Vol. 29, No. 6. Sydney, Monday, February 9, 1925 Registered at the General Post Office, Sydney, for transmission by Post as a Newspaper. How to Gain Spiritual Strength M ANY are spiritually weak because they look at sense of security ; for the righteousness of Christ will themselves instead of at Christ.' Looking at become our righteousness. If we would only do as the Lord desires us to, our themselves, and seeing only discouragement and unhearts would become as worthiness, they forget that GO is waiting to make them IlllllIiIlIIllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllIIIlllllllIIllllIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111B sacred harps, every chord of which would sound forth agencies for the blessing of praise and gratitude to the the world, and that angels The Valley of Prayer Redeemer sent by God to are waiting to be co-labourers THERE'S a quiet, deep vale by the wayside of life, take away the sin of the with them. And the name of this valley is prayer ; world. With joy we would Christ is the great storeIt is hid from the world with its tumult and strife, be able to say, " Therefore And the angel of peace dwelleth there. house from which on every being justified by faith, we occasion we may draw Winding down through its calm flows the river of have peace with God through strength and happiness. God, our Lord Jesus Christ : by Why, then, do we withdraw All agleam with the glory on high ; whom also we have access And I feel in my soul, as I kneel on its sod, our eyes from His sufficiency by faith into this grace A sweet rapture that comes from the sky. to look on and bemoan our wherein we stand, and reweakness ? Why do we forThe breezes that blow through this valley of prayer joice in hope of the glory of get that He is ready to help Are as soft as the sighing of love, God. And not only so, but And as pure as the dew on the clover bloom there, us in every time of need ? we glory in tribulations also : Or the raindrops that fall from above. We dishonour Him by talkknowing that tribulation ing of our inefficiency. InThe wild storms that come nigh it soon swoon worketh patience ; and pastead of looking at ourselves, into calm tience, experience ; and exIn this deep, hidden valley of prayer ; let us constantly behold perience, hope : and hope And the leaves of the trees there are rich with the Jesus, daily becoming more balm maketh not ashamed ; beand more like Him, more That heals all my pain and my care. cause the love of God is shed and more able to talk ,of abroad in our hearts by the Hovering o'er its still depths are the infolded wings Him, better prepared to Holy Spirit which is given Of bright seraphs sent down from the throne, avail ourselves of His kindTo shelter with love the suppliant who clings unto us." ness and helpfulness, and to Unto Him whose shed blood can atone. When temptations assail receive the blessing offered When the tempeSt is on me, and fierce in its wrath, you, as they surely will, us. As we thus live in comAnd my heart is sore pressed with its care, munion with Him, we grow when care and perplexity I turn from the world, and gladly enter the path strong in His strength, a surround you, when, disThat leads down to the valley of prayer. help and blessing to those —Campbell Coyle. tressed and discouraged, you around us. are almost ready to yield to Christ has made every 311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ii despair, look, 0 look, to where with the eye of faith provision for us to be strong. He has given us His Holy Spirit, whose office is to you last saw the light; and the darkness that encom bring to our remembrance all the promises that Christ passeth you will be dispelled by the bright shining of has made, that we may have peace and a sweet sense of His glory. When sin struggles for the mastery in your forgiveness. If we will but keep our eyes fixed on the soul and burdens the conscience, when unbelief clouds Saviour, and trust in His power, we shall, be filled with a the mind, go to the Saviour. His grace. is sufficient to r". 2 10Ig *.,001MWt, AUSTRALASIAN 1?.E CORD:*40Lk.;_ subdue sin. He will pardon us, making us joyful in God. Looking at self, we see only weakness, and we forget God's purpose for us. We forget that He placed on us so high a value that He gave Christ to die for us. 0, after all that has been done for us, how can we disappoint Christ by failing to live the life that He has made it possible for us to live ? Let us no longer talk of our inefficiency and lack of power. Forgetting the things that are behind, let us press forward in the heavenward way. Let us neglect no opportunity that if improved, will make us more useful in God's service. Then, like threads of gold, holiness will run through our lives ; and the angels, beholding our consecration, will repeat the promise, " I will make a man more precious than fine gold : even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir." All heaven rejoices when weak, faulty human beings give themselves to Jesus, to live His- life. MRS, E. G. WHITE. on this, that anything short of this soulanimating purpose, anything short of this thitherward look, will fail of Zion. This truth has been demonstrated over and over again in the history of God's people. In the antedeluvian world there were but a few who were in earnest about getting to Zion not by the roundabout way but by walking straight ahead Faithful Enoch reached his goal without having to wait his appointed time in the grave. Noah and his family sailed over the flood into safety—the rest perished. A multitude left the bondage of Egypt for the promised land. It is believed that they could have reached Canaan within a month. They chose the roundabout way and after forty years their bones were left to bleach in the wilderness, short of the land of promise. There were only two whose thitherward look carried them across the border. We need the compass of faith and the chart of an indomitable purpose and inflexible courage. Enoch did not merely say, " I would like to walk with God "—nay, but he walked with God. Abraham did not say, " Lord I might go ; " but nay, the record tells us he went out. You never heard of Daniel saying, "If it were not for the circumstances in which I find myself, I would serve God ; " nay, but from the very outset he purposed in his heart that he would serve God. You never heard of Paul saying, " I might fight the good fight of faith ; ' nay, but you could almost sum up the life and work of the great apostle in the words, "I am fighting and I have fought." Again, let us squarely face the issue that there is but one path to Zion, and to tread that path demands faith,, courage, watchfulness, and an unflinching purpose. It demands the very highest and noblest in you and me. We cannot drift into Zion. A drifting vessel never gets into port. A propelling force is needed : "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Col. I:27. We need to revert to the spirit and purpose of the Man of Galilee. It was Christ who set His face like a flint toward Zion and because He is " the