January 2006 How to enter China‘s Tourism Market Best Practice Examples of Europe‘s Tourism Industry German National Tourist Board Slovak Tourist Board Regional Tourism Organization Hesse Cities Cologne, Vienna Airport Munich International Airport Hotel Accor Hotel Group Service Providers China Consulting, Global Refund China Outbound Tourism Research Project e.V. Best Practice National Tourism Organization www.china-outbound.com Official Partner Content Contributors Page Foreword by the President of COP e.V. 4 Chinese Outbound Tourism Market by COP e.V. 6 Accor Hotel Group 9 China Consulting 10 Cologne Tourist Board 13 German National Tourist Board 17 Global Refund Co. 19 Hesse Agency 22 Munich International Airport 24 Slovak Tourist Board 28 Vienna Tourist Board 31 Editorial 35 „HOW TO ENTER THE CHINESE OUTBOUND TOURISM MARKET?“ BY PROF. DR. W. ARLT (COP E.V.) „How to enter the Chinese outbound tourism market?“ The question implies the happy fact that a Chinese outbound market has started to emerge. „He who travels far knows much“ is an old Chinese saying and travelling to learn more about foreign countries and their inhabitants is a major interest which for many Chinese citizens can be realized now. “What a joy to receive friends from afar” the tourism industry in Europe can greet the one million Chinese who travelled to Europe (without Russia) in 2004 with a quotation from Confucius. However, the choice for Chinese leisure tourists is by now almost the whole world and their interests and expectations differ greatly from those of other international travellers. How to reach the potential visitors and how to provide adequate service to them are questions which are not easy to answer for many destinations and service providers outside China and especially outside Asia. The China Outbound Tourism Research Project (COP e.V.), a non-profit association, is collecting and distributing information and know-how about the development of the Chinese outbound tourism, acting as a bridge between the tourism industry inside and outside China as well as between the industry and researchers. A major activity of COP is the organization of the ECTW European Chinese Tourists Welcoming Award. Since 2004, every year awards are presented in five categories with a gold, silver and bronze medal each during a ceremony at the ITB Tourism Fair in Berlin. The jury consists of major experts from China and Europe. COP is proud to have WTO World Tourism Organization, Asia-Pacific Representative, as patron, Global Refund as sponsor and Travel and Trade in Europe Magazine as media partner. 4 All winners automatically become members of the ECTW Winners club. Meetings of club members to exchange information and to discuss current developments of the Chinese outbound market are held twice a year, once in China and once during the ITB Fair in Berlin. In this publication we have the pleasure to present best practice examples of some of the members of the ECTW Winners club, who give valuable clues to answer the question “How to enter the Chinese outbound tourism market.” President of China Outbound Research Project e.V. Tourism „THE CHINESE OUTBOUND TOURISM MARKET“ BY PROF. DR. WOLFGANG ARLT (COP e.V.) The Chinese outbound tourism market China has developed into a major force in global tourism. More than a billion tourists move around within their own country, the largest number of domestic travellers in any country. 42 million arrivals bring China into fourth position as a tourism destination worldwide. As this is still equivalent to a ratio of about 3 inbound visitors per 100 inhabitants only, further increases can be expected. For outbound tourism the Chinese government has been giving way to the demand of its subjects in several steps since the first visits to relatives in Hong Kong were permitted in 1983. Short term tours to Hong Kong and Macao, now both Special Administrative Regions of China, still provide the most common experience for Mainland Chinese crossing the border. Longdistance leisure travel is still in reach for only a few per cent of the Chinese population – but even 3 or 4% of 1.3 billion people amount to 40 to 50 million potential visitors. With the easing of passport procedures, the introduction of Approved Destination Status (ADS) for most major destinations and the installation of national “Golden Weeks” holidays, restrictions other than financial are luckily disappering quickly. However, the biggest part of these tourists travelled no further than to the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao, with more than 20 million visits in 2004, an increase of 400% compared to 1999. 4.5 million of these visitors were only day-trippers. The relative importance of the quasi-domestic tourism to these two Chinese territories increased from 55% in 1999 to 71% in 2004. Including the other Asian destinations and border tourists, Asia’s share of the total Chinese outbound tourism has grown to 90%. Source: Arlt: China‘s Outbound Tourism, Routledge 2006 Source: Arlt: China‘s Outbound Tourism, Routledge 2006 China outbound leisure tourism to destinations outside Asia started with the first ADS groups going to Australia and New Zealand in 1999. Since then the total number of Chinese citizens leaving Mainland China grew within five years from less than 10 million to almost 30 million persons, an increase of 313%. For 2005 a figure of about 33 million border crossings were expected. Europe is the second-most important continent, albeit with only 6% of the total in 2004. In absolute figures the visitor numbers doubled from 438,000 in 1999 to 998,000 in 2004, just shy of the one-million mark. In Chinese statistics, Russia is included in the figures for Europe, but as the vast majority of the visitors to Russia are border tourists and small traders crossing into the Russian Far East and Siberia, the Russian share has to be subtracted from the European total. 7 Europe is often named as the most coveted destination by Chinese tourists. “Many Chinese visitors will select the EU as their destination in the coming years for Europe’s rich cultural heritage and very different lifestyles and customs from Asian countries, and there are dozens of convenient non-stop flights between China and the EU.” (Liu Wuxiong, Managing Director of the CITS Outbound Department, quoted in China Daily 2004). Most long-distance destinations are visited by Chinese leisure tourists as single countries because of their size or geographical isolation or as a combination of just two countries. This is the case for the USA, sometimes in tandem with Canada, for Australia, sometimes in tandem with New Zealand, for Japan and for South Korea. Opposite to this, Europe is seen as one destination which however offers the opportunity to visit many different countries in close proximity but with varied cultures and attractions and to visit several times for different parts and aspects. The existence of the European Union and its representations and offices in China, the common ADS MOU, the Schengen agreement and the existence of a common currency in most major European destinations support the perception of one Europe also within the tourism industry. China is today connected to Europe by several hundred flights every week, with several flights a day from major hubs like Paris or Frankfurt and daily non-stop connections between more than a dozen European airports from Madrid to Moscow and Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou. The development of the visitor numbers to Europe according to Chinese outbound statistics shows a relative decline of Russia but otherwise a rather stable relation between the shares of Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the other European countries since 1999. The big caveat to these statistics is however the fact that the figures only reflect the first port of call. On the one hand, some Southern Chinese travellers taking a plane from Hong Kong to Europe do not show up in the statistics as travellers to Europe but to Hong Kong. On the other hand, 80% of all Chinese visitors to Europe travel to more than one, sometimes up to ten, countries. To check the figures against national inbound statistics is also not always successful as in Schengenland no border controls are executed, national statistics did not or still do not give separate figures for visitors from the People’s Republic. As a result the city tourism board of Paris reports 400,000 Chinese visitors for 2004, double the numbers of Chinese travelling according to the Chinese statistics to the whole of France in this year. Whatever the exact figures, Chinese outbound