September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 September/October 2011 • Number 929 How to Market Yourself in a Questionable Economy By Dr. Charlie Hall T he Great Recession had a major impact on the national floriculture industry due to job losses, home foreclosures, declining consumer confidence, lower business spending, and inflationary pressures on some of our key production inputs. Due to the cumulative impacts of these stressful economic conditions, we find that several of our friends and colleagues are no longer working in the industry. Of those that have survived, several that I have interacted with have indicated their business activity is still way down; others say they have either been “holding their own” or “doing OK.” However, there has been another (yet smaller) subset of firms that have indicated their “sales are up” or that their business has been “expanding” during the recovery. So, naturally, this prompts the question as to how have they done it? What is it that separates the firms that are just doing “OK” from those who are doing well? As usual, there is no easy answer, but there are a couple of major underlying reasons. First, the severity of the economic downturn (and the subsequent recovery) has not been equal in all areas of the country. Some regions experienced more of an economic downturn than others and are recovering much more slowly. Firms that operate and market in regions that are fairing better economically find themselves in a more favorable market position. Also, firms who sell directly to end consumers have perhaps benefitted Continued on page 8 OFA Scholars Program: Transforming Today’s Students into Tomorrow’s Leaders By Alicia Wells A ny idea why today’s horticulture students have chosen horticulture or what they plan to do after graduation? Based on visits with horticulture students in programs throughout the Midwest I can offer some insight. The top two responses I get from “What do you want to do after graduation?” are: own a greenhouse and work at a greenhouse. While most students do not have a family background that includes horticulture, what they all have in common is a deep passion and respect for plants – their beauty and the intricacies of growing them. So what does that mean to the industry? Well, if you own a greenhouse it’s good and bad news. You could potentially have more competition or you could see an increase in qualified employees. To the rest of the industry it means today’s students are completely unaware of all the fun, interesting, and challenging jobs the industry has to offer. The fact that most of today’s students do not have a family background in horticulture means they’re in love with plants but not Continued on page 10 Inside this Edition... How to Market Yourself in a Questionable Economy 1 OFA Scholars Program: Transforming Today’s Students into Tomorrow’s Leaders 1 Fall Mums: A Guide to Higher Profitability 2 Chlorination for Irrigation Systems 4 Organic Substrates & Fertilizers 13 “Clean” Cutting, Plugs & Propagation: A Good Start for Any Solid Pest Management Program 16 Million-Dollar Question: How to Get Employees to Follow Safety Rules? 19 s-ABA: A New PGR to Extend Shelf Life & Increase Sell-Through 20 OFA Members in the News 22 Welcome New OFA Members & Subscribers 23 OFA Grow & Sell for Profit Conference 24 OFA News 32 This is a member benefit of OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals. OFA Bulletin 1 OFA Mission Statement Grower To support and advance professional horticulture. OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals 2130 Stella Court Columbus, Ohio 43215-1033 USA 614-487-1117 Fax: 614-487-1216 OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 NUMBER 929 Editorial Staff Stephen A. Carver, Ph.D. Laura Kunkle Editor Contributors Stephanie Burnett Shawn Combs Paul R. Fisher Dr. Charlie Hall Jinsheng Huang Michelle L. Jones Bruce R. MacKay Neil Mattson Rosa E. Raudales Mark Schermer Ronald Valentin Nicole L. Waterland Alicia Wells Published Bimonthly Copyright© OFA 2011. Permission is hereby given to reprint articles appearing in this OFA Bulletin provided the following reference statement appears with the reprinted article: “Reprinted from the OFA Bulletin, (phone: 614-487-1117) September/October 2011, Number 929.” No endorsement is intended for products mentioned in this OFA Bulletin, nor is criticism meant for products not mentioned. The authors and OFA assume no liability resulting from the use of practices printed in this OFA Bulletin. 2 Fall Mums: A Guide to Higher Profitability Mark Schermer W e all understand that every penny counts in the chrysanthemum market. Since the market for mums is highly competitive and the product is seen as a commodity, it is difficult to influence market pricing. To grow garden mums profitably, we must grow them efficiently and minimize shrink. Royal Heins says, “The more I think about this, the clearer and simpler the answer gets: just doing the things right. Pick the right product range for the customer in the right amounts, then do things right in growing and packaging and you can’t do any better.” So, what is involved in doing things right? According to Henk Dresselhuys and Royal Heins it includes: • Makingtheappropriatevarietychoices • Usingclean,healthycuttings • “Startinggood,finishingright” First, choose cultivars suited to your area and purpose. To the consumer, a chrysanthemum is a chrysanthemum. All she or he expects from the retailer is to have the colors they are looking for, so that is what the retail store will