CONTENTS HOW TO USE THIS BOOK TO QUALIFY FOR UNIVERSITY, TAFE OR COLLEGE ENTRY................................................................................. 2 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION TO TERTIARY STUDY — A SMALL STEP INTO A BIG FUTURE................................................................ 3 Introduction to Tertiary Study.........................................................................................................................................................................................................3 The Tertiary Prerequisites Book..........................................................................................................................................................................................3 Interest Areas......................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Course Entry Requirements................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Taking the Step...................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Applying for Tertiary Study in 2013................................................................................................................................................................................................3 The Student Education Profile........................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Year 12 Certification...........................................................................................................................................................................................................4 OP Ineligible Studies..........................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Choosing Senior Subjects................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Subject Prerequisites............................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Assumed Knowledge...........................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Recommended Study..........................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Subject Choice....................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 How You are Selected for Tertiary Study . .......................................................................................................................................................................................5 OP Eligible Students...........................................................................................................................................................................................................5 OP Cut-Offs — Explanatory Note.....................................................................................................................................................................................5 Use of Field Positions..........................................................................................................................................................................................................5 OP Ineligible Students........................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Other Roads to Tertiary Study............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Year 12 Pathways.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Study Costs ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Public Universities..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7 TAFE Queensland and Institutes of Technology.................................................................................................................................................................7 Private Providers.................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 International Students.........................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Financial Assistance.............................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Admissions Statistics........................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 SECTION 2 AREAS OF INTEREST.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Built Environment and Design........................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Business and Tourism......................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Creative and Performing Arts........................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Education......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Engineering and Technology.........................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Health and Recreation...................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Humanities and Social Sciences . ..................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Information Technology................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 Law...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 Primary Industries and Environment.............................................................................................................................................................................................18 Science..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................19 SECTION 3 COURSE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................................. 22 Explanatory Notes.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Australian Catholic University . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Australian Maritime College..........................................................................................................................................................................................................24 Bond University............................................................................................................................................................................................................................25 Christian Heritage College............................................................................................................................................................................................................27 CQUniversity................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28 Endeavour College of Natural Health............................................................................................................................................................................................31 Griffith University.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................32 James Cook University..................................................................................................................................................................................................................39 Qantm College..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................44 Queensland Institute of Business and Technology.........................................................................................................................................................................44 Queensland University of Technology...........................................................................................................................................................................................45 Southbank Institute of Technology ...............................................................................................................................................................................................51 Southern Cross University ............................................................................................................................................................................................................55 TAFE Queensland.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................57 The University of Queensland.......................................................................................................................................................................................................65 University of New England...........................................................................................................................................................................................................71 University of Southern Queensland...............................................................................................................................................................................................74 University of the Sunshine Coast...................................................................................................................................................................................................78 INSTITUTION CONTACT DETAILS.................................................................................................................................................... inside back cover How To Use This Book to qualify for University, TAFE or College entry Follow these steps before you choose your Year 11 and Year 12 subjects: 1. USE Section One to find out more about: the Senior Education Profile (SEP); the importance of your Overall Position (OP); Field Positions (FPs); the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test; and the tertiary selection process in general. 2. REFER to Section Two to investigate your Areas of Interest. Decide which areas most interest you and which you would like to pursue as a career. 3. USE Section Three to check out the Tertiary Courses that relate to your Area of Interest. These are listed by institution. 4. CHECK Section Three for the Course Entry Requirements to the courses that interest you. This section has information about subject prerequisites, other requirements such as portfolios and auditions, and Field Positions, where relevant, for each course. INTRODUCTION TO TERTIARY STUDY - A SMALL STEP INTO A BIG FUTURE Interest Areas The kind of planning needed to make successful subject choices and career decisions takes time, thought and research into the wide range of options available. One of the factors that will help in your Senior subject decision-making is that, generally, courses in the same area or field of study have the same or similar entry requirements. 3 Subject choice is a personal decision that requires you to think carefully about what you are good at and what genuinely interests you. Take time to think about possible careers and use the people around you, including parents, teachers and other advisers and experts such as guidance officers or counsellors to discuss your interests, concerns and future plans. Course Entry Requirements Section 3 of the book is set out as a table, on an institution-by-institution basis, with each course entry detailing the duration of the course, the entry requirements for that course, and the Field Positions that will be used if information in addition to the Overall Position is required. Spend some time considering the wide range of courses available and the institutions offering them. Take the time to find out not only the requirements for admission to courses but also the locations of the institutions, as attendance at some institutions may involve extensive travel or living away from home. The Tertiary Prerequisites Book Tertiary Prerequisites is written to help you, and the people who can advise you, make your road towards tertiary study easier, more realistic, and ultimately more effective. The book is a great resource that will assist you in exploring more than 1600 courses available through QTAC’s participating institutions. Courses available through QTAC range from certificate courses that may take less than a year to complete, to degree courses that may take three, four or five years to complete. The types of courses available are also very different in terms of how much practical or theoretical study is involved. Usually the shorter courses are more ‘handson’‚ while the longer courses tend to involve a greater combination of both theory and practice. Tertiary Prerequisites provides an overview of the courses that institutions expect to be available in 2013 and, most importantly, it provides a detailed ‘map’ of the requirements for entry to those courses. Even though 2013 seems a lifetime away right now, most of you will finish Year 12 in 2012 and will be applying in September that year for courses commencing in 2013. What all this comes down to, is that you will need to consider the areas of tertiary study that appeal to you, identify the requirements for entry to those courses, and then plan your Senior years with this in mind. Aside from Queensland Year 10 students, the book will also be useful to prospective applicants from all over Australia who may be contemplating tertiary study in Queensland or northern New South Wales in 2013. While the book provides a very good guide to the courses expected to be available in 2013, new courses will inevitably be added and some will be withdrawn. The QTAC Guide to Tertiary Courses and the QTAC website will keep you informed about the latest choices available and provide course outlines and other relevant information. The QTAC Guide is provided to all Queensland students in year 12 and is also available for purchase from QTAC or newsagencies throughout Queensland and northern New South Wales. The course entry requirements (prerequisites) listed in this book are usually subjects studied in Years 11 and 12 and are linked to the exit assessment levels required at the end of your Senior study. The book also gives other requirements, such as portfolio and audition requirements, that you may need to present when you apply. You will also note that in some cases subjects are listed as assumed knowledge or recommended study. These categories indicate that undertaking such subjects in Years 11 and 12 would be beneficial, especially in the case of assumed knowledge, but are not essential for admission to that course. See page 4, under the heading ‘Choosing Senior Subjects’ for definitions of assumed knowledge and recommended study. Taking the Step Once you have taken time to consider your goals, your subject selection will set you on the path to achieving those goals. Like any journey, there will be unexpected bridges to cross, and at these points you will need to pause and reflect on your path so far and, if necessary, modify your goals. The point to remember, though, is that in most cases the bridges can be crossed. So remain calm and rest assured that once you have chosen your course of study there is always a way of getting there. APPLYING FOR TERTIARY STUDY IN 2013 If you plan to go on to tertiary study at any of the institutions listed in section 3 you will apply through QTAC for a place. Applications can be submitted from 1 July in the year you are studying Year 12 and are made via QTAC’s Twelve to Tertiary online application at You can list up to six different courses on your application including courses starting in first or second semester 2013. Having several course preferences means you can apply for a number of suitable courses and have back-up options if you don’t get your first choice. Read the QTAC Guide to Tertiary Courses or visit the QTAC website for more information about applying closer to the time. Introduction As you take your first classes in semester two, you probably have some general idea of what kind of career you might like to pursue or what interests you might like to follow after your secondary schooling is over. If your interests call for additional education, either at university, TAFE or college level, you will need to make some decisions now about the subjects in Years 11 and 12 which will help you get into the courses that allow you to follow your goals and dreams. An important activity in planning your future is considering what you are interested in. This may be easier than identifying a specific course that is ‘right for you’. Tertiary Prerequisites directs you to your areas of interest, outlines some of the career opportunities, and shows you what courses are available at QTAC’s participating institutions. The 11 interest areas are: Built Environment and Design; Business and Tourism; Creative and Performing Arts; Education; Engineering and Technology; Health and Recreation; Humanities and Social Sciences; Information Technology; Law; Primary Industries and Environment; and Sciences. SECTION 1 You are now on the home run to the end of Year 10. It is a time to look ahead seriously and choose your Senior subjects with future study and career in mind. THE SENIOR EDUCATION PROFILE SECTION 1 Students may undertake a range of studies in their senior phase of learning. All certification relating to Senior schooling is determined by the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA). Introduction 4 Queensland Studies Authority Address: 154 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane Qld Postal address: PO Box 307, Spring Hill Qld 4004 Phone: (07) 3864 0299; Fax: (07) 3221 2553 Email: Website: During their Senior phase of learning, students may undertake: • Authority subjects – an area of learning with an approved QSA syllabus and school work program and QSA moderation procedures. (The exit levels of achievement in section 3 of this book are for Authority subjects, eg English (4,SA), unless otherwise stated) • Authority-registered subjects • Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate studies • school based apprenticeships and traineeships • tailored training programs • international learning • preparatory, enrichment and advanced courses recognised by QSA Year 12 Certification Students completing Year 12 may receive one or more of the following: • Senior Statement – records all learning in the student’s learning account and the results achieved during the Senior phase of learning including a result for the QCS Test if applicable • QCE - Queensland Certificate of Education – confirms a significant amount of learning at a set standard, including literacy and numeracy requirements • QCIA - Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement – confirms learning outcomes for special needs students on individualised learning programs • VET Certificate - vocational education and training certificate – certifies competence in a vocational education and training course or qualification level • Tertiary Entrance Statement – issued by QSA to OP-eligible students, it reports a student’s OP in one of 25 bands from one, the highest, through to 25. The Tertiary Entrance Statement also reports up to five Field Positions (FPs) The Overall Position (OP) is a statewide rank order of students based on their achievement in Authority subjects. It shows how well an individual student performed in their Senior studies when compared with the performance of all other OP-eligible students in the state. A student’s OP, together with subject prerequisites or other requirements such as portfolios and interviews, is very important in determining which tertiary course they could gain entry to. Field Positions (FPs) show a student’s rank order position (on a one to 10 scale, with one being the highest) based on achievement in Authority subjects. These fields identify areas of study that emphasise particular knowledge and skills. FPs are determined only for OP-eligible students and only for the fields for which their subject choices qualify them. The five Field Positions are: Field A = Extended written expression involving complex analysis and synthesis of ideas. Field B = Short written communication involving reading, comprehension and expression in English or a foreign language. Field C = Basic numeracy involving simple calculations and graphical and tabular interpretation. Field D = Solving complex problems involving mathematical symbols and abstractions. Field E = substantial practical performance involving physical or creative arts or expressive skills. Different subjects contribute different weight to the different fields. For example, Maths B and Maths C contribute more highly to Fields C and D than English or History. On the other hand, English and History contribute more highly to Fields A and B than Maths B or Maths C. FPs are used to provide more information when considering two or more applicants with the same OP at the cut-off point for a course. This additional information is used to choose between students for a very small number of courses. For entry into semester 1 2010, only 12 courses (less than one percent) required Field Positions to be used. OP Ineligible Studies If you do not qualify for an OP you will be considered for tertiary entrance on the basis of your academic achievements and your results in the QCS Test, if you sit it, or other qualifications such as certificate study. For more information on how OP Ineligible Students are assessed for tertiary study see page 6. CHOOSING SENIOR SUBJECTS If you intend going on to tertiary study you should be aware that the main selection criteria are your Overall Position or QTAC selection rank (for OP ineligible students), and successful completion of the minimum entry requirements for a course. Minimum entry requirements are usually prerequisite subjects. Subject Prerequisites Subject prerequisites are the subjects you study in Year 11 and Year 12 that are stated by universities, TAFE and colleges in section 3 of this book as necessary for you to complete at the required level to qualify for entry to particular courses. Subject prerequisites are expressed as minimum achievement levels in specific senior subjects. For example, English (4,SA) indicates that the Queensland Studies Authority subject English (or equivalent) must have been studied over four semesters (ie Years 11 and 12) and an overall Exit Assessment of Sound Achievement or better obtained. Assumed Knowledge Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of achievement in a Senior subject (or equivalent) considered necessary for successful first year tertiary study. Students lacking the assumed level of knowledge are not prevented from enrolling; however, they may be disadvantaged unless they undertake recommended bridging, preparatory or appropriate introductory subjects prior to or during their first year of study. Further information is available from the Admissions Office of the institution concerned. Recommended Study This applies to subjects recommended in order to undertake a course successfully. These subjects are not entry requirements and do not affect applicant selection. Subject Choice In choosing your Year 11 and 12 subjects we strongly advise that you: • select prerequisite, assumed and recommended subjects for the tertiary courses in which you are interested; and • choose the remainder of your Senior subjects by what you do best and what you prefer to do. In this way you are likely to achieve your best possible results. Your parents, guidance officers/school counsellors or other school staff can also help you with choosing Senior subjects. OP Eligible Students To be considered for admission based on an Overall Position you must have: • met the minimum entry requirements; and • obtained an Overall Position (OP) Step A If you have satisfied the minimum entry requirements and obtained an OP, you are considered for entry to your selected tertiary course in order of OP — remember that OP band 1 is the highest and will therefore be considered before OP band 2, and so on. All applicants who fall into an OP band above the minimum cut-off point for a particular course will be offered a place in that course (see the ‘Selection example’ below). OP cut-offs are not predetermined and vary depending on the number of applicants for a course, the applicants OPs/ QTAC selection ranks and the number of places available in the course. See ‘OP cut-offs explanatory note’ on this page for more information. Step B If the number of places in a course dictates that not all applicants within an OP band can be made an offer, as the ‘Selection example’ below shows, then selection within the OP will be based on Field Positions. See ‘Use of Field Positions’ in the next column. Step C In rare cases, even after Field Positions have been considered, it can happen that more information is needed to differentiate between students with the same OP applying to courses that are highly competitive. In these instances a further step may be used. Depending on the institution, this could include using any of the following: level of achievement in prerequisite subjects; school reports or additional information supplied by the applicant; the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (previously known as Interstate Transfer Index); or individual results from the Queensland Core Skills Test. Selection example The table below is a fictional example presenting students who want to study Law at ‘Roma University’. There are 150 places available (that is the Course Quota) and 225 students have applied for places in the course. Twenty-five applicants have an OP 1, 100 have an OP 2, and a further 100 have an OP 3. Based on this scenario, the table shows how students are actually selected. It also shows at what point, and how, Field Positions become important in selecting students to courses. Number of applicants within an OP band Number of offers made Course quota = 150 OP 1 25 applicants 25 offers made Cumulative total = 25 OP 2 100 applicants 100 offers made Cumulative total = 125 25 offers made based on applicants' field positions Cumulative total = 150 — quota filled OP 3 100 applicants. This is where Field Positions are used in selection, see 'Use of Field Positions' following Total applicants = 225 75 applicants with OP 3 do not receive an offer Total offers = 150 Any guide to OP cut-offs you may use, such as that on the QTAC website or in the QTAC Guide to Tertiary Courses remains a guide only, as actual cut-offs can only be worked out ‘on the day’. For example, a course that shows a past cut-off of OP 3, could end up being ‘cut off ’ at OP 2 in the year that you apply, depending on the number of students applying for the course, the standard of their OP/ QTAC selection rank, and the number of places available in the course. It can be seen from this that it is impossible to predict the OP cut-offs until all the applications for a particular course have been lodged and processed — and this only occurs well into the application period. It is also important to remember that the cut-off only reflects the past minimum standard and that most students entering the course received higher OPs than the minimum. Variables used in calculating the cut-off for each course: Demand — the number applying for the course Quality — the quality of those applicants (that is their OP or QTAC selection rank) Supply — the number of places available for the course Use of Field Positions In section 3 ‘Course Entry Requirements’, you will notice that the final two columns in the table are headed: Fields used for Selection within OP. These columns indicate which Field Positions, will be used for selection to each course if the number of applicants in the OP cutoff band is too large for all candidates to be selected. See page 4 for a description of each Field Position. The first of the two Field Position columns shows the Primary, that is the first, field to be used for ‘finer’ selection of candidates with the same OPs. The second column, showing the Secondary field, will be used only if the first field is not fine enough (see examples below). Example 1. Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary B C Using example 1, applicants with a Field Position of 1 in Field B will be selected before those with a Field Position of 2 in Field B, and so on. If looking at the Primary field does not prove to be fine enough then your results in the Secondary column, in this case Field C, will be considered next. Once again, a Field Position of 1 in Field C will be considered before a Field Position of 2 in Field C, and so on. In example 2, two possible fields (Field A or B) are used as alternative Primary selectors. And in this case, for someone who has a Field Position Example 2. Primary Secondary A or B C of 1 in Field A and a Field Position of 2 in B, the Primary selector used would be Field A, that is, the better of the two. If this is not fine enough, then the Secondary field, in this case C, would be used. Remember that applicants who fall into higher OP bands, that is in OP bands above the minimum cut-off for a particular course, will be made offers regardless of their results in the relevant Field Positions, as long as they have met the minimum entry requirements. SECTION 1 Selection for tertiary study, except in some cases where alternative selection methods are used (such as interview or audition), is based on your academic results as shown in the Student Education Profile. OP Cut-Offs - Explanatory Note 5 Introduction HOW YOU ARE SELECTED FOR TERTIARY STUDY SECTION 1 Introduction 6 OP Ineligible Students Other Roads to Tertiary Study Students who complete Year 12 but do not qualify for an OP are still eligible to apply through QTAC for courses. OP ineligible students compete for places on a similar basis to OP eligible students. That is, they must meet the minimum entry requirements before being considered for a place based on merit. For OP ineligible students, merit is measured by their OP Ineligible QTAC selection rank (as opposed to an OP). Courses not requiring OPs/QTAC selection ranks A QTAC selection rank is allocated on the basis of results in their best 20 semester units of Authority and Authority-registered subjects and VET units of competency/modules as recorded on their Senior Statement and, if available, their results in the Qld Core Skills (QCS) Test. A poor result in the QCS does not have a negative effect on a student’s selection rank, it will only be used to moderate the rank upwards. QTAC selection ranks range from 1 (lowest) to 99 (highest). QTAC has developed a table that provides comparisons between OPs and QTAC selection ranks. This allows OP eligible and ineligible students to compete for tertiary study places on an equitable basis. Unlike OP eligible students, if differentiation between applicants is needed at the cut-off point, Field Positions are NOT considered for OP ineligible students. OP bands usually cover multiple selection ranks, eg in 2009, OP 12 was comparable to a QTAC selection rank between 77 – 79, therefore differentiation can usually be obtained by selection rank, eg applicants with a selection rank of 79 are selected before applicants with a selection rank of 78, etc. Points to note: • Undertaking an OP ineligible Senior secondary school program may make it difficult and in some cases impossible to achieve the high ranks necessary for entry to very competitive tertiary courses. • Students completing Year 12 with fewer than 20 semester units of Authority and Authority-registered subjects and VET units of competency/modules will still be eligible for a QTAC selection rank but it will be less competitive than if they had completed 20 units. • Students not undertaking the standard tertiary pathway, ie being eligible for an Overall Position, may not be considered for tertiary entry interstate and should contact the relevant institution. For some courses, tertiary institutions may not use an applicant’s OP or QTAC selection rank in the determination of a tertiary offer. Alternatively, an applicant may be selected on the basis of a portfolio of work, audition, interview, test result, or other requirement listed in Section 3 of this book. This scenario usually occurs within skills-based courses such as art, music, and dance. Applicants with qualifications in addition to OP/OP ineligible study Some Year 12 students have qualifications in addition to Senior results that can be used in the assessment of their application. Such qualifications include AQF Certificate III or IV, music qualifications like AMEB Grade 7, or study undertaken at a tertiary institution. These qualifications will be assessed according to tertiary institution policies and may give the student a more competitive QTAC selection rank than awarded for their Senior study. Various Year 12 pathways to tertiary study are shown in the diagram below. Special admissions schemes Most institutions also have admissions schemes to assist applicants in special circumstances gain entry to tertiary courses. For example, there are access and equity schemes, regional preference schemes, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander schemes. For more information, visit the QTAC website or contact the institution directly. Subject bonus schemes Some institutions have schemes where applicants receive bonus ranks if they passed specified subjects at school, such as languages other than English or Maths C. For more information on these schemes visit the QTAC website or contact the institutions directly. Special consideration of education disadvantage Applicants who believe they have suffered disadvantage in their academic performance for reasons beyond their control (eg relating to equality of opportunity, disability and health, or on compassionate grounds) may request special consideration in their QTAC application. Should these circumstances arise, please speak with your school guidance officer in the first instance as they may be able to provide assistance while you are still studying. YEAR 12 PATHWAYS The diagram below shows how different qualifications/pathways can lead to tertiary study Pathway to tertiary study Amanda is a Year 12 student eligible for an OP Jack is a Year 12 student who is OP ineligible Amy is a Year 12 student who is not eligible for an OP but has completed other qualifications Qualifications completed OP/QTAC selection rank awarded based on the qualification* Senior Statement No rank awarded Tertiary Entrance Statement OP8 (comparable to a rank of 87 in 2009) QCE No rank awarded AMEB Grade 7 Certificate 84 Certificate III 68 Senior Statement (OP Ineligible) 76 QCE No rank awarded Certificate III 68 Senior Statement (OP Ineligible) 58 QCE No rank awarded AMEB Associateship 85 Certificate II No rank awarded Traineeship No rank awarded Tertiary place allocated The QTAC selection rank allows different qualifications to be compared. For most courses, QTAC uses these ranks (and whether minimum entry requirements have been met) to allocate course places to applicants. Where an applicant has multiple ranks, institution policy dictates which rank is used to allocate a tertiary place - for Year 12 students, it is generally the highest rank. * QTAC assigns a QTAC selection rank to a qualification based on a variety of schedules and individual tertiary institution rules. Not all qualifications are eligible for a rank and ranks for qualifications can change. Multiple ranks are not combined to give a greater score. ADMISSIONS STATISTICS Public Universities Public higher education providers offer Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) to Australian and New Zealand citizens and holders of a permanent visa. The Australian Government contributes towards course costs for these students, and students pay a ‘student contribution’. While student contributions vary between providers and courses, these must be within a range set by the government (see table below). Student contributions per year Band Student contribution range for 2010* National Priorities mathematics, statistics, science $0 to $4249 Band 1 humanities, behavioural science, social studies, foreign languages, visual and performing arts, education, nursing $0 to $5310 Band 2 computing, built environment, health, engineering, surveying, agriculture $0 to $7567 Band 3 law, dentistry, medicine, veterinary science, accounting, administration, economics, commerce $0 to $8859 * Costs are indicative of band level only and will depend on the individual subjects/electives chosen. The student contributions shown are for first year full-time students. Student contributions are indexed each year according to movements in the Consumer Price Index. The 2013 indicative first year costs will be available late in 2012 from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations website or on institution websites. TAFE Queensland and Institutes of Technology Tuition fees vary between institutes and programs. All students are required to contribute towards the cost of their program, however, some programs attract a government subsidy. VET FEE-HELP may be available. FEE-HELP is available for Southbank Institute of Technology. Private Providers Fees for non government institutions vary between providers and generally are not subsidised by the government. FEE-HELP is available for some courses. International Students International students generally pay different study costs from domestic students. Contact the international centre of the institution for information. Financial Assistance Financial assistance may be available through income support from Centrelink, scholarships, or through government loans (such as HECSHELP for Commonwealth supported places, FEE-HELP for selected private provider courses and VET FEE-HELP for eligible students at approved VET providers). For entry to tertiary courses in 2010, QTAC received 22,231 applications from students who completed Queensland Year 12 in 2009. Of these, 19,985 applications were from students with an OP. Of these, 17,510 (87.6%) gained entry to university courses, 1314 (6.6%) to TAFE courses and 320 (1.6%) to college courses. Also for entry to courses in 2010, QTAC received 2246 applications from students without an OP. Of these, 934 (41.6%) gained entry to university courses, 1011 (45.0%) to TAFE courses and 53 (2.4%) to college courses. These figures include students who may have received an offer based on alternative selection criteria, for example, a portfolio, audition, alternative admission, or special consideration of educational disadvantage. SECTION 1 Information regarding the cost of tertiary study can be found at or by contacting the tertiary institution directly. Please note, the exact course costs will not be known until 2012. 