Y L P P A O T W HO L O O H C S A R FO R O F E PLAC 5 1 0 2 R E B M E T SEP starting school moving on to junior school moving on to High school studio school and university technical college (U T C) A guide for parents/carers with children due to start infant/primary school, transfer to junior school, transfer to high school or transfer to a studio school/UTC in September 2015 www.luton.gov.uk ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Foreword This booklet provides information in relation to the following admission rounds: • Starting school (for children born between 1/9/10 31/8/11) • transfer to junior school (for children in Year 2 seeking a place at a junior school) 2 If you live outside of Luton, but would like your child to attend a Luton school, you must apply using your Council’s application form or online application system. It is important that Luton parents and carers read and understand this guide. This guide is split into the following five sections: • General information • Starting school • Junior transfer • High school transfer • Studio school/UTC transfer • transfer to high school (for children in Year 6 seeking a place at a high school) Please contact the Council’s Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. • transfer to studio school or University Technical College (UTC) (for pupils in Year 9 seeking admission into a studio school or UTC at the start of Year 10). Applying for a school place The closing dates are as follows: Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014(Intake point is the start of Year 10) You must apply to our Admissions Team for a place even if: • you would like to request a place at your catchment area school • your child has been attending the early years unit attached to your preferred school (only for the starting school admissions round). Please note, a place in the nursery or early years unit does not guarantee admission to the main school • your child is attending the linked infant school (only for the junior school transfer) • you have previously applied to the school for a place • you would like your child to attend a faith school, a foundation school, an academy or a free school. If you live in Luton you must apply to Luton Borough Council for a school place, even if you are requesting a place at a school(s) outside of Luton. Luton parents and carers can apply for a school place by using Luton Borough Council’s online application system. The benefits of online applications are: • easy step-by-step instructions • preferences can be changed at any time until the closing date • you will receive confirmation that your application has been submitted. If you do not have access to a computer, you can apply by completing the application form enclosed with this guide. Please note, if you are applying for a place at a Luton Catholic school or Wenlock Junior School, you will also need to provide a paper copy of the supplementary form together with your child’s original Baptismal Certificate (only for applications for Luton Catholic schools). The supplementary forms are attached to the application form. You must provide your child’s Baptismal Certificate even if you have provided it to one of the schools previously. You must submit these documents to your child’s current school, if this is in Luton (for the junior and high school transfer) or to your first preference Luton school (for the starting school admissions round) or to the Council’s Admissions Team by the relevant closing date. Bengali How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior Bengali school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: Bengali All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior Startinghigh school – 15 2015 school, school or January studio school/UTC from September 2015 must school, apply before: All parents/carers children place at an infant/primary junior Transfer to juniorwith school – 15requiring Januarya2015 school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: Transferschool to high–school – 31 October 2014 Starting 15 January 2015 a place All parents/carers with children requiring at an infant/primary school, junior school, Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Transfer to school – 15from January 20152015 high schoolschool orjunior studio– school/UTC September must apply before Starting 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transferschool to junior – 15 January 2015 Starting - 15school January 2015 Transfer to studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Transfer to to a high school 2014 Transfer junior school –- 31 15 October January 2015 Transfer to to high a studio school/UTC – 312014 October 2014 Transfer school - 31 October Transfer to a studio school/UTC - 31 October 2014 Translations Bengali 2015 mv‡ji ‡m‡Þ¤^‡i †h mKj †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i Bbd¨v›U/cÖvBgvix ¯‹zj, Rywbqvi ¯‹zj, nvB ¯‹zj,A_ev ÷zwWI ¯‹z‡j/BDwUwm‡Z fwZ© nIqvi Rb¨ RvqMv `iKvi, Zv‡`i 2015 mv‡ji ‡m‡Þ¤^‡i †h mKj †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i Bbd¨v›U/cÖvBgvix ¯‹zj, Rywbqvi ¯‹zj, wcZvgvZv/‡KqviviMb wb‡P†Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i †jLv Zvwi‡Li Av‡M `iLv¯Í Ki‡eb: 2015¯‹zjmv‡ji ‡iAek¨B †h¯‹z‡j/BDwUwm‡Z mKj Bbd¨v›U/cÖ , RywbqviZv‡`i ¯‹zj, nvB ,A_ev‡m‡Þ¤^ ÷zwWI fwZ© nIqvi Rb¨vBgvix RvqMv¯‹zj`iKvi, nvB ¯‹zj,A_ev ÷zwWIAek¨B ¯‹z‡j/BDwUwm‡Z fwZ© nIqvi `iKvi, Zv‡`i wcZvgvZv/‡KqviviMb wb‡P †jLv Zvwi‡Li Av‡M Rb¨ `iLv¯ÍRvqMv Ki‡eb: hviv ¯‹ j z ïiæ Ki‡Q 15B Rvby q vix 2015 wcZvgvZv/‡KqviviMb Aek¨B wb‡P †jLv Zvwi‡Li Av‡M `iLv¯Í Ki‡eb: hviv Rywbqvi ¯‹y‡j e`jx n‡e - 15B Rvbyqvix 2015 hviv ¯‹jz ïiæ Ki‡Q - 15B Rvbyqvix 2015 hviv ¯‹ïiæ z‡j Ki‡Q e`jx n‡e 15B - 31‡k 2014 hviv RynvB ¯‹wjz bqvi qA‡±vei vixRvby 2015 ¯‹y‡j e`jx- n‡e -Rvby 15B qvix 2015 hviv ÷z WI ¯‹¯‹z‡j/ e`jx n‡eRvby-q31‡k A‡±vei 2014 hviv nvB Rywwbqvi y‡j BDwUwm‡Z e`jx - 15B vix ¯‹z‡j e`jx n‡e n‡e - 31‡k A‡±vei 20142015 nvBwWI¯‹z‡¯‹jz‡j/ e`jxBDwUwm‡Z n‡e - 31‡k 2014 A‡±vei 2014 hviv ÷z e`jx A‡±vei n‡e - 31‡k Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday Please the Admissions Team 54 80 16, 2014 Monday to Friday between hviv ÷zcontact wWI ¯‹z‡j/ e`jx n‡eon -01582 31‡k A‡±vei Gujarati between 10am andBDwUwm‡Z 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday between 10am and if you need to at understand booklet. All parents/carers with4pm, children requiring a on place an54 infant/primary school, junior Please contact the Admissions Teamhelp 01582 80 16,this Monday to Friday GB cyw¯ÍKvq †jLv welqe¯‘ eyS‡Z †Kv‡bv mvnv‡h¨i `iKvi n‡j, ‡g‡nievwb K‡i Gujarati school, high school or 4pm, studioifschool/UTC from to 2015this must apply before: between 10am and you 54 need understand booklet. A¨vWwgkbm& Ux‡gi mv‡_ 01582 80help 16 September †Uwj‡dvb b¤^ ‡i †mvgevi †_‡K Gujarati ïµevi, GB cyw¯ÍKvq †jLv welqe¯‘ eyS‡Z †Kv‡bv mvnv‡h¨i `iKvi n‡j, ‡g‡nievwb K‡i Starting school – with 15 January mKvj 10Uv †_‡K weKvj 4Uviey2015 g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb | `iKvi n‡j,school, All parents/carers children requiring a place at an infant/primary junior K‡i GB cy w ¯Í K vq †jLv welqe¯‘ S ‡Z †Kv‡bv mvnv‡h¨i ‡g‡nievwb A¨vWwgkbm& Ux‡gi mv‡_ 01582 54 80 16 †Uwj‡dvb b¤^2015 ‡i †mvgevi †_‡Kbefore: ïµevi, Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 school, high school or studio school/UTC from September must apply All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 A¨vWwgkbm& Ux‡giweKvj mv‡_ 01582 54 †hvMv‡hvM 80 from 16 †Uwj‡dvb ‡i †mvgevi †_‡K ïµevi, Gujarati mKvj †_‡K 4Uvi g‡a¨ Kiæb | b¤^2015 school,10Uv high school or studio school/UTC September must apply before: Transfer a studio – 31 October 2014 Starting to school – 15school/UTC January 2015 All parents/carers withweKvj children requiring place at anKiæb infant/primary school, junior school, mKvj 10Uv †_‡K 4Uvi g‡a¨ a†hvMv‡hvM | Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Starting – 15 January 2015 high schoolschool or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before Transfer to school – –3115 October 2014 Transfer to high junior school January 2015 િશ�ુ / પ્રિથિ શ્શ્ , �ુ િનયર સ્� ૂ , હ્ઇ સ્� ૂ રથ્ શ્શ્ / �ુટ�સી સ્ુ ુ�યય ્ાત સર્ન Starting school 15 January 2015 Transfer studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Transfer to to ahigh school – 31 October 2014 થત શથથ્ની to જ�ુરય્ા સથ� 2015 થ્ા્િપા્ / રકિયક સ ટપ્બર 2015 પહપૂ્ં Transfer junior ધર્થા્ school -બ્શિયન્ 15 January Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Transfer to high - 31 October 2014 ર� િરથ્ની રહપશschool ત: િશ�ુ / પ્રિથિ શ્શ્ , school/UTC �ુ િનયર સ્�ૂ, -હ્ઇ ૂ રથ્2014 શ્શ્ / �ુટ�સી સ્ુ ુ�યય ્ાત સર્ન Transfer to a studio 31 સ્� October િશ�ુ / પ્રિથિ શ્શ્ધર્થા્ , �ુ િનયરબ્શિયન્ સ્�ૂ, હ્ઇ સ્�થ્ા્િપા્ ૂ રથ્ શ્શ્ / �ુટસ �સીટપ્સ્ુ ુ�યય સર્ન થત શથથ્ની જ�ુરય્ા સથ� / રકિયક બર 2015્ાતપહપ ૂ્ં શાળા શ� થઈ રહ� છે - 15 �ન્�ુર� 2015 થતશ થથ્ની જ�ુરય્ા ર� િરથ્ની રહપશત: ધર્થા્ બ્શિયન્ સથ� થ્ા્િપા્ / રકિયક સ ટપ્બર 2015 પહપૂ્ં ��િનયર શાળા માટ� તબદ�લી - 15 �ન્�ુર� 2015 ર� િરથ્ની રહપશત: હાઇ સ્�લ માટ� તબદ�લી - 31 ઑકટટબર 2014 શાળા શ� થઈ રહ� છે - 15 �ન્�ુર� 2015 શાળા / ્�ટ�સી સ્�ુ�યટ માટ� તબદ�લી - 31 ઑકટટબર 2014 શાળા થઈ માટ� રહ� છે - 15 �ન્� ુ�ન્� ર� 2015 � િનયરશ�શાળા � તબદ�લી - 15 ુર� 2015 ��િનયર તબદ�લી 15 �ન્�ુ ર� 2015 હાઇ સ્�લશાળા માટ� માટ� તબદ�લી - 31 -ઑકટટબર 2014 Please contact the Admissions Team on 015822014 54 80 16, Monday to Friday હાઇ સ્�/ લ - 31 ઑકટટબર 2014 શાળા ્�ટમાટ� �સી તબદ�લી સ્�ુ�યટ માટ� તબદ�લી - 31 ઑકટટબર between 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. � ુ�યટAdmissions Please contact on 015822014 54 80 16, Monday to Friday શાળા / ્� ટ�સી સ્the માટ� તબદ�લીTeam - 31 ઑકટટબર between 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday આ �ુ�સાિ્ સથજથ્ થ્ટપ જય ાથ્રપ જ�ુરય્ા હયય ાય 16, સયથથ્ર રી �ુto ુથ્ર ાુધી between 10am and 4pm, if youથમમની need to understand this booklet. Please contact the Admissions Teamhelp on 01582 54 80 Monday Friday between you need help to understand booklet. સથ્રન્ 1010am િૂ્િandનત 4pm, સ્ં� 4if િૂ્િની થચ્ત , 01582 54 80 16 this પર પથત શ ટ�થનય સંપિપ િરય. આ �ુ�સાિ્ સથજથ્ થ્ટપ જય ાથ્રપ થમમની જ�ુરય્ા હયય ાય સયથથ્ર રી �ુુથ્ર ાુધી 3 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Hindi All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior Hindi school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior Starting school – 15 2015 school, high school or January studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 All parents/carers children a place Transfer to highwith – 31requiring October 2014 at an infant/primary school, junior school, Starting school –school 15 January 2015 high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before Transfer studio school/UTC – 31 October Transfer to to a junior school – 15 January 2015 2014 Hindi Starting to school 15 January 2015 2014 Transfer high -school – 31 October Transfer to toajunior - 15 January 2015 2014 Transfer studioschool school/UTC – 31 October Transfer to रसे high schoolु/प्र�थकरकक - 31 October 2014 स ्,रह्ईरककस्रय्रकससटूयडरककस्/यसस �सीरथ� र �सतम्बर 2015 र�कसीर�शश स ्,रजस�नयबरकक Transfer a studio �सस्ाकक/दे school/UTC - 31्October कर्नर ्नेरकto े र�्लरससीर खस््कत्र रओ कडर ससेर 2014 ह्ेर ाेदनरकबन्रच्�हये: �सतम्बर2015रसेर�कसीर�शशु/प्र�थकरककस्,रज�स नयबरककस्,रह्ईरककस्रय्रकससटूयडरककस्/यस स �सीरथ� र कर्नर ्नेरक र�्लरससीर �सस्ाकक/दे स् – 15 जनवर� 2015रखस््कत्र्रओ कडर ससेर ह्ेर शुे रु क ूल्कल ाेदनरकबन्रच्�हये: ज�क नयरलस्कूल्ेल�ूएलस्थनथाुरत – 15 जनवर� 2015 स्कूल्कल शुरु – 15 जनवर� 2015र हथईलस्कूल्ेल�ूएलस्थनथाुरत – 31 अक्कूर 2014 ज�नयरलस्ूल्ेल�ूएलस्थनथाुरत – 15 जनवर� 2015 स्क क ू�ययलस्क क ू/य् क �सीलम�लस्थनथाुरत – 31 अक्कूर 2014 हथईलस्कूल्ेल�ूएलस्थनथाुरत – 31 अक्कूर 2014 Please contact theलस्थनथाुरत Admissions 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday स् – 31Team अक्कूरon 2014 क ू�ययलस् क ू/यक्�सीलम� 4 between 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday between Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. between 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. इसलपशिसु्थल्यलसममनेलम�लमममल्ेल�ूए,ल10:00लसेल4:00लूजेल्ेलूीचलसयमवथरलसेल शकवथर,ल ए��म ास/पवे ल्�मलसेर01582 54 80 16रपरलसंप्रल्र� . इसलपशिसु्थल्यलसममनेलम�लमममल्ेल�ूए,ल10:00लसेल4:00लूजेल्ेलूीचलसयमवथरलसेल शकवथर,ल ए��म ास/पवे ल्�मलसेर01582 54 80 16रपरलसंप्रल्र� . Polish All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Wszyscy rodzice/opiekunowie dzieci ubiegających się o przyjęcie do klasy nauczania początkowego/szkoły podstawowej, gimnazjum, szkoły średniej, lub szkoły kierunkowej [studio school]/technikum uniwersyteckiego [University Technical College, UTC] we wrześniu 2015 r., powinni złożyć podania o przyjęcie: W przypadku rozpoczęcia nauki w szkole – do 15 stycznia 2015 r. W przypadku rozpoczęcia nauki w gimnazjum – do 15 stycznia 2015 r. W przypadku rozpoczęcia nauki w szkole średniej – do 31 października 2014 r. W przypadku rozpoczęcia nauki w szkole kierunkowej/technikum uniwersyteckim – do 31 października 2014 r. Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. W razie konieczności uzyskania pomocy w zrozumieniu niniejszej broszury, prosimy o kontakt z Zespołem ds. przyjęć [Admission Team] pod numerem 01582 54 80 16, od poniedziałku do piątku, w godzinach od 10:00 do 16:00. How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Punjabi All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior Punjabi school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: Punjabi All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior Starting school – 15 January 2015 school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: Transfer to juniorwith school – 15requiring January Allparents/carers parents/carers children a2015 place at an school, junior junior All with children requiring a place at infant/primary an infant/primary school, Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 school, highor school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 mustapply applybefore before: high school studio school/UTC from September 2015 must Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Starting school– 15 - 15 January Starting school January 20152015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer toto junior –ਸਕੂ 15ਲ-,January 2015 ਸਤੰ ਬਰ 2015 ਤ� ਿਸ਼ਸ਼ੂ/school ਪ�ਾਇਮਰੀ ਜੂਨੀਅਰ ਸਕੂ ਲ, ਹਾਈ ਸਕੂਲ ਜ� ਸਟੂਡੀਓ ਸਕੂਲ/ਯੂਟੀਸੀ ਿਵੱ ਚ Transfer junior school January Transfer to a studio school/UTC15 – 31 October2015 2014 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to high school 31 October 2014 ਦਾਿਖਲੇ ਦੀ ਲੋ ੜ ਵਾਲੇ ਬੱ ਿਚਆਂ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਮਾਿਪਆਂ/ਦੇਖਭਾਲਕਰਤਾਵ� ਨੂੰ ਇਹਨ� ਤਾਰੀਖ� ਤ� ਪਿਹਲ� ਅਰਜ਼ੀ Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Transfer studio school/UTC - 31 October ਸਤੰ ਬਰ 2015to ਤ� a ਿਸ਼ਸ਼ੂ /ਪ�ਾਇਮਰੀ ਸਕੂਲ, ਜੂਨੀਅਰ ਸਕੂ ਲ, ਹਾਈ ਸਕੂਲ ਜ�2014 ਸਟੂਡੀਓ ਸਕੂਲ/ਯੂਟੀਸੀ ਿਵੱ ਚ ਦੇਣੀ ਪਵੇਗੀ: ਸਤੰ ਬਰ ਦੀ 2015 ਿਸ਼ਸ਼ੂਬੱ/ਿਚਆਂ ਪ�ਾਇਮਰੀ ਸਕੂਮਾਿਪਆਂ ਲ, ਜੂਨੀਅਰ ਸਕੂਲ, ਹਾਈ ਸਕੂ ਜ� ਸਟੂ ਡੀਓ ਸਕੂ ਲ/ਯੂਟਅਰਜ਼ੀ ੀਸੀ ਿਵੱ ਚ ਦਾਿਖਲੇ ਲੋ ੜਤ�ਵਾਲੇ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ /ਦੇਖਭਾਲਕਰਤਾਵ� ਨੂੰ ਲ ਇਹਨ� ਤਾਰੀਖ� ਤ� ਪਿਹਲ� Punjabi school, ਦਾਿਖਲੇ ਦੇਣੀ ਪਵੇਦੀ ਗੀ:ਲੋ ੜ ਵਾਲੇ ਬੱ ਿਚਆਂ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਮਾਿਪਆਂ/ਦੇਖਭਾਲਕਰਤਾਵ� ਨੂੰ ਇਹਨ� ਤਾਰੀਖ� ਤ� ਪਿਹਲ� ਅਰਜ਼ੀ ਸ਼ੁਰ ੂਆ ਤੀ ਸਕੂਲ – 15 ਜਨਵਰੀ 2015 ਦੇਣੀ ਪਵੇਗੀ: ਜੂਨੀਅਰ ਸਕੂਲ ਿਵੱ ਚ ਬਦਲੀ – 15 ਜਨਵਰੀ 2015 ਸ਼ੁਰ ੂਆ ਤੀ ਸਕੂਲ – 15 ਜਨਵਰੀ 2015 ਹਾਈ ਸਕੂਲ ਿਵੱ ਚ ਬਦਲੀ – 31 ਅਕਤੂਬ ਰ 2014 ਸ਼ੁ ਤੀ ਸਕੂ ਸਕੂਲਲ ਿਵੱ – 15 ਜਨਵਰੀ– 15 2015 ਜੂਰ ਨੂਆ ੀਅਰ ਚ ਬਦਲੀ ਜਨਵਰੀ 2015 ਸਟੂਡੀਓ ਸਕੂਲ /ਯੂਟੀਸੀ ਿਵੱ ਚ ਬਦਲੀ – 31 ਅਕਤੂਬ ਰ 2014 ਜੂ ਨੀਅਰ ਲਚਿਵੱਬਦਲੀ ਚ ਬਦਲੀ 15 ਜਨਵਰੀ 2015 ਹਾਈ ਸਕੂਸਕੂ ਲ ਿਵੱ – 31–ਅਕਤੂ ਬ ਰ 2014 ਹਾਈ ਸਕੂਸਕੂ ਲ ਿਵੱ ਬਦਲੀ –ਚ 31ਬਦਲੀ ਅਕਤੂਬ–ਰ31 2014 ਸਟੂਡੀਓ ਲਚ /ਯੂਟ ੀਸੀ ਅਕਤੂon ਬ ਰ01582 2014 54 80 16, Monday to Friday Please contact theਿਵੱAdmissions Team between 10am if you need help understand this80 booklet. ਸਟੂਡੀਓ ਸਕੂ ਲ /ਯੂਟand ੀਸੀthe ਿਵੱ4pm, ਚAdmissions ਬਦਲੀ – 31 ਅਕਤੂ ਬ ਰ to 2014 Please contact Team on 01582 54 16, Monday to Friday between 10am 4pm, if you help54to booklet. Please contact theand Admissions Teamneed on 01582 80understand 16, Monday tothis Friday between 4pm, if you ਲਈ need helpਦੀtoਲੋ understand booklet. ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਹ ਾਨੂ10am ੰ ਇਸ ਪੁand ਸਿਤਕਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝਣ ਮਦਦ ੜ ਹੈ, ਤ� ਿਕਰਪਾthis ਕਰਕੇ ਸੋਮਵਾਰ ਤ� Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday between 10am need help to understand this booklet. ਸੁੱ ਕਰਵਾਰ ਸਵੇ ਰ ੇ 10and ਵਜੇ 4pm, ਤ� ਸ਼ਾਮif4you ਵਜੇ ਿਵਚਕਾਰ 01582 54 80 16 ਤੇ ਦਾਿਖਲਾ ਟੀਮ ਨਾਲ ਸੰ ਪਰਕ ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਹ ਾਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਪੁਸਿਤਕਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝਣ ਲਈ ਮਦਦ ਦੀ ਲੋ ੜ ਹੈ, ਤ� ਿਕਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸੋਮਵਾਰ ਤ� ਕਰੋ। ਜੇ ਕਰ ਤੁਹ ਾਨੂ ੰ ਇਸ ਸਿਤਕਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝਣ ਮਦਦ01582 ਦੀ ਲੋ ੜ , ਤ�16ਿਕਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇਟੀਮ ਸੋਮਵਾਰ ਸੁੱ ਕਰਵਾਰ ਸਵੇ ਰ ੇ 10ਪੁਵਜੇ ਤ� ਸ਼ਾਮ 4 ਵਜੇ ਲਈ ਿਵਚਕਾਰ 54ਹੈ80 ਤੇ ਦਾਿਖਲਾ ਨਾਲਤ�ਸੰ ਪਰਕ ਸੁੱ ਕਰਵਾਰ ਸਵੇਰ ੇ 10 ਵਜੇ ਤ� ਸ਼ਾਮ 4 ਵਜੇ ਿਵਚਕਾਰ 01582 54 80 16 ਤੇ ਦਾਿਖਲਾ ਟੀਮ ਨਾਲ ਸੰ ਪਰਕ ਕਰੋ । Romanian ਕਰੋ। All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before: Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Toţi părinţii/îngrijitorii cu copii necesitând un loc într-un cămin sau grădiniţă, şcoală primară sau generală, liceu sau şcoală tehnică/de meserii din septembrie 2015, trebuie să facă cerere înainte de: Începerea şcolii – 15 ianuarie 2015 Transferul la şcoala primară – 15 ianuarie 2015 Transferul la liceu – 31 octombrie 2014 Transferul la şcoala tehnică/de meserii – 31 octombrie 2014 Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. Vă rugăm să contactaţi Echipa de Admiteri la numărul 01582 54 80 16, de luni până vineri, de la orele 10 dimineaţa la 4 dupămasa, dacă aveţi nevoie de ajutor în înţelegerea acestei broşuri. 5 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Somali All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior school, high school or studio school/UTC from September 2015 must apply before Starting school - 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school - 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school - 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC - 31 October 2014 Dhamaan waalidiinta iyo inta ilma heyso waxaa la ogaysiinayaa hadii aad u baahantahay boos in laguu qabto infant/ primary school, junior school, high school mise studio school/UTC laga bilaabo September 2015 waa inaad codsigaaga soo dirtid kahor waqtiga hoos lagu dhigay Starting school – 15ka January 2015 U gudubka Junior school – 15ka January 2015 U gudubka high school – 31da October 2014 U gudubka studio school/HTC - 31 October 2014 6 Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm, if you need help to understand this booklet. Fadlan la soo xariir Admissions Team ka telefoonkoda yahay 01582 54 80 16, Isniinta ilaa Jimcada 10ka subaxnimo ilaa 4ta galabnimo hadii aad u baahantahay in buugaan lagu fahansiiyo. Urdu MM MM :: M M All parents/carers with children requiring a place at an infant/primary school, junior school, :high school or studio school/ UTC from September 2015 must apply before Starting school - 15 January 2015 XX Transfer to junior school - 15 January 2015 XX X Transfer to high school - 31 October 2014 X Transfer to a studio school/UTC[ X-Ç À31 åH 4October ?3 ƒ>¿?3 , ¬ ‹ /! >2014 ¿@ 4 Ä ” >¿w Ò? Œ ” >¿Dáó0ƒ>¿•A# o.! AŒ› ˆ' ÛÏ - £!B? } ÷R ° !¦!B… (œ >Ø Q{ u+ ƒ¦!BA# o [Ç X À åH 4 ?3 ƒ>¿?3 , ¬ ‹ /! >¿@ 4 Ä ” >¿w Ò? Œ ” >¿Dáó0ƒ>¿•A# o.! AŒ› ˆ' ÛÏ - £!B? } ÷R ° !¦!B… (œ >Ø Q{ u+ ƒ¦!BA# o Œ ¿ Ÿ x Ë ( É + Õ Ï ! Œ A . + Ö º Ù A o 5 . ! ' + ½ ‡ ' . ¸ œ 0 è . ó à 0 Ä ” ! ” È $ . B @ X Ÿ v @ Ù XÇ [ À åH 4 ?3 ƒ>¿?3 , ¬ ‹ /! >¿@ 4 Ä ” >¿w Ò? Œ ” >ŒŸ ¿DËxá >¿! AŒ • A# oÙ .! 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Please take the time to read this guide as it has been prepared to help you understand the admissions process. It also explains the importance of applying for a school place by the relevant closing date. Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 8 Luton parents/carers wishing to apply for a school place outside of Luton should also read this information guide (page 13 provides further details). This guide gives information on individual schools and academies in Luton, so that you can judge your chances of securing a place at your preferred schools. It is important that you understand how places will be allocated and how your first, second and third preferences will be processed (see page 11 for a full explanation). If you would like your child to attend your catchment area school you must specify it as a preference. Where your catchment area school is oversubscribed with applications, those living in the catchment area and not identifying it as a preference will not be considered for a place. Luton Borough Council is committed to fair admission arrangements that enable schools to foster high achievement and access for all. I have no hesitation in recommending Luton schools to you. I know that whichever school your child attends will provide a caring environment within which your daughter or son can build a secure future with the highest educational expectations. I wish your child every success in their learning and beyond. Sally Rowe Corporate Director – Children and Learning Luton Borough Council y l p p a o t w Ho e c a l p l o o h c s a for r e b m e t p e for S 2015 General Information ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 General Information The Council co-ordinates applications for all the schools and academies in Luton. The address and telephone number of the schools and academies can be found on pages 52 – 52 for the starting school admissions round, page 66 for transfer to junior school, page 91 for the transfer to high school and page 97 for the transfer to studio school/UTC. Application process Applications must be made by the relevant closing date. Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Applying online (not available for the studio school/UTC transfer) 10 You can apply online for a school place at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions. Please quote the unique number printed on the letter sent to you by the Council in September (for the high school transfer) or in October (for the starting school and junior transfer). You can apply online even if you do not have a unique number. Online applications are quick, simple to use and secure. There are easy step-by-step instructions too. You get an automatic confirmation to show that your application has been received. You can also change your preferences at any time right up to the relevant closing date. Applying using the paper application form You can apply for a school place by completing the application form enclosed with this guide. Completed application forms must be returned to your child’s current Luton school (for the junior and high school transfer) or to your first preference Luton school (for the starting school admissions round) or to the Admissions Team by the relevant closing date. Applying for a place at a faith school If you specify a Luton Catholic school or Wenlock Junior School as a preference you will also need to complete and return a supplementary form. If you apply for a Luton Catholic school you will also need to provide your child’s original Baptismal Certificate (you must provide your child’s original Baptismal Certificate even if you have previously provided it to the school). The completed supplementary form should be returned to your child’s current Luton school (for the junior and high school transfer) or to your first preference Luton school (for the starting school admissions round) or to the Admissions Team by the relevant closing date. The supplementary form is attached to the application form. Alternatively, you can download a supplementary form at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions or you can get a paper copy from the Catholic infant or primary schools (for the starting school admissions round) or Wenlock Junior School (for the junior transfer) or from Cardinal Newman Catholic School (for the high school transfer). General Information How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 If you name a faith school outside of Luton as one of your preferences, it is up to you to check with that school whether you also need to complete an additional form supplied by them. In all cases, you must still make an application through our Admissions Team as well. All additional paperwork must be submitted by the relevant closing date. Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Home address Where a school or academy is oversubscribed your address, as at the relevant closing date, will be used to decide which catchment area you live in. You may be asked to provide the documentation listed below to verify your address: Your recent (within the last 12 months) Working Tax Credit/Child Tax Credit award letter for 2014/15, this must include the pages that show the name of your child. If you have not received a recent award letter, you can obtain a copy by telephoning the Tax Credit Helpline on 0844 496 6507. Alternatively, you can provide your Child Benefit CH84TS Form which shows your address at the time of application and your child’s name. If you have not received a recent CH84TS Form, you can obtain a copy by telephoning the Child Benefit Helpline on 0845 302 1444. A recent (within the last three months) gas bill or electricity bill or water bill which shows your address. Alternatively, you can provide your 2014/15 council tax bill which shows your address. Please note, the Admissions Team do not accept telephone bills, credit card or bank statements as proof of address. If your child attends a school outside of Luton or an independent (private school) the Admissions Team will need to see your child’s birth certificate (for junior and high schools only). Children who gain a place at a school or academy because their parents/carers have given the Council a false address will have their place withdrawn. Admission process Pupils are admitted to Luton schools and academies without reference to ability or aptitude up to the published admissions number. The admissions number for each school and academy can be found on page 52 for the starting school admissions round, page 66 for transfer to junior school, page 91 for transfer to high school and page 97 for transfer to studio school/UTC. Parents/carers must identify their first, second and third preference schools on their application. It is important to name three different schools. The Council must allocate places to pupils whose parents/carers have expressed a written preference for that school, ahead of those who have not. 11 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 General Information Please note all Luton schools and academies operate an equal preference system for processing parental preferences. The system is explained below: Stage1: Applying the admissions criteria All first, second and third preference applications are considered equally against the school admissions criteria for each school. At this stage there is no distinction between first, second and third preference applications. For example, if a school has 150 places and there are 300 first, second and third preference applications, all applications are considered equally against the admissions criteria. Stage 2: If a place can be offered at more than one school If a pupil qualifies for a place at more than one school the parent’s highest ranked preference (i.e. first or second preference) will be offered and any lower ranking offers will be disregarded. For example, a parent’s first and third preferences might both qualify for a place, in which case the parent would be offered their first preference, leaving the place at the third preference school available for another pupil. 12 Pupils who have not been allocated a place at any of their preferred schools, or whose parents/carers did not express a written preference, will be allocated a place at one of the nearest schools to their home address with vacancies. Late applications It is vital that parents submit an online application or return their completed application form before the relevant closing date. Starting school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to junior school – 15 January 2015 Transfer to high school – 31 October 2014 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 31 October 2014 Late applications will not be processed until after the relevant offer date, except in very exceptional circumstances. Where parents have submitted an application before the closing date, but then seek to change their preference after the closing date, this late change of preference will be treated as a ‘late’ application and will not be considered in the initial allocation of places. Late applications for Luton schools must be sent to the Council’s Admissions Team. When parents submit a late application changing their preference(s) and are successful in gaining a place at a preferred school, the original place offered to their child will automatically be re-allocated to another child. Offer dates Decision letters will be sent to parents on the following dates:Starting school – 16 April 2015 Transfer to junior school – 16 April 2015 Transfer to high school – 2 March 2015 Transfer to a studio school/UTC – 2 March 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 General Information Applying for a school outside Luton Luton parents seeking a place at a school(s) outside of the Borough must apply through Luton Borough Council. The Council will send applications for out of borough schools to the relevant Local Authority for consideration. Applications submitted by Luton parents, direct to other Councils will not be accepted. The Council will liaise with other local authorities over the outcome of applications for Luton pupils. Where both authorities can offer a school place the highest ranking preference that can be offered will be confirmed, any lower ranking offers will be eliminated. Where parents specify an out of borough school as their first, second or third preference they must check the following with the individual school: the school’s admissions criteria whether they also need to complete any supplementary forms supplied by the school. Applications from parents living outside of the Borough Parents living outside of Luton, wishing to apply for a Luton school must do so by following their ‘home’1 Council’s application process. Their Council will forward the application to Luton Borough Council for consideration. Luton Borough Council will inform the pupil’s ‘home’ Council of the outcome of the application. Where both authorities can offer a school place, the highest ranking preference that can be offered will be confirmed and any lower ranking offers will be eliminated. Admission of children outside their normal age group If you would like your child to be educated in a year group outside of their chronological age group, you must put your request in writing to the Admissions Team in the first instance. All requests will be considered by the preferred school and other professionals. Admission to Sixth Forms and Further Education Colleges Luton has two further education colleges: • Luton Sixth Form • Barnfield College The following schools have sixth form colleges: • Barnfield Skills Academy • Barnfield South Academy • Barnfield West Academy • Cardinal Newman Catholic School Admission arrangements to all of the above are administered by the relevant school or college. The admission arrangements for school sixth form colleges are available on the Council’s website and the school’s website. Important things to consider When deciding on your first, second and third preferences it is important to familiarise yourself with: 1. The admissions criteria for your preferred schools (pages 23 – 46 for the starting school admissions round, pages 57 64 for transfer to junior school, pages 69 - 86 for transfer to high school and pages 95 - 96 for transfer to studio school/ UTC of this guide). It is vital that you understand how places will be allocated if there are more applicants for your preferred schools than places available. 1 Your ‘home’ Council is the local authority to which you pay your Council Tax. 13 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 General Information 2. The admissions process – it is important that you understand the admissions process (see pages 11 – 12 of this guide). 3.How places have been allocated in previous years (see pages 23 – 47 for the starting school admissions round, pages 57 - 64 for the transfer to junior school, pages 69 - 86 for the transfer to high school and pages 95 - 96 for the transfer to a studio school/UTC of this guide). 4.Please be aware that the system of processing parental preferences places more emphasis on the school’s admissions criteria and only uses preference ranking where your child qualifies for a place at more than one school (see pages 11 – 12 for further details). 5.You are strongly advised to name three different schools on your form. Some parents/carers believe that if they only express a preference for one school, or name the same school two or three times, they increase their chance of gaining a place at the school– this is incorrect. If you would like your child to attend your catchment area school you should specify the school as a preference. Where the catchment area school has more applications than places available, those living in the catchment area and not specifying it as a preference will not be considered for a place. 14 Parents/carers do not have a right to a place for their child at any of their preferred schools. If parents/carers are unsuccessful in gaining a place at any of their preferred schools, their child will be allocated a place at one of the nearest schools to their home address with vacancies. Other things to consider When identifying a preference, parents may also want to consider the following factors: Location How will your child get there? Remember any transport costs are usually the responsibility of the parents. See pages 16 - 17 for information on eligibility for assistance with transport. Good examination results Examination results are a very important factor in assessing a school’s performance but they do not represent the sum total of its achievements. To obtain a clearer view of a school’s performance, parents may find it particularly helpful to visit the school. Views of your son or daughter Ask your child, they may have strong ideas about the school they would prefer to attend. Range of facilities All schools and academies have similar facilities but look into whether the school has any unique specialist areas. Quality and range of out of school activities, homework clubs, etc. Are these relevant to your child’s interests such as sport, drama, music or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme? Friendships Are social events organised outside of school hours? Does the school offer exchange visits with foreign students? Happy atmosphere When you visit the school or academy, are you made welcome? Are the pupils and staff enthusiastic? General Information How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Brothers and sisters already at the school or academy Do you want your daughter/son to join siblings already attending the school? Denominational education Do you want your child to be educated in a faith voluntary aided school? As with all schools it is important to ensure that you are familiar with the admissions criteria. There are clearly differences of emphasis between schools. The Council, school governors and staff take pride in the strengths of individual schools. There are also features that are shared by all schools which include the commitment to raising standards and building on existing achievements. Every school and academy is required to publish a prospectus, which contains information about the educational standards reached by its pupils, its aims, values and organisation. You should contact the schools which interest you to obtain a copy of their prospectus. In addition: school performance tables are published annually by the Department for Education. Information can be obtained by telephoning 0370 000 2288 (website: www.education.gov.uk/performancetables) Ofsted reports can be viewed on www.ofsted.gov.uk parents/carers may find it useful to visit www.parentscentre.co.uk In-year admissions In year admissions are applications to enter a year group that has already started at the school. In year fair access protocol Luton is required to operate an in-year fair access protocol for a very small number of difficult to place pupils e.g. those pupils who have been permanently excluded from school. Pupils admitted to schools, via the protocol, override the usual admission arrangements, such as waiting lists. Catchment areas/priority admission areas You can look up your catchment area school at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions or by contacting the Admissions Team. Remember, if you want a place at your catchment area school, you must still apply and name that school as one of your preferences. Please note, Barnfield South Academy and Barnfield West Academy have renamed their former catchment areas ‘priority admissions area’. Special education Luton provides a range of facilities and services for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and aims to meet those needs within the local mainstream school as far as possible. Where a school has not been able to make appropriate provision from within the resources normally available, the Local Authority may need to co-ordinate an Education Health and Care Plan (EHC) to ensure a child’s special educational needs are met. For children with an EHC Plan or a Statement of Special Educational Needs (which has not yet been converted into an EHC Plan); the Local Authority acts as the admissions authority. The admission arrangements for children with EHC Plans (and Statements waiting to be converted) are specifically excluded from the usual arrangements, including the appeal arrangements under Section 424(3)b of the Education Act 1996 and/or Children and Families Act 2014. The appeal in the case of a child with an EHC or Statement (which has not yet been converted into an EHC Plan) is to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal, which is different from an admissions appeal panel. If you need further information this is available from your child’s Headteacher, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at the school or from the Council on 01582 54 81 30 or email senat@luton.gov.uk. 15 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 General Information Transport Parents and carers are encouraged to use sustainable travel (i.e. walking, cycling, bus, car sharing) when transporting their children to and from school. The Council has produced a Sustainable Travel to Schools Strategy which sets out its planned action in relation to the following objectives: ensure everyone is safe on their journey to, from and between educational establishments ensure children are equipped with the skills for life improve children’s health by encouraging exercise as part of the journey to and from school reduce car travel where there is a viable sustainable transport option seek additional funding to benefit sustainable travel. Parents can download Luton Borough Council’s Sustainable Travel to Schools Strategy 2009-13 from www.luton.gov.uk and clicking on the Education and Learning and the Travel to School link. Community and foundation schools and academies 16 The Council will make travel arrangements, free of charge, to your child’s nearest suitable school2, where there is a place available, as long as: your child has been admitted to the school and the distance from your home to the school is more than two miles (for children under eight) or more than three miles (for children aged eight or over), measured by the shortest walking distance. The route used in assessing distance, for transport purposes, is the shortest available walking route with properly constructed footpaths and lighting. Children from low income families For the purposes of this policy ‘low income families’ means those children meeting the following criteria, or whose parents are in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit: • Income Support • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) • Working Tax Credit run-on paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit • Universal Credit Children of compulsory school age who are 11 or over, from low income families, will have travel arrangements made to one of their three nearest secondary schools, providing they live more than two miles, but not more than six miles, from that school. Parents/carers should note that pupils qualifying for transport will usually be issued with a bus pass. 2 Nearest suitable school is defined as the local catchment area school or, if this is full, then the next nearest school with places available. General Information How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Examples Child A is an eleven year old child meeting the low income criteria. Their nearest school is 2.5 miles from their home; the second nearest school is 3 miles away; the third nearest is 5 miles away. Child A would be entitled to free transport to any of these three schools. Child B is an eleven year old child whose parents are in receipt of the maximum level of working tax credit. Their nearest school – “x” is 1.5 miles from their home; the second nearest school – “y” is just over 2 miles from their home; and the third nearest school –“z” is 5.5 miles away. Child B would be entitled to free transport to either school “y” or “z”, but not to school “x”. Where a parent has expressed a preference for a school and that preference is based on the parent’s religion or belief, then a child aged 11-16 from a low income family will qualify for free transport to the nearest maintained secondary school of their faith, where they live more than 2 miles, but not more than 15 miles from that school. The 2 mile limit will be measured in the same way as the statutory walking distance i.e. along the nearest available walking route. However, the 6 mile and the 15 mile upper limits will be measured along road routes. The Council will provide transport to primary children aged 8-11, from low income families where they live more than two miles from their nearest suitable school. If you require further information please contact the Transport Team at the Council on 01582 54 72 54. Appeals procedure In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act (1998) parents/carers have the right of appeal against an admission authority’s decision to refuse their child admission to a school, academy, studio school or UTC. Appeal panels are entirely independent of the admitting authority and must apply the principles of natural justice and have regard to the School Admission Appeals Code. If you decide to appeal you must complete an appeal form. Appeal forms for the schools shown overleaf are obtainable from the Council’s Appeals Team telephone 01582 54 80 19. Requests for appeal forms and guidance can also be made by email to admissionsappeals@luton.gov.uk. 17 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 18 General Information Ashcroft High School Foxdell Infant School St Martin de Porres Primary School Beech Hill Primary School Foxdell Junior School St Matthew’s Primary School Beechwood Primary School Hillborough Infant School Someries Infant School Bramingham Primary School Hillborough Junior School Someries Junior School Bushmead Primary School Icknield High School Southfield Primary School Cardinal Newman Catholic School Icknield Primary School Stopsley High School Challney High School for Boys Leagrave Primary School Stopsley Primary School Challney High School for Girls Lealands High School Surrey Street Primary School Chantry Primary Academy Luton Girls’ Academy Tennyson Road Primary School Cheynes Infant School Maidenhall Primary School The Meads Primary School Sundon Park Junior School Norton Road Primary School Warden Hill Infant School Crawley Green Infant School Pirton Hill Primary School Warden Hill Junior School Wenlock Junior School Putteridge High School Waulud Primary School Dallow Primary Academy Putteridge Primary School Whipperley Infant Academy Denbigh High School Ramridge Primary School Farley Junior School Denbigh Primary School River Bank Primary School Whitefield Primary School Downside Primary School Sacred Heart Primary School Wigmore Primary School The Ferrars Academy St Joseph’s Primary School* William Austin Infant School Ferrars Junior School St Margaret of Scotland Primary School William Austin Junior School The completed appeal forms and any supporting written evidence should be returned to the Council’s Appeals Team. Following submission of your appeal form you will be notified of the date, time and place of your appeal hearing. You have the right to attend the appeal hearing and present your case to the panel. * At the time of printing, St Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools were scheduled to publish statutory proposals to amalgamate the schools to form St Joseph’s Primary School from January 2015. General Information How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Contact details – Appeals Team If you need to speak to someone about your appeal, you can contact the Appeals Team on 01582 54 80 19, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. You can also email any queries to admissionsappeals@luton.gov.uk. Appeals for Lea Manor High School Appeals forms for Lea Manor High School must be obtained and returned directly to the school. Appeals for Barnfield Moorlands Primary School, Barnfield South Academy, Barnfield West Academy and Barnfield Skills Academy (studio school) To lodge an appeal for Barnfield Moorlands Primary School, Barnfield South Academy, Barnfield West Academy or Barnfield Skills Academy, you should write a letter of appeal to the Admissions Clerk. Your letter should be addressed to the Admissions Clerk, Barnfield Federation Central Admission, Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NE and should be clearly labelled ‘Admissions Appeal”. Please telephone Barnfield Federation Central Admission on 01582 60 12 21 to discuss any queries regarding your appeal. If you are appealing for a school place outside of Luton you will need to contact the school directly to obtain an appeal form. Please note, some schools have closing dates for receipt of completed appeal forms. Further information For further information and advice please contact: Admissions Team Children & Learning Department Luton Borough Council Unity House 111 Stuart Street Luton LU1 5NP Telephone: 01582 54 80 16 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm) Fax: 01582 54 81 18 Email: admissions@luton.gov.uk Assistance is available in other languages. Please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16, Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm to access this service. Independent advice on admissions and appeals can also be obtained from the Advisory Centre for Education on 0300 011 5142 (website: www.ace-ed.org.uk). In addition, further guidance on admissions legislation can be found on the Department for Education website (www.education.gov.uk). 