ask for: “Give me a good range of chrysanthemums in different pot sizes, which appeal to the consumer.” Now, as a grower, you are left with the choice. The questions that matter are: • WhatdoIwanttoprovidesizewise and color wise? • Whatismygrowingenvironment? Now let your breeder representative set up the program with the right varieties for the right end result. Equally important, if substitutions are unavoidable get the variety with the right characteristics for the expected end result! Second, inspect your cuttings as they come in; they need to be healthy and free of disease problems. Third, “A good start makes half of the end result” is a famous Dutch saying. In chrysanthemum, it is even more than half. When you have the plant making a great start, it will reward you with the best results. Propagation Asked about how to get to the best results, Dresselhuys advocates a general principal: “A stress-free start for the garden chrysanthemum is very important: enough water, sufficient nutrition, and light. Make the plant take off and grow. A stress-free plant will not go into premature budding.” Royal Heins agrees. “Make sure to create an optimal environment for the vegetative stage. Provide 50 to 60 ppm of a fertilizer like 17-5-17 in the mist or feed with 200 to 300 ppm 20-10-20 at about day 7, but make sure to rinse the foliage after the feed. Also provide long days in propagation at any time prior to June 1 with minimum of 10 foot candles. Also, never let night temperatures fall below 68°F during propagation and before transplant to avoid premature flower-bud set.” Dresselhuys adds, “It is also important to not let it get too hot. Chrysanthemum is a crop that performs very well in a moderate and steady environment. On very hot days you can use extra misting to cool off the crop. Crop temperature is a very important issue to manage.” Figure 1. Just-pinched garden mums Nutrition After propagation or upon reception of the rooted cutting, stick the plant immediately. Do not let the liners dry out. OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 Dresselhuys explains the needs of the young chrysanthemum. “It needs water, nutrition, and space to grow. Make sure you provide that and have your pest management and disease management in place. Prevention is the key word, because you can’t reach plagues or diseases very well with your chemicals when the plant is well established.” Royal Heins agrees, but wants to warn the growers as well: “Contrary to popular belief, garden chrysanthemums do not require, and will not use nutrients when applied in excess of 125 ppm nitrogen on a constant basis. Higher rates will either need to be leached or will accumulate in the media raising EC. Constant feed (at 100 to 125 ppm nitrogen from a fertilizer such as 17-5-17) at every watering will produce excellent plants without the fertilizer waste typical of higher rates. However, it is important to make sure that plants are getting adequate amounts of micronutrients, which may mean augmenting the fertilizer program. Plants should receive 1 ppm iron, 0.5 ppm manganese, 0.5 ppm zinc, 0.3 ppm copper, 0.25 ppm boron, and 0.1 ppm molybdenum. It is all about nitrogen management but with adequate concentrations of other nutrients.” Flowering Flowering induction in garden chrysanthemums is promoted by short days and cool night temperatures. But, Heins explains, “Even under long days, premature bud set can occur if night temperatures fall below 68°F. To ensure plants do not form premature flowers, apply Florel (generally 500 ppm) during the vegetative phase. As a general rule, the first application about 7 to 10 days after sticking will prevent premature flower-bud set in the liner, and application every 2 weeks after transplant up to no closer than 8 weeks to ship will prevent premature flower bud set. It is much easier to use Florel to prevent early bud set than to correct early bud set. By the way, high fertility does not prevent flowering contrary to popular belief.” Timing You want your crop to finish on time and have the right shape. Give the right number of long days for plant bulking. Natural day length on any day of the year varies with latitude. On any given summer day, day length is longer in the North (e.g. Michigan) than in the South (e.g. Texas). Warmer summer temperatures in southern states normally work to prevent premature flower bud set in June and July even as the natural day length in the south, even in mid-June, is more conducive for flower induction, especially if temperatures turn cool. The longest day length in June in North Carolina is the same as the day length the first of August in mid-Michigan and Connecticut. By the third week of August, black-out should notbeneededanywhereintheUnitedStatestoshortenday length, according to Royal Heins. When growing mums in larger pots, you should consider putting hoops on the pots or putting a net around the plant to prevent it from falling apart. This is especially important for plants grown inside greenhouses where higher temperatures and lower light levels typically lead to weaker plants. Hoops and netting are “shrink insurance,” allowing you to sell more plants because fewer fall apart and need to be dumped. Figure 3. Great-looking garden mums Do’s & Don’ts Asked about the do’s and don’ts in chrysanthemum culture, Heins and Dresselhuys are unanimous. Do’s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Figure 2. Garden mums with 12-inch spacing. Pest & Disease management It is very important to stay on top of pests and diseases, especially in the