tourists will continue to come to Europe in growing numbers, looking for “branded” sights and attractions, insisting on Chinese food every day and spending large sums of money on shopping. Visitors to European countries (1995 - 2004) 1995 1996 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (1) 608,536 598,968 823,553 1,079,089 1,177,110 1,397,661 1,351,109 1,807,375 (2) 390,470 349,449 437,740 606,102 606,981 681,128 661,231 809,606 (3) 218,065 249,519 385,813 472,987 570,129 706,533 689,878 997,769 (4) 117,069 132,950 93,617 112,824 138,371 165,887 165,168 222,878 (5) 53.7 % 53.3 % 24.3 % 23.9 % 24.3 % 23.5 % 23.9 % 22.3 % (6) 87,826 96,485 114,435 136,692 135,407 210,533 (7) 22.8 % 20.4 % 20.1 % 19.3 % 19.6 % 21.1 % (8) 31,000 31,000 42,807 61,129 88,440 128,000 134,088 177,601 (9) 14.2 % 12.4 % 11.1 % 12.9 % 15.5 % 18.1 % 19.4 % 17.8 % (10) 69,996 85,569 161,563 202,549 228,883 276,154 255,215 386,757 (11) 32.1 % 34.3 % 41.9 % 42.8 % 40.1 % 39.1 % 37.0 % 38.8 % (1) Europe; (2) Russia; (3) Europe without Russia; (4) Germany; (5) Germany % of (3); (6) France; (7) France % of (3); (8) UK; (9) UK % of (3); (10) Other Europe; (11) Other Europe % of (3) Berlin, January 2006 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt President of China Outbound Tourism Research Project e.V. ACCOR GROUP‘S PERFORMANCE TO WELCOME THE CHINESE MARKET ACCOR hotels have been developing rapidly in China since 15 years ago. We have been linking with our Chinese employees and the customers, which enable us to understand the culture and the mentality of this nation. ACCOR has been developing and adapting the needs of occidental customers. We have been providing the following services in all ACCOR hotels in China: • CNN, BBC, TV5 Channels • English newspapers • International speaking staff, etc. Since 2000, ACCOR created a Chinese Incoming Department in Europe. First of all we observed the needs of the Chinese customers by exchanging knowledge with tour operators in China and Incoming Agents in Europe. Then, the marketing research analysed and adapted this market in our hotel. We ensure: • The comfort and well-being of our clients • To secure the customers in order to permit them to feel free; comfortable and in confidence during their stay. ACCOR decided to provide the following additional services to the Chinese customers since 2002: • Chinese Television channel (Phoenix CNE, partner with ACCOR since 2002) • Chinese Newspaper (Travel and Trade, partner with ACCOR since 2002) • Hot water point or a kettle in the room • A Chinese inspired breakfast (rice soup, noodles) • Chinese speaking staff • Documents in Chinese (directly in the room, menu…) More than 120 hotels across Europe will set up the above services in 2006. ACCOR’s aim is to motivate thei incoming agencies for their need, knowledge and discovery of European culture and geography, in order to develop this tourism in the “Standard” level. Thus, we organized Eductour in cooperation with local tourism board of the country to assist incoming agents to create some new destinations adapted to this market. ACCOR is committed to being adequately competitive in order to contribute strongly to this Chinese tourism development in Europe. Mrs. Rosita YIU ACCOR - Vice President Sales Development EMEA Incoming China-Korea 75755 Paris Cedex 15, France Phone +33 145381478 rosita.yiu@accor.com CHINA CONSULTING TRIER When I was a teenager, I saw a helicopter landing opposite the Trier main police station, which was very close to where I lived. At that time the name Hua Guo Feng (the former chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, which he had become as the successor of Mao Zedong in 1976) did not mean much to me, but I knew: “Another Chinese VIP must have come to visit Trier!” Trier is the home town of Karl Marx and the oldest town in Germany. We welcome millions of tourists each year and since many years, like anywhere else, Chinese tourists are becoming more and more important. Politicians and officials kicked off the Chinese incoming market in Trier a long time ago. Today, the picture is different: Apart from the impressing increase in numbers (80.000!), Trier is proud of now having a mix of all kind of Chinese people and classes. Chinese tourists from all over China, young Chinese overseas students, elder Hong Kong and Taiwan Chinese or Chinese business people living in Europe - they all come to Trier. The tourism industry is a very important part of our economy and countless efforts and cultural activities helped increasing the number of visitors year by year. So, no wonder, since a couple of years more and more efforts have been made to increase the offers and the service for Chinese tourists as well. The results are impressive and show, how many of those (sometimes simple) methods and measures are appreciated by Chinese tourists and agents: The number of Chinese tourists has doubled in only three years time! On the following pages, I will try to describe which are the measures that have been taken and how they where and will be implemented. Also, some new ideas are drafted. 10 1. Our Brochure: We knew that Chinese people and especially Chinese tourists love shopping. This is not a secret and good news for a tourist destination like Trier. Among shoppers our town ranks among the top in Germany! The pedestrian zone is huge and reaches from the famous roman city gate, called ‘Porta Nigra’, to the beautiful middle age market place and ends right in front of the Karl Marx Museum. So, why not designing a DIN A4 folded brochure in Chinese language, with a city map extract, some general information about Trier, the live and history of Karl Marx and the shopping opportunities we offer?! Shortly after the first meetings with the Trier retail sales associations and the shop owners we held a nice and useful shopping brochure in our hand. In Chinese language and with special attention to the taste and the preferences of our Chinese guests, the brochure will be printed a fourth run soon! It is distributed to hotels, agents, shops and museums. 2. Our advertising poster, our sticker The folder is accompanied by our advertising poster and a sticker. The first will give detailed information about each shop, its products, the tax free service if applicable and so on. It is available in different sizes allowing each shop owner to either put up the poster in a metal frame in front of his shop or attach it to his shopdoor. Like the sticker and the folder, the poster will also show a logo in form of a polite salutation to Chinese tourists. Through the logo, the Chinese clients will recognize those shops, where they will be serviced well and buy qualitiy products they like. When designing brochure, poster and logo, we especially paid attention to the following points: • Colour and size • Chinese traditions and wording • Choice of articles advertised, choice of shops taking part • Product and tax free information in Chinese language 3. Souvenirs In the hotels, some shops or the Karl Marx Museum in Trier special designed souvenirs are sold to Chinese tourists. It can be anything from pralines to wine, books, post cards or basecaps. Again, before starting the production, the crucial questions were: Which products do we choose? What about the colors, the size and a correct price that sounds nice to Chinese ears? What about the quality of the souvenir and tax free? How to market and advertise the products? Where to sell them? Which language and wording is meaningful to Chinese? 