same yesterday, today, and forever," this Zion ward pull will be felt in our lives just as soon as Jesus has gained admission to our hearts. To attempt the journey without Christ is to be deprived of that propelling force and then—you are sure to drift. As has been fitly said, "Christ is the living ark in which the saints sail to their haven of rest." Then, dear reader, remember : One faith, one hope, one purpose, one tray, one Guide, one destination—Zion. R. REYE. • Travelling to Zion TURNING to Jeremiah 5o :4, 5, we read as follows: "In those days, and in that time, saith the Lord, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping : they shall go, and seek the Lord their God. They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying, Comd, and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten." While the chronology of the above verses takes us back to the time of release from Babylonian captivity, their application, reaching beyond the Israel of old, has come down to the spiritual Israel of our time. It will certainly do us good to make a very direct application of these scriptures to ourselves and to revive in our hearts and minds the consciousness of a few facts which we are apt to forget. Forgetfulness, you will agree, is one of the gravest dangers lurking along the pathway of the Christian. Let us therefore remember:— i. That we are Zionward bound, or at least should be. 2. That there is a difference, a marked difference, between travelling to Zion and travelling to Zion with our faces thither ward. 3. That there is but one path to Zion, and that path is the " way cast up," the straight, clear-cut path. Strange to say, there are those who think themselves able to reach Zion by a path of their own choosing, a roundabout, twisting and winding track. They are travelling to Zion—yes, quite true—but they are not, travelling to Zion with their faces thitherward and—that's the difference. To make the contrast still more plain, it is a listless half-heartedness on the one band and an all-absorbing purpose on the other, And let us be very clear 9/2/25 Publishing Department The Joy of Service—No. 1 OF all the joys we have in this world, the joy of seeing souls accepting Christ and this message is the greatest of all. The next joy, to the writer's mind, is to see our young people witnessing for God by giving themselves to the Master for service. This has been my happy privilege during the month of December. The photograph herewith reveals nine happy young ladies fresh from the A. M. College, ready with their "Coming King" prospectuses for a house-to-house canvass of Hobart and Launceston. They were met on the wharf by Sister Edwards, a kindly sister of the Hobart church, and the writer. Sister Edwards cared for them on their arrival and soon rooms were reached where all had a good rest on terra firma. They could hardly wait for the time to come to start work. Monday morning found all at work— five in Hobart and four in Launceston. Good weather has been granted us from the start, for which all are thankful, and while orders have not been coming too freely, yet nearly all of the nine have kept their expenses down to half of the deposits and half the money received for helps. The remainder is put away in the P. 0. Savings Bank for the office account, or paid in directly. The desire is to trust the Lord for each day's requirements. The experiences that they are having are very encouraging. An Avondale student rally was held in the Hobart church last Sabbath by the five colporteurs in that city. Some old Avondale boys spoke also of " dear old Avondale." It was, very enjoyable, and it was evident that the students meant all they said. The result was that five young people started to think Avondale. And the parents also, it 'is believed, put a higher value on true education. In Launceston we- have a smaller church, but here the other four student canvassers find work to do for the Master. Besides canvassing, they are improving their time with two young sisters whose minds have been directed to the message by a Sister McQueen of the Richmond church. Not only are- they being instructed in the message, but ways and means are being thought out whereby they, too, can enter school. It was the writer's privilege to have a part in bringing the knowledge of the Sabbath to a fine old Christian man, who is and has been a cripple from birth. Sister Lowe, one of the. Hobart young ladies, was canvassing, and met this man, who is of the Church of Christ by persuasion. Our sister found that, besides the Bible, the chief books he studied were "Coming King" and "Heralds of the Morning." These he esteemed very highly. " Well," he said,, " if Sabbath-keeping is a link in the chain of salvation, I want it." We -went in the evening and studied the Sabbath question. We suggested that he study and pray about it and after m• wwwwww ta• 912/25 ALISTRALASIAN---RECORD seeking God's blessing we gave him some tracts, and parted. The next morning our sister met him on the street and he told her how the light had shone in two hours before, and it was all clear, and he intended to keep the next Sabbath. This he did, and we were glad to see him at all three meetings. He is a sleeping partner with his brothers in some saw mills. Thus our young sisters are each day giving from ten to twenty Bible talks or sermonettes to the people. Prayer is offered as opportunity is afforded, the honest-hearted sought out, and the people are refreshed as they talk with these young ladies who are doing something of real worth in a Christ-like way, while the 3 (IMR Our Mission Field O. Sosovatara, Choiseul ABOUT eighteen months ago in response to a call, IVIanovaki, a Dovele boy, went to Sosovatara, a place on the Choiseul coast about forty miles above the place where Jugha is stationed. There he was assisted by Sugapopoko, the leading man and owner of the district, and by the word of God ; and the same Word tells us what food is good and what food is not good. We tell you that it is better to follow what the Bible says, than to do what some men think it says." They were glad to have the Bible explanation, for they take what the Bible says as the end of all argument. It is in order to assist in the spreading of this message and the efficient supervision of this district, that a call is made to provide a boat for the use of Brother Gray as he takes up his work as district superintendent on the island of Choiseul In this way our Sabbath schools will have the opportunity of greatly helping the work by their next Thirteenth Sabbath offering. H. B. P. WICKS. A Letter from Pana Young Ladies from the A.M. College Canvassing in Tasmania colporteur work is uplifted in the eyes of our own people. And the young people's minds are being turned in the direction of Avondale and kindred schools, and their desires awakened for a closer walk with their God. Thus one can readily see the endless amount of good that can be accomplished by a godly, well ordered life, through the colporteur work, whether under the Home Missions or Field Missionary Department. Shall