early stage of the crop. Dresselhuys states, “It is more difficult for sprays to penetrate the plant during later stages of production, so make sure you keep pests under control, earlier in the vegetative state.” Royal Heins adds more to this. “The chrysanthemum crop is usually attacked by leaf miners, spider mites, aphids, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia. Make sure you have a regular scouting program in place and take action when you see something happening. Of course, prevention is better. I always recommend preventative spray programs for insects and foliage diseases and drenches for soil pathogens.” OFA Bulletin Choose the right variety for the pot size and climate Propagate properly to start Control the flowering time, prevent premature budding Control the height Have your pest and disease management in place Don’ts 1. Over fertilize 2. Stress the plant in terms of drought, temperature, etc which can cause premature budding 3. Crowd plants – space on time; the plant needs space to develop right Mark Schermer Fides North America 805-525-7125 805-525-3412 3 Grower Chlorination for Irrigation Systems By Rosa E. Raudales, Bruce R. MacKay, Jinsheng Huang, and Paul R. Fisher Water Quality Series of Free Webinars and Articles “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink.” The Rime of the Ancient Mariner reminds us that water quality is just as important as access to enough quantity for irrigation. With increasing competition for scarce water resources, growers are forced to use lower quality water from catchment ponds, recirculated run off, or partially treated municipal supplies. Growers face water quality issues such as high alkalinity, waterborne pathogens, clogging of irrigation lines, and algae. In November, the Water Education Alliance for Horticulture is launching a new series of webinars and articles on water quality and conservation in collaboration with OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals, Florida Nursery Growers and LandscapeAssociation,andUniversityofFloridaIFAS Extension. Topics include dealing with water sources; pH, alkalinity and salts; pathogen control; monitoring; equipment clogging; algae control and pond management; surface cleaning and sanitation; and design of water treatment systems. Expert presenters have been lined up from several universities and companies. Find out more about this series through the OFA Bulletin and e-newsletter, or you can go to for more information. Irrigation water can harbor plant pathogens, algae, and other microbes that can be distributed by the irrigation system and result in plant loss. Growers rely on water treatment technologies to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases, algae, and biofilm with their irrigation system. Chlorination is one of several treatment options, available as a solid (calcium hypochlorite usually as tablets), liquid (sodium hypochlorite “bleach”), or pure gas chlorine. Chlorine is widely used by growers, because it is simple to operate, has low capital and operating costs, and has proven efficacy against many biological problems in water. As an oxidizer, chlorine is sometimes used to help precipitate excess iron or manganese from irrigation water. Chlorine effectiveness and safety as a pathogen control depends on the irrigation system design, irrigation water quality, target organism, and applied dose. This article describes some of the factors that drive the efficacy of 4 chlorine. Growers face the challenge of identifying the proper chlorine dose for the control of their specific problem without resulting in phytotoxicity of their crop. We summarize research literature on the effect of chlorine on pathogen mortality to help growers manage chlorine more effectively (Table 1, page 6) and introduce a free online tool to access research data on chlorine and other sanitizing chemicals. Definitions & How Chlorine Works Understandingsomeofthetermsandchemistryofchlorine underlies its effective use. Liquid sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and solid calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) react with water and produce hypochlorous acid, hydroxide (OH-), and sodium or calcium ions. Chlorine gas reaction with water produces hypochlorous acid, chloride (Cl-) and hydrogen ions (H+). At the concentrations typically applied to irrigation water, sodium and calcium hypochlorite are slightly basic, and chlorine gas is slightly acidic. The balance between hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ions (OCl- ) is determined by the pH of the solution. Hypochlorous acid concentration is higher in solutions with pH below 7.5 and hypochlorite is greater when the solution has pH above 7.5 (Figure 1.). Figure 1. Fluctuation of total chlorine in response to change in pH of the solution. Chlorine has two main forms in water. Hypochlorous acid is a strong sanitizer, and is favored below pH 7.5. Hypochlorite predominates at high pH, and has less sanitizing power. Hypochlorous acid is the strongest oxidizer derived from chlorine, whereas OCl- is a weak oxidizer. Chlorine oxidizes organic matter (i.e. microorganisms, plant material, peat, chelates), which means that chlorine primarily controls pathogens by disrupting cell membranes and organic compounds due to loss of electrons. The oxidation power OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 of HOCl is estimated to be 20 to 80 times more powerful than OCl-. Therefore, treatment efficacy will be greater at pH 7.5 or less at a given chlorine concentration. Total chlorine