19 y l p p a o t How l o o h c s a for r o f e plac 5 1 0 2 r e b m e t p Se Starting infant/primary school in September 2015 For children born between 1/9/10 - 31/8/11 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Information on the starting school admissions round for September 2015 Infant and primary schools in Luton There are 33 maintained infant/primary schools in Luton, 4 academies and two free schools. Name of school Status of school Age range Responsibility for admissions Barnfield Moorlands Primary School Free School 4 – 11 Governing Body Beech Hill Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Beechwood Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Bramingham Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Bushmead Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Chantry Primary Academy Academy 4 – 11 Governing Body Cheynes Infant School Community 4–7 Luton Borough Council Crawley Green Infant School Foundation 4–7 Governing Body Dallow Primary Academy Academy 4 – 11 Governing Body Denbigh Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Downside Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council The Ferrars Academy Academy 4–7 Governing Body Foxdell Infant School Community 4–7 Luton Borough Council Hillborough Infant School Community 4–7 Luton Borough Council Icknield Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Leagrave Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Maidenhall Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Norton Road Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Pirton Hill Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Putteridge Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council 21 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 22 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Name of school Status of school Age range Responsibility for admissions Ramridge Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council River Bank Primary School Free School 4 – 11 Governing Body Sacred Heart Primary School Voluntary Aided 4 – 11 Governing Body St Joseph’s Primary School* Voluntary Aided 4 – 11 Governing Body St Matthew’s Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council St Margaret of Scotland Primary School Voluntary Aided 4 – 11 Governing Body St Martin de Porres Primary School Voluntary Aided 4 – 11 Governing Body Someries Infant School Community 4–7 Luton Borough Council Southfield Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Stopsley Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Surrey Street Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Tennyson Road Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council The Meads Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Warden Hill Infant School Community 4–7 Luton Borough Council Waulud Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Whipperley Infant Academy Academy 4–7 Governing Body Whitefield Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council Wigmore Primary School Community 4 – 11 Luton Borough Council William Austin Infant School Community 4–7 Luton Borough Council * At the time of printing, St Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools were scheduled to publish statutory proposals to amalgamate the schools to form St Joseph’s Primary School from January 2015. Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Admissions criteria for Barnfield Moorlands Primary School Barnfield Moorlands Primary School is an integrated member of the Barnfield Federation, initially located at its site in Leagrave Hall. The School will ultimately move to a new site, but remain within the Luton Education Authority catchment area for September 2015. After the admission of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SSEN) naming Barnfield Moorlands Primary School, the following oversubscription criteria will apply in the following consecutive order: a. Looked after children (Children who are (a) in the care of local authorities, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions as defined by (section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989) or children who were previously looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted3 or became subject to a residence order4 or special guardianship order5. b. Children who have siblings currently at Barnfield Moorlands Primary School and will continue to be on the admission roll at the point of admission. Siblings are defined as meaning two or more children who have at least one parent in common and/or who reside at the same house as one another (for example foster children). Where a child has been legally adopted, he or she will be regarded as the sibling of any other children of the same legal guardian on the admission roll at the point of admission. c. Children of staff employed by Barnfield Moorlands Primary School who the school reasonably considers has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage and/or who have two or more years of service at the time of application to Barnfield Moorlands Primary School. Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. The school currently considers teachers employed to undertake roles in maths, English and science as areas of demonstrable shortage and therefore compliant with the policy, however, this criteria may change during the course of an academic year. d. Children living within the priority admission area – 30% of the available places remaining after the application of a) b) and c) above, will be allocated to the priority admission area. e. Pupils living within the ‘combined catchment area’. Where the numbers of applicants in this criteria exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. f. Pupils living outside the ‘combined catchment area’. Where the numbers of applicants in this criteria exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. 3 An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. 4 Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘residence order’ as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live. 5 Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 23 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Tie break Where the number of applicants for oversubscription criteria b), c), d), e) and f) exceeds the number of places available, offers will be determined by random allocation, based upon the drawing of names from a list. The random allocation process is to be overseen and undertaken by an independent panel. Waiting list Unsuccessful applicants will be offered an opportunity to be placed on the waiting list. The order of placement on the waiting list will be determined in accordance with the oversubscription criteria, not in the order in which applications are received or added to the list. The waiting list will operate for the whole academic year 2015/16. Additional information The postcodes of the wards within the priority admission area and the combined catchment area are available on the Council’s admissions webpage (www.luton.gov.uk/admissions) under the catchment area link. The postcodes are also available on request from the Admissions Team or the School. The governing body was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) Special Educational Needs Children in Care or previously looked after Children with siblings Children of staff Children living within the priority admission area Pupils living within the combined catchment area Pupils living outside the combined catchment area Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: Published admissions number 24 Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 starting school admissions round 54 144 54 0 1 17 0 6 30 x 0 16 The Governors’ Admissions Committee was unable to offer a place to all applicants who met the Children living within the combined catchment area criterion in the initial allocation of places. How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 admissions round Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 September 2013 admissions round Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 12 11 1 9% 10 91% 1 25 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Admissions criteria for community infant and primary schools, including: Chantry Primary Academy Dallow Primary Academy The Ferrars Academy River Bank Primary School Whipperley Infant Academy Community infant and primary schools 26 Beech Hill Primary School Foxdell Infant School Putteridge Primary School Tennyson Road Primary School* Beechwood Primary School Hillborough Infant School Ramridge Primary School The Meads Primary School Bramingham Primary School Icknield Primary School Someries Infant School Warden Hill Infant School Bushmead Primary School Leagrave Primary School Southfield Primary School Waulud Primary School Cheynes Infant School Maidenhall Primary School St Matthew’s Primary School Whitefield Primary School Denbigh Primary School Norton Road Primary School Stopsley Primary School Wigmore Primary School Downside Primary School Pirton Hill Primary School Surrey Street Primary School William Austin Infant School * From September 2014 Tennyson Road Primary School will operate on two sites, their current site and the former Surrey Street Primary School site. In accordance with the Education Act 1996 children with a statement of Special Educational Needs are required to be admitted to the school named in their Statement. Thereafter the following priorities listed below apply. 1. A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order6. A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989). 2. Brothers and sisters of pupils attending the school or the linked junior school when the pupil starts at the school. 3. Pupils living in the catchment area of the school. 4. On medical grounds supported by a medical certificate. 5. On the shortest distance, measured in a straight line, between the main entrance7 of the school site and the pupil’s home address8, with those living closer to the school being accorded higher priority. See pages 48-49 for definitions of terms within this criteria. 6 An adoption order relates to children who have been adopted from a local outhority are in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Tie break The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. If the Council is unable to agree a place for all applicants meeting a specific criterion, the distance criterion (priority 5) will be used as a tie-breaker. In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a Council officer, independent of the Admissions Team. Multiple births For infant/primary school admissions where one twin/child of multiple birth qualifies for a place and the other sibling(s) do not qualify for a place, both twins/multiple birth children will be promoted to the sibling criterion.This approach will also apply to siblings in the same year group who live together at the same address. Additional information Linked infant and junior schools normally share the same names (e.g. William Austin Infant School is linked to William Austin Junior School) with the exception of: • The linked infant school for Farley Junior School is Whipperley Infant Academy. • Cheynes Infant School for which Sundon Park Junior School is the linked school. Tennyson Road Primary School will be operating on two sites: • Tennyson Road Primary School (South site), Tennyson Road, Luton, LU1 3RS • Tennyson Road Primary School (North site), Surrey Street, Luton LU1 3BZ. The school measurement point for the criterion 5 (distance criteria) will be the mid-point between the two sites, using straight line distance from each site’s main reception. In June 2015, the School will inform parents of children allocated a place from September 2015, which school site their child will attend. When allocating pupils to a school site, the School will first endeavour to ensure that children with siblings at the school can attend the same site as their brother or sister to prevent logistical problems for parents. Thereafter, geographical proximity (using walking distance) of the school sites to the home address will be used (those living closest to each site will be given priority up to the site’s year group capacity). Waiting List Your child’s name will be held on the waiting list for any school(s) you have ranked higher than the school your child has been allocated. For example: First preference: school A – child’s name held on a waiting list for school A Second preference: school B – place offered at school B Third preference: school C – place not required as a higher preference school has been allocated. Waiting lists are organised in the order of priority of the school’s admissions criteria. Please note that the position of your child on the waiting list(s) may change as children are added to, or deleted from, the list(s). Waiting lists will be held until 31 July 2016. Thereafter, it will be necessary for parents to re-apply for their child to remain on the waiting list(s). 7 Main entrance of the school means the door used to access the school’s main reception. Please note that this measuring point for Tennyson Road Primary School is the mid point (straight line distance) between both of its sites. 8 The home address is measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer. 27 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 starting school admissions round The Council was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the following schools as a preference in the initial allocation: Beech Hill Primary School Beechwood Primary School Bramingham Primary School Bushmead Primary School Dallow Primary Academy Denbigh Primary School Foxdell Infant School Hillborough Infant School Warden Hill Infant School The Council was able to offer a place to all children who stated the following schools as a preference in the initial allocation: 28 Chantry Primary Academy Cheynes Infant School Downside Primary School Icknield Primary School Leagrave Primary School Maidehall Primary School Norton Road Primary School Pirton Hill Primary School Putteridge Primary School Ramridge Primary School River Bank Primary School Someries Infant School Southfield Primary School Stopsley Primary School St Matthews Primary School Surrey Street Primary School Tennyson Road Primary School The Ferrars Academy The Meads Primary School Waulud Primary School Whipperley Infant Academy Whitefield Primary School Wigmore Primary School William Austin Infant School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) Special Educational Needs Children in Care or previously looked after Siblings Catchment Medical Distance Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Beech Hill Primary School 120 294 120 0 0 56 30 0 34 x 2 Beechwood Primary School 120 251 120 0 0 78 39 0 3 x 12 Bramingham Primary School 60 192 60 0 0 24 14 2 20 x 16 Bushmead Primary School 120 294 120 0 0 47 62 2 9 x 33 Chantry Primary Academy 90 116 68 0 0 34 21 0 13 0 Cheynes Infant School 90 141 89 0 0 26 42 0 21 0 Dallow Primary Academy 90 225 90 0 0 50 35 0 5 x 6 Denbigh Primary School 90 233 90 0 0 47 43 x 0 0 Downside Primary School 150 239 127 0 0 82 26 0 19 0 The Ferrars Academy 90 168 76 0 0 23 36 1 16 0 Foxdell Infant School 90 233 90 0 1 33 56 x 0 0 Hillborough Infant School 90 253 90 0 0 38 39 0 13 x School Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 23 8 48 29 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Catchment Medical Distance Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 0 0 32 16 0 6 0 0 0 45 22 0 14 0 50 0 1 35 6 0 8 0 69 34 0 0 18 9 0 7 0 90 164 65 0 0 35 10 0 20 0 Ramridge Primary School 60 86 38 0 1 12 16 0 9 0 River Bank Primary School 90 99 43 0 0 1 26 0 16 0 Someries Infant School 60 193 60 0 1 10 20 0 29 x 0 Southfield Primary School 60 111 52 0 1 25 17 0 9 0 St Matthews Primary School 120 191 113 0 1 44 44 0 24 0 Stopsley Primary School 90 180 60 0 0 17 21 0 22 0 Surrey Street Primary School 90 82 32 0 0 14 8 0 10 0 Tennyson Road Primary School 90 172 87 0 0 17 21 0 49 0 The Meads Primary School 90 142 46 0 0 21 5 0 20 0 Warden Hill Infant School 120 320 120 0 0 43 31 0 46 x 24 Waulud Primary School 60 81 44 0 0 22 17 0 5 0 Whipperley Infant Academy 90 141 87 0 0 26 44 0 17 0 Whitefield Primary School 60 73 33 0 0 13 18 0 2 0 Wigmore Primary School 60 120 52 0 0 19 19 0 14 0 William Austin Infant School 150 258 132 0 0 64 47 0 21 0 Icknield Primary School 90 248 72 1 0 Leagrave Primary School 120 114 54 0 Maidenhall Primary School 90 189 81 Norton Road Primary School 60 125 Pirton Hill Primary School 90 Putteridge Primary School School Children in Care or previously looked after 18 Special Educational Needs 1 Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) 20 Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 32 Published admissions number Siblings Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 30 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 admissions round School Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Beech Hill Primary School Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn There were no appeals lodged for this school Beechwood Primary School 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bramingham Primary School 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bushmead Primary School 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chantry Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Cheynes Infant School There were no appeals lodged for this school 31 Dallow Primary Academy 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denbigh Primary School 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Downside Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school The Ferrars Academy There were no appeals lodged for this school Foxdell Infant School There were no appeals lodged for this school Hillborough Infant School 5 5 0 0 0 0 Icknield Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Leagrave Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Maidenhall Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Norton Road Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Pirton Hill Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Putteridge Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Ramridge Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Someries Infant School There were no appeals lodged for this school Southfield Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 St Matthews Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Stopsley Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Surrey Street Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Tennyson Road Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school The Meads Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Warden Hill Infant School 32 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 3 3 0 0 0 0 Waulud Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Whipperley Infant Academy There were no appeals lodged for this school Whitefield Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school Wigmore Primary School There were no appeals lodged for this school William Austin Infant School There were no appeals lodged for this school 0 0 September 2013 admissions round School Beech Hill Primary School Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 2 0 0 0 0 100% 2 Beechwood Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Bramingham Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Bushmead Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Chantry Primary Academy 5 2 0 0 2 100% 3 Cheynes Infant School 1 1 0 0 1 100% 0 Dallow Primary School 2 1 0 0 1 100% 1 Denbigh Primary School 4 1 0 0 1 100% 3 Downside Primary School No appeals were heard for the school The Ferrars Academy No appeals were heard for the school How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Foxdell Infant School Hillborough Infant School No appeals were heard for the school 2 0 0 0 0 Icknield Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Leagrave Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Maidenhall Primary School 1 0 0 0 0 Norton Road Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Pirton Hill Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Putteridge Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Ramridge Primary School No appeals were heard for the school River Bank Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Someries Infant School No appeals were heard for the school Southfield Primary School No appeals were heard for the school St Matthews Primary School 1 0 0 0 0 Stopsley Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Surrey Street Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Tennyson Road Primary School No appeals were heard for the school The Meads Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Warden Hill Infant School 1 0 0 0 0 Waulud Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Whipperley Infant School No appeals were heard for the school Whitefield Primary School No appeals were heard for the school Wigmore Primary School No appeals were heard for the school William Austin Infant School No appeals were heard for the school 100% 2 100% 1 33 100% 1 100% 1 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014 Admissions criteria for Crawley Green Infant School Where parents/carers express a written preference for the school, children are admitted based on the following criteria: 1. Children with sibling(s) already at the school at the time of proposed admission. 