Volume 27 September 2013 ut th ... abo e products and service offere d by P SB A S ervic e How to get the most out of the 2013 PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference The most important part of attending the 2013 PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference at the Hershey Lodge & Convention Center, Oct. 15-18, is the valuable information you take home to your community. The ideas and strategies you learn through the sessions, workshops, roundtables, speakers and exhibitors can be implemented back home in your own district. Why should you attend the School Leadership Conference? • Discover the latest how-to strategies and techniques from the foremost authorities in Pennsylvania’s public education. • Gain an understanding of new trends straight from experts and colleagues who observe, analyze, teach and influence the educational environment. • Stimulate your board to build, modify and refine your district’s short- and long-term game plan for success. • Form and nurture a high-quality network of educational colleagues from school districts throughout the state. Before the conference: • Complete the new justification toolkit. Don’t let tight budgets keep you from attending conference. This toolkit offers tips on attending, conference expense and benefit worksheets, and ideas for sharing your new-found knowledge with your colleagues. • Review the conference program and determine which sessions, discussions and activities will benefit your district directly. • Make note of the booth numbers of vendors you wish to visit so navigating through the exhibit hall will be easier. A list of Service Associate Members exhibiting at the conference and their booth numbers is on page 29. • Remember, temperatures in the exhibit hall and the session rooms can fluctuate. Be sure to bring comfortable clothing and shoes. During the conference: • Navigate conference with the new mobile app. This virtual guide allows easy access to the conference schedule, event information, announcements, maps and more from your phone, tablet or other mobile device. • Celebrate the excellence of PA public school students. View the posters submitted as part of the 2013 PSBA Poster & Essay Contest, and be sure to pick up an essay booklet to read how public education will help our students succeed. Winning essays will be read at the beginning of major sessions. For more details, visit www.standupforpublic education.org. Wednesday evening attend the Student Celebration Showcase, featuring the best of Pennsylvania’s public school performers. For more information, visit www.psba.org/workshops/schoolleadership-conference. • Take advantage of breakfast cracker-barrel discussions, lunch groups, Café PSBA and other networking opportunities. Many people find these the most insightful and valuable of their conference experiences. • Visit the PSBA booths and the PSBA Bookstore to talk to members of the PSBA Board of Directors and staff, and to purchase informative, educational books at special reduced conference prices. Ass oci ate Me mb ers . board members to be effective leaders and decision-makers is an educational investment that benefits the entire community. • Keep something from the conference at your desk. It will help you retain that inspiration and enthusiasm that you gained at the conference and will remind you to keep in touch with the people you met and the ideas you encountered. • View sessions you missed at the PSBA Live Learning Center, which provides access to recorded sessions from the School Leadership Conference. Purchase access at a discounted onsite price at the Bookstore. Contributors Abacus Sports Installations........................................3 Beers & Hoffman Ltd., Shonk, Kerekgyarto & Schwear Architecture......................4 BoardDocs.....................................................................5 Buchart Horn Inc./BASCO Associates......................6 BuyBoard.......................................................................7 Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates – Architects .............................................8 Durham School Services.............................................9 EasyProcure................................................................10 Gilbert Architects Inc.................................................11 Hayes Large Architects LLP......................................12 HHSDR Architects/Engineers...................................13 Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors PC.....................................................14 Keystone Purchasing Network.................................15 Laws on Line for School Leaders ............................16 After the conference: • Celebrate student success by submitting public education standouts to be featured in PSBA publications and websites. For more information, visit www. standupforpubliceducation.com. • At a board meeting, share the highlights of your report and your observations and impressions. • Explain the benefits and return on investment for conference participation. School governance is a large and complex responsibility. Training school Pittsburgh Stage Inc...................................................17 Public Financial Management Inc...........................18 Quest Employee Assistance Program.....................19 RBC Capital Markets LLC...........................................20 Reynolds Companies..................................................21 Robert W. Baird & Co.................................................22 Schradergroup Architecture....................................23 Skelly and Loy Inc. – EngineeringEnvironmental Consultants.......................................24 Spiezle Architectural Group Inc...............................25 SunGard K-12 Education............................................26 The Foreman Group....................................................27 Vision Benefits of America........................................28 For complete conference details, visit www.psba.org/workshops/school-leadership-conference/. Vo l u me 27 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 An occasional newsletter produced by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association in cooperation with its Service Associate Members. Address all correspondence to PSBA, P.O. Box 2042, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0790. Tel: (717) 506-2450. Advisory Council 2013 PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference Thank you Sponsors! Be sure to visit all of our sponsors in the exhibit hall at the PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference in Hershey. PSBA sincerely appreciates the support the following Service Associate Members who are sponsors this year. Stephen Herchenrider ARAMARK Education R. Bruce Walsh CBIZ Insurance Services Inc. Barbara Stank Chartwells School Dining Services Dr. Wayne W. Doyle The Foreman Group Sharron Herr Gilbert Architects Inc. S. Dwight Knouse II Chair Hayes Large Architects LLP Michelle R. Portnoff Portnoff Law Associates Ltd. Leslie L. Bear Robert W. Baird & Co. A. Stevens Krug Spiezle Architectural Group Dr. Marcela Diaz Myers PSBA President Dr. Richard L. Frerichs PSBA President-Elect Roy E. Jacobs III (nonvoting member) Assistant Executive Director PSBA Insurance Services The granting of Service Associate Membership and the publication of this newsletter do not necessarily constitute an endorsement by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association of the products or services offered by any particular Service Associate Member. Product Periscope PSBA Insurance Trust..................................Booths 635, 637 CEA Integrated Solutions ............................Booths 609, 611 Chartwells School Dining Services ............Booth 408 Spiezle Architectural Group .......................Booth 416 GCA Services Group Inc..............................Booth 419 Metz Culinary Management .......................Booth 601 EI Associates Inc. ........................................Booths 326, 328 Baird Public Finance ...................................Booth 233 Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates ............Booths 703, 704 HHSDR Architects/Engineers ....................Booth 320 Prismworks Technology ............................Booth 613 www.psba.org Abacus Sports Installations Safe surfaces for your young athletes Safe surfaces not only help today’s young athletes play their best, but safeguard against injury caused by the effect of impact force or slippery floors. Abacus Sports Installations installs various types of sports surfacing: gyms, running tracks, tennis courts, weight rooms and locker rooms. One of its most popular synthetic flooring is Pulastic. The system is comprised of a recycledrubber basemat with polyurethane topcoats rendering a virtually seamless floor. Pulastic delivers exceptional durability and superior wear resistance for indoor applications. Unlike fully poured-in-place or singleply surfaces, this system guarantees uniformity in thickness and density giving the athlete a dimensionally stable platform for safe and consistent performance. The base durometer can be engineered during the manufacturing process to meet specified performance criteria. Its wear surface provides optimum frictional properties required for indoor gym sports and field house activities, and it is able to be resurfaced if necessary. Finishes may be in a variety of colors with game lines and logos added. These surfaces also are designed to be multipurpose. Whether it is a basketball game, a pep rally or a PTO meeting, Abacus’ floors are appropriate for your needs. Abacus is an exclusive dealer for Robbins Sports Surfaces in Pennsylvania. Recognized as the leader in indoor sports floors, Robbins provides safe, comfortable, high performance surfaces for the athletic elite. Nineteen out of 30 NBA teams and more than half of NCAA Division I schools compete on Robbins sport floors. The vast majority of maple and synthetic floors installed by the Robbins dealer network are found in high schools, middle schools and elementary schools. Contact James Proud or Geoff Gensemer for any additional information at (800) 821-4557 or email sales@abacussports.com. Abacus Sports Installations 836 Flory Mill Road Lancaster, PA 17601 www.abacussports.com www.facebook.com/Abacus Sports h ttps://twitter.com/Padenpor Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 3 Product Periscope Beers & Hoffman Ltd., Shonk, Kerekgyarto & Schwear Architecture Don’t blow the chance! Many times, districts are faced with an ominous existing building with so many problems that the gut reaction is to consider searching for a large quantity of dynamite and a match. But before purchasing explosives, give that old building a final chance and grant due diligence with a thorough facility study. While this analysis may show that replacement of this structure is the best long-term solution, sometimes the results are surprising. Case in point is the Lebanon High School which was just renovated and renewed. With a distinctive original 1960s design of three round drums linked by glass corridors, options for expansion and providing updated flexible learning environments seemed almost impossible. How can a “square peg fit into the round hole?” Throw in under-sized classrooms, an outdated mechanical system, an old roof and non-thermal windows, and you could almost hear demolition starting. But, by thinking out-of-the-box, applying sustainable design measures and pursuing 21st-century school concepts, a unique solution was provided while still costing less than a new school. By enclosing the center court and adding two in-fills between the drums, not only were spatial needs met, a new community core space created and classroom sizes enlarged; but significant improvements also were made to student movement, wayfinding and security. Reuse of the existing structural components and incorporating a new geothermal system were key contributors to LEED gold certification. Beers & Hoffman Ltd. Architects is an experienced architectural firm based in Lancaster and Lebanon with numerous successes in K-12 design. The same team of architects is involved from the start of design to the finish of construction. The firm specializes in educational facility design, religious architecture, life-care design, healthcare and other commercial work. For more information, contact Scott Shonk AIA at (717) 569-4955 or sshonk@beersltd.com Beers & Hoffman Ltd., Shonk, Kerekgyarto & Schwear Architecture 20A East Roseville Road Lancaster, PA 17601 www.beersltd.com www.facebook.com/pages/ Beers-Hoffman-Ltd-Shonk-Kerekgyarto-Schwear-Architecture/177541162259719 www.linkedin.com/ company/720024?trk=tyah Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 4 Product Periscope www.psba.org BoardDocs Go paperless BoardDocs was developed specifically for school boards, local governments, and other private and public boards to alleviate the enormous task of assembling, printing, distributing and revising agenda items and policies. This unique, state-of-the-art solution increases transparency in governance, saves taxpayers money and has a positive effect on the environment. With BoardDocs, you not only have the ability to process agenda items, supporting documents, policies and procedures, you also determine who has access to each document – including board members, staff and the general public. Plus, you can make last minute revisions and redistribute your materials in just minutes. With two solutions to meet your budget, there’s never been an easier or more powerful paperless agenda solution. With more than 12,000 system users, BoardDocs has been used successfully to manage more than 46,000 meetings. Not only has the company saved an estimated 90,000,000 sheets of paper, its solutions replace the costly method of compiling, copying and distributing meeting documents. For more information about BoardDocs, call (717) 506-2450, ext. 3394. 