we not all, by the grace and help of God, seek to do a little more for the Master in the little time left us ? G. F. HANSFORD. ONE of our Filipino colporteurs, writing recently to the Far Eastern Division Outlook, tells of coming to a river one day that had to be crossed. The people planting rice near by cautioned him to be careful, as the river was infested with crocodiles and many people and animals had lost their lives through being grabbed by the monsters that inhabited its water. The colporteur went aside to pray, and recalling the passage in Joshua, " Have I not commanded thee ? be strong and of a good courage," he ventured to swim across. Scarcely had he put on his shoes when a crocodile passed by. The people shouted in excitement and others wondered. Our Filipino brother adds, "The thought immediately came to my mind that the angels of the Lord encamp around those that fear the Lord." Surely they do. they commenced to build a house to live in. They had the frame erected, and part of the leaf roof on, when one day whilst they were away, some who have ever made themselves enemies came and cut the house down. After some time they made further preparations and commenced another building, and although this house was threatened the same fate as the former, it still stands, and serves as a meeting house for about thirty people who gather there from week to week. They have suffered some persecution at this mission, but so far they have remained firm to the mission that they called. They were for a time very much in doubt, because a missionary of another persuasion had visited them and is reported to have said, " What do you listen to the Juapa Rane for? they do not tell you true. They want to take away your food. Don't you know that the Bible says that every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving'? So we are at liberty to eat anything." This troubled the boys somewhat, for they could see that the Bible certainly did say that, but they waited until the writer visited them and then they asked for an explanation. We said, " A person who believes that every creature is good for food from this text, could not refuse human flesh if it were offered to him ; But why cannot a Christian eat human flesh ? " One said, "Because the Bible says not to kill." " Right, and because it is sanctified THE following letter from Pana, one of our native evangelists in the Solomon Islands, was written to Pastor Fulton. We wish we could pass on to you the original letter, with its excellent penmanship and correct English, from this Solomon Island brother of ours. We know you will enjoy hearing of his interest and love for the work of God :1 was very pleased to get your letter, Brother Fulton, with the pictures you sent to me, and I am pleased to hear that Brother Lock and Naphtali went to New Guinea to do the work of God among those people. I myself am very pleased to do this great work of God, and to tell the people about the second coming of Christ. Our work on Ranonga is growing, too. Several of these men and women are ready for baptism, for the Spirit of God is working in their hearts so they are willing to follow Him every day. 0. brother, pray for us, for the enemy is against us again ; but we trust in the Lord to help us in everything, and we will not fear what they will do to us. I think some day some of these people who are against us now will become Seventh-day Adventists, because the Lord is stronger than the devil. Last week my wife and I went across the hills to visit the mission at Kubokota. Tolipio is the teacher there. He is my wife's brother. How glad my wife and I are to follow the light of the gospel of Christ ! Brother and Sister Tutty and some native teachers went to Bougainville to open the work, so God will do a great work there. I was very sad when I heard that my cousin Peo was very sick, but Pastor Wicks told me that he is better again. I pray for the work in the Solomon Islands and other places. I do pray to God to be with you and your people in Australia—to send more teachers to the heathen countries. mooV eignrie"AIISTRALASIAN RECORD•---Vi_w4.,,t,W We built thirteen houses for the married people here on the mission, and they are all looking happy, as they come to school every day. About one hundred come to school here on Modo and three of them are helping me in the school. My wife looks after the girls and teaches them to sew their dresses. I think when Pastor Wicks comes back here some more people will be baptised. I don't know the English language very well, but I am going to try to study it every day as best I can. One of the little chiefs here died a few days ago. There is not a very great big sea now on Ranonga, for it is a great calm now, and the boats could anchor safely. I hope to hear from you soon. God bless you and your wife. So good-bye, Pastor Fulton. With Christian love from your brother in Jesus Christ, I am, BARNABAS PANA. ?.11111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E L=- Education Department Stollimilliminiumminiimmilinutnitumultinnumintitiiiinuitumuulluminuuntuffilitiuminatitiluittutimmulti ilfr The Evolution of a Room CROWDED rows of seats, youthful enthusiasm, high hopes for the future, a touch of homesickness,—such the scene and the feelings on our first acquaintance with this room in the "girls' old hall " of the Australasian Missionary College. It was then the young ladies' parlour and too small to accommodate all who belonged there, so that some met for worship in one of the cottages. But what tales those plain walls could have told of vows registered under the inspiration of the leadership of those who had trodden the way before us, and of earnest prayers for help and guidance. Then in the study period that followed worship there was great wrestling with problems and oft was extended the " little help that's worth a great deal of pity." But always it was a plain room, and when the hanging lamp fell and ruined our carpet we could not get another. By and by however, we moved joyfully into our spacious new parlour with its four carpet squares, and the old room was stripped and bare. The next scene swiftly passes,—many cots accommodating the visitors to a session of the Union Conference, the thought of the meetings falling even at this distance like a benediction of peace. And now in memory rows of tiny desks take the place of chairs or beds, for the church school has outgrown its room in the chapel, and the younger ones fill this room to overflowing, and the writer still remembers the heart fears of those first days of "teaching school." Far and wide are those little ones, now grown tall. That bright-eyed laddie is away in North Queensland, and that other is a few hundred miles south from him, successfully carrying responsibility ; that gentle little maid is now ministering to the sick away off in the United States, and here is a dreamer who has little time to dream in the island mission field. Some have been lost to sight, but what a recompense for heart-aches as we watch many growing in service. We must leave this picture of the