How to Register for an i-SAFE Event (Note: If you already have an account with i-SAFE, skip to step number 11.) 1. Open browser. 2. Go to . 3. Click on “Create Account” below the log in box in the top right-hand corner of the iSAFE home page. 4. Click OK when/if a window pops up similar to the one below. 5. At the next screen, choose country and membership type, then click NEXT . 6. On the next screen, fill out personal information completely. All blanks with an asterisk (*) MUST be filled out in order to proceed. Click NEXT when completed. 7. The next screen will ask that you confirm your email address. If correct, click NEXT . If it is not correct, click BACK and correct, then proceed. 8. The next screen will display your complete personal information and ask you to choose contact type. Click on arrows to choose from drop down window, then click NEXT. 9. Then next 4 screens will ask you to affiliate yourself to a school or district if either has an Implementation Plan on file. First, choose your state. Then, click NEXT. Next, choose your school zip code (or none of the above if not shown). Click NEXT . At the next screen, choose your school name from the list for your zip code, or type it in the indicated box if it is not listed. Click NEXT . Next, select school level, then click FINISH . 10.The next screen will thank you for setting up an account with i-SAFE. Your account is now created. Click CONTINUE . This will take you back to the i-SAFE home page where you can now register for the i-SAFE event of your choice. You will also receive an e-mail from i-SAFE acknowledging your new account and encouraging you to sign up for a professional development training (PDP). 11. If you are not already logged in to i-SAFE, go to and do so, using your user name (complete email address) and password in the upper right hand corner of the i-SAFE home page. 12. Return to the i-SAFE home page by clicking on the RETURN to i-SAFE Home button at the top center of the screen. 13. Click on Calendar of Events under Join i-SAFE’s Mission in lower right hand corner of page. 14. At the next screen, click on drop down window in middle right of page to select your state. 15. Choose the date and site of the event you want to attend by clicking on the red # days away next to them under Sign up . 16. If the event is “Invitation Only,” you will be asked to enter the event ID number provided by the facilitator. If the invitation is “Public,” you will see a screen similar to the one below. If you need to correct the event/date, click BACK and do so. Simply click CONFIRM if all is correct. 17. When your registration is successful, a completed registration page will appear (similar to the one below) with event details and i-SAFE’s thanks. Click on CLICK HERE. 18. You will then be taken back to i-SAFE’s home page, where you can explore the contents, change your information via My Info , or Sign Out by clicking on the correct link at the top right of the screen. 19. You will receive an e-mail with the event and facilitator information immediately following your completed registration. A second e-mail will be sent two days before the event as a reminder to you. 20. If you have problems, contact i-SAFE at
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