The Smartness Barometer How to quantify smart grid projects and interpret results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A EURELECTRIC paper February 2012 The Union of the Electricity Industry–EURELECTRIC is the sector association representing the common interests of the electricity industry at pan-European level, plus its affiliates and associates on several other continents. In line with its mission, EURELECTRIC seeks to contribute to the competitiveness of the electricity industry, to provide effective representation for the industry in public affairs, and to promote the role of electricity both in the advancement of society and in helping provide solutions to the challenges of sustainable development. EURELECTRIC’s formal opinions, policy positions and reports are formulated in Working Groups, composed of experts from the electricity industry, supervised by five Committees. This “structure of expertise” ensures that EURELECTRIC’s published documents are based on high-quality input with up-to-date information. For further information on EURELECTRIC activities, visit our website, which provides general information on the association and on policy issues relevant to the electricity industry; latest news of our activities; EURELECTRIC positions and statements; a publications catalogue listing EURELECTRIC reports; and information on our events and conferences. EURELECTRIC pursues in all its activities the application of the following sustainable development values: Economic Development Growth, added-value, efficiency Environmental Leadership Commitment, innovation, pro-activeness Social Responsibility Transparency, ethics, accountability Dépôt légal: D/2012/12.105/8 The Smartness Barometer – How to quantify smart grid projects and interpret results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DSO Coordination for smart grid Deployment LANDECK Erik (DE) Chair BIRKNER Peter (DE); BREUER Andreas (DE); CARILLO Susana (ES); DE LICHTERVELDE Ferdinand (BE); DI NAPOLI Mariangela (IT); DISKIN Ellen (IE); EFTHYMIOU Venizelos (CY); GLEICH Tomas (CZ); HALLBERG Per (SE); JASPER Jörg (DE); KABS Joachim (DE); KOPONEN Ari (FI); KUDRNAC Jiri (CZ); LEFORT Michel (BE); MERKEL Marcus (DE); MESSIAS António Aires (PT); NORDENTOFT Niels Christian (DK); PETRONI Paola Lucia (IT); PETTERSSON Anders (SE); POSTMA Andre (NL); REISSING Thomas (DE); ROZYCKI Artur (PL); SANCHEZ FORNIE Miguel Angel (ES); SCHEIDA Karl (AT); SMITH Paul (GB); TENSCHERT Walter (AT); THEISEN Thomas (DE); VANBEVEREN Donald (BE); WEISS Bertram (AT) Contact: Koen Noyens, Advisor Networks Unit – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 1. INTRODUCTION – IDENTIFYING THE NEED TO QUANTIFY SMART GRIDS 6 1.1 WHY DO WE NEED QUANTIFICATION? 1.2 WHAT DELIVERABLES CAN BE EXPECTED FROM SUCH QUANTIFICATION? 1.3 WHERE TO GO WITH THE SMART GRID DEVELOPMENT: UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED BENEFITS 6 6 8 2. SMART GRID COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 10 2.1 BACKGROUND 2.2 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE EPRI METHODOLOGY 2.3 THE DETAILED SEVEN-STEP APPROACH STEP 1 – DESCRIBE THE TECHNOLOGIES, ELEMENTS AND GOALS OF THE PROJECT STEP 2 – IDENTIFY THE SMART GRID FUNCTIONALITIES STEP 3 – MAP EACH FUNCTIONALITY ONTO A STANDARDISED SET OF BENEFIT TYPES STEP 4 – ESTABLISH THE PROJECT BASELINE STEP 5 – QUANTIFY AND MONETISE THE IDENTIFIED BENEFITS AND BENEFICIARIES STEP 6 – QUANTIFY AND ESTIMATE THE RELEVANT COSTS STEP 7 – COMPARE COSTS TO BENEFITS 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 21 25 26 3. HOW TO EXTRAPOLATE PROJECT RESULTS TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL? 30 3.1 THE GRID AND ITS LIMITATIONS 3.2 STEPS TO EVALUATE BASE COST 3.3 KEY ASSUMPTIONS 30 31 32 4. CONCLUSION AND GUIDELINES 34 4.1 PROJECT LEADERS: EVALUATING A PROJECT 4.1.1 EVALUATING A COMPLETED PROJECT 4.1.2 AIDING PROJECT PLANNING 4.1.3 THE CRITICAL ROLE OF COST / BENEFIT ANALYSES – DEPLOYMENT PROPOSALS 4.2 REGULATORS & POLICYMAKERS: HOW TO MAKE INFORMED INVESTMENT DECISIONS 4.2.1 THE EVOLVING ROLE OF THE REGULATOR 4.2.2 WHAT IS A “SMART” INVESTMENT? 4.2.3 EXTRACTING INFORMATION FROM OTHER PROJECTS IN EUROPE AND BEYOND 4.3 HOW DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES AND REGULATORS CAN HELP WORK TOGETHER 4.4 EUROPEAN FUNDING SOLUTIONS 34 34 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 Executive Summary ‘Smart Grid’ solutions will only be considered as alternatives to conventional network reinforcement if investors can compare such investments on a cost-benefit basis. Yet such comparisons remain challenging for two reasons: the rapidly developing and largely untested nature of ‘smart’ solutions and the difficulty of comparing two inherently different types of investment both aimed at achieving the same purpose – reinforcing distribution networks to increase capacity and improve power quality, supply security and efficiency. This paper details the challenge facing the electricity distribution industry in evaluating smart grid investments, both demonstration projects and large-scale deployments. It explains the need for a consistent framework allowing for such evaluation and cost-benefit analysis so that industry, regulators or potential investors can make informed decisions on the benefits and effectiveness of a ‘smart’ investment. The evaluation method presented in this document has been developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and has been adapted to the smart-grid work underway in Europe. Adjustments include neglecting steps deemed beyond the necessary scope of such an analysis, and adopting the terminology defined by the European Commission Expert Group 1. This aims to ensure that the methodology can be applied consistently across Europe and adheres to EU standards currently under development. The proposed evaluation methodology consists of seven steps, starting from a description of a project’s goals and eventually resulting in a direct comparison of costs and benefits. The paper describes each step and then gives practical examples from the InovGrid project, an open platform integrating end users, public standards and vendors’ interoperable solutions, led by the Portuguese distribution system operator EDP Distribução to inform the adaption of the methodology for its application in Europe. The work builds on intensive collaboration between EURELECTRIC and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). The paper finds that the methodology can support distribution companies and regulators in evaluating and comparing different types of ‘smart’ investments, communicating their results and developing investment strategies which incorporate ‘smart’ investment options where appropriate. The methodology can clearly help to show which technological solutions work – and which do not. Moreover, it allows for meaningful comparisons between different types of projects installed in different systems across Europe. Investors receive a clear idea of the value of their initial investment; and in contrast to other approaches this methodology also pinpoints who will benefit from the investment – a useful tool for distribution companies looking to reassure regulators that ‘smart’ grid investments will benefit society at large. The paper thus concludes that the described evaluation method is potentially suited to purpose, although the authors recognise that this is an evolving field. The JRC are currently further developing this methodology and evaluating smart grid development in Europe, and are also engaged in reconciling EU and American terminology. In the meantime, success criteria and realistic business cases based on intensive pilots are vital to raise awareness of smart grid investment needs among public and private stakeholders at national and European level. The methodology presented in this paper provides a basis for evaluating such pilots and for extrapolating the combined contribution of several such smart grid projects to national and European energy policy targets. 5 1. Introduction – Identifying the Need to Quantify Smart Grids 1.1 Why do we need quantification? The smart grid is an enabler, not an end in itself. It is accepted worldwide that an implementation of smart grids is absolutely necessary in order to achieve the strategic targets for integration of renewable energy sources in the most effective manner, a more secure, sustainable electricity supply, optimal and efficient use of energy and full inclusion of consumers in the electricity market. At the same time, investments for the development of smart grids should be financially sound. Market forces must see real financial returns in achieving these energy policy goals to incentivise the continued significant investments which will be required over the coming decades. As a consequence, the quantification of costs, benefits and their allocation to the appropriate beneficiaries is necessary to identify and mitigate business risks and encourage investors. The process proposed is a methodological framework that will provide a standardised approach for estimating the benefits and costs of smart grid demonstration projects or subsequent larger scale deployments. Policymakers, regulators and investors are in need of such a methodology meeting the following requirements: A fair, consistent, repeatable and methodological approach to estimate the cost and benefits of smart network pilot projects and related investments based on data from smart grid field demonstration projects; Identification and standard definition of the various types of benefits; A consistent and uniform approach for all projects and deployments; Basic principles for developing (a) computational tool(s) that all smart grid stakeholders could use to determine the costs and benefits of smart grid deployments. In outlining the thought process, approach, and underlying concepts and assumptions of the proposed methodology, we aim to aid the attainment of these goals and would support the creation of a computational tool to enhance the work of the users. 