7 Introduction STUDY COSTS AREAS OF INTEREST SECTION 2 This section provides a brief description of each of the following areas of interest: Areas of Interest 8 • • • • • • • • • • • transportation and infrastructure planning, market analysis, visual impact analysis, and real estate analysis. Built Environment and Design Business and Tourism Creative and Performing Arts Education Engineering and Technology Health and Recreation Humanities and Social Sciences Information Technology Law Primary Industries and Environment Sciences The prerequisites for courses in each of these areas of interest are outlined in section 3: Course Entry Requirements. BUILT ENVIRONMENT & DESIGN Architecture is the art of designing buildings, groups of buildings and other structures, and overseeing their construction. Architects prepare designs and drawings within client specifications, safety regulations and legal requirements. Their designs incorporate both the structural and mechanical aspects of building within an aesthetic framework. They prepare documents detailing the building materials and construction equipment required and interior fittings. Architects liaise with builders and planning authorities, administer contracts and observe and coordinate construction. They consult with other specialists as necessary to create designs that reflect contemporary trends in society. Architectural drafting/building design involves assisting architects in a technical capacity. Architectural drafters/technicians produce detailed drawings of an architect's initial sketch plans. They calculate and provide estimates of materials, labour and completion dates based on an architect's original designs. Architectural drafters/technicians use computers to produce their designs and intricate drawings. They liaise with government representatives, inspect potential building sites, and supervise the progress of construction sites in the absence of an architect. Graduates find employment with architectural and planning firms in the private sector, in various departments of state and federal government,with engineering firms, and with large building corporations. Building/construction management relates to the management and integration of specialist workers and resources. It involves planning, organising, coordinating, motivating, and controlling all activities involved in the complex construction process and in building development. This requires a detailed understanding of the principles and practice of building technology, building economics, law, and construction management. Employment is found in government departments, construction, building, and sub-contracting companies. Building surveying/inspecting encompasses the products and processes involved in the construction industry as well as the management, law and science behind them. Building surveyors enforce, advise on and interpret laws and regulations controlling building and construction. Their duties include: inspecting existing buildings and buildings under construction to ensure safety standards and building regulations and codes of practice are adhered to; issuing building permits to individuals and organisations; and advising individuals and organisations on building matters and potential problems. Employment can be found with local and state government authorities and the Builders' Registration Board. Geographic Information Systems are computer systems capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying layers of geographically referenced information identified according to their locations. Geographic information systems are used for land use planning, mapping, surveying, utilities management, ecosystems modelling, landscape assessment and planning, Industrial design is the art of designing objects for daily use, particularly those which are mass produced by industrial techniques, and products that have commercial, medical and industrial applications. The design process involves analysis of the likely demand for a product and the creative application of innovative ideas. This is balanced by a knowledge of materials and production methods, resulting in products which are reliable, economical, safe, and comfortable to use. These products can be consumer appliances (eg whitegoods, electronic goods), furniture, heavy machinery, or transport. Employment opportunities range from working with consultancies and manufacturing companies to government departments. Interior design is the planning and design of layout, finishes, lighting, fittings, and furnishings of building interiors. It requires a knowledge of community/clients' attitudes, and their behaviour and comfort requirements. A knowledge of building and furniture construction is combined with a critical appreciation of the decorative arts. Interior designers' duties may include organising material supplies, providing cost estimates, inspecting the progress of work and maintaining time and quality controls on site, and designing exhibitions or commercial displays. A interior designer must be able to imagine, evaluate, organise, and control the construction and fitting out of interiors. Graduates find employment with architects, interior design consultants and government departments. Landscape architecture applies ecological planning and design principles to improve and organise the physical and aesthetic quality of external spaces, taking into account environmental and quality of life issues. It is related closely to planning, development and land management. Landscape architects use problem-solving skills to produce the best design solution for their clients, and to satisfy the needs of a sustainable natural environment. Graduates find employment in the private sector and in local and state government agencies. Projects can be as diverse as planning urban plazas, parks and recreation centres, highways and streetscapes, designing private gardens, environmental restoration of mined land, coastal planning and management, and heritage projects. Property economics covers all aspects of the development, sale, purchase, letting, valuation, and management of real estate. A property economist applies business, law and economic theories and practice and their understanding of possible social and environmental impacts to solve property issues, and to organise and manage portfolios and individual property assets. Graduates find employment in government departments, real estate agencies, private consultancies, and large institutions. Quantity surveying is concerned with the budgeting and monitoring of building projects from inception, through feasibility studies, design and construction, to completion and project occupancy. This involves precise measurement and cost estimation of materials, labour, equipment, and other ancillary construction costs. These items are reported in a document called the Bill of Quantities which often forms the basis for the calling of tenders in the construction process and is also used for the determination of the progress payments and the final contract sum. Employment is found with government departments, building contractors and private firms. Urban, regional and town planning plays a major role in developing long-term plans for land use and in implementing land use controls. Planners interact with governments, private developers and community groups to develop, organise and govern urban and rural areas. They endeavour to make public and private spaces safe, healthy, efficient, and attractive. Planners have to be aware of the economic, social, cultural, and community needs of particular regions. Graduates find employment with planning authorities, such as shire and city councils, local and federal government bodies, and in the private sector, usually as consultants to private organisations in the engineering, architectural and surveying fields. Public sector employment opportunities are available in national parks, tourism developments and transport departments. Studies in accounting lead to careers in public accounting, commercial accounting, government accounting or general management. An accountant's role is to provide essential financial services to public and private organisations. These services usually include financial administration, financial reporting, management accounting, accounting information systems, taxation, and auditing. Accountants analyse, prepare reports and solve problems relating to financial issues and accountability within organisations. The discipline of accounting may also include finance, law, taxation, computing, and information systems. Employment includes banking and finance, foreign exchange services and merchant banking. Actuarial studies are concerned with assessing the size, timing and likelihood of future cash flows both within and outside an organisation. Actuaries apply mathematical, statistical, financial and economic analysis to make projections and give advice on proposed financial plans and risk management. They design complex financial policies, investment plans and strategic financial plans within organisations. A degree in mathematics/statistics is an excellent starting point for the further study and practical experience required to become an actuary. Actuaries find employment in life insurance and superannuation, and in the public sector and commercial business. Advertising entails creating, developing, implementing, and coordinating advertising campaigns for particular products or services. Advertising officers research products, marketing goals, and the target markets of an organisation and then devise an advertising campaign around this research. They then coordinate the production of the entire campaign, incorporating print, radio and television media. Employment is found in advertising agencies or large retail/media organisations with their own promotional departments. Aviation courses prepare graduates for a career as a professional domestic or international airline pilot, commuter airline pilot, charter pilot, or other professional pilot. The focus is on the business aspects of the air transport industry and human factors as they relate to airline operations. The terms business and commerce have become virtually interchangeable, as there is only a fine distinction between the two. Business qualifications would be appropriate to a student intending to work in management in any enterprise, whether or not it is directly involved in commercial trading. It is possible to specialise in some fields of business study, such as hotel, marine or agricultural business. Commerce qualifications would be appropriate to a student intending to work in enterprises involved in the more commercial activities of trade. This may be at retail, wholesale or even international level and include advisory and consultancy work in areas of taxation, funds management and banking. Economics is concerned with the behaviour of individuals, households, business firms, and governments in relation to the supply and demand of goods and services in a society. Economists research, analyse and advise on issues such as: taxation; employment; imports and exports; and interest and exchange rates. They analyse the effect of government policies and predict economic trends based on research and analysis. Economic students gain an understanding of the relationships between the different parts of the economic system, including the operations of firms and industries in the private sector, the functions of governments and public sector infrastructure, and international economic relationships. Economists are employed in areas of specialisation including: agriculture; business/financial economics (utilising economic theories and principles to increase an organisation's potential, cash flow and output); econometrics (developing economic theoretical models); environment (environmental regulations and effects on the environment); labour market; resources (efficient use of natural resources); taxation; and transport. management and environmental science. Graduates are employed as consultants in government departments, industry and commercial organisations. The finance and banking areas of study provide a selection of economic and banking subjects tailored to meet the needs of the finance industry. Courses usually involve quantitative training, business skills and knowledge, and complementary units in computing, human resource management, accounting, and marketing. Graduates are employed in banks, credit unions, building societies and other financial institutions. Careers in insurance, superannuation, foreign exchange, stockbroking, and financial planning are also available. Financial management involves providing financial information essential to the efficient conduct and evaluation of an organisation's activities and profits. It also involves determining the value of facilities and services owned by an organisation and providing investment strategies. Financial managers compare the anticipated and actual performances of an organisation, while examining significant or periodic variations. This helps organisations or governments to analyse important trends and relationships to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of production and output. The study of government/public policy covers a range of issues that affect both public and private sector organisations and includes areas such as Australian political institutions, political theory, public policy, public sector resource management, local government, government-business relations, and public project evaluation. Graduates in this area are prepared to make informed decisions and implement detailed plans based on a comprehensive understanding of policy processes. Careers include government service both within Australia and representing Australia overseas. Human resource management encompasses the broad process of dealing with an organisation's personnel. The management of an industry's most important resource, personnel, is considered to be critical for an enterprise to meet its stated operational objectives and to ensure its success. Areas of specialisation include recruitment, selection, training, development, organisational analysis, occupational health and safety, industrial relations, performance appraisals, strategic human resource management, and career planning for staff. Industrial relations is primarily concerned with solving disputes that arise between employers and their employees. Industrial relations officers advise on legal issues and policies and can represent organisations in industrial settlements. They negotiate on pay issues and other areas of employment conditions for employers and employees. With their level of expertise, they develop and help implement practical employment policies for the workplace that ensure industry and statutory compliance. They create and advise on enterprise based agreements in the workplace. Information systems pertains to the practical application of computers in business and administration. All aspects of organisational decision-making, planning and problem-solving receive aid from computing applications. Government departments and commercial and industrial enterprises continue to require high levels of computing skills in order to function and remain competitive. Careers include: programming; systems analysis; consultancy; and user support. International business combines business skills with an international perspective. It is concerned with developing skills in communication, research, and problem-solving within a political and cultural context. It involves training in economics, marketing, accounting and international relations, with an Asian, Pacific or European focus. Employment is found in internationally oriented organisations involved in trade and investment. Careers in the public sector involve advising, analysing, researching, and implementing proposals. Logistics relates to the management of the flow and storage of goods and Electronic commerce is the conduct of customer-to-organisation and organisation-to-organisation business transactions through information technologies such as the Internet, email and other electronic media. Graduates can work with both end users and technologists to develop, implement, operate, maintain, and manage electronic commerce application systems in organisations. SECTION 2 BUSINESS AND COMMERCE STUDIES Environmental management deals with the interface between business, other resources between point of origin and point of consumption. In management, tasks centre around planning, decision-making, organising, motivating, and controlling the resources of an organisation. These resources are usually the people in the workplace requiring management in the areas of personnel administration and human resource management. Other managerial 9 Areas of Interest BUSINESS & TOURISM SECTION 2 duties can involve the effective production and marketing of an organisation's resources such as products or services. Specialisations are available in: enterprise management; financial management; information systems management; logistics and operations management; organisational management; production management; retail management; and small business management. Areas of Interest 10 Maritime business and logistics studies combines practical maritime knowledge with theoretical business skills. Relevant business theories and techniques are practised in the maritime transport industry, in particular concentrating on the commercial sector of the shipping industry. Employment is usually found in the maritime transport industry, with positions including shipping officer, logistics clerk, import/export officer, accountant, marketing officer, or manager. Marine resources students are prepared for management careers in government in the areas of fisheries, aquaculture, marine and coastal parks, environment and conservation, and as advocates in these areas. Retail studies combine business skills with a focus on retail-specific subjects such as buying, sales management, retail marketing, and human resource management. The retail industry is the largest private employer in Australia and the market is becoming more competitive domestically and internationally. Retailing success requires sound business skills, outstanding customer service, an appreciation of the domestic and international markets, and the ability to recognise and meet consumer needs. Areas of employment include buying, merchandising, promotions or customer service, and professional management on a local and international level. HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND TRAVEL These specialised fields of study are based on a sound understanding of the business principles of economics, accounting, taxation, management, computing, marketing, and human resource management. Detailed business knowledge is applied to practical specialisations in these areas. Marketing deals with increasing the overall sales of an organisation's products or services. Marketing officers analyse and research markets within a society and develop products/services to cope with perceived or predicted needs and wants. They create marketing plans and strategies which optimise an organisation's strengths and weaknesses, while targeting specific markets. Graduates are employed in advertising, insurance, banking, sales management, market research, general management, public relations, and as consultants. Catering/food and service management involves catering supervision and Office administration covers a diverse range of skills required by those employed in the office environment. Important areas of study are computing, communication and office management. Career opportunities may include work from junior through to upper management. Club management entails management duties in specialised organisations Organisational behaviour applies the science of psychology in the workplace catering manager, entertainment coordinator, housekeeper, financial controller, front office manager, and human resource manager. to produce an efficient and effective workforce, while working in a safe and motivated environment. Knowledge of the behavioural, environmental and demographic factors affecting employees is used to create a more efficient and competitive output for the organisation. Studies involve occupational health and safety laws and theories and industrial relations. Employment can be found in: human resource management; occupational health and safety; health policy development; health promotion; industrial relations; and research. Organisational communication is for students who wish to specialise in the following areas: consulting - working with organisations to improve their communication practices and to manage change; communication management - working within organisations at management level to plan and implement the organisation's communication strategy; communication training - working within organisations to train staff and foster efficient communication practices; and corporate writing - writing and producing corporate and technical documents such as reports, manuals, tenders, brochures and newsletters. Public relations involves understanding relevant issues and analysing public attitudes which may affect an organisation. The planning, design and implementation of public relations campaigns or initiatives involves effective communication both within and outside the organisation. Public relations officers advise on an organisation's strategic plans with regard to the predicted impact on different groups in society. They educate the public about particular issues and develop a favourable identity for an organisation. They liaise with the media, organise promotional material and events, communicate with employees, and develop strategic plans for an organisation's long term goals. Employment is found in business organisations, government bodies and non-profit organisations. Real estate and development involves the study of the commercial, economic and legal issues pertaining to the management, valuation and marketing of property. Property management involves inspecting rental properties for clients, arranging maintenance and repair of rental properties, collecting bond money, drawing up lease agreements, and advertising vacant properties for lease. Property valuers estimate the values of urban and rural land and buildings as a basis for: property sales; the levying of rates and taxes; banking transactions; and insurance. Property marketers advertise and promote properties for sale or rent. Employment is found in government departments or in private practice as valuers, real estate agents or property administrators. management in both independent and chain restaurant operations and other related industries. Catering managers usually plan, supervise and control the catering operations in hotels, motels and other similar operations. They oversee the provision of food and drink service in numerous environments in the hospitality industry. such as clubs and casinos. Convention and event management involves the organisation of large-scale events. Hotel management can lead to positions such as accommodation manager, Leisure studies involves developing knowledge about how people play, conditions that encourage leisure participation, barriers that limit participation, and how people's leisure needs change throughout their lives. Graduates apply their knowledge in their workplaces to design leisure experiences. Employment can be found in the areas of outdoor recreation, event management, parks management, community arts and cultural activities, sport management, tourism management, and therapeutic recreation. Travel/tourism management caters for positions in the travel industry such as tour guide, travel consultant and tourism manager. Organisations such as travel agencies, national and international travel chains, airlines, shipping companies, commercial tour companies, and public sector tourism and travel bureaus prefer graduates with managerial skills combined with practical application. Graduates find employment in hotels, motels, resorts, travel and tour organisations, management of theme and leisure activities, and tourism planning. Ecotourism and sustainable tourism increasingly provide employment for graduates as special interest tourism coordinators and guides. Employment positions include travel agent, accountant, manager, staff development officer, strategic planner, or promoter. CREATIVE & PERFORMING ARTS PERFORMING/EXPRESSIVE ARTS These courses cover creative writing, dance, drama and theatre, and music. They focus on the practical production of performance with a comprehensive grounding in the related theoretical aspects of the expressive arts. Creative writing courses cover the basics of expressive writing including popular fiction, contemporary writing, and culturally specific writing styles. Possible careers include authors of genres such as: poetry; novels; short stories; biographies; plays; and scripts for film, radio, television and other electronic media. Employment can also be found as a dramaturg (performance researcher) or as a researcher in other arts related areas such as television shows. Dance courses incorporate a study of the varying performance styles with a theoretical basis in management and leadership. Career opportunities include performing with dance companies, freelance choreography, dance research, stage management, technical production, arts administration, directing, and playwriting. Graduates can find employment as dramaturgs, drama teachers, arts administrators, playwrights, directors, stage managers, stage designers, drama therapists, community arts officers, actors, and theatre technicians. Employers include state theatre companies, film and television, theatre restaurants, theatre workshops, community theatres, and touring productions. Music studies are designed for people who wish to pursue a career in the music industry. Specialisations are available in the areas of performance (vocal, instrumental, solo, ensemble), composition, music technology/production (audio and sound production), and music therapy. Graduates are prepared for employment in the production, administration, management, writing and practical specialisations of the music industry. Careers include: musicologist (interpreting musical history and style); instrumentalist; composer; jazz musician; music critic; arranger; teacher; audio engineer; concert recordist; music therapist; and singer. DESIGN STUDIES Design studies in the context of visual art includes graphic design, interior design, three-dimensional design, fashion design, and textile design. The emphasis of most design courses is on the practical application of knowledge to solve design-related problems. This differs from visual/fine arts where design is a pure expression of an individual's thoughts, feelings and personal agenda. Studies are of a practical and applied nature, often utilising a technical or technological basis for the production of creative designs. Graphic designers work in visual communication and design the artwork and layout of publications for visual media, including digital and multimedia industries, signage, packaging, exhibitions, and corporate identity. Graduates find employment as designers in commercial industries, specialising in particular fields such as television, film and computer graphics, set and exhibition design, corporate design, book and magazine design, advertising, and illustration. Interior designers plan and design the interiors of living spaces in conjunction with other building specialists. They plan and advise on structural alterations to building interiors and coordinate the implementation of their designs from start to finish. Employment can be found with architects, consultants and government departments. Fashion/textile designers design clothing, accessories and other textile commodities. Fashion designers create original designs by developing and creating particular garments or accessories. They create designs, make patterns from these designs, and then select the materials and colours to be used. Some fashion designers coordinate the entire manufacture of garments from mass production to merchandising and retailing. Textile designers are involved with the practical application of creating fabric designs and patterns across a range of media including digital processes, screen printing, embroidery, and weaving. Employment is found with manufacturing houses, or graduates can set up their own private design company. Three-dimensional design usually focuses on designing objects of an industrial nature or for commercial purposes. These include sign system design, furniture design, exhibition design, lighting design, packaging design, and environmental design. Graduates find employment in the areas of industrial design, in both the commercial and public sector. VISUAL ARTS Animation is offered as an area of study within a course or as a program in its own right. As well as traditional types of animation using drawn and painted work, courses include computer and 2D/3D animation with the use of puppets and other experimental media. Animators work in film and television, as well as the computer and video games industry. Film arts involves creative work in areas of the popular media industry such as animation, film and television production, photography, and screen Multimedia courses encompass computer imaging/graphics, interactive multimedia and communication design. These technologies influence the design of computer software, image creation and sound production. Students develop the creative skills and theoretical knowledge to generate and manipulate graphic images and sound text and videos into multimedia programs. Graduates find employment in: Internet development; electronic marketing and publishing; interactive games development; and sound and video production. Visual/fine arts courses focus on the specialisations of carving, ceramics, drawing, gold and silversmithing, illustration, multimedia, painting, printmaking, or sculpture. Students develop an understanding of the historical and theoretical framework of art combined with the practical application of this knowledge in a specialised area. Graduates find employment not only as self-employed artists, but also as art historians, art critics, art administrators, art teachers, art therapists, curators, community arts officers, illustrators of books and magazines, printers, and jewellery designers. EDUCATION Education courses prepare teachers for all levels of education, from pre-school, primary, and secondary through to tertiary. Studies are also available in more specialised areas such as the teaching of music and physical education, the education of students with special needs, and adult and vocational education. All courses in teacher education emphasise the critical knowledge, skills, understandings and attitudes to become a competent practising professional. The courses also provide ample opportunity for continuing personal growth and development and the pursuit of individual professional interests. Teaching in the 21st century also takes into account social and technological changes resulting in learning that is more student-centred and collaborative. Undergraduate and preservice education programs provide initial study in education. These courses are likely to meet the needs of applicants who have an interest in teaching and aim to pursue a career in education. Course descriptions will reveal broad specialisations in early childhood, primary, middle, secondary, and special education. Secondary education courses generally specify the major teaching areas in which students will undertake in-depth study. These major teaching areas include: English; the expressive arts (drama, music and art); the social sciences (history, geography, social science, legal studies); business education (accounting, business management, economics, legal studies, business communication and technologies); economics; mathematics; sciences (biology, chemistry, computing, mathematics, physics); information technology; health and physical education; technology (industry technology and design, graphics); and LOTE (languages other than English). Some education courses specialise in early childhood studies and prepare graduates to work as directors of childcare centres and preschools and for work in family day care. These courses do not lead to registration as a teacher. Employment requirements and government policies Employment as a teacher depends on gaining registration as a teacher. In Queensland, this is through the Queensland College of Teachers. State and Commonwealth legislation requires background, health and criminal record screening of applicants for employment involving contact with children, the infirmed and the aged. In this context, employment includes unpaid work performed by students in the course of their studies. A criminal record check is undertaken as part of the application for registration as a teacher in Queensland and employment with the New South Wales Department of Education and Training. SECTION 2 Drama and theatre studies allow students to specialise in the areas of acting, production. Students develop a high level of technical competence, team work skills and industry leadership in their specialised disciplines. Graduates find employment as directors, producers, sound engineers/recordists, scriptwriters, camera operators, cinematographers, editors, illustrators, photographers, photojournalists, animators, computer animators, and lighting designers. Places of employment range from the public service and commercial industries (advertising, marketing, etc) to the film and television industry. 11 Areas of Interest dance teaching, dance therapy, community dance worker, and dance administration. SECTION 2 English and mathematics requirements for primary teachers stipulate that all teacher education students seeking employment as primary teachers with the NSW Department of Education and Training must have completed Senior mathematics and English. Applicants who have not completed Year 12 or equivalent can satisfy this requirement by having the higher education institute they are attending certify that they have achieved the required level of performance in English and mathematics as part of their higher education studies. ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to Areas of Interest 12 practical outcomes including the design, manufacture, and operation of structures, machines, processes, and systems. Both traditional and emerging areas of engineering require a comprehensive background in mathematics, physical science and computing. Aeronautical and aerospace engineers apply knowledge of aerodynamics and other sciences to the design and development of aircraft and satellite systems. They are also involved with the management, manufacture, installation, performance assessment, testing and maintenance of all types of flight vehicles and their communication systems and space systems, while exercising strict safety and environmental controls. Agricultural engineering is the application of engineering knowledge and skills to: develop sustainable and profitable agricultural production systems; conserve and manage soil, water and forest resources; minimise environmental impacts of intensive agriculture; and to improve the quality of animal, agricultural, horticultural and other primary products. Biomedical engineering applies engineering, science and technology to problems arising in medicine and biology and includes the areas of metabolic, cell and tissue engineering, medical imaging and instrumentation. It also includes bioinformatics, which is the use of IT for the collection, organisation and analysis of biological data. Chemical engineering is a discipline that serves industrial activities where processes occur in which materials, usually on a large scale, undergo physical, chemical or biochemical changes. Chemical engineers are employed in the chemical and petroleum industries, metallurgy, minerals and manufacturing, and pharmaceutical and food industries. They are also concerned with the control, treatment and disposal of waste materials and environment protection. Chemical engineers can specialise in the areas of combustion, bioprocess, pharmaceuticals, microbiology, metallurgy, and water treatment. Civil engineering deals with the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of structures such as large buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, airports, canals, harbours, docks, coastal protection works, dams, irrigation systems, gas and water supply systems, and sewerage systems. They are also involved in the assessment of the environmental impact of large scale projects. Coastal engineering involves aspects of civil engineering, nearshore oceanography and marine geology that are primarily directed at combating coastal erosion, maintaining navigational access and managing coastal zones. Computer systems engineering is concerned with the study, design and development of computer technology, its application and its underlying concepts. This field includes all aspects of hardware and software including microprocessors and computers, machine and high-level programming, communication networks, and control. Electrical engineering and electronic systems engineering are concerned with scientific principles and their practical applications in the generation, distribution and utilisation of electricity, and the improvement of transport systems. The field also focuses on the development of electronic communication networks, information processing and computer systems, industrial electronics, and control systems. Environmental engineering deals with the planning and management associated with pollution and waste engineering. Major factors are the management of liquid and solid wastes, and air and noise pollution. Environmental engineers develop an ecological approach to dealing with the harmful effects of toxic and hazardous wastes on non-toxic end products. They research and develop technologies to minimise the environmental impact of engineering projects and that lead to the conservation and wise use of natural resources. They can specialise in the mining, chemical, or civil engineering industries. Infomechatronics combines skills in the three disciplines of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and computing. These engineers design, develop, construct and service machinery and intelligent products and systems. They develop new solutions to industrial problems. Infomechatronics crosses all industrial sectors including the manufacturing and process industries, primary production and mining, and the service and health industries. Manufacturing and materials engineering is concerned with the properties, uses, treatment, and fabrication of metals and materials including ceramics and plastics. Materials engineers develop new methods for processing, shaping, improving, and fabricating materials. They help to design new products utilising new materials, and research new production methods. Maritime/marine engineers are concerned with the installation, operation and maintenance of machinery on board ships and on off-shore systems. They ensure all engines and ship-related machinery are operating efficiently, repair and maintain equipment, and record and analyse data collected from engine room instruments. As automatic control systems are becoming widely used, an understanding of computer controlled processes is required. Maritime/marine engineers are employed with shipping and ship-building companies, ship-repair organisations as well as port and harbour authorities. Mining companies involved in off-shore activities and manufacturers of auxiliary machinery, navigational aids and communication equipment, also provide employment for graduates. Mechanical engineering primarily deals with the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of machines and their accessories. Mechanical engineers have a particular contribution to make in providing transport, manufacturing, refrigeration, aviation, air conditioning, and producing electric power. They help coordinate the design, construction and maintenance of the production plant and all other machinery. The organisation and control of factory production requires knowledge of human relations as well as ability in mechanical design. Medical engineering is a specialisation concerned with the application of engineering principles in medical and related environments. The medical engineer designs and assesses medical, surgical and rehabilitation and sports equipment, and provides specialist advice to medical staff. Minerals process engineering is concerned with the production of refined metals and minerals from crude ores using environmentally acceptable methods. Minerals process engineers are involved with researching new technologies and techniques of production. They design and develop the entire production process and coordinate operation. Microelectronic engineering is concerned with the design, development and engineering of electronic chips, circuits, computers, and related systems. It has significantly contributed to the recent creation of intelligent artefacts such as pet, monkey and humanoid robots. Microelectronic engineers are equipped with hardware/software skills necessary for the design, development and engineering of electronic circuits and microcomputer-based products and systems. Graduates are employed in industries such as computing and information technology, communications, broadcasting, automation, aviation, defence, robotics, automotive industries, and health. Mining engineers examine newly discovered ore deposits, survey these deposits, evaluate their worth, and study their overall structure. They also determine the most efficient, economical and safe methods of extracting the ore from the earth, rivers or sea beds. They design the installations required and supervise the construction and operation of the whole mining enterprise. Their duties include designing the layout of the mine, planning tunnels and shafts, and ensuring safety regulations are adhered to. Naval architecture covers all aspects of the design of marine craft and floating structures. Naval architects develop a ship's design, structure, dynamics, propulsion, and the building materials required. Naval architects usually find employment with shipping companies, ship-building companies, and ship-repair companies. Graduates also find employment with mining organisations involved in off-shore exploration. call moxa), or finger pressure. Acupuncturists work from clinics as primary health care providers treating a wide range of health problems. Beauty therapy applies aesthetic awareness to the human face and form. Beauty therapists apply a thorough knowledge of anatomy, physiology, skin disorders, cosmetic chemistry, and health and nutrition to perform beauty treatments. They analyse skin and body problems and give advice on potential treatments. Biomedical science focuses on the biological aspects of medical science. Graduates find employment in the applied health sciences or biomedical research, as laboratory, research or scientific officers. Employers are usually hospitals, universities, government departments, medical research institutes, and the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Ocean engineering deals with the design of general floating, fixed and subsea off-shore structures. Ocean engineers require an understanding of the physical processes in the oceans and their effect on constructed marine systems. They research and develop systems and technologies that withstand the natural environment's impact but do not negatively affect the natural environment. Complementary therapies refers to those therapies that complement or are commissioning and monitoring of complex telecommunications networks and broadcast equipment. This can involve satellite, telephone, optical fibres and computer systems. Telecommunications engineers are employed by the major telecommunications carriers, mobile phone manufacturers, electronic equipment manufacturers, and private and government bodies involved in design and development. adjunctive to mainstream medicine. Complementary therapists, depending upon their area of study, may suggest several options when designing individual treatment programs. Massage involves working with the soft tissues of the body to improve the functioning of joints and muscles and to relieve mental and physical fatigue. Remedial massage involves the ability to assess and treat soft tissue dysfunction, to alleviate pain and enhance movement and function. Traditional Chinese Massage (TCM) therapists promote health and well-being by helping to restore the body's energy flow and balance. The techniques of TCM have been developed in China over the past 2000 years. Reflexology is a technique that stimulates the body's own natural healing response by applying pressure to reflex points in the feet, hands and ears. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils to enhance well-being. Aromatherapists blend oils specifically for each individual and suggest methods of use such as massage, inhalation or water immersion, to stimulate the desired response. Other complementary therapies include acupuncture, chiropractice, homeopathy, naturopathy, nutrition, herbal medicine, musculoskeletal therapy, and holistic counselling. SURVEYING Dentistry is concerned with the prevention of oral disease and the maintenance Software engineering deals with the application of engineering principles to the development and maintenance of high quality software, and in particular with the team production of large software systems. Vital skills include computer science, design, engineering, and management, as well as written and verbal communication. Telecommunications engineering includes the design, planning, Surveying involves a multidisciplinary body of knowledge based on mathematics, physics, environmental science, law, and land administration. Professional surveying interests range from the design of housing estates and other activities dealing with tenure and title to land, to very precise measurement in construction, determining the size and shape of the Earth, mapping, and geographical information systems. Surveyors collect, assess and report on particular land and geographic information. This is then used for the design and implementation of effective, economical and efficient use of specific land masses. of oral health. Care may be provided using a team approach. Dentists provide preventive oral health care and examine, diagnose and treat oral diseases, injuries and abnormalities of the mouth. See also oral health studies. Environmental health involves implementing strategies to regulate, enforce Surveyors can specialise in the following areas: land surveying; engineering surveying; geodetic surveying; hydrographic surveying; mine surveying; topographical surveying; geographic information science; mapping; remote sensing; and photogrammetry. and monitor the Health Act, the Food Act and environmental protection legislation. Environmental health officers promote safe hygiene, health and good environmental practices. They assess and advise on construction/building plans, investigate food complaints, take samples of food and water for analysis, prepare and present information seminars and awareness campaigns, monitor pollution levels, investigate waste disposal proposals, and develop systems of support for the community. Graduates find employment with various government departments, health agencies, consultancies, and large commercial organisations. Marine surveyors are usually engaged by shipping companies, insurance Exercise science is the integrated study of exercise responses. It involves the organisations and other maritime-related industries to inspect cargo, ships and equipment. The various types of marine surveyors include nautical and engineering surveyors, cargo surveyors, gear and equipment surveyors, and surveyors of small craft where safety aspects are important. They also investigate marine accidents. HEALTH & RECREATION The provision of total health care to the community involves medicine and its allied health fields including alternative medicine. Many students who enter courses in medicine and other health fields do so to gain skills to help people who have health and health-related problems. Others intend to enter research or teaching in their chosen fields or to work in administrative positions in the health field. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is based on the understanding that there is an energy in all living bodies which, if blocked or upset, can result in illness. The practitioner aims to restore a harmonious flow of energy by influencing the acupuncture points with needles, moxibustion (a heat treatment that warms the acupuncture point with a slow smouldering herb assessment, prescription and evaluation of exercise to improve overall and specific bodily functions. Exercise science is a cornerstone of the 'sports medicine' approach to rehabilitation. Graduates find employment as rehabilitation advisers, respiratory scientists, exercise specialists, rehabilitation managers, sleep technologist, sporting coaches, and fitness conditioning coordinators. Health information management involves the design, organisation and administration of health information systems in hospitals and health services including patient information and human resource management systems. Areas of employment include public and private hospitals, medical research centres, government health departments, cancer registries, medical practices, educational facilities, and private employers. Health promotion/health education focuses on mastering health promotion principles, goals and concepts. Health promotion and health education officers work with community services, educators and governments to improve the public's awareness of health related issues. SECTION 2 the mixing of key technologies such as computers, electronics, multimedia, and telecommunications. Courses focus on the professional discipline of telecommunications as applied to the problems of multimedia data communication, especially for sound and video, underpinned by a basic understanding of electronics and computers. 