4. Training How do Chinese tourists behave and why do they behave different from other tourists? These and many other questions regularly came up when talking to shop owners and employees from museums or the gastronomy. They are valid and important questions too! When offering our services to clients from the industry, a solid training will always be part of it. And the training is very much appreciated as it might help to increase profit, avoid misunderstandings and even develop one’s own personality and knowledge. The trainings are very informative and will cover everything from background information about China in general up to trends in the Chinese tourism industry or intercultural aspects and language or sales training. It can be adapted to different branches, but the objectives mentioned above will remain the same. 5. Consulting With China becoming the biggest source of incoming tourism in the world, the need to do things right and having the correct partners is becoming more and more important too. A thousand mistakes can be done, a thousand questions have to be well reflected. • Can I profit from this boom? Do I want to? • How to get in touch with agents and tour operators? • How will I react when Chinese tourists do behave in a complete different way than I expected? • In this context, is my staff trained to handle critical situations? • Do Chinese people like coffee and appreciate sleeping in the 4th floor? How to greet them? • Targeting Chinese clients, how and where can I advertise cultural activities? • What shall I sell to Chinese tourists? • What about a webpage or a brochure in Chinese? We discussed a lot more than the above with our clients. Most of the discussions resulted in a little concept with different activities (call it marketing mix). The Karl Marx Museum in Trier is one example. And in the last months it became an extremely appreciated destination by Chinese tourists. Advertisings, Chinese brochures, signs inside the muesum, special offers and souvenirs, trained personell: all those points led into a massive increase in ticket and souvenir sales. We think that it can be very lucrative to think about measures to enter the Chinese inbound market. Chinese appreciate and respect any attention we pay to them. Not enough participants of the tourism industry realize this fact so far. We in Trier have understood that well and now wonder that our efforts are often mentioned in different Chinese and German newspapers and even China Central Television (CCTV). Chinaberatung Christian Schneider Olewigerstr. 170 54295 Trier, Germany There are many opportunities and there is more to come! Phone & Fax: +49 - 651 9129685 info@chinaberatung.com „CHINA OFFENSIVE“ - COLOGNE TOURIST BOARD, THE CITY OF COLOGNE AND PARTNERS FOR MORE CHINA IN COLOGNE Cologne starts „China Offensive“ With a "China Offensive" the city of Cologne enormously expands its commitment to China. The Cologne Tourist Board, the city of Cologne, the Cologne trade fair and the Cologne Chamber of Commerce have developed this offensive together. The ambitious objective is to double the number of companies based in Cologne from the Peoples’ Republic of China over the next two years as well as to continue to grow the numbers of Chinese tourists. With the initiative the city is reacting to the enormous growth dynamics of the Chinese economy. China is already today in the TopTen German trade partners. With growth of 26.4 percent the Peoples’ Republic takes sixth place amongst Germany’s major suppliers. China has tenth place as buyer of German goods. Germany is no longer just interesting as a market for Chinese companies. The Federal Republic has also become an attractive investment location. A study by the China Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation shows Germany has risen to second place behind the USA as second most important target country for overseas investment. Furthermore China is the most rapidly growing tourism outgoing market, and Cologne has been especially able to profit from this in recent years. Cologne has a tightly knit Chinese network, very high competence levels relating to China and as a city appreciates strong partners at its side – because with the Cologne Tourist Board, the Chamber of Commerce of Cologne, and the Cologne Trade Fair the central players of the business with China are around the table. The objective of the joint initiative is to further expand Cologne as a bridge for Chinese tourism and the Chinese economy in Germany and Europe. • More tourists from the Peoples’ Republic of China should visit the cathedral city and increase awareness of Cologne in their home city. • More revenue should be generated in the hotel sector, catering and retail through Chinese tourists. • Cologne should be strengthened as node for trade with the Peoples’ Republic of China. To encourage the economic exchange also serves the growth of the city’s economy and employment. • Chinese investment should be attracted to Cologne in greater volumes than previously. Tourism from China booms in Cologne The tourism industry has gained special significance in economic relations since the start of 2003. Over the last five years the number of guests and nights stayed for Chinese tourists has grown rapidly. Last year the Cologne Tourist Board was able to report an increase of 65.2% in the number of nights and even an increase of 74.6% in the number of guest arrivals. The positive trend in the Chinese guest figures can also be attributed to targeted measures by the Cologne Tourist Board. These were, for example, the distribution of information material in Chinese, the successful training of Chinese tour guides in Cologne by the Cologne Tourist Board, the 2nd travel fair for the China Incoming Market, which took place in Cologne from January 3rd to 4th 2004, as well as the joint marketing campaign in Asia promoting the nine largest German cities under the brand “Magic Cities Germany”. Through this there is an employee available locally in China for local trade to respond to all queries about Cologne as a tourist location and can establish contacts in a quick 13 and unbureaucratic way. Furthermore there is a cooperation with Tax Free Shopping Germany. Tax Free Shopping has proved to be a special attraction for Chinese tourists. This means that visitors from non-EU states can get VAT reimbursed in Tax Free offices. This system is particularly relevant for Cologne as a tourist destination because the Rhine metropolis is number two behind the airport city Frankfurt for Chinese shopping tourism. For the (Non-EU-) shopping nations in Cologne the Chinese are at number one with 25.5%. The distance to the second largest nation is great, as Russian tourists contribute 13.6% to the Tax Free Shopping income. Gifts are especially popular with Chinese visitors. They have a 51% share of total shopping far ahead of watches and jewellery with 11%, clothing with nine percent and leather / bags and department stores with seven percent each. The named figures show that investment in promotion of Chinese tourism for Cologne is worthwhile. At the ITB 2004 the Cologne Tourist Board was awarded the first silver „European Chinese Tourist Welcoming Award“. The award, which was granted by the research project „China Outbound Tourism Research Project“ and the Chinese journal „Travel and Trade in Europe Magazine“, praised the activities of the Cologne Tourist Board for Chinese visitors. This was especially attributed to the training of Chinese tour guides by Köln Tourismus, the close cooperation of the tourism specialists with Chinese partners in Cologne and the surrounding areas as well as the specially developed city map for Chinese tourists. There is sufficient information in Chinese. Cologne Tourist Board provides the brochure „Cologne. The City” in Chinese, as well as the city map and a „Mini Language Guide “. The language guide can be downloaded from the Cologne Tourist Board web page (www.koelntourismus.de). In 1995 the Cologne Department for Economic Promotion already produced a Marketing Guide Cologne with practical tips for Chinese companies. Together with the Cologne Chamber of Commerce they will now create an investment guide which will inform Chinese companies on all aspects of setting up business in Germany and the necessary steps. So that this „Investment Guide Cologne” with the title „Cologne – the best platform for your entry into the European market” can also be used by Chinese companies at home it is also available on the AHK China homepage on the start page for business information in the section with selected recommedations (www.china.ahk.de/ chinese/gic/biznews/ default.htm). The Cologne Trade Fair –important bridge to China The Cologne Trade Fair is already an important bridge to China today. It had founded subsidiaries in Beijing and in Hong Kong in 2002 and its branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou maintain a total of 4 offices to further expand the inward and outward bound business with China. That actually means: The Cologne Trade Fair on the one hand wants to win Chinese decision makers for trade fairs in Cologne. On the other hand they would like to export the successful trade fair concepts to China to open up this market for customers – exhibitors as well as visitors. And the local teams of the Cologne Trade Fair – with a total of 20 employees – are successful: With their help the number of Chinese visitors to Cologne fairs has significantly increased. In 2004 more than 3,000 Chinese fair visitors 15 came to Cologne – the most international fair location in the world. The exhibitor side also developed positively. With 2,106 companies exhibiting here last year, Cologne is one of the most attractive fair locations in Europe