1.2 What deliverables can be expected from such quantification? The adopted methodology is intended as an assessment process to be universally accepted and consistently applied providing two separate deliverables. Both deliverables contribute to the ‘Smartness Barometer’ concept, which captures the idea how this technological advancement in electricity grids achieves the set strategic European policy goals: 6 1. The definition of “performance indicators” quantifying the extent to which a specific smart grid project is contributing to progress toward the “ideal smart grid”.1 This output reveals to what extent a project or deployment achieves the following smart grid services (characteristics) as defined by EC expert group 1: Integration of new users and requirements for sustainability, Consumer inclusion, Improving market functioning and consumer service, Enhancing efficiency in day to day grid operation, Enhancing better planning of future investments, and Ensuring network security / control / quality of supply An assessment framework to qualitatively capture the impact of a smart grid project on the considered electricity system (in terms of the delivery of smart grid services) is recognised as an important feature, but is beyond the scope of this paper.2 However, the authors recognise the importance of such a framework and the complementary value it can bring to the quantitative results of a cost-benefit analysis (CBA). 2. A “Cost and Benefit analysis” assessing the profitability of a smart grid solution and associated investment. An essential outcome of this analysis is the identification of the specific beneficiaries. Benefits from smart grid investments accrue throughout the value chain from generators, suppliers and customers to society as a whole. This is why economic regulation defining the conditions for the so-called socialisation of a major part of the investments is key for the successful implementation of smart grids. Too narrow a view when evaluating the cost efficiency of smart grid investments – to be undertaken mainly by DSOs – should be avoided. This paper aims to outline the first step towards the effective attribution of costs and benefits, necessary to the development of a successful market-based approach to govern the evolution of smart grids and achieve all related strategic policy goals. The objective is to define the methodological approach for conducting such costbenefit analyses of smart grid projects. Moreover, it provides project leaders with guidance in establishing a broad approach in their cost-benefit analyses for smart grids, taking indirect benefits and social factors into consideration. 1 Important to note is that such a measurement towards the “Ideal Grid” for a specific country should be seen as the relative and not absolute improvement. Moreover the consecutive order of functionality will not follow the same path throughout Europe; there will be "jumps". 2 The EC Task Force has already elaborated an initial assessment approach to link benefits and indicators to services and functionalities and evaluate the smartness of a smart grid project and the merit of its deployment. European Commission Task Force for smart grids (2010) Expert Group 1: Functionalities of smart grid and smart meters. 7 1.3 Where to go with the smart grid development: Universally accepted benefits In the context of this analysis, a ‘benefit’ is an impact (of a smart grid project) that is of value to any regulated or commercial body, energy consuming households or society at large. To gauge their magnitude and facilitate comparison, benefits should be quantified and expressed in monetary terms. For smart grid systems, it is well accepted that there are four fundamental categories of benefits3: Economic – reduced costs, or increased production at the same cost, that result from improved utility system efficiency and asset utilisation; Reliability and Power Quality – reduction in interruptions, service quality assistance improvement and power quality events; Environmental – reduced impact of climate change and effects on human health and ecosystems due to pollution; Security and Safety – improved energy security (i.e. reduced oil and gas dependence); increased cyber security and reductions in injuries, loss of life and property damage. Within each of the broad categories, there are several types of benefit and by definition they are mutually exclusive in terms of accounting for different benefit categories. However, smart grid functionalities that lead to one type of benefit can also lead to other types of benefits. For example, improvements that reduce distribution losses (an economic benefit) mean that pollutant emissions are reduced as well (which is an environmental benefit). Having identified the achieved benefits, it is very important to identify the beneficiaries in the process. In general, benefits are reductions in costs and damages, whether to generators, distribution system operators, consumers or to society at large. In this evaluation process the various benefits are defined so as to avoid instances of transfer payments between these groups of beneficiaries, to avoid mistakes in the evaluation of the total benefits, and to illustrate benefits from the separate perspectives of each group. Broadly speaking the beneficiaries are the following: Consumers: Consumers can balance or reduce their energy consumption with the real-time supply of energy. Variable pricing will provide consumer incentives to install their own in-home infrastructure that supports the smart grid development. The smart grid information and communication infrastructure will support additional services not available today. 3 EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) (Faruqui, A., Hledik, R.) (2010). Methodological Approach for Estimating the Benefits and Costs of smart grid Demonstration Projects, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. 1020342 8 Utilities (generators, transmission system operators, distribution system operators and suppliers): Utilities can provide more reliable energy, particularly during challenging emergency conditions, while managing their costs more effectively through efficiency and information which can be used for more effective infrastructure development, maintenance and operation. Society: Society benefits from more reliable supplies and consistent power quality for both domestic customers and all industrial sectors – manufacturing, services, ICT – many of which are sensitive to power outages. Renewable energy, increased demand efficiency, and electric vehicles or other distributed storage support will reduce environmental costs, including society’s carbon footprint. A benefit to any one of these stakeholders can in turn benefit the others. For example, those benefits that reduce costs for a DSO could lower prices, or prevent price increases, for customers. However in such cases it is vital to ensure that benefits transferred from one party to another are not double counted. Lower costs and decreased infrastructure requirements enhance the value of electricity to consumers. Reduced costs increase economic activity which benefits society. Societal benefits of the smart grid can be indirect and hard to quantify, but cannot be overlooked. Other stakeholders also benefit from the smart grid. Regulators can benefit from the transparency and audit-ability of smart grid information. Vendors and integrators benefit from business and product opportunities around smart grid components and systems. Total benefits are the sum of the benefits to utilities, consumers and society at large – though any transfer payments between these beneficiary groups must be taken into account and dealt with suitably. Ultimately transfer payments could be a solution to realise project financing where the global balance is positive, but where some stakeholders clearly benefit while others lose out. 9 2. Smart Grid Cost-Benefit Analysis Methodology 2.1 Background Over the past few years, there have been various models and constructs put forth related to evaluating smart grid projects and related investments. The lack of a standard, commonly accepted operator-level cost-benefit framework or system has led to few effective investment analysis approaches. However, DSO executives and policy decision makers are in need of such a framework. Why is it so difficult? Smart grid project investment analysis is particularly difficult because it involves a large number of technologies, programmes and operational practices; impacts on all the operational areas of the electricity value chain in an interlinked way (transfer of costs and benefits); requires long-term vision4 and commitment to fully implement; assumes active involvement of customers in using new technologies and software, the reliability and extent of which is still highly uncertain. Moreover, variation among European DSOs in existing grid infrastructure (e.g. current communications and metering systems, network age and condition) or service area characteristics (e.g. customer geographic density and consumer end-use loads) – even within a single country – is so great that decision makers so far could not rely on existing studies from other regions or DSOs to justify smart grid investments. From an economic point of view, certain challenges arise when attempting to apply traditional cost-benefit analysis in the context of smart grid investments. Evaluating smart grid project investments can be different from traditional investment analyses: All benefits related to smart grid investments may not be borne by the investing party and some additional costs required to realise a benefit may be borne by other parties. Should these additional costs and benefits be incorporated into the analysis? If so, how will all costs and benefits be attributed to the appropriate parties, in modelling and analysis? Uncertainty with respect to the magnitude of benefit streams is not unique to smart grids. However, some potential metrics associated with smart grids present particularly difficult issues for accurate quantification (e.g. environmental impact, reliable levels of response). The rationale and assumptions made for some chosen parameters can greatly affect the outcome of the analysis. 