13 Areas of Interest Multimedia telecommunication engineering is a new field which involves Studies in health science integrate a comprehensive grounding in the biosciences, humanities and social sciences. Graduates find employment in the health and bioscience fields. SECTION 2 Health services management involves the application of management and Areas of Interest 14 administrative skills to health care delivery systems. It involves the coordination of the activities of any organisation which directly provides health services or is concerned with the development of services, facilities and funding arrangements in the health industry. Employment is in the administrative sections of both private and public hospital systems, commonwealth and state government departments, community health centres, the health insurance industry, or any other organisation which provides health services. Herbal medicine is the use of medicines made from whole plants to promote health, treat or prevent illness and restore balance in disease. Various kinds of plant material (flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, seeds, bark or whole plants) may be used fresh, dried or powdered, as infusions (hot water extractions), or tinctures (alcohol based extractions). Herbal medicine combines hundreds of years of experience with modern scientific methods. Homeopathy involves administering herbal and mineral remedies to help cure specific health problems. Homeopaths diagnose their patients' problems, suggest particular treatments and cures, and help dispense these prescribed cures. Homeopathic medication regulates the central controlling processes of the human body system by introducing herbs, minerals and other ingredients to remedy the disease or illness. Most graduates enter clinical practice, either alone or in partnership with other practitioners. Human movement studies is an interdisciplinary field concerned with understanding how and why human movement occurs, the adaptations to movement when training, and changes in movement which result from maturation and ageing. Biological perspectives on human movement provide a basis for a wide range of professions in the areas of sport and exercise science, health promotion, and health and physical education. by emphasising nature's inherent self-healing process. This is accomplished through education and the rational use of natural therapeutics. The study of naturopathy includes herbal medicine, diet and nutrition, mineral therapy and naturopathic diagnostic techniques, along with a general understanding of other forms of therapy. Most graduates enter clinical practice, either alone or in partnership with other therapists, some work for health food businesses as consultants or sales representatives. Nursing is a systematic activity based on preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of client care. It assists individuals to achieve optimal health status, to cope with ill health and to maintain their place in society. As the science of caring, nursing employs theory and research as a guide to practise in varied health care settings including nursing homes, community and home-based services, industry, and schools. Specialisations are also offered by some universities in areas such as mental health, midwifery, and remote area nursing. Nutrition and dietetics involves the application of specialist scientific knowledge in food and nutrition, dietary design and management of food services to help both the sick and the healthy community. Nutritionists advise clients on the relationship between diet and health at both individual and group levels. Graduates find employment in public and private hospitals, nursing homes, nutrition education, food service management, government health agencies, research organisations, private practice, sports related settings, and community programs. Occupational health and safety focuses on protecting people in the workplace and other settings from hazards and risks likely to cause injury or illness. Occupational health and safety officers work within an organisation to ensure that occupational health and safety regulations are followed. They identify hazards, assess risks, put safety controls in place, and design and conduct training sessions for employees. They design, coordinate and implement specific programs to minimise risks in the workplace. These can be emergency procedures, mine rescues, safety manuals, safe workplace practices, and first aid. Graduates find employment in various commercial industries, private firms, government departments, and as consultants. Indigenous health addresses the health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Using a multidisciplinary approach, it assists students to understand the complex factors contributing to health in communities, and to plan and manage programs that meet these needs. It seeks to understand the interaction between indigenous cultures and public health strategies, with an emphasis on health promotion and primary health care. Graduates find employment as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers in government and community-controlled health services, in research and in the management and delivery of a range of health programs. Occupational therapy assists people of all ages to overcome factors which limit their ability to undertake the activities of everyday life and detract from their quality of life. These limiting factors can be caused by injury or illness, psychological or emotional difficulties, developmental delay, or the effects of ageing. Occupational therapists work in partnership with their clients to optimise their clients' functioning, independence and quality of life. In working with individuals across the lifespan, occupational therapists may work in hospitals, schools, community settings, private clinics, rehabilitation centres, hostels, nursing homes, the workplace, and industry. Medical laboratory techniques are concerned with the procedures of laboratory tests used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the human body. Medical laboratory technicians generally work as part of a team with doctors, scientists and laboratory assistants. Careers are available in public and private laboratories, government analytical laboratories, research laboratories in universities, research institutions, and private biomedical industries. Optometry is concerned with the principles and practice involved in Medicine and surgery are the arts of restoring and preserving health. Medical Oral health studies provide an integrated program to educate students to practitioners examine, diagnose and treat injuries, diseases and other health complaints and prescribe medications and treatment to promote or restore good health. Employment specialisations after further study include: physician; surgeon; anaesthetist; general practitioner; neurologist; obstetrician; gynaecologist; ophthalmologist; pediatrician; pathologist; psychiatrist; radiologist; and sports doctor. work as dental therapists, dental hygienists and dental technicians. Dental therapists work under the direction of a dentist and provide a range of oral health services to school children in government dental clinics and the broader community. Dental hygienists work under the direct supervision of a dentist and undertake a range of duties including teeth cleaning and scaling and education in oral health care and hygiene. Dental technologists construct and repair dental appliances such as dentures, crowns and bridges and other dental appliances. They are employed in private laboratories or in government dental clinics. See also dentistry. Midwife means 'with woman' and the discipline of midwifery is a woman centred, primary health care discipline founded on the relationships between women and their midwives. Midwives work with women through pregnancy, labour, birth, and the postnatal period, and collaborate and consult with health professionals. Naturopathic medicine is a distinct method of primary health care - an art, science, philosophy and practice of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illness. Naturopaths seek to restore and maintain optimum health in their patients safeguarding and improving vision. Optometrists examine eyes and perform vision tests to determine visual and other eye problems, and prescribe lenses, other optical aids or therapy. Optometrists diagnose, treat and help prevent diseases and abnormalities of the eye. They advise individuals and organisations on safety measures and preventative procedures. Paramedic science bridges health care and public health and safety practices. By studying a range of health care disciplines from anatomy and physiology through to pathology, pharmacology and clinical practice, paramedics provide pre-hospital intensive and emergency care. They mostly work in teams alongside other emergency services personnel such as fire fighters and police. Paramedics may also specialise in remote and other forms of rescue. disorders, pain or loss of function. A knowledge of body function and behaviour provides the basis for understanding responses to disorders in human movement, injury, pain, disease, a variety of medical and other conditions, and for determining appropriate physiotherapy intervention. An appreciation of the effects of social, cultural and health policy issues together with an understanding of ethics and professional responsibilities, provides the basis for the practice of physiotherapy in the community. Through supervised clinical practice, students gain experience in physiotherapy clinical decision-making and the management of clients of all ages. Graduates find employment in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, centres for the disabled, community health centres, schools, sports settings, and in private practice. Podiatry is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower limb disorders, injuries and disease. Podiatrists educate the community on foot health, care and how to avoid or prevent foot disorders and irregularities. They assist in treating flat feet and foot imbalances, and prescribe support devices or appliances. Public health involves the study of general health and promotion of the well-being of a community or population. Public health professionals work as health administration personnel, managers, public health specialists, community aid workers, public health researchers, health promoters, and teachers. They are involved in immunisation campaigns and education programs on issues of current concern including road safety, substance abuse, disease prevention, hygiene, food safety, obesity, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. There are three areas of study in recreation courses: sports coaching; recreation management; and fitness. These emphasise the importance of sport and leisure in our society. Studies combine a practical application of sporting knowledge with a theoretical background in business, communication and human relations. This prepares graduates for employment in the health and fitness and recreation industries. Careers include fitness counsellors, fitness instructors, recreation officers, recreation consultants, youth leaders, outdoor activity leaders, sport promotional officers, coaches, managers of fitness, leisure and community centres, personal trainers, aerobics instructors, sports development officers, and sports administrators. Speech pathology is concerned with the analysis, assessment and treatment of people who have a communication disorder in the areas of voice, fluency, hearing, speech, and language or who have difficulties with oral functioning such as eating or swallowing. Speech pathologists work in a variety of settings including schools, hospitals, rehabilitation services, community health centres, nursing homes, mental health services, specialist centres, such as autistic centres, and in private practice. Sport tourism management caters for the increase in management positions within the sports tourism profession. The need for managers skilled in the area of sports tourism has increased due to the growth in the worldwide popularity of sports events such as the Olympic Games, World Games, and Masters Games; the growth in organisations established to attract events and tourists to cities; the increased importance of attaining good health through sports activity; and the increased mobility of sports minded and travel minded people. Government policies State and Commonwealth legislation requires background, health and criminal record screening of applicants for employment involving contact with children, the infirm and the aged. In this context, employment includes unpaid work performed by students in the course of their studies. Arts courses are branches of tertiary studies which have traditionally included studies of the humanities, such as history, languages, literature and philosophy. More contemporary courses emphasise the social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, psychology, and government, and also areas such as communication, cultural studies, media studies, and community studies. Many courses emphasise an interdisciplinary approach. At high school these subjects might be referred to as Studies of Society and the Environment (SOSE). HUMANITIES SECTION 2 Physiotherapy is concerned with the care of people who have physical HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Architectural studies bridges the gap between the humanities and the technological sciences, and includes consideration of the main physical, social, cultural, and political influences that have shaped the built environment from prehistory until the present day. Such studies examine architectural and art styles and fashions that have evolved over time. Art history is concerned with the role of visual arts, sculpture and architecture within specific periods. Attention is given to social, political and intellectual questions, as well as to the historical development of individual artists, techniques and trends. Classics and ancient history are concerned with the history and civilisation (including the architecture, art, language, literature, laws, philosophy, and politics) of ancient Greece, Rome, other Mediterranean cultures and of the ancient Near East. Studies in ancient history may incorporate archaeology. Communication and media studies is a broad discipline. Communication studies looks at the theories of human communication at the interpersonal, organisational and mass communication levels, and at the development of communication skills; film and media studies looks at literature and the mass media in a social, political and historical context; journalism studies usually focuses on the history and development of the press, journalistic techniques and practice, and prepares students for a wide range of media professions including print, broadcast, and film and television journalism; media production provides the hands-on experience required for radio, film and video production; and public relations involves the research and development of an organisation's communication strategies. English studies may include: literature (British, Australian, American, colonial, medieval and renaissance, and multicultural); cultural studies and communication (including screen studies, cultural theory and discourse analysis); linguistics; writing; drama (literary and theatrical aspects); and medieval and renaissance studies. History subjects bridge the humanities and social sciences and include special areas such as modern history and international relations. The analysis of specific historical questions is usually a major objective. Language and linguistics courses enable students to specialise in one or more languages. Students study the science of the language and its application to the process of learning within its cultural context. Philosophy involves the study of the plausibility, consistency and implications of fundamental beliefs and presuppositions in a number of areas. Studies take a conceptual approach in relation to knowledge, morals, society, politics, science, religion, and the social sciences and also include logic and the philosophy of language. Religious studies includes general and comparative religion, specific religious traditions, languages, and modern studies involving philosophy and the social sciences. Theology incorporates the study of religious doctrines and their application to the wider community on both a personal and interpersonal scale. Career opportunities include work in the clergy, industrial chaplaincy and church welfare as well as religious publishing and youth work. 15 Areas of Interest Pharmacy is concerned with the optimal use of medication. The pharmacist performs a specialised function within the health services, advising on the nature, appropriate use, administration, distribution, and storage of drugs. Pharmacists also prepare medication, advise individuals on health concerns, research and develop medicines, and advise on government controls and regulations regarding medication supply and manufacture. INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES American studies focuses on the literary, historical, cultural and political SECTION 2 aspects of American society. Areas of Interest 16 Asian studies concentrates on the cultures, value systems, social organisation, languages, and literature of a particular region and its people. Australian studies analyses the different aspects of Australian culture, society and history, and compares these with those of other countries. Cognitive science is the scientific study of the cognitive processes of the human brain and their effect on behaviour. These cognitive processes include the areas of perception, language, learning, memory, thought, and comprehension. The brain's problem-solving, reasoning and deductive abilities are analysed and researched. The construction and architecture of computers and brains are compared and contrasted, with a view to creating artificial neural networks for computers. Comparative literature and history studies looks at the production of literature in the context of the social, historical and political conditions under which they were produced, consumed and circulated. Contemporary European studies explores the major issues confronting Europe at the end of the twentieth century. Contemporary studies deals with the key forces for change in society and culture, in order to enable students to understand and prepare for the developments that are already shaping their futures. It allows students to take a multidisciplinary approach to dealing with issues in contemporary society. Heritage and environmental tourism covers legislative, policy and practical issues relating to the protection and management of cultural, built and natural environments. Integration of culture, history and environment is the underlying theme which is related to tourism issues. Areas studied may include museums and public history, or the ecological and economic sustainability of eco-tourism or mass tourism. Indigenous Australian studies examines aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies, cultures and lifestyles and the contemporary issues and changes affecting indigenous people. Library information studies focuses on developing the skills needed to organise and operate systems for handling recorded material and files and for the delivery of information. Library technicians work under the supervision of a librarian. Their role encompasses all aspects of library functions including the acquisition, organisation, circulation, and maintenance of library materials. Peace studies looks at areas of post-conflict recovery process including: peacekeeping; peacemaking and peacebuilding; non-violent action issues pertaining to reconciliation; and the resolution of environmental and or natural resource conflicts. Tourism and leisure studies examines the tourism and leisure industry in its social and lifestyle, economic, psychological, and cultural contexts. Theories of recreation and planning and coordinating leisure programs are also covered. Other areas of study include culture and politics, women's studies, gender and society, the history and philosophy of science, and logic. SOCIAL SCIENCES Anthropology explores the origins and development of human societies, culture and cultural systems. This involves researching past and contemporary societies and their beliefs, values and technologies. Anthropologists compare and contrast societies and communities and their sociocultural systems in order to learn and understand different ways of living. Major specialisations are possible in biological anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and social/cultural anthropology. Graduates find employment with universities, colleges, museums, research institutes, indigenous organisations, local community councils, community research, third world development agencies, and multinational corporations. Applied ethics addresses the contemporary moral issues that have arisen out of societal change and the concurrent technology involved. Issues covered include business ethics, basic human rights, equal opportunity, medical ethics, environmental ethics, feminism and ethics, political ideologies, social change, multicultural problems, and social values. Archaeology is concerned with the scientific and cultural study of pre-historic and historic civilisations. Archaeologists attempt to reconstruct these societies' technologies, their adaptations and interactions with, and impacts on their environment by analysing the physical traces left behind. Careers exist in the management and conservation of heritage, public education about heritage, the research of human origins, assisting indigenous communities to control their heritage, university research programs, museums, and as archaeological consultants. The term behavioural sciences encompasses a range of fields of study concerned with aspects of human behaviour in a variety of environments. A major field of study within the behavioural sciences is psychology. The term can also apply to fields such as anthropology, areas of sociology, management of human resources in the workplace, responses to changing work environments, and to health and safety. Chaplaincy describes the work undertaken in a range of contexts to help meet spiritual, religious and ethical needs in practical and pastoral ways. Chaplains work in schools and universities, hospitals, armed and emergency services, aged care settings, correctional institutions, sporting teams and clubs, and other workplace settings. Community welfare and human services deals with human social issues in a community environment and implements the procedures to handle them. It involves assisting and supporting individuals and groups within the community to overcome difficulties and life changes. Areas of specialisation include: aged services; community housing work; child and family studies; disability studies; diversional therapy; mental health services; rehabilitation counselling; youth services; and corrective services. Geography involves the study of a wide variety of environmental, urban, rural, economic, social and political issues and phenomena. Biogeography, climatology, geomorphology, urban geography, economic geography, rural land use, resource management, remote sensing, geographical information systems and computer assisted cartography can be studied as well as the regional patterning of natural resources, their development and the associated human problems of selected areas. Government/public policy covers comparative government, which can involve the study of Australian political institutions and governments of Asia; political ideas including modern political ideologies; and public administration and administrative theory. Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. Psychologists are interested in the determinants of behaviour (finding out why people think and act as they do) and applying that knowledge to problems in health, education, legal, organisational, and other practical settings. In several areas of psychology, statistical methods are used to help answer the questions posed. Psychologists can specialise in a range of areas including clinical/counselling, cognition, developmental, physiological, organisational, forensic, sport, and social psychology. Students who wish to practise as psychologists in Queensland will need to complete a fourth year of prescribed studies in psychology at a registered tertiary institution and, in addition, must complete two years of approved postgraduate study or supervised work experience in the field, in order to register with the Psychologists' Board of Queensland. Social work involves dealing with specific human and social problems such as poverty, substance abuse, homelessness, conflict, discrimination, and inequality. Social workers attempt to support and assist individuals, groups and communities to resolve and deal with their problems. They also endeavour to prevent or reduce social injustices. They interact with the community and with individuals to ensure they have access to community resources and systems of support. Social work graduates can find employment in the following fields: in the economy, social institutions, education, the family, industrial relations, the political system, and in our culture. Studies involve socialisation theories, class, status, gender, the impact of scientific development and technology, religion, health, urban sociology, minority groups, revolution and social change, modernisation and development, crime and deviance, and social inequalities. Knowledge about society assists in addressing current issues and avoiding potential problems. Youth studies consider the sociological, psychological and cultural worlds of young people. They also help students to understand what it means to work with young people in a range of contexts. Studies can include skills-based subjects and supervised practicums working with children and young people. Government policies State and Commonwealth legislation requires background, health and criminal record screening of applicants for employment involving contact with children, the infirm and the aged. In this context, employment includes unpaid work performed by students in the course of their studies. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Information technology is a term used to cover a wide range of computing activities. Academically, three main areas are defined - computer systems engineering, computer science, and information systems, which includes information environments, information management and information science. Information technology courses take many forms. Some offer general introductions to information technology, with the opportunity to specialise in a particular area, others are specialist courses, and some allow for joint specialisation in another discipline along with a particular aspect of information technology. Some areas of specialisation include: computer applications and operations; artificial intelligence; computer technology; data communication; database design; internal computing; geographical information systems; multimedia and games development; programming; software development; statistical computation; and systems analysis and design. Communication technology covers the properties of different communication media, emphasising the hardware and software protocols used on these media. The systems software used to implement global computer networks such as the Internet and the World Wide Web, and the applications software used to build secure distributed cooperative multimedia applications are particular focuses of this specialisation. Computer science is concerned with the study of computers, programming languages and their applications, and the fundamental principles of computing and computing systems. It has both theoretical and practical aspects, including the structure and organisation of information and computer systems, and the design and implementation of complex software. Computer systems engineering is concerned with the study and development of computer technology, its application and its underlying concepts. This field is oriented towards the hardware of computer systems, including microprocessors, machine-level programming, computer networks, communication infrastructures, and control systems. Geographic Information Systems are computer systems capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying layers of geographically referenced information, identified according to their locations. Geographic information systems are used in land use planning, mapping, surveying, utilities management, ecosystems modelling, landscape assessment and planning, transportation and infrastructure planning, market analysis, visual impact analysis, real estate analysis, and many other applications. work or play together. They ensure that everyone in an organisation has access to the information they need, and allow the distributed groups, scattered around the company, to work together and communicate effectively. They are the core which ensures that an organisation can operate properly. The focus of this area of study is on the design, deployment and evolution of these environments. Graduates in information environments are the architects and developers of 'cyberspace', moulding computers, networks and interfaces just as architects shape physical space. Graduates can usually find employment in industry, business, government, defence, health, education, media, and various other areas. SECTION 2 Sociology examines contemporary society and the social changes that occur Information environments are the networked systems that groups use to Information management/science is concerned with the planning, coordination and integration of all the information handling activities within organisations. Students develop the skills to establish and operate organisational information systems. Information managers enable the organisation to cope with diverse information needs, manage and rationalise information processes, organise and utilise information from any source, and use information technology cost effectively. Information systems is concerned with the application of computing technology in commerce and administration. The principles and practices needed to design, implement and manage effective, integrated information systems for organisations are of particular concern. It includes study of database design and management, systems analysis and design, and an understanding of the environment in which organisations operate. Multimedia courses offer a general introduction to this field followed by a specialist series of units focusing on the educational, engineering, or artistic aspects of the medium. Graduates will be able to implement multimedia systems by integrating a variety of visual, graphic, text and audio technologies, design methods, authoring languages, and software tools. Graduates find careers in Internet usage, electronic marketing and publishing, futuristic sound and video production, and games and animation production. Software engineering deals with the application of engineering principles to the development and maintenance of high quality software such as operating systems, communications software, and utility programs and applications. Vital skills include the principles of computer science, design, engineering, management as well as clear written and verbal communication between team members, clients and users. LAW Society exists within a framework of rules which regulate the relationship between individual members of that society, and between individuals and society in general (the State). These important rules are known as laws. Gaining an awareness of the common law system, existing Acts of Parliament, particular court decisions, and general principles of law, is an important part of legal training. However, knowledge of the law, in a fuller sense, includes knowing about the historical development of areas of the law and the role of law as a framework for society and an agent for the attainment of desirable social and economic objects. Among the skills which are basic in the legal profession are: the ability to use and interpret words and terms; the ability to find the law (ie by intelligent and informed reading); the ability to discover what is relevant in a mass of information; the ability to think through legal issues; and the ability to express and communicate legal ideas in speech and writing. Criminology and criminal justice/justice administration is a field of study which incorporates a detailed examination of the crime and components of the criminal justice system and relates closely to the continuing and emerging employment pattern in this field. Criminology and criminal justice/justice administration covers the areas of police studies, public security, corrections, crime analysis and prevention, youth justice, and non-police law enforcement. Paralegal/legal studies is the study of the legal system at a level not leading to admission as a barrister or solicitor. There are many people who wish to work 17 Areas of Interest Aboriginal affairs; community development; community health; correctional services; family and child welfare; mental health; social security; welfare and community planning; women's issues; youth work; issues related to addiction; and industrial welfare. SECTION 2 in, or who are already working in law firms, corporations, government departments and court administration who seek professional legal qualifications. Areas of Interest 18 A solicitor's practice takes in a great deal of documentary work ancillary to the running of almost every other kind of business. Solicitors are frequently called on to draw up agreements, contracts, and superannuation schemes. They act as executors for estates of deceased persons and advise clients about the present state of the law in particular areas. In litigation, solicitors advise, investigate and prepare the groundwork necessary to bring the case to court. Solicitors are entitled to argue a case in court and often do so. Sometimes, however, they prefer to 'brief' a barrister, who is a trained advocate, to appear on their client's behalf. While the solicitor maintains the conduct of the action, the barrister can be called on at various times to advise, draft documents, including the pleadings, and ultimately to appear in court on the client's behalf. important globally as a source of food, as many wild fisheries are being exploited beyond their sustainable yields. The major gains in production of aquatic resources in recent years have come from increased output from aquaculture, especially in Asia where traditional practices have been improved through modern research and technology. Ecotourism is concerned with the management, or recreational use for tourism, of natural areas, modified landscapes and wildlife habitats. Environmental management deals with the interface between business, management and environmental science. Graduates find employment as consultants in government departments, industry or with commercial organisations. Environmental modelling uses existing knowledge of environmental systems Those wishing to practise as solicitors must complete a degree, then either serve articles of clerkship with a solicitor, or complete the necessary postgraduate study and serve as an employed solicitor for a further year. The Rules also allow a graduate to be admitted after serving other periods of practical training such as service as a Judge's associate. to make predictions about those systems, especially where environmental impacts are being assessed. Mathematical, statistical and simulation techniques as well as computer systems are used to construct a model based on the operational principles of the particular environmental system. Manipulation of the model can then be undertaken to address hypothetical outcomes. Barristers form a separate branch of the profession. By convention, they Environmental science is an interdisciplinary area concerned with the perform the majority of advocacy work in the superior courts and also provide specialist advice. Those wishing to practise as barristers must enrol as a student-at-law with the Barristers' Board, submit written reports on specified court proceedings to the Board and complete the Bar Practice Course which is a course of practical training. chemical, physical and biological aspects of the environment and its relationship with humans. The exact training requirements to become a legal practitioner vary from state to state. However, once admitted in one state a legal practitioner can practise in all Australian states and territories. PRIMARY INDUSTRIES & ENVIRONMENT Courses in the areas of primary industries and the environment are concerned with the sustainable use and management of soil, water, air, plants, and animals to meet the demands for food and fibre of an ever increasing world population. They also focus on the improvement and sustainability of the environmental aspects of areas in which we live, through the use and management of horticultural plants and landscaping, and the conservation of our biodiversity. Agribusiness involves the application of general management/business skills to agricultural settings. It covers all operations involved in the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies, production processes of farms, and the storage, processing and marketing of farm commodities. Agricultural or rural science involves the scientific study of the physical, biological, technological, and social factors that affect the production, processing, marketing, and distribution of food and fibre. Agricultural science is also concerned with environmental matters. Agricultural scientists are trained in the basic disciplines and through the integration of other disciplines, have the research skills needed for problem-solving in rural industries and environmental areas. Equine studies prepares graduates for careers in businesses and activities that involve horses. This may include work as a veterinary assistant, assistant or manager of a horse stud, horse trainer, or equitation instructor. Fisheries is a specialised area covering the study of 'wild' marine organisms and their environment, fish populations and their estimation, the management and behaviour of the catch, and the engineering and ecological aspects of catching systems. Post-harvest technology, fisheries economics, seafood marketing, and fisheries policy and law are also included as specialised areas. Food technology is concerned with the management of foods from raw harvest, through production, storage and distribution to the consumer. It aims to optimise food quality and quantity with safety and nutritional value of foods as a primary objective. Forestry is concerned with the management of plantation and native forest as sustainable resources for many different purposes, including timber production, tourism, nature conservation, and bee-keeping. Horticultural technologists are concerned with the production, preparation and marketing of intensively managed crops such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices, cut flowers, foliage, and nursery crops. They are also concerned with the development and management of parks and recreation facilities, and with both outdoor and indoor landscapes. Land/water resource science is concerned with the analysis, management and conservation of all our natural resources. Marine resources/aquatic resource management is concerned with the Agricultural economics is an applied branch of economics which analyses resource management, marketing, international trade, and government policy in the primary sectors, including agriculture and other national resource industries. sustainable development, conservation and management of coastal or aquatic resources. Marine science is a diverse interdisciplinary area which provides training in Agronomy is concerned with the efficient and sustainable use of broad acre the marine related fields of aquaculture, biology, ecology, economics, engineering, geology, oceanography, and management. food and fibre crops such as wheat or cotton. It also covers their environmental impact and the use of native and introduced plants for conservation purposes and animal food. Nature conservation and wildlife management are concerned with the management of landscapes and wildlife within a social, economic and scientific framework. Animal studies is a cross-disciplinary field concerned with: the health, breeding, nutrition, and production aspects of domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry; the use of animals such as horses for recreational purposes; and the biology of Australia's unique wildlife. Natural resource economics is a branch of economics which applies Aquaculture is the commercial farming of aquatic plants and animals, including Graduates of plant/crop protection courses have the skills to fight the insects, weeds and plant diseases that effect food and fibre production. freshwater, brackish, marine (mariculture), and hypersaline systems. It is economic principles and techniques to the analysis of firm-level, regional, national, and global issues related to the use of natural resources. agricultural mechanisation, soil and water conservation, and plant protection, with the economic and environmental aspects of these activities. Soil science involves the scientific study of soil systems. This includes the testing, classifying and mapping of soil and its surrounding area. Soil scientists attempt to conserve and manage soil in agricultural settings, urban settings and the natural environment. They develop and implement research programs to ensure the preservation of soil systems. SCIENCES In the areas of science and technology, there are tertiary courses in the biological sciences, earth sciences, environmental sciences, medical sciences, veterinary science, mathematics and computer sciences, and in the physical and applied sciences. Most extend over three years and some can be taken in conjunction with other fields such as arts, law and business. Graduates sometimes study longer to gain a second qualification, for example, in education or economics. Some, especially those who hope to undertake a career in research, proceed to higher degrees. AVIATION/NAUTICAL SCIENCES Aviation courses prepare graduates for employment as commercial pilots and other careers in the general field of aviation. Commercial pilots perform charter work, flight instruction (theory and practical), and other aerial services including agricultural spraying, aerial surveying and photography. Nautical science is an area of applied science covering the knowledge requirements of a deck officer in a merchant navy environment. It includes the fields of navigation, communications, ship management, marine surveying, nautical knowledge, maritime law and industrial relations, cargo handling and stowage, and ship operations. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Biochemistry is concerned with the chemical processes which occur in living organisms. It deals with the structure and properties of the chemical constituents of living matter and of compounds produced by living matter. Anatomy deals with form and structure at other levels of organic complexity. Physiology is concerned with the body fluids, cells, tissues and organs, and the way in which these individual parts are integrated. A closely-related discipline is pharmacology, the study of chemical substances which modify physiological function. Entomology involves all aspects of insects and related forms. Main areas of specialisation are taxonomy and morphology, applied entomology, ecology, and medical and veterinary entomology. Parasitology deals with parasitic animals, the diseases they cause, and the nature of the host-parasite relationship. Biology is concerned with living things and their relationships to one another, as well as to the physical environment. Biology is divided into zoology and botany. Zoology deals with animal life from its single-celled form to large animals, being concerned with the anatomy (structure), physiology (functioning), and the behaviour and ecology of the various forms of animal life. Special studies include aquaculture, ecology, marine biology, animal behaviour, comparative physiology, genetics, cytology, histology, systematics, and evolution. Botany covers all aspects of plant science: why plants grow where they do; how they grow; and the effect of nature, animals and humans upon them. Areas of specialisation include ecology and conservation, plant molecular biology, plant pathology, plant physiology and biochemistry, molecular systematics, and marine botany. Microbiology subjects are concerned with living organisms that are microscopic in size and their medical, veterinary, industrial, environmental, and other practical applications and impact. Bacteriology, virology and immunology are particularly important areas of study. The subjects are essentially biological in character, but a good background in the physical and chemical sciences, especially biochemistry, is important. There are many developing interdisciplinary areas such as cell and tissue biology, genetics and evolution, ecology and ecosystems, anatomical and physiological bases of human movement, ethology, and microbial chemistry. Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field which covers many aspects of science for the development of new products and/or processes. Biotechnologists integrate and apply knowledge from a range of scientific disciplines including molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, engineering, material science, chemistry, and mathematics to create new products of commercial, scientific, medical and social value. Biotechnology includes many different activities including fermentation technologies for plant, insect and mammalian cell culture, the development of recombinant organisms, and waste remediation. Computational biology is the application of computing to the management of large biological datasets and the use of such information to understand biological processes. Applications span the full range of biological investigation from the analysis of molecular structure and function to the modelling of complex systems such as ecosystems. Computational biology occupies a niche at the interface between the biological and mathematical sciences. Drug design and development/pharmaceutical chemistry involves the design of new pharmaceutical chemicals and their availability to the community through successive stages of synthesis, testing, formulation, and large-scale production. Food science, nutrition and technology studies cover the fundamental physical, chemical and biochemical nature of foods and also the principle of food processing. Food technologists develop, research, select, preserve, process, package, and distribute what should be safe, wholesome, nutritional, and appealing foodstuffs. Some food scientists choose to work on the physiology of food, the sociology of food (cultural differentiation) and the business practice of food manufacture, storage, distribution, and retailing. Many food scientists work in the fields of health, nutrition, and sanitation. Food scientists also work in formulating guidelines and regulatory statutes. Wine science is a specialised area in the wine, brewing and food processing industries. Graduates have a knowledge base and skills for a career in wineries, production management, quality control, and research and development. EARTH SCIENCES Archaeology is the scientific study of past human activities, by discovering and analysing their physical traces. These traces include artefacts, buildings, campsites and shipwrecks. Evidence of environments which have been altered less visibly are analysed on a chemical or microscopic basis. Both prehistoric and historic societies are studied, as are human origins and evolution. Earth resources is the study of the distribution of elements within the solid earth, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere, and the principles governing their migration. As such, Earth resources includes disciplines as diverse as mining and exploration geochemistry and environmental science. It involves the study of geology, chemistry and other science subjects. Earth science is the broad term used to describe studies of the solid earth, the hydrosphere, and the atmosphere. It includes studies of the properties of the Earth, the natural processes that act on both its surface and its interior, and the history of its evolution. The numerous branches of Earth science studies are based on applying various combinations of chemistry, physics, mathematics, computing, or biology to Earth systems. The boundaries between the branches commonly overlap. Earth scientists (including geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, and palaeontologists) find employment in government and private sectors including the minerals and energy industry, civil engineering consultancies, environmental and groundwater consultancies, and research institutions such as CSIRO and universities. Exploration geology, mining geology, exploration geophysics and mining geophysics are the application of geology and geophysics to the exploration and SECTION 2 Rural technology integrates knowledge related to animal and plant production, INTERDISCIPLINARY BIOLOGICAL AREAS 19 Areas of Interest Courses in rural management offer professional, technologically-based training in agriculture or horticulture which is strongly management-oriented. mining of deposits of minerals, metals, and fuels essential to survival. Basic geology or geophysics studies are complemented by practical application studies. Ecology courses concentrate on the study of how living organisms interact with their environment. These environments range from the individual, the community and the ecosystem itself. SECTION 2 Geographic information science is the study of geographic information Areas of Interest 20 systems and remote sensing for modelling, managing, analysing, and applying georeferenced information in a variety of contexts. It includes the analysis of geographical information obtained from airborne and satellite images, land surveying, field observation, and database systems. It spans a range of theoretical and applied techniques focusing on applications in environmental science, built environment, human settlement, and natural resource systems. Ecotourism studies focus on specific environmental regulations and the Geography involves the study of a wide variety of environmental, urban, rural, Computer science involves designing, developing and implementing computer economic, social, and political issues and phenomena. Concentration is placed on the regional patterning of natural resources, their development and associated human impact. Disciplines covered include biogeography, climatology, hydrology, geomorphology, rural land use, remote sensing, geographic information systems, economic geography, and urban geography. systems. This can be on either a general level for generic distribution or designed to particular specifications for an organisation. Computer scientists design elements of a computer system such as: operating systems; computer languages; graphics and image processing; and networks. Graduates find careers as systems analysts, programmers, computer engineers, operations researchers, and software specialists. environmental impact of tourism on different ecosystems. Tourist organisations use ecotourism specialists to ensure the effect of developments and tourist programs on the environment is minimal. MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Geology is the branch of Earth sciences concerned with: the materials, chemistry, structure, and landforms of the Earth; the history of formation of the continents and oceans; and the techniques used to interpret these features. It involves the study of geology, chemistry and geochemistry, and other science courses. Geophysics is the branch of Earth sciences that studies, and images, the interior of the Earth using such physical properties and phenomena as seismic waves, heat flow, gravity, and magnetism. It involves the study of geology, physics, mathematics, and computing. Within mathematics, there are five broad areas of interest: pure mathematics; applied mathematics; corporate mathematics; physical mathematics; and statistics. Many scientific disciplines depend upon mathematics, both in their theoretical aspects and the practical applications of the sciences. Mathematicians are employed by large companies to keep their communication technology, management methods and specialist products ahead of their rivals. They are required by superannuation funds, health insurance funds, governments, and large corporations to analyse and solve complex business and social problems. There is scope within universities and research organisations such as CSIRO for those who are interested in either pure or applied mathematical research. Marine science is the study of the marine environment. It combines marine biology, oceanography, marine geoscience, and environmental management. Marine scientists investigate and manage human impacts on the marine environment and marine resources. Meteorology is the science of forecasting the weather and studying the physics and dynamics of the atmosphere, climate and weather patterns. Meteorologists study specific climate change and investigate the most efficient methods of analysing and forecasting atmospheric conditions. They analyse and interpret atmospheric data relating to weather conditions and research and develop new theoretical concepts. Oceanography is divided into four main disciplines. It covers these sciences: geological (the origin and evolution of ocean basins and margins); physical (tides, waves, currents and their physical interactions); chemical (the chemistry of sea water and how sea water interacts with biological aspects of the ocean environment); and biological (life in the oceans, productivity and habitats). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES There are increasing opportunities for employment in environmental protection and monitoring. The following specialisations all involve the preservation and management of various environments and identification of the potential hazards. Graduates find employment in national parks, local councils, environmental protection agencies, environmental impact assessment consultancies, mine site rehabilitation, sustainable forestry and fisheries management, pollution control, environmental awareness promotion, and water management. Statisticians solve quantitative problems for which no theory can make exact predictions. Applied statisticians design experiments and analyse data in biological, medical, general scientific, and sociological research. They are also involved in business management, marketing, and financial analysis. The work might involve forecasting for decision-makers or operational research to improve efficiency for managers. MEDICAL SCIENCES Biomedical science encompasses knowledge from a number of disciplines including chemistry, physics, mathematics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, histology, bacteriology, immunology, virology, pathology, psychology, and the social sciences. Graduates find employment as biomedical scientists and researchers in health science fields. Clinical laboratory techniques and medical laboratory science covers the various skills required in clinical laboratories to perform tests and procedures which are used to diagnose disease, disorders, and ailments. Duties include setting up and maintaining equipment, preparing slides, and collecting blood samples. Areas of specialisation include: medical microbiology; haematology; anatomical pathology; clinical chemistry; and cytology. Forensic science incorporates a number of disciplines designed with an emphasis on the presentation of medical evidence in criminal cases. Studies include molecular biology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, and pathology which can be applied to a wide range of careers. Air, land and water science requires intensive background knowledge in the Human movement science is an interdisciplinary field concerned with sciences combined with an awareness of the functioning of the atmosphere, land and water systems. Land and water scientists assess, evaluate and manage these systems in regard to their degradation, rehabilitation and conservation. They assess the impact of agricultural, rural and urban developments on air, soil and water systems and attempt to minimise these impacts. understanding how and why human movement occurs, the adaptations to movement which occur with training, and changes in movement which result from disorders, maturation and ageing. Biological perspectives on human movement provide a basis for a wide range of professions in the areas of sport and exercise science, health promotion and health and physical education. Coastal management involves analysing, assessing and monitoring coastal habitats and water quality in both estuaries and inshore areas. Areas of critical importance include marine ecosystems, coastal ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, and coastal protected areas. Studies also include restoration and repair of critically damaged areas. Medical radiation technology is divided into two strands. Medical imaging technology involves the use of x-rays, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and other modalities in the production of images to facilitate the diagnosis and subsequent management of disease and injury. Radiotherapy technology involves the planning and use of ionising radiation to cure, relieve or contain disease. Technologists Sport science assesses and analyses the human body's performance in daily life, leisure and recreation activities, and in athletic pursuits. Sports scientists attempt to maximise body performance utilising their analysis and specific performance objectives. Graduate opportunities are available in a variety of sport, health and fitness-related areas such as: activities officers; gym managers; exercise therapists; outdoor education officers; and fitness consultants. PHYSICAL SCIENCES SECTION 2 work in conjunction with medical specialists and may be employed in public hospitals or private practices. Chemistry can be broadly divided into four areas: organic chemistry, concerned Industrial chemistry is concerned with the application of chemical principles to the chemical industry, including the acquisition, processing and analysis of raw materials. It is also concerned with the quality control of products, computer process control applications, and the nature of reactors and their control. Industrial chemists understand the chemistry of industrial processes and have the skills to operate and improve chemical plants. This field involves the study of chemistry, industrial chemistry, computer engineering, and mathematics. Instrumentation is concerned with the application of physics to the design and construction of high-technology apparatus and leads to employment in industries which seek to develop the next generation of technology. Laser sciences involves combining a variety of theoretical and practical skills that lead to an understanding of the fundamentals of optics, spectroscopy, the principles of laser design and construction, the interfacing of computers and microprocessors to laser and optical instrumentation, and the use of these technologies to address technological challenges in the research and industrial arena. Graduates are employed in jobs relating to the design and manufacture of optical information systems (eg barcode scanners, text and graphics reproduction), compact disk technologies, laser systems for industrial and agricultural alignment functions, lasers in spectroscopic applications such as particle sizing and atmospheric remote sensing, and lasers in medicine and ophthalmology. Materials science includes the development of new materials as well as the study of existing ones including metals, minerals, glasses and ceramics, synthetic and natural polymers, composite materials, electronic and photovoltaic materials, crystal growth, and nano and biomedical materials. New materials are increasingly part of everyday objects as well as high-tech devices, and materials science study has important applications such as forensic investigation or in assessing the condition of materials in existing structures, eg aircraft or heritage buildings. Physics is concerned with the fundamental properties of the universe (nuclei, atoms and molecules), and with the laws that govern their behaviour. Some areas of specialisation are in mechanics, relativity, nuclear physics, optics, microprocessors, geophysics, measurement and instrumentation, and radiation physics. VETERINARY SCIENCE Veterinary science deals with the production, husbandry and care of animals in health and disease. These may be food animals, companion animals and animals in their native environment. Veterinary science provides students with a basic training suitable to serve both groups and to work in related sciences. More than half of the veterinary graduates are employed in private practice, the remainder work mainly for government departments or in universities or research institutes. Employment is also found in wildlife and conservation, in policy planning for large companies with agricultural interests, and in developing countries where animal agriculture is vital. 21 Areas of Interest with carbon compounds; inorganic chemistry, the study of the compounds of metals and non-metals; physical chemistry in which physical and mathematical methods are used in studying chemical phenomena; and analytical chemistry in which the composition of materials is illustrated. COURSE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS SECTION 3 EXPLANATORY NOTES Entry requirements The following tables list the courses expected to be offered (as at April 2010) through QTAC in 2013. The tables also list campuses, course durations, modes of attendance, entry requirements, and the Field Positions used if Overall Position bands prove too broad for selection. Additional course information can be found on the QTAC website or in the QTAC Guide publication. Course title Course Entry Requirements 22 The prerequisite subjects for a course appear in the fourth column of the tables and must be met to gain admission to the course. These Authority subjects must be completed at the Senior level (Years 11 and 12) or through equivalent qualifications. Abbreviations used under the heading of 'Exit Assessment' refer to Queensland secondary school studies under the ROSBA Scheme and have the following meanings: VHA............Very High Achievement HA..............High Achievement SA...............Sound Achievement LA...............Limited Achievement VLA............Very Limited Achievement Within course titles, the abbreviations used mean the following: GradD...........Graduate Diploma B................ Bachelor's Degree AB..............Associate Degree AdvD.........Advanced Diploma D..................Diploma C................ Certificate Other requirements for entry may also be included in this column, such as an interview or audition. Whilst not an entry requirement, Assumed Knowledge and Recommended Study are also listed. See page 4 for definitions. Duration The duration of a course (which appears in the third column of the course tables) is the minimum number of years in which that course may be completed, according to the mode in which the course is undertaken. F................. full-time - 3F indicates 3 full-time years make up the course P................. part-time - 6P indicates 6 part-time years make up the course X................external - 6X indicates 6 distance education years make up the course FL..............flexible delivery - a combination of on-campus study and distance education Fields used for selection within Overall Position Field positions will be used for finer selection when the number of applicants in the OP cut-off band is too large for all candidates to be made an offer. See page 4 for a description of each field position. The Primary Field will be considered first within an OP band where finer selection is necessary. The Secondary Field will only be considered if the Primary field is not fine enough. READING A TYPICAL COURSE ENTRY Sample course entry This diagram will help you follow the information in the tables that appear in section 3. Name of course Course Title Campus where the course will be offered Length of course in years and mode of study, eg full-time (F), part-time (P), by distance education (X) or by flexible delivery (FL) Campus Course Duration in Years This column tells you the minimum entry requirements you will need to be eligible for entry to a course Entry Requirements P=Prerequisite A=Assumed Knowledge R=Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Laws St Lucia Prerequisites for a course must be met in order to gain admission to the course regardless of an applicant’s OP or QTAC selection rank. Prerequisites are based on Authority subjects or other requirements needed for entry to a course, eg portfolio or interview 4F or 8P or 8X P: English (4, SA) Assumed Knowledge is the minimum level of achievement in Senior studies (or equivalent) considered necessary for successful first year tertiary study. Students lacking the assumed level of knowledge are not prevented from an offer; however, they may be disadvantaged unless they undertake bridging, preparatory or appropriate introductory subjects prior to or during their first year of study Field Positions that will be used if not everyone can be made an offer within an OP band Primary Secondary A B Recommended Study subjects recommended in order to undertake a course successfully. These subjects are not entry requirements and do not affect applicant selection Australian Catholic University (ACU) Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Secondary Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) C B B Human Resource Management Brisbane 3F or 6P B Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) C B Marketing C B Creative and Performing Arts B Arts (Creative Arts and Culture) Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø 23 Education B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Brisbane 4F or 8P C Brisbane 4F or 8P B C B Teaching/B Arts (Secondary - Humanities) Brisbane 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A B B Education (Primary) B C Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, Maths B, B&C B or C B&C B or C B C B C Australian Catholic University (ACU) Business and Tourism B Commerce Fields used for Selection within OP SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years Majors: Accounting; human resource management; marketing. Majors: Drama; literature; music; visual arts. Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts (the information and communication technology major is not offered in this double degree). Health and Recreation B Exercise and Health Science Majors: Exercise science; sports studies. B Exercise and Sports Science Maths C, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Physical Education (4,SA) Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, Maths B, Maths C, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Physical Education (4,SA) B Midwifery Brisbane 3F B Nursing Brisbane 3F B Nursing/B Paramedicine Brisbane 4F or 8P B Physiotherapy Brisbane 4F P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); one of Chemistry, Biology or B C B&C B or C Physics (4,SA) Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø Brisbane 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø A or B Ø A or B Ø A or B Ø Majors: Asian studies; Australian studies; behavioural science; business studies; drama; history; information and communication technology; literature; music; philosophy; psychology; sociology; theology; visual arts. B Arts/B Commerce Majors: Business: accounting; human resource management; marketing. Arts: see entry for Bachelor of Arts. B Arts/B Social Work Brisbane 4F or 8P B Psychological Science Brisbane 3F or 6P B Social Science Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) Brisbane 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø Brisbane 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø Majors: Human resource management; psychology or behavioural science; sociology. B Theology Majors: Biblical studies; Christian practice; Christian thought. B Theology/B Social Work Majors: See Bachelor of Theology. General footnotes: Ø The best of all the fields, other than the one used as the primary selector, will be used. Australian Maritime College (AMC) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Business and Tourism B Business (Maritime and Logistics Management) Launceston Specialisations: International shipping economics; logistics; port and terminal operations and management; strategic management. 3F or 6P or 6X AdvD Maritime and Logistics Management Launceston Australian Maritime College (AMC) Specialisations: International shipping economics; logistics; port and terminal operations and management; strategic management. D Maritime and Logistics Management Secondary Not Applicable P: English (4,SA) or Certificate in Maritime and Not Applicable Logistics Management; Maths B (4,SA) 11/2F or 3P or 3X P: English (4,SA) or Certificate in Maritime and Logistics Management R: Maths A, B or C; a Not Applicable business subject Launceston 1F or 2P or 2X P: Completion of Year 12 or Certificate in Maritime and Logistics Management R: English Not Applicable Launceston 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) Not Applicable Launceston 4F or 8P P: Maths B (4,SA); a science subject (4,SA) R: Not Applicable Specialisations: Business communication; cargo handling; international shipping and management; principles of accounting and finance. Engineering and Technology B Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management) Primary business subject B Business (Maritime and Logistics Management)/B Launceston Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management) 24 P: English (4,SA) or Certificate in Maritime and Logistics Management R: Maths A, B or C; a Fields used for Selection within OP Specialisations: Cargo handling; logistics; marine technology; project management; systems management; technology management. B Engineering (Marine and Offshore Systems) Specialisations: Design; hydrodynamics; instrumentation; marine thermodynamics; maritime and marine engineering; naval architecture; offshore engineering and operations; process engineering; project management; systems engineering. B Engineering (Naval Architecture) Physics or Chemistry Launceston 4F or 8P Specialisations: Hydrodynamics; marine engineering; naval architecture; project management; ship design and construction; ship structures; surface and underwater vehicles. B Engineering (Ocean Engineering) Launceston 4F or 8P Launceston 3Fi or 5P Not Applicable P: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA); one Not Applicable of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) Launceston 3F or 6P Specialisations: Aquaculture; fisheries management; global change; marine conservation; ocean governance; seafood quality and safety. AB Aquaculture P: Maths B (4,SA); a science subject (4,SA) R: Physics or Chemistry Specialisations: Engineer officer; marine engineering; seafaring. Primary Industries and Environment B Applied Science (Marine Environment) Not Applicable Physics or Chemistry Specialisations: Design and construction; hydrodynamics; offshore and coastal structures; offshore operations; project engineering; subsea operations engineering; underwater vehicles. AdvD Marine Engineering P: Maths B (4,SA); a science subject (4,SA) R: P: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA); one Not Applicable of Biology or Chemistry (4,SA) Launceston 2F or 4P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, Maths B, Not Applicable Maths C or a science subject (4,SA) Sciences AdvD Applied Science (Nautical Science) Launceston 4Fii Specialisations: Deck officer; navigation; seafaring. D Nautical Science (Deck Watchkeeper) Specialisations: Deck officer; navigation; seafaring. P: Maths B (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry Not Applicable or Physics (4,SA) Launceston 2Fi P: Maths B (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry Not Applicable or Physics (4,SA) Campus or duration footnotes: i Course length does not represent usual academic semesters and start and end dates vary according to the practical components of the course. ii Course length does not represent usual academic semesters and start and end dates vary according to practical components of the course. As study is interrupted by periods of sea service, the program usually takes up to four years to complete. Bond University (BU) Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Built Environment and Design B Environmental Management (Sustainable Development) Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview Not Applicable B Property & Sustainable Development Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English Not Applicable B Urban Design and Planning Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview. R: English Not Applicable Business and Tourism B Business Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English Not Applicable Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English Not Applicable Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English Not Applicable B International Hotel and Resort Management Gold Coast 2F or 4P Not Applicable B Tourism Management Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English Health and Recreation B Health Sciences Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Medicine, B Surgery Gold Coast B Sports Management Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); UMAT; interview R: Sciences P: Interview R: English Not Applicable 42/3F Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English Not Applicable B Behaviour Management Gold Coast 2F or 4P Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Communication (Business) Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Counselling Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Film and Television Gold Coast 2F or 4P B International Relations Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English P: Interview P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English Not Applicable B Communication B International Relations (Business) Gold Coast 2F or 4P Not Applicable B Journalism Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Multimedia Design Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English B Social Sciences Gold Coast 2F or 4P Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Social Science (Psychology) Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English; Biology; Maths A, B Not Applicable B Social Science (Criminology) Majors: Construction management and quantity surveying; event and facilities management; property valuation; urban development and sustainability. Majors: Business information systems; business law; electronic commerce; entrepreneurship; international business; management; marketing; real estate; service & supply chain management; marketing communication. B Business Systems Majors: Commercial business or managerial business; information technology. B Commerce Majors: Accounting; business economics; finance; property and development. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Majors: Advertising; Australian studies; behaviour management; Chinese; communication; computer games; corporate communication; counselling; criminology; East Asian studies; English as an international language (EIL); film and television; French; global governance and regional politics; international diplomacy; international relations; Japanese; journalism; language teaching (TESOL & LOTE); media studies; philosophy; psychology; public relations; Spanish. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Majors: Global governance and regional politics; international diplomacy; international relations. Not Applicable Not Applicable Specialisations: Advertising; mass communication; production. Not Applicable Not Applicable or C Information Technology B Computer Games Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Information Technology Gold Coast 2F or 4P Majors: Distributed systems and Web applications; information systems; IT management; software systems. P: Interview P: Interview R: English; Maths A, B or C Not Applicable Not Applicable SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study 25 Bond University (BU) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years Bond University (BU) continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Bond University (BU) 26 Law B Business Law Gold Coast B Jurisprudence Gold Coast B Laws Gold Coast Sciences B Biomedical Science Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Exercise Science Gold Coast 2F or 4P B Forensic Science Gold Coast 2F or 4P Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary 2F or 4P Not Applicable 2F or 4P Not Applicable P: Interview R: English P: Interview R: English 21/2F or 5P P: Interview R: English P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); interview R: Biology P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); interview R: Biology P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (4,SA); interview B Sports Science Gold Coast 2F or 4P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); interview Not Applicable Christian Heritage College (CHC) Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Business and Tourism B Business Primary Secondary Mansfield 3F or 6P or 3X or 6Xi A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable AB Business Mansfield 2F or 4P or 2X or 4Xi A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable D Business Mansfield 1F or 2P or 1X or 2Xi A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable 4F or 8P A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA); HA Majors: Accounting; human resource management; management; marketing. Education B Arts/B Education (Secondary/Middle Years) Mansfield Majors: Chaplaincy; Christian studies; drama; English; history; studies of society and the environment. B Education (Primary/Early Years) Mansfield 4F or 8P B Education (Primary/Middle Years) Mansfield 4F or 8P B Education (Secondary/Middle Years) Mansfield 4F or 8P Humanities and Social Sciences B Ministry 27 Not Applicable in the nominated teaching areas Majors: Business; Chaplaincy; Christian studies; drama; English; history; studies of society and the environment. A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA); HA Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable in the major teaching area Mansfield 3F or 6P or 3X or 6Xi P: Pastoral reference A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable Mansfield 3F or 6P or 3FL or 6FLii A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable B Social Science (Chaplaincy) Mansfield 3F or 6P or 3FL or 6FLii A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable B Social Science (Human Services) Mansfield 3F or 6P or 3FL or 6FLii A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable B Social Science (Youth Studies) Mansfield 3F or 6P or 3FL or 6FLii A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable D Ministry Studies Mansfield 1F or 2P or 1X or 2Xi P: Pastoral reference A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable D Social Science Mansfield 1F or 2P or 1X or 2Xii A: Completion of Year 12; English (4,SA) Not Applicable Specialisations: Biblical studies; ministry and mission; theology and church history. B Social Science Majors: Chaplaincy; community development; human behaviour; human services; youth studies; counselling. Specialisations: Youth ministry; youth welfare. Campus or duration footnotes: i Modes of study can be combined. Contact CHC for information. ii Fields used for Selection within OP Some core units are only available on campus or in intensive mode. Study modes can be combined. Contact CHC for information. Christian Heritage College (CHC) Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years CQUniversity (CQUni) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) CQUniversity (CQUni) 28 Built Environment and Design B Building Design Distance ed 5X B Building Surveying and Certification Distance ed 7X B Construction Management Distance ed 7X AB Building Design Distance ed 4X AB Building Surveying Distance ed 4X Business and Tourism B Accounting Bundabergi Emeraldi Gladstonei Mackayi Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary C or D B C or D B C or D B C or D B C or D B R: English; Maths A, B or C C B R: English; Maths A, B or C C B R: English; Maths B; science subjects R: English; Maths B; science subjects R: English; Maths B; science subjects R: English; Maths B; science subjects R: English; Maths B; science subjects 3X or 6X Bundaberg Emerald Gladstone Mackay Rockhampton Distance ed 4F or 8Pii B Accounting/D Professional Practice Bundabergiii Emeraldiii Gladstoneiii Mackayiii Rockhamptoniii 31/2F or 7P R: English; Maths A, B or C C B B Business Bundaberg Emerald Gladstone Mackay Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6Piv R: English; Maths A, B or C C B Rockhampton Distance ed 4F or 8P 4X or 8X P: English (4,SA) C B Bundabergv Emeraldv Gladstonev Mackay Rockhampton 31/2F or 7P R: English; Maths A, B or C C B B Financial Planning Bundabergi Gladstonei Mackayi Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C C B B Financial Planning/B Accounting Bundabergi Gladstonei Mackayi Rockhampton Distance ed R: English; Maths A, B or C C B 4X or 8X B Professional Communication Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P 3X or 6X P: English (4,SA) C B B Property Distance ed 3X or 6X R: English; Maths A, B or C C B D Business Bundabergvi Emeraldvi Gladstonevi Mackayvi Rockhampton Distance ed 1F or 2P Nil C B B Accounting/B Business B Business/B Professional Communication Specialisations: Human resource management; information systems; management; marketing. B Business/D Professional Practice Specialisations: Human resource management; information systems; management; marketing; procurement and supply. 