for Chinese visitors. Chinese visitors can primarily be seen at the Practical World, the international Ironware fair, at the domotechnica, the imm cologne or the Sport and leisure fair spoga+gafa. The named fairs are all important leading fairs for each of the industries, where Chinese buyers and sellers can get a global overview of their industries. Of course the trade fair business also brings numerous Chinese visitors to the city, meaning increased business for their leisure activities for the Cologne Tourist Board. Cologne Chamber of Commerce – Primary Chamber of Commerce for business with China in NRW The Cologne Chamber of Commerce enthusiastically supports the China Offensive. As primary Chamber of Commerce for business with China in NRW it informs and advises German companies on the Chinese market. At the same time the Cologne Chamber of Commerce is also contact person for a number of Chinese economic delegations seeking business contacts in Germany. In close cooperation with the German-Chinese Economic Union (DCW e.V.) the Cologne Chamber of Commerce has three Chinese speaking specialists with competence in Chinese business. They act as guides for Chinese companies and support them in their entry into the German market. The objective of the China Offensive is, together with the city of Cologne, Koelnmesse GmbH and Cologne Tourist Board, to use the potential in the growing number of delegations, trade fair visitors, exhibitors, tourists and students from China to present Cologne as an attractive location at the heart of Europe. The Cologne Chamber of Commerce alone welcomes 20 to 30 economic delegations annually from China and organises a large number of specialist seminars to address all aspects of Chinese business, of course including tourism modules. Cologne Bonn Airport: In the geographical centre of Europe and at the heart of one of the strongest and largest economic regions. With a growth rate in passenger numbers of 56 percent in only two years Cologne Bonn Airport is the fastest growing airport in Germany. In 2004 8.4 million passengers took off and landed. In the current year more than 9 million passengers are expected. In the summer of 2005 a total of 60 airlines will fly to 140 destinations. Three runways, including the only intercontinental runway in North Rhine Westphalia at a length of 3,815 metres, cope easily with the considerable growth rates which primarily result from the boom of the low cost carriers. Cologne Bonn Airport is Germany’s largest hub for cheap airlines. 67 German and European destinations are offered at cheap prices. This direct network of flights offers the best conditions for taking up intercontinental links to China. Fascination Airport: Spacious waiting areas and lounges, restaurants, bars, shops and travel agents for the best possible convenience and service. Thanks to the modern Terminal 2, designed by the architect Helmut Jahn as many as 12 million passengers can be dealt with annually at Cologne/Bonn. 16 Since the summer of 2004 Cologne Bonn Airport is also easy to reach by train. Around 200 ICE, suburban trains and Regional Express trains arrive daily at the airport station which is located centrally and directly below both terminals. Whoever arrives by car drives from the motorway directly into one of the three car parks with 11,000 parking spaces. Extremely short routes simplify the transfer between plane, train and car. Cooperation with China is traditional in Cologne Cologne is not starting from square one with the China Offensive but is expanding on an existing solid base. The Deutsche Asia Pacific Gesellschaft has been contributing to the exchange between the two countries for a long time with events such as China Day. Furthermore The Cologne University has supported the cooperation with courses on Modern China Studies. According to a study from October last year by the Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen GmbH there are in North Rhine Westphalia around 100 Chinese companies. There are more than 50 just in Cologne, i.e. more than half of those supported by economic promotion. Amongst these there is for example the European headquarters of one of the most important Chinese export companies, Genertec Europe TEMAX GmbH. The twin city partnership established in 1987 with the Chinese capital Beijing plays a central role. The Jin Song Vocational School (catering school) in Beijing and the catering school of the Catering Guild in Cologne have been cooperating successfully for some time. In the area of traditional Chinese medicine the clinics of the city of Cologne and the Xi Yuan Klinik in Beijing are cooperating – to name a few examples. But Cologne’s links to China already have a much longer tradition. The first documented meetings already took place in the Middle Ages. The most famous of those was with the Cologne mathematician, astronomer and theologian Johann Schall von Bell, who was honoured highly in Beijing: He was named Mandarin of the highest order. Cologne also played a significant role during the first economic contacts between the Federal Republic and the most heavily populated country in the world after the end of the Second World War. The Cologne companies Otto-Wolff and Wilhelm Ispert KG belonged to the German pioneers who rediscovered the market and the trade partner China after more than 40 years. At the time nobody had dreamed of an opening policy such as that which Deng initiated at the beginning of the eighties. The best offers are of no use if they are not known to the customers. Therefore suitable marketing measures for the tourist and business location Cologne are to be launched to increase awareness for Chinese visitors and Chinese companies locally in China. Alongside the activities already initiated by Cologne Tourist Board the city has provided funds in spite of the difficult budgetary situation. There are, amongst other things, plans for joint presentation events of the local economic promotion in cooperation with Cologne Tourist Board, the Cologne Chamber of Commerce, Cologne Bonn Airport and the Cologne Trade Fair. Cologne Tourist Board Mr. Josef Sommer Managing Director Unter Fettenhennen 19 50667 Cologne, Germany Phone +49 221 22123341 josef.sommer@koelntourismus.de DZT - GERMAN NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD Germany is a popular travel destination all around the world. Visitors rate culture and sightseeing at the top of their list of reasons for travelling to Germany. They are attracted by the excellent shops, contemporary architecture, cultural events and range of entertainment available in Germany’s modern towns and cities. Its medieval towns, picturesque villages, ancient castles and stately palaces captivate everyone’s romantic imagination. Germany’s immensely varied countryside also appeals to international visitors. From the sea in the north to the mountains in the south, with countless forested areas in between, Germany has every remarkable facet of nature, and so provides superb opportunities for all kinds of sports and leisure activities. It truly is a diverse, modern and vibrant destination. The GNTB is the marketing organization that promotes the German tourism industry and is tasked with enhancing the positive image of Germany as a travel destination and increasing the volume of tourist traffic both within and to Germany. It is represented globally in every major market for travel to Germany and has had a presence in Beijing since 1999 and in Hong Kong since 1996. In 2003, Germany was the first European country to attain Authorised Destination Status, demonstrating the high importance of Germany as a travel destination for Chinese outbound tourism. Other European countries, which can now be visited by Chinese tourists as ADS destinations, only achieved this status one year later in autumn 2004. The GNTB is constantly stepping up its sales and marketing operations in the fast-changing Chinese travel market to promote Germany as an attractive destination region for ADS tours in the heart of Europe. The GNTB has recently put together detailed information for marketing Germany in the Chinese market which includes data from a variety of sources. This market information and analysis is available to our German partners at all times and is fully updated at least once a year, and supplemented as and when necessary. It forms the basis for implementing the GNTB’s basic themes and its changing annual themes in the Chinese market. In 2005, the theme of “Family Holidays in Germany” was publicised using a special multi-page newsletter in Chinese, and 2006 will be dominated by the 2006 FIFA