4 In ’10 Steps to Smart Grids – EURELCTRIC DSOs’ Ten-Year Roadmap for Smart Grid Deployment in the EU’, EURELECTRIC DSOs outline the 10 steps that are required for implementing smart grids in Europe. 10 What is necessary? Work must be done to define a methodological framework of estimating, calculating and assessing smart grid benefits and cost, including evaluation of less quantifiable benefits. EURELECTRIC, as a stimulator of the development of smart grids in society, takes the opportunity to address this lack and proposes in this section a common methodological framework that allows assessment of European smart grid project results. The basic structure of the proposed framework relies on the work of the US Energy Power Research Institute (EPRI). EPRI published a report in January 2010 on an approach for evaluating the US Department of Energy’s smart grid demonstration projects.5 It builds upon many previous studies and represents the most comprehensive approach to smart grid evaluation to date. In an initiative to develop and fine-tune this methodology for the European smart grid dimension recognising EU-specific drivers and priorities, EURELECTRIC collaborated with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre to use a running smart grid project as a case study. The InovGrid project of the Portuguese distribution system operator EDP Distribução was selected from the JRC catalogue for application of the EPRI methodology to its full extent.6 Through the buy-in of the Inovgrid management and the detailed and extensive preliminary data provision over a period of six months, real project experience proved invaluable in illustrating the steps of the cost-benefit analysis methodology. For the first time, the focus of the smart grid evaluation debate lay on sound and tangible estimated costs and benefits rather than addressing the theoretical framework in isolation. However the authors remain fully aware of the limits of such a case study and urge readers to bear this in mind. A single experience in smart grid operations cannot be used as a universal reference to assess the impact of such solutions on the future power system. Given the wide variety of existing pre-conditions for European utilities implementing smart grid projects, variation with alternative solutions deployed will always exist. 2.2 Brief overview of the EPRI methodology The EPRI approach provides a framework for evaluating economic, environmental, reliability, and safety and security benefits from the perspective of the involved stakeholders. It also indicates the level of certainty of achieving estimated benefits and focuses on identifying benefits that are directly measurable, easy to understand and quantifiable in monetary terms. 5 EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) (Faruqui, A., Hledik, R.) (2010). Methodological Approach for Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Smart Grid Demonstration Projects, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. 1020342 6 The methodology is the first case study that has been chosen. Other smart grid case studies from the JRC catalogue will be tested in the near future. 11 The approach outlined in the report can be applied in generic form to most smart grid investments. The EPRI methodology can be divided into three major steps as follows: 1. Characterisation of the project 2. Quantification and monetisation of benefits 3. Comparison of costs and benefits The joint effort between Members of EURELECTRIC, JRC and EDP Distribução resulted in a methodological framework to systematically estimate the different benefits of smart grid projects in seven steps. The methodology focuses on the identification and definition of benefits through a sequential, logical estimation process. Drawing from the InovGrid case study and experiences, the logical flow of the developed methodological framework is shown in the figure below, which outlines the proposed process for identifying benefits and estimating their monetary value. The final methodology foresees seven building blocks: Figure 1 – Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework 2.3 The detailed seven-step approach 12 This section describes the overall seven-step structure of the cost-benefit methodological framework. Each step covers the underlying principles and recommendations on how the framework should be used. Throughout the section examples from the InovGrid project illustrate how the methodology can be applied in practice. We suggest the reader alsoconsult the complementary JRC report7 ‘Guidelines for conducting a cost-benefit analysis of smart grid projects’, which covers more examples and addresses quantitative aspects (in its annexes) related to the calculation and estimation of costs/benefits. STEP 1 – Describe the technologies, elements and goals of the project The initial step in estimating the benefits of a project is to describe it by identifying the goal of the project and the smart grid assets. A. Goal As a first step it is important to describe the high-level goals of the overall solution and how the installed components will allow the objectives of the project to be addressed. It should be clear who the stakeholders are and how their needs are addressed. InovGrid illustration – Goal of the project The INOVGRID project8 aims at replacing the current LV meters with electronic devices called EDP Boxes (EB), using AMM (Automated Meter Management) standards. The EB is a gateway to energy management, which includes the functions of smart metering, has the capacity of local interaction with other devices through an interface Home Area Network (HAN). Local control equipment (DTC-Distribution Transformer Controller) in secondary substations performs automation functions for the distribution transformer and collects information from the EDP Boxes and sends them to the upstream systems. The project will integrate distributed generation (DG), Electric vehicles charging network and demand side management in network operation, providing a new set of system ancillary services. The project aims at demonstrating that a properly developed integration tool can facilitate the integration of DG, a more efficient use of energy and a reduction in CO2 emissions, without compromising security of operation and quality of supply. 7 European Commission – Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport, 2012. Guidelines for conducting cost-benefit analysis of smart grid projects”, Joint Research Centre Reference Report, February 2012. 8 13 Figure 2 – InovGrid project – technical architecture B. Smart grid assets Smart grid assets consist of the technologies, devices, and equipment that are purchased, installed, and made operational for the smart grid project. Assets could include, for example, in-home displays, load control devices, voltage control devices, a communications network and associated infrastructure, cyber security upgrades, enhanced fault detection technology or advanced metering infrastructure. It is important to identify what specific assets are installed, where they are installed, how the system is affected and what they do. InovGrid illustration - What smart grid technologies are installed? Distribution Transformer Controller (DTC) Local control equipment will be installed in distribution transformer stations, the main components being a measurement module, control module and communications module. The main functions are, collecting data from EB and MV/LV substation, data analysis functions and grid monitoring. DTC Cell Module – Distribution Automation Module that enables turning on and off remotely or locally, the various independent circuits of the MV-LV substation. DTC Power Quality Module Module that allows the recording and reporting of the quality characteristic values of the wave voltage (rms value, flicker, voltage dips, harmonics), providing information and generating alarm events Furthermore, assets can include energy resources that interact with the grid, including distributed generation, stationary electricity storage, plug-in electric vehicles, and smart 14 appliances. These resources can generally communicate and make business decisions or receive commands based on signals from the grid, customers or other operators like retailers, using either integrated technology or other assets of the project. Each of the deployed assets will produce a unique list of possible functionalities. Detailed fact sheets of the installed products can also help to define those functionalities and illustrate their role in the project. STEP 2 – Identify the smart grid functionalities Once identified, these assets can be integrated to enhance the delivery and use of electricity by enabling smart grid functionalities. Functionalities describe the enhanced capabilities provided by smart grid assets for delivering electricity across the grid from power plants to consumers. Expert Group 1 (EG1) of the EC Smart Grid Task Force has defined the smart grid in terms of six high-level characteristics (referred to in 1.2 above) that are delivered through 33 specific network functionalities. A. Enabling the network to integrate users with new requirements 1. Facilitate connections at all voltages / locations for any kind of devices 2. Facilitate the use of the grid for the users at all voltages/locations 3. Use of network control systems for network purposes 4. Update network performance data on continuity of supply and voltage quality B. Enhancing efficiency in day-to-day grid operation 5. Automated fault identification / grid reconfiguration reducing outage times 6. Enhance monitoring and control of power flows and voltages 7. Enhance monitoring and observability of grids down to low voltage levels 8. Improve monitoring of network assets 9. Identification of technical and non technical losses by power flow analysis 10. Frequent information exchange on actual active/reactive generation/consumption C. Ensuring network security, system control and quality of supply 11. Allow grid users and aggregators to participate in ancillary services market 12. Improved operation schemes for voltage/current control taking into account ancillary services 13. Intermittent sources of generation to contribute to system security 14. System security