room in its busy activity, and the feet that " creeping slow to school went storming out to playing." The children coming into possession of a school house of their own, the room is given over to the dressmaking classes, and blackboard charts and thimbles and measures are in evidence, while fluffy heaps of white toward the end of the school year are destined to cover beating hearts of "sweet girl graduates" in the days when last speeches were an ordeal to be faced. And now solemn faces and garments take their place as the good mothers of Avondale meet as a "Dorcas" society, and despairingly hold up some much tattered garment belonging to one of the boys, and ask if there is a patch big enough to cover that hole. Many strange tales could be told of contrivances to make the garments last just a little longer; but we forbear and turn to our last picture, where memory is aided by the photographer's art, as our readers may see. Never has the old room looked so attractive, the scars in its linoleum decently hidden beneath a general coat of paint, its walls papered with an oatmeal paper, gay-flowered curtains at the windows, and comfortable chairs inviting one to 9/2 /25 , rest "just one long minute." This transformation has been made possible through the generosity of Professor and Mrs. Prescott, who made the general renovations a parting gift to the girls that they might have a cozy nook in, which to entertain their friends. Others contributed, shades for the lights, a cushion, or .a picture, and a few more cushions and covers are needed to complete the homelike appearance ; but we are content to leave the room with its memories so cunningly hidden, unless, may be this passing reference touches in some reader's mind sweet chords of memory. RHAE ALLBON. Christian Education WE'RE out for a short vacation To rest our minds and brains, And after three short summer months We'll come to school again. If you want to be of service In this old world of sin, It's a Christian education With which you must begin. Some of us will be teachers; Preachers, Bible workers, too; And perhaps some missionaries, And sail o'er the ocean blue. So we must keep on studying, And work with might and main; And then for all our labour, Sunshine we'll get for rain. And we'll have a home in heaven, Where the angels ever sing. We shall praise our King forever, Where the joy bells ever ring. VERA MCNEAL. OF all fruitless errands, sending a tear to look after a day that has gone is the most fruitless.—Dickens. 5 9/2/25 would then cease to be the flock of God. " My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." John 10 : 27. All these figures speak eloquently and decidedly on the point of organisa ion, control, and fitness in the church. The human body disorganised ceases to be a body; the house disorganised becomes a ruin ; and the flock disorganised is transformed quickly into a mob of self-willed The Church of Jesus Christ units with all the " flock " essentials lost. In the leading forth of His representaNo. 3 tive people from Egypt God gave organisation a prominent place. They went Its Organisation out by " five in a rank." Exodus 13 : 18. Every tribe camped by its own standard. To the child of God and for the child Numbers 2 : 2. When they marched of God the church of Jesus Christ must be every man was to keep- his own place. the supreme court in this world. Not in political or national matters, but for all Nurn. 2 : 17. Josephus, referring to the camp of Israel, speaks of it as " like a personal relationships it is his highest well appointed market. . . . It recourt of appeal. Paul makes this evident when he prohibits the Christian going to sembles a city that was sometimes moveable and sometimes fixed."—Ant. B. 3, law before the world. i Cor. 6: I. chap. 12, par. 5. To be efficient in its work the church In the rulership and control of that must be an organised body, recognising its delegated authority and also its sub- people leaders were appointed over thouordination to the heavenly Ruler. In the sands, hundreds, fifties, and over tens. Book of God three beautiful figures are Deut. I : 15. These four divisions would correspond to a general conference, a employed to illustrate this aspect of union conference, a local conference, and church life and responsibility—a body, a the local church—each having its officers house, and a flock are successively pictured as representing different phases of and all sharing in the responsibility. All Jehovah's work and designs carry church organised life. the same perfect plan of organised The human body is the most beautiful method. Among the multitude of the and highly organised thing of which we have knowledge. Repeatedly it is figured star worlds there is no confusion because as representing the church. I Cor. I2: every sun, planet, and pale moon holds the 12, 13, 27. Its beauty, its adaptability, place assigned without question. Every its marvellous proportions and the sym- tree, shrub, and flower still brings forth pathy of its parts all lend themselves to "after its kind." No slip-shod, irresponsible, or chance work finds place in God's the completeness of the picture. In all government anywhere. He has designed time artists and sculptors have recognised the body as their highest and most perfect that His church should go forth " clear as the sun, fair as the moon, and terrible as model. It is therefore a fitting type of an army with banners." that which God regards as the highest of The heart of man may refuse to recogall creations. The house with its many adjusted parts, nise this organisation and the responsits selected material, its intelligent design, ibility that it brings, but that refusal does and its strong foundations presents a very not in any way set aside the plan and fitting vision of the house of God. Eph. purpose of God. R. HARE. 2 :- 19-22. When the temple of Solomon was being built—" the grandest pile that ever pressed the earth "—all the stones used in the building were hewed to pattern and fitted in the quarry. I Kings 6 : IMPORTANT DATr.S 7. So it is with God's spiritual temple— all the character work must be done in Como-Meetings:— the quarry. No sound of hammer or Tasmania: February 19 to March 1. chisel was to be heard. So each member, West Australia: March 3-15. a as a "living stone," must be prepared in South Australia: March 17-29. this world, to take his place in the Queensland : April 9-19. heavenly building. I Peter 2 : 5. It is this quarry-moulding and fitting to Education Day: February 7. 1925. place that troubles the human heart. But A.M. College opens February 25. God has planned His typical church as a Appeal for Missions : March 29— place where His people may be fitted to Week of Prayer: May 30 to June 6. the divine proportions of the heavenly Fiji General Meeting: July 1 —6. ideal. The development and testing of character is therefore the most needful Home Missions Convention Publishing and important factor in church life, and /' August 6-13. Missionary Volunteer ) in it all Jehovah is selecting material for Union Conference Council : August His heavenly house. 