World CupTM. Collaboration with tour operators and travel agencies in China is at the heart of the GNTB‘s marketing activities. Relationships with the major tour operators are personally managed through its offices in China using a key account management system. The GNTB’s head office in Frankfurt uses the same procedure for inbound tour operators in Germany. Sales and marketing activities are of central importance for promoting “Destination Germany” in the Chinese market. GNTB staff in its international offices in Beijing and Hong Kong continuously sign up licensed outbound operators and travel agencies as sales partners and maintain close contacts with them. Together with its partners in the German tourism industry, the GNTB employs a variety of strategies and activities to boost the level of tourist traffic to Germany. It coordinates the marketing activities of German service providers, presents Germany as a travel destination in the context of trade fairs for the general public and for the industry, and organises Germany workshops. Seminar tours and fact-finding tours of Germany for travel trade professionals and media representatives from abroad are also an important part of its sales and marketing activities. The GNTB attaches great importance to intensive media coverage to raise Germany’s profile as a travel destination for China. Its press work in China includes newsletters, regular press releases and press conferences. Fact-finding tours on specific themes for journalists complement the GNTB’s activities for the press in the Chinese market. The GNTB primarily uses its website, which is also in Chinese, to communicate with consumers and it has developed a travel guide, tailored to the Chinese market and published in both traditional and simplified Chinese scripts, that features German towns and cities, regions and tours plus a wealth of information about Germany as a travel destination. In addition, a magazine-style publication entitled “Destination Germany” in a special tabloid format with a layout designed to appeal to the Chinese taste will be used from 2005 onwards to promote Germany as a holiday destination in the heart of Europe. A brochure produced especially for the Chinese market detailing the 31 UNESCO world heritage sites in Germany is another of the marketing tools used by the GNTB. The GNTB’s marketing strategy in China currently focuses on three main source regions, namely the capital city of Beijing and its suburbs, the Yangtze delta, concentrating on Shanghai, and Guangzhou and the Pearl River delta as far as Hong Kong. Other regions will be systematically integrated into its marketing activities. For this reason, the annual “Germany Promotion Tour” of China will be extended by one new destination each year in addition to the four most important locations. Together with 52 partners from the German travel industry, the GNTB makes presentations about “Destination Germany” at workshops in these towns and cities. German National Tourist Board Mr. Horst Lommatzsch Destination Manager Asia Beethovenstraße 69 60325 Frankfurt/M, Germany Phone: +49 (0)69-97464114 horst.lommatzsch@d-z-t.com GLOBAL REFUND Co. 2. Development and potential for Tax Free business in retail Tax free sales with Chinese tourists in Germany 1999 - 2004 400 SARS Index 350 300 250 200 150 Travellers from China – growth drivers for the retail trade 100 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Source: Global Refund Statistic 1. Who is Global Refund? Global Refund is a financial service company. Our mission is to create additional value for merchants and travellers from foreign countries in their interaction. We are worldwide market leader in tax refund services, well known from our blue-white tax free logo. In many countries worldwide, foreign travellers can shop at a tax discount. This discount is based on the refund of Value Added Tax. In about 40 countries all over the world - including Germany - a VAT system implemented by governments allows foreign travellers to make purchases which are exempt from this so-called indirect tax. Global Refund makes providing this proof considerably easier and simplifies the entire process of VAT refunding. Global Refund ensures that this potential granted by the legislator is implemented simply and efficiently in practice. The company has tax free operations in 37 countries and has a worldwide network of Cash Refund Offices (well over 700). Tax refunds are paid to travellers worldwide in cash, which is especially an important added-value for Chinese tourists. The described marketing approach is mainly referring to Global Refund Germany. Since Germany received the ADS Status with its starting point in February 2003, this local organization has worked heavily to attract this target group to German retail. Chinese travellers are growth drivers for the retail because of their shopping behaviour (“crazy shopping”) Beside the fast growing economy in China and the growing number of outbound travellers (estimated 80 million people actually) there are other important factors which make Chinese travellers an important target group for retailers: • The average tax free purchase amount is 196 € (due to our internal statistics). • Chinese tourists tend to spend more for shopping than for accommodation. • The psychological base of their shopping behaviour is culture and tradition: Souvenirs for friends and relatives belongs to travelling. • For most of the tourists the journey is their “first-in-live” overseas tour, time is precious and limited which means they want to visit and shop as much as they can in the short period. • The shopping of famous brands in the land of origin is an important image factor. 19 But there are a few things to take care of in order to make selling towards Chinese travellers a success. Global Refund is conducting seminars to the retailers in Germany to convey some of these aspects. The Market Research Institute TNS Infratest conducted a market research in the name of Global Refund Germany among their most important shopping nations. One issue was the estimated shopping amount of the interviewees on their trip to Europe. This also shows the potential of the Chinese outbound market. Where do Chinese shop in Germany? Germany´s most popular shopping cities: Source: Global Refund Statistics 2005 (%) Two main target groups for our marketing in general: 1. Travellers / consumers from Non-EU countries Identification of other important target groups and organizations for the Chinese market and building up a communication structure and projects. Examples: German National Tourist Board, city marketing organizations, China Outbound Tourism Research Project e.V., Travel & Trade in Europe, travel agencies. Market activities overview International: • Information via Global Refund promotional office in China, Beijing • Cooperation and information exchange with important organizations • Distribution of leaflets • Symposiums with local top travel agencies • Good access to our service with six cash refund offices in China • Advertisings in important tourist information booklets in China National marketing towards tourists Our most important maketing tool: The Shopping Guide Germany for Chinese tourists is published in cooperation with the German National Tourist Board. It is distributed in Germany as well as in China to all relevant outbound travel agencies. 2. Retailers who offer Tax Free Shopping. We direct our market activities to both target groups in order to generate push and pullfactors at the point of sale: travellers are informed about the tax free service (in Germany and already in their home country). Due to this they request the service actively in the store. The retail is informed about the special handling of tax free shopping and is called upon offering the service actively. We also try to sensitise the staff for the special requirements of the Chinese customers. Combination activities. 