2. Children with sibling(s) at Wenlock Junior School at the time of proposed admisssion. 3. Children living within the school’s catchment area. 4. Children from out of the school’s catchment area. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after and pupils with a statement of Special Education Needs receive top priority and do not need to comply with the above criteria. 34 A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order9. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of the local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Tie break In the event of there being an oversubscription in any one of the categories, the deciding factor in that category will be the geographical proximity to the school, determined by computerised measurement of the shortest distance by road or public pathway from the front of the home to the main school gate. Those living closer to the school will be accorded the higher priority. Parents are very welcome to make an appointment with the Headteacher if they wish to look around the school before making their application. Waiting list Once the number of pupils reaches the admission number, a waiting list is formed. Positions on the waiting list are organised in the order of priority of the school’s admissions criteria. The waiting list for the new Year R intake will be held until 31 July 2016. Parents will need to re-apply for a place after this date if they wish their child’s name to be carried on the waiting list. 9 An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 starting school admissions round The governing body was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 0 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Children in Care or previously looked after 0 Children from out of the school’s catchment area Special Educational Needs 90 Children living within the school’s catchment area Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) 169 20 19 39 12 x 30 Children with siblings at Wenlock Junior School Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 90 Children with siblings already at the school Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: The Governors’ Admissions Committee was unable to offer a place to all applicants who met the Children from out of the school’s catchment area criterion for Crawley Green Infant School in the initial allocation of places. Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 admissions round Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 September 2013 admissions round Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 5 4 0 0 4 100% 1 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. 35 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Admissions criteria for Sacred Heart Primary School The ethos of Sacred Heart Primary School is based on Christian Gospel values and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. We ask parents applying for a place to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the rights of parents who are not of the Roman Catholic faith to apply for and be considered for a place. The school primarily serves all the parishes of Sacred Heart Luton, Our Lady’s (Castle Street) Luton, St Joseph’s Luton and that part of the Holy Ghost Parish south of the Dunstable Road in Luton. Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming the school will be admitted in accordance with the policy and regulations. In the case of oversubscription the governors will give priority to children in the following order: 1. Looked after children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. 2. Baptised Catholic children with siblings attending the school at the time of proposed admission, whose families are practising Catholics and whose application is supported by their parish priest or the parish priest where they practise. 36 3. Baptised Catholic children of practising families from the parish(es) of Sacred Heart Luton, Our Lady’s (Castle Street) Luton, St Joseph’s Luton and that part of the Holy Ghost Parish south of the Dunstable Road in Luton, whose application is supported by their parish priest or the parish priest where they practise. 4. Baptised Catholic children of practising families from other parishes whose application is supported by a priest. 5. Other baptised Catholic siblings of children attending the school, at the time of admission. 6. Other baptised Catholic children. 7. Siblings other than Catholic of children attending the school at the time of admission. 8. Children from other Christian denominations whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education, and whose application is supported by their priest or minister of religion. 9. Other Christian children. 10. Children from other faith backgrounds whose application is supported by their minister of religion. 11. Other faith background children. 12. Other children. See pages 48-49 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Tie break In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in a situation where there are more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the tie-break will be distance from the main school gate, measured in a straight line, using a computerised mapping system, as approved by Luton (or relevant) Borough Council. Those living closer to the school will be accorded the higher priority. The distance will be measured from a point at the home address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer, to the main entrance of the school site, determined by the governing body of the school as the main entrance in Langford Drive. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie-breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a Council officer, independent of the Admissions Team. Multiple births Where one twin/child of multiple birth qualifies for a place and the other sibling(s) do not qualify for a place, both twins/ multiple birth children will be promoted to the sibling criterion. This approach will also apply to siblings in the same year group who live together at the same address. Waiting list The Admissions Committee will keep a ‘waiting list’ of those children who have not been offered a place in the Reception year, until the end of the Autumn Term. At that point, new applications need to be made to the school and a new waiting list will be collated. For this and all other oversubscribed year groups, a waiting list will remain in place until the end of each academic year (31 July) For information on parish boundaries contact Bishop’s House, Marriott Street, Northampton, NN2 6AW. Parents wishing to apply for a place at Sacred Heart Primary School must also complete the school’s supplementary form and provide their child’s original Baptismal Certificate. The documents must be returned to your first preference school (if this is in Luton) or to the Council’s Admissions Team by 15 January 2015. The supplementary form is enclosed with this guide or can be downloaded at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions. Alternatively, a paper copy can be obtained from the school or from the Council’s Admissions Team. 37 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 starting school admissions round The governing body was able to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 3 2 2 0 1 5 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 1 Other children 11 Other faith background children 6 Children from other faith backgrounds Other Christian children 0 Children from other Christian denominations 9 Siblings other than Catholic attending the school 14 Looked after children other than Catholic or children who were previously looked after 0 Other baptised Catholic children 0 Other baptised Catholic children with siblings Baptised Catholic looked after children or baptised Catholic children who were previously looked after 54 Baptised Catholic children from other parishes Special Educational Needs 98 Baptised Catholic children from relevant parishes Number of places allocated in the initial allocation(16 April 2014) 60 Baptised Catholic siblings attending the school Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 38 Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 The Governors’ Admissions Committee was able to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation. Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 admissions round No appeals were lodged for the school. September 2013 admissions round No appeals were heard for the school. This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Admissions criteria for St Joseph’s Primary School* The ethos of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is based on Christian Gospel values and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. We ask parents applying for a place to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the rights of parents who are not of the Roman Catholic faith to apply for and be considered for a place. The school primarily serves the parishes of St Joseph the Worker, St John the Apostle, Holy Family and Holy Ghost Parish in the Deanery of St. Alban (Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Luton). Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming the school will be admitted. In the case of oversubscription the Governors will give priority to children in the following order: 1.Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. 2.Baptised Catholic children with siblings attending the school, at the time of proposed admission, whose families are practising Catholics and whose application is supported by their parish priest or the parish priest where they practice. 3.Baptised Catholic children of practicing families from the parishes of St Joseph the Worker (excluding the area known as Hockwell Ring), St John the Apostle, Holy Family and that part of the Holy Ghost north east of Dunstable Road, in the Deanery of St. Alban (Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Luton) whose application is supported by their parish priest or the parish priest where they practice. 4.Baptised Catholic children of practising families, but not practising in St Joseph the Worker, St John the Apostle, Holy Family and Holy Ghost, in the Deanery of St. Alban (Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Luton), from other parishes whose application is supported by a priest. 5.Other baptised Catholic siblings of children attending the school at the time of admission. 6.Other baptised Catholic children. 7.Siblings other than Catholic of children attending the school at the time of admission. 8.Children from other Christian denominations whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education, and whose application is supported by their priest or minister of religion. 9.Other Christian children. 10.Children from other faith backgrounds whose application is supported by their minister of religion. 11.Other faith background children. 12.Other children. See page 48-49 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Tie- break In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in a situation where there are more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the tie-break will be distance from the school, measured in a straight line, using a computerised mapping system, as approved by Luton (or relevant) Borough Council. Those living closer to the school will be accorded the higher priority. The home address will be measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer, to the main entrance of the school site on Gardenia Avenue determined by the governing body of the school as the main entrance. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. *At the time of printing, St Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools were scheduled to publish statutory proposals to amalgamate the schools to form St Joseph’s Primary School from January 2015. 39 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point e.g. children resident in a block of flats or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a Council officer, independent of the Admissions Team. Multiple births Where one twin/child of multiple birth qualifies for a place and the other sibling(s) do not qualify for a place, both twins/ multiple birth children will be promoted to the sibling criterion. This approach will also apply to siblings in the same year group who live together at the same address. Waiting list The Admissions Committee will keep a ‘waiting list’ of those children who have not been offered a Year 3 place, until the end of the Autumn Term. At that point, new applications need to be made to the school and a new waiting list will be collated. For this and all other oversubscribed year groups, a waiting list will remain in place until the end of each academic year (31 July), without interruption. The supplementary form is enclosed with this guide or can be downloaded at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions. Alternatively, a paper copy can be obtained from the school or from the Council’s Admissions Team. Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 starting school admissions round The governing body was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 0 9 7 5 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 18 Other children 8 Children from other faith backgrounds 3 Other Christian children 39 Children from other Christian denominations 26 Siblings other than Catholic attending the school or the junior school Other baptised Catholic children 1 Children in care other than Catholic Other baptised Catholic children with siblings attending the school or the junior school 0 Baptised Catholic children from other parishes 120 Baptised Catholic children from relevant parishes Special Educational Needs 204 Baptised Catholic siblings attending the school or the junior school Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) 120 Baptised Catholic children in care Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: Published admissions number 40 Parents wishing to apply for a place at St Joseph’s Primary School must also complete the school’s supplementary form and provide their child’s original Baptismal Certificate. The documents must be returned to their child’s current school (if this is in Luton) or to the Council’s Admissions Team by 15 January 2015. 0 4 x 6 The Governors’ Admissions Committee was unable to offer a place to all applicants who met the Other children criterion in the initial allocation of places; therefore. Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 admissions round No appeals were lodged for the school. September 2013 admissions round No appeals were lodged for the school. This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Admissions criteria for St Margaret of Scotland Primary School The ethos of St Margaret of Scotland Catholic Primary School is based on Christian Gospel values and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. We ask parents applying for a place to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the rights of parents who are not of the Roman Catholic faith to apply for and be considered for a place. The school primarily serves the parishes of St Margaret of Scotland, Bolingbroke Road, Luton, Our Lady Help of Christians, Castle Street, Luton, Holy Ghost, Westbourne Road, Luton, in the Deanery of St Alban (Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Luton). Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming the school will be admitted. In the case of oversubscription the governing body will give priority to children in the following order: 1.Baptised Catholic looked after children or baptised Catholic children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. 2.Baptised Catholic children with siblings attending the school at the time of the proposed admission whose families are practising Catholics and whose application is supported by their parish priest or the parish priest where they practise. 3.Baptised Catholic children of practicing families from the parish(es) of St Margaret of Scotland, Our Lady Help of Christians and Holy Ghost in the Deanery of St Albans (Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Luton) whose application is supported by their parish priest or the parish priest where they practise. 4.Baptised Catholic children of practising families from other parishes whose application is supported by their parish priest. 5.Other baptised Catholic siblings of children attending the school at the time of admission. 6.Other baptised Catholic children. 7.Other looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption residence or special guardianship order. 8.Siblings other than Catholic attending the school at the time of the proposed admission. 41 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 9.Children from other Christian denominations whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education, and whose application is supported by their priest or minister of religion. 10.Other Christian children. 11.Children from other faith backgrounds whose application is supported by their minister of religion. 12.Other children. See pages 48-49 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Tie break In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in a situation where there are more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the tie-break will be distance from the school, measured in a straight line, using a computerised mapping system, as approved by Luton (or relevant) Borough Council. Those living closer to the school will be accorded the higher priority. The home address will be measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer to a central point on the school site, determined by the governing body of the school, as the school gate serving the Key Stage 1 building in Rotheram Avenue. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. 42 In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a council officer, independent of the Admissions Team. Mulitple births Where one twin/child of multiple birth qualifies for a place and the other sibling(s) do not qualify for a place, both twins/ multiple birth children will be promoted to the sibling criterion. This approach will also apply to siblings in the same year group who live together at the same address. Waiting list The Admissions Committee will keep a ‘waiting list’ of those children who have not been offered a place until the end of the Autumn Term. After this date, parents will need to re-apply to stay on the waiting list until the end of the academic year. For information on parish boundaries contact Bishop’s House, Marriott Street, Northampton, NN2 6AW. Parents wishing to apply for a place at St Margaret of Scotland Primary School must also complete the school’s supplementary form and provide their child’s original Baptismal Certificate. The documents must be returned to your first preference school (if this is in Luton) or to the Council’s Admissions Team by 15 January 2015. The supplementary form is enclosed with this guide or can be downloaded at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions. Alternatively, a paper copy can be obtained from the school or from the Council’s Admissions Team. Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) Special Educational Needs Baptised Catholic looked after children or baptised Catholic children who were previously looked after 90 118 90 0 0 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer No appeals were lodged for this school. September 2013 Transfer No appeals were lodged for this school. This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. 7 3 7 4 5 0 6 0 4 0 17 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Other children Children from other faith backgrounds Other Christian children Children from other Christian denominations Siblings other than Catholic attending the school Other looked after children or children who were previously looked after Other baptised Catholic children Other baptised Catholic siblings of children attending the school Baptised Catholic children from other parishes Baptised Catholic children from relevant parishes Baptised Catholic children with siblings attending the school Published admissions number Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 starting school admissions round The governing body was able to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 43 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Admissions criteria for St Martin de Porres Primary School The ethos of St Martin de Porres Catholic Primary School is based on Christian Gospel values and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. We ask parents applying for a place to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the rights of parents who are not of the Roman Catholic faith to apply for and be considered for a place. The school primarily serves the parish of St Martin de Porres and Hockwell Ring (as presently defined *), in the Deanery of St Alban (Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Luton). Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming the school will be admitted. In the case of oversubscription the governors will give priority to children in the following order: 1. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. 2. Baptised Catholic children with siblings attending the school at the time of proposed admission whose families are practising Catholics and whose application is supported by their parish priest or the parish priest where they practise. 44 3. Baptised Catholic children of practising families who reside in the parish of St Martin de Porres and Hockwell Ring (as presently defined *) whose application is supported by their parish priest or the priest where they practise. 4. Baptised Catholic children of practising families who do not reside in the parish of St Martin de Porres and Hockwell Ring (as presently defined *) whose application is supported by a priest. 