4F or 8P 4X or 8X 3F or 6P 3X or 6X 3X or 6X 4F or 8P 2X CQUniversity (CQUni) continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Creative and Performing Arts B Music (Specialisation) Primary Secondary Rockhampton 3F or 6P P: Audition Not Applicable Mackay 3F or 6P P: Audition Not Applicable Specialisations: Creative music technology; jazz and popular music. B Theatre (Specialisation) Specialisations: Drama; musical theatre. Education B Learning Management (Early Childhood) B Learning Management (Primary) Bundaberg Emerald Gladstone Mackay Noosa Hub Rockhampton 4Fvii Bundaberg Emerald Gladstone Mackay Noosa Hub Rockhampton B Learning Management (Secondary and Vocational Bundaberg Education and Training) Emerald Gladstone Mackay Noosa Hub Rockhampton Engineering and Technology B Aviation Technology B Engineering Specialisations: Civil; electrical; mechanical; mining. B Engineering (Co-op)/D Professional Practice (Engineering) Specialisations: Civil; electrical; mechanical. B Engineering Technology (Specialisation) Bundaberg Distance ed Gladstoneviii Mackayviii Rockhampton Distance ed Gladstoneix Mackayix Rockhampton Gladstone Specialisations: Civil (structural, Mackay municipal/transportation); electrical (electrical power Rockhampton and machines, control and instrumentation, electronics Distance ed and communications); mechanical (process, energy, design). P: English (4,SA) B 4Fvii P: English (4,SA) B C 4Fvii or 8P P: English (4,SA) B C C or D B C 29 3F or 6P 3X or 6X P: English (4,SA); Maths A (4,SA) A: Physics 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics C or D B 41/2F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics C or D B 3Fx P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics C or D B R: English; Maths A, B or C; science subjects C or D B (2,SA) 4F or 8P 4X or 8X 3F or 6Px 6Xx Distance ed 4Xxi AB Geoscience (Specialisation) Distance ed xii 4X Nil Not Applicable AB Mine Technology (Specialisation) Distance ed 4Xxii Nil Not Applicable R: Biology; Chemistry A or B or C D R: English; one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics B or C A A AB Engineering Health and Recreation B Biomedical Science Bundabergxiii Mackayxiii Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P B Environmental Health Bundabergxiv Rockhamptonxiv Distance ed 3F or 6P 3X or 6X B Exercise and Sport Sciences Rockhampton Distance edxv 3F or 6P 3X or 6X R: English; Biology and/or a physical education B or C B Health Promotion Distance ed 3X or 6X B Nursing Bundaberg Mackay Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Physical Education R: English; Biology; Chemistry 6X 3X or 6X SECTION 3 Course Title Fields used for Selection within OP subject B or C A B or C A CQUniversity (CQUni) Entry Requirements P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years CQUniversity (CQUni) continued Health and Recreation continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Occupational Health and Safety Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Bundaberg Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P 3F or 6P Bundabergxvii Majors: Arts: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Gladstonexvii studies; geography and environmental studies; history; Mackayxvii literary and cultural studies; psychology; welfare studies; Rockhampton writing. Business: management; marketing. All plans/specialisations may not be available at all campuses Distance ed 4F or 8P B Arts/B Business Primary Secondary R: English; a science subject B or C A P: English (4,SA) A or B C C B 3X or 6X Bundabergxvi Gladstonexvi Mackayxvi Rockhampton Distance ed 30 CQUniversity (CQUni) xiii Fields used for Selection within OP 6X P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A, B or C 4X or 8X and may need to be completed externally. B Psychology Rockhampton Distance ed 4F or 8P 4X or 8X P: English (4,SA) A or B C B Social Work Distance ed 4X or 8X P: English (4,SA) A or B C Bundaberg Mackayxiii Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P Nil C B P: English (4,SA) C B Nil A or B C P: English (4,SA) A or B C P: English (4,SA) C B A or B or C D C B C B Information Technology B Information Systems B Information Technology Specialisations: Applications development; network services. B Information Technology (Co-op) Specialisations: Applications development; network services. Bundaberg Mackay Rockhampton Distance ed Bundaberg Mackay Rockhampton Distance ed B Multimedia Studies Bundaberg Mackay Rockhampton Distance ed AB Information Technology Bundaberg Mackay Rockhampton Distance ed Primary Industries and Environment B Environmental Science Sciences B Applied Physics 3F 3F or 6P 6X 31/2F 31/2F or 61/2P 61/2X 3F or 6P 3X or 6X 2F or 4P 2X or 4X Bundabergxiii Mackayxiii Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P Gladstonexiii Mackayxiii Rockhampton Distance ed 3F or 6P B Applied Physics (Co-op)/D Professional Practice Gladstonexiii (Physics) Mackayxiii Rockhampton Distance ed B Science (Applied Biology; Industrial Chemistry) 3X or 6X Bundabergxiii Mackayxiii Rockhampton Distance ed R: English or a social science subject; Biology or Chemistry 6X P: Maths B (4,SA); Physics (4,SA) or Physics (2,SA) and Maths C (2,SA) 6X 41/2F or 8P P: Maths B (4,SA); Physics (4,SA) or Physics (2,SA) and Maths C (2,SA) 8X 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Biology; Chemistry; Maths C or D B 6X Ø CQUniversity (CQUni) iii iv v The accounting component may be completed in its entirety from any location. The management and information systems major may be completed at Bundaberg and the human resource management major may be completed at Mackay. Advanced level courses at some locations may need to be completed by a mixture of onsite and distance study. Delivery methods vary between campuses. The accounting component of this program may be completed in its entirety from any location. However, advanced level courses at some locations may need to be completed by a mixture of onsite and distance study. Delivery methods vary between campuses. The program can be completed in its entirety at Rockhampton or by distance education. The management and information systems major may be completed at Bundaberg and the human resource management major may be completed at Mackay. Emerald and Gladstone offer the first year of this program only; students complete their studies at Rockhampton or by distance education. This campus only offers the first year of this program; students complete their studies at Rockhampton. vii The program can be completed in its entirety at Rockhampton or by distance education. The management and information systems major may be completed at Bundaberg and the human resources management major may be completed at Mackay. At some locations courses may need to be completed by a mixture of onsite and distance study. Delivery methods vary between campuses. Students can undertake an accelerated program over three years with extra courses completed during terms one and two. viii This campus only offers the first two years of this program; students complete their studies at Rockhampton or by distance education. ix This campus only offers the first two years of this program; students complete their studies at Rockhampton. x xi Gladstone and Mackay only offer the first two years of this program; students complete their studies at Rockhampton or by distance education. Students normally undertake the program as part-time (half study load) external students whilst working in an engineering field, however the program is available full-time. The program must be studied part-time by distance education whilst working in an engineering field. xii The program must be studied part-time by distance education. xiii This campus only offers the first year of this program; students complete their studies at Rockhampton or by distance education. xiv This campus only offers the first year of the program; students complete their studies by distance education. xv Compulsory residential schools in Rockhampton are required for distance education students. xvi This campus only offers the first year of the program in selected fields of study by a mixture of on-campus and distance education. xvii This campus only offers the first year of this program; depending on majors chosen, students complete their studies at Rockhampton or by distance education. vi Endeavour College of Natural Health (Endeavour) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Health and Recreation B Health Science (Acupuncture) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Brisbane Gold Coast 4F or 10P P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser Not Applicable B Health Science (Musculoskeletal Therapy) Brisbane 3F or 8P Not Applicable B Health Science (Naturopathy) Brisbane Gold Coast 4F or 10P P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser B Health Science (Nutritional Medicine) Brisbane Distance ed 3F or 8P 3X or 8X P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser Not Applicable B Health Science (Western Herbal Medicine) Brisbane Distance ed 3F or 8P 3X or 8X P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser Not Applicable AdvD Homeopathy Distance ed 3X or 8X Brisbane 1F or 2P D Beauty Therapy Brisbane Gold Coast 1F or 2P P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser Not Applicable D Aromatherapy D Reflexology Brisbane 1F or 2P Brisbane Gold Coast 1F or 2P P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser P: Interview with an Enrolment Adviser Not Applicable D Remedial Massage Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 31 Endeavour College of Natural Health (Endeavour) ii SECTION 3 General footnotes: Ø The best of all the fields, other than the one used as the primary selector, will be used. Campus or duration footnotes: i Advanced courses may need to be completed by a mixture of onsite and distance study. Delivery methods vary between campuses. Griffith University (GU) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Griffith University (GU) 32 Built Environment and Design B Environmental Design (Architectural Studies) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Gold Coast 3F Ø Gold Coast 3F P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A or B P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A or B B or C B Environmental Design (Environmental Sustainability) B or C Ø B Urban and Environmental Planning Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A or B B or C Ø B Urban and Environmental Planning/B Science Nathan 5F P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A or B (4,SA) R: At B or C Ø least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics B Urban and Environmental Planning/B Science Gold Coast Business and Tourism B Asian Business with Honours Nathan B Business 5F 31/2F or 7P Nathan Gold Coast 3F or 6P B Business - Applied Logan 2F or 4P B Business - Fast Track Nathan 2F or 4P Majors: Employment relations; human resource management; logistics and supply chain management (Nathan only); management; marketing; sustainable enterprise (Nathan only). P: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics B or C Ø P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø B Business/B Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Nathan Estate and Property, Sport) Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B Business/B Commerce Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Business/B Communication Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Business/B Design Nathan/ Queensland College of Art, South Bank 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Business/B Digital Media Gold Coast 4F Ø Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B or C B Business/B Journalism B or C Ø B Business/B Psychological Science Nathan & Mt Gravatt 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø Majors: Business: Nathan: employment relations; human Gold Coast resource management; logistics and supply chain management; management; marketing; sustainable enterprise. Gold Coast: human resource management. B Business (Event Management); (Sport Management) Nathan Gold Coast 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Business (Hotel Management); (Tourism Management) Gold Coast 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Business (Real Estate and Property Development) Nathan Gold Coast 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Commerce 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Estate and Nathan Property, Sport)/B International Business Gold Coast B Business (International Tourism and Hotel Management) Nathan Nathan Majors: Accounting; banking and finance; economics; Gold Coast financial planning (Logan only). Students can specialise in additional areas including international business, human resource management, and marketing and management. B Commerce (Accounting); (Financial Planning) Accelerated Logan 2F or 4P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Commerce (Accounting); (Financial Planning) Professional Logan 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Commerce - Fast Track Nathan 2F or 4P B or C Ø B Commerce/B International Business Nathan Gold Coast P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø 4F Griffith University (GU) continued Business and Tourism continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B International Business Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Nathan Gold Coast 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø Queensland College of Art, South Bank 3F P: English (4,SA) B or E Ø B Arts in Applied Theatre Mt Gravatt 3F Queensland College of Art, South Bank 3F A or B P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); portfolio; questionnaire. Entry B or E Ø B Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art Queensland College of Art, South Bank 3F P: English (4,SA) B or E Ø B Digital Media (Graphic Design); (3D Design); (Digital Design); (Fine Art); (ePhotojournalism) Gold Coast 3F P: English (4,SA) B or E Ø B Film and Screen Media Production Queensland College of Art, South Bank 3F P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Ø Queensland College of Art, 3F P: English (4,SA) B or E Ø 3F P: English (4,SA) B or E Ø P: English (4,SA); audition; interview Not Applicable P: English (4,SA); audition; tests; written Not Applicable Specialisations: Nathan and Gold Coast: international business; Japanese language; Spanish. Nathan only: Chinese; international management; international political economy; Italian. B Politics, Asian Studies and International Relations/B International Business Creative and Performing Arts B Animation B Design Specialisations: Interior design; product design; visual communication design. Majors: Film and screen production; scriptwriting. B Fine Art Ø to this degree is open to those who identify themselves as Indigenous Australians Specialisations: Interdisciplinary painting; South Bank interdisciplinary print media; interdisciplinary sculpture; jewellery and small objects. B Games Design Queensland College of Art, South Bank B Music Queensland 3-4F Majors: Composition; instrumental studies; vocal studies. Conservatorium Classical and jazz strands are available. B Music Studies Majors: General studies; music and cultural industries; music and media (music technology); music education preparation; musicology; world music. B Music Technology B Photography Queensland Conservatorium 3F Queensland Conservatorium 3F Queensland College of Art, 3F P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Queensland Conservatorium, Gold Coast 3F P: English (4,SA); audition; portfolio Not Applicable Nathan/Mt Gravatt/ Gold Coast Gold Coast/ Mt Gravatt 4F P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø Mt Gravatt 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Ø interview P: English (4,SA); any combination of Maths A, Majors: Creative advertising; photographic art practice; South Bank photojournalism. B Popular Music Education B Arts/GradD Education - Secondary B Education - Primary Not Applicable B or C (4,SA); portfolio of recorded work Specialisations: Mt Gravatt and Logan: early childhood Logan education; health and physical education; middle years; Gold Coast music education. Gold Coast: health and physical education; middle years. Ø B Education - Secondary (Drama) Mt Gravatt 31/2F P: English (4,SA) R: Drama A or B or E Ø B Education - Secondary (English) Mt Gravatt 31/2F P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Ø B Education - Secondary (Graphics) Mt Gravatt 31/2F P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Ø B Education - Secondary (Health and Physical Education) Mt Gravatt 31/2F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Education - Secondary (Industrial Technology and Design) Mt Gravatt 31/2F P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Ø B Education - Secondary (Mathematics, Science or Computing) Nathan & Mt Gravatt 31/2F P: English (4,SA); Maths B or C (4,SA); and for B or C Ø B Education - Secondary (Music) Mt Gravatt the science teaching area - one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) 31/2F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study 33 Griffith University (GU) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years Griffith University (GU) continued Education continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Griffith University (GU) 34 B Education - Secondary (Social Science History or Mt Gravatt Geography) 31/2F B Education - Secondary (Visual Art) 31/2F Mt Gravatt B Education - Special Education Mt Gravatt 4F B Exercise Science/GradD Education - Secondary Gold Coast/ Mt Gravatt 4F B Music Studies/GradD Education - Secondary Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Ø P: English (4,SA) B or C or E Ø P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, B or C Ø Ø Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) B or C or D P: English (4,SA); audition; tests; written Not Applicable Queensland Conservatorium/ Mt Gravatt 4F B Psychological Science/GradD Education Secondary Mt Gravatt/ Gold Coast Gold Coast/ Mt Gravatt 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Science/GradD Education - Secondary Nathan/ Mt Gravatt/ Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least C or D Ø Gold Coast/ Mt Gravatt 4F C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø B or C Ø C or D Ø B or C Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø B Science/GradD Education - Secondary interview one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics P: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Engineering and Technology B Engineering (Advanced Studies) Nathan 4F Specialisations: Nathan: electronic and computer Gold Coast engineering; environmental engineering; microelectronic engineering; software engineering; sustainable energy systems. Gold Coast: civil engineering; electrical and electronic engineering; mechatronics; sport and biomedical engineering. B Engineering (Civil Engineering) Gold Coast P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Chemistry, Physics or Maths C 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C B Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) Gold Coast B Engineering (Electronic and Computer Engineering) Nathan B Engineering (Environmental Engineering) Nathan 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C B Engineering (Mechatronics) Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C B Engineering (Software Engineering) Nathan 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C B Engineering (Sport and Biomedical Engineering) Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C B Engineering (Sustainable Energy Systems) Nathan 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C B Engineering/B Business (Management) B Engineering/B Information Technology Specialisations: Gold Coast: civil engineering; electrical and electronic engineering. Nathan: electronic and computer engineering. B Engineering/B Science Nathan Gold Coast 5F Nathan Gold Coast 5F Nathan 5F one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C Nathan Gold Coast P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Maths C 3F Specialisations: Nathan: electronic and computer Gold Coast engineering; environmental engineering; Gold Coast: civil engineering; electrical and electronic engineering. Health and Recreation B Biomedical Science (Honours) Accelerated P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Chemistry, Physics or Maths C Specialisations: Gold Coast: civil engineering and Gold Coast environmental science. Nathan: electronic and computer engineering with either applied mathematics or physics; environmental engineering with natural resources and pollution. B Engineering Technology P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C 3F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics B Child and Family Studies B Child and Family Studies/Bachelor Education Primary Logan 3F Logan 41/2F P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) Griffith University (GU) continued Health and Recreation continued B Exercise Science Campus Gold Coast 3F Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Secondary P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, B or C or D Ø B or C or D Ø B or C or D Ø B or C or D Ø B or C or D Ø P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA). This program Not Applicable Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) B Exercise Science/B Business (Sport Management) Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) B Exercise Science/B Psychological Science Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) B Exercise Science (Pre-Physiotherapy)/Doctor of PhysiotherapyH Gold Coast B Health Science (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology); (Human Genetics); (Microbiology) Gold Coast 5F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) 3F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) Majors: biochemistry and molecular biology; human genetics; microbiology. B Human Services Logan 3Fi B Human Services/Master of Rehabilitation Logan 31/2F B Human Services/B Criminology and Criminal Logan/ Mt Gravatt Justice; (Family and Youth Justice); (Rehabilitation and Corrections) 4F or 8P Majors: Family and youth justice; rehabilitation and corrections. B Medical Science (MBBS Provisional Entry for School-Leavers) Nathan Gold Coast 2F B Midwifery Logan 3F B Nursing B Nutrition and Dietetics is for 2012 Year 12 applicants or applicants who completed Year 12 no more than two years prior to application, and who have not previously attempted a university degree program R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics ii Nathan Logan Gold Coast 3F or 6P 3F or 6P Gold Coast 4F B or C P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA). This program is not available B or C Ø Ø to applicants who hold a qualification in nursing acceptable for registration with the Queensland Nursing Council P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) A: Biology; B or C Ø Chemistry B Oral Health in Dental Science Gold Coast 3F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Not Applicable Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) B Oral Health in Dental Technology Gold Coast 3F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Not Applicable Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) B Oral Health in Oral Health Therapy Gold Coast 3F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Not Applicable Physics, or Maths B (4,SA) B Pharmaceutical Science Gold Coast 3Fiii C or D Ø P: English (4,SA) R: For the environmental health and sustainability major only - one of Chemistry, Maths A or Maths B B or C Ø 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø P: English (4,SA); Maths B or C (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, or Physics (4,SA) B Public Health (Environmental Health and Sustainability); (Health Promotion); (Nutrition) Gold Coast 3F Majors: Environmental health and sustainability; health promotion; nutrition. Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Nathan Majors: Communication and journalism; contemporary Logan society and culture; creative writing and literature; Gold Coast creativity and cultural practice; film and screen; history and cultural heritage; Islamic studies; languages and cultures (including studies in Chinese, Indonesian, international English, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish). Not all majors are offered at all campuses. Note: French, German, Indonesian and Korean studies can be undertaken via cross-institutional study through The University of Queensland. B Arts/B Business Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business. B Arts/B Commerce Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce. SECTION 3 Course Title Fields used for Selection within OP 35 Griffith University (GU) Entry Requirements P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years Griffith University (GU) continued Humanities and Social Sciences continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) 36 B Arts in Languages and Applied Linguistics Primary Secondary 3F P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø 4F P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø 3F P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B Ø 3F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø Majors: Chinese; French; German; Indonesian; international English (for non-English speaking background students only); Italian; Japanese; linguistics; Spanish. Note: French, German, Indonesian and Korean studies can be undertaken via cross-institutional study through The University of Queensland. B Asian and International Studies/B Communication Nathan Majors: Asian and international studies; film and screen; Gold Coast journalism; screen production. B Communication Griffith University (GU) Nathan Fields used for Selection within OP Nathan Majors: Nathan: Chinese; communication and media Gold Coast studies; film and screen; intercultural communication; Italian studies; Japanese; journalism; linguistics; marketing; political communication; public relations; Spanish studies; writing. Gold Coast: communication and media studies; creative communication; digital communication; industries and practice; intercultural communication; Italian studies; Japanese; journalism; marketing; news and magazine photography; political communication; popular music media and culture; public relations; Spanish studies; writing. South Bank: news and magazine photography; screen production (with digital media specialisations). Students can take majors offered at another campus. Note: French, German and Korean studies may be taken via cross-institutional study through The University of Queensland. B Journalism Nathan Specialisations: Gold Coast: arts and creative industries; Gold Coast contemporary arts; cultural sociology; digital video; digital writing; economics; e-photojournalism; event management; film criticism; Indigenous studies; international relations; marketing; politics; popular music; public relations; sport management; tourism; writing. Nathan: Asian and international studies; cultural sociology; economics; environmental studies; event management; film and screen; historical studies; Indigenous studies; international relations; literary studies; marketing; politics and government; science, technology and society; sport management. B Politics, Asian Studies and International Relations Nathan Majors: Asian and international studies; international Gold Coast relations; politics and government. B Psychological Science Gold Coast Mt Gravatt B Psychological Science/B Criminology and Criminal Mt Gravatt Justice B Psychology Mt Gravatt Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø B Social Work Logan 4F P: English (4,SA) B or C Ø Information Technology B Business Information Systems Nathan 3F P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A or B (4,SA) C or D Ø Nathan 3F A: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) C or D Ø Specialisations: Business process management; information systems. B Information Technology Majors: Nathan: information systems. Gold Coast: Gold Coast networking and security. Nathan and Gold Coast: computing and intelligent systems; games programming; informatics; information technology management and marketing; multimedia; systems development and information technology services. Griffith University (GU) continued Information Technology continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Information Technology (Accelerated) Nathan Specialisations: Nathan and Logan: computing and Logan intelligent systems; games programming; informatics; Gold Coast information systems; information technology management and marketing; multimedia; systems development and information technology services. Gold Coast and Logan: computing and intelligent systems; games programming; informatics; information technology management and marketing; multimedia; networking and security; systems development and information technology services. B Information Technology (Advanced with Honours) 2-21/2Fiv A: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) Primary Secondary C or D Ø 2-21/2F 37 Nathan Gold Coast 4F P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A or B (4,SA) C or D Ø Nathan 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) C or D Ø Specialisations: See entry for Bachelor of Information Technology. B Information Technology/B Multimedia Majors: Multimedia: Gold Coast: digital video; music Gold Coast programming and production; visual media design. Gold Coast and Nathan: interactive entertainment and games programming. South Bank: film and television production; sound production; visual communication design. Information Technology: Gold Coast: networking and security. Nathan: information systems. Gold Coast and Nathan: computing and intelligent systems; informatics; information technology management and marketing; systems development and information technology services. B Information Technology@Work Logan 1F & 3Pv A: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) C or D Ø B Multimedia Nathan 3F A: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) B or C Ø 3F A: English (4,SA); Maths A or B (4,SA) B or C Ø Majors: Gold Coast: digital video; music programming Gold Coast and production; visual media design. Gold Coast and Nathan: interactive entertainment and games programming; Internet computing; Internet marketing; management. South Bank: film and TV production; sound production; visual communication design. B Multimedia (Interactive Entertainment and Games Nathan Programming) Gold Coast Law B Criminology and Criminal Justice Mt Gravatt 3F or 6P or 3X or 6X Nil B or C Ø B Laws Nathan Gold Coast 4F or 3F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø B Laws/B Arts Nathan Gold Coast 5F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø Nathan Gold Coast 5F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø Nathan Gold Coast 5F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø Nathan/ Mt Gravatt 5F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø Nathan 5F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø Nathan Gold Coast 5F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø Nathan & Mt Gravatt 5F P: English (4,SA) A or B or C Ø 5F P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B or C; one of A or B or C Ø Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts. B Laws/B Business Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Business. B Laws/B Commerce Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Commerce. B Laws/B Criminology and Criminal Justice Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice. B Laws/B International Business Majors: See entry for Bachelor of International Business. Gold Coast B Laws/B Politics, Government and International Relations Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Politics, Asian Studies and International Relations. B Laws/B Psychological Science Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Psychological Science. Gold Coast B Laws/B Science (Environment) Majors: See entry for the Bachelor of Science (Environment). Specialisations: Environmental studies; urban and regional planning. Nathan Biology, Chemistry or Physics Griffith University (GU) Course Title Fields used for Selection within OP SECTION 3 Entry Requirements P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years Griffith University (GU) continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Industries and Environment B Arts (Environment) Nathan 3F B Environmental Management Nathan 4F Majors: Environmental protection; environmental sustainability; natural resources and pollution. B Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology) B Science (Environment) 38 Griffith University (GU) Primary A or B P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A or B (4,SA) R: At B or C Secondary Ø Ø least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Nathan Gold Coast 3F Nathan 3F P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A or B (4,SA) R: At B or C Ø least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Majors: Environmental protection; environmental sustainability; natural resources and pollution. B Science (Environmental Sustainability) Fields used for Selection within OP P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A or B (4,SA) R: At B or C Ø least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Nathan 3F P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A or B (4,SA) R: At B or C Ø least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) Sciences B Aviation Nathan 3F C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø A or B Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø C or D Ø P: English (4,SA); any combination Maths A or C or D B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry Ø P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics B Biomedical Science B Biomolecular Science (Advanced) Specialisations: Nathan: cell and molecular therapies; medicinal chemistry; plant biotechnology. Gold Coast: drug discovery; environmental biotechnology. B Forensic Science Nathan Gold Coast 3F Nathan Gold Coast 4F Nathan 3F one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Majors: Forensic chemistry; forensic molecular biology. B Forensic Science/B Criminology and Criminal Justice P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Nathan/Mt Gravatt 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Majors: Forensic chemistry; forensic molecular biology. B Marine Science Gold Coast 3F Specialisations: Coastal physical science; coastal resources management; marine chemical sciences; marine ecology. B Medical Laboratory Science P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Gold Coast 3F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics B Photonics and Nanoscience Nathan 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Physics, Chemistry or Maths C B Science Nathan 3F Majors: Applied mathematics; biochemistry and molecular biology; biological systems; chemistry; clinical sciences; forest and horticulture science; microbiology; physics; science, technology and society. B Science one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Gold Coast 3F Nathan Gold Coast 4F Nathan 3Fvi Majors: Applied biology; applied chemistry; ecotourism; environmental science; marine biology; wildlife biology. B Science (Advanced with Honours) Specialisations: See entry for Bachelor of Science. B Science with Honours (Accelerated) or Physics C or D Ø P: English (4,SA); Maths B and Physics (4,VHA C or D Ø P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Majors: Applied mathematics; physics. B Science/B Information Technology P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least in one and at least 4,HA in the other). This program is for current Year 12 applicants or those who completed Year 12 no more than two years prior to application, and who have not previously attempted a university degree Nathan 4F Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Information Technology. P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least C or D Ø one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics General footnotes: H Subject to final approval. Ø The best of all the fields, other than the one used as the primary selector, will be used. Campus or duration footnotes: i Students may take the program part-time; however attendance at day classes is generally required. Students must be available full-time in final semester for a professional placement. ii Part-time students may need to be available full-time for professional placements and attendance at day classes is generally required. iii Students can study full-time or part-time in the first two years of the program, however third year is full-time. iv Students must attend at least two campuses and combine information technology courses at Nathan or the Gold Coast with intensive summer semester courses at Logan. v The program is undertaken on a full-time basis in year one, followed by full-time industry employment and part-time study in years two, three and four. vi This program includes a preparatory summer semester commencing mid-January of the first year. James Cook University (JCU) Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Built Environment and Design B Planning Business and Tourism B Business Townsville Cairns 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) Townsville 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary B&C B or C C B Majors: Townsville: accounting; economics and regional Cairns development; financial management; human resource management; management and entrepreneurship; marketing; sports and events management; tourism management. Non-business majors in business law, communication design and public relations management are available as second majors. Cairns: accounting; hospitality management; human resource management; international business; management and entrepreneurship; marketing; tourism management. A non-business second major is available in business law. B Business and Environmental Science Townsville 39 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B C B (4,SA) D Business Townsville Cairns 1F or 2P P: English (4,SA) Not Applicable Cairns 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) Not Applicable Townsville 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) Not Applicable Townsville Cairns 1F or 2P P: English (4,SA) Not Applicable Education B Education - Early Childhood B Education - Early Childhood B Education - Early Childhood B Education - Primary B Education - Primary B Education - Secondary B Education - Secondary Townsville Cairns Thursday Island Townsville Cairns Townsville Cairnsi 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA). For secondary and middle Not Applicable B Education/B Arts - Primary B Education/B Arts - Primary B Education/B Arts - Secondary B Education/B Arts - Secondary Townsville Cairns Townsville Cairnsi 41/2F or 9P P: English (4,SA) Not Applicable B Education/B Languages - Primary B Education/B Languages - Secondary Townsville Townsville 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA). For secondary and middle Not Applicable B Education/B Science - Secondary B Education/B Science - Secondary Townsville Cairnsi 41/2F or 9P Creative and Performing Arts B Creative Industries Majors: Media design; performance; visual arts. B New Media Arts Majors: Digital imaging; digital media design; digital sound; digital visual arts; performance. D Creative Arts school science teaching areas - English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA). For secondary and middle school maths teaching areas English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) school science teaching areas - English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA). For secondary and middle school maths teaching areas English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) B&C B or C teaching areas - English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA). Applicants must also satisfy the entry requirements for their selected science discipline, see entry for B Science. B Education (Early Childhood) (Distance Education) Distance ed 4X or 8X B Education (Physical Education) - Primary B Education (Physical Education) - Secondary 4F or 8P Townsville Townsville P: English (4,SA). For secondary science P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA). For secondary and middle school science teaching areas - English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA). For secondary and middle school maths teaching areas English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Maths B or C; Physics; Chemistry Not Applicable Not Applicable James Cook University (JCU) Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years James Cook University (JCU) continued Education continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Education - RATEP Distance ed 4X or 8X Primary Secondary Not Applicable teacher education program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) is only available to people who identify as an Australian Aboriginal person and/or Torres Strait Islander person. Proof of identity documentation is required. Applicants must also be located near RATEP sites in Queensland. For information about RATEP sites, contact the School of Education Indigenous Support Officer on 07 4781 4645 or email 40 James Cook University (JCU) P: English (4,SA). RATEP (a community-based Fields used for Selection within OP Engineering and Technology B Engineering Townsville Majors: Chemical; civil; computer systems; electrical and Cairnsii electronic; environmental; mechanical engineering. B Engineering/B Information Technology Townsville 4F or 8P 1F or 2P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least Majors: Engineering: see entry for Bachelor of Cairnsiii Engineering. Information technology: business informatics; computing and networking; interactive technologies and games design. B Engineering/B Science Townsville Health and Recreation B Biomedical Sciences B or C D B or C D B or C one of Chemistry, Physics or Maths C 5F or 10P 1F or 2P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry Townsville Cairns 1F or 2P P: English (4,SA) Not Applicable Townsville 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B B&C B or C or D B&C B or C or D B&C B or C B&C B or C or D B&C B or C or D B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C or D B&C B or C or D B&C B or C or D B&C B or C or D Majors: Engineering: see entry for Bachelor of Cairnsiii Engineering. Science: aquaculture; biochemistry/molecular biology; chemistry; ecology and conservation; environmental science; genetics and genomics; geography; geology; hydrology and water resources; marine biology; mathematics; microbiology; natural resource management; pharmacology; physics; physiology; plant science; zoology. D Introductory Engineering Studies D one of Chemistry, Physics or Maths C (4,SA) plus other prerequisites to permit studies in the selected science discipline, see entry for B Science R: Physics or Maths C (4,SA) B Dental Surgery Cairns B Exercise Physiology (Clinical) Townsville 5F 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); JCU Application Form R: Biology (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) R: Any of Biology, Chemistry, Maths B, Physics, Health Education, Physical Education B Medical Laboratory Science Townsville 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) B Medicine, B Surgery Townsville 6F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); JCU Application Form B Nursing Science (Pre-registration) B Nursing Science/B Midwifery Townsville Cairns Mt Isa Thursday Island Flexible deliveryiv Townsville 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Biology; Chemistry; Maths A, B or C 6FL 4F P: English (4,SA) R: Biology; Chemistry; Maths B B Occupational Therapy B Pharmacy Townsville Flexible deliveryv Townsville 4F or 7P 1FL & 3F or 2FL & 7P P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, 4F P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B Physics, Health Education, Physical Education (4,SA) (4,SA); JCU Application Form B Physiotherapy Townsville 4F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Health Education, Physical Education (4,SA); JCU Application Form B Speech Pathology Townsville 4F or 7P P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Health Education, Physical Education (4,SA) James Cook University (JCU) continued Health and Recreation continued B Sport and Exercise Science B Sport and Exercise Science/B Business B Sport and Exercise Science/B Education Secondary D Health Science Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Campus Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P Townsville Cairns 4F or 8P Townsville 41/2F or 9P Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Secondary P: English (4,SA) R: Any of Biology, Chemistry, B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C Maths B, Physics, Health Education, Physical Education P: English (4,SA) R: Any of Biology, Chemistry, Maths B, Physics, Health Education, Physical Education P: English (4,SA). For secondary science teaching areas - English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Any of Biology, Chemistry, Maths B, Physics, Health Education, Physical Education 41 Townsville Cairns 1F or 2P Nil Not Applicable Townsville 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B C or E Distance ed 3X or 6X P: English (4,SA) A or B C or E Townsville 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B A or B C or E 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry Majors: Townsville: anthropology; archaeology; Cairns communication and cinema; criminology; English; environmental studies; geography; history; human services; Indigenous Australian studies; journalism; modern languages (French, German and Japanese); politics and international relations; psychology; public relations; sociology; writing. Cairns: anthropology; archaeology; criminology; English; environmental studies; geography; history; human services; Indigenous Australian studies; modern languages (French, Italian, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese); performance; politics and international relations; psychology; sociology. B Arts (Distance Education) Majors: Townsville: English; Indigenous Australian studies; human services; politics and international relations; sociology. Cairns: English; Indigenous Australian studies; human services; politics and international relations; sociology. B Arts/B Business Majors: Arts: see entry for Bachelor of Arts. Business: Cairns Townsville: economics and regional development; human resource management; management and entrepreneurship; marketing, sports and events management; tourism management. Cairns: hospitality management; human resource management; international business; management and entrepreneurship; marketing; tourism management. B Arts/B Science Townsville Majors: Arts: see entry for Bachelor of Arts. Science: Cairns aquaculture; biochemistry/molecular biology; chemistry; ecology and conservation; environmental science; genetics and genomics; geography; geology; marine biology; mathematics; microbiology; natural resource management; pharmacology; physics; physiology; plant science; zoology. (4,SA) plus other prerequisites to permit studies in the selected science discipline, see entry for B Science Townsville Cairns 4F or 8Pvi P: English (4,SA) B Multimedia Journalism Townsville 3F or 6P B Psychology Townsville Cairns 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B C B Psychology/B Business Townsville 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B B C B Languages Majors: Townsville: French; German; Japanese. Cairns: French; Italian; Japanese; Mandarin Chinese. Majors: Business: Townsville: accounting; economics and Cairns regional development; financial management; general; human resource management; management and entrepreneurship; marketing, sports and events management; tourism management. Cairns: accounting; general; hospitality management; human resource management; international business; management and entrepreneurship; marketing; tourism management. SECTION 3 Course Title Fields used for Selection within OP Not Applicable James Cook University (JCU) Entry Requirements P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years James Cook University (JCU) continued Humanities and Social Sciences continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) James Cook University (JCU) 42 B Social Science Majors: Asia Pacific governance and development; environment and heritage; social and criminal justice; tropical health and society. B Social Work Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) C n/a Townsville Cairns Mackayvii Distance edvii 4F or 7P P: English (4,SA) A or B C or E C or E 4FL or 7FL 4X or 7X B Social Work/B Arts Townsville Cairns 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA) A or B D Arts Townsville Cairns 1F or 2P Nil Not Applicable Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B B n/a Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B B n/a B Information Technology (Interactive Technologies Townsville and Games Design) Cairns 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B B n/a D Information Technology Townsville Cairns 1F or 2P Nil Not Applicable Townsville Cairns 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) A or B C B Laws/B Arts Townsville Cairns 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA) A or B C B Laws/B Business Townsville Cairns 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B A or B C B Laws/B Science Townsville Cairns 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry Townsville Cairns 6F or 12P P: English (4,SA) A or B C Townsville Cairnsviii 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry B&C B or C Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P B&C B or C Townsville Cairnsviii 3F or 6P B&C B or C Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P B&C B or C Townsville 3F or 6P B n/a C B C B Information Technology B Information Technology (Business Informatics) B Information Technology (Computing and