20 of national and international Shopping Guide Germany, by Global Refund and GNTB Additional national marketing activities which inform tourists about the Tax Free Shopping Service are: • Information via Global Refund promotional office in China, Beijing • Cooperation and information exchange with important organizations • Distribution of leaflets • Symposiums with local top travel agencies • Good access to our service with six cash refund offices in China • Advertisings in important tourist information booklets in China • Regular market research at Frankfurt Airport • Distribution of the guides in all relevant hotels • Tax free rules leaflets in Chinese • Customised retailer brochures in Chinese to combine tax free information and advertising of the retailer for comfortable shopping • A website in Chinese language (www.international-shopping-guide.cn) o with explanation of procedure of tax free shopping o with sights and shopping tips of 26 German cities to promote shopping tourism o just simple menu-structure o listed in the most important Chinese search engines • Tax Free signing in Chinese language to guide tourists at the airport National marketing towards retailers: • Frequent Retailer information in Global Refund magazine and newsletter • Retailer presentation to inform the retailers in Germany of how to enter the market and at which measures they can take part (e.g. travel fair for Chinese incoming market) • Intercultural seminars in our Global Refund Academy National marketing towards other target groups • Statistical information about Chinese tax free shopping behaviour to the retailers, city marketing organizations, and Universities on the basis of our internal statistical system. • Mailings to licensed German inbound agencies with background explanation how to shop tax free in Chinese and German language. • Basic tourguide information how to shop Tax Free in Chinese language (download via internet). • Sponsoring of the European Chinese Tourists Welcoming Award. • Stand at Tourguide Fair (Travel & Trade in Europe). Global Refund Germany Ms. Sonja Ostrzyharczik Marketing Manager Vogelsanger Weg 38 40470 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49 (0)211-616801-20 Sonjaost@de.globalrefund.com www.globalrefund.com SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES FROM HESSEN TOURISTIK FOR THE CHINESE OUTBOUND MARKET First of all in 2003 the government of Hessen formed a work group to the subject „Hessen opens its doors for China”. The objective was to welcome more Chinese guests, who stay for a longer holiday and not only for the usual short few-day-trip known from the majority of our Asian visitors. The prime minister of Hessen invited 20 tour operators from China for a oneweek-visit of Hessen to provide an insight into the country. In the next step a study group was formed to develop group holiday packages especially compiled to meet Chinese travel needs. In March 2004 a round table with 70 participants - hotel keepers from all over Hessen and tour operators – assembled to create holiday trips for Chinese guests visiting Germany and Europe. Furthermore a Chinese sales guide was edited. The Chinese brochure called „Holiday State of Hessen” invites Chinese visitors to see the special highlights of nature, culture, architecture, leisure, sports and treatments at health resorts in Hessen. In the middle of the Chinese brochure is provided a supplement with the tailor-made group holiday packages for the Chinese guests. Beside that a work group consisting of representatives from the ministry of economic affairs, the Fraport AG and Lufthansa was engaged in the subject of „Customer Convenience”. The following key aspects have been discussed: - the visa application - immigration procedures in Frankfurt - reception and information in Chinese language at Frankfurt Airport Additionally the Hessen Touristik Service offered a training course for Chinese travel guides. Focal point was the intercultural education of travel guides and suppliers of tourist attractions and accommodation. Objective certainly was also to contact Chinese partners. 22 In November 2004 representatives of Hessen and the “Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus” (DZT) went on promotion tour through China and accumulated a lot of new interesting contacts. To support the presentation in China on tourism fairs and congresses the Hessen Touristik Service produced a poster in Chinese. Moreover a Chinese webpage was developed: www.hessen-tourismus.de/cn contains a short briefing of the different regions in Hessen and recommends a number of scenic tours through the country. The navigation of the website follows the subsequent titles which were adjusted to meet the demands of our Chinese clientele. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Country & region Cities & culture Economy & technology Scenic routes through Hessen Events Service & arrival China is a very important future market for Hessen. It is desirable to expand the engagement in China systematically and provide good conditions for Chinese guests to make them enjoy their stay in Hessen and become a constantly growing source market. HA Hessen Agentur GmbH - Tourismusmarketing Abraham-Lincoln-Str. 38-42 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany Phone +49 (0)611-774-8091 info@hessen-tourismus.de www.hessen-tourismus.de MUNICH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Since its opening in May 1992, Munich Airport has more than doubled its passenger and cargo volume to become one of the fastest growing airports among the European Top 10. With the opening of Terminal 2 in June 2003, strengthening its position in the heart of Europe with strong airline partnerships, Munich is ready to become Europe‘s most efficient and attractive hub airport by 2010. Munich was recently voted the „Best Airport in Europe“ and „4th Best Airport Worldwide“ (following Hong Kong, Singapore and Seoul) by the Skytrax Institute which had interviewed over five million airline passengers worldwide. Munich Airport expects more than 28 million passengers in 2005, and approximately 48 million by 2015. The summer schedule 2005 includes still more European and intercontinental flights, underlining Munich’s role as the “Gateway to Romantic Europe”. The steady increase in passengers from China and Hong Kong proves Munich’s growing importance for the Chinese market. The number of arrivals from China and Hong Kong in 2004 totaled 52,400 an increase of 42% on the previous year and 64% of all passengers from China transferred in Munich to domestic and European destinations. An enormous 68 % of all incoming passengers from China claimed business as the main purpose for their journey. Lufthansa serves Munich on a daily basis from Shanghai, Beijing and Hongkong. Air China offers a daily flight from Beijing to Munich. The China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) has announced that Chinese travel agencies are allowed to organize tourist groups to visit 27 European countries. These are, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Romania. All of these countries can be easily reached from Munich. 25 Long before the ADS agreements and the “opening” for outbound international tourism, Munich Airport was very active in China. The airport’s marketing efforts started in 1998 and have continued to grow with the increasing number of flights from China to Munich. The airport’s strategy is to network with multipliers in the Chinese travel industry and develop long-lasting relationships with the tour operators, travel agents, travel media and airline partners. Munich Airport has participated regularly in several travel trade shows like the GITF – Guangzhou Int’l Travel Fair, BITE – Beijing Int’l Travel Expo and CITM – China Int’l Travel Mart (Shanghai). First flight events in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou have helped to promote Lufthansa and Air China services to Munich. With its Bavarian workshops in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, Munich Airport is continuously updating and training travel agents and tour operators about the product “Munich and Bavaria”. On several occasions Munich Airport, Bavarian Tourism Marketing and other Bavarian tourism partners (cities, hotels or tourist attractions) have joined together for joint product promotions and workshops in China. Legendary are the Airport’s Bavarian Evenings such as the one in Shanghai’s Paulaner Brauhaus – an event reflecting Bavarian traditions with a rustic atmosphere, beer and typical cuisine. Sales calls in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou inform travel agents of Munich’s benefits and facilities, for example the minimum connecting time, transferring, changing terminals, tax refunds, using the public transport, business centers, meet and greet services – just to name a few. Guided tours are a popular way to show Chinese agents, operators, corporates and journalists the airport. Here the airport works closely with the German and Bavarian Tourism Board as well as airline partners to receive and welcome their arriving groups from China. When requested, the Airport initiates special projects such as the China Incoming Forum in Munich in co-operation with PATA (May 2004) or the Gate-Event to welcome China’s first tour group