5. Other baptised Catholic siblings of children attending the school at the time of admission. 6. Other baptised Catholic children. 7. Siblings other than Catholic of children attending the school at the time of admission. 8. Children from other Christian denominations whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education and whose application is supported by their priest or minister of religion. 9. Other Christian children. 10. Children from other faith backgrounds whose application is supported by their minister of religion. 11. Other faith background children. 12. Other children. *Hockwell Ring, i.e. that area of Luton east of the M1, west of the railway and north of a line running down the centre of High Street and Grange Avenue. See pages 48-49 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Tie break In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in a situation where there are more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the tie break will be distance from the school, measured in a straight line, using a computerised mapping system, as approved by Luton (or relevant) Borough Council. Those living closer to the school will be accorded the higher priority. The home address will be measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer to the main school gate on Pastures Way. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie-breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a Council officer, independent of the Admissions Team. Mulitple births Where one twin/child of multiple birth qualifies for a place and the other sibling(s) do not qualify for a place, both twins/ multiple birth children will be promoted to the sibling criterion. This approach will also apply to siblings in the same year group who live together at the same address. Waiting list The Admissions Committee will keep a ‘waiting list’ of those children who have not been offered a place, until the end of the Autumn Term. At that point, new applications need to be made to the school and a new waiting list will be collated. For this and all other oversubscribed year groups, a waiting list will remain in place until the end of each academic year (31 July), without interruption. Parents wishing to apply for a place at St Martin de Porres Primary School must also complete the school’s supplementary form and provide their child’s original Baptismal Certificate. The documents must be returned to your first preference school (if this is in Luton) or to the Council’s Admissions Team by 15 January 2015. The supplementary form is enclosed with guide or can be downloaded at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions. Alternatively, a paper copy can be obtained from the school or from the Council’s Admissions Team. 45 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 starting school admissions round The governing body was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 6 10 0 9 1 0 2 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 0 Other children Other Christian children Children from other Christian denominations 0 Children attending St Martin’s Nursery (whose application falls within criteria 1-7) 0 Other faith background children 13 Children from other faith backgrounds 19 Siblings other than Catholic attending the school 0 Other baptised Catholic children 0 Other baptised Catholic siblings of children attending the school Looked after children or children who were previously looked after 60 Baptised Catholic children of practising families who do not reside in St Martin de Porres and Hockwell Ring (as presently defined*) parishes Special Educational Needs 121 Baptised Catholic children of practising families from relevant parishes Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) 60 Baptised Catholic children with siblings attending the school Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 46 Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 1 The Governors’ Admissions Committee was unable to offer a place to all applicants who met the Other children criterion in the initial allocation of places. Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 admissions round Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 September 2013 admissions round No appeals were heard for the school. This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Deferred entry Children are admitted into reception classes in the September prior to their fifth birthday. Parents/carers can choose to defer their child’s entry to school until he or she is of compulsory school age, providing this place is taken up within the same academic (i.e. school) year. Therefore: Children born between 1/9/10 – 31/12/10 can defer their place until January 2016. Children born between 1/1/11 – 31/8/11 can defer their place until April 2016. Parents/carers cannot defer their child’s entry beyond the dates given above. Parents/carers of children born between 1/4/11 – 31/8/11, who would like their child to start school in September 2016 would need to re-apply for admission at a later date. In this case their application would be treated as an ‘in-year admission and a place would only be offered if there were vacancies in the year group. If you wish to defer your child’s entry to school you must put your request in writing to your allocated school, ideally within 21 days of being offered a place by the Council. Parents can also request that their child attends part-time until she/he reaches compulsory school age. Such requests should be made in writing to the headteacher after an offer of a place at the school has been confirmed by the Council. For further information and guidance on deferred entry please contact the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16. Infant class size legislation The law states that class sizes must not exceed 30 pupils in infant classes where the majority of the pupils will reach the age of 5, 6 or 7 during the school year. This legislation means that local education authorities and governing bodies of schools must comply with limits on infant class sizes. Infant classes are limited to no more than 30 pupils for each qualified teacher in a class. Where the Council has refused admission on the grounds that class size prejudice would occur, an Appeal panel can only allow an appeal in the three circumstances listed: 1. The admission arrangements are not lawful and do not meet the requirements of the School Admissions Code and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. and/or 2. The decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable admission authority would make in the circumstances of the case. A reasonable decision is one which an admission authority would make taking into account factors such as the admission policy for the school, the internal operation of the school and the school’s ability to accommodate pupils and meet the class size limit of 30. or 3. Your child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented. The Appeal panel will consider whether the admission authority carried out the admission arrangements properly or if the rules were broken. If your child would have been given a place if the rules had been applied properly then an appeal must be allowed. 47 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Definitions Looked after children (for St Joseph’s Primary School) A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of the local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Home address (definition for community schools, Chantry Primary Academy, Dallow Primary Academy, The Ferrars Academy, River Bank Primary School and Whipperley Infant Academy) The local authority regards a pupil’s home address as where she or he spends the majority of the school week (i.e. Monday to Friday, including nights) with her/his parent or legal guardian. The address of a childminder or family member who looks after the child before or after school cannot be used. If there is any query on the home address this will be checked against official documentation. 48 Home address (definition for Sacred Heart Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School, St Margaret of Scotland Primary School and St Martin de Porres Primary School) A pupil’s home address will be regarded as the address of the parent(s) or carer(s) with parental responsibility with whom the pupil usually lives. This will not usually include grandparents, aunts or uncles. Where a pupil spends time with parents at more than one address, the address used will be the one at which the pupil is ordinarily resident and where the pupil spends the majority of the school week (Monday to Friday) including nights. If there is any query on the home address this will be checked against official documentation. Siblings (definition for community schools, Chantry Primary Academy, Crawley Green Infant School, Dallow Primary Academy, The Ferrars Academy and Whipperley Infant School) The term ‘siblings’ includes both natural, adopted and step brothers and sisters. It also includes fostered siblings where foster care has been arranged by Children and Family Services. Other family relationships such as cousins will not be considered under this criterion. Siblings (definition for Sacred Heart Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School and Martin de Porres Primary School) A sibling is defined as brothers and sisters living in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, step brothers or sisters and foster brothers and sisters. That sibling must be in school at the time of admissions to fit into the Admissions criteria. Siblings (definition for St Margaret of Scotland Primary School) A sibling is a brother or sister or any other child who permanently resides at the same address, for whom the applicant has parental responsibility at the time of application. That sibling must be in school at the time of application and be likely to remain in the school at the proposed date of admission. Siblings (definition for River Bank Primary School) The term ‘siblings’ includes both natural, adopted and step brothers and sisters living at the same address. It also includes fostered siblings, where foster care has been arranged by a local authority. Other family relationships such as cousins will not be considered under this criterion. Medical grounds (definition for community schools, Chantry Primary Academy, Dallow Primary Academy, The Ferrars Academy, River Bank Primary School and Whipperley Infant Academy) This refers to the health of the child for whom a place is being requested and for whom the requested school is the most suitable in the area to meet the child’s medical needs. It must relate to a recognised medical condition for which the child is receiving treatment. Medical evidence must be provided to substantiate the claim. The medical evidence will be sent to the health authority for advice in determining whether the child should be prioritised on medical grounds with regard to admission to the requested school. Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Catholic child (definition for Sacred Heart Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School and Martin de Porres Primary School) A Catholic child is a child baptised according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church and possesses an original Baptismal Certificate. A child enrolled in a catechumenate programme is also accepted as a Catholic if they are supported by a letter from their parish priest confirming their enrolment on the programme. Catholic child (definition for St Margaret of Scotland Primary School) A Catholic child is a child baptised according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church or a child enrolled in a catechumenate programme. A Baptismal Certificate or proof of enrolment in the programme will be required. Practising Catholic A practising Catholic is someone who attends Mass weekly. Christian (definition for Sacred Heart Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School, St Margaret of Scotland Primary School and St Martin de Porres Primary School) A Christian means a member of one of the churches in full membership with ‘Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’ at the time when admission decisions are made. Proof of church membership must be provided by the appropriate church leader. 49 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Timetable October 2014 Parents/carers receive a letter which briefly explains the application process. The letter will have their child’s Unique Identifier Number (UID) and the catchment school for their address. Please take the time to read the relevant sections within this guide to make sure you understand the process. Further information and advice is available from the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16. 15 January 2015 Online applications must be submitted by this date. If you have completed a paper application form this must be returned to your first preference Luton school or to the Council’s Admissions Team by this date. Applicants for Luton Catholic schools must ensure they have completed the Catholic supplementary form and provide their child’s original Baptismal Certificate by this date. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered in the initial allocation of places, except in very exceptional circumstances. 50 16 April 2015 Offer emails are sent to parents/carers. Decision letters are sent to parents/carers via the post. May 2015 Admission appeals will take place from May 2015 onwards and will be completed within 40 school days of the appeal being lodged. How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Contact details for Luton infant and primary schools School Address Headteacher Telephone Number Admission Number Barnfield Moorlands Primary School Leagrave Hall, High Street, Luton, LU4 9LE Ms Matthews 01582 57 33 76 54 Beech Hill Primary School Dunstable Road, Luton, LU4 8BW Mrs Bosher 01582 42 94 04 120 Beechwood Primary School Linden Road, Luton, LU4 9RD Mr Sherwin 01582 51 84 00 120 Bramingham Primary School Freeman Avenue, Luton, LU3 4BL Ms Flowers 01582 61 75 00 60 Bushmead Primary School Bushmead Road, Luton, LU2 7EU Mr Miller 01582 72 53 87 120 Chantry Primary Academy Tomlinson Avenue, Luton, LU4 0QP Ms Bateman 01582 70 65 00 90 Cheynes Infant School Cranbrook Drive, Luton, LU3 3EW Mrs Walsh 01582 61 78 00 90 Crawley Green Infant School Beaconsfield, Luton, LU2 0RW Ms Turner 01582 72 42 67 90 Dallow Primary School Dallow Road, Luton, LU1 1LZ Mrs Nouch 01582 61 66 01 90 Denbigh Primary School Denbigh Road, Luton, LU3 1NS Mrs McMulkin 01582 57 15 97 90 Downside Primary School Chaul End Lane, Luton, LU4 8EZ Miss Hooker 01582 58 71 60 150 The Ferrars Academy (previously known as Ferrars Infant School) Macauley Road, Luton, LU4 0LL Ms Oliver 01582 57 36 41 90 Foxdell Infant School Dallow Road, Luton, LU1 1TG Miss Abbott 01582 73 65 29 90 Hillborough Infant School Hillborough Road, Luton, LU1 5EZ Dr Donati 01582 72 57 64 90 Icknield Primary School Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, LU3 2JB Mrs Lyman 01582 53 40 00 90 Leagrave Primary School Strangers Way, Luton, LU4 9ND Ms Gillespie 01582 57 19 51 60 Maidenhall Primary School Newark Road, Luton, LU4 8LD Ms Dhillon 01582 43 07 80 90 Norton Road Primary School Norton Road, Luton, LU3 2NX Mr Austins 01582 57 11 69 60 Pirton Hill Primary School Butely Road, Luton, LU4 9EX Miss Thompson 01582 50 79 24 90 Putteridge Primary School Putteridge Road, Luton, LU2 8HJ Mr Nicholson 01582 72 82 62 90 Ramridge Primary School Turners Road North, Luton, LU2 9AH Mrs Doherty 01582 72 99 70 60 River Bank Primary School Abigail Close, Luton, LU3 1ND Mr Wrigglesworth 01582 53 18 60 120 Sacred Heart Primary School Langford Drive, Luton, LU2 9AJ Mrs Cullen 01582 73 07 81 60 Someries Infant School Wigmore Lane, Luton, LU2 8AH Mrs Meara 01582 41 45 45 60 Southfield Primary School Pastures Way, Luton, LU4 0PE Mrs Redfern 01582 60 05 78 60 St Joseph’s Infant School* Gardenia Avenue, Luton, LU3 2NS Ms McNerney Acting Headteacher at Infant school Mrs Lee Headteacher at Junior school (correct at the time of printing) 01582 57 34 46 120 St Margaret of Scotland Primary School Rotheram Avenue, Luton, LU1 5PP Ms Somes 01582 72 34 30 90 St Martin de Porres Primary School Pastures Way, Luton, LU4 0PF Mr Carroll 01582 61 76 00 60 St Matthew’s Primary School Wenlock Street, Luton, LU2 0NJ Ms Thomas 01582 72 39 70 120 Stopsley Primary School Hitchin Road, Luton, LU2 7UG Mrs Hall 01582 61 10 35 90 * At the time of printing St Joseph’s Infant and Junior Schools were scheduled to publish statutory proposals to amalgamate the schools to form St Joseph’s Primary School from January 2015. 51 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 52 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 Surrey Street Primary School Cutenhoe Road, Luton, LU1 3NJ Ms Meadows 01582 74 88 10 90 Tennyson Road Primary School Tennyson Road, Luton, LU1 3RS Mrs Power 01582 72 32 30 90 The Meads Primary School Sawtry Close, Luton, LU3 2UE Mr Jenkins 01582 49 09 05 90 Warden Hill Infant School Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, LU3 2DN Mrs Mastrogiovanni 01582 59 51 50 120 Waulud Primary School Wauluds Bank Drive, Luton, LU3 3LZ Ms Griffin 01582 59 34 69 60 Whipperley Infant Academy Whipperley Ring, Luton, LU1 5QY Ms Whitehouse 01582 72 58 68 90 Whitefield Primary School Stockholm Way, Luton, LU3 3SS Ms Pardon Acting Headteacher 01582 59 61 08 60 Wigmore Primary School Twyford Drive, Luton, LU2 9TB Mr Davidson 01582 61 61 01 60 William Austin Infant School Culverhouse Road, Luton, LU3 1PZ Ms Kang 01582 59 51 98 150 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Starting infant/ primary school in September 2015 3 North 1 2 Bedford 4 6 12 14 8 9 18 A505 34 11 10 38 16 A505 A6 7 LEAGRAVE 17 13 15 Dunstable 5 33 39 B579 32 29 A505 19 31 35 20 30 22 21 M1 Hitchin Stevenage and A1 24 23 37 LUTON 36 26 28 25 B4540 LONDON LUTON AIRPORT LUTON AIRPORT PARKWAY 27 A1081 ER RIV A LE Not to scale M25 and London KEY Infants School Primary School Key: 1. Bramingham Primary School 2. Whitefield Primary School 3. Cheynes Infant School 4. Warden Primary School 5. Warden Hill Infant School 6. The Meads Primary School 7. Icknield Primary School 8. Norton Road Primary School 9. St Joseph’s Primary School 10. William Austin Infant School 11. Bushmead Primary School 12. Pirton Hill Primary School 13. Chantry Primary Academy 14. Southfield Primary School 15. St. Martin de Porres Primary School 16. The Ferrars Academy 17. Leagrave Primary School 18. Beechwood Primary School 19. Downside Primary School 20. Maidenhall Primary School 21. Foxdell Infant School 22. Beech Hill Primary School 23. Whipperley Infant Academy 24. Dallow Primary Academy 25. St Margaret of Scotland Primary School 26. Hillborough Infant School 27. Tennyson Road Primary School 28. Surrey Street Primary School 29. Denbigh Primary School 30. St Matthew’s Primary School 31. Ramridge Primary School 32. Sacred Heart Primary School 33. Stopsley Primary School 34. Putteridge Primary School 35. Someries Infant School 36. Crawley Green Infant School 37. Wigmore Primary School 38. Barnfield Moorlands Primary School 39. River Bank Primary School 53 y l p p a o t How l o o h c s a for r o f e plac 5 1 0 2 r e b m e t p Se Junior School Children due to transfer to junior school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Junior School Information on the junior transfer for September 2015 Junior schools in Luton There are 9 maintained junior schools in Luton. Name of School Status of school Age range Responsibility for admissions Farley Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Ferrars Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Foxdell Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Hillborough Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Someries Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Sundon Park Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Warden Hill Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Wenlock Junior School Voluntary Aided 7 – 11 Governing Body William Austin Junior School Community 7 – 11 Luton Borough Council Primary schools The following primary schools are not included in the transfer from infant to junior school as children enter primary schools in the Reception Year and leave at the end of Year 6. Barnfield Moorlands Primary School Beech Hill Primary School Beechwood Primary School Bramingham Primary School Bushmead Primary School Chantry Primary Academy Dallow Primary Academy Denbigh Primary School Downside Primary School Icknield Primary School Leagrave Primary School Maidenhall Primary School Norton Road Primary School Pirton Hill Primary School Putteridge Primary School Ramridge Primary School Sacred Heart Primary School Southfield Primary School St Joseph’s Primary School* St Margaret of Scotland Primary School St Martin de Porres Primary School St Matthew’s Primary School Stopsley Primary School Surrey Street Primary School Tennyson Road Primary School The Meads Primary School Waulud Primary School Whitefield Primary School Wigmore Primary School * At the time of printing, St Joseph’s Infant and Junior School were scheduled to publish statutory proposals to amalgamate the schools to form St Joseph’s Primary School from January 2015. 55 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Junior School You must not specify a primary school as your first, second or third preference. If you would like to request a place at a primary school please discuss the application procedure with the school concerned or a member of the Council’s Admissions Team (see page 19 for contact details). If a primary school is given as a preference, the preference will not be processed. Parents seeking a place at a primary school for September 2015 should apply for a place in June 2015. Such requests will be treated as an ‘in-year admission’ and a place will only be agreed if there are vacancies in the relevant year group. Admissions criteria for Luton junior community schools 56 Farley Junior School Ferrars Junior School Foxdell Junior School Hillborough Junior School Someries Junior School Sundon Park Junior School Warden Hill Junior School William Austin Junior School In accordance with the Education Act 1996 children with a statement of Special Educational Needs are required to be admitted to the school named in their Statement. Thereafter the priorities listed below apply. 1.A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order13. A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989). 2.Brothers and sisters of pupils attending the school or the linked infant school when the pupil starts at the school. 3.Pupils living in the catchment area of the school. 