5 Product Periscope Buchart Horn Inc./BASCO Associates Let’s talk about feeling secure in school settings How safe are your schools? Can student and staff security be improved? These are the questions many school administrators are asking today. More than 99% of public schools already require visitors to check in or sign in according to the federal government’s “Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2011.” Is this enough? Is it the best approach? What are the best security solutions for your school buildings? Is enhanced school security as simple as adding surveillance technology? Would an instant background check of a visitor at the school entrance lobby eliminate the likelihood of allowing an unwanted visitor to enter the building? The short answer is “NO!” There is not one simple solution that will solve the variety of security challenges facing the school environment today. These challenges require a methodical approach which includes an analysis of existing conditions and strategies, with a comparison to the “best practices” currently available. Let’s talk about your security concerns before you rush out and spend money on the latest technology; which, in the end, may help in identification, but does little in the way of deterrence. In the end, there are many other items that can be implemented and developed to enhance school security and deter unwanted entry into your buildings. Buchart Horn Inc./BASCO Associates’ approach to security analysis is focused on YOUR unique needs and situations, and to develop a comprehensive plan of action. For more information, please contact Douglas Graby AIA, LEED AP+BD&C, at (717) 852-1482 or dgraby@bh-ba.com. Buchart Horn Inc./ BASCO Associates 445 West Philadelphia Street York, PA 17401 www.bh-ba.com www.facebook.com/BHBAToday https://twitter.com/BH_BA www.linkedin.com/company/ buchart-horn-inc. Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 6 Product Periscope www.psba.org BuyBoard BuyBoard Cooperative: A new option for shared services in Pennsylvania The BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative was created to increase the purchasing power of school and government entities and to simplify their purchasing by using a customized electronic purchasing system. Through collaboration between the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and several state school boards associations, members can benefit from BuyBoard, which was developed to comply with state laws which require government entities to make purchases from an approved list of vendors who have gone through a competitive bidding process. BuyBoard provides school districts with an opportunity to save time and money while purchasing products used every day. Membership is free and open to all school districts (and other governmental entities – eligible governmental entities include: cities, municipalities, towns, villages, counties, community colleges, public universities and other local government agencies). The BuyBoard competitive bidding process gives districts the advantage of leveraging the cooperative’s ability to get volume discounts and combines it with the ease of online, web-based shopping and ordering. For PSBA Service Associate Members, BuyBoard is a new opportunity to gain exposure to new clients and increase business. Companies register and then receive invitations to bid via email. After approval by the BuyBoard Board of Trustees, the company is an of- ficial contracted BuyBoard vendor. Companies are listed under certain search commodities, making it easy for districts to find the companies supplying the goods and services they need. There is no charge to become a BuyBoard vendor. The Cooperative is an excellent way to reach all school districts across the state, not just the ones in your immediate area. For more information about BuyBoard or to join, visit www. nsba.org/Services/BuyBoard. 7 Product Periscope Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates – Architects Appropriate architecture In response to current economic challenges, successful educational facilities must provide the most efficient arrangement of components and characteristics that satisfy all educational program requirements. This should be a school district’s minimum expectation of their architect. To be “appropriate,” the architectural design also will be suitable and fitting for a particular condition or place. Your architect must competently focus the design efforts to meet district requirements (suitable and fitting) and know where to sensibly restrain the design. Appropriate architecture relies on the proficient application of design elements and, equally important, recognizes when additional effort (and cost) is not required to achieve a goal. For example, there may be a requirement for a school to present a strong traditional image with a design intent to instill a sense of pride in students, faculty and community. Achieving this specific design goal can be accomplished with focused attention to the school’s main entrance, lobby and other public spaces. Through the use of select materials, inspiring spatial characteristics and thoughtful detailing, the desired building image can be achieved. However, achieving the desired building image does not require a high level of design application in all areas of the school. Once the desired effect is achieved, then additional nonessential building components will simply add cost with little additional value. Appropriate architecture when effectively applied engages multiple aspects of a project. Categories include: architectural style; straightforward, easily constructed sustainable building systems; compact and well-organized floor plan; efficient building and site organization that takes advantage of site characteristics; dual-use of space; space adjacencies that minimize operation costs; and many others. Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates offers a design process that continuously explores the most efficient means to achieve your goals, no more and no less. This process starts in the pre-design/ programming phase and continues through the end of construction. The result is a school that is “appropriate” to your specific requirements, conditions and place for the lowest initial and long-term cost. For more information contact Paul Taylor AIA, REFP, LEED AP, director of Education Architecture, at (717) 458-0272 or ptaylor@craarchitects.com. Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates – Architects @CRA_Architects www.facebook.com/ CrabtreeRohrbaughandAssociates www.youtube.com/user/crabtreerohrbaugh Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 8 Product Periscope www.psba.org Durham School Services Providing safe, reliable, cost-effective transportation solutions Durham School Services provides safe and reliable transportation to students across the United States, transporting over 1 million students daily. With Durham’s expertise and nationwide resources, you will no longer have to worry about: new bus capital, routing issues, bus breakdowns, and the recruitment and training of drivers. Tight budgets. Aging buses. Operating efficiency needs. With Durham’s expertise and nationwide resources, your district, community and students will benefit from: • The safest and best-trained employees • Unmatched customer service • Operational best practices • Technology-based solutions • Financial efficiencies and cost savings • Stewards of the environment No longer will you have to worry about new bus capital, bus routing issues, bus breakdowns, and recruiting and training drivers. Durham is happy to relieve you of those responsibilities, freeing you up to focus on other critical priorities. Safety is the top priority for all of Durham’s employees. It is foremost in their minds as they do their jobs, every day. Employee training programs and processes support a commitment to safety. Durham’s safety pledge resonates through the organization, from its drivers to the board room. Partnering with a transportation provider can save school districts an average of 10-30% in transportation costs, according to the National School Transportation Association (NSTA). What you do with the savings is in your hands. Reinvest back into the classroom. Invest in capital improvements. Increase your community support. You decide what’s best for your district, students and community. Durham is dedicated to customer satisfaction; solutions are customized to your district’s needs. With constantly increasing demands for services, and fluctuating enrollments and limited resources, you need a unique plan. Durham will work with you to create that plan to meet your organizational goals and objectives. Durham employees are held accountable, demonstrate a transparent partnership and engage in constant communication with you. For more information, contact Keith Galloway, director of Business Development, at (800) 9500485 or (508) 736-9041, or email kgalloway@durhamschool services.com. Durham School Services 4300 Weaver Pkwy. Warrenville, IL 60555 www.durhamschoolservices.com www.facebook.com/ NationalCharterBus https://twitter.com/Durham SchoolSvc www.linkedin.com/company/ durham-school-services?trk=fc_ badge Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 9 Product Periscope EasyProcure The Education Procurement Card EasyProcure, The Education Procurement Card, is growing fast and so are the rebates! Established in 2005, this procurement card program has numerous benefits to offer including a rebate based on the aggregate total of participants’ purchases. Earn a rebate on the first dollar you spend using your EasyProcure card! Procurement cards, similar to credit cards but with additional internal control features, were introduced to reduce administrative costs incurred from small dollar purchases in the corporate world. Over the last several years, plastic has become an acceptable means of payment and procurement in Pennsylvania schools due to ecommerce. Although budgetary restraints and internal controls have been concerns, EasyProcure has many special features and benefits that schools can utilize to eliminate these types of concerns. The EasyProcure Program features: • No fee PNC Bank Visa© purchasing card. (Accepted anywhere Visa© commercial cards are accepted.) • Rebates plus bonuses – the rebates are based upon program spend from June 1 to May 31 earning a rebate on the first dollar you spend! (An aggregate total of participants’ purchases during a 12-month period determines the level of rebate earnings.) • Customized limitations on each card based on the cardholder’s purchasing needs (daily/weekly/ monthly limits, declining balance, MCCs). • Integration of card purchases into your existing accounting system. • Online access – payment allocation and reconciliation capabilities. • No checks involved; one monthly electronic payment from your PSDLAF account. EasyProcure, LLC is a joint venture between the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO), Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA), Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) and the Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund (PSDLAF) assisting in the marketing efforts. For additional information about the EasyProcure program, or to arrange a demonstration, call (717) 540-9551. 