is the concentration of free and combined forms of chlorine. Combined forms of chlorine include chloramines and other compounds that have little to no disinfestant activity. Chloramines are formed when chlorine interacts with nitrogen sources. Therefore, chlorination should be carried out prior to injection of water soluble nutrients to the irrigation water. Free chlorine refers to the total concentration of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite as a result of the reaction between chlorine and water. Free chlorine has the main oxidizing power in chlorinated irrigation water, especially hypochlorous acid. Chlorine demand of the water is the amount of free chlorine that reacts with the microbes, organic matter, ammonium, and other contaminants in the water or irrigation system. Chlorine demand can be estimated by measuring the difference between the injected concentration and the final “free residual chlorine” concentration coming out of the furthest outlet away from injection. Free residual chlorine is, therefore, the amount of free chlorine available for water disinfestation after the chlorine demand of the water has been fulfilled. The total and free chlorine in a solution are highly dependent on the amount of organic matter present. Research fromtheUniversityofFloridademonstratedthattheaddition of organic matter (peat/perlite growing substrate) resulted in a dramatic drop of the concentration of free and total chlorine (Figure 2). The higher the organic matter in solution, the more chlorine that will be required to obtain the desired free residual chlorine for pathogen control. Therefore, it is very important to pre-filter the water to remove the excess of organic matter. Figure 2. Residual and total chlorine concentration as a result of increasing quantities of peat/perlite growing substrate in a solution treated with sodium hypochlorite. Efficacy of Chlorine for Control of Waterborne Pathogens The applied concentration required to control pathogens depends on the genotype and growth stage of pathogens (Table 1, page 6). Research by plant pathologists found ≥90% mortality of pathogen propagules was obtained with 4 ppm or more chlorine for Agrobacterium, cucumber leaf spot virus, Fusarium oxysporum, Geotrichum candidum, Meloidogyne javanica, Plasmodiophora brassicae and Rhizoctonia solani OFA Bulletin mycelia, 2 ppm or less to control Erwinia spp. and zoospores of Phytophthora spp. and Pythium spp. and 4 and 8 ppm to control mycelia and sporangia of Phytophthora nicotianae, respectively. Some pathogens therefore required a very high concentration of chlorine (above 2 ppm) for control, resulting in risk of phytotoxicity if that dose was applied. In practice, most growers apply around 2 ppm of free residual chlorine at pH 5.5 to 7.5 to control zoospores of Pythium and Phytophthora. For some pathogens and resistant life stages, such as Fusarium oxysporum, chlorine is unlikely to provide adequate control. Identifying the target organism is therefore important. Chlorination alone will not eliminate disease. Chlorination should be part of an integrated approach to disease management, including clean plant material, growing media, and containers, and use of fungicides. Excess application of irrigation water provides an environment that favors development of disease, increases the volume of water that must be treated, and therefore increases treatment cost. The applied concentration may need to change over time to ensure that the desired residual free chlorine is available. Monitor regularly at both the injector and the point of delivery (furthest outlets and emitters) to avoid the likelihood of over- or under-dosing chlorine. This is especially important given changing chlorine demand (difference between injection and final concentration of chlorine) because microbial loads in irrigation water change over the production season. Filter before chlorination to reduce suspended solids and reduce the chlorine demand of the water from peat, plant parts, and other particles. Chlorine demand is particularly high in recirculated or surface sources. There are several benefits of filtration including reducing the applied concentration needed and therefore chemical cost, and increasing the removal of pathogens embedded in particles. Measure water pH, and an acid injector may be needed for pH control. Maintain water pH in the range of 5.5 to 7.5 so that the majority of chlorine is in the hypochlorous acid form (rather than hypochlorite at high pH). Managing pH and chlorine concentration go hand in hand for effective water treatment. Increase contact time in order to increase pathogen control at a given chlorine concentration. For example, maintain water in a holding tank following dosage with chlorine. Apply chlorine with adequate contact time before injection of water soluble fertilizers, to avoid the rapid formation of chloramines (reaction of chlorine with nitrogen fertilizer) which are less effective sanitizers than hypochlorous acid. If you have inline injection of chlorine and water soluble fertilizers, chlorine may not be the best technology and other options such as chlorine dioxide, copper, ozone, or activated peroxygens may be a better choice. Monitor chlorine level with a hand-held or inline meter to measure concentration in ppm of free chlorine (rather than total chlorine, which includes non-sanitizing chemical forms). Measure oxidation reduction potential (ORP) with a handheld or inline meter as an additional check that the chlorine is providing adequate sanitizing power (around 