19-31. The third figure is that of a flock with its many factors, led by one Shepherd. A flock—every member a part, each one humble enough to keep his place and AT the recent General Conference all obedient to the Shepherd's voice. The chief Shepherd is Jesus Christ, and Council Pastor C. E. Weakes, who has for all true-hearted workers are under-shep- many years been in charge of the publishing work in the Far Eastern Division, herds, employed to care for and feed the was transferred to the European Division flock. I Peter 5 : 3-5. Should the flock, to serve as secretary of the Publishing in some dream of madness, cease to hear Department in that field. or obey the voice of the Shepherd it NORTH NEW ZEALAND PRESIDENT ; H. M. BLUNDEN P. G. FOSTER 77€. SECRETARY ; Conference Session THE Wanganui Jockey Club's grounds was the site selected for the holding of the eleventh annual session of the North New Zealand Conference and camp-meeting. On Tuesday evening, December 23, the first business meeting of the session was held. There was a good representative gathering from the various churches of the conference, and we were pleased to have with us as Union Conference representatives Pastors J. E. Fulton, W. J. Westerman, and H. C. White. With the exception of two short sessions which were held on the last Sunday of the camp, January 4, when an up-to-date balance sheet for the year ending December 31, 1924, was presented, all the business was transacted during the first three days. Thus it was made possible for the rest of the time to be devoted to meetings of an entirely spiritual nature. Pastor H. M. Biunden, the president of the conference, in presenting a brief but very concise report of the work for the year, stated that we have at present twenty-one organised churches in the field, with a total membership of 1,079. One church, Feilding, has been added to the list during the year, while the Auckland City church has been dropped, and the membership distributed among the other four churches in the Auckland area. We rejoiced to know that one hundred precious souls had been baptised. But our hearts were made sad because eight of our members had been laid aside to await the call of the Life. giver, and still more sad in the thought twenty-five have fallen out by the way. Special mission efforts have been conducted during the year in Wellington, Hastings, Napier, Feilding, Hamilton, and Te Awamutu. In most of these districts good results attended the work. The treasurer's report revealed an increase in the present worth of the conference of 1924 of £659, thus bringing our standing up to £5,370. The following figures will be of interest :— 12 92 Tithe i8, 208 Foreign Missions (Union Con t. rence) 6,745 Ho :e Missions (local conf. exc,uding tithe) 575 Home Missions (local church) 1,233 Less Appeal f )r Miss (from publ c) ons 1923 1924 £9,250 L10,392 6,785 646 1,418 1,750 £16,761 £17944 3,385 7,452 491 3 351 £20 240 3,225 Total given by members 13,376 14,593 17,015 Per Capita given by members £14 13 7 £15 0 To £15 15 I Thus it will be seen that the year just closed has been a record one, and at the conclusion of the treasurer's report the delegates expressed their gratitude to God by singing, "Praise God from Whom all t lessings Flow." The Book Department profit and loss statement showed a net loss for the year of £275 I2S. Id. The adult and young people's missionary societies showed in some cases con- ..... 6 Z. a ••••••...aaanorwm ..eiraria-anrwa• ALISTRALASIAN RECOMD .... — siderable increases in missionary activities. Three new young people's societies have been organised during the year, bringing the total up to twenty-five, with a membership of 631, and these have raised £270 ios. for the support of the work in New Guinea, this being a substantial increase over the previous year. The Sabbath School Department showed an increase in membership of 58, thus bringing our total up to 1,342. The offerings from this department totalled E1,686, which is an increase of £294 as compared with the corresponding period of 1923. The regular standing committees were appointed and rendered reports as given below Nominations PRESIDENT: H. M. Blunden. SECRETARY: P. G. Foster. TREASURER : E. Mountain. SABBATH SCHOOL SECRETARY: J. Hookings. HOME MISSIONS SECRETARY : N. H. Faulkner. MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER SECRETARY: N. H. Faulkner. EDUCATIONAL SECRETARY: N. H. Faulkner. FIELD MISSIONARY SECRETARY : C. R. Farrell. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY SECRETARY: H. M. Blunden. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: H. M. Blunden, W. Richards, F. J. Pearce, J. Strange, W. A. Tulloch, W. R. Scragg, C. R. Farrell. N. Z. MISSIONARY SCHOOL BOARD: G. F. Wright, N. H. Faulkner, F. C. Wilkinson. Credentials and Licenses CREDENTIALS: H. M. Blunden, C. A. Paap, J. E. Steed, L. Currow, F. G. Rampton, W. R. Scragg, L. R. Harvey. ORDINATION AND CREDENTIALS: R. A. Anderson. MINISTERIAL LICENSE : H. L. Tolhurst, A. Bullas, J. Hookings, N. H. Faulkner, V. Nilsson, C. R. Farrell, A. Kranz. TEACHER'S LICENSE: Miss Beavis, Miss Sutton, Miss Potter, Miss McDonald. C )LPORTEUR'S LICENSE: A. Jackson, B. Waldrom, W. Boniface, Mrs. Boniface, Mrs. Barron, Mrs. Conrad, Miss Ward, Miss Kelsall, H. E. Kruse. The following is a brief outline of some of the recommendations which were adopted:— Expression of heartfelt gratitude to God for His abundant mercies by reconsecration ; outline of plan to raise £3,945 for foreign missions during 1925 ; determination to do all in our power to bring about a successful issue in the 1925 Prohibition poll ; a special Prohibition number of the Signs of the Times being issued for this purpose • declaration of our belief in the Bible as prepared by the Union Conference editorial committee to be published in the leading papers of this conference; the acceptance of the £2,600 goal for the 1925 Appeal for Missions, and the commencing of this campaign on February 15 •' the 1925 Big Week effort for Missions Publishing Fund to be enthusiastically entered into; the increase of our subsidy to the South New Zealand Conference for two years to £500 per year commencing January, 1925. On the first Sabbath of the camp a very impressive service was held when Brother R. A. Anderson was ordained to the gospel ministry. The service appeared the more solemn because of the fact that the eleven ordained ministers who attended the camp assembled on the rostrum for the laying on of hands, and as Brother Anderson came forward, making the complete number of twelve, our minds went back to the time when the eleven disciples gathered together for the purpose of selecting one to complete their number. ‘11.0.1. 