10 Product Periscope www.psba.org Gilbert Architects Inc. First renewable energy outdoor classroom in U.S. Mother Nature now has her very own classroom, and you can too. A new outdoor environmental classroom – believed to be unique in the country – focusing on conservation and cutting-edge, green technologies and teaching methods opened in Middletown, DE. The room, a standalone building about 1,000 square feet with two folding glass partition walls that open to the outdoors, is filled with and surrounded by lessons for kindergarten through grade 12. The outdoor classroom is almost entirely selfsustainable and features: • Hydronic heating – with a vision panel showing the radiant piping. • A solar tree. • A wind turbine with blades that reach 12 inches in diameter. • Rain barrels, which are hooked up to a hydration system that waters the demonstration garden filled with vegetable and herb plants. • A large, interactive screen shows the classroom, its gardens and rain barrels for roof runoff, solar panels and turbine, and so on. For example, tapping the turbine reveals not only the energy it produces, but also its equivalent in trees saved. Tapping plants in the garden brings up details of their type, growth needs and use. • Transformers on site show students how green energy is converted into usable electricity. • Alternative energy systems not only run the classroom, but they also heat the restrooms’ water. While the classroom is located on the grounds of an elementary school, it is open for field trips and self-guided tours by every school in the district and community members interested in the technology. Teachers and students do not have to leave their regular classroom to find out what’s happening in the environmental classroom. Using the district’s intranet site, classes can log on and examine the energy that is created in real time. It’s really about STEM combining multiple, cutting-edge technologies with hands-on curriculum. For more information, contact Sharron M. Herr, director of Business Development, at (717) 291-1077 or email sharronh@ gilbertarchitects.com. Gilbert Architects Inc. 626 N. Charlotte St. Lancaster, PA 17603 www.gilbertarchitects.com 11 Product Periscope Hayes Large Architects LLP Full STEAM ahead: Hayes Large transforms schools to support STEM and the Arts STEM Education – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – is critical to developing a competitive 21st-century workforce. Educators increasingly recognize the benefits of adding the Arts to the mix – a model known as STEAM. Arts education fosters creativity and innovation. Innovation and technical know-how spark new discoveries. Hayes Large transforms schools to support the exciting opportunities offered by STEM and STEAM programs by creating environments that encourage: Collaboration: Organize spaces for team-based, interdisciplinary learning, both theoretical and hands-on. Classroom/lab combinations work well, and can be created by opening walls between traditional rooms. Provide areas for students from different pathways to work together on projects. Large open areas for competitions, performances and fairs also are needed. Transparency – Inside and Out: Large windows and high ceilings allow passersby to sense the energy and activity inside, which helps recruit non-traditional STEM students. Daylight and views to the outdoors make spaces feel inviting. Inside, rooms should connect visually to encourage interaction among disciplines. Provide display and storage areas for student work. Use casework with transparent doors to allow students to see tools and products. Sustainability: Many STEM students will someday work in “green-collar” jobs. Their school should provide hands-on lessons in sustainable design and renewable energy. Flexibility – Hour to Hour, Year to Year: Design spaces to serve multiple purposes, with large open areas or smaller rooms as needed. Some high-tech equipment and project work requires higher ceiling heights and large bays for optimum performance. Strategically place overhead doors to allow equipment to be easily changed and work to be extended outdoors. Keep casework to the perimeter, and select furniture and equipment on wheels for easy movement. Considering STEM or STEAM programs? Contact Dwight Knouse II AIA LEEDAP at (814) 946-0451 or email sdknouse@ hayeslarge.com to learn more. Hayes Large Architects LLP 3601 Fifth Avenue Altoona, PA 16602 www.hayeslarge.com 12 Product Periscope www.psba.org HHSDR Architects/Engineers Save money on roofing projects in your district All school districts want to save only projects HHSDR has bid. Remoney. When it comes to your gardless of the product type, each physical plant’s roofing systems, project came in between $9 and the perception exists that negotiat$16 per square foot to complete, ing directly with one manufacturer versus $20 or more per square foot saves on design fees and advertisfor the sole-sourced product. For ing costs. Yet, sole-sourcing to a large roof areas, that translates into preferred manufacturer may not hundreds of thousands of saved always be your best approach. dollars, which can be applied to Manufacturer representatives other capital improvement needs. are very knowledgeable. However, Achieve the “Power of More” right-sized facilities. Please contact they do not represent your interests Frank Gargiulo at HHSDR Archifirst. You may be paying a premitects/Engineers of Sharon & Pittsum if the representative knows that burgh, where “We competition does not exist. Want a cost-effective Roofing solution? Bid it!Build Relationand specifications for the project, HHSDR independent review ships.” Visit HHSDR at www.hhsdr. and creates a bid form, which of roofing systems, coupled with or callto(800) All school districts want to save money. When itcom comes your447-3799. physical plant’s names each product side-by-side specification standards roofing that each systems, the perception exists that negotiating directly with one with theon others. manufacturer must meet, provides manufacturer saves design fees and advertising costs. Yet, sole-sourcing to The contractors must now proclients with a cost/benefit analysis manufacturer may not a preferred always be your best approach. vide a base bid with alternate bids to using different systems – including each product. The the one they prefer. Manufacturer use representatives Under construction competition HHSDR works withare clients tovery ensuing knowldgeable. School (June 2013) Blairsville Middle-High everyone sharp, first review their historyHowever, with vari- theykeeps do not represent and applesinterests first.creates Youan may be ous products and their your service reto-apples comparison paying a premium if the cords. HHSDR checks the warranty of products representative knowsand their that and inspects the existing roof to costs on bid day. understand its inherentcompetition challenges does not exist. Clearly, when manuand characteristics. facturers review and contracOur theindependent of Next, HHSDR identifies tors compete, roofing systems, coupledcosts with many different roof products, driven down. that specification arestandards matching them to the client’s Themust proof meet, is evieach amanufacturer preferences, and developing list dent in the last seven provides our clients with a of alternatives. Upon the clients’ cost/benefit analysis using replacementapproval, HHSDR designs the plans roof different systems - including the one they prefer. We work with our clients to first review their history with various products and their service records. We check the warranty. And, we also inspect the existing roof to understand its inherent challenges and characteristics. Next, we identify the many different roof products. We match them to the client’s preferences, and develop a list of alternatives. Upon our clients’ approval, we design the plans and specifications for the project, and create a bid form which names each product side-by-side with the others. 13 The contractors must now provide a base bid with alternate bids to use each product. The ensuing competition keeps everyone sharp, and createsProduct an applesPeriscope to-apples comparision of products and their costs on bid day. Clearly, when manufacturers and contractors compete, costs are driven down. Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors PC Does your district need building consolidation services? Schools are experiencing unprecedented revenue shortages. As a result, it is increasingly important for school districts to think beyond traditional budget reduction measures to strategic downsizing, smart partnering and building consolidations. Comprehensive analysis and accurate financial forecasting of such measures is not typically within the scope of what can be effectively accomplished by district personnel while continuing their other responsibilities. The good news: HUNT has the personnel with the skills, experience and expertise to assist your district with all aspects of downsizing, shared service partnering and building consolidations. Plan now for the future In the short term, it’s necessary to structure a budget that will be successful for the upcoming school year. However, assuming the revenue crisis is not likely to be diminishing any time soon, it’s critical to develop a strategic plan that addresses a multi-year solution for all viable measures. Working with HUNT now can position your district to intelligently address all options for the future. What Will HUNT Do? There is now an opportunity for your school district and HUNT to do a serious examination of possibilities. HUNT will start by addressing key questions: • Is building consolidation appropriate for your district? • Can your district consolidate functions and facilities? • Are there opportunities for shared services with other districts and local municipalities? • Are there energy improvements that can generate savings? HUNT is currently working with several districts on consolidation initiatives, and its Study Team approach has successfully saved clients millions of dollars in facilities costs over the long term. How to get started Discuss the possibilities with HUNT representatives. HUNT’s expertise brings new perspectives on what may be possible. HUNT will assess current conditions, develop a plan of study and help create opportunities that generate long-term savings. For more information, contact Darin Rathbun PE, principal/PA office director, at (570) 265-4868 or rathbund@hunt-eas.com. Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors PC Progress Plaza 1 Elizabeth Street Suite 12 Towanda, PA 18848 www.hunt-eas.com www.linkedin.com/ company/292271?trk=tyah 14 Product Periscope www.psba.org Keystone Purchasing Network Dual cost-saving programs under one roof Schools, government agencies and other non-profit institutions can piggyback on money-saving contracts available through two national cooperative purchasing programs, The Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN) and PEPPM Technology Bidding and Purchasing Program. Created by the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit (CSIU) located in Milton, PA, both programs bid in accordance with the Pennsylvania procurement laws, advertise and solicit sealed bids, which are awarded to the most responsive and responsible bidders. The result is higher quality at lower prices. KPN’s contracts include outdoor athletic surfaces, field and parking lot lighting, loose and installed field equipment, portable and modular buildings, carpet and hard surface flooring, industrial supplies, kitchen equipment, janitorial supplies, library supplies, document management services, roofing and building envelope services, scoreboards and marquee signage, facility management software, job order contracting services, power cleaning equipment, cars and heavy duty service vehicles, and furnishings for schools, offices, libraries and playgrounds. KPN also offers a shipping program that reduces the cost of inbound and outbound freight. For a complete list of available contracts, visit www.theKPN.org or call KPN at (888) 490-3182. PEPPM has more than 300 contracts that provide technology products, services and supplies from top brands including Xerox, Cisco, Apple, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Lightspeed and Canon. The PEPPM website posts more than 520,000 technology items, and offers online quoting capabilities for public agencies seeking volume discounts. PEPPM offers agencies free and easy access to its contracts and free shipping on all purchase orders over $500. Visit www.PEPPM.org to use the new online quoting tool. KPN and PEPPM have a longstanding history of helping schools and other agencies eliminate the time and cost of bidding. For more information, contact Mary Beth Brennan, cooperative purchasing representative, at (570) 246-5933 or email mbrennan@theKPN.org. Keystone Purchasing Network 90 Lawton Lane Milton, PA 17847 www.theKPN.org www.facebook.com/ KeystonePurchasingNetwork https://twitter.com/TheKPN www.linkedin.com/company/ keystone-purchasing-network Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 15 Product Periscope Laws on Line for School Leaders Your source for legal updates Laws on Line is an affordable solution for the expense and inconvenience of finding up-to-date editions of the Public School Code, other laws and court cases affecting your decision-making. A special password-protected page of the PSBA website will lead Laws on Line subscribers to state and federal statutes and regulations, including the same Pennsylvania state statutes database featured in Westlaw subscriptions used by legal professionals. The Basic subscription automatically enrolls the chief school administrator, all school board members, board secretary and business manager into the program for one low price of $348 per year. For the equivalent of only $29 per person per year, this powerful information tool gives you: •T he full text of every section of the Pennsylvania statutes and Pennsylvania Constitution. • Enactment/amendment history and summaries of court decisions interpreting each section. • Full text of state and federal court decisions within Pennsylvania, plus all decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. • Continuously updated content, reflecting amendments and new cases within days or hours. • Easy navigation with comprehensive tables of contents and powerful Westlaw searching. • L inks to federal statutes and state and federal administrative regulations. • Convenient access from wherever you have Internet access. To subscribe to Laws on Line, please complete the Laws on Line order form located on the PSBA website at www.psba.org/ news-publications/order-forms/. Return the completed form by mail to PSBA at P.O. Box 2042, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055-0790, or submit by fax to (717) 506-2451. For more information regarding Laws on Line, please contact PSBA at (800) 932-0588. 16 Product Periscope www.psba.org Pittsburgh Stage Inc. A sensible approach to the LED lighting craze LED technology is inching closer toward solving most of the needs of everyday lighting applications. In theatre, where several specific types of lighting fixtures are utilized, that is just not the case. To help determine exactly where LED technology is a viable solution in theatrical applications, Pittsburgh Stage contacted Nicholas Champion, vice president of Sales at Altman Stage Lighting. What are the best usages for LED technology in theatrical applications? “Hands down, cyc lighting remains the most effective and most practical use of LEDs in a theatrical setting. LEDs are most effective in replacing incandescent fixtures when saturated colors are needed…. From a budgetary standpoint, LED fixtures work best when you can consolidate fixtures and LED cyc lights offer that ability to go from four incandescent cyc lights down to one single RGBA or RGBW LED cyc light.” What are the applications in which LED technology still needs improvement? “Current LED ellipsoidal technology is still not at a place that it can match a traditional incandescent source particularly when a long throw is required… The other issue is quantity. …A full ellipsoidal rig can easily run over one hundred units making the investment in ellipsoidal LEDs a large commitment.” Pittsburgh Stage has found another unique usage for LED technology in theatre with the development of our LED index lights. Pittsburgh Stage’s new LED index light reduces energy consumption from the conventional 300-400 watt per-unit average, down to 6.6-watt per-unit. Each LED strip is rated for over 35,000 hours of usage. This produces a substantial savings in materials and man-hours over the life of the unit. Although the LED bandwagon may seem tempting, caution and education on the proper application of the technology is required. For a no-cost consultation, contact Pittsburgh Stage Inc. at (877) 734-3902, or email Brian Strom, lighting manager, at lighting@pittsburghstage.com. Pittsburgh Stage Inc. 2 South Avenue Sewickly, PA 15143 www.pittsburghstage.com 17 Product Periscope Public Financial Management Inc. The leading independent financial adviser to PA school districts Public Financial Management (PFM) is the leading independent financial adviser to Pennsylvania school districts. When going through a multi-million dollar refinancing or new money project, PFM’s mission is to serve as the school district’s fiduciary which is a role investment bankers or underwriters cannot serve under recent federal regulatory guidelines. PFM’s goal is to provide the school board and administration protection and guidance through what can be a difficult and complicated process. Because PFM has worked with 200+ school districts in the commonwealth, it has access to the most up-to-date market information. And PFM provides value not only through its pricing services and fiduciary role, but also brings experiences and innovative ideas to clients as they look to best allocate resources in what has been a very challenging time for school districts. Of recent interest, PFM is in the process of putting together a suite of services that will help school districts to better forecast budgets into the future, evaluate the affordability of new projects, assist in making sure they are in compliance with federal disclosure regulations, and avoid pitfalls that many schools fall into after the issuance of debt. When it comes to financial matters, PFM is a leader for Pennsylvania schools. If your school district is looking to make sure it is protected when entering the capital markets, or simply wants to make sure it has taken steps to be in compliance with federal regulations and guidelines, please contact Brad Remig, managing director, at (717) 2322723 or email remigb@pfm.com. For more information on PFM, feel free to visit www.pfm.com. Public Financial Management Inc. 1 Keystone Plaza Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101 www.pfm.com 18 Product Periscope www.psba.org Quest Employee Assistance Program Helping employees build balanced lives since 1997 Quest has been helping employers build balanced lives since 1997. Quest provides services for your most important resource – YOUR EMPLOYEES. Our Employee Assistance Program offers: • Professional, confidential face-toface counseling sessions • Work-life balance services for legal, financial, eldercare and childcare • Staff development and training, including unlimited supervisory consultations Connie Stock, director of Sales and Customer Service, at (800) 3646352 or cstock@questbh.com. Quest Employee Assistance Program P.O. Box 1032 York, PA 17405 www.questeap.com •C ritical Incident Stress Management service • Formal supervisory referral process For more information go to the Quest Employee Assistance website at www.questbh.com or contact 19 Product Periscope RBC Capital Markets LLC #1 in 2012 for Pennsylvania school district bond financing For the 25th time in 27 years, RBC Capital Markets LLC (RBC CM) was ranked the leading investment banking firm for Pennsylvania school district bond financings in 2012 as Senior Manager. The firm sincerely thanks the Pennsylvania education community for their continued patronage and for the professional and personal relationships developed over the years. The wealth of resources offered by RBC CM’s Moody’s “Aa1” rated parent company, the Royal Bank of Canada, provides many opportunities to tailor financial transactions to fit its client’s needs and parameters. These resources further enhance RBC CM’s ability to execute for clients at the highest level. In addition to the #1 ranking for Pennsylvania school district bond financings, RBC CM also was ranked #1 for K-12 financings in the United States in 2012, in both total financing amount and number of issues completed. The synergies with respect to K-12 expertise and resources of the firm will continue to enable RBC CM to improve upon the exceptional service school districts have been accustomed to over the years. The public finance professionals at RBC CM appreciate the support the Pennsylvania education community has given it over the years, and look forward to continuing the relationship in the future. For more information on RBC Capital Markets or for assistance with your next capital project financing, please call any of the following: Ken Phillips in Lancaster at (717) 519-6001; Michael Lillys in Philadelphia at (215) 832-1501; Scott Kramer in Lancaster at (717) 519-6003; Henry Sallusti in Scranton at (570) 343-6010; Lou Verdelli in Lancaster at (717) 519-6080; Brian Bradley in Philadelphia at (215) 832-1505; Stephen Flaherty in Lancaster at (717) 519-6052; or Jim Gray in Philadelphia at (215) 832-1519. Top Five Underwriters of Negotiated School District Bond Issues in Pennsylvania in 2012 Par Amount No. of Firm (US $ Mil) Issues RBC CAPITAL MARKETS 889.7 89 Janney Montgomery Scott LLC 405.9 33 Boenning & Scattergood Inc. 342.8 33 Citi Bank 288.2 2 PNC Financial Services Group Inc. 254.0 30 *Based on total Pennsylvania school district negotiated issues completed in 2012. Source: Thomson Financial 20 Product Periscope www.psba.org Reynolds Companies Serving the construction needs of clients In today’s challenging economic climate for education, Pennsylvania public school districts face complex choices when it comes to addressing deferred maintenance needs and construction projects. Many schools were constructed long ago and no longer meet the needs of the district’s educational programs. Combine that with aging infrastructure, which has exceeded its useful life and lacks modern-day energy efficiency, the uncertain future of the PlanCon program, and state subsidies that are shrinking every year; and Pennsylvania public school districts have a recipe for disaster. How can these issues be addressed as well as the expanding list of deferred maintenance needs in this time of severe budget constraints? The Reynolds Companies have developed a unique approach that integrates the best attributes of construction management and performance contracting to address these questions and better serve the needs of clients. Integrated construction management/performance contracting takes the best aspects of both traditional design/bid/build projects and guaranteed energy savings projects, and combines them into one approach that provides the district with a high-quality, low-cost project that maximizes the energy and operational savings. Some of the key benefits of this new approach include the following: • Provides a more comprehensive project scope than can be addressed separately • Allows for more creative solutions that focus on the problems, saving significant construction costs • Minimizes the local taxpayer contribution by maximizing the state reimbursement (if available), minimizing construction costs through value engineering and leveraging energy savings to pay for the majority of the project costs • Benefits from guaranteed energy savings project to reduce vulnerability to change orders and bad contractors • Provides an opportunity to utilize full construction management and commissioning services at a significantly reduced cost • Provides ongoing service and