Networking) Law B Laws B Laws/B Social Work Primary Industries and Environment B Science (Advanced) (Aquaculture) B Science (Advanced) (Environment) Majors: Environmental science; natural resource management. B Science (Aquaculture) B Science (Environment) Majors: Environmental science; natural resource management. Sciences B Biotechnology (4,SA) plus other prerequisites to permit studies in the selected science discipline, see entry for B Science (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) B Geology B Marine Science Townsville Cairnsii 3F or 6P Townsville Cairnsii 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A: Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) (or students are required to undertake chemistry and mathematics preparatory subjects in Year 1 of the course) P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) James Cook University (JCU) continued Sciences continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Science Townsville 3F or 6P Majors: Townsville: biochemistry/molecular biology; Cairns chemistry; ecology and conservation; genetics and genomics; geography; geology; hydrology and water resources; marine biology; mathematics (including specialisation in statistics); microbiology; pharmacology; physics; physiology; plant science; zoology. Cairns: ecology and conservation; geography; hydrology and water resources; plant science; zoology. The first year of some of the Townsville majors can be studied at Cairns. B Science (Advanced) Primary Secondary B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C C B P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); JCU Application Form R: Biology B&C B or C or D Nil Not Applicable P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA). For Physics major - English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); one of Physics or Maths C (4,SA) Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P B Science (General) Townsville Cairns 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B Science (Marine Biology - Advanced) Townsville 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B Majors: Townsville: biochemistry/molecular biology; chemistry; ecology and conservation; genetics and genomics; geography; geology; hydrology and water resources; mathematics; microbiology; pharmacology; physics; physiology; plant science; zoology. Cairns: ecology and conservation; geography; hydrology and water resources; plant science; zoology. The first year of some Townsville majors can be studied at Cairns. P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA). For Physics major - English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); one of Physics or Maths C (4,SA) (4,SA) B Veterinary Science Townsville 5F D Science Townsville Cairns 1F or 2P Campus or duration footnotes: i Where secondary teaching areas are not available in Cairns, students must transfer to Townsville after first year. ii Only first year of this course is available at Cairns; students continue their studies at Townsville. iii Only the first year of the engineering course is available at Cairns; students continue their studies at Townsville. iv The flexible delivery course is offered part-time and involves a combination of distance education and approximately one week per teaching period of residential school on-campus study at Townsville for some subjects. Clinical placement must be undertaken in Queensland. In practice this means from Mackay north. For the flexible delivery option the first year is completed off campus via online learning packages, with some residential periods on campus for practical classes. Years 2, 3 and 4 are completed on campus in Townsville. A compulsory one week (36 hour) fieldwork placement is undertaken in first year. Students who have not completed the language that they wish to major in during Years 11 and 12 must take foundation subjects in first year. This will extend the duration of their course. At Mackay the course is by flexible delivery involving a combination of distance education and weekly classes at JCU Mackay Study Centre. Students undertaking the distance education course are required to attend on-campus study at Townsville for 10 days each year. Only first and second year of this course are available at Cairns; students continue their studies at Townsville. v vi vii viii SECTION 3 Course Title Fields used for Selection within OP 43 James Cook University (JCU) Entry Requirements P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years Qantm College Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Qantm College & Queensland Institute of Business and Technology (QIBT) 44 Creative and Performing Arts B Interactive Entertainment - Animation Brisbane 2Fi B Interactive Entertainment - Games Design Brisbane 2Fi D Interactive Digital Media Brisbane 1F D Screen and Media (Animation) Brisbane 1F D Screen and Media (Digital Video Production) Brisbane 1F Information Technology B Creative Media - Graphic Design Brisbane 2Fi Brisbane i 2F B Interactive Entertainment - Games Programming Brisbane 2Fi B Creative Media - Interactive Media P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or equivalent P: Completion of Year 12 or equivalent P: Completion of Year 12 or equivalent P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Maths B or C (4,SA) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Campus or duration footnotes: i All Qantm College bachelor degrees are three year programs delivered over two years. Queensland Institute of Business and Technology (QIBT) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Business and Tourism AB Commerce and BusinessH Mt Gravatt 2Fi or 4Pi Specialisations: Accounting; banking and finance; hotel management; human resource management; international tourism and hotel management; management. D Commerce D Hotel Management Creative and Performing Arts D Graphic Design P: One of English, English for ESL Learners or Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Not Applicable English Communication (4,SA) Mt Gravatt Mt Gravatt Mt Gravatt 3/4Fii or 11/2Pii 3/4Fii or 11/2Pii 3/4Fii or 11/2Pii P: One of English, English for ESL Learners or Not Applicable English Communication (4,SA) P: One of English, English for ESL Learners or Not Applicable English Communication (4,SA) P: One of English, English for ESL Learners or English Communication (4,SA) R: Visual Art; Not Applicable Graphics; Technology Studies Engineering and Technology D EngineeringH Information Technology D Information Technology Sciences D BiosciencesH Mt Gravatt Mt Gravatt Mt Gravatt 3/4Fii or 11/2Pii 3/4Fii or 11/2Pii 3/4Fii or 11/2Pii P: One of English, English for ESL Learners or P: One of English, English for ESL Learners or Not Applicable English Communication (4,SA); Mathematics (4,SA) P: One of English, English for ESL Learners or English Communication (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Chemistry or Biology General footnotes: H Subject to final approval. Campus or duration footnotes: i This program can be studied in 4 semesters (fast-track) or 6 semesters (standard track), both options include a summer semester. ii Not Applicable English Communication (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics This program can be studied in 2 semesters (fast-track) or 3 semesters (standard track), both options include a summer semester. Not Applicable Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Built Environment and Design B Design (Architectural Studies) Gardens Point 4F B Design (Industrial Design) Gardens Point 4F B Design (Interior Design) Gardens Point 4F B Design (Landscape Architecture) Gardens Point 4F B Urban Development (Construction Management) Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary B or C E B or C E B or C E B or C E A or B C A or B C A or B E SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years Majors: Quantity surveying. Gardens Point 4F B Urban Development (Urban and Regional Planning) Gardens Point 4F Gardens Point 3F or 6P 3F or 6Pi A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, 2F A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, Business and Tourism B Business Majors: Gardens Point: Accountancy; advertising; Caboolture economics; finance; human resource management; international business; management; marketing; public relations. Second study areas include: business regulations; forensics; integrated marketing communication; international logistics; language. Caboolture: management; marketing. B Business (Accelerated Program) Gardens Pointii Majors: Accountancy; advertising; economics; finance; human resource management; international business; management; marketing; public relations. B Business (Dean's Honours Program) B or C economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B or C economics, finance, and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Gardens Point 2Fiii Majors: Accountancy; advertising; economics; finance; human resource management; international business; management; marketing; public relations. B Business/B Corporate Systems Management A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) B or C A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, Gardens Point 5F B or C Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Creative Industries Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Engineering (Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical) A or B C D C economics, finance, and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Maths C; Physics Majors: Business: accountancy; advertising; economics; finance; human resource management; international business; management; marketing; public relations. Engineering: civil engineering; electrical engineering; mechanical engineering. B Business/B Fine Arts (Creative and Professional Writing) Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Fine Arts (Fashion) Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Fine Arts (Interactive and Visual Design) Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F P: Successful portfolio; interview A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, economics, finance and marketing majors - Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Not Applicable Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, A or B Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F P: Successful portfolio; interview A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, economics, finance and marketing majors - Maths A, B or C (4,SA) 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B or C Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B or C Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, B Business/B Games and Interactive Entertainment Gardens Point A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, Not Applicable economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) C economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Fine Arts (Visual Arts) Not Applicable economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Fine Arts (Drama) A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, Not Applicable Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment. B Business/B Information Technology Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. Specialisations: Information technology: see entry for Bachelor of Information Technology. B Business/B Journalism Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A or B C 45 Queensland University of Technology (QUT) B Urban Development (Property Economics) Queensland University of Technology (QUT) continued Business and Tourism continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Business/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Mathematics Queensland University of Technology (QUT) A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, Primary Secondary A or B C C B A or B C A B economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, Kelvin Grove Cabooltureiv 3F A: English (4,SA) B Creative Industries/B Human Services Kelvin Grove 4F B or C Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A or B B Creative Industries/B Information Technology A or B B or C B Creative Industries/B Laws Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 51/2F A: English (4,SA) A or B C B Fine Arts (Acting) Kelvin Grove 3F Not Applicable B Fine Arts (Animation) Kelvin Grove 3F B Fine Arts (Creative and Professional Writing) Kelvin Grove 3F P: Successful audition A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business/B Media and Communication Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. 46 Gardens Point 51/2F Fields used for Selection within OP Creative and Performing Arts B Creative Industries Specialisations: Information technology: see entry for Bachelor of Information Technology. economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) 51/2F B Fine Arts (Creative and Professional Writing)/B Laws Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point B Fine Arts (Dance Performance) Kelvin Grove 3F B Fine Arts (Dance)/GradD Education (Senior Years) Kelvin Grove v 4F B Fine Arts (Drama) Kelvin Grove 3F B Fine Arts (Drama)/GradD Education (Senior Years) Kelvin Grove v 4F B Fine Arts (Fashion) Kelvin Grove Not Applicable A B A or B C P: Successful audition A: English (4,SA) P: Successful audition A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) Not Applicable 3F P: Successful portfolio; interview A: English (4,SA) Not Applicable B Fine Arts (Film, TV and New Media Production) Kelvin Grove 3F Not Applicable B Fine Arts (Interactive and Visual Design) Kelvin Grove 3F B Fine Arts (Interactive and Visual Design)/B Information Technology Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B Fine Arts (Sound Design) Kelvin Grove 3F P: Successful portfolio; interview A: English (4,SA) Not Applicable B Fine Arts (Technical Production) Kelvin Grove 3F Not Applicable B Fine Arts (Visual Arts) Kelvin Grove 3F P: Successful interview A: English (4,SA) P: Successful portfolio; interview A: English Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable E A A or B B or C Specialisations: Information technology: see entry for Bachelor of Information Technology. Not Applicable (4,SA) B Fine Arts (Visual Arts)/GradD Education (Senior Kelvin Grove Years) 4Fv P: Successful portfolio; interview A: English (4,SA) Not Applicable B Journalism 3F A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A or B C A or B C Kelvin Grove B Journalism/B Laws Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 51/2F B Mass Communication Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 3F A: English (4,SA) A or B C B Media and Communication Kelvin Grove 3F C Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A or B B Media and Communication/B Laws A or B C B Music Kelvin Grove 3F Not Applicable B Music/GradD Education (Senior Years) Kelvin Grove 4Fv P: Successful audition, (live performance and/or portfolio); interview A: English (4,SA) P: Successful audition, (live performance and/or portfolio); interview A: English (4,SA) Education B Early Childhood Studies Kelvin Grove 3Fvi Kelvin Grove vii B Education (Early Childhood) 51/2F 4F A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) Not Applicable B C B C Queensland University of Technology (QUT) continued Education continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Education (Primary) Kelvin Grove/ Gardens viii 4F Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary A: English (4,SA) B C A: English (4,SA); and for the mathematics B C B C B C D C D C D C D C D C C B B C C B A or B or C B or C C or B B or C C B Majors: Kelvin Grove: health and physical education Point (HPE). Gardens Point and University Alliance: languages Caboolture other than English (LOTE). QUT, The University of Queensland and Griffith University have an alliance to expand higher learning in a range of Asian and European languages. Mandarin is offered at Gardens Point campus and other languages are offered at the other universities. B Education (Secondary) Kelvin Grove & Gardens 4F Majors: QUT, The University of Queensland and Griffith Point University have an alliance to expand higher learning in a range of Asian and European languages. Mandarin is offered at QUT Gardens Point campus and other languages are offered across the other Universities. Mathematics cannot be taken with mathematics (intermediate); science studies cannot be taken with biology, chemistry, earth science or physics. B Education (Secondary) - Home Economics B Education (Secondary) - Physical Education teaching area - Maths B (4,SA) Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F Kelvin Grove & Gardens 4F teaching area - Maths B (4,SA) Majors: Physical education and health education is not Point a recommended teaching area combination. Physical education students should select a second teaching area that will broaden their career opportunities. Engineering and Technology B Engineering Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Maths C; Physics Gardens Point 4F Specialisations: Aerospace avionics; civil; civil and construction; civil and environmental; electrical; infomechatronics; mechanical; medical; software. P: Applicants must be current Year 12 students or returning from a gap year; successful questionnaire; interview may be required A: English (4,VHA); Maths B (4,VHA) R: Chemistry; Maths C; Physics B Engineering (Electrical)/B Information Technology Gardens Point 5F Specialisations: Information technology: see entry for Bachelor of Information Technology. B Engineering (Electrical)/B Mathematics A: English (4,SA); and for the mathematics teaching area - Maths B (4,SA) Specialisations: Aerospace avionics; civil; civil and construction; civil and environmental; electrical; infomechatronics; mechanical; medical; software. B Engineering (Dean's Scholars Program) A: English (4,SA); and for the mathematics A: English (4,SA); Maths B or C (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Maths C; Physics Gardens Point 5F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Maths C; Physics B Urban Development (Spatial Science) Gardens Point 4F Specialisations: Engineering and mining surveying; land development; mapping sciences and GIS. A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Maths C; Physics Health and Recreation B Clinical Exercise Physiology Kelvin Grove 4F B Exercise and Movement Science Kelvin Grove 3F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); at least one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology (4,SA) R: Health Education or Physical Education A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); at least one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology (4,SA) R: Health Education or Physical Education B Exercise and Movement Science/B Behavioural Science (Psychology) Kelvin Grove 4F B Exercise and Movement Science/B Business 4F Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point B Exercise and Movement Science/B Education (Secondary) Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); at least one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology (4,SA) R: Health Education or Physical Education A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); at least one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology (4,SA) R: Health Education or Physical Education A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); at least one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology (4,SA) R: Health Education or Physical Education B Exercise and Movement Science/B Health Science Kelvin Grove (Nutrition and Dietetics) 5F B Exercise and Movement Science/B Health Science Kelvin Grove (Public Health) 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); at least one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology (4,SA) R: Health Education or Physical Education B or C SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study 47 Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years Queensland University of Technology (QUT) continued Health and Recreation continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Queensland University of Technology (QUT) 48 B Health Science (Nutrition) Kelvin Grove 3F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary C B C B A or B or C B or C (4,SA) B Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) Kelvin Grove 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) B Health Science (Nutrition or Public Health)/B Media and Communication Kelvin Grove 4F A: English (4,SA); and for nutrition - Maths B (4,SA), Chemistry (4,SA) R: One of Maths B, Maths C, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Health Education, or Physical Education B Health Science (Paramedic) Kelvin Grove 3Fix B Health Science (Podiatry) Kelvin Grove 4F B C C B A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) B C B C A: English (4,SA) R: Maths A, B or C A: English (4 SA); Maths B (4 SA); at least one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology R: Health C B C B A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) B Health Science (Public Health) Kelvin Grove 3F x B Nursing Kelvin Grove Caboolture 3F or 6P 3F B Nursing/B Behavioural Science (Psychology) Kelvin Grove 4F B Nursing/B Exercise and Movement Science Kelvin Grove 4F B Nursing/B Health Science (Paramedic) Kelvin Grove 4F B Nursing/B Health Science (Public Health) Kelvin Grove 4F B Nursing/B Midwifery Kelvin Grove 4F B Pharmacy Gardens Point 4F B Vision Science/Master of Optometry Kelvin Grove 5F Education or Physical Education A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) R: Biology A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry C B B C B C C B C B A or B C A or B or C B or C (4,SA); Physics (4,SA) Humanities and Social Sciences B Behavioural Science (Psychology) B Behavioural Science (Psychology)/B Business Majors: Business: see entry for Bachelor of Business. B Behavioural Science (Psychology)/B Laws Kelvin Grove 3F or 6Pxi A: English (4,SA) R: Maths A, B or C A: English (4,SA); and for accountancy, Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 51/2F A: English (4,SA) R: Maths A, B or C A or B C 41/2F A or B C A or B C A or B C A or B C B Behavioural Science (Psychology)/B Social Work Kelvin Grove economics, finance and marketing majors Maths A, B or C (4,SA) R: Maths A, B or C B Human Services Kelvin Grove B Human Services/B Justice Kelvin Grove & Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA) R: Maths A, B or C A: English (4,SA) A: English (4,SA) B Social Work Kelvin Grove 4F A: English (4,SA) Information Technology B Corporate Systems Management Gardens Point 3F C Gardens Point & Kelvin Grove 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B B Corporate Systems Management/B Games and Interactive Entertainment B C Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B C Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A or B C Gardens Point 3F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B C Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) B or D C Majors: Justice: criminology; policing. 3F or 6Px Majors: Games and interactive entertainment: see entry for Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment. B Corporate Systems Management/B Information Technology Specialisations: See entry for Bachelor of Information technology. B Corporate Systems Management/B Justice Majors: Justice: criminology; policing. B Games and Interactive Entertainment Majors: Animation; digital media; game design; software technologies. B Games and Interactive Entertainment/B Mathematics Majors: Games and interactive entertainment: see entry for Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) continued Information Technology continued Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study B Information Technology Primary Secondary Gardens Point 3F or 6P A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B C Gardens Point 51/2F A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A or B C Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B 49 Gardens Point 3F P: Applicants must be current Year 12 students B C Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Fields used for Selection within OP Specialisations: Business process management; data warehousing; digital environments; enterprise systems; network systems; software engineering; Web technologies. B Information Technology/B Laws Specialisations: Information technology: see entry for Bachelor of Information Technology. B Information Technology/B Mathematics Specialisations: Information technology: see entry for Bachelor of Information Technology. Dean's Scholars Accelerated Honours Program (Information Technology) Law B Justice or students returning from a gap year who completed Year 12 in Australia; successful questionnaire; interview may be required A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) Gardens Point 3F or 6P 3X or 6X A: English (4,SA) A or B C Gardens Point 51/2F A: English (4,SA) A or B C Gardens Point Distance ed 4F or 6Pxii 6Xxii P: Entry to the distance education course is A or B C Gardens Point 3F or 6Pxiii A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least C B Majors: Primary majors: criminology; policing. Secondary Distance ed majors: criminology; information technology; law; policing; psychology. B Justice/B Laws Majors: Justice: criminology; policing. B Laws Sciences B Applied Science Majors: Biochemistry; biotechnology; chemistry; ecology; environmental science; forensic science; geoscience; microbiology; physics. Second majors are available in any of the above majors or: applied geology; astrophysics; biodiversity; chemistry for industry; life science technologies; mathematics. restricted to applicants who reside in Australia and live outside the Brisbane City Council boundaries A: English (4,SA) one of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth Science, or Maths C. B Applied Science (Medical Radiation Technology) Gardens Point 3F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Physics (4,SA) C B 3F P: Successful questionnaire A: English (4,SA); C B C B Majors: Medical imaging technology. B Applied Science (Medical Radiation Technology) Gardens Point Majors: Radiotherapy technology. B Applied Science (Medical Science) Maths B (4,SA); Physics (4,SA) Gardens Point 3F or 6Pxiv A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) B Applied Science/B Business Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B Kelvin Grove & Gardens 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least C B C B Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Business. B Applied Science/B Education (Primary) Majors: Science: see entry for Bachelor of Applied Science. Point B Applied Science/B Education (Secondary) Kelvin Grove & Gardens one of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth Science, or Maths C 4F Majors: Science: biochemistry; biotechnology; chemistry; Point ecology; environmental science; geoscience; mathematics; microbiology; physics. B Applied Science/B Games and Interactive Entertainment Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least B or C one of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth Science, or Maths C Gardens Point 4F Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Information Technology. B Applied Science/B Laws A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least one of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth Science, or Maths C Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment. B Applied Science/B Information Technology A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: At least B or C one of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth Science, or Maths C Gardens Point 51/2F Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) A or B C A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Maths C; C or D B or C Majors: Applied science: see entry for Bachelor of Applied Science. B Applied Science/B Mathematics Majors: Science: see entry for Bachelor of Applied Science. SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years at least one of the sciences. For biochemistry, biotechnology, forensic science, and microbiology majors - Biology and Chemistry Queensland University of Technology (QUT) continued Sciences continued Entry Requirements SECTION 3 Course Title xiv Fields used for Selection within OP Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Secondary A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) R: Biology A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Maths C C B D C B Biomedical Science Gardens Point 3F or 6P B Mathematics Gardens Point 3F or 6Pxiv Gardens Point 4F A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B Gardens Point 3F P: Applicants must be current Year 12 students C B Specialisations: Applied mathematics; computational mathematics; discrete mathematics; financial mathematics; mathematical modelling; operations research; scientific computation and visualisation; statistical modelling; statistics. 50 Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years B Technology Innovation Majors: Biochemistry; biomedical science; biotechnology; chemistry; digital media; ecology; environmental science; forensic science; games technology; geoscience; information technology; microbiology; physics. Dean's Scholars Accelerated Honours Program (Science) Majors: Biochemistry; biotechnology; chemistry; ecology; environmental science; forensic science; geoscience; mathematics; microbiology; physics. or students returning from a gap year who completed Year 12 in Australia; successful questionnaire; an interview may be required A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,VHA); two of Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Maths C, or Physics (4,VHA) Campus or duration footnotes: i The Caboolture campus part-time mode is not available by evening study. All students accepted into the Caboolture program are required to complete their first year at Caboolture. Students who wish to study majors other than marketing or management then transfer to Gardens Point. ii Students undertake five units in semesters 1 and 2 and undertake two units in each summer semester. iii Students take five units in semesters 1 and 2 and two units in each summer semester. iv The Caboolture campus offers first year of the course only and comprises four creative industries units and four units drawn from business, education, film and television, and music. Students who complete the first year at Caboolture then transfer to Kelvin Grove to complete the course. Students complete the three year bachelor's degree before progressing to the one year Graduate Diploma in Education (Senior Years). v ix Students admitted with a completed Diploma of Children's Services (or equivalent accredited qualification) will be automatically granted one year (96 credit points) of advanced standing and be eligible to complete the course in two years full-time. Students admitted with a completed Diploma of Children's Services (or equivalent) will be automatically granted one year (96 credit points) of advanced standing and be eligible to complete the course in three years full-time. Students admitted with a completed Diploma of Children's Services (or equivalent) will be automatically granted 48 credit points (4 units) of advanced standing however course duration can not be shortened. The course has a summer semester enrolment at the end of the first year. x The part-time mode may not be available by evening study. xi The majority of lectures are offered between 9 am and 6 pm, and after-hours tutorials are available (subject to demand). Students should note that day-time attendance will be required. xii The part-time and distance education courses are accelerated programs normally completed over six years. xiii The part-time mode is generally only available during the day. xiv The part-time mode is only available during the day. vi vii viii Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Built Environment and Design D Building Design and Technology Southbank 2F D Interior Technology Southbank 2F Fields used for Selection within OP Primary B or C P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C Secondary n/a (4,SA) B or C P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C n/a SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years (4,SA) Business and Tourism D Accounting Southbank 11/2F Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a 51 D Accounting/B Commerce D Business P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age Southbank/Griffith University - Nathani 4F Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Business/B Business D Business/B Corporate Systems Management D Events Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi 3F Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi 3F Southbank P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Events/B Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Estate and Property, Sport) Southbank/Griffith University - Nathani 31/2F D Hospitality Southbank 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Hospitality/AdvD Hospitality/B Business (Tourism and Hospitality Management) Southbank/Griffith University - Nathani 3F D Management Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Management/B Business D Management/D Sport and Recreation Southbank/Griffith University - Nathani Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi 31/2F Southbank 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Marketing Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Marketing/B Business D Tourism Southbank/Griffith University - Nathani Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi 31/2F Southbank 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Tourism/B Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Southbank/Griffith Estate and Property, Sport) University - Nathani 31/2F C IV Project Management 1Pii Southbank P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age C IV Small Business Management Southbank 1/2P Specialisations: Starting your own business. Creative and Performing Arts AdvD Arts (Acting) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C n/a leaving age Southbank 21/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age; successful portfolio A: English (4,SA) Not Applicable Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) leaving age D Accounting/B Business (Accountancy) Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) continued Creative and Performing Arts continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) 52 AdvD Screen and Media Southbank 2F Specialisations: Animation. D Graphic Design P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio. Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft or CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts or CUF30101 Certificate III in Screen or equivalent may also satisfy the portfolio requirements Southbank 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio. Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft, CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts or CUV30303 Certificate III in Design Fundamentals may also satisfy the portfolio requirements D Music Southbank 1F Specialisations: Performance. D Music Business P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; audition Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C n/a B or C n/a leaving age D Music Business/B Business D Music Industry (Technical Production) Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi Southbank 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; audition D Photoimaging Southbank 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio. Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft, CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts or CUV40403 Certificate IV in Photoimaging may also satisfy the portfolio requirements D Screen and Media Southbank 11/2F Specialisations: Visual effects. D Screen and Media/B Games and Interactive Entertainment P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 A or E n/a A or E n/a leaving age Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi 31/2-4F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age Specialisations: Visual Effects. D Visual Arts Southbank 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio. Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft or CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts may also satisfy the portfolio requirements Education D Children's Services (Early Childhood Education Southbank and Care) 11/2F B or C n/a B or C n/a P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) B or C n/a B or C n/a P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C n/a P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA) or English Communication (4,HA) D Children's Services (Early Childhood Education Southbank/Griffith and Care)/B Human Services - Child and Family University - Loganiii Studies Engineering and Technology AB Civil Engineering AB Civil Engineering/B Engineering (Civil) Health and Recreation D Beauty Therapy Southbank Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi Southbank 4F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA) or English Communication (4,HA) 2F 41/2F 1F leaving age D Dental Technology Southbank 2F D Fitness Southbank 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age; manual dexterity test A: English Not Applicable (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age B or C n/a Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) continued Health and Recreation continued D Fitness/B Sport and Exercise Science D Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing) Campus Southbank/University of the Sunshine Coasti Southbank 4F Fields used for Selection within OP Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Secondary P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a leaving age 11/2F P: Minimum age of 17 years on or before: 31 January 2013 for entry into Semester 1, 2013; 1 June 2013 for entry into Semester 2, 2013 D Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)/B Nursing Southbank/Griffith University - Nathaniv Southbank/Queensland University of Technology Kelvin Groveiv 31/2F D Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)/B Nursing Southbank/University of the Science Sunshine Coasti 31/2F D Paramedical Science (Anaesthesia) 11/2F Southbank P: Minimum age of 17 years on or before: 31 January 2013 for entry into Semester 1, 2013; 1 June 2013 for entry into Semester 2, 2013 53 B or C n/a B or C P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C n/a P: Minimum age of 17 years on or before 31 January 2013 (4,SA) D Paramedical Science (Anaesthesia)/B Biomedical Southbank/University of the Science Sunshine Coasti 3F Majors: USC: clinical measurement. D Sport (Development)/C IV Sport (Coaching) B or C P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C n/a (4,SA) Southbank 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a leaving age C IV Fitness Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age C IV Fitness/C IV Sport (Coaching) Southbank 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age C IV Sport (Coaching) Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age Humanities and Social Sciences D Community Services Work Southbank 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Community Services Work/B Human Services D Community Services Work/B Social Work D Counselling Southbank/Griffith University - Loganv Southbank/Queensland University of Technology Kelvin Grovev 4F Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyv 5F Southbank 2P P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Family Intake and Support Work Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age; applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (as defined in Abstudy guidelines) D Library/Information Services Southbank 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Library/Information Services/B Corporate Systems Southbank/Queensland Management University of Technology Gardens Pt Information Technology D Information Technology (Networking) Southbank 4F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Information Technology (Networking)/B Corporate Systems ManagementH Southbank/Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti D Information Technology (Networking)/B Games Southbank/Queensland and Interactive EntertainmentH University of Technology Gardens Pti D Information Technology (Networking)/B Information TechnologyH Southbank/Griffith University - Nathani Southbank/Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 3-31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) continued Information Technology continued Entry Requirements SECTION 3 Course Title Campus D Information Technology (Website Development) Southbank Course Duration in Years 1F P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Secondary P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C n/a B or C P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C n/a leaving age Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT) 54 D Information Technology (Website Development)/B Corporate Systems ManagementH Southbank/Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti 3F D Information Technology (Website Development)/B Games and Interactive EntertainmentH Southbank/Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti 3-31/2F D Information Technology (Website Development)/B Information TechnologyH Southbank/Griffith University - Nathani Southbank/Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti 3F D Interactive Digital Media Southbank P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 11/2F Specialisations: Authoring; games. P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age D Interactive Digital Media/B Games and Interactive Southbank/Queensland Entertainment University of Technologyi 31/2-4F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age Specialisations: SBIT: authoring; games. Law D Justice (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age; applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (as defined in Abstudy guidelines) D Justice Administration Southbank 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age 3-31/2F D Justice Administration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)/B Justice Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi D Justice Administration/B Criminology and Criminal Justice Southbank/Griffith University - Mt Gravatti 3F Southbank/Queensland University of Technologyi 3F Southbank 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age; applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (as defined in Abstudy guidelines) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age Majors: Corrections; crime and justice research; crime prevention; criminal justice; police studies. D Justice Administration/B Justice Sciences AdvD Laboratory Operations leaving age Specialisations: Analytical chemistry; biosciences; environment and sustainability; food science; forensic laboratory technology; pathology; pharmaceuticals. D Laboratory Technology Majors: USC: Clinical measurement. P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age R: English; Maths A, B or C; a science subject Southbank 11/2F Specialisations: Analytical chemistry; biosciences; environment and sustainability; food science; forensic laboratory technology; pathology; pharmaceuticals. D Paramedical Science (Anaesthesia)/B Science P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age R: English; Maths A, B or C; a science subject Southbank/University of the Sunshine Coasti 3F (4,SA) General footnotes: H Subject to final approval. Campus or duration footnotes: i Students undertake initial study at Southbank Institute of Technology and complete the degree at the relevant university. ii Students undertake initial study at Southbank Institute of Technology and continue their studies towards a Diploma of Project Management. iii Students undertake initial study at Southbank Institute of Technology and complete the degree at the relevant university. Students who meet specific academic requirements may articulate directly into the bachelor at the end of one year of study. These students are then able