assessment and management of remedies 15. Monitoring of safety particularly in public areas 16. Solutions for demand response for system security in required time 15 D. Better planning of future network investment 17. Better models of DG, storage, flexible loads, ancillary services 18. Improve asset management and replacement strategies 19. Additional information on grid quality and consumption by metering for planning E. Improving market functioning and customer service 20. Participation of all connected generators in the electricity market 21. Participation of VPPs and aggregators in the electricity market 22. Facilitate consumer participation in the electricity market 23. Open platform (grid infrastructure) for EV recharge purposes 24. Improvement to industry systems (for settlement, system balance, scheduling) 25. Support the adoption of intelligent home / facilities automation and smart devices 26. Provide to grid users individual advance notice for planned interruptions 27. Improve customer level reporting in occasion of interruptions F. Enabling and encouraging stronger and more direct involvement of consumers in their energy usage and management 28. Sufficient frequency of meter readings 29. Remote management of meters 30. Consumption/injection data and price signals by different means 31. Improve energy usage information 32. Improve information on energy sources 33. Availability of individual continuity of supply and voltage quality indicators The functionalities defined by EG1 describe in broad terms the different ways in which smart grid technology can be used to improve the reliability, efficiency, operation, and security of the electrical grid. Depending on which smart grid assets are installed, how they are combined and how they are operated in a system, different functionalities can be triggered. 16 InovGrid illustration - What can the smart grid technologies do? The DTC Cell Module, which is a very specific component of the InovGrid project, allows triggering the Distribution Automation functionality. Looking to the functionalities defined by EG1 of the TF smart grids, following functionalities out of the list are activated (3) Use of network control systems for network purposes (5) Automated fault identification/grid reconfiguration reducing outage times Figure 3 – Mapping assets to functionalities: overview matrix Figure 4 – Mapping assets to functionalities: detail STEP 3 – Map each functionality onto a standardised set of benefit types As assets are mapped to functionalities, functionalities are mapped to benefits. Each of the triggered functionalities has to be considered to determine if and how they can provide any of the smart grid benefits. The general categories of benefits include improved economic performance (such as reduced operating and maintenance costs), enhanced reliability, reduced emissions and greater energy security. The EPRI methodology has developed a complete list of four benefit 17 categories comprising 22 specific benefits. This has been adopted as a comprehensive list9 that is also suitable for use in Europe: Optimized Generator Operation (Utilities) Improved Asset Utilization Deferred Generation Capacity Investments (Utilities) Reduced Ancillary Service Cost (Utilities) Reduced Congestion Cost (Utilities) Deferred Transmission Capacity Investments (Utilities) T&D Capital Saving Deferred Distribution Capacity Investments (Utilities) Reduced Equipment Failures (Utilities) Economic Reduced Distribution Equipment Maintenance Cost (Utilities) T&D O&M Savings Reduced Distribution Operation Cost (Utilities) Reduced Meter Reading Cost (Utilities) Theft Reduction Reduced Electricity Theft (Utilities) Energy Efficiency Reduced Electricity Losses (Consumer) Recovered Revenue Electricity Cost Savings Detection of anomalies relating Contracted Power (Utilities) Reduced Electricity Cost (Consumer) Reduced Sustained Outages (Consumer) Power Interruptions Reliability Reduced Major Outages (Consumer) Reduced Restoration Cost (Utilities) Power Quality Environmental Air Emissions Security Energy Security Reduced Momentary Outages (Consumer) Reduced Sags and Swells (Consumer) Reduced CO2 Emissions (Society) Reduced Sox, Nox, and PM-10 Emissions (Society) Reduced Oil Usage (Society) Reduced Wide-scale Blackouts (Society) Table 1 – List of Benefits The relationship between the smart grid functionalities and the expected benefits should then be illustrated in a functionalities-benefits matrix. 9 These benefits differ from the ones published by ERGEG and the EC Task Force smart grids. These benefits can easily be monetized. For a description of the benefits, we refer to Annex I of the JRC report ‘Guidelines for conducting a cost-benefit analysis of smart grid projects’. 18 InovGrid illustration - What benefit results from the technology? The ’Use of network control systems for network purposes’ (3) smart grid functionality can deliver a benefit like Reduced Distribution Operations Costs: it refers to meter or repair operations that can now be performed remotely instead of sending service workers. The ‘Automated fault identification/grid reconfiguration reducing outage times’ (5) smart grid functionality can deliver a benefit like Reduced Restoration Costs: by more quickly and precisely locating an clearing faults, field service workers can spend less time searching for the cause of the faults. It is also possible that by better isolating the fault, less damage occurs. Matching each functionality with one or more benefits from the list requires thorough analysis and a good deal of thinking. Figure 5 – Mapping functionalities to benefits STEP 4 – Establish the project baseline The implementation of a smart grid project incurs costs and delivers benefits that have to be compared with the scenario had the project not taken place. It is therefore essential for any cost-benefit analysis to define and characterise the baseline against which all other aspects of the analysis are compared. The baseline encompasses all the quantitative data that is needed to represent the current situation. Since all cost-benefit analyses are based on measuring or assessing change, two cases are required to measure the change that is to be assessed. The EPRI methodology puts forward the two types of states of the system necessary to start the evaluation: 19 The Business as Usual (BAU) scenario10: the baseline (or control) conditions that reflect what the system condition would have been without the smart grid system in place The smart grid scenario: The realised and measured conditions with the smart grid system installed The quantification of a specific benefit or cost, as explained in the next step, is then the incremental change in that cost and benefit metric between BAU and the smart grid scenario. There might be a number of candidate baselines for each benefit, and the smart grid project will have to select the baseline that is viewed as the most representative of the state of the grid had the smart grid project not been implemented. Important factors that have to be taken into account when defining the baseline include, inter alia, extreme events11, inflation, demand growth, load growth, evolution of electricity prices and final date of the project. InovGrid illustration – set the right baseline to measure the benefit Example benefit 1: Reduced Distribution Maintenance cost BAU condition Direct costs related to: - Smart Grid condition the maintenance of transformers, secondary substations the breakdown of transformers the theft of transformers at secondary substations Estimated reduction in maintenance with InovGrid infrastructure: - remotely control and monitor asset condition and utilization, avoiding side visit related costs better information on power flow and distribution load, implying less breakdown of transformers sensors on the secondary substations that warn in case of the decreasing thefts Example benefit 2: Reduced Technical Losses BAU condition Estimation of the total amount of losses (in %) at Distribution and Transmission level, corresponding to total monetized value for the considered period. Smart Grid condition Estimated reduction in technical losses due to: energy efficiency (consumption reduction and peak load transfer) new capacity to control the reactive power level 10 The analysis should not be always based on a single BAU scenario; it can be useful to consider a limited number of options for the BAU scenario. 11 “Extreme events” could not be assumed in modelling a baseline scenario due to their sporadic and unpredictable nature. However, if an extreme event occurs over the period where the smart grid project was in operation and measurements were made, this will likely impact on the results of the “Smart Grid Scenario”. Thus, if possible, the impact of the same event should be built into the BAU scenario. The accuracy of this would depend on there being historical evidence of how the system has dealt with such events in the past. 20 STEP 5 – Quantify and monetise the identified benefits and beneficiaries Quantifying the benefits in this case means “measuring the effects or outcomes that the project will deliver.” The challenge lies in evaluating these effects in monetised terms. The metrics needed to monetise the benefits may be quantified in terms of physical units (e.g. reduction in kWh). The quantified benefits should in turn be monetised by applying a cost per unit (e.g. €/kWh). Every identified benefit requires an approach and data for the calculation of both the BAU condition and the smart grid condition. The incremental monetary change between both conditions can in general be expressed as: Value (€) = [Condition]BAU – [Condition]SG InovGrid illustration – what is the benefit worth? Reduced Local Meter Operations Costs (Benefit) Figure 6 – Reduced Local Meter Operations Cost (Benefit) Rationale: The BAU condition represents the total costs related to local meter operations without InovGrid infrastructure in place. The benefit is expressed as an incremental cost reduction referring to meter operations that now can be performed remotely with InovGrid infrastructure (e.g. change in contracted power, change of tariff plan, switching, connection/disconnection, etc.). It is assumed a communications success rate of around 95%. 