9/2/25 the tents, for the Thursday prior to the opening a terrific storm accompanied by heavy wind broke over Wanganui, and it was found necessary to lower all the tents in order to prevent them being torn to ribbons. This considerably hampered the progress of the work, but by the time the campers arrived on Tuesday, almost everything was in readiness. Rain continued to fall off and on for several days during camp, but on New Year's day a beautiful calm set in, and the rest of the time the sun, having driven away the mists, shed its beams across the encampment thus making camp life more enjoyable. We- cannot but attribute to our Heavenly Father the glory due to His holy name, for the wonderful blessings and privileges He has bestowed upon us. Many who have been years on the way have said that this is the best camp that they have ever experienced. We look forward to being able to meet again a year hence. Baptismal Scene at Wanganui H. M. BLUNDEN, President. The followin t Sabbath Pastor White P. G. FOSTER, Secretary. presented in a very definite manner the great needs of our mission fields. It was good to see right in our midst some fruits Report of Ponsonby Dorcas from the work that had been done in Fiji, Society for on the platform were assembled Brother Ratu Tevita Daivalu and his wife Quarter Ending December, 1924 Liviana, also Brother Sisari Le wa. THE last quarter of the year has passed, These three members arrived from Fiji during camp, the two former being on and as we review our work we are glad their way to take up work in New Guinea, that we have grasped so many of the opwhile the latter, after having spent six portunities afforded us to help in the years at our school at Buresala, is to take Master's service. We are always busy a further course of study at our Avondale visiting the sick and helping the needy, of College, N. S. Wales. It certainly was a whom we find very many. A social evening was held by the young great help to have these brethren with us for the few days, and when Brother people of the church, each one bringing a Tevita was asked to express himself as to parcel of goods or contributing with whether he considered our efforts for the money, and as a result we obtained-goods island fields were of any avail, he stepped to the value of Et 2s. 8d., and Et ISs. 6d. forward and with feelings of great in cash. Our totals for the quarter are : emotion, the tears trickling down his face, —82 new garments given, and 283 old he told of the wonderful amount of ones; 60 yards new material, 20 pairs boots and shoes, 30 hats, 116 families gratitude that the natives felt toward those who are in the homeland for all helped. Besides this £60 has been withthat has been done for him and his dark- drawn from the bank. Our work grows heavier every quarter, skinned brothers and sisters. As the result of the appeal made, cash and but we rely on the promise of God to suppledges to the amount of just on EI,000 ply all our needs, and to Him be the glory were handed in. This was in addition to and praise for anything we have been the two Sabbath school offerings taken enabled to do. M. MCARTHUR, Secretary. up at camp, which amounted to £70. For the benefit of those who were not able to go forward in the sacred ordinance " IT is when we forget ourselves that of baptism in their own particular we do things that are remembered." churches, a baptismal service was held on WHAT an absurd thing it is to pass the camp-ground, when ten precious souls were buried with the Lord in the watery over all the valuable parts of a man and grave, to rise to newness of life. The fix our attention on his infirmities ! —Addison. beautiful little artificial lake, which had been emptied and cleaned out by volun" EVERY thought which enters the teer workers only the evening before, and mind, every word we utter, every deed filled with fresh water, made a unique we perform, makes its impression upon spot in which to hold this ceremony. the inmost fibre of our being, and the Some difficulty was experienced by the resultant of those expressions is our workers as they were engaged erecting character." 9/2/25 r- ATISTikALASIAN RECORD An Open Letter IN the many and varied experiences of my life since I surrendered to God, I must confess I am never so happy as when engaged in visiting people at their homes, having asked Jesus to make me a blessing. We are told " from no sect, rank, or class of people is the light shining from heaven's throne to be excluded."—" Christ's Object Lessons," page 418. In.this house-tohouse work Christ " permits us to come in contact with suffering and calamity in order to call us out of our selfishness ; He seeks to develop in us . . . compassion, tenderness, and love."—Id. page 388. " Never should we pass by one suffering soul without seeking to impart to him the comfort wherewith we are comforted of God."—/d., pages 387,3&3. Again, " loving ministry will break down prejudice and win souls to God."—Id., page 386. This wonderful message never seems so real to us as when shared with others, nor Christ so precious as when telling of what He is to us and what He has done for us personally. It is lovely to be able to dry the mourners' tears and to inspire with fresh hope and courage the downcast and sorrowing. There is nothing like the personal touch. When we meet those who sigh and cry for the abominations done in the land,—ineluding mothers who fear and tremble lest their little ones shall be corrupted by the manifold snares and evils of these perilous times, we rejoice as we realise that every book and page which we as a people circulate is pure, edifying, and uplifting. If only we could be sure that the influence of the lives of all our church members is the same, holy, harmless, and undefiled, showing that we are an open letter continued—truly separated unto God, free from all Babvlonish vanities, follies, and pollutions, and thus "our lives standing out in vivid contrast with the lives of worldlings,"—oh, would it not be grand Through conversing with many one learns that all right-thinking men, whose opinion alone is of value, feel pity, contempt, and scorn for girls and women who paint and powder, who disclose as much of their person as fashion permits, and who show by their conduct both in public and private that they have lost that sacred maidenly modesty and reserve which will ever be the chief charm of womanhood. May God help all who have identified themselves with this last great message of mercy to a dying world to raise the standard higher and higher. It behooves every church member to constantly remember that our divine Advocate has promised to confess before His Father and the holy angels only those who have confessed Him before men. AN OLD ADVENTIST. A DOCTOR of medicine has recently been baptised in Manchuria, so we now have a doctor in that field. He desires to help forward the work, and as a beginning is prepared to teach first aid in our boy's school in Harbin, WEDDING BELLS BAILEY-COMMINS.—On December 17, 5924, the home of Brother Joseph Jackson of Pukekorai, near Huntly, N.Z., was once again a scene of rejoicing when Brother George Bailey, late of the A.M. College, was joined in the bonds of matrimony with Nurse Ida Elizabeth Commins, late of the Sydney Sanitarium, before a large company of relatives and friends of the bride. We pray that the divine benediction may rest upon these two precious souls as they go to the South New Zealand Conference to take up work JOSEPH E. STEED. for the Master. HONNER-ELMORE.