support for a minimum of one year For more information, contact Damion Spahr at Reynolds at (717) 238-5737 or email dspahr@ reynoldsconstruction.com. Reynolds Companies 3300 North Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 www.reynolds-companies.com www.linkedin.com/company/ reynolds-companies 21 Product Periscope Robert W. Baird & Co. A trusted financial partner to Pennsylvania districts Pennsylvania schools are already under stress, and Harrisburg’s solutions to the current pension crisis will almost certainly involve deeper cuts to education funding. Now more than ever, your district needs to do more with less. Baird’s School Finance team takes an all-in look at your schools’ revenue and expenses and offers creative, pragmatic alternatives that meet your needs. Led by a former school business manager, Baird’s team carefully examines all aspects of your budget – from transportation to cafeteria services to maintenance to debt service – and evaluates how effectively they meet your needs for their cost. Baird then provides options that make sense for your district, based on decades of its own school business experience as well as the best-practice insights from objective third-party experts. Finance team put its expertise to work for you. For more information, contact Les Bear, managing director; Tim Connor, director; Jamie Shelby, director; Audrey Bear, vice president; or Barb Patragnoni, assistant vice president; at (877) 792-7506, (610) 594-7080, or email lbear@ rwbaird.com. And if a bond financing is the best solution for your district, you know you can rely on the experience, structure and network of 2012’s No. 1 municipal bond underwriter nationwide, based on number of issues according to Thomson Reuters. Make sure you’re doing right by your district. Let Baird’s School Facebook “f ” Logo Robert W. Baird & Co. 140 South Village Avenue Suite 10 Exton, PA 19341 www.rwbaird.com www.facebook.com/ RobertWBairdandCompany www.twitter.com/rwbaird www.linkedin.com/ company/6983?trk=tyah CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 22 Product Periscope www.psba.org Schradergroup Architecture Empowering school districts through intelligent planning Schradergroup Architecture knows targeted planning initiatives can lead to the successful resolution of issues that often beleaguer school districts. Its 25 years of innovative planning experience allows Schradergroup Architecture to lead districts through a comprehensive master planning process that includes assessing current conditions, identifying problem areas, and determining feasible options that deliver flexible, cost-efficient and enduring solutions. For example, Schradergroup Architecture recently helped a Pennsylvania school district to complete a district-wide assessment that led to the planning and design of three new, state-of-the art elementary schools. What is remarkable about this achievement is that the new schools will be completely financed within current district spending and will result in a net-zero cost difference to the district taxpayer. As a result of intelligent planning, the district is able to achieve a proper distribution of the current student population, accommodate a projected enrollment increase, reduce operating costs, and provide three new, 21st-century learning environments. Planning efforts are a relatively small investment to make, particularly when considering the potentially powerful impact of the outcome. To remain vital, districts must make decisions that best serve students, faculty and staff, as well as their communities. Smart planning empowers districts to move forward with purpose and direction, making the very most of the resources available and achieving the most optimal results for the district as a whole. SCHRADERGROUP architecture (SGA) is a full architectural firm offering planning, programming and architectural design services from offices in Philadelphia and Lancaster. SGA provides services ranging from feasibility studies and master planning to additions, renovations and new facility design. For more information, please contact David L. Schrader AIA, LEED AP at (215) 482-7440 or dschrader@sgarc.com. Schradergroup Architecture 161 Leverington Avenue Suite 105 Philadelphia, PA 19127 www.sgarc.com www.linkedin.com/pub/davidschrader/5/239/1a5 23 Product Periscope Skelly and Loy Inc. – Engineering-Environmental Consultants Extraordinary people – Extraordinary results Established in 1969, Skelly and Loy is a privately owned, midsized corporation with six MidAtlantic offices. The firm provides professional engineering and environmental services to various public and private sector clients throughout the United States and abroad. As trends change and markets emerge, Skelly and Loy continues to build on its strong foundation and enhances its offering of professional services of mining, civil and environmental engineering; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance studies (EISs, EAs, CEEs, etc.); natural resource management including wetlands, aquatic studies and wildlife management; environmental, mining and wastewater permitting; noise and air quality investigations; waste management investigations and remedial design; archaeological, cultural, and historical studies and documentation; digital information technology; and equipment sales, installation, operation and maintenance of municipal, industrial, commercial and private water, wastewater and remediation treatment systems. Experts with broadly based experience and sound technical skills work closely together to produce the superior work for which the firm is well known. Clients’ requirements and desires are always kept foremost by working closely with them to develop a project. The cooperation between Skelly and Loy professionals and clients allows crosspollination of ideas from many fields of expertise, as well as from the client’s own particular insight and experience. In each task undertaken, project personnel are carefully chosen to encompass the full range of disciplines required to completely analyze a problem and provide the best practical solution. For more information, contact Daniel J. Davis CEM, CES, Geo-Environmental Program manager, at (412) 828-1412 or email ddavis@skellyloy.com. Skelly and Loy Inc. 3280 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238 www.skellyloy.com www.facebook.com/ skellyandloy w ww.linkedin.com/company/ skelly-and-loy-inc. @skellyloy Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .ai 24 Product Periscope www.psba.org Spiezle Architectural Group Inc. Integrated approach to school security improvements For schools operating under budget constraints and focused on educational delivery, making security improvements may not rank highest on the priority list. Most schools have basic systems and practices in place, which feel effective – until an event occurs which forces reexamination. Familiar trends are evident in the urgency to adopt new measures after an event. An example is the tendency to jump directly to upgraded, new technology as a solution. Technology often is the initial and in some cases, the only reaction. Installing more cameras and buzzers on more doors results in a feeling of security, but does it address today’s threats as effectively as believed? While it depends on the specific threat, the answer is often no. The reason is that even top line camera and security systems rely on the judgments of operators and our comfort with technology can make us feel it does more for us than it often actually does. When looking at security practices and systems, it is critical to understand the limitations of any system or practice to critically gauge its potential effectiveness given different security scenarios. The goal of any security and threat assessment is to holistically consider: (1) the personality of your institution (how visible or subtle do you want your security process to be perceived); (2) a prioritized list of likely threats and risk concerns; and (3) a look at the measures you have and/or are considering putting in place and how to implement a solution that achieves the right balance with practices, policies and technology to be as effective as possible. In developing your plan, include the input of your team as well as local authorities to gain the value of their assessment perspectives as well as feedback on your developed solutions. For more information, contact A. Stevens Krug AIA, PE, CEM, LEEDap; president, PA division, at (610) 874-7800 or email askrug@ spiezle.com. Spiezle Architectural Group Inc. 321 West State Street Media, PA 19063 www.spiezle.com 25 Product Periscope SunGard K-12 Education Serving one out of six students nationally SunGard K-12 Education software solutions are currently serving over 8 million students or one out of six students nationally. eSchoolPLUS is a web-based, district-wide student management system for K-12 schools. It is a single system that offers all educational stakeholders – school administrators, district staff, teachers, parents and board members – the ability to easily manage or immediately access the summary and detail student information they need, when they need it! Most importantly, eSchoolPLUS is easily configurable to meet each district’s specific needs, yet intuitive to use and simple to deploy, making it a very cost-effective, student information system for K-12 schools. PerformancePLUS is a webbased, district-wide system that helps educators track and analyze student performance against state standards, map and manage curriculum, as well as build and administer local online benchmark assessments. Most importantly, PerformancePLUS arms educators with information to make data-driven decisions that enhance instruction and increase both individual student achievement as well as overall district achievement. IEPPLUS is a web-based special education system which allows special education administrators and teachers to easily develop IEPs, manage the referral/evaluation process, track student records, maintain historical information, comply with IDEA regulations and meet constantly changing state and federal regulations. In addition, IEPPLUS provides an integrated Medicaid management feature, which automates the Medicaid billing and collection process in order to maximize a school district’s entitled reimbursements. BusinessPLUS and eFinancePLUS are two enterprise- wide financial, human resource, and payroll management systems specifically designed to meet the different needs of individual school districts. Each is a single integrated system, which offers all educational stakeholders – school administrators, district staff and board members – the ability to easily manage critical day-to-day financial and procurement tasks, as well as payroll and personnel functions, with anywhere access to automated workflow that adapts to each district’s process. For more information about SunGard K-12 Education software solutions, contact Phil Rickenbach, sales supervisor, at (866) 905-8989 or email K12Info@sungardps.com. SunGard K-12 Education 3 West Broad Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 www.sungard.com/k-12 26 Product Periscope www.psba.org The Foreman Group Saving time and money with RAPOSAP Time and money are both important factors in every major construction project. The more we can save, the better. RAPOSAP has been developed to do just that. RAPOSAP (Reviewing and Proofing of Specifications and Plans) provides for an outside, independent review of the 100% construction documents before they go out to bid. Preparing design documents for a facility is a complicated and ever-changing process. It involves many individuals, with different views, and different responsibilities. There will be at least 1,000 pages of specifications outlining exactly how a building should be built and a minimum of 125 pages of drawings from all disciplines involved in the design of a facility. Typically, as many as 50 people are actually involved in the preparation of the bidding documents. Therefore, there are more chances that an error will occur. Nobody is perfect, including the team that was assembled to design and manage the facility. The good news is that the mistake can be caught early or before it gets to the construction phase with RAPOSAP. Mistakes not caught until the construction phase could result in change orders, misunderstanding of owner’s