21 A. Externalities - Parameter Values for Monetisation When calculating benefits, it is clear that some benefits, such as reduced emissions or reduced damages to end-users from power interruptions, are difficult to monetise. A project would, for example, need to estimate the emissions before the project on the electricity generated for the area under study, and after the smart grid investments are in place. In this respect the choice of the right parameter values is important.12 On top of that, the project may deliver benefits that cannot be accurately monetised. These benefits include, inter alia, new services and products offered, vehicle-to-grid services, job creation and new business opportunities. In general, they benefit the public or society at large. They should not be overlooked and should be taken, quantitatively or qualitatively, into account in the total smart grid project assessment. The following benefits require specific attention: Reliability and power quality benefits To monetise reliability and power quality benefits, the most common approach is to apply the cost per un-served kilowatt-hour (or customer hour depending on regulatory framework) from the interruption-cost estimates. Benefits calculated from this approach are a direct function of the change in the number of interrupted hours (from what is experienced under a baseline conditions to what is experienced after smart grid investments are made).13 Environmental benefits To the extent that they can be reasonably quantified (and that they can be attributed to the smart grid investment), environmental benefits should be quantified, monetised in the costbenefit framework and designated a societal benefit. In some cases, environmental benefits can be estimated based on the average cost of installing remediation equipment as an alternative, such as emission reduction technology. In other cases, there are market instruments from which the benefits can be readily calculated (e.g. spot and future values of allowances traded in market exchanges). Societal benefits From an economist’s viewpoint, substantial benefits accrue to consumers and, more interestingly, to third parties because of positive externalities created from a smart grid implementation. The analysis should include a unique list of societal benefits and internalise all externalities, thereby understanding and valuating the community welfare effects. System operators and regulators should ultimately include benefits with a broader societal impact in their assessments. Some typical benefits include: 12 Annex II of the JRC report offers an approach for quantifying and monetizing smart grid benefits illustrated by parameters. 13 Sullivan, M.M., Mercurio, M., Schellenberg, J. (2009) “Estimated Value of Service Reliability for Electric Utility Customers in the United States,” Report LBNL-2132E, prepared for the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, June 2009. 22 Environmental and health benefits due to decreased peak electricity generation and the associated release of pollutants into the atmosphere (as peaking capacity is generally carbon-intensive rather than renewable). New industries can develop to deliver a whole new spectrum of products (prepayment, demand response programmes), energy efficiency applications and new technologies (smart appliances, storage, etc.). Smart grid projects could leverage innovation in distinct areas like electric vehicles, renewables, distributed generation and energy efficiency. Sustained job creation: including direct utility jobs created by smart grid programmes (new skills, jobs created in the broad “energy services” sector), non-utility smart-grid related jobs (contractors, technology design, manufacturing, for example in new industry lines like plug-in electric hybrid vehicles). B. Beneficiaries When conducting the analysis, it is of extreme importance to take into consideration the complete value chain and all the effects that a society experiences from producing and consuming electricity in the smart grid deployment, and not only the effects on the generators that produce electricity and their registered consumers who consume electricity. Benefits need to be clearly allocated to their beneficiaries. InovGrid illustration - Beneficiaries Figure 7– Benefits accrue through the value chain: ESCO, DSO, Consumer, Producer, Regulator 23 Where smart grid investments are to be made by distribution companies, it is vital that regulators bear the relevant beneficiaries in mind. Increasingly there are examples of the DSO bearing significant costs which will be recovered by other stakeholders than the DSO who made the investment. This is for example the case in the cost-benefit analysis performed by the Irish energy regulator (CER), facilitated by ESB Networks, of a national smart metering rollout based on a large-scale test deployment over two years. As illustrated below, although there was a significant net benefit to society, the DSO experienced a financial loss. Figure 8 - NPV benefits of smart metering in Ireland (€m), as determined by the Irish CER Background: This study was based on the full deployment of smart metering in Ireland, with installation beginning in Q3 2014 and continuing until the end of 2017. The benefits presented here are the Net Present Value (NPV) in 2011 based on cash flows 20112032. The costs and benefits included are those which are robustly quantifiable – a range of less reliably quantifiable benefits were also taken into consideration in reporting but not included in calculations. Amongst these benefits was an expectation that by the end of the CBA period CO2 emissions would be 100,000-110,000 tonnes below baseline each year and annual SO2 emissions lower by 117-129 tonnes. Quantified benefits pertaining to the customer and distribution system operator included efficiency and peak shifting such that customer bills are reduced and distribution capacity uprates may be deferred. The expected customer behaviour was based on an 18 month customer behavioural trial with smart metering and a range of stimuli including in-home displays, web portals, variable tariffs, higher levels of billing information and more regular billing. 24 STEP 6 – Quantify and estimate the relevant costs The relevant costs of a project are those incurred to deploy the project, relative to the baseline. The complete picture of costs is required to determine if the project has delivered a positive return on investment and, if so, at what stage during or after deployment the cumulative spend matched the benefits accrued. EPRI provides some guidelines when defining the appropriate costs: Cost data can come directly from the project, estimated or tracked by the investor; Capital costs are amortised over time; each project has to estimate its activitybased costs, using its approved accounting procedures for handling capital costs, debit, depreciation, and taxes; Both baseline and actual project costs should be tracked, with a distinction between costs that would normally be incurred in a-scale investment and those due to the RD&D aspects of the project. Moreover, it is important to note that costs should always be estimated and/or calculated on the same time intervals for which benefits are calculated. In general, following costs could be considered: Category Programme Capital investments Operation & maintenance Losses and theft Reliability Environmental costs Energy security Research and development Type of Cost Planning and administration Smart Grid programme implementation Marketing Measurement, verification, analysis Participant incentive payments Generation Transmission Distribution Other Generation Ancillary service Transmission Distribution Meter reading Participant incentive payments Value of losses Value of theft Restoration costs CO2 control equipment and operation CO2 emission permits SO2, NOx, PM control equipment and operation SO2, NOx emission permits Cost of oil consumed to generate power Cost of gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products Costs to restore wide-area blackouts if any actually occur during the project period R&D costs Table 2 – Overview of costs 25 InovGrid illustration - Cost of Action tracked For the estimation of relevant costs of the InovGrid project, EDPD made a recent market consultation. Other costs were measured by the company and tracked in their accounting notes. Figure 9 – Cost of Action tracked for the InovGrid project STEP 7 – Compare costs to benefits Once costs and benefits have been estimated, they need to be compared in order to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the project. This comparison could be done by using one of the following universally accepted approaches (also put forward by the EPRI methodology): - - - Annual comparison: Compiling the annual benefits and costs over the duration of the project – i.e. the differences compared with the BAU condition for both benefits and costs for each year of the study period. Cumulative comparison: Presenting costs and benefits cumulatively over time, with each year’s costs or benefits being the sum of that year’s value plus the value of all prior years. This approach helps identifying the ‘break-even’ point in time when benefits exceed costs. Net present value (NPV): Calculating the net present value, in which benefits minus costs each year of the project are discounted using an agreed discount rate. The NPV represents the total discounted value of the project – i.e. the total amount by which benefits exceed costs after accounting for the time value of money. Benefit-cost ratio: This method shows the ratio of benefits to costs. It represents the size of benefits relative to that of the costs. If the ratio is greater than one, the project is cost-effective. All of the above approaches have their individual benefits, but it is up to the individual project team representing the interests of the financing consortium to decide what methodology to use and what to present to whom. Each approach provides added value for the different interested stakeholders, being the shareholders, regulators and policymakers. 