750 mV or above for Pythium zoospores). ORP is a measurement of the oxidative power of chemicals including chlorine, chlorine Continued on page 6 5 Chlorination for Irrigation Systems Continued from page 5 dioxide and ozone. For example, research has shown that the same chlorine concentration is likely to have a higher ORP and better control of Pythium zoospores at pH 6 than at pH 8. Chlorine, like any new product used in an operation, should be tested on a small group of plants for phytotoxicity and efficacy before applying to the entire crop. Chlorination alone is not likely to completely control pathogens, algae, and biofilm and an integrated disease management approach is needed. Water Treatment Technologies Database The Water Education Alliance for Horticulture has launched a new online searchable database about the efficacy of the different water treatment technologies to control waterborne pathogens. This tool summarizes research information for use by growers and extension/consulting agents. The database is searchable by pathogen to the genus level and by water treatment technology. In addition, the tool provides a detailed view about each original study. The goal is to help growers make informed decisions by providing access to research data. To find more information visit: Chlorination Checklist Water pH is maintained between 5.5 and 7.5 following chlorine and other treatments. Coarse organic matter has been pre-filtered before chlorine is injected. Water soluble fertilizer is not injected prior to chlorination. Meters are available and staff are trained to measure free chlorine, pH, and ORP. Free residual chlorine is maintained at 2 ppm. ORP after chlorination is above 700 millivolts. Treated water is stored in a holding tank following dosage with chlorine to increase contact time. Table 1. Summary of published efficacy tests for chlorine as a control for waterborne pathogens and algae. This table summarizes published research that tested control of plant pathogens and algae using chlorine and is not intended as a recommended dosage rate. Target Organism Dose required for >90% control Practical Implications Citations Algae Very high dose. 15 to 30 ppm applied to a recirculating nutrient solution once weekly Weekly application of chlorine at 15 ppm of chlorine for the first 5 weeks and then 30 ppm for 9 weeks in a subirrigation solution resulted in algae control rated as “none, white bench”. This very high dose was probably required because chlorine was added to a nutrient solution, resulting in chloramine formation. Chase and Conover (1993) Erwinia Up to 0.5 ppm at pH 6 or 0.75 ppm at pH 8 for 2 min 0.1 ppm residual chlorine at the spray emitter of the irrigation system resulted in complete mortality of Erwinia carotovora f. zeae. Lower doses of chlorine controlled E. carotovora at neutral pH. At a given chlorine dose, the higher the pH the lower the mortality observed. Thompson (1965), Robbs et al. (1995) Fusarium Very high dose. 8 ppm for 1.5 min or 10 ppm for 0.5 min A very high dose of chlorine (8 to 10 ppm, likely to be phytotoxic to crop plants) was required to obtain high mortality of F. oxysporum in water. Rates as low as 4 ppm of chlorine for 0.5 min resulted in a mortality ≥ 50%. Cayanan et al. (2009) Geotrichum Very high dose. 25 ppm at pH 6.0 for 2 min A very high dose of chlorine (likely to be phytotoxic to crop plants) was required to achieve mortality of Geotrichum candidum, the causal agent of sour rot. Robbs et al. (1995) Melodoigyne Very high dose. 5% (50,000 ppm) for 5min (eggs), 200 ppm for 24 hours (mortality of juveniles), 2 ppm for 24 hours (motility of juveniles) The dose required to control root knot nematodes was extremely high, indicating chlorine was not an effective control if the irrigation solution was applied to crop plants and phytotoxicity would be likely. Stanton and O’Donnell (1994) Phytophthora Up to 2 ppm for up to 10 min for zoospores and mycelia, with up to 4 ppm for 8 min for sporangia of P. nicotianae 2 ppm was an effective control concentration for zoospores and mycelia, however a higher rate would be required for more resistant life stages. Berenguer et al. (2001), Bush et al. (2003), Hong et al. (2003), Roberts and Muchovej (2008), Cayanan et al. (2009), Granke and Hausbeck (2010), Plasmodiophora Very high dose. None of the doses (0.2, 2.0, 20, 200 ppm) resulted in 90% of mortality of spores. Mortality ranged from 5 to 56%, respectively. However, club root on cabbage incidence was 80% for plants treated with 0.2 ppm of chlorine and 0% for higher doses. 2 ppm of chlorine may be useful as one component of a disease management program for club root on cabbage, but did not provide 90% control. Datnoff et al. (1987) Pythium Up to 2 ppm, or over 700 mV Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), for up to 10 min High mortality of zoospores was achieved at doses of 2 ppm with 10 min exposure. For some species, control occurred at a lower concentration and a shorter contact time, especially when pH was lowered to 6. Berenguer et al. (2001), Hong and Richardson (2004), Kong et al. (2004), Lang et al. (2008), Roberts and Muchovej (2008), Cayanan et al. (2009) Rhizoctonia Very high dose. 10 ppm for 10 min A very high dose of chlorine (10 ppm, likely to be phytotoxic to crop plants) was required to control Rhizoctonia solani in water. Cayanan et al. (2009) Xanthomonas 2 ppm for 10 min 100% mortality was observed of X. campestris recovered from pond water with chlorine treatments of 2 ppm or higher, which is a dosage consistent with control of Pythium and Phytophthora zoospores. Roberts and Muchovej (2008) 6 OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 Citations 1. Berenguer, J.J., I. Escobar, M. García, J.Gómez, and A. Alvarez. 