4.On medical grounds supported by medical evidence. 5.Pupils attending the linked infant school. 6.On the shortest distance, measured in a straight line, between the main entrance14 of the school site and the pupil’s home address15, with those living closer to the school being accorded higher priority. Linked infant and junior schools normally share the same names (e.g. William Austin Infant School is linked to William Austin Junior School) with the exception of: • Whipperley Infant Academy for which Farley Junior School is the linked school. • Cheynes Infant School for which Sundon Park Junior School is the linked school. See page 63 for definitions on terms within this criteria. An adoption order relates to children who have been adopted from local autority care in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 13 14 Main entrance of the school means the door used to access the school’s main reception. 15 The home address is measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer. Junior School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Tie break The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. If the Council is unable to agree a place for all applicants meeting a specific criterion, the distance criterion (priority 6) will be used as a tie-breaker. In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie-breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a Council officer, independent of the Admissions Team. Multiple births For junior school admissions where one twin/child of multiple birth qualifies for a place and the other sibling(s) do not qualify for a place, both twins/multiple birth children will be promoted to the sibling criterion. This approach will also apply to siblings in the same year group who live together at the same address. Waiting list Your child’s name will be held on the waiting list for any school(s) you have ranked higher than the school your child has been allocated. For example: First preference: school A – child’s name held on a waiting list for school A Second preference: school B – place offered at school B Third preference: school C – place not required as a higher preference school has been allocated. Waiting lists are organised in the order of priority of the admissions criteria. Please note that the position of your child on the waiting list(s) may change as children are added to or deleted from the list(s). Waiting lists will be held until 31 July 2016. Thereafter, it will be necessary for parents to re-apply to remain on the waiting list(s). 57 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Junior School Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 3 intake The Council was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the following schools as a preference in the initial allocation: Hillborough Junior School The Council was able to offer a place to all children who stated the following schools as a preference in the initial allocation: Farley Junior School Foxdell Junior School Sundon Park Junior School Ferrars Junior School Someries Junior School Warden Hill Junior School William Austin Junior School The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 118 90 Foxdell Junior School 90 133 86 Hillborough Junior School 90 173 90 Someries Junior School 60 97 58 Sundon Park Junior School 90 102 75 Warden Hill Junior School 120 243 117 William Austin Junior School 150 181 150 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. 0 Catchment 1 Siblings 0 27 35 1 32 38 1 31 42 1 1 36 17 0 0 1 0 26 18 14 35 1 2 30 24 3 0 60 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 17 1 6 5 35 0 13 1 22 3 57 3 7 2 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 90 0 Distance Ferrars Junior School 68 Linked infant school 120 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 90 Special Educational Needs Published admissions number Farley Junior School Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) School 58 Medical Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Junior School Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 admissions round School Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed Farley Junior School No appeals have been lodged for the school Ferrars Junior School No appeals have been lodged for the school Foxdell Junior School No appeals have been lodged for the school Hillborough Junior School 3 3 0 0 0 0 Someries Junior School No appeals have been lodged for the school Sundon Park Junior School No appeals have been lodged for the school Warden Hill Junior School No appeals have been lodged for the school William Austin Junior School No appeals have been lodged for the school % Number of appeals withdrawn 0 0 59 September 2013 admission round School Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Farley Junior School Ferrars Junior School Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 0 100% 2 No appeals were heard for the school 2 0 0 0 0 Foxdell Junior School No appeals were heard for the school Hillborough Junior School No appeals were heard for the school Someries Junior School No appeals were heard for the school Sundon Park Junior School No appeals were heard for the school Warden Hill Junior School 1 0 0 0 0 0 100% 1 William Austin Junior School 1 0 0 0 0 0 100% 1 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Junior School Admissions criteria for Wenlock Junior School In the event of there being more applicants than there are place available, the Governors will apply the following criteria in the priority order of categories as listed below: 1.All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ but immediately after being ‘looked after’ became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order whose carers fulfil the Admissions’ criteria listed under 3 or 4 below. 2.Siblings of children already at the school at the date of proposed admission, whose parents/carers fulfil the admissions criteria listed under 3 or 4 below. 3.(a) Children of parent(s)/guardian(s) who worship regularly in any of the Church of England Churches in the Luton Deanery at the time of application. For the purpose of this policy, “regularly” will be deemed to be at least once in each month for a period of six months or more. (b) Children of parent(s)/guardian(s) who worship regularly in a Church of England Church who move into the Luton Deanery less than six months from the date of proposed admission. 60 (c) Children of parent(s)/guardian(s) who live in the Luton Deanery and who regularly worship in a Church of England Church outside Luton Deanery, but still within the Diocese of St. Albans. A letter verifying the required level of attendance to support applications for admission under categories 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) would be required. 4.Children of parent(s)/guardian(s) who are regular attendees at another place of Christian worship which, at the time of application, is a current paid up member of “Churches Together in Luton”. A letter would be required verifying the level of attendance to accompany applications in this category. 5.Any other children ‘looked after’ by a local authority or children who were previously ‘looked after’ but immediately after being ‘looked after’ became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. 6.Siblings of children already at the school at the proposed date of admission. 7.Children from Crawley Green Infant School catchment area as defined by the local authority. 8.Children from Crawley Green Infant School living outside the area as defined in Category 7 above. 9.Any other children. In the event of there being an oversubscription in any one of the above categories, the determining factor in that category will be the geographical proximity to the school as defined below, with the exception of note B. See page 63 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Junior School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Notes A.Geographical proximity will be determined by computerised measurement of the shortest distance by road or public pathway from the front of the home to the main school entrance. Those living closer to the school will be accorded the higher priority. B.Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names Wenlock Voluntary Aided C of E Junior School will be offered a place. C.Definitions of terms used throughout this policy are in accordance with the published local authority definitions (see page 65). Parents are welcome to visit Wenlock Junior School before making their application. Waiting list The school will operate a waiting list activated as places become available based on the criteria. A place on the waiting list will be held until 31 October. Parents will need to re-apply for a place after this date if they wish their child’s name to be carried forward on the waiting list. Parents wishing to apply for a place at Wenlock Junior School must also complete the school’s supplementary form. The form must be returned to their child’s current school (if this is in Luton) or to the Council’s Admissions Team by 15 January 2015. The supplementary form is enclosed with this guide or can be downloaded at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions. Alternatively, a paper copy can be obtained from the school or from the Council’s Admissions Team. 61 Children of parents who worship regularly in a Church of England Church who move into the Luton Deanery less than six months from the date of proposed admissions Children of parents who live in the Luton Deanery and worship regularly in a Church of England Church outside Luton Deanery but still within the Diocese of St Albans 0 0 0 0 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. 1 1 24 38 13 3 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer – no appeals have been lodged for the school September 2013 Transfer – no appeals were heard for the school Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Any other children Children of parents who worship regularly in any of the Church of England Churches in the Luton Deanery 0 Children from Crawley Green Infant School living outside the catchment area Siblings of children already at the school 0 Children from Crawley Green Infant School catchment area Children in Care or previously looked after 80 Siblings of children already at the school Special Educational Needs 94 Any other children ‘looked after’ by a local authority or children who were previously ‘looked after’ Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (16 April 2014) 90 Children of parents are regular attendees of another place of Christian worship Number of first, second and third preferences received before 15 January 2014 62 Published admissions number ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Junior School Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 3 intake The governing body was able to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 Junior School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Definitions for community schools and Wenlock Junior School Home address The LA regards a pupil’s home address as where she or he spends the majority of the school week (i.e. Monday to Friday, including nights) with her/his parent or legal guardian. The address of a childminder or family member who looks after the child before or after school cannot be used. If there is any query on the home address this will be checked against official documentation. Siblings The term ‘siblings’ include both natural, adopted and step brothers and sisters. It also includes fostered siblings where foster care has been arranged by Children and Family Services. Other family relationships such as cousins will not be considered under this criterion. Medical grounds (for community schools) This refers to the health of the child for whom a place is being requested and for whom the requested school is the most suitable in the area to meet the child’s medical needs. It must relate to a recognised medical condition for which the child is receiving treatment. Medical evidence must be provided to substantiate the claim. The medical evidence will be sent to the Health Authority for advice in determining whether the child should be prioritised on medical grounds with regard to admission to the requested school. Timetable October 2014 Parents/carers receive a letter which briefly explains the application process. The letter will have their child’s Unique Identifier Number (UID) and the catchment school for their address. Please take the time to read the relevant section to make sure you understand the process. Further information and advice is available from the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16. The guide can be downloaded at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions or you can obtain a copy from your child’s current Luton school or from our Admissions Team. 15 January 2015 Online applications must be submitted by this date. If you have completed a paper application form this must be returned to your child’s current Luton school or to the Council’s Admissions Team by this date. Applicants for Wenlock Junior School must ensure they have completed the school’s supplementary form. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered in the initial allocation of places, except in very exceptional circumstances. 16 April 2015 Offer emails are sent to parents/carers. Decision letters are sent to parents/carers via the post. May 2015 Admission appeals will take place from May 2015. 63 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Junior School Contact details Luton junior schools 64 School Address Headteacher Telephone Number Admission Number Farley Junior School North Drift Way, Luton, LU1 5JF Mr Bradshaw Acting Headteacher 01582 72 50 69 90 Ferrars Junior School Lewsey Road, Luton, LU4 0ES Mrs McCarthy 01582 57 49 33 90 Foxdell Junior School Dallow Road, Luton, LU1 1UP Mrs Morton 01582 73 37 64 90 Hillborough Junior School Hillborough Road, Luton, LU1 5EZ Mr Williams 01582 61 33 31 90 Someries Junior School Wigmore Lane, Luton, LU2 8AH Mrs Jones 01582 73 88 10 60 Sundon Park Junior School Kinross Crescent, Luton, LU3 3JU Mrs Wightman 01582 57 16 19 90 Warden Hill Junior School Birdsfoot Lane, Luton, LU3 2DN Mr Welch 01582 59 13 86 120 Wenlock Junior School Beaconsfield, Luton, LU2 0RW Mrs Williams 01582 73 06 24 90 William Austin Junior School Austin Road, Luton, LU3 1UA Ms Adams 01582 57 21 00 150 Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sundon Park Junior School Warden Hill Junior School William Austin Junior School Ferrars Junior School Foxdell Junior School Farley Junior School Hillborough Junior School Someries Junior School Wenlock Junior School Dunstable North A505 4 1 M1 5 A505 LEAGRAVE 7 B4540 B579 A6 A1081 LUTON Hitchin Stevenage and A1 LUTON AIRPORT PARKWAY 9 8 A505 RL VE RI EA LONDON LUTON AIRPORT © Crown copyright. All rights reserved Luton Borough Council. Licence No. 100023935 (2010). M25 and London 6 3 2 Bedford Junior School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Map of Junior Schools 65 y l p p a o t How l o o h c s a for r o f e plac 5 1 0 2 r e b m e t p Se High School Children due to transfer to high school in September 2015 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 High School Information on the high school transfer for September 2015 High schools and academies in Luton There are seven maintained high schools in Luton and five academies. All schools and academies are comprehensive. Name of School Status of school Age range Responsibility for admissions Ashcroft High School Foundation 11 – 16 Governing Body Barnfield South Academy Academy 11 – 18 Board of Directors Barnfield West Academy Academy 11 – 18 Board of Directors Cardinal Newman Catholic School Voluntary Aided 11 – 18 Governing Body Challney High School for Boys Academy 11 – 16 Governing Body Challney High School for Girls Community 11 – 16 Luton Borough Council Denbigh High School Academy 11 – 16 Governing Body Icknield High School Academy 11 – 16 Governing Body Lea Manor High School Foundation 11 – 16 Governing Body Lealands High School Community 11 – 16 Luton Borough Council Luton Girls’ Academy* Academy 11 - 18 Governing Body Putteridge High School Community 11 – 16 Luton Borough Council Stopsley High School Foundation 11 – 16 Governing Body *The Department for Education have recently announced that Luton Girls’ Academy will be opening for Year 7 intake from September 2015 subject to the Secretary of State approving their funding agreement. Admissions criteria for Ashcroft High School In accordance with the Education Act 1996 children with a statement of Special Educational Needs are required to be admitted to the school named in their Statement. Thereafter the priorities listed below apply. Should there be more applications than places available, the following criteria will be applied at the time of application, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit. 1.A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order16. A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989). 2.Students having their permanent residence within the present local authority (LA) designated catchment area and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school. 3.Students who will have a sibling on the school roll at the time of proposed admission and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school. 4.Students seeking admission on medical grounds whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school. 5.Any other applicants. See pages 84-86 for definitions of terms within this criteria. An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 16 67 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Tie break Where the number of places allocated within any of the criteria reaches the planned admission number, the straight line distance from the school reception entrance to the mid-point at the front of the house of the pupil’s home, using the local authority’s computerised measuring system will be used as a ‘tie-breaker’ with places being allocated to those who live closest first. Waiting list The school operates a waiting list for the Year 7 intake until the last day of the calendar year. Parents will need to re-apply to the school after this date to remain on the waiting list until the end of the academic year. Waiting lists will be organised in the order of priority of the school’s admissions criteria. Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The governing body was able to offer a place to all pupils who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 68 1 0 0 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer – no appeals have been lodged for the school September 2013 Transfer – no appeals were heard for the school This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. 50 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 21 Distance 131 Medical Siblings 237 Catchment Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2014) 433 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 270 Special Educational Needs Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 High School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Admissions criteria for Barnfield South Academy and Barnfield West Academy Where the numbers of applications for Year 7 exceed the published admission number, after the admission of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs naming Barnfield South Academy or Barnfield West Academy, the oversubscription criteria below will apply in consecutive order: a. Looked After Children (Children who are (a) in the care of local authorities or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions as defined by section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) or children who were previously looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted17 or became subject to a residence order18 or special guardianship order19. b.Children of staff employed by Barnfield South Academy or Barnfield West Academy who the Academy reasonably considers has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage and/or have two or more years of service at the time of application to Barnfield South Academy or Barnfield West Academy. Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. The Academy currently considers teachers employed to undertake roles in Maths, English and Science as areas of demonstrable shortage and therefore compliant with this policy, however, this criteria may change during the course of an academic year. c. Children who live within the priority admission area – as shown on the catchment area list. Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. d.Children who attend the Barnfield Feeder Primary Schools; applicants who have been on the admission roll at the close of the previous year of any of the designated Feeder Primary schools. A list of current Feeder Primary Schools is shown below. Where the number of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. The following schools are regarded as feeder schools to Barnfield South Academy and Barnfield West Academy: a) Barnfield Moorlands Primary School b) Barnfield Vale Academy e.Children who have siblings currently at Barnfield South Academy or Barnfield West Academy and will continue to be on the admission roll at the point of admission. Siblings are defined as meaning two or more children who have at least one parent in common and/or who reside at the same house as one another (for example foster children). Where a child has been legally adopted, he or she will be regarded as the sibling of any other children of the same legal guardian on the admission roll at the point of admission. Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. f. Pupils living within the ‘combined catchment area’. Where the number of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. g. Pupils living outside the ‘combined catchment area’. Where the number of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. See pages 84-86 for definitions of terms within this criteria. 17 An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. 