26 InovGrid illustration - Annual Comparison The annual comparison allows identifying in which years the costs exceed benefits. Initial investments in the first phases of the smart grid deployment deliver benefits only after some time. Please note that the figures shown below are only indicative and (for confidentiality reasons) not represent the exact numbers of the InovGrid project. Figure 10 – Annual comparison of costs to benefits Sensitivity analysis When comparing costs to benefits, this must be carried out around certain factors or parameters depending on the choice of the project coordinators. These are generally parameters with a high degree of variability and/or uncertainty. Key assumptions underlying the analysis, including those that drive estimates of major cost components, should be clearly documented, and the variability or uncertainty of estimates should be incorporated into those estimates. The proposed methodology recommends including a sensitivity analysis as part of the costbenefit information filing supporting the smart grid project investments. Indeed, different geographies and regulatory environments will have different impacts on the cost and benefits quantification. The sensitivity analysis should: Identify the key variables. Good candidates include the cost and reliability of technology, customer behaviour change achieved, discount factor when calculating net present values, emission costs and reliability factors, which have a wide range of potential values and are more subjective in nature. 27 Produce different cost-benefit results in order to demonstrate the impact various scenarios might have on the economic and societal profile of the smart grid project. We consider the following two factors as having a high impact on the final outcome of the analysis: Discount rate The realisation of smart grid benefits and costs may occur gradually and over extended periods of time. Therefore, all cost-benefit analyses in support of a smart grid investment should reflect and adjust for the expected timing of estimated costs and benefits. The rate of return on grid investments or the interest rate on long-term state bonds could be a reasonable choice for a discount rate. However, different discount rates can be used to assess the benefits for different beneficiaries, e.g. consumers may have a different assumed cost of capital compared to system operators. The question of discount rate as should be applied and the influencing factors in its determination depend on the context in which the analysis is to be considered. Two cases warrant consideration here – the rate applied in analysis to inform a purely commercial decision regarding the financial implications of implementing a technical solution in comparison with other options for the benefit of the investing party, and analysis for comparative purposes where a project may be publicly funded to realise potential benefits to society. Where a smart grid investment is being considered by the grid operator as an alternative to more conventional investments on purely technical and financial terms, it must be noted that “smart” investments are often far closer to typical telecommunications investments, generally with a higher risk level than conventional utility investments. Additionally, this is often less mature technology, applications and a new technological environment for the utility, increasing the risk of not achieving expected returns. Thus if the discount rate is to fairly reflect the relative risk of the projects, a higher discount rate should be applied to the “smart investment” analysis. However as the useful economic lifetime of smart grid assets will likely be shorter, this higher risk is limited to a shorter period. Thus should there be a will to incentivise “smart” investments over conventional ones for societal reasons on the part of government, the regulator or other policy determining organisations, an appropriate means of achieving this would be through allowing the grid operator a higher WACC and shorter depreciation on such investments, thus seeing the additional risk subsidised by the driving body. There is however, a case for a lower discount rate to be applied on a theoretical level to show what the return for society on an investment will be relative to the return seen on other public investments. Where a “smart grid” is being considered for social reasons with the costs and gains to society, then it would be appropriate for the discount rate to reflect the risk to the state, specified by the state body responsible for determining whether the project will be publicly funded. In this case the DSO is merely the implementing body contracted by the state, with funding for the project guaranteed. (In this case, the DSO is an appropriate body to be contracted both due to opportunity, expertise and experience and also as it is likely to be able to fund the project at a lower interest rate than many other 28 bodies which will likely be fully commercial. Thus the total cost borne by the public will likely be lower.) With a “risk free” rate as specified by the appropriate body applied, all project risk must be diligently built into the cash flows by the DSO in forming the financial model of the investment. This risk includes the uncertainty in achieving cost savings which a project is expected to deliver. The interaction between discount rate and implementation schedule of a project will have a direct impact on the NPV cost of the project. Thus it is vital that both are accurate and do not disproportionately emphasise costs or benefits at any stage in the project. Where the costs or rate of return vary over the discounting period, this must be factually reflected. This is pertinent in the case of smart grids, as evidence to date suggests that benefits are achieved later due to the interdependence of different systems which must be deployed, the current immaturity of technology leading to price volatility and the requirement for public engagement to realise potential benefits. It must be borne in mind that no generic discount rate can be applied in either case as this will depend on a complex combination of matters including the debt level of the funding body. The rate applied in any case, be it utility WACC or the rate on state bonds, requires calculation by those fully informed on the case in question and qualified to do so. However standardising the useful economic lifetime of assets would be a far more achievable measure due to its dependence on technology rather than financial status of a body. Lifetime The lifetime over which a cost-benefit analysis is conducted should reflect the projected useful life of the smart grid investment or system. It represents the continuous period of time when the components and system of the investment operate correctly and reliably to perform their designed functionalities. The project coordinator should carefully document the basis for its determination of the investment’s useful life and also the length of time over which reasonable customer and societal benefits can be reliably estimated. InovGrid illustration – Sensitivity analysis: parameters that impact benefits - - Deferred Distribution Capacity Investments: o Different consumption trends (increasing or retracting) can influence this variable o Also the current installed capacity in a given country influences this benefit Reduced Meter Reading cost: o This variable has a direct relation with the number of local readings on the baseline situation o The cost of local reading may also be different from location to location (e.g. manpower cost, tools available) Reduced Distribution cost: o The potential of this benefit is related with the number and type of local meter operations that can differ in different geographies or regulatory environments Reduced Technical losses: o In countries where the consumption is more concentrated or closer to the generation points (grid density) or with different consumption mix in different voltage levels (HV versus LV), the level of technical losses will be variable 29 3. How to extrapolate project results to the national level? The methodology presented in Chapter Two provides insight into how to interpret results of single projects. The costs, benefits and their allocation to beneficiaries across society can be identified through the process described by the different steps. This could prove an effective tool to evaluate the impact of a project on a part of the electricity system. However, once individual project results have been evaluated against a well-defined baseline, there is the need to extrapolate what the combined contribution of several such smart grid projects to the national and European targets would be. This should be done to inform the on-going policy move towards a low carbon power system, considering the technological environment and standards which will impact the rollout process. There is an added value in determining to what extent a project has led to improving broader “indicators” that represent the evolution towards a smarter European grid. Simultaneously, the evaluation of projects values on a European wide scale should include detailed analysis of the scaling-up and replication conditions. As it stands, the methodology itself provides no clear answer as to how this can be achieved. Some first fundamental conceptual ideas are elaborated in this chapter. They rely on some of the aspects of the EPRI report14 which aimed to produce a preliminary estimate of the required investment needed to create a viable smart grid in the USA. The determination of European KPIs is an on-going process. 