— Wednesday, January 7, was a joyful day to the many friends that gathered in the Ponsonby churce at Grey Lynn, N.Z., to witness the marriage of Harold Percival Honner to Margaret Ethel Elmore. The church was nicely decorated with flowers and a bower was made with a bell in the arch above, under which the sacred service was conducted by the writer. After the ceremony the many friends present at the social gathering expressed their good wishes for the young couple now launched on the sea of life. While both of these young people are at present engaged in school work for the New Zealand Government, we think we can truly say that they hope the time is not far distant when they will be engaged more fully in the JOSEPH E. STEED. Master's service. I OBITUARIES I SNAPE.—Sister E. Snape, relect of the late Brother J. P. Snape of Toowoomba, Queensland, was laid to rest in the Drayton cemetery on January 16, aged eightytwo years. Brother and Sister Snape accepted the advent message in the year 1895. Sister Snape had thus been identified with the movement for thirty years at the time of her death. Her husband predeceased her about four years. They came out under the labours of Brethren Starr and Hickox, and were charter members of the Toowoomba church, Brother Snape acting as elder and Sister Snape as deaconess. Both husband and wife were ardent Adventists and they truly sacrificed time, labour, and means to advance the cause they loved. It was the writer's privilege to live in their home months at a time in the early days, and it is now a pleasure to testify to the excellent Christian qualities of Brother and Sister Snape in generosity and kindness. Words of consolation were spoken to the sorrowing relatives and friends at the graveside by the writer. Our dear sister was laid away in the same grounds as her husband, and resting in the calm sleep of death they were left until the glad morning of the resurrection summons them forth to immortal life. T. WHITTLE. AUSTIN.—Sister Alice Maud Santon Austin fell asleep in Jesus at her home, 6 Gamble Street, E. Brunswick, Victoria, on Monday, January 5, 1925, at the age of thirty-eight years. Our sister accepted the present-day message seven years ago and connected with oar North Fitzroy 7 church. She lived consistent to the light till she was stricken by death. She was a devoted Christian. We laid her to rest in the Coburg cemetery, Wednesday, January 7, believing that she will be among those who will respond to the trumpet call at the resurrection of the just. A husband, four sons, and three daughters, and other sorrowing relatives are left to mourn their loss. Our hearts go out in sincere sympathy to these sorrowing ones. Services in the home and at the graveside were conducted by the writer. THOS. H. CRADDOCK. HANCHETT.—Robert Hanchett was one of our isolated Sabbath-keepers. His home was at Lorne, Victoria. He accepted the message some seventeen years ago, and delighted to talk about it to any who would listen to the sweet story. Finding it necessary to undergo an operation, he was transferred to the Bethesda Hospital, Richmond, where he died peacefully on Thursday, January 15, 1925, at the ripe age of seventy-eight years. He was interred in the Brighton cemetery, Friday afternoon, January 16, where he rests until the Life-giver shall call His redeemed people from their dusty beds. His widow, three daughters, and one son mourn their loss. Our hearts' sympathies are with the sorrowing ones. Service at the graveside was conducted by the writer. THOS. H. CRADDOCK. MCDOWELL.—William John McDowell was a native of Ireland, born November 1, 1845. He was converted under the ministry of D. L. Moody in Belfast, Ireland, and accented the message in Auckland, New Zealand, under the labours of Pastor A. G. Daniells in 1887. Brother McDowell was a faithful member of the Oakland church, California, U.S.A., for thirty-six years, falling asleep in Jesus, November 22, 1924. His wife and four children mourn, but with the blessed hope that he will come forth in the first resurE. H. ADAMS. rection. (Copied from Pacific Union Recorder.) CAMMELL.—Died at East St. Kilda, Victoria, in the home of brother W. H. J. Willson, January 7, 1925, Sister Elizabeth Annie Cammell, aged forty-eight years. Our Sister was born in Ballarat, and was only ten years old when her mother, Sister Booth, accepted the truth in that city thirty-eight years ago. Sister Cammell was ever a faithful and active worker in the cause of God, especially in Sabbath school work, until death claimed her. She was baptised by Pastor A. G. Daniells in Melbourne in whose home she lived for a time. Our sister spent two years in South Africa, in company with her husband, the late Brother Harold Cammell who laboured in the interests of our publishing work there. Sister Cammell, senior, still survives and is a member of our church in Ponsonby, N.Z. An only daughter, Estelle, who sorely misses her parents' counsel and care, an aged mother, three sisters, and two brothers are also called to mourn their sad loss. They have our deepest sympathy. Our sister suffered very much, especially the last three months of her life. We laid her to rest in the Melbourne General cemetery, in the same grave with her late husband and little son, on January 8, to await the call of her loving Friend and Life-giver. Pastor F. A. Allum assisted the writer at J. H. WOODS, both services, ALISTOrsITK§TAN kECO 8 1-kilotra1asiziat troth THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Single Subscriptions per year, post paid - - 5/Editors J. E. Fulton, W. G. Turner, F. A. Allum, Anna L. Hindson (Office Editor) All copy for the paper should be sent to Mrs. Hindson, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N.S.W. Printed weekly for the Conference by the AVONDALE PRESS, COORANRONG, NEW SOUTH WALE S THE Australasian Missionary College re-opens on Wednesday, February 25, 1925. THREE more Missionary Volunteers in Victoria have successfully finished the General Conference Standard of Attainment Course, and accordingly certificates have been awarded to Miss E. K. Harding, Harold O'Hara, and Jack T. Smith. AT this writing the camp-meeting in Victoria is in progress on a beautiful pine-sheltered, grassy paddock in East Kew. The meetings are being greatly enjoyed, and at the consecration service on the first Sabbath, conducted by Pastor Turner, an unusually good response was made. February 7, is to be observed throughout the field as Education Day. A special educational programme has been prepared for this day, and will be presented in all the churches. The work entrusted to God's people calls for a preparation which should be obtained in the school of Christ. All should be intensely interested in the subject of Christian education as it is a vital part of the third angel's message. SABBATH, WE have been clad to welcome Brother E. J. Felsch to Wahroonga as the head teacher of the church school at this centre. Brother R. B. Watts, our former teacher, has been transferred