18 Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘residence order’ as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live. 19 Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 69 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Tie break Where the numbers of applicants for oversubscription criteria b), c), d), e), f) and g) exceeds the number of places available, offers will be determined by random allocation for each oversubscription criterion in turn. Applications will be placed in rank order by random allocation, based upon the drawing of names from a list, all first, second and third preferences will be considered equally. The random allocation process is to be overseen and undertaken by an independent panel. Waiting list Unsuccessful applicants will be offered an opportunity to be placed on the waiting list. Parents who wish their child to be included on the waiting list must inform Barnfield South Academy or Barnfield West Academy in writing by 31 March 2015. The order of placement on the waiting list will be determined in accordance with the oversubscription criteria, not in the order in which applications are received or added to the list. The names on the waiting list will be held until the end of the academic year. Parents can re-apply for a place at the Academies at the end of the academic year. 70 Additional information The postcodes of the wards within the priority admission area and combined catchment area will be published on the Council’s admissions webpage (www.luton.gov.uk/admissions) under the catchment area link. The postcodes are also available on request from the Admissions Team or the academies. How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 High School Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The Board of Directors at Barnfield South Academy was able to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The Board of Directors at Barnfield West Academy was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 3 1 176 15 78 23 33 27 x 0 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 7 171 Pupils living outside the combined catchment area 270 0 Pupils living within the combined catchment area 602 1 Siblings 270 1 Barnfield Feeder Primary Schools Barnfield West Academy Priority admissions area 266 Children of staff 360 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2014) 270 Special Educational Needs Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 Barnfield South Academy Academy Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 0 0 41 The Board of Directors at Barnfield West Academy was unable to offer a place to all pupils who met the Pupils living within the combined catchment area criterion, therefore, pupils were selected by random allocation by an independent panel. 71 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer Academy Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn Barnfield South Academy 4 0 0 0 0% 0 0% 4 Barnfield West Academy 29 4 24 2 8% 22 92% 1 Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 91% 1 September 2013 Transfer Academy 72 Number of appeals received Heard Barnfield South Academy Barnfield West Academy Agreed % No appeals were heard for the school 12 11 1 9% 10 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014 Admissions criteria for Cardinal Newman Catholic School The ethos of Cardinal Newman Catholic School is based on Christian Gospel values and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The governing body asks parents applying for a place to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the rights of parents who are not of the Roman Catholic faith to apply for and be considered for a place. The school primarily serves all the parishes of Luton, Houghton Regis and Dunstable. In the case of oversubscription the governors will give priority to children in the following order: 1.Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. 2.Practising baptised Catholic siblings of children attending the school at the time of proposed admission, whose application is supported by their parish priest or the priest where they practise. The Baptismal Certificate must be provided. 3.Practising baptised Catholic children from the parishes of Luton, Houghton Regis and Dunstable whose application is supported by their parish priest or the priest where they practice. The Baptismal Certificate must be provided. 4.Practising baptised Catholic children from other parishes whose application is supported by their parish priest or the priest where they practice. The Baptismal Certificate must be provided. High School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 5.Baptised Catholic children attending St Vincent’s Primary School, St Martin de Porres Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School, St Margaret of Scotland Primary School or Sacred Heart Primary School with siblings at Cardinal Newman Catholic School at the time of proposed admission. The Baptismal Certificate must be provided. 6.Baptised Catholic children attending St Vincent’s Primary School, St Martin de Porres Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School, St Margaret of Scotland Primary School or Sacred Heart Primary School. The Baptismal Certificate must be provided. 7.Other baptised Catholic children. The Baptismal Certificate must be provided. 8.Siblings other than Catholic currently at Cardinal Newman Catholic School at the time of proposed admission. 9.Children from other Christian denominations whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education, and whose application is supported by their priest or minister of religion. 10.Children from other faith backgrounds whose application is supported by their minister of religion. 11.Other children. See pages 84-86 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Waiting lists The Admissions Committee will keep a ‘waiting list’ of those children who have not been offered a place, until the end of August 2015. At that point, new applications need to be made to the school and a new waiting list will be collated. For this and all other oversubscribed year groups, a waiting list will remain in place until the end of each academic year (31 July). Additional Information 1.Overriding priority will be given to pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school. 2.A Catholic child is a child baptised according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church and possesses a Baptismal Certificate. A child enrolled in a catechumenate programme is also accepted as a Catholic if they are supported by a letter from their parish priest confirming their enrolment on the programme. 3.A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services function (section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). 4.A practising Catholic is defined as someone who attends Mass weekly. 5.A Christian means a full member of ‘Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’; at the time when decisions on admissions are made proof of membership must be provided by the appropriate church leader. Tie break In any situation where the application of the admissions criteria results in more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the tie-breaker will be determined by random selection by an independent body. Parents wishing to apply for a place at Cardinal Newman Catholic School must also complete the school’s supplementary form and provide their child’s original Baptismal Certificate. The documents must be returned to their child’s current school (if this is in Luton) or to the Council’s Admissions Team by 31 October 2014. The supplementary form is enclosed with this guide or can be downloaded at www.luton.gov.uk/admissions. Alternatively, a paper copy can be obtained from the Catholic junior and primary schools in Luton or from the Council’s Admissions Team. 73 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The governing body was able to offer a place to all pupils who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 4 0 69 67 0 14 18 3 9 25 13 24 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 September 2013 Transfer Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 5 2 1 50% 1 50% 3 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Other children Children from other faith backgrounds Children from other Christian denominations Siblings other than Catholic Other baptised Catholic children Baptised Catholic children attending relevant feeder schools Baptised Catholic children attending relevant feeder schools with siblings Practising baptised Catholic children from other parishes Practising baptised Catholic children from relevant parishes 246 Practising baptised Catholic siblings 389 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2014) 248 Special Educational Needs Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 74 Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 5 High School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Admissions criteria for Challney High School for Boys and Denbigh High School In accordance with the Education Act 1996, children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs are required to be admitted to the school named in the Statement. Thereafter, the following priorities will apply: 1.Looked after children or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. 2.Siblings of pupils attending the school at the proposed admission date who currently live within the catchment area. 3.Children of staff currently employed at the school. 4.Pupils living in the catchment area of the school. 5.On medical grounds supported by a medical certificate. 6.Siblings of pupils attending the school at the proposed admission date who live outside the school’s catchment area. 7.On the shortest distance, measured in a straight line, between the centre of the front main entrance of the school site and the pupil’s home address which is measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer. Those who live closer to the school will be accorded higher priority. See pages 84-86 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Tie break The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. If a place cannot be agreed for all applicants meeting a specific criterion, the distance criterion (priority 7) will be used as a tie-breaker. In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. twins or children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie-breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a governor, independent of the Admissions Team. Waiting list Where it is not possible to agree all applications for the school, a waiting list will be devised. The waiting list is organised in the order of priority of the school’s admissions criteria. It is not based on the date the application was added to the list. The waiting list will be held until 31 July 2016. Thereafter, it will be necessary for parents to re-apply to remain on the waiting list. 75 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The governing body at Challney High School for Boys and Denbigh High School was unable to offer a place to all pupils who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation. The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 4 1 78 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 224 Distance 779 49 Siblings living outside of the catchment area 224 0 Medical Denbigh High School 5 Catchment 180 Children of staff 403 Siblings living in the catchment area Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2014) 165 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 Challney High School for Boys Special Educational Needs Published admissions number 76 School Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 126 x 0 0 0 50 0 141 x 0 0 0 164 Challney High School for Boys was unable to offer a place to all pupils who met the Catchment criterion; therefore, the catchment area pupils living closest to the school were allocated a place. Denbigh High School was unable to offer a place to all pupils who met the Catchment criterion; therefore, the catchment area pupils living closest to the school were allocated a place. Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer School Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn Challney High School for Boys 15 1 12 5 42% 7 58% 2 Denbigh High School 53 6 45 8 18% 37 82% 2 September 2013 Transfer School Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn Challney High School for Boys 20 2 11% 17 89% 1 0 Denbigh High School 27 1 4% 25 96% 1 0 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. High School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Admissions criteria for Challney High School for Girls, Lealands High School and Putteridge High School Should there be more applications than places available, the following criteria will be used to allocate places. In accordance with the Education Act 1996, children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs are required to be admitted to the school named in the Statement. Thereafter, the following priorities will apply: 1.A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order21. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). 2.Pupils living in the catchment area of the school. 3.On medical grounds supported by medical evidence. 4.Brothers and sisters of pupils attending the school when the pupil starts at the school*. 5.On the shortest distance, measured in a straight line, between the main entrance22 of the school site and the pupil’s home address23, with those living closer to the school being accorded higher priority. *For Challney High School for Girls this criterion will apply to sisters of pupils attending either Challney High School for Boys or Challney High School for Girls. See pages 84-86 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Tie break The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. If the Council is unable to agree a place for all applicants meeting a specific criterion, the distance criterion (priority 5) will be used as a tie-breaker. In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. twins or children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie-breaker will be random selection, witnessed by a Council Officer, independent of the Admissions Team. Waiting list Your child’s name will be held on the waiting list for any school(s) you have ranked higher than the school your child has been allocated. 21 An adoption order relates to children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 22 Main entrance of the school means the door used to access the school’s main reception. 23 The home address is measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer. 77 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School For example: First preference: school A – child’s name held on a waiting list for school A Second preference: school B – place offered at school B Third preference: school C – place not required as a higher preference school has been allocated. Waiting lists are organised in the order of priority of the schools’ admissions criteria. Please note that the position of your child on the waiting list(s) may change as children are added to or deleted from the list(s). Waiting lists are not based on the date the application was added to the list(s). Waiting lists will be held until 31 July 2016. Thereafter, it will be necessary for parents to re-apply to remain on the waiting list(s). Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The Council was unable to offer a place to all pupils who stated the following school as a preference in the initial allocation. Challney High School for Girls The Council was able to offer a place to all pupils who stated the following schools as a preference in the initial allocation. Lealands High School Putteridge High School The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 0 0 Lealands High School 210 371 196 0 Putteridge High School 243 317 109 2 185 2 117 0 59 0 0 0 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Children in Care or previously looked after 210 Distance Special Educational Needs 353 Siblings Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2014) 210 Medical Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 Challney High School for Girls Catchment Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: School 78 5 20 x 28 13 64 7 41 0 0 Challney High School for Girls was unable to offer a place to all pupils who met the Distance criterion, therefore, the pupils living closest to the school were allocated a place How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 High School Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer School Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn Challney High School for Girls 3 0 3 2 67% 1 33% 0 Lealands High School No appeals were lodged for the school Putteridge High School No appeals were lodged for the school September 2013 Transfer School Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn Challney High School for Girls 15 14 2 14% 12 86% 1 Lealands High School No appeals were heard for the school Putteridge High School No appeals were heard for the school This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Admissions criteria for Icknield High School In accordance with the Education Act 1996, children with a Statement of SEN are required to be admitted to the school named in the Statement. Additionally, the Education (Admission of Looked After Children (England) Regulation 2006) require the school to give top priority to children in care after children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs. Thereafter, the following priorities will apply: Should there be more applications than places available, the following criteria will apply, in the order set out, to decide which children to admit: 1.Students who are looked after by a local authority or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order24 where the person with parental responsibility completed the application form expressing a written preference for the school. 2.Students having their current home address within the present local authority designated catchment area. 3.Siblings of students attending the school at the time of proposed admission. 4.Medical grounds, supported by an appropriate medical certificate. 5.Any other applicant. 24 An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 79 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Tie break The distance criterion will also be used as the “tie-breaker” for situations where the number of places allocated within any of the criteria (2) to (5) reaches the published admissions number.The distance criterion is measured on the shortest straight line distance from the central school quadrangle to the mid point, front of house at the student’s home address, with those living closer to the school being accorded the higher priority. The school will make every effort to accommodate all students living in the catchment area. If necessary the school will admit a small number of students over the 290 admission number in agreement with the Local Authority (as set out in paragraph 1.18 of the Admission Code). If this is done, it does not alter the published admissions number and the waiting list will only be activated once the roll for that year drops below 290 through natural wastage.This arrangement applies only to oversubscription criterion 2. Waiting list The school will operate a waiting list, activated as places become available based on the criteria. A place on the waiting list will be held for one year and must be re-applied for annually. Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The governing body was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 204 30 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 2 Distance 4 Medical Siblings 290 Catchment 942 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2014) 290 Special Educational Needs Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: Published admissions number 80 0 50 x 75 The school was unable to offer a place to all pupils who met the Distance criterion; therefore, the pupils living closest to the school were allocated a place. How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 High School Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 14 3 11 4 36% 7 64% 0 September 2013 Transfer Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 19 17 2 12% 15 88% 2 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Admissions criteria for Lea Manor High School In accordance with the Education Act 1996, children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs are required to be admitted to the school named in the Statement. Thereafter, should there be more applications than places available, the following criteria will be applied at the time of application, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit: 1.A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order25 where the person with parental responsibility has expressed a written preference for the school. 2.Students having their permanent residence within the present local authority designated catchment area and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school. 3.Siblings of children attending the school at the time of proposed admission and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school. 4.Students seeking admission on medical grounds (supported by a medical certificate that has been agreed by the Health Authority) and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school. 5.Any other applicant. Tie break Where the number of places allocated within any of the criteria reaches the planned admission number the straight line distance from the school reception entrance to the pupil’s front door, using the local authority’s computerised measuring system will be used as a ‘tie-breaker’ with places being allocated to those who live closest first. An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 25 81 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Waiting list Where it is not possible to agree all applications, a waiting list will be devised. For the new Year 7 intake the pupils’ names will be held on the waiting list until 31 July 2016. Parents will need to re-apply for a place after this date if they wish their child’s name to be carried forward on the waiting list. Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The governing body was able to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 7 0 0 41 Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 12 Distance 134 Medical Siblings 194 Catchment 393 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2014) 240 Special Educational Needs Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 82 Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer – no appeals have been lodged for the school September 2013 Transfer – no appeals were heard for the school This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Admissions criteria for Luton Girls’ Academy At the time of printing, the Academy’s admission arrangements had not been approved by the Department for Education. Once approved the criteria will be displayed on both the Council’s website (www.luton.gov.uk/admissions) and the Academy’s website (www.lutongirlsacademy.com). Hard copies will be available on request by telephoning the Admissions Team on (01582) 54 80 16 or the Academy on (01582) 63 55 80. Admissions criteria for Stopsley High School If the number of places in a particular year group at the school is not sufficient to meet the number of applications from parents, the following criteria are applied to determine how places will be allocated. 