expectations, a design that is not buildable or the best way to build, large quantities of Requests for Information (RFIs), claims due to different interpretations and gaps in coordination. It costs much less to make changes during the design phase than it does during the construction phase. RAPOSAP is an advancement to a process that has been used for many years to maximize the quality of bidding documents. It involves project managers, site managers, architects and engineers, schedulers and estimators all reviewing bidding documents. Everyone involved in the process brings a different and unique prospective which will improve the quality of the final documents. As a result of RAPOSAP, you will have fewer change orders, increased productivity, Request for Information will be reduced due to clearer and concise drawings, higher quality of work, tighter coordination of scope of work, and less schedule interruptions all leading to cost savings. Foreman Group’s RAPOSAP is unique in that the reviewers are experienced for each design discipline. Also, the staff of reviewers are a cross-section from the design and construction aspect of their industry. One of the most important qualities that RAPOSAP offers is that the reviewers still practice in the field. They remain on the front line and therefore have fresh experiences to draw from that can benefit the bidding documents review process. Common problem areas are identified by using the aid of a Change Order and RFI Log from a historical database. RAPOSAP benefits the three keys to success of any project. It guarantees to save you money, it improves the quality of work and it ensures that the schedule is met. The Foreman Group 525 West New Castle Street Zelienople, PA 16063 www.foremangroup.com 27 Product Periscope Vision Benefits of America Guaranteeing patient satisfaction Vision Benefits of America (VBA) is a non-profit healthcare service organization. VBA is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, and has been in business for more than 47 years. VBA presently provides its value-packed vision benefit plan to more than 3,000 clients, including numerous school districts, via its nationwide network of fully licensed optometrists, ophthalmologists and nationally known retail optical locations. VBA also con- tracts with qualifying optical labs that supply high-grade ophthalmic materials at far less than their usual wholesale prices. Thus, VBA is able to control both the cost and the quality of its products, giving its clients the best value – highest quality at the lowest prices. VBA’s non-profit status helps keep its administrative costs among the very lowest in the industry. VBA guarantees patient satisfaction. 100%. Every time. For more information, contact Dan Gissin, account executive, at (412) 881-4900, ext. 248, or email dgissin@visionbenefits.com. Vision Benefits of America 300 Weyman Plaza, Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 www.visionbenefits.com 28 Product Periscope www.psba.org PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) MemberBooth Abacus Sports Installations Ltd........ 235 AEM Architects Inc........................... 539 Keystone Purchasing Network.................................. 502, 504 School Nutrition Association of Pennsylvania.............................. 107 ARAMARK Education............... 327, 329 Knight Athletics Inc.......................... 406 Schrader Group Architecture........... 321 Architectural Innovations................. 709 KTH Architects Inc........................... 110 Siemens Industry Inc................ 511, 513 The Architectural Studio................... 522 L .R. Kimball..................................... 413 Skelly and Loy Inc............................ 109 Atlantic Aquatic Engineering Inc..... 325 Lincoln Investment Planning........... 331 Skyward Inc...................................... 213 A-Turf Inc.......................................... 307 Marsden Services LLC....................... 705 Spiezle Architectural Group............. 416 Baird Public Finance........................ 233 Massaro Construction Management Services LLC................................... 237 Stantec....................................... 215, 217 McKissick Associates Architects....... 623 Student Transportation of America...................................... 401 Metz Culinary Management............. 601 SunGard K-12 Education.................. 336 Miller Flooring Company................. 503 Trane......................................... 437, 439 CBIZ Insurance Services Inc............ 600 MM Architects Inc............................. 203 CEA Integrated Solutions......... 609, 611 Modernfold of Reading Inc.............. 201 USA Architects, Planners & Interior Designers, PA................ 405 CenterPoint Engineering Inc............ 332 Municipal Revenue Services............ 427 VEBH Architects............................... 108 Chartwells School Dining Services.............................. 408 Nagle Athletic Surfaces Inc.............. 506 Vision Benefits of America............... 209 Nutri-Serve Food Management........ 205 VLN Partners..................................... 500 CM3 Building Solutions Inc............. 414 The Nutrition Group........................ 316 Willis of PA....................................... 339 Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates........................... 703, 704 PA Local Government Investment Trust............................ 221 York Building Products.................... 302 DecisionInsite LLC............................ 407 Durham School Services.................. 412 PA School District Liquid Asset Fund.......................... 400 ECG Engineering PC........................ 211 Pittsburgh Stage Inc.......................... 335 EI Associates............................. 326, 328 PPL Electric Utilities’ E-power Solutions Program........... 603 Baker, Ingram & Associates............. 432 Berkheimer Tax Administrator......... 701 Buchart Horn Inc./ Basco Associates............................ 227 Fidevia............................................... 617 The Foreman Group........................ 409 Portnoff Law Associates Ltd............. 314 Fraytak Veisz Hopkins Duthie PC... 438 ProgressBook by Software Answers..................... 418 GCA Services Group Inc.................. 419 Public Financial Management Inc... 223 Gilbert Architects Inc................ 105, 106 Quad Three Group Inc.................... 516 Hayes Large Architects..................... 334 Quandel Construction Group Inc.... 219 HHSDR Architects/Engineers........... 320 Quest Behavioral Health & EAP...... 425 Hunt Engineers & Architects............ 317 RBC Capital Markets......................... 402 Janney Montgomery Scott LLC......... 304 The Reschini Group......................... 318 Kades-Margolis Corp........................ 300 Reynolds................................... 507, 509 KCBA Architects............................... 303 RLPS Architects................................. 424 Keystone Collections Group............ 417 Schneider Electric............................. 700 29 For complete conference details, visit www.psba.org/workshops/school-leadership-conference/. Product Periscope PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) Accounting/Auditing HOSACK, SPECHT, MUETZEL & WOOD LLP Peter J. Vancheri 305 Mt. Lebanon Blvd., Ste. 301 Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1571 Tel: (412) 343-9200 Fax: (412) 343-9209 pvancheri@hsmwcpa.com www.hsmwcpa.com Accreditation Programs PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Tom Templeton P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 tom.templeton@psba.org www.psba.org Administrator/ Superintendent Searches PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Britta Barrickman EdD CCP P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 britta.barrickman@psba.org www.psba.org Advertising PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION PSBA Bulletin Cassandra Mocyk Davis P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2475 cassandra.davis@psba.org www.psba.org Appraisal Services PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION, INSURANCE TRUST Gary DeFlorentis P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2470 gary.deflorentis@psba.org www.psba.org Athletic/Gymnasium/ Playground/Seating/ Swimming Pool/ Turf Equipment A-TURF INC. Cynthia Potts 715 Fountain Ave. Lancaster, PA 17601-4547 Tel: (717) 293-0670 Fax: (717) 293-1680 cindy@aturf.com www.aturf.com ABACUS SPORTS INSTALLATIONS LTD Spencer Proud 836 Flory Mill Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601-2736 Tel: (717) 560-8050 Fax: (717) 560-8054 bobbi@abacussports.com www.abacussports.com ATLANTIC AQUATIC ENGINEERING INC. John D. Bray 1823 Deep Run Rd. Pipersville, PA 18947-9726 Tel: (215) 766-0409, ext. 101 Fax: (215) 766-2578 jbray@atlanticaquatic.com www.atlanticaquatic.com HUMMER TURFGRASS SYSTEMS INC. J. Robert Hummer 1527 S. Colebrook Rd. Manheim, PA 17545-8631 Tel: (717) 898-5000 Fax: (717) 898-0770 bob@usaturf.com www.facebook.com/HummerTurfgrass twitter.com/HummerTurfgrass www.usaturf.com KNIGHT ATHLETICS INC. Toby Knight 300 Mt. Lebanon Blvd., #205D Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1564 Tel: (412) 343-8833, ext. 11 Fax: (412) 343-8832 tknight@knightathletics.net www.knightathletics.net S Business Associate MILLER FLOORING CO. INC. Tammy Mears 827 Lincoln Ave., Ste. 15 West Chester, PA 19380-4472 Tel: (610) 626-1000 Fax: (610) 626-3000 tammy@millerflooring.com www.millerflooring.com NAGLE ATHLETIC SURFACES INC. Paul Nagle 7709 Maltlage Dr. Liverpool, NY 13090-2512 Tel: (315) 622-1313 Fax: (315) 622-2900 Paul@NagleAthletic.com www.facebook.com//nagleathleticsurfaces @nagleathletic and @stadiumcare www.nagleathletic.com Communications DOBIL LABORATORIES INC. Donald Rosenberger 727 Butler St. Pittsburgh, PA 15223-1825 Tel: (412) 782-3399 Fax: (412) 781-2907 DR1@dobil.com www.dobil.com Compensation Studies PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Britta Barrickman EdD CCP P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 britta.barrickman@psba.org www.psba.org Computer/School Furniture C.M. EICHENLAUB CO. Doris Anderson P.O. Box 8790 Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0790 Tel: (412) 271-8346 Fax: (412) 824-7280 danderson@cmeichenlaub.com MASTERCRAFT SPORTS FLOORING Brian Sullivan P.O. Box 327 Lima, PA 19037-0327 Tel: (610) 358-9950 Fax: (610) 358-9914 mastercrafthardwood@gmail.com www.mastercraftsportsflooring.com 30 Product Periscope www.psba.org PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) Consulting and Personnel Services SOS GROUP INC. Barbara B. Nissel P.O. Box 713 Malvern, PA 19355-0902 Tel: (610) 251-9182 Fax: (610) 251-9907 barb@sosgroupinc.com www.sosgroupinc.com Consulting Solutions PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Tom Templeton P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 tom.templeton@psba.org www.psba.org Cooperative Purchasing BUYBOARD Brian Posey P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2475 brian.posey@psba.org www.psba.org KEYSTONE PURCHASING NETWORK Mary Beth Brennan 90 Lawton Ln. Milton, PA 17847 Tel: (570) 246-5933 Fax: (570) 524-5600 mbrennan@thekpn.org www.kpn.org Custodial, Grounds & Facilities Maintenance Services GCA SERVICES GROUP INC. Christopher Jones 2528 Quakertown Rd. Pennsburg, PA 18073-1010 Tel: (610) 755-2509 Fax: (215) 541-2689 cjones@gcaservices.com www.gcaservices.com Dairy Products BEERS HOFFMAN LTD SHONK, KEREKGYARTO & SCHWEAR ARCHITECTURE Scott L. Shonk 20A E. Roseville Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601-3800 Tel: (717) 569-4955 Fax: (717) 560-1952 sshonk@beersltd.com www.beersltd.com SCHNEIDERS FAMILY OF DAIRIES Edward W. Schneider Jr. 1860 E. 3rd St. Williamsport, PA 17701-3923 Tel: (570) 326-2021 Fax: (570) 326-2736 edjr@schneidervfdairy.com www.schneidersdairy.com BUCHART HORN INC./BASCO ASSOCIATES Douglas Graby 445 W. Philadelphia St. York, PA 17401-3383 Tel: (717) 852-1400 Fax: (717) 852-1401 dgraby@bh-ba.com www.bh-ba.com MARSDEN SERVICES LLC James A. Rice III 3478 Hauck Rd., Ste. D Cincinnati, OH 45241-4604 Tel: (513) 668-3206 jrice@marsden.com www.marsdenservices.com Design/Construction Services AEM ARCHITECTS INC. Philip M. Leinbach 3700 Perkiomen Ave. Reading, PA 19606-2715 Tel: (610) 779-3220 Fax: (610) 779-9022 pmleinbach@aem-arch.com www.aem-arch.com ARCHITECTURAL INNOVATIONS LLC Georgia M. Glass 1003 McKnight Park Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15237-6532 Tel: (412) 364-4966 Fax: (412) 364-4965 gg@aipgh.com www.aipgh.com THE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIO Curtis Santee 732 W. Turner St. Allentown, PA 18102-4038 Tel: (610) 437-1737 Fax: (610) 437-4547 csantee@architecturalstudio.com www.architecturalstudio.com BAKER, INGRAM & ASSOCIATES INC. Lawrence R. Baker Jr. 1547 Oregon Pike Lancaster, PA 17601-4333 Tel: (717) 290-7400 Fax: (717) 290-7402 lbaker@bakeringram.com www.bakeringram.com BURKAVAGE DESIGN ASSOCIATES Donald J. Flynn 200 Abington Executive Park Clarks Summit, PA 18411-2259 Tel: (570) 586-0719 Fax: (570) 586-6549 djf@bda-ae.com www.burkavagedesign.com CANZIAN/JOHNSTON & ASSOCIATES Harold S. Johnston III 361 Main St. New Kensington, PA 15068-6088 Tel: (724) 339-0511 Fax: (724) 339-1492 hjohnston@CJAarchitects.com www.cjaarchitects.com CELLI-FLYNN BRENNAN ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS Thomas C. Celli 606 Liberty Ave., 4th Fl. Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2720 Tel: (412) 281-9400 Fax: (412) 281-1395 tcelli@cfbarchitects.com www.cfbarchitects.com CENTERPOINT ENGINEERING INC. James Bridges 2 Market Plaza Way Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-5679 Tel: (717) 795-8575 Fax: (717) 795-9110 jbridges@centerpointeng.net www.centerpointeng.net CHAMBERS & ASSOCIATES INC. Jeffrey D. Chambers 35 S. Penn St. Manheim, PA 17545-1729 Tel: (717) 665-0515 Fax: (717) 665-0518 jeff@chambersarch.com www.chambersarch.com 31 Product Periscope PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) CONSOLIDATED ENGINEERS Charles Rightmyer 1022 James Dr. Leesport, PA 19533-8832 Tel: (610) 916-1600 Fax: (610) 916-1610 chuckr@cemec.com www.consolidatedengineers.com S Strategic Associate CRABTREE, ROHRBAUGH & ASSOCIATES Randy Davis 401 E. Winding Hill Rd., Ste. 301 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4924 Tel: (717) 458-0272 Fax: (717) 458-0316 rdavis@cra-architects.com www.cra-architects.com D’HUY ENGINEERING INC. Arif Fazil One E. Broad St., Ste. 310 Bethlehem, PA 18018-5961 Tel: (610) 865-3000 Fax: (610) 861-0181 maf@dhuy.com www.dhuy.com ECKLES ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING Robert G. Naugle 301 N. Mercer St. New Castle, PA 16101-3696 Tel: (724) 652-5507 Fax: (724) 652-0751 rgn@ecklesgroup.com www.ecklesarchitecture.com S Business Associate EI ASSOCIATES INC. Leah E. Shiley 2001 N. Front St., Bldg. 3 Harrisburg, PA 17102-2105 Tel: (717) 233-4556, ext. 1006 Fax: (717) 236-8256 lshiley@eiassoc.com www.eiassociates.com FIDEVIA Daniel V. Cicala 119B N. Broad St. Lititz, PA 17543-1006 Tel: (717) 625-3433 Fax: (717) 625-3239 dcicala@fidevia.com www.fidevia.com THE FOREMAN GROUP Phillip G. Foreman P.O. Box 189 Manheim, PA 17545-0189 Tel: (717) 653-0589, ext. 4619 Fax: (717) 653-9427 phillip.foreman@foremangroup.com www.foremangroup.com Wayne Doyle P.O. Box 189 Zelienople, PA 16063-0189 Tel: (724) 452-9690 wayne.doyle@foremangroup.com www.foremangroup.com FRAYTAK VEISZ HOPKINS DUTHIE PC John J. Veisz 140 Whitaker Ave., Ste. 300 Mont Clare, PA 19453-5036 Tel: (610) 933-6289 Fax: (610) 933-6294 jveisz@fvhdpc.com www.fvhdpc.com GILBERT ARCHITECTS INC. Sharron M. Herr Thomas W. Gilbert 626 N. Charlotte St. Lancaster, PA 17603-2935 Tel: (717) 291-1077 Fax: (717) 392-3923 sharronh@gilbertarchitects.com tomg@gilbertarchitects.com www.gilbertarchitects.com THE HAYES DESIGN GROUP-ARCHITECTS Kevin A. Hayes 1273 Washington Pike, Ste. 200 Bridgeville, PA 15017-2803 Tel: (412) 206-0410 Fax: (412) 206-0415 architects@hayesdesign.com www.hayesdesign.com HAYES LARGE ARCHITECTS LLP S. Dwight Knouse II P. O. Box 1784 Altoona, PA 16603-1784 Tel: (814) 946-0451 Fax: (814) 946-9054 sdknouse@hayeslarge.com Bradford J. Furey 75 S. Houcks Rd., Ste. 300 Harrisburg, PA 17109-2835 Tel: (717) 238-4795 Fax: (717) 238-4800 bjfurey@hayeslarge.com www.hayeslarge.com S Business Associate HHSDR ARCHITECTS/ ENGINEERS J. Greer Hayden 40 Shenango Ave. Sharon, PA 16146-1502 Tel: (724) 981-8820 Fax: (724) 981-4515 ghayden@hhsdr.com HIGHLAND ASSOCIATES LTD David Gilmore 102 Highland Ave. Clarks Summit, PA 18411-1502 Tel: (570) 586-4334 Fax: (570) 586-5990 dgilmore@ha-pa.com www.highlandassociates.com HILL INTERNATIONAL INC. Michael V. Griffin 30 S. 15th St., Ste. 1300 Philadelphia, PA 19102-4805 Tel: (215) 557-3251 Fax: (215) 557-0214 michaelgriffin@hillintl.com www.hillintl.com HUNT ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS & LAND SURVEYORS PC Gary Henry 1 Elizabeth St., Ste. 12 Towanda, PA 18848-1629 Tel: (570) 265-4868 Fax: (570) 265-4872 henryg@hunt-eas.com www.linkedin.com/company/hunteningeers-achitects-&-land-surveyors www.hunt-eas.com KCBA ARCHITECTS James A. Clough 8 E. Broad St. Hatfield, PA 19440-2401 Tel: (215) 368-5806 Fax: (215) 368-3580 jay.clough@kcba-architects.com www.facebook.com/KCBAarch www.linkedin.com/company/kcbaarchitects www.kcba-architects.com KTH ARCHITECTS INC. Jerome Bankovich Jr. 1741 Kiwanis Trl. DuBois, PA 15801-8787 Tel: (814) 371-1541 Fax: (814) 371-8801 jbankovich@ktharch.com www.ktharch.com 32 Product Periscope www.psba.org PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) L. R. KIMBALL John Hummel 437 Grant St., Ste. 812 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-6101 Tel: (412) 201-4900, ext. 2259 Fax: (412) 201-2339 john.hummel@lrkimball.com www.kimballcorp.com QUANDEL CONSTRUCTION GROUP INC. H. Glenn Manning 3003 N. Front St., #201 Harrisburg, PA 17110-1224 Tel: (717) 657-0909 Fax: (717) 652-6282 hgmanning@quandel.com www.quandel.com MASSARO CM SERVICES LLC 120 Delta Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2806 www.massarocorporation.com REYNOLDS Damion Spahr 3300 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg, PA 17110-1407 Tel: (717) 238-5737 Fax: (717) 238-9410 dspahr@reynoldsconstruction.com www.reynoldscontruction.com USA ARCHITECTS PLANNERS & INTERIORS DESIGNERS Armand T. Christopher Jr. 1 S 3rd St., Alpha Bldg., Fl. 7 Easton, PA 18042-4578 Tel: (610) 559-6000 Fax: (610) 559-2174 achristopher@usaarchitects.com www.usaarchitects.com RLPS ARCHITECTS Kathleen Goff 250 Valleybrook Dr. Lancaster, PA 17601-4618 Tel: (717) 560-9501 Fax: (717) 560-2373 kgoff@rlps.com www.rlps.com VEBH ARCHITECTS PC Daniel C. Engen 470 Washington Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15228-2811 Tel: (412) 561-7117 Fax: (412) 561-9025 dengen@vebharchitects.com www.vebh.com Christopher J. Lasky Tel: (412) 963-2800 Fax: (412) 408-0003 clasky@massarocorporation.com Daniel T. Kiefer Tel: (412) 963-2800 Fax: (412) 599-0039 dkiefer@massarocms.com MCKISSICK ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS Vern L. McKissick III 317 N. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17101-1203 Tel: (717) 238-6810 Fax: (717) 238-6830 vmckissick@mckissickassociates.com www.mckissickassociates.com MM ARCHITECTS INC. Maryann Marotta 103 S. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602-3509 Tel: (717) 393-3211 Fax: (717) 393-3212 tjw@mmaia.net www.facebook.com/mmarchitectsinc www.mmaia.net PATHLINE INC. Joel Popma 3121 Fairway Dr., Ste. B Altoona, PA 16602-4475 Te; (814) 941-0950 Fax: (814) 943-8494 jpopma@gdfengineers.com www.gdfengineers.com/pathline QUAD THREE GROUP INC. Samuel Scarantino 37 N. Washington St. Wilkes Barre, PA 18701-3109 Tel: (570) 829-4200 Fax: (570) 829-3732 sscarantino@quad3.com www.quad3.com ROTH MARZ PARTNERSHIP PC Robert L. Marz 3505 Chapin St. Erie, PA 16508-2773 Tel: (814) 860-8366 Fax: (814) 860-8606 rmarz@rothmarz.com www.rothmarz.com SCHRADER GROUP ARCHITECTURE LLC David L. Schrader 161 Leverington Ave., Ste. 105 Philadelphia, PA 19127-2028 Tel: (215) 482-7440 Fax: (215) 482-7441 dschrader@sgarc.com www.linkedin.com/pub/davidschrader/5/239/1a5/ www.sgarc.com S Business Associate SPIEZLE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP INC. A. Stevens Krug 321 W. State St. Media, PA 19063-2615 Tel: (610) 874-7400 Fax: (610) 874-7158 askrug@spiezle.com www.spiezle.com STANTEC INC. Robert M. Pillar 101 E. Diamond St., Ste. 400 Butler, PA 16001-5975 Tel: (724) 477-1212 Rob.Pillar@stantec.com www.stantec.com Education/Learning Systems VLN PARTNERS LLC Alex Stone 1212 E. Carson St. Pittsburgh, PA 15203-1229 Tel: (412) 488-4820 info@vlnpartners.com www.vlnpartners.com Employee Assistance Programs QUEST BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EAP Connie Stock P.O. Box 1032 York, PA 17405-1032 Tel: (717) 851-5357 Fax: (717) 851-1414 cstock@questbh.com www.questbh.com Energy Management Services/Resources CM3 BUILDING SOLUTIONS Shannon J. Keim 185 Commerce Dr., Ste. 1 Fort Washington, PA 19034-2416 Tel: (215) 322-8400 Fax: (215) 322-8838 shannonkeim@cm3inc.com www.cm3inc.com 33 Product Periscope PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) ECG ENGINEERING PC Kendra McQuilton 222 Middle Country Rd., Ste. 318 Smithtown, NY 11787-2837 Tel: (631) 360-0006 Fax: (631) 360-0277 kendra@ecgengineering.com www.ecgengineering.com PPL ELECTRIC UTILITIES’ E-POWER SOLUTIONS PROGRAM Jennifer Robinson 840 W. Hamilton St., Ste. 300 Allentown, PA 18101 Tel: (484) 238-2700, ext. 42613 Fax: (866) 372-3978 jennifer.robinson@dmvkema.com www.pplelectric.com/e-power SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC. Heather Wilt 5095 Ritter Rd., Ste. 104 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (717) 791-4203 Fax: (717) 699-8798 heather.wilt@siemens.com www.siemens.com Enrollment Forecasting & Student Demographics DECISIONINSITE LLC Pam Grossman 101 Pacifica, Ste. 380 Irvine, CA 92618-3330 Tel: (877) 204-1392 x 1001 pgrossman@decisioninsite.com www.decisioninsite.com Financial Services PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Tom Templeton Todd Hosterman P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 tom.templeton@psba.org todd.hosterman@psba.org www.psba.org S Business Associate ROBERT W. BAIRD & CO. Mr. Leslie L. Bear 140 S. Village Ave., Ste. 10 Exton, PA 19341-1267 Tel: (610) 594-7080, ext. 103 Fax: (610) 594-7084 lbear@rwbaird.com www.rwbaird.com 34 Product Periscope DINSMORE & SHOHL LLP Christopher Brewer Esq. 301 Grant St., Ste. 2800 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-6413 Tel: (412) 288-5878 Fax: (412) 281-5055 christopher.brewer@dinslaw.com EASYPROCURE Thomas Inners 2608 Market Place Harrisburg, PA 17110 Tel: (717) 540-9551 Fax: (717) 540-1796 tinners@pasbo.org www.easyprocure.org JANNEY MONTGOMERY SCOTT LLC Robert T. Aumer One PPG Place, Ste. 2200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-5417 Tel: (412) 562-8067 Fax: (412) 562-8007 raumer@jmsonline.com www.janney.com KADES-MARGOLIS CORPORATION Edward H. Margolis 998 Old Eagle School Rd., #1220 Wayne, PA 19087-1805 Tel: (800) 433-1828, ext. 223 Fax: (610) 971-1086 emargolis@4kmc.com www.4kmc.com LINCOLN INVESTMENT PLANNING Leonard Rizzotti 101 West Ave., Ste. 200 Jenkintown, PA 19046-2039 Tel: (215) 885-7115, ext. 1222 Fax: (215) 887-3029 lrizzotti@LincolnInvestment.com www.lincolninvestment.com MUNICIPAL REVENUE SERVICE Jeffrey E. Spaulding P.O. Box 318 McKean, PA 16426-0318 Tel: (814) 476-0400 Fax: (814) 476-1097 jeffs514@verizon.net www.pennasset.com PENNSYLVANIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT TRUST David Sallack 1 Keystone Plz., Ste. 