33 11 2013 11 Vol.33, No.11 Nov. 2013 doi: 10.7669/j.issn.0253-357X.2013.11.0765 E-mail: randc_journal@163.com Reproduction & Contraception ( , - (renin-angiotensin system, RAS) , : ; - - RAS RAS (RAS); : R711.5 1 RAS AngII , Ang-(1-7) AngI , ) 2 AngII ; ACE2-Ang-(1-7)-Mas RAS [2-4] Ang-(1-7), (1-7) , Ang- AT1 AT2 , , AT1 AT2 / , [5 ,6] E-mail: 604500916@qq.com Ang AngII AngII (EMs) ; Tel: +86-311-66003768; Fax: +86-311-66002023; ACE2 AngII ACE2 AngII ; : AngI Ang-(1-7), AngI ACE-AngIIAT1/AT2 AngII ACE AngII [1] ( , Ang-(1-7) Mas RAS, [1,7-10] RAS (angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE) AT2 RAS : 0253-357X(2013)11-0765-05 II(AngII) 2(ACE2) , , ; :A (renin-angiotensin system, (renin) , ; RAS) AT1 , 050000) AT1 Mas , RAS AT1 G , (GPCR) Ang-(1-7) A 765 (aminopeptidase A, APA) (adipocyte- derived leucine aminopeptidase, A-LAP) , APA (Zn) AngII , ; ; , , ; , AngII , A-LAP AngII A-LAP AngII Mas , , , A-LAP AngII APA (renin) 2 , RAS AngII APA , RAS , , ; APA RAS , AngII [11] , AngII AngII [3,11-13] , AngII AngII , , APA , , AngII, AngII [14,15] , , AngII AngII , , [12] Ang 3 , , RAS , , , Ang RAS, , , AT2 , , , , AT1 [16] AT1 AT2 , , ACE2 , , , - [17,18] ACE AT1 AngII ACE ACE-AngII-AT1/AT2 , , RAS ACE [13] Ang-(1-7) , , ACE , , , AT1 , [3] 766 Ang-(1-7) [19] , Ang-(1-7) AT1, Ang-(1-7) , , AngII ACE Ang-(1-7) AT2 , , ; AngII AT1 AngII-ACE , Ang-(1-7)-ACE2 , [11] , ACE AT1 , [20] Ang-(1-7) 4 RAS RAS , ACE AT1 , RAS , , EMs [21] AngII RAS Ang, AT1 RAS , ACE 2350*G 240*T [27] , ACE- [28] EMs , ACE A2350G EMs AT1, RAS AngII , , AT1 , ; Era AT1 AT2 [31,32] AngII , , Ang / , , , , AT2 , , , Ang , , APA , NEP P-LAP AT1 AngII -1 , p21 , , , RAS , AT2 , RAS , 5 RAS , , [6,26-32] 3 APA, NEP P-LAP , AT2 , AT2 / AT2 [25] , AT1 , AT2 AT2 G2 VEGF , , AT1 ; , I [29] Ang [1,8,9] , G3 , AngII , G1 G2 ; G1 (VEGF) (FGF) , G3 ( FIGO ) , (Ang) , A-LAP [30] , [24] [29] , A-LAP , : VEGF 94 , , , A-LAP AngII , AngII , EMs , AngII (HEC-1A)VEGF A-240T [23] , RAS EMs [22] , G , [21] AngII RAS , 767 Hum Reprod, 1997, 12(3):2804-2. 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Related studies have shown that local RAS participates in a series of physiological processes such as endometrial periodic changes, reproductive function regulation, and pregnant uterine body homeostasis. And local RAS also participates in the pathological process such as endometriosis (EMs), functional endometrial bleeding and endometrial cancer. Key words: renin-angiotensin system (RAS); angiotensin; angiotensin receptor; endometrium ****************************************************************************************************************************************** 769
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