SIN to Make MERCHANDISE of The Words of God??
Looking for a JOB!
The Colorful Peacock Debates the United States Congress over
The KO$T of a Dipstick! (A Hard Lesson to be Learned at a
Great Price) By Raa Obzervutiv Swangkee
The History of Money!
The New and Wonderful MONETARY and ECONOMIC
SYSTEM of The New Righteous One-World
The Strange Things that People Do in Order to Get more
What does it Mean: “The Destruction of the Poor is their
What does it Mean to PROSPER??
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
What ever Happened to the Good Old Days??
WHO are the Real Bank Robbers??
Why Buy any more TRASH??
Why do Lying Preachers Prosper??
Category 6 ― Social/Moral
A Head to Heart Speech!
A Nation of Prostitutes!
Can Lawyers be Trusted??
Can Peacocks be Trusted??
Can we Do GOOD, without Doing what is RIGHT??
Dear Adam and Eve!
Dear Simon J. and Brenda P.!
Did the Creator Intend for Peacocks to Marry Chickens??
Distractions from Reality!
How GAY is GOD??
How Good or Evil is GREED??
How GOOD was Women’s LIBERATION??
HOW to Run Away! (And when not to.)
Is America Number 1??
Is God GAY??
Is Television a Gift from God, or SATAN??
Is the Peacock a RACIST??
One Nation  Americans Remember September 11
Should Handguns be BANNED in America??
Should we OBEY our Elders??
Should Wives OBEY their Husbands??
SURVEY of Religious Spiritual Political Social Moral Labor
and Habitual VALUES!
of Shame) by The White Cow with a Red Face, The
Black Cow with a White Face, and The Red Cow with
a Black Face!
The Paradoxical Human Mind!
The Swangkee Association of Truth Seekers and Treasure
Hunters, Worldwide!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
Were you Born to be a Master, or a Servant??
What does ADULTERY Mean??
What is IDOLATRY??
What is the Greatest INJUSTICE??
Why am I so PROUD to be an American??
Why should Men Wear BEARDS??
Category 7 ― Health/Gardening/Farming
A 100% Weedless Garden! (Not Hydroponics)
A Sure and Free Cure for PIMPLES!
A Sure Cure for Chronic Constipation of the Mind!
A Sure Cure for DEPRESSION!
A Sure Cure for Pimples, Blackheads, Boils, Lumps, Tumors,
and other Collections of Poisons and Filth!
All-Mineral Organic Gardening! (A Unique Tale of True
Knowledge) By The Little Brown Earthworm
Are you Addicted to a Weed??
Before you Commit Suicide, TRY FASTING!
Can Medical Doctors be TRUSTED??
Did God Intend for People to Eat Whatever they Want to??
Did STRESS Kill Jon Jackson??
How to PREVENT the Common Cold! (A 90-minute Tape
RULES for FASTING  Volumes 1 & 2, by The PEACOCK
Swangkee Fasting Sanitariums!
The Farmer’s DILEMMA!
What is the PUNISHMENT for Dietary Sins??
What Makes People CRAZY??
What Makes People HAPPY??
What Makes People LAZY??
What Makes People SICK??
What will you Do when the Rain STOPS??
Why does God Allow SUFFERING??
Category 8 ― Construction
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
248 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Building and
Living within the Borders of Beautiful Planned City
25 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Building and
Living within Beautiful Swangkee Stone Domehomes!
40 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Making and Using
$wangkee Solar-powered Electric Cars, Vans, Buses,
Trucks, Tractors, Bulldozers, Trains, Ships, Toys, and
Planned City States! (A Unique Solar System)
77 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Men to Make and
Wear Swangkee Robes and Cloaks!
A New Jerusalem in the Great State of Flexible Texas!
A Reasonable Solution for Unnecessary Pollution, Poverty,
Crime, and Taxes!
How to Live a Simple Life!
Profitable $wangkee Bat Houses!
$wangkee Fruit-picking Machines!
$wangkee Lowtels, Hightels, Castles, and Fortresses!
$wangkee Palaces!
$wangkee Solar Electric Power Plants!
The BURDENS of The Independent Jackasses (A Tale of
Woes) by The White Jackass with 2 Long Ears,
who can Hear!
The IDEAL Place to Live!  Volumes 1 & 2!
Category 9 ― Crime/Terrorism/War
A Coward’s War!
Are you a Spiritual COWARD??
Did the Victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing get their
How Successful is the War on Drugs??
HOW to CONVERT our Enemies!
Reflections on the War in IRAQ!
Should Christians RESIST EVIL??  Volume 1!
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
The Mystery of the Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy
James McVeigh!
The Peabrain Peacock Investigates the Kennedy Assassination!
Those Good American GANGS!
What does it Mean to MURDER??
What PRODUCES Criminals??
What would JESUS DO??
WHO are the Real Criminals??
Who are the TERRORISTS??
Who should Pay for the World Trade Center in New York??
Why do Terrorists HATE US??
Category 10 ― Miscellaneous
Did Men Land on the Moon??
Does God Hate Astronauts??
Does the Earth MOVE??
God’s Christmas Present!
Grandma and Grandpa Swangkee  Volume 1
Mountain Grizzly Bear Meets his Match!
Small Minds are Impressed with BIG THINGS!
The Great Ice Storm of 2000 AD!
Was the Holocaust a HOAX??
Where did Adolf Hitler go WRong?? ― Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
(NOTE: If you have Clicked your Mouse on a Book or Booklet
that does not Open up, or is not Displayed on your Computer
Screen, it is most likely because of the Fact that such a Book or
Booklet has not yet been Posted on my Website, even if it is
Written. Therefore, just be Patient until it Appears in all of its
Glory with the other so-called “Tale Feathers” of the Colorful
Peacock from Angel Ridge, who gets New “Tale Feathers” of
Various Lengths and New Enlightenment every Year.)
HOW to bring PEACE to the Middle East!
For hundreds of Years, yes, even for thousands
of Years, there has been Turmoil and Unrest in
the Land of Israel, which was Promised to
Abraham by God, himself, whose Descendents
cannot Agree to Live together in PEACE:
because the People who are like Sheep and
Goats cannot get along well with the People
who are like Lions and Wolves, who should be
SEPARATED from one another, so that they
can have True Peace. Indeed, they must be
HIRED in order to Build their own Beautiful
Planned City States, where each Group of Wise
People can Govern themselves according to
their own Elected Laws and Flexible Rules.
Therefore, this Inspired Booklet should be
Published in their Languages by whomever is
Qualified, who Loves Worldwide Law, Order,
Obedience, Peace, and True Prosperity! In
Fact, if the Spirit of God puts that Burden
upon you, please do it with all of your Might,
and we will Publish it on my Website.
Otherwise, may those Spiritually Poor People
Discover this Booklet in English, which they
may also Publish for Free to whomever is
Interested in Establishing PEACE in the
Middle East.