2001. Methods to control Pythium and Phytophthora in cold plastic houses. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 559:759-763 2. Bush, E. A., C. X. Hong, and E. L. Stromberg. 2003. Fluctuations of Phytophthora and Pythium spp. in components of a recycling irrigation system. Plant Dis. 87:1500-1506. 3. Cayanan, D. F., P. Zhang, L. Weizhong, M. Dixon and Y. Zheng. 2009. Efficacy of chlorine in controlling five common plant pathogens. HortScience 44:157–163. 2009. 4. Chase, A. R. and C.A. Conover. 1993. Algae control in an ebb and flow irrigation system. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 106: 280 - 282 5. Fisher, P.R., R. Raudales, D.P. Meador. 2010. How Clean Is Your Water? Choosing a Water Treatment System. OFA Bulletin, July/August 2010: 4-7. 6. Granke, L. L., and , M. K. Hausbeck. 2010. Effects of temperature, concentration, age, and algaecides on Phytophthora capsici zoospore infectivity. Plant Dis. 94:54-60. 7. Hong, C. X., P.A. Richardson,P. Kong, and E.A. Bush. 2003. Efficacy of chlorine on multiple species of Phytophthora in recycled nursery irrigation water. Plant Dis. 87:1183-1189. 8. Hong, C. and P.A. Richardson. 2004. Efficacy of chlorine on Pythium species in irrigation water. SNA research conference proceedings. 49: 265-267 OFA Bulletin 9. Lang, J. M., B. Rebits, S.E. Newman, and N. Tisserat. 2008. Monitoring mortality of Pythium zoospores in chlorinated water using oxidation reduction potential. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2008-0922-01-RS 10. Robbs, P. G., J. A. Bartz, J.K. Brecht, and S. A. Sargent. 1995. Oxidation- reduction potential of chlorine solutions and their toxicity to Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora and Geotrichum candidum. Plant Dis. 79: 158- 162 11. Roberts, P.D. and R. M. Muchovej. 2009. Evaluation of tailwater from vegetable fields for recovery of phytopathogens and methods to reduce contamination (B201). Southwest Florida Water Management District 12. Stanton, J.M. and W.E. O’Donnell (1994).Hatching, motility, and infectivity of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) following exposure to sodium hypochlorite. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 34: 105-108 13. Thompson, D.L. 1965. Control of bacterial stalk rot of corn by chlorination of water in sprinkler irrigation. Crop Sci. 5:369–370. Rose E. Raudales, Bruce R. MacKay, Jinsheng Huang, and Paul R. Fisher Environmental Horticulture University of Florida 1533 Fifield Hall Gainesville, FL 32611 352-226 4410 352-392 3870 7 Management How to Market Yourself in a Questionable Economy Continued from page 1 from the increased interest in “buying local” that has stemmed from the rise in fuel prices. However, more importantly, firms who are doing better in today’s economic climate have been (1) proactive in shaving costs out of their value chain (through either lean flow analysis and/or adopting technology/mechanization), and (2) successful in differentiating themselves in the marketplace by effectively articulating their value proposition. In marketing lingo, differentiation exists when customers (under conditions of competitive supply and faced with a range of choices): (a) perceive that product offerings do not have the same value and (b) are prepared to dispose of unequal levels of resource (usually money) in acquiring as many of the available offerings as they wish. Customers (both end consumers and business-to-business) generally use five major attributes in making a decision about what products/ services to buy and from whom to buy them from including quality, price, service, convenience, and selection. Value represents the tradeoff between the benefits derived from this varying mix of attributes relative to the sacrifices (dollars) made in getting them. So the key for firms in the floriculture industry is to provide greater value to customers. The interesting thing is that the difference in value that customers perceive (when comparing your firm to competitors) can either be real or perceived through various signals you relay through your marketing efforts. Economists characterize demand by a concept called the “price elasticity of demand,” which measures the nature and degree of the relationship between changes in the quantity demanded of a good/service and changes in its price. An important relationship to understand is the one between elasticity and total revenue. The demand for a good/service is considered relatively inelastic when the quantity demanded does not change much with the price change. Therefore, when the price is raised, the total revenue of the firm increases; likewise, when prices are lowered, revenue decreases. What this effectively means is that firms can actually raise their prices, and though they might sell fewer units, total revenue for the company still goes up. So, the obvious question is this: How does a firm go about making the demand in its respective trade area more inelastic? By distinguishing itself somehow in terms of perceived value (e.g. the mix of quality, price, service, convenience, and selection attributes). That is why marketing efforts are so important in the first place. They are the key to successful differentiation. However, the only way in which all of this makes sense economically is if the firm successfully differentiates itself in the mind of the