3.1 The grid and its limitations The national quantification process should start by separating the project deliverables into distinct functional areas and making a number of assumptions about technology development, deployment, and cost over the desired study period. For consistency throughout Europe stakeholders need to agree on a study period and other key assumptions for the evaluation process to form a basis for comparison. It is important to clarify assumptions and definitions in the evaluation process. The whole power delivery system should cover everything from the electrical grid busbar at the generating plant to the energy-consuming device or appliance at the end-user. This means that the power delivery system encompasses generation step-up transformers; the generation switchyard; transmission substations, lines, and equipment; distribution substations, lines and equipment; intelligent electronic devices; communications; distributed energy resources located at end users; power quality mitigation devices and uninterruptible power supplies; sensors; energy storage devices; and other equipment. 14 EPRI (Electric Power Research Institue) (2011). Estimating the Costs and Benefits of the Smart Grid, a Preliminary Estimate of the Investment Requirements and the Resultant Benefits of a Fully Functioning Smart Grid, Palo Alto, CA: 2011. 1022519 30 3.2 Steps to evaluate base cost To conduct a quantitative estimate of the level of investment needed over the chosen time period, a good approach is to separate the core technologies of the project into four broad areas: transmission, substations, distribution and the customer interface. The cost estimation process should be further divided into the following categories to consistently identify the base cost for the required development: Elements that meet load growth and correct network issues through installation, upgrade, and replacement of built network capacity. This is the conventional means of accommodating new customers (new connects), serving increasing energy demand of existing customers, and mitigating other network issues including bottlenecks or potentially high fault currents. The additional investments needed to develop and deploy advanced technologies to enhance the functionality of the electricity system and achieve the functionalities of a smart grid. Power Delivery Maintain Reliability Power Delivery system of the Figure 11 – smart grid investment types The figure above illustrates that the division between the various investment types may not be clearly identifiable and for this reason, base cost evaluation is very important as a platform for benefit evaluation. In the figure above, the first two segments (red and blue) represent investments required to maintain adequate capacity and function of the existing power delivery system, while the third segment is the additional cost to elevate this system to that of a smart grid. 31 3.3 Key Assumptions In this future planning and quantification exercise, cost estimates could be based on four key assumptions for clarity and consistency: 1. Incorporate technologies that make the electricity system smarter, but also stronger, more resilient, adaptive, and self-healing. Costs are likely to decrease while performance levels are expected to increase over the assessment period. Technological options and the roll-out process will have different impacts on CAPEX and OPEX. 2. Where reasonable and cost-effective, incorporate solutions which adhere to European and national regulatory standards: Consistent with the functionality requirements of Mandates M/441, M/468 and / or M/490. Complies with public standards and vendors interoperability Meets requirements of European renewables targets (and related European Directives) as well as national roadmaps Meets supply quality standards such as EN50160 3. Consider technology and policies that meet load growth and power system needs by enhancing smart grid functionality. These must give due regard to: smarter network management smarter integrated generation smarter markets & customers 4. Simultaneous deployment of different smart grid functionalities will be mutually beneficial. While deployments will realistically be made along parallel paths and in discrete steps, planning should consider the interaction between the systems being deployed (for example, in considering future distribution automation, it should be noted if there is likely to be smart metering deployed in the area over the DA roll-out period, how the communications systems and additional local data could be leveraged and add to system benefits for little marginal cost increase). Smart grids will not be rolled out in a single all-encompassing deployment. Grid development is an incremental and continuous step-by-step learning process, characterised by different starting points and projects throughout Europe, leveraging on-going advances in technology and expertise. Rather than instant revolution, this should be a steady evolution which must include customers, energy suppliers and producers. Project leaders and smart grid stakeholders must therefore bring results of research and demonstration projects to the national and European level. The dissemination of information, results, best practices and lessons is vital to inform effective development and integration of optimal solutions. In addition, smart grid development can prove a catalyst for future partnership and action on a larger scale. 32 Success criteria and realistic business cases based on intensive pilots are vital to shape views and raise awareness of smart grid investment needs among public and private stakeholders on national and European level. Tangible cases in support of smart grid investment can only be presented at national and European level if preliminary estimates on costs and benefits can be presented. 33 4. Conclusion and guidelines Regulators and distribution companies are at a unique crossroads. Electricity networks have developed for decades along a similar path, with the challenge of supplying increasing demand being met through investment in conventional infrastructural capacity. However there is a paradigm shift in electricity generation and supply. Distributed generation, pushed in energy policy, is playing an ever more dominant role in distribution networks which were never designed to harness that energy. While the related planning challenges alone could perhaps be met by continued conventional investment, this would be costly and environmentally unsound. More urgently, there are a range of operational challenges which need new solutions. Automation, protection, control and monitoring must all be developed to meet the challenges to supply quality that have already become apparent with the proliferation of distributed generation. Thus integrating planning and operational solutions, with the required innovation and ingenuity, could lead to optimal, cost-efficient and technically effective, sustainable network development. The key is to invest in the right kind of development. Thus investment decisions need evidence-based, like-for-like comparison of the options available. The methodology described in this paper can have two main purposes, independent but inherently linked in their goal of informing financial decisions regarding smart grid investments. This is a tool to aid project leaders in a cost-benefit analysis of their work and a sound, repeatable method that can assist regulators in developing the right investment incentives, based on the comparison of the relative costs and benefits of different smart grid investments and to whom they apply. In developing this methodology, it has been crucial that the outcomes be applicable to the European context rather than just the situation in the United States, for which it was originally developed. Thus every effort has been made to align the American and European terminology (“services”/“characteristics”, “functions”/“functionalities”). 4.1 Project Leaders: evaluating a project 4.1.1 Evaluating a completed project Ultimately it is the role of the project leader to illustrate the results of the project. If the technical solution developed in a project is to be adopted, a clear concise illustration of the cost-benefit is vital. In adopting this approach, as is always the case where there are quantified outputs, the quality of the available data will have a direct bearing on the outcome’s credibility. This 34 being the case, the formulae available for benefit quantification are globally recognised and highly credible. For many of the variables required for quantification a breadth of data is available. One example is the case of figures used for inflation. To add most credibility, they should be appropriate to the region of deployment (or from which assets are procured), the currencies involved and based on credible forecasts by the appropriate economic bodies. However if a “smart grid” project is to be compared to a conventional investment by the same body, the accepted inflation figure used by the utility in regular investment appraisals may be the most suitable to give an accurate comparison. Similar care must be taken in applying demand growth projections and the evolution of electricity prices. In all cases, however, it is vital to explicitly state the figures used, their sources and, if necessary, the rationale for the choice of particular figures. The quality of description of project assets – the technology to be deployed and operational/control systems employed – has a significant bearing on what the completed report will communicate. Smart grid development and integration is a field of international concern and implicit in this is the barrier which language can create. While a written description of a project’s process and goals has merit, many reviewers will be far better able to objectively evaluate the project and its applications if they receive a comprehensive overview of the technology involved in the form of technical specifications. Graphical descriptions giving an overview of the project and integrating the individual assets and systems tend to communicate more universally and directly than text. Clarity and accuracy are vital to ensure that the completed analyses have the highest level of credibility and that the quality of the project can be best communicated. Indicating the level of uncertainty in all results ensures that they can be interpreted in context. Future development of this methodology could perhaps define levels of uncertainty, relating the “label” to sensitivity bands, historical variation in the quantity in question or other suitable ranges. 