to complete both qualifications in three and a half years. Entry into the bachelor component at Griffith University - Logan occurs only in February each year. Students undertake initial study at Southbank Institute of Technology and complete the degree at the relevant university. Students wishing to complete in 3 and a half years can transition into the Bachelor of Nursing offered at Queensland University of Technology - Kelvin Grove. Students commencing in February will be required to wait six months between finishing the diploma and recommencing their studies in the degree at Griffith University. Students undertake initial study at Southbank Institute of Technology and complete the degree at the relevant university. Students commencing in February may be required to wait six months between finishing the diploma and recommencing their studies in the degree. iv v Southern Cross University (SCU) Course Title Campus Business and Tourism B Business Gold Coast Primary Secondary 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable Lismore 41/2F or 9P Nil Not Applicable 55 Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable Gold Coast Lismore Coffs Harbour 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable P: Interview Not Applicable Southern Cross University (SCU) Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Fields used for Selection within OP Majors: Gold Coast: accounting; finance; human resource Lismore management; marketing; real estate and property Coffs Harbour services (subject to approval). Lismore: accounting; finance; international business; marketing. Coffs Harbour: accounting; information systems; marketing. Additional majors are also available by distance education. B Business/B Arts Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Arts. B Business/B Laws Majors: See separate entry for Bachelor of Business. B Business Administration B Business in Convention and Event Management Gold Coast B Business in Hospitality Management LismoreH Majors: Food, wine and tourism; gaming and club management; hotel and resort management. B Business in Hotel Management The Hotel School Sydney B Business in Hotel and Resort Management Coffs Harbour 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable B Business in International Tourism Management Gold Coast Lismore 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable B Business in Tourism Management Gold Coast Lismore 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable B Business in Tourism Management/B Laws Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable B Environmental Tourism Management Lismore 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable Creative and Performing Arts B Contemporary Music 3F Lismore 3F or 6P R: Music Not Applicable B Contemporary Music/B Laws Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable B Visual Arts Lismore 3F or 6P P: Interview; portfolio R: Visual Art Not Applicable B Visual Arts/B Education (Secondary) Lismore 4F or 8P Lismore 2F or 4P P: Interview; portfolio A: English R: English Extension (Literature) Not Applicable AB Creative Writing 4F or 8P R: Any two units of English; Maths A, B or C Not Applicable Lismore Coffs Harbour 4F or 8P A: English; Maths A, B or C Not Applicable Lismorei 3F or 6P R: Biology and/or Chemistry Not Applicable Lismore 3F or 6P A: Chemistry; one or more of Biology, Health Not Applicable Majors: Music education (teaching); music industry (marketing, management); performance (voice, guitar, bass, drums, keyboard); professional studies (composition, music production). Majors: Arts industry and media arts (online media, photography, online animation, digital art and design, screen production basics); arts industry and technology (photography, digital art and design, studio drawing). Education - see also dual degrees with education in other areas of study B Education (Early Childhood) Tweed Heads - Lakeside Lismore Coffs Harbour B Education (Primary) Health and Recreation B Clinical Sciences Not Applicable Majors: Naturopathy; nutrition; osteopathy; psychology. B Exercise Science and Nutrition Education, Physical Education, Physics, Maths A, B or C B Midwifery Tweed Heads - Lakeside 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable B Nursing Tweed Heads - Lakeside Lismore Coffs Harbour Port Macquarie Base Hospital 3F or 6P R: One or more of English, Maths A, B or C, Not Applicable Tweed Heads - Lakeside 4F or 8P B Occupational Therapy SECTION 3 Entry Requirements P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years Biology, Chemistry, Physics R: Biology Not Applicable Southern Cross University (SCU) continued Health and Recreation continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Sport and Exercise Science Lismore 3F or 6P Majors: Exercise science; sport management. R: Maths A, B or C; any two units of English; Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Not Applicable one or more of a science, business or health and physical education subject B Sport and Exercise Science/B Education (Secondary) Lismore 4F or 8P Nil Not Applicable B Sport and Exercise Science/B Laws Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable B Sport Tourism Management Lismore 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable D Sport Management (Surfing Studies) Tweed Heads - Riverside 1F or 2P Nil Not Applicable Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Lismore 3F or 6P A: English Not Applicable Majors: Exercise science; sport management. Southern Cross University (SCU) 56 Majors: Lismore: cultural studies; history, politics and Coffs Harbour society; writing. Coffs Harbour: cultural studies. Additional majors are available but may be exclusively on-campus or by distance education. B Arts/B Education (Secondary) Lismore Coffs Harbour 4F or 8P Nil Not Applicable B Arts/B Laws Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable B Indigenous Studies/B Laws Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable B Media Lismore 3F or 6P R: English Not Applicable Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts. Majors: Journalism; screen. B Psychological Science Coffs Harbour 4F or 8P Nil Not Applicable 3F or 6P R: English Not Applicable Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable Information Technology B Information Technology Coffs Harbour 3F or 6P Nil Not Applicable AB Information Technology Coffs Harbour 2F or 4P Nil Not Applicable Gold Coast Lismore 4F or 8P Nil Not Applicable Gold Coast Lismore 3F or 6P R: Any two units of English; Legal Studies Not Applicable B Legal and Justice Studies/B Laws Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable AB Law (Paralegal Studies) Gold Coast Lismore 2F or 4P R: Any two units of English; Legal Studies Not Applicable Primary Industries and Environment B Environmental Science (Coastal Management, Lismore Environmental Resource Management, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management) 3F or 6P R: Biology and/or Chemistry; Geography; Not Applicable B Environmental Science/B Laws Lismore 5F or 10P Nil Not Applicable Lismore 4F or 8P R: Biology and/or Chemistry; Geography; Not Applicable B Social Science Tweed Heads - Riverside Majors: Tweed Heads: social welfare. Lismore: government Lismore and policy studies. Coffs Harbour: community studies; Coffs Harbour counselling. Additional majors are available but may be exclusively offered on-campus or by distance education. B Social Science/B Laws Majors: See separate entry for Bachelor of Social Science. Law B Laws B Legal and Justice Studies Maths A, B or C Majors: See separate entry for Bachelor of Environmental Science. B Forest Science and Management Maths A, B or C B Marine Science and Management Lismore 3F or 6P R: Biology and/or Chemistry; Geography; Not Applicable Maths A, B or C B Science/B Education (Secondary) Majors: Biology; chemistry; curriculum studies; educational studies; physics; professional experience. General footnotes: H Subject to final approval. Campus or duration footnotes: i This course is currently subject to review. Lismore 4F or 8P Nil Not Applicable TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD): institutes and abbreviations Institute Abbreviation Institute AACC Australian Agricultural College Corporation SQIT Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE BRIT Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE SCIT Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE BrIT Bremer Institute of TAFE STA SkillsTech Australia BNIT Brisbane North Institute of TAFE TNQIT Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE GCIT Gold Coast Institute of TAFE WBIT Wide Bay Institute of TAFE MSIT Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE SECTION 3 Abbreviation Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# 57 GCIT - Ashmore STA - Eagle Farm 2F D Building Design and Technology GCIT - Ashmore SCIT - Nambour 2F D Interior Technology/B Digital Media GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA). Business and Tourism D Accounting D Accounting/B Business D Accounting/B Business Administration D Accounting/B Commerce 11/2F 1F 2X 1F 11/2F 1F 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi GCIT - Southport/ Southern Cross University - Gold Coasti 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 3F BrIT - Springfield/ 3F BNIT - Bracken Ridge BrIT - Springfield CQIT - Clermont GCIT - Southport MSIT - Mt Gravatt SQIT - Toowoomba TNQIT - Cairns D Business BNIT - Bracken Ridge BrIT - Springfield CQIT - Mackay CQIT - Rockhampton MSIT - Loganlea MSIT - Mt Gravatt SQIT - Toowoomba SCIT - Maroochydore WBIT - Bundaberg WBIT - Gympie WBIT - Hervey Bay WBIT - Maryborough WBIT - Maryborough B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age Majors: Accounting; banking; finance; financial planning University of Southern and economics. Queensland - Springfieldi GCIT - Southport/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 31/2F 1-11/2F 1/2F 11/2X 1F 11/2F 11/2X P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age B or C TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Built Environment and Design D Building and Construction (Building) TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) continued Business and Tourism continued Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) D Business/B Business 58 TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) D Business/B Business Administration D Business/B Commerce D Business/B International Business D Business Administration BNIT - Bracken Ridge/ Queensland University of Technology - Gardens Pti BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi MSIT - Loganlea/ Griffith University - Logani MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 3-31/2F 21/2F 3F 21/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 3F MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 1/2F 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 11/2F 11/2X BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi MSIT - Loganlea/ Griffith University - Logani MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani 21/2F D Business Administration/B Business Administration BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 21/2F D Business Studies BNIT - Ithaca D Business Administration/B Business B or C leaving age MSIT - Loganlea/ Griffith University - Logani MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani BrIT - Springfield MSIT - Loganlea MSIT - Mt Gravatt WBIT - Bundaberg WBIT - Gympie WBIT - Hervey Bay WBIT - Maryborough WBIT - Maryborough P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Events D Events/B Business BNIT - Ithaca BrIT - Bundamba GCIT - Ashmore MSIT - Loganlea SCIT - Mooloolaba SCIT - Mooloolaba (Aquatic Events) TNQIT - Cairns 1F B or C leaving age 1FL BrIT - Bundamba/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfield SCIT - Mooloolaba/ University of the Sunshine Coasti 3F D Events/B Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Estate and Property, Sport) GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 3F D Events/B Business Administration BrIT - Bundamba/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 3F GCIT - Ashmore/ Southern Cross University - Gold Coasti 3F D Events/B Business in Convention and Event Tourism Management P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age B or C TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) continued Business and Tourism continued Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# D Hospitality/B Business BNIT - Bracken Ridge BRIT - Pimlico BrIT - Bundamba MSIT - Loganlea MSIT - Mt Gravatt SQIT - Toowoomba SCIT - Mooloolaba TNQIT - Cairns WBIT - Hervey Bay 1F D Hospitality/B Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Estate and Property, Sport) GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 3F D Hospitality/B Business Administration BrIT - Bundamba/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 3F D Human Resources Management D Human Resources Management/B Business D Human Resources Management/D Business 59 11/2F 3F D Hospitality/D Events P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age BNIT - Bracken Ridge BrIT - Bundamba 11/2F CQIT - Mackay CQIT - Rockhampton 11/2X 1X P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 MSIT - Mt Gravatt B or C leaving age BrIT - Bundamba/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfield SCIT - Mooloolaba/ University of the Sunshine Coasti D Hospitality/B Business in Convention and Event GCIT - Ashmore/ Southern Cross University - Gold Tourism Management Coasti P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age B or C leaving age B or C leaving age 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Human Resources Management/D Business/B Business MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani D International Business MSIT - Mt Gravatt 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D International Business/B International Business D Management D Management/B Business D Management/B Business Administration MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani BrIT - Springfield CQIT - Rockhampton MSIT - Mt Gravatt WBIT - Bundaberg WBIT - Maryborough WBIT - Maryborough 4F B or C leaving age 1/2F 1X 1F 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 11/2X BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi GCIT - Southport/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti GCIT - Southport/ Southern Cross University - Gold Coasti MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani 21/2F BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 21/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 3F 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Management/B Business in Convention and Event GCIT - Southport/ Southern Tourism Management Cross University - Gold Coasti 3F D Marketing/B Business 3F GCIT - Southport/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age B or C TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) D Hospitality SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) continued Business and Tourism continued Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) D Tourism BNIT - Ithaca BRIT - Townsville SCIT - Mooloolaba 1F 11/2F 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 D Tourism/B Business in Convention and Event Management GCIT - Ashmore/ Southern Cross Universityi 3F D Tourism/D Events MSIT - Mt Gravatt 1F B or C leaving age B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) 60 C III Hospitality/D Hospitality/B Convention and Event Management GCIT - Ashmore/ Southern Cross Universityi 4F Creative and Performing Arts AdvD Applied Fashion Design and Technology MSIT - Mt Gravatt 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age D Applied Fashion Design and Technology MSIT - Mt Gravatt SCIT - Nambour D Graphic Design BNIT - Ithaca BrIT - Bundamba CQIT - Mackay CQIT - Rockhampton MSIT - Mt Gravatt SQIT - Toowoomba SCIT - Nambour 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English or English 11/2F 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C Communication (4,SA) D Graphic Design/B Arts D Graphic Design/B Visual Media D Music 11/2F 2Fii 2F SCIT - Nambour/ University of the Sunshine Coasti 4F GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 4F GCIT - Ashmore 1F D Screen and Media P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; Certificate IV in Music or audition SCIT - Nambour 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; Certificate IV in Music or audition SCIT - Nambour/ University of the Sunshine Coasti GCIT - Ashmore 3F SCIT - Nambour P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; satisfactory portfolio. Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft, CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts or CUV40403 Certificate IV in Photoimaging may also satisfy the portfolio requirements 11/2F Majors: MSIT: production and animation/visual effects. MSIT - Mt Gravatt D Sound Production Not Applicable leaving age; satisfactory portfolio. Studies within CUV30303 Certificate III in Design Fundamentals may also satisfy the portfolio requirements Specialisations: Performance. D Photoimaging/B Arts P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age; satisfactory portfolio. Studies within CUV30303 Certificate III in Design Fundamentals may also satisfy the portfolio requirements Specialisations: Performance. D Music/D Music Business Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio. Studies within CUV30303 Certificate III in Design Fundamentals may also satisfy the portfolio requirements P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age; audition D Visual Arts Specialisations: Animation; artists' books; ceramics; community arts; computer imaging; drawing; glass; graphic design; illustration; intermedia; jewellery; multimedia; painting; photography; printmaking; sculpture. D Visual Arts/B Arts BNIT - Ithaca BRIT - Pimlico BrIT - Bundamba CQIT - Mackay CQIT - Rockhampton SCIT - Noosa WBIT - Hervey Bay 2F SCIT - Noosa/ University of the Sunshine Coasti 4F 1F 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio. The portfolio requirement may be satisfied by Authority Art (4,HA). Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft or CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts may also satisfy the portfolio requirements P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age; successful portfolio. The portfolio requirement may be satisfied by Authority Art (4,HA). Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft or CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts may also satisfy the portfolio requirements Not Applicable TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) continued Creative and Performing Arts continued Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# SQIT - Toowoomba C IV Photoimaging SQIT - Toowoomba 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio. The portfolio requirement may be satisfied by Authority Art (4,HA). Studies within CUV30103 Certificate III in Visual and Contemporary Craft or CUV30203 Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts may also satisfy the portfolio requirements 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 Not Applicable leaving age; successful portfolio Education AdvD Children's Services CQIT - Gladstone CQIT - Rockhampton MSIT - Loganlea D Children's Services (Early Childhood Education BNIT - Bracken Ridge and Care) BNIT - Caboolture CQIT - Gladstone CQIT - Rockhampton MSIT - Alex Hills MSIT - Loganlea SCIT - Nambour WBIT - Bundaberg 3F or 6P 3F 11/2F 2F or 4P P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA) or English Communication (4,HA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA) or English 2F 11/2F 2F 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA) or English D Children's Services (Early Childhood Education GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith and Care)/B Human Services - Child and Family University - Logani Studies MSIT - Loganlea/ Griffith University - Logani 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA) or English STA - Eagle Farm B or C Communication (4,HA) D Children's Services (Early Childhood Education BNIT - Bracken Ridge/ Queensland University of and Care)/B Human Services Technology - Kelvin Grovei Engineering and Technology AdvD Computer Systems Engineering B or C B or C Communication (4,HA) 4F Communication (4,HA) 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C B or C (4,SA) AdvD Computer Systems Engineering/B Information TechnologyH STA - Eagle Farm/ Queensland University of Technology - Gardens Pti AdvD Electrical-Technology STA - Acacia Ridge 31/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) AdvD Electronics and Communications Engineering STA - Eagle Farm 2F AdvD Electronics and Communications Engineering/B Engineering (Electronic and Computer Engineering) STA - Eagle Farm/ Griffith University - Nathani 5F AdvD Electronics and Communications Engineering/B Engineering Technology STA - Eagle Farm/ Griffith University - Nathani 4F AdvD Engineering STA - Mt Gravatt 2F AdvD Engineering Design GCIT - Ashmore 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA) P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age AdvD Engineering Design/B Engineering (Civil Engineering) GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 5F AdvD Engineering Design/B Engineering Technology GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 31/2F AdvD Renewable Energy - Technology SCIT - Nambour 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age B or C 61 TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) D Visual Arts/C IV Visual Art and Contemporary Craft SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) continued Engineering and Technology continued Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) 62 D Engineering - Technical BrIT - Bundamba 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C B or C (4,SA). Health and Recreation D Beauty Therapy D Fitness MSIT - Loganlea SQIT - Toowoomba WBIT - Hervey Bay 1F 11/2F SCIT - Mooloolaba 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Fitness/B Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Estate and Property, Sport) GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 31/2F D Fitness/B Sport and Exercise Science SCIT - Mooloolaba/ University of the Sunshine Coasti 4F D Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing) BRIT - Townsville BNIT - Caboolture CQIT - Mackay CQIT - Rockhampton GCIT - Southport MSIT - Alex Hills MSIT - Loganlea SQIT - Charleville SQIT - Kingaroy SQIT - Roma SQIT - Toowoomba SQIT - Warwick SCIT - Nambour TNQIT - Cairns TNQIT - Cairns TNQIT - Mount Isa P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 11/2F 11/2X 11/2F P: Minimum age of 17 years on or before: 31 B or C January 2013 for entry into Semester 1, 2013; 1 June 2013 for entry into Semester 2, 2013 11/2FL 11/2F 11/2FL 11/2F 11/2FL 31/2F D Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)/B Nursing SCIT - Nambour/ Science University of the Sunshine Coasti 31/2F WBIT - Hervey Bay B or C leaving age D Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)/B Nursing BNIT - Caboolture/ Queensland University of Technology - Cabooltureiii GCIT - Southport/ Griffith University - Gold Coastiii MSIT - Loganlea/ Griffith University - Loganiii D Sport (Development)/C IV Fitness P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Minimum age of 17 years on or before: 31 B or C January 2013 for entry into Semester 1, 2013; 1 June 2013 for entry into Semester 2, 2013 4F P: Minimum age of 17 years on or before: 31 B or C January 2013 for entry into Semester 1, 2013; 1 June 2013 for entry into Semester 2, 2013 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Sport and Recreation SCIT - Mooloolaba 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age Humanities and Social Sciences D Community Services Work D Community Services Work/B Human Services D Youth Work BNIT - Bracken Ridge BNIT - Caboolture MSIT - Loganlea MSIT - Yeronga SCIT - Nambour BNIT - Caboolture/ Queensland University of Technology - Kelvin Groveiv GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Loganiv MSIT - Yeronga SCIT - Nambour 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 11/2F 4F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 31/2F 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age B or C TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) continued Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# D Information Technology (Networking) D Information Technology (Networking)/B Information Technology D Information Technology (Software Development)/B Information Technology BNIT - Ithaca/ Griffith University - Nathan BNIT - Ithaca/ Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti 3-4F SCIT - Mooloolaba TNQIT - Cairns 11/2F 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 BNIT - Ithaca/ Griffith University - Nathani BNIT - Ithaca/ Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti MSIT - Loganlea/ Griffith University - Logani MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani 3-4F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 BNIT - Ithaca/ Griffith University - Nathani BNIT - Ithaca/ Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 3-4F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age B or C leaving age B or C leaving age 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 3F 1-11/2F D Information Technology (Software Development)/D Information Technology (Database Design and Development) BNIT - Ithaca D Information Technology (Systems Administration)B Information Technology BNIT - Ithaca/ Griffith University - Nathani BNIT - Ithaca/ Queensland University of Technology Gardens Pti 3-4F D Information Technology (Systems Administration)/D Information Technology (Networking) BNIT - Ithaca 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Information Technology (Website Development) WBIT - Maryborough 1X P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Information Technology (Website Development)/B Information Technology D Interactive Digital Media BNIT - Caboolture/ Griffith University - Nathani BNIT - Caboolture/ Queensland University of Technology - Gardens Pti MIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Nathani 3-4F MSIT - Mt Gravatt 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Interactive Digital Media/B Digital Media GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 3F D Interactive Digital Media/B Information Technology GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 3F D Interactive Digital Media/B Multimedia GCIT - Ashmore/ Griffith University - Gold Coasti 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age B or C 63 TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) Information Technology D Information Technology (Database Design and Development)/B Information TechnologyH SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) continued Entry Requirements Course Title‡ Campus Course Duration in Years◊ P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Fields used for Selection within OP# SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Law D Justice Administration TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD) 64 BNIT - Bracken Ridge BNIT - Caboolture BrIT - Springfield BRIT - Townsville MSIT - Loganlea MSIT - Mt Gravatt MSIT - Yeronga SCIT - Maroochydore WBIT - Bundaberg WBIT - Hervey Bay WBIT - Maryborough WBIT - Maryborough 11/2F B or C leaving age 1F 11/2F 11/2X 21/2F D Justice Administration/AB Law (Paralegal Studies) GCIT - Southport/ Southern Cross Universityi D Justice Administration/B Business BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 3F D Justice Administration/B Business Administration BrIT - Springfield/ University of Southern Queensland - Springfieldi 3F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Justice Administration/B Criminology and Criminal Justice GCIT - Southport/ Griffith University - Mt Gravatti MSIT - Loganlea/ Griffith University - Mt Gravatti MSIT - Mt Gravatt/ Griffith University - Mt Gravatti MSIT - Yeronga/ Griffith University - Mt Gravatti 3F D Justice Administration/B Human Services BNIT - Bracken Ridge/ Queensland University of Technology - Kelvin Grovei 31/2F D Justice Administration/D Business Administration BrIT - Springfield P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age Primary Industries and Environment D Agriculture AACC - Emerald 11/2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age D Conservation and Land Management D Horticulture D Horticulture (Landscape) AACC - Mareeba BRIT - Pimlico MSIT - Alex Hills SCIT - Nambour 11/2F 2F 11/2F 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 BNIT - Grovely MSIT - Alex Hills 2F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 MSIT - Mt Gravatt 2F B or C leaving age B or C leaving age P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 B or C leaving age C IV Veterinary Nursing BNIT - Grovely 1F P: Completion of Year 12 or attained Year 12 leaving age A: English (4,SA); Maths A (4,SA); B or C any science subject (4,SA) General footnotes: H Subject to final approval. ‡ All TAFE Qld courses are progressively being re-accredited in line with the National Training Package agenda. Institutes will offer the new Training Packages when all accreditation and registration requirements are finalised. Course titles, duration, structure and suitability for Year 12 admission may change; contact TAFE Qld on (07) 3259 4586 for further information. ◊ Course durations may vary between institutes depending on the strands or electives offered, and the course delivery. Applicants should contact institutes to verify course durations. The published course duration is a recommended guideline only, students may be able to complete a course earlier by taking an accelerated program. # Field Positions are only relevant to applicants eligible for an Overall Position (OP). Applicants without an Overall Position will also be considered for entry to TAFE Qld courses. Campus or duration footnotes: i Students undertake initial study at TAFE Queensland and complete the degree at the relevant university. ii Students studying at SQIT - Toowoomba complete the Certificate IV in Visual Arts in the first 12 months. iii With the exception of Loganlea campus, students undertake initial study at TAFE Qld and complete the degree at the relevant university. Loganlea: Students enrol in one Bachelor of Nursing subject for the first three semesters while completing the diploma. Caboolture: Students wishing to complete in 3 and a half years can transition into the Bachelor of Nursing offered at Kelvin Grove. Students undertake initial study at TAFE Queensland and complete the degree at the relevant university. The program with QUT is under review, for further information contact the relevant institute. Students commencing in February may be required to wait six months between finishing the diploma and recommencing their studies in the degree. iv The University of Queensland (UQ) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Primary Secondary B&C E B&C E St Lucia 3F B Regional and Town Planning St Lucia 4F or 8P Business and Tourism B Arts/B International Hotel & Tourism Management St Lucia 41/4Fi or 81/2P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) C B St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) C B 65 St Lucia 41/4Fi or 81/2Pi P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) C B P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of International Hotel & Tourism Management. B Business Management Majors: Advertising; business economics; e-business; human resources; international business; marketing; physical activity; real estate and development; sustainability. B Business Management/B Arts Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business Management and Bachelor of Arts. B Business Management/B Commerce St Lucia 41/2Fi or 9P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B St Lucia 41/2Fi or 9P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B St Lucia 41/2F or 8P & 1Fii P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) C B P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B 41/2Fi or 9P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) C B C B Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business Management and Bachelor of Commerce. B Business Management/B Economics Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business Management and Bachelor of Economics. B Business Management/B Education (Secondary) Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Business Management. B Business Management/B Information Technology St Lucia 4F or 8P Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business Management and Bachelor of Information Technology. B Business Management/B Journalism St Lucia Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Business Management. B Business Management/B Science St Lucia Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business Management and Bachelor of Science. B Commerce 41/4F or 81/2Pi P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B St Lucia 41/4Fi or 81/2Pi P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B 41/2F or 9Pi P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of C B Majors: Accounting; business information systems; finance. B Commerce/B Arts Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts. B Commerce/B Economics St Lucia Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics. B Commerce/B Information Technology St Lucia 4F or 8P St Lucia 41/4F or 81/2Pi Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology. B Commerce/B Science Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science. B Economics Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B St Lucia 41/4Fi or 81/2P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B St Lucia 41/4F or 81/2Pi P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of C B C B Majors: Business and industry; international trade and finance; natural resources and environment; quantitative methods. B Economics/B Arts Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Arts. B Economics/B Science Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science. B International Hotel & Tourism Management Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) Majors: Commercial recreation and sport; event management; hotel management; tourism management. Creative and Performing Arts B Creative Arts Majors: Art history; drama; English; English literature; film and television studies; media studies; music; popular music; writing. A or B The University of Queensland (UQ) Built Environment and Design B Architectural Design SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Fields used for Selection within OP The University of Queensland (UQ) continued Creative and Performing Arts continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) The University of Queensland (UQ) 66 B Creative Arts/B Education (Secondary) St Lucia 4F or 6P & 1Fii St Lucia 4F Majors: Drama; English; film and television studies; media studies; music. Students must undertake at least one of English or Music as a minimum requirement for the teaching areas. B Music Majors: Composition; composition and musicology; musicology; music performance; performance and musicology. B Music/B Arts Primary A or B P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Music (4,SA); Secondary Not Applicable audition/interview; a pass in a test of practical ability and musicianship skills. The Music (4,SA) prerequisite can alternatively be met by a pass in AMEB Grade 5 Theory or Musicianship or equivalent plus a minimum practical requirement of a pass in Grade 7 AMEB or equivalent St Lucia 51/2Fi Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts. B Music/B Education (Secondary) Fields used for Selection within OP P: English (4,SA); Music (4,SA); Not Applicable audition/interview; a pass in a test of practical ability and musicianship skills. The Music (4,SA) prerequisite can alternatively be met by a pass in AMEB Grade 5 Theory or Musicianship or equivalent plus a minimum practical requirement of a pass in Grade 7 AMEB or equivalent St Lucia 5F P: English (4,SA); Music (4,SA); Not Applicable audition/interview; a pass in a test of practical ability and musicianship skills. The Music (4,SA) prerequisite can alternatively be met by a pass in AMEB Grade 5 Theory or Musicianship or equivalent plus a minimum practical requirement of a pass in Grade 7 AMEB or equivalent Education - see also dual degrees with education in other areas of study B Arts/B Education (Middle Years of Schooling) St Lucia Majors: Ancient history/history; Chinese; drama; English; English language and communication; French; geography; German; history; Indonesian; Japanese; mathematics; music; psychology; sociology; Spanish; writing. 4F or 6P & 1Fii P: English (4,SA) A or B P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) A or B B Education (Middle Years of Schooling) St Lucia 4F B Education (Primary) St Lucia 4F Engineering and Technology B Engineering St Lucia 4F or 8P Specialisations: Chemical; chemical and biological; chemical and materials; chemical and metallurgical; civil; computer systems; electrical; electrical and aerospace; electrical and biomedical; environmental; mechanical; mechanical and aerospace; mechanical and materials; mechatronic; mining; software; software systems and aerospace. B Engineering/B Arts St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering (single majors only) and Bachelor of Economics. B D B P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; D B D B D B Physics St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering (single majors only) and Bachelor of Commerce. B Engineering/B Economics D Physics Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering (single majors only) and Bachelor of Business Management. B Engineering/B Commerce B Physics Majors: Engineering: chemical engineering. Biotechnology: process technology. B Engineering/B Business Management D Physics Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering (single majors only) and Bachelor of Arts. B Engineering/B Biotechnology P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; A or B P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Physics P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Physics The University of Queensland (UQ) continued Engineering and Technology continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) 51/2Fi Primary Secondary P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Physics D B P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Physics D B B Engineering/B Information Technology St Lucia B Engineering/B Science St Lucia 5F or 10P Health and Recreation B Arts/MBBS St Lucia 6Fiii P: English (4,SA). Applicants must also undertake the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) in the year of application. An OP 1 or equivalent is required Not Applicable B Applied Science (Exercise and Nutrition Sciences) St Lucia 3F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C P: English (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA). Applicants Not Applicable P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C B or C Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering (single majors only) and Bachelor of Information Technology. Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science. Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts. 11P or Fields used for Selection within OP B or C Physics (4,SA) B Dental Science St Lucia 5F must also undertake the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) B Exercise and Sport Sciences Majors: Clinical exercise physiology; exercise and sport science. St Lucia 4F Physics (4,SA) B Exercise and Sport Sciences/B Business Management St Lucia 5F P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B&C B or C B Health Sciences Ipswich 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: One of Biology, Chemistry B&C B or C Majors: Business Management: physical activity. Majors: Health promotion and population health; health services management; Indigenous health; nutrition. or Physics B Health Sciences/MBBS Ipswich/ St Lucia 6Fiii P: English (4,SA). Applicants must also undertake the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) in the year of application. An OP 1 or equivalent is required R: One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Not Applicable B Health, Sport and Physical Education St Lucia 4F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Health Sciences. B or C Physics (4,SA) MBBS Provisional Entry for School-Leavers St Lucia 6Fiv P: English (4,SA). Applicants must also undertake the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) in the year of application. An OP 1 or equivalent is required Not Applicable B Midwifery Ipswich 3Fv P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C B or C P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C B or C P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C B or C Physics (4,SA) B Nursing Ipswich 3Fv Physics (4,SA) B Nursing/B Midwifery Ipswich 4F Physics (4,SA) B Occupational Health and Safety Science St Lucia 4F or 8P P: Chemistry (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) P: English English(4,SA); (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) B&C B or C B Occupational Therapy St Lucia 4F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C B or C P: English (4,SA); Biology (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry B&C B or C B&C B or C P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C B or C Physics (4,SA) B Oral Health St Lucia 3F B Pharmacy St Lucia 4F B Physiotherapy St Lucia 4F (4,SA) Physics (4,SA) B Science/MBBS St Lucia 6Fiii P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA). Applicants must also undertake the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) in the year of application. An OP 1 or equivalent is required Not Applicable B Speech Pathology St Lucia 4F P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or B&C Majors: Science: biomedical science; mathematics; psychology; statistics. Physics (4,SA) B or C SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study 67 The University of Queensland (UQ) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years The University of Queensland (UQ) continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) The University of Queensland (UQ) 68 Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts St Lucia Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B St Lucia 4F or 6P & 1Fii P: English (4,SA) A or B St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) A or B St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B C St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) A or B C St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) A or B C St Lucia 3F or 6Pvii P: English (4,SA) A or B B Journalism St Lucia 3F or 6P A or B B Journalism/B Arts St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B Psychological Science St Lucia 4F or 8P A or B B Social Science St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B Social Work St Lucia 4F or 4P & 2Fviii P: English (4,SA) Information Technology B Information Technology St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) Majors: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island studies; Ipswichvi ancient history; ancient history/history; anthropology; archaeology; art history; Asian studies; Chinese; classical languages; comparative literary and cultural studies; criminology; drama; economics; English; English language and communication; English literature; film and television studies; French; gender studies; geography; German; history; Indonesian; information technology; international relations; Islamic studies; Italian (students study as cross-institutional students through Griffith University); Japanese; journalism and mass communication; Korean; linguistics; logic and philosophy of science; mathematics; media, communication and cultural studies; music; peace and conflict studies; philosophy; political science; popular music; psychology; public policy; Russian; sociology; Spanish; sports studies; studies in religion; writing. B Arts/B Education (Secondary) Majors: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island studies; ancient history/history; Chinese; criminology; drama; economics; English; English language and communication; film and television studies; French; German; geography; Indonesian; information technology; Japanese; linguistics; mathematics; media studies; music; psychology; sociology; Spanish; studies in religion. B Arts/B Social Science Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Science. Students cannot take the arts major in criminology if taking the social science major in criminal justice. B Communication Majors: Communication, media and culture; mass communication; organisational communication; public relations. B Communication/B Arts Majors: See separate entries for the Bachelor of Communication and Bachelor of Arts. B Communication/B Journalism Majors: See separate entries for the Bachelor of Communication and Bachelor of Journalism. B International Studies Majors: Asian studies; Chinese; economics; French; German; history; Indonesian; international inequality and development; international relations; Italian (students study as cross-institutional students through Griffith University); Japanese; Korean; peace and conflict studies; Russian; Spanish. A or B Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts. Students must take the arts component of the dual program in a field other than journalism and mass communication. A or B Majors: Criminal justice; development; health and society; social and public policy. Majors: Computer systems and networks; human-computer interaction; software design; software information systems. Extended majors: bioinformatics; economic modelling; enterprise information systems; games modelling; health informatics; information security; multimedia; scientific computing. B A or B B&C B or C The University of Queensland (UQ) continued Information Technology continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Information Technology/B Arts Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) B&C B or C St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Chemistry; B&C B or C B Multimedia Design St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Maths A or B B&C B or C Law B Arts/B Laws St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P P: English (4,SA) A or B C St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) A or B C St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) A or B C St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) A or B C B Journalism/B Laws St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11Pi P: English (4,SA) A or B C B Laws St Lucia 4F or 8P C St Lucia 51/2Fi or 11P P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of A or B B Science/B Laws A or B C C B C B C B C B C B C B C B C B B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Arts. B Information Technology/B Science Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Science. Physics Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts. B Business Management/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Business Management. B Commerce/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Commerce. B Economics/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Economics. Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Science. Primary Industries and Environment AB Applied Science Gatton Specialisations: Animal production; animal welfare and inspection; equine studies; marine resources; plant studies; wilderness reserves and wildlife. 2F or 4P or 4Xix R: English; one of Biology or Agricultural P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Maths B; B Agribusiness Gatton 3F or 6P B Agribusiness/B Applied Science Gatton 4F or 8P Majors: Animal and plant biosecurity; animal science; conservation management; plants; regional and rural business management; wildlife management. Science Biology and/or Agricultural Science B Agricultural Science Gatton 4F or 8P or 8Xix B Applied Science Gatton 3F or 6P or 6Xix Majors: Animal and plant biosecurity; animal science; conservation management; equine science; parks and wildlife management; plants; production animal science; regional and rural business management; rural management; veterinary technology; wildlife management; wildlife science. B Applied Science Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) P: English (4,SA); one of Maths B or Chemistry (4,SA) R: Agricultural Science or Biology P: English (4,SA) R: Chemistry; Maths B; Biology and/or Agricultural Science St Lucia 3F or 6P St Lucia 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) R: Biology P: English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) B Applied Science (Food Science and Nutrition or Gatton Integrated Resource Management)/B Agribusiness St Lucia 4F or 8P P: For Food Science and Nutrition - English B Environmental Management (Natural Systems and Wildlife) P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B; one of Biology or P: English (4,SA) R: One of Agricultural Majors: Food science and nutrition. B Applied Science Majors: Integrated resource management. Gatton (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA). For Integrated Resource Management - English (4,SA); one of Maths A, B or C (4,SA) R: For Food Science and Nutrition - Biology St Lucia 4F or 8P or 8Xix 4F or 8P B Environmental Management (Sustainable Development) St Lucia 4F or 8P B Environmental Science St Lucia Science, Biology or Geography 4F or 8P Majors: Earth resources; ecology; molecular and microbial science; natural resource science. Sciences B Biomedical Science Chemistry P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) R: Agricultural Science or Biology St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study 69 The University of Queensland (UQ) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years The University of Queensland (UQ) continued Sciences continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Biotechnology St Lucia 4F or 8P Majors: Bioinformatics; bioprocess technology; chemical biotechnology; drug design and development; microbial biotechnology; molecular biotechnology; nanotechnology; plant biotechnology. All majors can be taken as a dual major with innovation management. B Food Technology P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary B&C B or C C B B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C B or C B&C C Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) St Lucia 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA) B Marine Studies 70 St Lucia 4F or 8P The University of Queensland (UQ) Majors: Aquaculture and marine biotechnology; coastal management; marine biology and ecology; marine geology and coastal processes. B Science Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) St Lucia 3F or 6P Majors: Biochemistry and molecular biology; bioinformatics; biomedical science; biophysics; chemical sciences; chemistry; computer science; ecology; genetics; geographical sciences; geological sciences; marine science; mathematics; microbiology; physics; plant science; psychology; statistics; zoology. B Science/B Arts St Lucia 4F or 8P St Lucia 4Fii P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) St Lucia 4F Majors: See separate entry for Bachelor of Science. B Veterinary Science P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) Majors: Biochemistry and molecular biology; biomedical science; chemistry; computer science; ecology; genetics; geographical sciences; marine science; mathematics; microbiology; physics; plant science; psychology; zoology. B Science/B Journalism P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts. B Science/B Education (Secondary) P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); one of Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) Gatton 5F P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA); Chemistry (4,SA); one of Physics or Biology (4,SA) Campus or duration footnotes: i Options for accelerated study include summer semester or studying more courses throughout semesters one and two. ii Students may take the program on a part-time basis, but the final year must be taken on a full-time basis. iii vii This program is a fast-track option for students who receive a provisional offer in MBBS. The bachelor component requires a full-time workload of two years, and subsequent to completion, the MBBS program is an additional four years full-time, with courses commencing in January each year. Students who receive a provisional offer in the MBBS may opt to fast-track their studies by enrolling in one of the three six-year dual degrees: B Arts/MBBS, B Health Sciences/MBBS and B Science/MBBS. Students who do not enrol in one of these dual degrees should note that their first program may have a duration from three to five years, and subsequent to completion, the MBBS program is an additional four years full-time, with courses commencing in January each year. Students may accelerate their studies and complete the program in 2.5 years by taking a semester long clinical practice course in the summer semester and semester one of the final year. Only some first year courses are available at Ipswich. Students may complete majors at the St Lucia campus after completing courses at Ipswich or depending on performance, change to the St Lucia campus. Options for accelerated study include Summer Semester. viii Students may take the program on a part-time basis, but the final two years must be taken on a full-time basis. ix Some distance education courses may require residential school attendance. iv v vi University of New England (UNE) Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Built Environment and Design B Urban and Regional Planning Armidale 4F or 8P A: English A or B C Business and Tourism B Business Armidale 3F or 6P R: English; Maths B A or B C Specialisations: Accounting; administration; business; commerce; e-business; economics; finance; finance and banking; financial accounting; financial management; human resource management; Indigenous organisation management; international business; management; marketing. B Business/B Economics 71 Armidale 4F or 8P R: English; Maths B A or B C Armidale 5F or 10P R: English; Maths B A or B C B Business/B Teaching Armidale 4F or 8P C Armidale 3F or 6P R: English; Maths B A: English R: Maths A, B or C A or B B Commerce (Accounting) A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P R: English; Maths B A or B & C or D C Armidale 5F or 10P A: English; Maths B A or B & C or D C B Financial Administration Armidale 3F or 6P R: English; Maths B A or B & C or D C B Financial Administration/B Laws Armidale 5F or 10P A: English; Maths B A or B & C or D C Creative and Performing Arts B Music Armidale 3F or 6P P: Audition A: English; AMEB performance A or B C A or B C A: English A or B C Education - see also dual degrees with Bachelor of Teaching in other areas of study B Education (Primary) Armidale 4F A: English; Maths A, B or C A or B C Engineering and Technology B Engineering Technology A: Maths B R: Chemistry and/or Physics C or D B A: English; a science subject (other than maths) A or B C C or D D A or B C Specialisations: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics. B Business/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Business. Specialisations: Accounting; business; commerce; finance; financial accounting. B Economics Majors: Econometrics; economic history; economics. B Economics/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Economics. standard of Grade 6 B Music/B Teaching Armidale 4F or 8P P: Music (4,SA); audition A: English; AMEB performance standard of Grade 6 or higher B Theatre Studies Armidale 3F or 6P Armidale 3F or 6P Armidale 3Fi Armidale 4F or 8P Majors: Avionics; computing; mining; telecommunications (majors are subject to approval). Health and Recreation B Nursing (Pre-registration) Specialisations: Human behaviour; human bioscience. B PharmacyH A: Chemistry; Maths A, B or C R: Biology and/or Physics Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Specialisations: Ancient history; applied history; archaeology; arts; Asian studies; Chinese language and culture; classical languages; English; family history; film studies; French language and culture; gender studies; geography; German language and culture; Greek; history; human geography; humanities; Indigenous archaeology; Indigenous studies; Indonesian language and culture; international studies; Italian language and culture; Japanese language and culture; languages; Latin; linguistics; literature in translation; local history; media studies; music; palaeoanthropology; peace studies; philosophy; physical geography; political and international studies; political studies; psychology; religion; social science; sociology and criminology; stage and screen acting; theatre studies; translation; writing. Armidale 3F or 6P A: English University of New England (UNE) Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years University of New England (UNE) continued Humanities and Social Sciences continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) 72 Primary Secondary B Arts/B Business Armidale 4F or 8P C Armidale 5F or 10P A: English R: Maths B A: English A or B B Arts/B Laws A or B C Armidale 4F or 8P A: English; Maths B R: Chemistry and/or A or B C Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts. B Arts/B Science Specialisations: See separate entries for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts. Physics and Biology B Arts/B Teaching Armidale 4F or 8P C Armidale 3F or 6P A: English A: English A or B B Criminology A or B C Armidale 5F or 10P A: English A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P A: English A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P A: English A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P A: English A or B C Armidale 4F or 8P A: English R: Language of proposed A or B C Specialisations: Criminology; psychology; sociology. B Criminology/B Laws University of New England (UNE) Fields used for Selection within OP Specialisations: Criminology; law; sociology. B Historical InquiryH Specialisations: Ancient history; archaeology and palaeoanthropology; Asian studies; Australian history; history; Indigenous studies; international history; Islamic studies; local family and applied history; peace and development studies; political and international studies; studies in religion. B Indigenous Studies Majors: Business; family and community; first peoples; general; history and heritage; land and management; social science. Specialisations: Accounting and financial management; administrative studies; archaeology; communications; computer science; education; environmental management; geography; health; history; Indigenous archaeology; Indigenous studies; law; linguistics; marketing and management; natural resources; peace studies; political and international studies; social science; sociology. B International Studies Specialisations: Asian societies; Chinese; French; German; Indonesian; international relations; Italian; Japanese; languages; peace studies; political and international studies. B Languages Specialisations: Chinese (Mandarin); French; German; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese. B Languages and International Business specialisation Armidale 4F or 8P A: English R: Maths B A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P A: English A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P A: English A or B C B Psychological Science Armidale 3F or 6P C Armidale 4F or 8P A or B C B Social Science Armidale 3F or 6P A: English A: English R: Maths A, B or C A: English R: Maths A, B or C A or B B Psychology with Honours A or B C Armidale 4F or 8P A B Armidale 3F or 6P R: English A: English R: Maths A, B or C A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P A: Maths B (4,HA) C or D C Armidale 5F or 10P A: Maths B (4,HA) C or D C Armidale 4F or 8P A: Maths B (4,HA) C or D C Majors: Chinese; French; German; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese. B Media and Communications Majors: Media and culture; writing and publishing. B Peace WorkH Specialisations: Community development; history; Indigenous studies; peace and conflict; peace and development; philosophy; politics. Majors: Psychology; sociology. B Social Work B SustainabilityH Majors: Archaeology; education; environmental science; geography; history; natural resource management; peace studies; psychology; sociology; political science; philosophy. Information Technology B Computer Science Majors: Accounting and financial management; games and multimedia; games and networks; information technology; mathematics and statistics; software engineering; Web and networks. B Computer Science/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Computer Science. B Information Technology/B Teaching University of New England (UNE) continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Law B Laws (4 Years) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Armidale 4F or 8P A: English A or B C Armidale 3F or 6P R: English; Maths B A or B & C or D C Armidale 4F or 8P R: English; Maths B A or B & C or D C A: Maths B R: Biology and/or Chemistry C or D D A: English; Maths B R: Biology and/or A or B & C or D C A: English; Maths B R: Biology; Chemistry A: Maths A, B or C R: Chemistry C or D D C or D D A: Maths B R: Biology and/or Chemistry A: English; Maths B R: Biology and/or C or D D C or D D C or D A: Maths B R: Biology and/or Chemistry A: English; Maths B R: Geography; Economics; C or D D Majors: Law; legal studies. Primary Industries and Environment B Agribusiness Majors: Agribusiness; marketing; rural science. B Agricultural and Resource Economics Majors: Agribusiness; agricultural economics; resource and environmental economics. B Agriculture Armidale 3F Armidale 4F or 8P 73 Majors: Animal production; general agricultural production; plant production; primary industries. B Agriculture/B Business Majors: Agribusiness; animal and plant production; business economics. Chemistry B Agriculture/B Laws Armidale 5F or 10P B Animal ScienceH Armidale 4F or 8P Majors: Equine/canine science; livestock production; wildlife management. B Environmental Science Armidale 3F or 6P B Environmental Science/B Laws Armidale 5F or 10P B Natural Resources Armidale 4F or 8P B Natural Resources/B Urban and Regional Planning Armidale 5F or 10P Chemistry and/or Physics D Biology and/or Chemistry B Rural Science Armidale 4F or 8P A: Maths B R: Biology and/or Chemistry C or D D Sciences B Exercise Physiology Armidale 4F or 8P Armidale 3F or 6P B Biomedical Science Armidale 3F or 6P A: Maths A, B or C R: Chemistry and/or Biology C or D A: Maths A, B or C R: Chemistry and/or Biology C or D A: Maths B R: Biology and/or Chemistry and/or C or D D B Exercise Science D D Physics B GeoScience Armidale 3F or 6P A: Maths A, B or C R: Chemistry and/or Physics C or D D B Mathematics/B Teaching Armidale 4F or 8P C or D C B Science Armidale 3F or 6P A: Maths B (4,HA) A: Maths B R: Depending on major - Biology C or D D C or D D C or D D C or D A: Biology A: Maths A, B or C R: Biology and/or Chemistry C or D D Majors: Fossil fuels; mineral deposits; remediation. Majors: Applied physics; biochemistry; botany; chemistry; genetics; geography; mathematics; microbiology; physiology; statistics; zoology. Combined majors: Applied/environmental genetics; archaeology and palaeoanthropology; biochemistry/physiology; biodiversity/ecology; biological/cognitive psychology; biotechnology/molecular genetics; computational biology/bioinformatics; crop/animal sciences; geology/environmental geosciences; mathematics/statistics. B Science/B Laws and/or Chemistry and/or Physics Armidale 5F or 10P A: Maths B R: Depending on specialisation Physics or Chemistry B Science/B Teaching Armidale 4F or 8P A: Maths B R: Depending on specialisation Physics or Chemistry B Sports Science Armidale 3F or 6P B Zoology Armidale 3F or 6P SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study D Specialisations: Animal behaviour; animal ecology; animal physiology; entomology; environmental and comparative physiology; freshwater ecology; marine ecology. General footnotes: H Subject to final approval. Campus or duration footnotes: i Students can exit on completion of year two with an Advanced Diploma in Nursing and be eligible to apply for Enrolled Nurse status with the Nurses and Midwives Board of NSW. University of New England (UNE) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Built Environment and Design B Construction University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Primary Secondary Springfield Distance edi 4F or 8P 8X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) D B Springfield Distance ed 4F or 9P 4X or 9X Nil B C Toowoomba 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B C 4F or 8P 8X P: English (4,SA) B C Toowoomba Springfield Distance ed 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) B C Toowoomba Majors: Toowoomba: accounting; business law; finance; Fraser Coast general commerce; sustainable business; sustainable Springfield economics and policy. Fraser Coast: accounting. Distance ed Springfield: accounting; sustainable business. Springfield 3F or 6P Nil B C P: English (4,SA) B C Majors: Management. Business and Tourism B Accounting and Sustainable Business B Business 74 Fields used for Selection within OP Majors: Toowoomba: administrative management; human Fraser Coast resource management; information technology Springfield management; international business; marketing; supply Distance edii chain management. Toowoomba majors are available through a combination of on-campus and distance education. Fraser Coast: marketing. Springfield: human resource management; marketing; tourism management. Distance education: administrative management; human resource management; information technology management; international business; management and leadership; marketing; supply chain management; tourism management. B Business/B Information Technology Toowoomba Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Business Distance ed (with the exclusion of international business by distance education) and Bachelor of Information Technology. B Business Administration B Commerce 6X 6X 6X students wanting other commerce second majors can complete some courses by distance education. Distance education: accounting; business law; finance; general commerce; sustainable business; sustainable economics and policy. B Commerce/B Business Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business. B Commerce/B Information Technology Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology. B Commerce/B Science Toowoomba Springfield Distance ed 4F or 8P Toowoomba Distance ed 4F or 8P 8X P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B B C Toowoomba or Distance ed 4F or 8P or 8X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) B C Toowoomba Fraser Coast Springfield Distance ed 1F or 3P P: English (4,SA) B C Springfield 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B C Toowoomba 3F or 6P P: Interview; audition R: English; studies in B E B C Majors: Finance; mathematics and statistics. D Business Administration Creative and Performing Arts B Applied Media 8X 3X Majors: Business; creative arts (distance education only); education; marketing; psychology; tourism management. B Creative Arts Majors: Creative media; creative media (multimedia); music; theatre; visual arts. Education B Early Childhood chosen discipline Toowoomba Fraser Coast Springfield Distance ediii 3F or 7P 3X or 7X Nil University of Southern Queensland (USQ) continued Education continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) B Education - Early Childhood B Education - Early Childhood B Education - Early Childhood B Education - Early Childhood B Education - Primary B Education - Primary B Education - Primary B Education - Primary B Education - Secondary B Education - Secondary B Education - Secondary B Education - Special Education B Education - Special Education B Education - Special Education B Education - Special Education Toowoomba Fraser Coast Springfield Distance edc Toowoomba Fraser Coast Springfield Distance edc Toowoomba Fraser Coast Distance edc Toowoomba Springfield Fraser Coast Distance edc Engineering and Technology B Engineering Toowoomba P: English (4,SA) Secondary B C 4X or 9X 4F or 9P 4X or 9X 4F or 9P 75 4X or 9X 4F or 9P 4X or 9X 4F or 8P 8X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics D B Toowoomba 5F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics D B Toowoomba 5F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics D B Toowoomba 5F or 8P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics D B Toowoomba 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) D B Majors: Agricultural engineering; civil engineering; Distance edi computer systems engineering; electrical and electronic engineering; environmental engineering; instrumentation and control engineering (distance education only); mechanical engineering; mechatronic engineering; power engineering. B Engineering/B Business 4F or 9P Primary Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Business. B Engineering/B Information Technology Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Information Technology. B Engineering/B Science Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science. B Engineering Technology Majors: Toowoomba and Distance Education: agricultural Springfield engineering; civil engineering; computer systems Distance edi engineering; electrical and electronic engineering; environmental engineering; infrastructure management; mechanical engineering; power engineering. Springfield: civil engineering; infrastructure management. B Spatial Science Majors: Geographic information systems (GIS); surveying. B Spatial Science Technology Majors: Geographic information systems (GIS); surveying. AB Engineering Majors: Toowoomba and Distance Education: agricultural engineering; civil engineering; computer systems engineering; electrical and electronic engineering; environmental engineering; mechanical engineering; power engineering. Springfield: civil engineering. AB Spatial Science Majors: Geographic information systems (GIS); surveying. Health and Recreation B Biomedical Science B Nursing 6X Toowoomba Distance edi 4F or 8P 8X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Physics D B Toowoomba Distance edi 3F or 6P 6X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) D B Toowoomba Springfield Distance edi 2F or 4P P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A (4,SA) R: Maths D B Toowoomba Distance edi 2F or 4P 4X P: English (4,SA) A: Maths A (4,SA) R: Maths D B Toowoomba Fraser Coastiv 3F or 6P 3F or 6Piv P: English (4,SA); Maths A (4,SA) R: Maths B; C B Toowoomba Fraser Coast 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) R: Biology; Chemistry; Physics; or Multi-strand Science and Maths A, B or C B C B 4X B Biology, Chemistry or Physics University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Course Title Fields used for Selection within OP SECTION 3 Entry Requirements P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study Course Duration in Years University of Southern Queensland (USQ) continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) University of Southern Queensland (USQ) 76 Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Toowoomba Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary 3F or 6P 6X P: English (4,SA) A or B C Toowoomba or Distance ed 4F or 8P or 8X P: English (4,SA) A or B C Toowoomba or Distance ed 4F or 8P or 8X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) A or B C Toowoomba 3F or 6P 6X P: English (4,SA) A or B C Toowoomba Fraser Coast Distance ed 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B C Fraser Coast Majors: Child and family; community development; Springfield counselling; human resource management; Indigenous Distance ed 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA) A or B C P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) P: English (4,SA) B C B C B C P: English (4,SA); Maths A, B or C (4,SA) R: B C Majors: Toowoomba: anthropology; communication and Distance ed media studies; creative arts cross-disciplinary major; creative media; English literature; history; Indigenous studies; international relations; journalism; language and culture (German or Mandarin Chinese); music theory or music practice; public relations; theatre practice or theatre theory; visual arts practice or visual arts theory. Distance education: anthropology; communication and media studies; English literature; history; Indigenous studies; international relations; journalism; language and culture (German or Mandarin Chinese); music theory or practice; public relations; theatre theory; visual arts practice (arts management strand only). UNE majors: students can take a third major or minor externally as a cross-institutional student through University of New England (UNE). The disciplines include: ancient history; archaeology; European languages and cultures; philosophy; political science; sociology; studies in religion. B Arts/B Business Majors: Arts: See separate entries for Bachelor of Arts (with the exclusion of music practice by distance education) and Bachelor of Business (with the exclusion of management and leadership). B Arts/B Science Majors: Arts: See entry for Bachelor of Arts (with the addition of drama in Toowoomba and the exclusion of music practice by distance education). Science: biology (Toowoomba only); computing; mathematics; psychology; statistics (subject to final approval). B Communication Majors: Anthropology; biology; communication and Distance ed media studies; computing; creative media (Toowoomba only); English literature; environment and sustainability; history; human physiology (Toowoomba only); Indonesian; international relations; journalism; language and culture - Chinese, Mandarin or German; mathematics; music; physical sciences (distance education only); public relations; social science; theatre; visual arts. B General Studies Majors: Biological sciences; business/commerce; humanities; physical sciences; social science. B Human Services studies. 6X 6X B Psychology (Honours) Springfield 4F or 8P B Psychology in Business Springfield 3F or 6P B Science - Psychology Toowoomba Distance ed 3F or 6P 6X B Science - Psychology and Human Physiology Toowoomba 3F or 6P Maths B; Biology; Chemistry; or Physics B Social Science Toowoomba Distance ed 3F or 6P 6X P: English (4,SA) A or B C D Arts Toowoomba Fraser Coast Distance ed 1F or 2P P: English (4,SA) A or B C D Community Welfare and Development Fraser Coast Distance ed 1F or 2P 1X or 2X P: English (4,SA) A or B C Majors: Behavioural science; community engagement and transformation; law and politics; peace studies (foreign affairs or conflict mediation); sustainable environments. 2X University of Southern Queensland (USQ) continued Campus Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Information Technology B Information Technology Toowoomba Majors: Applied computer science; information systems Distance ed development; information technology management; networking and security. Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary 3F or 6P 6X P: English (4,SA) B C B Science - Computing Toowoomba or Distance ed 3F or 6P or 6X P: English (4,SA) C B B Science - Information Technology Toowoomba or Distance ed 3F or 6P or 6X P: English (4,SA) C B Law B Arts/B Laws Toowoomba Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Arts (with the exclusion Distance ed of: Indigenous studies, music practice, and language and culture by distance education; and Indigenous studies at Toowoomba). B Business/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Business. B Commerce/B Laws Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Commerce. B Laws Sciences B Science - Biology Toowoomba Springfield Distance ed Toowoomba Springfield Distance ed Toowoomba Springfield Distance ed 77 5F or 10P 5X or 10X P: English (4,SA); and for the music history, A or B C 5F or 10P P: English (4,SA) A or B C P: English (4,SA) A or B C P: English (4,SA) A or B C C B music practice and visual arts practice majors applicants must attend an interview and/or audition and/or submit a portfolio 5X or 10X 5F or 10P 5X or 10X 4F or 8P 4X or 8X Toowoomba Fraser Coastiv 3F or 6P B Science - Environment and Sustainability Toowoomba Distance ed 3F or 8P 8X P: English (4,SA) R: Biology, Chemistry or Physics B C B Science - Human Biology Toowoomba Fraser Coastiv 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths A (4,SA) R: Maths B; C B Toowoomba Fraser Coastiv 3F or 6P C B B Science - Mathematics Toowoomba or Distance ed 3F or 6P or 6X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) C B B Science - Mathematics and Statistics Toowoomba Distance ed 3F or 6P 6X P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) D B B Science - Physical Sciences Distance ed 8X P: English (4,SA) R: Biology; Chemistry; Physics; or Multi-strand Science B C B Technology (Wine) Toowoomba & Distance ed 3F or 6P or 6X P: English (4,SA) R: Maths B; Biology or C B B Science - Human Physiology P: English (4,SA); Maths A (4,SA) R: Maths B; Biology; Chemistry or Physics Biology, Chemistry or Physics P: English (4,SA); Maths A (4,SA) R: Maths B; Biology; Chemistry or Physics Chemistry General footnotes: c Some of the courses in this program are completed online. Campus or duration footnotes: i Distance education students are required to attend at least one, week-long, residential school in Toowoomba during most years of the program. iii Students choosing to complete their studies by distance education from Fraser Coast may continue to use the facilities at Fraser Coast. Students who enrol at Springfield may transfer to distance education should their circumstances change. Some of the courses in this program are completed online. iv Only the first year of this program is undertaken at Fraser Coast. Students complete their studies at Toowoomba. ii University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) 78 Built Environment and Design B Regional and Urban Planning Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English A or B C Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C B or C Ø B or C n/a B or C Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø B or C Ø Majors: Environmental and planning studies. Business and Tourism B Business Majors: Human resource management; information Noosa Sitei systems; international business; management; marketing; property and asset management; tourism, leisure and event management. B Business (Human Resource Management) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Business (Information Systems) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Business (International Business) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Business (Management) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Business (Marketing) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Business (Tourism, Leisure and Event Management) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C B Business/B Commerce (Accounting) Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C B or C n/a Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C B or C n/a Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science B or C Majors: Business: information systems; international business; marketing; management; property and asset management; tourism, leisure and event management. B Business/B Commerce (Financial Planning) Majors: Business: information systems; international business; marketing, management and strategy; tourism, leisure and event management. B Business/B Science Majors: See entries for the Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science. B Business/B Science (Sport Management) Ø subject Sippy Downs 4F or 8P Majors: Sport and exercise science. R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science B or C Ø subject B Commerce (Accounting) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Commerce (Financial Planning) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C B or C Ø B or C n/a A or B C B or C Ø B or C Ø A or B C A or B C A or B C B Corporate and Public Affairs Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Property Economics and Development Sippy Downs 3F or 6P AB Business Sippy Downs 2F or 4P Creative and Performing Arts B Arts (Creative Writing) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B Arts (Design and Communication) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English R: English Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English Education B Education (Primary) Sippy Downs 4F or 8P B C B Education/B Arts Sippy Downs 4F or 8P P: English (4,SA) R: English A or B C Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C B or C n/a Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science C B C B C B C B Majors: Communication studies; creative writing; e-media design; graphic design; journalism; public relations; 3D design. B Computer-based Design Majors: 3D design; e-media design; graphic design. Majors: English; geography; history. B Education/B Business Majors: Accounting; business; information and communications technology. B Education/B Science Majors: Biology; chemistry; health; marine studies; mathematics; physical education; physics. subject B Education (Early Childhood)/B Human Services Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C; and/or one science subject Engineering and Technology B Civil EngineeringH Sippy Downsii 4F or 8Pii Majors: Construction; environment and water. Health and Recreation B Biomedical Science P: English (4,SA); Maths B (4,SA) R: Maths C; Physics Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science subject University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) continued Health and Recreation continued B Clinical Exercise Science Campus Sippy Downs 4F or 8P Fields used for Selection within OP Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Primary Secondary R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science C B C B C B C B C B B&C B or C subject B Health Promotion Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science subject B Nursing Science Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science subject B Nutrition Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science subject B Nutrition and Dietetics Sippy Downs 4F or 8P B Occupational Therapy Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science subject P: English (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Health Education, or Physical Education (4,SA) B Paramedic Science Sippy Downs 3F B Sport and Exercise Science Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Biology; one other science subject R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science B C C B C B subject B Sport and Industry Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science subject Humanities and Social Sciences B Arts Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English A or B C Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English A or B C Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C A or B C B Arts/B Business (Design and Marketing) Sippy Downs 4F or 8P C Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C A or B B Arts/B Business (Indonesian and International Business) A or B C B Arts/B Business (Japanese and International Business) Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C A or B C B Arts/B Business (Marketing Communication) Sippy Downs 4F or 8P A or B C B Arts/B Business (Psychology and Human Resource Sippy Downs Management) 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C R: English; Maths A, B or C A or B C B Arts/B Health (Human Services and Health Promotion) Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C A or B C B Arts/B Science Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science A or B C Majors: Australian studies; communication studies; Noosa Siteiii counselling; creative advertising; creative writing; e-media design; English; environmental and planning studies; geography; graphic design; history; human services; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese; journalism; justice studies; politics and international relations; psychology; public relations; sociology; 3D design. B Arts (International Studies) Majors: Politics and international relations. B Arts/B Business Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business. Majors: See separate entries for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. subject B Arts/B Science (Psychology and Exercise Science) Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science A or B C subject B Communication Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English A or B C B Human Services Sippy Downs 3F or 6P C Sippy Downs 3F or 6P A or B C B Justice and Legal Studies Sippy Downs 3F or 6P A or B C B Public Relations Sippy Downs 3F or 6P A or B C B Social Science Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English R: English R: English R: English R: English A or B B Journalism A or B C B Social Science (Counselling) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P A or B C B Social Science (Psychology) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P A or B C B Social Work Sippy Downs 4F or 8P R: English R: English R: English A or B C Majors: Communication studies; creative advertising; creative writing; journalism; public relations. Majors: Counselling; environmental and planning studies; human services; justice studies; politics and international relations; psychology; sociology. SECTION 3 Course Title P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study 79 University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) Entry Requirements Course Duration in Years University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) continued Humanities and Social Sciences continued Entry Requirements Course Title Campus Course Duration in Years P = Prerequisites A = Assumed Knowledge R = Recommended Study SECTION 3 Subjects (No. of Sem Units, Exit Assessment) Fields used for Selection within OP Primary Secondary AB Arts Sippy Downs 2F or 4P R: English A or B C Information Technology B Information and Communications Technology Sippy Downs 3F or 6P B or C n/a B Software Engineering Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C P: Maths C (4,SA) R: English; Maths B C B Primary Industries and Environment B Environmental Science Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science C B C B C B C B C B subject 80 B Science (Environment and Health) Sippy Downs 3F or 6P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) subject Sciences B Science Sippy Downs 3F or 6P Majors: Biomedical science; biotechnology; environmental health; health promotion; nutrition; public health; sport and exercise science; sustainability. B Science/B Science (Honours) Deans Scholars Program subject Sippy Downs 3F or 6P P: English (4,SA); Maths B or C (4,SA); two of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (4,SA). Applicants must be outstanding current Year 12 students or returning from a gap year Majors: See entry for Bachelor of Science. AB Science R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science Sippy Downs 2F or 4P R: English; Maths A, B or C; at least one science subject General footnotes: H Subject to final approval. Ø The best of all the fields, other than the one used as the primary selector, will be used. Campus or duration footnotes: i The core and foundation courses are completed at the Noosa Site with the remainder of the degree completed at Sippy Downs. ii iii Some of the courses will initially be taken via external enrolment in an equivalent course offered by the University of Southern Queensland. Enrolment in these courses may involve travel and attendance at the Toowoomba campus for block intensive practical classes. The core and selected introductory courses and electives are completed at the Noosa Site with the remainder of the degree completed at Sippy Downs.
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