with Schengen ADS-Visa arriving in Europe in September 2004. To prepare Chinese guests for their arrival at Munich two different information guides are available. One is a mini-guide produced by Munich Airport and Lufthansa. It is available upon check-in in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. The mini-guide leads Chinese passengers through the airport and gives instructions on arrival and passport procedures, baggage claim, lost & found, customs, tax refund, transfers, public transport, shopping and dining at the airport. It furthermore provides some recommendations on hotels, restaurants and shopping opportunities in the city of Munich . The other guide is Munich Airport’s Official Information Brochure in Chinese. The Chinese information brochure can also be downloaded from the internet under www.munichairport.com - just click on the Chinese flag. This brochure gives valuable information on all airport facilities and services available such as maps of both terminals, airline contacts, shops and restaurants, lounges, airport hotel, airport conference center, public transport, bus connections, parking, visitors park, visitors terrace, airport tours. Details on internet points, medical assistance, support for disabled passengers, church service, post service, showers and much more are available in this comprehensive guide. Chinese passengers travelling on Lufthansa are met by a Chinese welcome service directly at the arrival gate. This service is very helpful and popular amongst passengers. Additionally, signage in Chinese in the terminals is being discussed. Munich Airport‘s marketing efforts are supported by regular advertisements in Chinese travel trade magazines to generate awareness for Europe‘s most modern and convenient hub airport. The airport‘s Chinese advertisement embarks on the strategy to promote the holiday destination Bavaria. A picturesque mountain lake scenery and the slogan „you will hate leaving again“ are meant to draw the attention to Bavaria‘s beauty. Recognising the importance of local experience, Munich Airport opened a representation office in Beijing in 2000. The office maintains close and regular contact to the Chinese outbound travel industry, transporting the message “Munich – the modern gateway to romantic Europe“ and supports its industry partners with information on travelling to, from and via Munich. Munich Airport is more than happy and well prepared to welcome visitors from China. 26 Flughafen München GmbH Mr. Florian Pötsch Marketing/ Manager Inc. Tourism Terminalstraße Mitte 18 85326 Munich, Germany Phone: +49 8997533148 florian.poetsch@munich-airport.de SLOVAKIA - LITTLE BIG COUNTRY Tourism in Slovakia Tourism is undoubtedly one of the fastest developing and promising industries of the Slovak national economy. The position of Slovakia in the heart of Europe on the intersection of trade routes, the cultural and historical wealth and the favorable climatic conditions, create potential for the development of tourism in our country. The foundation of the Slovak Tourist Board constantly contributes to the successful introduction of the Slovak tourism product on the international tourism market. The main tasks of the board are to assist in the development of tourism to achieve the goals of economic prosperity in Slovakia and to create an awareness of the Slovak Republic as a beautiful host country. Our main activities include marketing research and its evaluation, publication of promotional materials, participation in tourism product creation, launching press releases, organization of press conferences, study tours and fam trips for foreign journalists, organization and coordination of tourism activities on the national level and assistance in the presentation of our tourism product to the markets abroad, assisting various tourism organizations to participate at the exhibitions and fairs abroad, membership and co-operation with international tourist organizations. Importance of the Chinese tourist market Based on the WTO member countries analysis and analysis of the Slovak Republic it is clear that the leading number of visitors on the national market belongs to the neighboring countries, such as Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Austria. Nevertheless, the Slovak Tourist Board is monitoring world tourism trends, statistics and recommendations of various tourism authorities. The importance of the Chinese tourism market is very clear which is confirmed also by the statistical information on growth of outbound tourism in China. 28 In the Slovak Tourist Board we are fully aware of the importance of the Chinese tourist market for Slovakia. The competition in getting the Chinese tourists is very strong and if we want to compete we need to do massive promotional campaigns at the local market, with local public, media and tour operators. Two levels of national promotion Tourism promotion of the Slovak Republic is on the Chinese market provided in two levels: 1. Joint promotion with other European countries – European Quartet – One Melody project 2. Individual promotional activities - Official representative office of the Slovak Tourist Board 1. Joint promotion with other European countries The European Quartet is a joint effort for cooperation between the so-called “Visegrad Group” countries – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, in the field of joint tourist promotion in overseas markets. The European Quartet reflects the efforts of countries of the Central European region to work together within all-European integration. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have always been a part of civilization that shares common historic roots and traditions. The members of the European Quartet are close neighbors caught in a pattern of similar historic development: from the times of the Holy Roman Empire to the mighty glory of the AustrianHungarian Empire, and later - to the creation of the independent national states. Common architecture, music, food and landscapes are those distinguishing features that bind them together. The tourist promotion of the Central European region held by all V4 members is a further contribution to this process with the main objective being to attract foreign visitors to the whole region instead of showing them single countries. • The target markets comprise the USA, Japan, China and Brazil. The promotion on the Chinese market includes common participation in: • • tourism fairs and exhibitions – CITM Kunming and Shanghai • joint promotion website – www.europeanquartet.com • elaboration of promotional brochures and film – product brochure • road shows • study visits – for Chinese journalists and tour operators • as well as the close cooperation of the National Tourist Boards within the frameworks of the European Quartet. • 2. Individual Promotional Activities Nowadays there are various forms of the impact on the international tourism markets. Together with traditional forms, like national stands on fairs and exhibitions, leaflets and films, there are also electronic media and press. To influence the Chinese market, the Slovak Tourist Board employs: • National stand of Slovakia on selected fairs and exhibitions. • Presentation of Slovakia by means of provision of basic information, promotional materials and distribution of very brief information material on the topic „Slovakia – country of tourism”. • Printed promotional materials. When the initial interest is shown, more detailed information and factual contact are included, provided in Chinese language. • Workshops, presentations and meetings for journalists and representatives of Slovak and Chinese travel agencies. • Invitation of Chinese tour operators to infotrips in order to incorporate Slovak programs into their catalogues. Invitation of Chinese journalists, TV and radio teams to infotrips in order to incorporate information on Slovakia into their articles and reportages. Internet – the most progressive way of communication. The Slovak Tourist Board is planning to launch a special internet presentation for the Chinese market. Education of Slovak professional tourist organization and association, travel agents, hotels and hotel companies about specialties and differences of the Chinese tourism market. All common and individual activities on the Chinese market are realised through the official representative office of the Slovak Tourist Board: SLOVAK TOURIST BOARD B&B INTERNATIONAL 26 E CITIC Building 19 Jianguomenwai Dajie 100004 Beijing Tel: 0086 010 8526 1228/9, Fax: 0086 010 8526 1227, E-mail: bnbint@public.bta.net.cn And why should you or your clients