to the Brisbane school, while Sister Faulkhead, who taught that school last year, has been invited to lead out in the primary department at Avondale, with Miss L. G. McMahon from the North Fitzroy school, Melbourne, as first assistant. WE have received the first Sabbath school report from our new mission station at Efogi, in the interior of New Guinea. For the latter part of the December quarter the school consisted of the mission family, but on the first Sabbath of the new year the school was fully organised with a membership of thirtyfour. Sister Lock writes, " We expect the membership to grow each week. The natives seem to he interested in the Sabbath school. Pray especially that we may be given wisdom to master the language." A CORRESPONDENT has written to the treasurer of the Union saying, "I want you to send me a book showing pictures and map of foreign mission stations for 1923 or 1924, no further back than 1923. I have 1922. Please post to me and I will send money by return. I am sending five shillings in aid of your Seventh-day Adventist work in the Solomon Islands." We are becoming better known through the Appeal for Missions magazine than many of us realise, and many triends to the cause are being made through this medium. " MAIL day is the event of the month," writes Brother W. N. Lock from their new home over the mountains in New Guinea, and, we find it very refreshing as the Efogi daily paper (?) does not contain much news. We are still as busy as ever, there seems so much to be done ; but some day we shall have things in ' apple pie ' order. I believe this will become an important centre as the work develops. Already people are coming here from villages a long way off. Yesterday we had a man and his two daughters come from Narduri. They will stay in Efogi, and we hope to have one of the girls come into our home and help Mrs. Lock." JUST a week after the burial of Pastor Woods we received a letter from him, addressed in his familiar handwriting. Ever faithful to his work, he had prepared the obituary notice of Sister Cammell which appears in this issue, and accompanied it by a letter in which he 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Sanitarium X-Ray Fund Previously acknowledged Mr. & Mrs. W. 5. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Tolhurst H. J. Meyers E. Grusausky £731 2 5 I0 o o 0 0 0 5 I0 0 £748 13 5 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111USISISISISHISIIIIISISSIIII promised to write the notice of Brother Aitken's death as soon as he received a few more particulars. He also wrote of the distress they all felt at the sudden death of Brother Aitken. Little he thought when writing this that he would be resting by the side of Brother Aitken within a fortnight. While we mourn the passing of these two faithful servants of the Lord, we are reminded of the uncertainty of life, for we know not what a day may bring forth. IN a letter, accompanying a report of their experiences in Bougainville Brother Tutty says: " We are busy house building and are roughing it at present. The mosquitoes here are by the Too,000,000,000, 000 and the flies as well. I have had fever and also a bad leg, so things have not been too easy for me, but one has to keep going through it all, and with the Lord's blessing we are pushing ahead as fast as we can. As the work advances it should encourage the folks at home." Although encountering many difficulties in their pioneering work, Brother Tutty is thinking of "the folks at home " and hoping to encourage us by the progress they are making. Our Sabbath schools on the next Thirteenth Sabbath will have the opportunity of cheering the hearts of these faithful workers in their isolation on the storm-beaten coast of Bougainville. ON January 26 Pastors Fulton and White, with the three Fijians, Ratu Tevita Daivalu and wife and Sisari, reached Sydney from New Zealand. After a few days at Wahroonga and a brief visit to Avondale, Ratu Tevita and wife proceeded on their way to their new field of 9/2/25 labour in New Guinea. In addressing our members at .Wahroonga at the prayer meeting, with Pastor Fulton as interpreter, our three Fijian visitors expressed the pleasure it gave them to greet the brethren and sisters here and to, see the headquarters of our work in Australia, of which they had heard so much; but they declared that like the Queen of Sheba on her visit to Jerusalem, " the half had not been told." . Ratu Tevita made as his own the earnest request found in 2 Thess. 3: i,2 : "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may have free course, and -be glorified, even as it is with you : and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men." Let us all uphold them in prayer. It means just as much for these workers to leave the beautiful and peaceful land of Fiji and go to a strange land among heathen people, as for any white worker to leave his native land. Sisari has come over to attend the College and to help in the translating work of our Fijian literature printed at the Avondale Press. Further Particulars in Reference to the Death of Pastor J. H. Woods JUST before we left Wahroonga we received word to the effect that Pastor J. H. Woods was seriously ill, but at that time we did not know the nature of his illness. We found, however, upon reaching Melbourne, that he had been seized with a stroke on the preceding Wednesday night. He had addressed the workers on the camp-ground at midday, the text upon which he based his address being, " That I might know Him, and the power of His resurrection." To all appearances, he was well in the evening time when he returned home, but just as he was going in to his evening meal from one room to another he was stricken down. 'Sister Woods secured help from next door, and when the doctor came he told her that Brother Woods had a stroke. He never rallied, although at times he appeared to be semi-conscious, but never spoke, having lost all power so to do. Soon after arriving in Melbourne, Mrs. Turner and I visited the home. His heart was rapidly weakening. Sister Woods was bearing up remarkably well. Brother and Sister Nattrass were helping, while Sister Norman Woods was at the home also assisting, as was Norman himself as he had opportunity. At five minutes past ten on Wednesday morning, Brother Woods passed quietly away. When word reached the camp there was a large congregation of people in the big tent, and all were deeply affected by the news, Brother Woods being so well known throughout this field. His death has made a deep impression upon our people, coming so suddenly, and being preceded by the death of Brother Aitken, who is buried right next to him, and at whose funeral Brother Woods himself officiated less than two weeks before. Pastor Woods was laid to rest January 22 in the Brighton cemetery, a very large concourse of people being present at 'the funeral. Pastor Fletcher led in a brief service- at the home, while Pastor Anderson, assisted by others of us, conducted the service at the graveside. W. G. TURNER.
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