customer in terms of the types of products or services offered and the segment(s) of customers it targets. While it may be too soon to start raising all prices in the short 8 run since we are still in the midst of economic stress, there is a chance for firms to test the waters, so to speak, on some of their more differentiated product/service offerings. Of course this requires a firm to stay the course in terms of marketing efforts. Firms actually need to consider increasing their marketing efforts during times of economic stress. As others make cutbacks (and marketing is usually the first thing to go during economically stressful conditions), an increase in marketing efforts can lead to increased customer “mindshare.” While it may seem counter-intuitive, firms normally spending 3 percent to 5 percent of gross sales on marketing in prosperous market conditions should consider increasing this to 5 percent to 8 percent during times like the industry is currently experiencing. As the saying goes, speak when others are quiet, and even a whisper can be heard. An ideal marketing communication is one that will help promote the business, maintain relationships, attract new customers, and be relatively inexpensive. Social media is a relatively new and exciting way of communicating with existing and potential customers that does all of this. It has become widely used by other industries but has only recently been explored in depth by the floriculture industry. Social media includes two-way communication that allows customers to directly interact with the company and/or brand. As such, it has a lot of potential as a method to reach a significant number of floral industry customers. For example, social media users in 2011 reported high levels of influence as follows: (a) 23.1 million discover new brands or products through social media (up 22% from 2010), (b) 22.5 million use social media to learn about unfamiliar brands or products (up 9%), (c) 17.8 million are strongly influenced in their purchase decisions by opinions in social media (up 19%), and (d) 15.1 million refer to social media before making purchase decisions (up 29%). Many successful businesses have established or are planning on developing social media sites for their companies to communicate with customers, promote their products, and generate growth. For example, 83 percent of Inc. 500 companies (which includes the fastest-growing companies withintheU.S.)useatleastonesocialmediasiteand56 percent reported that social media was “very important” to their marketing program. Many small businesses with limited marketing budgets have also turned to social media campaigns to promote their products and services. Of course, what matters most is the message that is being communicated through social media or other marketing tools. If, through unified messaging, the floriculture industry can position itself in such a way that its products/services are considered to be necessities in people’s lives and not mere luxuries, it will be the best mitigation strategy against recession and weather-related risks it can employ. Post-recession consumers are willing to undergo greater OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 search, acquisition, and learning costs in making decisions regarding their purchases. They have particularly exhibited a willingness to purchase and, in some cases, pay a premium for products and services that enhance their quality of life in terms of social well-being, physical well-being, psychological well-being, cognitive well-being, spiritual well-being, and environmental well-being. This positioning strategy warrants further examination. The value proposition (or differentiation strategies) for all firms in the industry in the future must focus on the unique ways in which quality of life is improved for its customer base. Whether one is a member of the Baby Boomer, Gen X, or Gen Y generation, quality of life is a higher order need that is important to them. For example, although the economic downturn has increased anxiety on the part of Baby Boomers regarding retirement, they are nevertheless proactive in seeking innovative solutions to dealing with aging. They view their new stage of life as one of activity and fulfillment rather than idleness. Members of Gen X are the most “time-starved” generation, often juggling career and family obligations, but they maintain a strong commitment to work-life balance in their lives. The Gen Y generation is just beginning their adult lives and facing many firsts – first home, first job, and most importantly, first independent income. They are trying to find the right balance between spending for necessities and spending for entertainment. This generation is concerned not just with function and utility but also with style. All of these generational attitudes are related in one key aspect: all of these demographic segments are interested in enhancing their quality of life through health/well-being enhancements, ecosystems services benefits (also referred to as environmental amenities), and economic paybacks. For example, some of the economic benefits associated with flowers (and flowering shrubs and trees) are that they beautify and help draw customers to shopping districts, reduce shopper stress while they are there, enhance overall curb appeal for local businesses, boost apartment and commercial building occupancy rates, increases revenue from tourism, create local jobs (from various interiorscape and landscape design, installation, and maintenance activities), increase residential and