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101-2044 Tel: (717) 232-2723 Fax: (717) 232-8052 sallackd@publicfm.com Fax: (800) 252-9551 molloyj@publicfm.com www.plgit.com PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL DISTRICT LIQUID ASSET FUND Richard I. Bauer 12 Mourar Dr. Spring City, PA 19475-3429 Tel: (610) 469-2521 Fax: (610) 469-2522 Ribauer@aol.com www.psdlaf.org PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INC. Brad Remig 1 Keystone Plaza, #300 Harrisburg, PA 17101-2044 Tel: (717) 232-2723 Fax: (717) 232-8610 remigb@pfm.com www.pfm.com RBC CAPITAL MARKETS Kenneth Phillips 2101 Oregon Pike Lancaster, PA 17601-4624 Tel: (717) 519-6001 Fax: (717) 519-6120 ken.phillips@rbccm.com Food Service ARAMARK EDUCATION Steve Herchenrider 1101 Market St., 12th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107-2934 Tel: (610) 299-5480 Fax: (610) 594-0482 herchenrider-steve@aramark.com www.aramark.com CHARTWELLS SCHOOL DINING SERVICES Barbara Stank 313 Winding Hill Dr. Lancaster, PA 17601-1761 Tel: (717) 892-1170 Cell: (732) 887-3298 Fax: (717) 892-6774 barbara.stank@compass-usa.com www.eatlearnlive.com METZ CULINARY MANAGEMENT John Geronimo 2 Woodland Dr. Dallas, PA 18612-9159 Tel: (724) 312-6758 Fax: (570) 675-0919 johng@metzcorp.com www.metzltd.com John Molloy P.O. Box 1027 Harrisburg, PA 17108-1027 Tel: (717) 724-4987 www.psba.org PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) NUTRI-SERVE FOOD MANAGEMENT Norman Horn 4431 Route 130 S. Burlington, NJ 08016-2278 Tel: (609) 694-0485 Fax: (609) 386-2255 normanh@nsfm.com www.nfsm.com MODERNFOLD OF READING INC. R. Mark Nattress 75 N. Haas St. Topton, PA 19562-1000 Tel: (610) 682-0700 Fax: (610) 682-1090 mark@modernfoldofpa.com www.modernfoldofpa.com SCHOOL CLAIMS SERVICE LLC Roy E. Jacobs III P.O. Box 811 New Cumberland, PA 17070 Tel: (866) 401-6600 Fax: (866) 401-6601 roy.jacobs@psba.org www.schoolclaimsservice.com THE NUTRITION GROUP Lyle E. Kerrick 1706 Bloom Rd. Danville, PA 17821-8507 Tel: (570) 760-4548 Fax: (570) 714-8176 lkerrick@thenutritiongroup.biz www.thenutritiongroup.biz PPL/MCCLURE COMPANY Linda S. Miller 4101 N. 6th St. Harrisburg, PA 17110-1610 Tel: (717) 232-9743 Fax: (717) 236-5239 lindamiller@mcclureco.com www.energysolutionsmcclureco.com ALTANY, LOYND & LINQUIST INC. Victor A. Gusmar 1122 Brackenridge Ave. Brackenridge, PA 15014-0076 Tel: (724) 224-0550, ext. 21 Fax: (724) 224-2371 vgusmar@alli-ins.com http://alli-ins.com SCHOOL NUTRITION ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA Rick Voight P.O. Box 1559 Camp Hill, PA 17001-1559 Tel: (717) 732-1100 Fax: (717) 732-1144 exdirsnapa@gmail.com www.SNAPa.org SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC David Kramer 4431 N. Front St., Ste. 100 Harrisburg, PA 17110-1741 Tel: (412) 680-5743 Fax: (717) 232-8187 david.kramer@schneider-electric.com www.schneider-electric.com HVAC/Janitorial/Air Quality/ Noise Control/Power Equipment/Wheelchair Lifts/Windows & Doors ALLEGHENY ENGINEERING CO. Robert L. Densmore P.O. Box 12567 Pittsburgh, PA 15241-0567 Tel: (412) 563-0200, ext. 3012 Fax: (724) 941-8502 bobd@alleghenyeng.com BUILDING CONTROLS & SERVICES INC. Scott Derby 4 Peuquet Pkwy. Tonawanda, NY 14150-2413 Tel: (814) 464-8883 Fax: (814) 520-6297 sderby@bcsco.com www.bcsco.com EASTERN AIR BALANCE CORPORATION D. Timothy Roaten 1195 Strickler Rd. Mount Joy, PA 17552-8852 Tel: (717) 492-1846 Fax: (717) 492-1847 troaten@easternairbalance.com www.easternairbalance.com TRANE Dennis Morelli 400 Business Center Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15205-1331 Tel: (412) 747-3000 Fax: (412) 747-4550 dmorelli@trane.com www.trane.com Industrial Hygiene/ Environmental Consulting SKELLY AND LOY INC. Daniel J. Davis 3280 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238-1361 Tel: (412) 828-1412 Fax: (412) 828-1475 ddavis@skellyloy.com www.skellyloy.com www.facebook.com/skellyandloy www.linkedin.com/company/skelly-andloy-inc. @skellyloy Insurance and Employee Benefits PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION, INSURANCE TRUST Roy E. Jacobs III P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2470 roy.jacobs@psba.org www.psba.org ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. Beth Cassata 210 Industrual Park Rd., Ste. 130 Johnstown, PA 15904 Tel: (800) 452-0803, ext. 0208 Fax: (814) 536-5554 beth_cassata@ajg.com CBIZ INSURANCE SERVICES INC. R. Bruce Walsh 401 Plymouth Rd., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 1000 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Tel: (610) 862-2306 Fax: (610) 862-2500 rbwalsh@cbiz.com www.linkedin.com/pub/brucewalsh/0/21a/b84 @RBruceWalsh www.cbiz.com COWDEN ASSOCIATES INC. Carol M. Ziss 444 Liberty Ave., Ste 605 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1226 Tel: (412) 394-9392 Fax: (412) 394-9324 carolz@cowdenassociates.com www.cowdenassociates.com DELTA DENTAL OF NEW YORK Robert Budd 250 W. 57th St., Ste. 605 New York, NY 10107-0001 Tel: (800) 775-0523, ext. 3311 RBudd@delta.org www.deltadentalins.com HARTMAN GROUP Mark C. Sitler 420 William St. Williamsport, PA 17701 Tel: (570) 326-7241 Fax: (570) 326-6996 mark@hartmangroup1.com 35 Product Periscope PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) HELMBOLD & STEWART INC. John P. Mulcahy 12 S. Third St. Clearfield, PA 16830 Tel: (814) 765-5573 jmulcahy@nicklasgrp.com http://hsinsurance.com INTERSTATE TAX SERVICE INC. Michael J. McHale P.O. Box 1490 Mechancisburg, PA 17055-1490 Tel: (717) 795-8851 Fax: (717) 795-8839 office@interstatetaxserviceinc.com MIERS INSURANCE Doug Gibbons 2222 S. 12th St., Ste. B Allentown, PA 18104-5693 Tel: (610) 797-7900 Fax: (610) 797-7565 dgibbons@miersinsurance.com www.miersinsurance.com THE RESCHINI GROUP Robin W. Hope 922 Philadelphia St. Indiana, PA 15701-3940 Tel: (724) 349-1300 Fax: (724) 349-6616 rhope@reschini.com www.reschini.com SUNDAHL & COMPANY INC. Paul Ridley P.O. Box 368 Bradford, PA 16701-0368 Tel: (814) 368-3139 Fax: (814) 368-5511 paulr@sundahlinsurance.com SWETT & CRAWFORD Lucille Sulock 100 West Ave., Beaver Hill South Jenkintown, PA 19046-2625 Tel: (215) 576-1500 Fax: (215) 884-2869 lucille_sulock@swett.com www.swett.com VICTOR O. SCHINNERER & COMPANY INC. Ann C. Ruot 1000 Main St., Ste. 2850 Houston, TX 77002 Tel: (713) 652-5437 Fax: (713) 651-9901 Ann.C.Ruot@schinnerer.com www.Schinnerer.com VISION BENEFITS OF AMERICA Daniel Gissin 300 Weyman Plaza, Ste. 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15236-1588 Tel: (412) 881-4900, ext. 248 Fax: (412) 881-7319 dgissin@visionbenefits.com www.visionbenefits.com WILLIS OF PENNSYLVANIA INC. Reid Sandner 100 Matsonford Rd., Bldg. 5, Ste. 200 Radnor, PA 19087 Tel: (610) 260-4301 Fax: (610) 260-4301 reid.sandner@willis.com www.willis.com Legal Services PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Stuart L. Knade Esq. P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 stuart.knade@psba.org www.psba.org CLARK HILL|THORP REED Lisa A. Chiesa Esq. 301 Grant St., Ste. 14 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1408 Tel: (412) 394-7711, ext. 2454 Fax: (412) 394-2555 lchiesa@clarkhillthorpreed.com www.thorpreed.com ECKERT SEAMANS CHERIN & MELLOTT LLC Joseph K. Pierce Esq. 213 Market St., Fl. 8 P.O. Box 1248 Harrisburg, PA 17101-1248 Tel: (717) 237-6092 Fax: (717) 237-6019 jpierce@eckertseamans.com www.eckertseamans.com LAWS ON LINE Stuart L. Knade Esq. P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 www.psba.org Management Consultant Services PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Tom Templeton P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 tom.templeton@psba.org www.psba.org Masonry YORK BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. INC. Daniel A. Longenderfer 950 Smile Way York, PA 17404-1798 Tel: (717) 771-3511 Fax: (717) 848-5565 dlongenderfer@yorkbuilding.com www.yorkbuilding.com Modular Classrooms MOBILEASE MODULAR SPACE INC. Peter Barton 137 Crown Point Rd. West Deptford, NJ 08086-2173 Tel: (856) 686-9600 Fax: (856) 686-9240 info@mobileasemodular.com www.mobileasemodular.com Paperless Governance BOARDDOCS Brian Posey P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2475 brian.posey@psba.org www.psba.org Policy Services PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Davelyn Smeltzer P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 davelyn.smeltzer@psba.org www.psba.org 36 Product Periscope www.psba.org PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) Research and Information Services PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Tom Templeton Todd Hosterman Anne Herald P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 tom.templeton@psba.org todd.hosterman@psba.org anne.herald@psba.org www.psba.org Safety Programs/Services SCHOOL CLAIMS SERVICE LLC Sharon Orr P.O. Box 811 New Cumberland, PA 17070 Tel: (866) 401-6600 Fax: (866) 401-6601 sharon.orr@psba.org www.schoolclaimsservice.com/Information/ superiorrisk.htm School Bus Association PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BUS ASSOCIATION Selina M. Pittenger 355 N. 21st St., Ste. 200 Camp Hill, PA 17011-3707 Tel: (717) 975-1951 Fax: (717) 975-1953 smpittenger@paschoolbus.org www.paschoolbus.org School Buses/Student Transportation DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES Keith F. Galloway 4300 Weaver Pkwy. Warrenville, IL 60555 Tel: (508) 736-9041 Fax: 630-393-9221 kgalloway@durhamschoolservices.com www.durhamschoolservices.com www.facebook.com/NationalCharterBus www.linkedin.com/company/durhamschool-services?trk=fc_badge twitter.com/DurhamSchoolSvc STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA INC. Peter J. Pearson 409 Elk St., #100 Carnegie, PA 15106-2627 Tel: (412) 278-2667 Fax: (412) 278-0452 ppearson@ridesta.com www.ridesta.com School Governance Self Assessment PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Pamela M. Price P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 pamela.price@psba.org www.psba.org Security Services CEA INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS Craig I. McVicker 1633 Route 51 Jefferson Hills, PA 15025-3632 Tel: (412) 849-4193 Fax: (412) 405-9756 cimcvicker@verizon.net www.ceacodes.com Service Associate Membership PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Cindy Cooker Pace P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2475 cindy.pace@psba.org www.psba.org Staffing THE LEARNING LAMP Leah Spangler 2025 Bedford St. Johnstown, PA 15904-1003 Tel: (814) 262-0732 Fax: (814) 262-0837 lspangler@thelearninglamp.org www.thelearninglamp.org Stage Equipment PITTSBURGH STAGE David M. Seifert 2 South Ave. Sewickley, PA 15143-2108 Tel: (412) 534-4500 Fax: (412) 534-4505 daves@pittsburghstage.com www.pittsburghstage.com Tax Collection and Services BERKHEIMER TAX ADMINISTRATOR Patricia McNamara 50 N. 7th St. Bangor, PA 18013-1731 Tel: (610) 588-0965 Fax: (610) 588-5765 pmcnamara@hab-inc.com KEYSTONE COLLECTIONS GROUP Thomas J. Kratzenberg 546 Wendel Rd., Ste. 100 Irwin, PA 15642-7539 Tel: (724) 978-0333 Fax: (724) 978-0339 TJKratzenberg@Keystonecollects.com www.keystonecollects.com PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES LTD. Michelle R. Portnoff Esq. 1000 Sandy Hill Rd., Ste. 150 Norristown, PA 19401-4181 Tel: (484) 690-9300 Fax: (484) 690-9301 mportnoff@portnoffonline.com www.portnoffonline.com Technology Services ONHAND SCHOOLS INC. Joan Iacono 1501 Reedsdale St., Ste. 5000 Pittsburgh, PA 15233-2310 Tel: (412) 325-8000, ext. 100 Fax: (412) 224-4774 jiacono@onhandschools.com PROGRESSBOOK BY SOFTWARE ANSWERS Robert Ling 6770 W. Snowville Rd., Ste. 200 Cleveland, OH 44141-3212 Tel: (800) 638-5212, ext. 4 LingR@Software-Answers.com www.software-answers.com 37 Product Periscope PSBA Service Associate Members (as of 8/21/13) SCHOOLOGY Cassandra Lyon 115 W. 30th St., 10th Fl. New York, NY 10001-4010 Tel: (212) 213-8333, ext. 43 Fax: (212) 643-7586 ccappello@schoology.com www.schoology.com SKYWARD INC. Ben Lind 5233 Coye Dr. Stevens Point, WI 54481-5088 Tel: (800) 236-7274 Fax: (715) 341-1370 info@skyward.com www.skyward.com SUNGARD K-12 EDUCATION Phil Rickenbach 3 W. Broad St. Bethlehem, PA 18018-5717 Tel: (610) 691-3616 Fax: (610) 861-9323 phil.rickenbach@sungardps.com www.sungardps.com/plusseries Therapy Staffing Company THERAPY SOURCE INC. Nicole Kennedy 5212 Militia Hill Rd., Ste. A Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1276 Tel: (866) 783-5301, ext. 331 Fax: (610) 340-9122 nicolek@txsource.net www.txsource.com Training & Development Programs PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION Pamela M. Price P.O. Box 2042 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel: (800) 932-0588 Fax: (717) 506-2476 pamela.price@psba.org www.psba.org 38 Product Periscope www.psba.org Making connections happen PSBA is pleased to recognize the following organizations that share its commitment to providing excellent service to school entities across Pennsylvania. Join us in thanking our Strategic & Business Associates for their support of PSBA and the entire education community. Strategic Associates Business Associates Baird & Co. EI Associates Inc. 39 PSBA Bulletin June 2013 HHSDR Architects Engineers SPORTS FLOORING Spiezle Architectural Group Inc Mastercraft Sports Flooring For more information on these and other Service Associate Members offering educational products and services, visit www.psba.org/business-affiliates/index.asp
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