4.1.2 Aiding project planning Project leaders often find themselves in the challenging position of trying to leverage funding for projects. Without economic merit, even the most technically accomplished system will never become a solution. When using this method to appraise a project in the planning or pre-planning stages, as aid in leveraging project funding, it has the potential to enhance project planning. Sensitivity analyses around asset costs, implementation schedules or the balance between budgetary allowances to different areas (technology, installation, marketing, communications) can prove an invaluable indicator as to how best to allocate a budget and how to structure the project to give the best possible chance of achieving the potential benefits. 35 4.1.3 The critical role of cost / benefit analyses – deployment proposals Where a smart or innovative technical solution has been implemented and tested in a demonstration project, the next step is to roll out the solution, deploying it where required across the networks. Regardless of a project’s technical merit, obtaining investment is a matter of communicating the expected benefits. Ultimately, communicating benefits is most universal and most practical when expressed in monetary terms – investors must be able to see the value that their initial investment can offer. While this method is ideal for post-analysis, where the costs and benefits are measured and real, giving a measured and quantified result, it also provides an instrument for the appraisal of a full rollout. Inevitably, this is required to secure the investment needed. This method has a unique value where one is looking to obtain project funding, in indicating not only the benefits, but to whom they apply. Thus where a project may have limited value to the distribution company – with a similar cost-benefit to a conventional investment and the less tangible benefit of innovation and development of expertise within the company – it may have a range of benefits for society, the environment or others. These will strengthen a business case, particularly as presented to the regulator whose primary concern is to society at large rather than the distribution company. 4.2 Regulators & Policymakers: how to make informed investment decisions 4.2.1 The evolving role of the regulator Just as the core role of electricity networks is in delivering secure, reliable power supplies rather than facilitating the technology and systems integrated on them, so the purpose of “smart networks” is in enhancing the security, quality and efficiency of existing networks in the most cost-effective manner possible. Though attaining environmental targets (EU 2020 targets, Kyoto Protocol amongst others) may be an objective in itself, the most cost-effective means of achieving this will vary from region to region, system to system or population to population. Regulators play a central role in supporting the development of the networks of the future to be done by DSOs. The solutions integrated into networks, be they conventional infrastructural upgrades or more complex solutions based on control and communicational development, will require investment and the investment decisions taken by distribution companies are heavily influenced by the regulatory environment. Thus regulators are faced with the question as to what investment incentives are needed to best serve the people. A primary task to address this question consists of designing a flexible economic regulatory framework that allows DSOs to take responsibility in making the right investment decisions. In this view, the methodology presented in this paper provides regulators with a clearsighted, broad analysis of the possible benefits of smart network investment, necessary for 36 the development of the appropriate regulatory financing model applied to DSOs. With the right incentives for innovation included, such a model will ensure the investment climate that is needed for grid operators to further innovate in technologies and systems which contribute to the development of the grid to play its part in the efficient delivery of a lowcarbon economy. Innovation can lead to solutions which offer improved network performance – the key is in supporting the innovation which offers this in an efficient, reliable and cost-effective manner. Ultimately, environmental sustainability can only be achieved hand in hand with technological and economic sustainability. 4.2.2 What is a “smart” investment? A “smart investment” does not have to be heavily reliant on ICT – the smartest, most sustainable investment is the one which achieves the goal at the lowest cost. Thus determining what constitutes the smartest investment is a matter of making a clear, objective, like-for-like comparison of investment options. The methodology proposed here compares the intended investment option to a baseline – the same system without the investment under investigation having been made. The same methodology can be applied to any conventional investment to directly compare the two solutions: the “smart” investment or the conventional one. The key value in this methodology and its widespread adoption is that it provides a means of comparing the relative costs and benefits of different projects and options on the most generic, levelled playing field possible. Thus a range of “smart grid” projects can be compared by regulators to understand which offers the most suitable technical solution while delivering the kind of financial return required in their own economic, political and legal environment. While no analysis can be considered absolutely accurate or universal, the adoption of this standard approach at least facilitates the comparison of projects. 4.2.3 Extracting information from other projects in Europe and beyond Learning from past or on-going projects is vital in assessing future projects under consideration – the challenge is in identifying how past projects, often in other regions, can give insight into future projects or deployments in one’s own area. Projects which have been assessed under the proposed methodology lend themselves to this purpose through explicitly highlighting those underlying figures and assumptions in each calculation which may be region or regime specific. It is important for anybody using past project evaluations as an indicator to take these variables into account. Similarly, the insight offered in the included sensitivity analyses allow regulators, policymakers or any other assessors to better apply the results to their own context. 37 While a project’s exact financial benefits cannot be directly assumed to remain the same if it were repeated or deployed in another region or system, the proportional breakdown of benefits and benefitting stakeholders should be broadly indicative of the more global application. Using the sensitivity analyses to put the results of a given project in the context of a specific regulator’s region of concern, an indication of the benefits for various stakeholders and society in general can be derived. 4.3 How distribution companies and regulators can help work together It is in the interest of all those concerned in network development – regulators, distribution companies, generators and consumers included – that the best, most effective and costefficient investments be made in a timely manner. Beyond this, innovation will lead to new and more effective solutions. There must be an onus on distribution companies who are developing and operating networks to innovate, design, test and develop solutions which have the potential to be more sustainable. Equally, regulators must encourage this, but always in a manner which reflects the concerns of society as to economic sustainability. Both parties will better meet their aims with cooperation. It is imperative that regulators clearly communicate what they require, in technical, economic and environmental fields. The support mechanisms or frameworks they intend to deliver must be clearly communicated and the criteria for their application made transparent. Similarly distribution companies must develop both their systems and their expertise to deliver the solutions which will provide benefits to all stakeholders in so far as possible. Both parties must continue to perform due diligence both in innovation as to how they operate and in the level of knowledge and expertise amongst their organisations. Only with the appropriate skills, experience, ability and expertise can either side develop or analyse as is required to achieve positive results. Needless to say, these attributes will be increasingly essential in managing the electrical grid of the future. 4.4 European funding solutions Smart grid projects entail inherent uncertainty as they have not yet been tested on a large scale. Given that large-scale demonstration projects would generate new information on how smart technologies perform in practice, these projects would lead to positive externalities for all smart grid actors. EU policymakers can help accelerate the development of smart grids by facilitating financing options for smart grid projects. In this perspective, EURELECTRIC welcomes the inclusion of smart grid projects in the current draft Regulation on Guidelines for Trans-European Energy Infrastructure (part of the Connecting Europe Facility), as well as the fact that distribution companies are identified as potential project promoters. The methodology outlined in this document could contribute to the discussions on the selection and monitoring approach for the implementation of smart 38 grid projects of common interest, thereby providing guidance on the evaluation of projects’ contribution to the relevant criteria. Ultimately, EURELECTRIC continues to support the SET Plan and the European Electricity Grid Initiative, believing that knowledge sharing, dissemination of best practices and large-scale demonstration projects will be needed to accelerate and optimise grid implementation in Europe to the benefit of customers. 39 Union of the Electricity Industry - EURELECTRIC aisbl Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 66 - bte 2 B - 1000 Brussels • Belgium Tel: + 32 2 515 10 00 • Fax: + 32 2 515 10 10 VAT: BE 0462 679 112 •
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