travel to Slovakia? Slovakia is only 428 kilometers long from the east to the west and it is possible to cover this distance in one day while you can admire the exceptional beauty and variety of the landscape. Slovakia can offer you as much as quiet wild forests, picturesque mountains, healing spas, nice historical towns, charming castles or living folk Slovak traditions. And all of that on such a small territory. For your comparison Slovakia’s territory is nearly 195 times smaller than the territory of China. Slovakia offers you all kinds of natural and cultural attractions which are waiting for your exploration. Whether you are looking for sightseeing or relaxation, Slovakia will surprise you with its diversity and people hospitality. Slovak Tourist Board Beata Lukacova Director of Marketing and Promotion Department Nam L. Stura 1 P.O. Box 35 974 05 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia Phone: +421 484136146 sacr@sacr.sk www.slovakiatourism.sk 30 VIENNA TOURIST BOARD In 2004, 600.000 Chinese citizens visited Europe. Some 58.000 of them came to Vienna, i.e. almost 10% of all Chinese tourists who traveled to Europe paid a visit to the Austrian capital. Set in the heart of Europe, Vienna is a popular destination for Chinese travellers as they explore the European continent. The Imperial City: The Imperial Hofburg Palace, Schönbrunn and Belvedere Palaces, the Spanish Riding School, and the Treasuries all go to make Vienna a city of unique, imperial splendour. No other city in Europe has served centuries as an imperial residence and still has so much of that cultural heritage to show today. Chinese Guests and Vienna’s USPs Vienna’s Appeal to Guests from China Viewing the major attractions is a key priority for guests from China. An absolute „must“ are tours of Schönbrunn, the beautiful summer residence of the imperial family, and the Imperial Hofburg Palace in downtown Vienna in the context of „Sisi“ – the unhappy Empress whose story the Chinese are also familiar with. Capital of Music and the Arts: Vienna enjoys unique prestige around the world, notably for its musical heritage. No other city in the world has been home to so many famous composers. In 2006 Vienna is mounting a celebration of the 250th anniversary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s birth. Vienna is a city boasting an exceptionally large number of art treasures, world-famous artworks, outstanding architecture and high-profile exhibitions. The Chinese New Year’s Concert was first staged in 1998 at the Musikverein and has since evolved into a landmark event. The concerts’ special appeal lies in appearances by China’s top traditional orchestras. The visual blaze of colour – with all musicians appearing in traditional Chinese garments – is complemented by an acoustic message from China´s vast cultural heritage and tradition. All orchestras perform on traditional Chinese instruments such as the erhu and pipa. The Chinese New Year’s Concert is a social occasion that builds cultural bridges between China and Europe. Austrian National Tourist Office Beijing/Chinese Fam Trip City of Bon Viveurs: Vienna captivatingly embraces both tradition and modernity. Horse-drawn carriages, coffeehouses and wine taverns steeped in centuries of history go hand in hand with skateboarders, trendy eateries, vogue bars, fashion, music and events. The Chinese set great store by entertainment and high-quality cuisine. Culinary temptations galore await visitors to Vienna, whether the typical Vienna Schnitzel or a piece of the famous Sachertorte accompanied by coffee. Chinese New Year´s Concert/Golden Hall of Vienna´s Musikverein 31 Shopping is also an important aspect of incoming tourism from China. Although Chinese guests are very cost conscious when it comes to accommodation, they are big spenders at the shops. Brand awareness plays a key role. In 2004, guests from China spent more than EUR 7 million in Vienna’s stores. According to Global Refund, who refund Austrian VAT to Chinese visitors, the average purchase made by Chinese guests amounts to EUR 263. City of Recreation and Sport: Vienna is famed for its gardens, the green Prater, the Donauauen National Park and numerous other recreational areas within its city limits. However, Chinese guests are generally not in the city long enough to explore them. Central Europe’s Foremost Convention Venue: Congresses, conferences, meetings, seminars and incentives are staged in Vienna with a high degree of professionalism. Vienna enjoys an outstanding reputation as a convention venue, which is borne out by international statistics year after year. Major medical conferences are witnessing ever-increasing attendance from China (the 2004 Cardiology World Congress attracted 300 delegates from China). Last but not least Vienna is exceptionally hospitable and committed to service. As well as producing leaflets and brochures in Chinese, a top priority has been to set up a Chinese-language website. Key information on Vienna can be called up at www.weiyena.cn www.weiyena.cn A recent Viennese guest survey verifies that tourists perceive Vienna as hospitable, charming, safe, pleasant, and, most importantly, a city with plenty going on. Marketing in China The Vienna Tourist Board has been working in the Chinese travel market since the 1990s, supported in its activities by the Vienna Representative Office Hong Kong (since 1995), the Austrian National Tourist Office, Beijing (since 2000) and by the Austrian National Tourist Office, Shanghai (from summer 2005). A non-profit marketing organization, the Vienna Tourist Board supports sales activities by generously providing Vienna promotional materials, tips and all the information needed to market Vienna successfully. A host of promotional campaigns, as well attendance at workshops and exhibitions in China, position Vienna as an attractive travel destination for Chinese guests. Excellent cooperation with local tour operators and with Austrian Airlines contributes towards drawing more attention to Vienna. To enhance success still further, tour operators from China are invited to Vienna to get to know the „product“ themselves. Worthy of mention are also the press activities conducted in the Chinese market. Themed press trips to Vienna are organized, as are press conferences in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Activities in 2005 are geared to the upcoming commemorative year – in 2006 Vienna is celebrating the 250th anniversary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s birth, honoring the greatest musical genius of all time as a host of celebratory events. Delegation of Vienna in Beijing 2004 (from right to left): Mag. Karl Seitlinger/Managing Director of the Vienna Tourist Board, Brigitte Jank/President of the Chamber of Commerce Vienna, Dr. Stefan Scholz/Minister of the Austrian Embassy Beijing Promotional campaigns, such as print ads, have become increasingly important in attracting Chinese guests since Austria as a member of the Schengen Treaty within the European Union was granted Approved Destination Status (ADS). Elle– China: 12/04 33 XinMin City Weekly: 01/05 In March 2004 the Vienna Tourist Board was distinguished with the European Chinese Tourists Welcoming Award for its work as a “City Destination Marketing Organization”. This distinction was an acknowledgement of the dedication of the team serving the Chinese market. Vienna will continue to broaden its activities in China, with the ultimate aim of making a stay in Vienna an absolute “must” for Chinese citizens visiting Europe. Vienna Tourist Board Ms. Christine Kupka Market Manager China Obere Augartenstrasse 40 A-1025 Vienna, Austria, Europe Tel: +43-1-211 14- 332 Fax: +43-1-216 84 92 kupka@vienna.info www.weiyena.cn January 2006 Editor China Outbound Tourism Research Project e.V. Designed & Produced by China Outbound Tourism Research Project e.V. Layout & Composing Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt Marcel Kelemen Henry Kröher Florian Rubländer Contributors Accor Hotel Group China Consulting Cologne Tourist Board China Otbound Tourism Research Project e.V. German National Tourist Board Global Refund Co. Hesse Agency Munich International Airport Slovakia Tourist Board Vienna Tourist Board First Stop for Information China Outbound Tourism Research Project e.V. Michaelkirchplatz 23 10179 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 179 7052451 Fax: +49 3831 45711961 www.china-outbound.com info@china-outbound.com Limitation of liability Contributers are responsible for the content of their articles. 35
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