26 An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 High School 1.A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order26. A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their Social Services functions (Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). 2.Students living in the catchment area of the school. 3.Siblings of children attending the school at the time of proposed admission. 4.Students who do not live in the catchment area but who attend a local feeder school i.e. Stopsley Primary, St Matthews Primary or Bushmead Primary. 5.Medical grounds supported by an appropriate medical practitioner. 6.Students living outside of the catchment area who do not attend one of the feeder schools. The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. See pages 84-86 for definitions of terms within this criteria. Tie break A tie-breaker will come into force where the number of places eligible within any of the criteria set out would exceed the Approved Admissions Number (AAN). In such circumstances shortest straight line distance from the door to the school’s main reception to the student’s home address27, will be used. Students living closer to the school will be given priority. In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. twins or children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie-breaker will be random selection, witnessed by an independent body. Waiting list For the Year 7 intake the names will be held on the waiting list until 31 July 2016. Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 7 intake The governing body was unable to offer a place to all children who stated the school as a preference in the initial allocation: The ticks () show which pupils were offered a place and the crosses (X) show the criterion in which some pupils were refused a place. 27 23 32 The home address is measured from a point at the address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer. Number of pupils on the waiting list as at 30 May 2014 Feeder School 119 Distance 0 Medical 4 Siblings 198 Catchment Number of places allocated in the initial allocation (3 March 2013) 564 Children in Care or previously looked after Number of first, second and third preferences received before 31 October 2013 198 Special Educational Needs Published admissions number Number of places allocated in the initial allocation under the following criteria: 0 20 x 15 83 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School The Governing Body at Stopsley High School was unable to offer all applications a place in the initial allocation of places. The school was unable to offer a place to all pupils who met the Distance criterion; therefore, the pupils living closest to the school were allocated a place. Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer Number of appeals received Number of appeals pending Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 5 0 3 1 33% 2 67% 2 September 2013 Transfer 84 Number of appeals received Heard Agreed % Not agreed % Number of appeals withdrawn 2 0 0 0% 0 100% 2 This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. Definitions Home address (definition for Ashcroft High School, Stopsley High School and community high schools) The LA regards a pupil’s home address as where she or he spends the majority of the school week (i.e. Monday to Friday, including nights) with her/his parent or legal guardian. The address of a childminder or family member who looks after the child before or after school cannot be used. If there is any query on the home address this will be checked against official documentation. Home address (definition for Cardinal Newman Catholic School) A pupil’s home address will be regarded as the address of the parent(s) or carer(s) with parental responsibility with whom the pupil usually lives.This will not usually include grandparents, aunts or uncles. Where a pupil spends time with parents at more than one address, the address used will be the one at which the pupil is ordinarily resident and where the pupil spends the majority of the school week (Monday to Friday) including nights. If there is any query on the home address this will be checked against official documentation. Home address (definition of Barnfield South Academy, Barnfield West Academy, Challney High School for Boys and Denbigh High School) The school regards a pupil’s home address as where she or he spends the majority of the school week (i.e. Monday to Friday, including nights) with her/his parent or legal guardian. The address of a childminder or family member who looks after the child before or after school cannot be used. The Governing Body reserves the right to seek verification from the Local Authority in which the home is situated. High School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Looked after child (definition for Challney High School for Boys and Denbigh High School) A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions. Looked after child (definition for Cardinal Newman Catholic School) A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Siblings (definition for Ashcroft High School, community high schools, Challney High School for Boys and Denbigh High School) The term ‘siblings’ include natural, adopted and step brothers and sisters. It also includes fostered siblings, where foster care has been arranged by Children and Family Services. Other family relationships such as cousins will not be considered under this criterion. Siblings (definition for Cardinal Newman Catholic School) A sibling is defined as brothers and sisters living in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, step brothers or sisters and foster brothers and sisters. That sibling must be in school (Year 7-13) at the time of admission to fit into the admissions criteria (i.e. the sibling will be at Cardinal Newman in the academic year 2014-15 to fit into the admissions criteria). Siblings (definition for Stopsley High School) Sibling refers to brothers or sisters, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. Medical grounds (definition for Ashcroft High School, community high schools, Challney High School for Boys and Denbigh High School) This refers to the health of the child for whom a place is being requested and for whom the requested school is the most suitable in the area to meet the child’s medical needs. It must relate to a recognised medical condition for which the child is receiving treatment. A medical certificate must be provided to substantiate the claim. The medical certificate will be sent to the Health Authority for advice in determining whether the child should be prioritised on medical grounds with regard to admission to the requested school. Medical grounds (definition for Stopsley High School) Medical grounds refer to cases where there are reasons which make it essential that a child should attend Stopsley High School and where Stopsley High School is the only school that could meet the child’s needs. A medical report from the child’s doctor or consultant must be submitted with the application form, setting out valid medical reasons why it is essential for the child to be admitted to Stopsley High School and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. The comments of the authority’s medical officer may also be sought in order to decide whether it is essential for a child to be admitted to Stopsley High School on medical grounds. Admission on medical grounds cannot be considered where the medical condition relates to that of a parent/carer, brother, sister or other relative. Children of staff (definition for Challney High School for Boys and Denbigh High School) A member of staff is defined as someone who meets all the following criteria a) to d) inclusive of criterion e) at the time the application for admission to the school is made: a)is employed by the school on a permanent contract and b)has been in post continuously for at least two years and c)is permanently contracted to work for the school for at least fifteen hours per week and 85 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School d)has not given notice of resignation or e)is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage which are determined annually. Someone who meets the criteria but has been TUPEed to another employer and is still working at the school is also defined as a member of staff for the purposes of this document. Combined catchment areas (definitions for Barnfield South Academy and Barnfield West Academy) The combined catchment area covers the specific wards and postcodes associated with the Luton Borough Council wards listed, these being Leagrave, Biscot, Challney, Saints, Lewsey, Round Green, Luton Icknield, Dallow, High Town, Limbury, Stopsley, Bramingham, Barnfield, Northwell, Wigmore, Crawley, Farley, South and Sundon Park. The postcodes of the wards within the combined catchment area will be published on the Council’s admissions webpage (www.luton.gov.uk/admissions) under the catchment area link. The postcodes are also available on request from the Admissions Team or the academy. 86 High school and academy open evenings It is strongly recommended that parents/carers and pupils attend the open evenings of the high schools and academies that interest them. Open evenings give parents and pupils the opportunity to gain a good overview of the school by meeting staff and pupils and gathering information about the school or academy. School Date Time Ashcroft High School 8 October 2014 5pm – 7.30pm Barnfield South Academy 30 September 2014 5.30pm – 8.30pm Barnfield West Academy 2 October 2014 5.30pm – 8.30pm Cardinal Newman Catholic School 1 October 2014 5.30pm – 9pm Challney High School for Boys 23 October 2014 7pm – 9pm Challney High School for Girls 16 October 2014 6pm – 8.30pm Denbigh High School 9 October 2014 6pm – 9pm Icknield High School 30 September 2014 6.30pm – 8.30pm Lea Manor High School 16 October 2014 5.30pm – 7.30pm Lealands High School 8 October 2014 5.30pm – 9pm 25 September 2014 6.30pm – 8.30pm Chaul End Community Centre, Dunstable Road, Luton LU4 8QN 1 October 2014 6.30pm – 8.30pm Leagrave Centre, Strangers Way, Luton LU4 9ND Luton Girl’s Academy Putteridge High School 2 October 2014 6pm – 8.30pm Stopsley High School 1 October 2014 2 October 2014 6.30pm – 8.30pm 10am – 12noon High School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Timetable September 2014 Parents/carers receive a letter which briefly explains the application process. The letter will have their child’s Unique Identifier Number (UID) and the catchment school for their address. Please take the time to read the relevant sections within this guide to make sure you understand the process. Further information and advice is available from the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16. September – October 2014 Open evenings for high schools and academies. 31 October 2014 Online applications must be submitted by this date. If you have completed a paper application form this must be returned to your child’s current Luton school or to the Council’s Admissions Team by this date. Applicants for Cardinal Newman Catholic School must also ensure that they have submitted a completed supplementary form together with their child’s original Baptismal Certificate by this date. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered in the initial allocation of places, except in very exceptional circumstances. 2 March 2015 Offer emails are sent to parents/carers. Decision letters are sent to parents/carers via the junior /primary schools. If your child attends a school outside of Luton, or an independent (private) school, the letter will be sent via the post. April 2015 Admissions appeals will take place from April 2015. 87 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 High School Contact details for Luton High Schools and Academies 88 School Address Headteacher Telephone Number Admission Number Ashcroft High School Crawley Green Road, Luton, LU2 9AG Ms Austin 01582 43 61 00 270 Barnfield South Academy Rotheram Avenue, Luton, LU1 5PP Mrs Barr Principal 01582 81 15 15 270 Barnfield West Academy Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NE Mr Hardy Principal 01582 60 12 21 270 Cardinal Newman Catholic School Warden Hill Road, Luton, LU2 7AE Mr Richardson 01582 59 71 25 270 Challney High School for Boys Stoneygate Road, Luton, LU4 9TJ Dame Yasmin Bevan Executive Prinicpal Mr Connor Associate Prinicipal 01582 59 99 21 165 Challney High School for Girls Addington Way, Luton, LU4 9FJ Mrs Havard 01582 57 14 27 210 Denbigh High School Alexandra Avenue, Luton, LU3 1HE Dame Yasmin Bevan Executive Prinicpal Mr Townsend Associate Prinicipal 01582 73 66 11 224 Icknield High School Riddy Lane, Luton, LU3 2AH Mr Dean 01582 57 65 61 290 Lealands High School Sundon Park Road, Luton, LU3 3AL Mr Burridge 01582 61 16 00 210 Lea Manor High School Northwell Drive, Luton, LU3 3TL Ms Simpson 01582 65 26 00 240 Luton Girls’ Academy Address to be confirmed www,lutongirlsacademy.com To be confirmed 01582 63 55 80 120 Putteridge High School Putteridge Road, Luton, LU2 8HJ Mrs Beauchamp 01582 41 57 91/2 243 Stopsley High School St Thomas’ Road, Luton, LU2 7UX Ms Johns 01582 87 09 00 198 Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A505 5 Cardinal Newman Catholic School Lea Manor High School Lealands High School Icknield High School Barnfield West Academy Challney High School for Girls Challney High School for Boys Barnfield South Academy Denbigh High School Stopsley High School Putteridge High School Ashcroft High School Dunstable North 6 3 7 2 Not to scale M1 A505 LEAGRAVE 8 1 A1081 LUTON 10 12 11 LUTON AIRPORT PARKWAY A505 Hitchin Stevenage and A1 LONDON LUTON AIRPORT © Crown copyright. All rights reserved Luton Borough Council. Licence No. 100023935 (2010). B4540 9 A6 B579 4 M25 and London Bedford High School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Map of High Schools and Academies 89 45 y l p p a o t How l o o h c s a for r o f e plac 5 1 0 2 r e b m e t p Se Studio School/ UTC Children due to transfer to studio school or University Technical College in September 2015 Studio School How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Information on the studio school/UTC transfer for September 2015 Students can opt to transfer to a studio school or University Technical College at the beginning of Year 10. Admissions criteria for Barnfield Skills Academy Students enter Barnfield Skills Academy in Year 10 and remain at the academy until the end of Year 11. The academy has a sixth form and students can apply for a place in the sixth form during Year 11. The academy will teach the national curriculum in English, Maths, Science and ICT via multi disciplinary practical learning and offers both academic and vocational qualifications. Where the number of applications for admission exceed the published admission number, after the admission of pupils with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming Barnfield Skills Academy, the following oversubscription criteria will apply in the following consecutive order: a. Looked after children (children who are (a) in the care of local authorities or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions as defined by section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) or children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted28 or became subject to a residence order29 or special guardianship order30. b.Children of staff employed by Barnfield Skills Academy who the academy reasonably considers has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage and/or who have two or more years of service at the time of the application to Barnfield Skills Academy. Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. The Academy currently considers teachers employed to undertake roles in maths, English and science as areas of demonstrable shortage and therefore compliant with this policy, however this criteria may change during the course of an academic year. c. Children who attend the Barnfield feeder schools – applicants who have been on the admission roll at the close of the previous year of any of the designated feeder schools. Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. Only the following named schools are regarded as feeder schools to Barnfield Skills Academy for the year 2015/16, where additional feeder schools are proposed in the future this will be subjected to a further round of consultation. Barnfield South Academy Barnfield West Academy 28 An adoption order relates to the children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales. 29 Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘residence order’ as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live. 30 Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 91 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Studio School d.Children who have siblings currently at the Barnfield Skills Academy and will continue to be on the admission roll at the point of admission. Siblings are defined as meaning two or more children who have at least one parent in common and/or who reside at the same house as one another (for example foster children). Where a child has been legally adopted, he or she will be regarded as the sibling of any other children of the same legal guardian on the admission roll at the point of admission. Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. e.Pupils living within the ‘combined catchment area’, where the number of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. f. Pupils living outside the ‘combined catchment area’, where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation. Tie break Where the numbers of applicants for oversubscription criteria b), c), d), e) and f) exceeds the number of places available, offers will be determined by random allocation for each oversubscription criterion in turn. Applications will be placed in rank order by random allocation, based upon the drawing of names from a list, all first, second and third preferences will be considered equally. The random allocation process is to be overseen and undertaken by an independent body. 92 Summary of places allocated for the September 2014 Year 10 intake No pupils were allocated a place at Barnfield Skills Academy in the initial allocation. However, as at 30 May 2014, eight pupils have been allocated a place at the school. Summary of places agreed on appeal September 2014 Transfer No appeals have been lodged for the school. September 2012 Transfer No appeals were heard for the school. This information is correct as at 30 May 2014. How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Studio School Definitions Home address Barnfield Skills Academy regards a pupil’s home address as where she or he spends the majority of the school week (i.e. Monday to Friday, including nights) with her/his parent or legal guardian. The address of a childminder or family member who looks after the child before or after school cannot be used. The governing body reserves the right to seek verification from the local authority in which the home is situated. Combined catchment areas The combined catchment area covers the specific wards and postcodes associated with the Luton Borough Council wards listed, these being Leagrave, Biscot, Challney, Saints, Lewsey, Round Green, Luton Icknield, Dallow, High Town, Limbury, Stopsley, Bramingham, Barnfield, Northwell, Wigmore, Crawley, Farley, South and Sundon Park as well as four postcodes and wards associated with the Central Bedfordshire Council these being Dunstable Icknield, Houghton Hall, Tithe Farm and Parkside. The postcodes of the wards within the combined catchment area will be published on the Council’s admissions webpage (www.luton.gov.uk/admissions) under the catchment area link. The postcodes are also available on request from the Admissions Team or the academy. Open evening It is strongly recommended that parents/carers and pupils attend the open evening for Barnfield Skills Academy. The open evening gives parents and pupils the opportunity to gain a good overview of the academy by meeting staff and pupils and gathering information about the academy. Date Time 7 October 2014 5pm – 8pm 24 February 2015 5pm – 8pm 93 ply p a o t How ool h c s a r fo r place fo ber m e t p e S 2015 Studio School Timetable September 2014 Application forms and guidance will be available from the Council’s Admissions Team or Barnfield Skills Academy. Please take the time to read the relevant sections of this guide to make sure you understand the process. Further information and advice is available from the Admissions Team on 01582 54 80 16. October 2014 and February 2015 Open evening. 31 October 2014 Completed application forms must be returned to the Council’s Admissions Team by this date. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered in the initial allocation of places, except in very exceptional circumstances. 2 March 2015 Decision letters are sent to parents/carers via the post. 94 April 2015 Admission appeals will take place from April 2015. Contact details for Barnfield Skills Academy Academy Address Headteacher Telephone Number Admission Number Barnfield Skills Academy York Street, Luton, LU2 0EZ email -charmaine.vaughan@barnfield.ac.uk Mr Cronin 01582 56 97 02 75 How to apply for a sc hool place fo r Septem ber 2015 Studio School Map of Studio School Barnfield Skills Academy York Street Luton LU2 0EZ Telephone Number: 01582 56 97 02 North TO BIRMINGHAM ag d Ro a in Hi tch s e Av e Stock in t e Rd al l xh au t ps uc y ne La A1 rt W ay po Lo ndo n Road 1 08 Ai r Junction 10 c Crown copyright. All rights reserved Luton Borough Council. Licence No.100023935 (2009) 9 TO HARPENDEN South TO LONDON y Wa t Gy tS TOWN CENTRE St r ua St ll Hi V Barnfield Skills Academy Guildf or d P a r k Vi a d y rle Fa 50 5 A A506 5 on dford Rd le R d A6 Hatters Way Dun sta b nt ro Mo gs A505 Rd Old B e Junction 11 St op sle y Le ra ve oad eR dg i r tte Pu A ir port Way A 505 t High S ld Ave Barnfie Lane A5 05 Riddy TO HITCHIN Wa y d mR ha y Wa ld A6 ay W es ur st Pa Br am ing M1 Leagrave nie Ick A6 New Bedford Rd e riv ll D we rth No TO BEDFORD London Luton Airport 95 Y L P P A O T HOW L O O H C S FOR A R O F E PLAC 5 1 0 2 R E B M E T P E S
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