commercial property values, and even reduce the costs of street repairs from the reduced temperatures resulting from shaded roadways and sidewalks. While the list of environmental amenities, otherwise known as ecosystems services, is quite exhaustive, it is impressive to consider a mere subset of them such as the carbon that is sequestered, oxygen that is generated, wildlife that is attracted, biodiversity that is enhanced, the heat islands that are offset, the air, noise and glare pollution that is reduced, soil erosion that is mitigated, storm water runoff that is more efficiently handled, wind damage that is minimized, and the reductions in energy use that arises from the temperature buffering that plants provide around buildings. Needless to say, many of these environmental amenities translate into substantial economic contributions to local economies as well. While these economic and environmental benefits may not come as much of a surprise, the plethora of health and wellbeing benefits might. Peer-reviewed research has documented a person’s ability to concentrate in their work environment if enhanced by the presence of plants and flowers. Children OFA Bulletin learn faster and are less distracted in flower and plant-filled environs as well, and flowers have even been documented to reduce stress levels, hypertension, and ease the effects of attention deficit disorder. Any person who has given/received flowers or plants as gifts knows the joy and excitement they generate and these powerful emotions carry over to beautified interiorscapes and landscapes as well. However, the plethora of benefits provided by flowers is not common knowledge, let alone ingrained in modern day American culture. Humans often have difficulty in even seeing flowers or plants in their own environment, much less connecting plants to tangible benefits – a phenomenon called plant blindness. For most people, flowers and other plants are a part of the subconscious sector of mental life, perceived as the backdrop, not the main actors in the playing out of our everyday lives. Thus, all industry firms need to emphasize these types of messages in the marketing efforts of their individual companies. Since previous efforts on the part of the industry to provide a united voice through a generic advertising campaign (e.g. Got Milk) have been met with a less-than-enthusiastic response, this may be the best alternative to propagate the quality of life value proposition. Of course, one industry-wide effort that is already in place that has shown to be quite effective in conveying this message is America in Bloom (AIB). Now in its tenth year, the program has countered early naysayers by effectively not only conveying the industry’s message of beautification, but one of economic development, provision of environmental amenities, and enhancement of health and well-being as well. Almost 200 cities and several million citizens have been exposed to AIB’s message; undoubtedly benefitting the countless local businesses in those trade areas. One such business owner stated publically at this year’s OFA Short Course that they had experienced an 8 percent increase in business during the period their city had participated in America in Bloom. While this alone is impressive, it is exciting to consider that as AIB continues to expand, even more synergistic benefits will likely result. In summary, there is an old adage that says: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” This latest economic downturn has certainly caused us all to do some things differently than we had been doing them previously. We’re doing more with fewer people and in some cases, fewer resources. But as we move into the future, even more aggressive marketing will be needed to ensure that we are considered as necessities in our consumers’ lives and not mere luxuries. Now is exactly the time to make those strategic marketing investments both as individual firms and through industry-wide (e.g. AIB) efforts. Dr. Charles Hall Texas A & M University 202 Horticulture/Forest Science Bldg College Station, TX 77843 979-458-3277 charliehall@tamu.e-du 9 General OFA Scholars Program: Transforming Today’s Students into Tomorrow’s Leaders Continued from Page 1 necessarily the industry. And when they are unable to find a suitable job after graduation they often switch industries. Several years ago OFA recognized the need to expose students to more facets of the industry and various career paths in order to retain qualified individuals in the industry. OFA’s Generation Next committee, a dedicated group of young professionals, went to work to develop a student program to fulfill this need. With Jenny Pope, a passionate student advocate at the helm, the committee developed the OFA Scholars Program. What is the OFA Scholars Program? The OFA Scholars Program is a week-long program for college students at the OFA Short Course. The main goals are exposure and networking. In addition to attending educational sessions and visiting the trade show, Scholars meet with industry professionals in small groups and one-on-one. Some of the industry professionals the Scholars have networked with include Anna Ball, Dr. Marvin Miller, Dr. Allan Armitage, Tom Smith, and Rick Schoellhorn. The Scholars also meet with representatives from academia, the trade press, brokerage companies, consultants, breeders, and small- and large-scale growers and retailers. Beyond meetings the OFA Scholars experience the horticulture industry through visiting the OSUMixedContainer&TrialGardens,theFranklinPark Conservatory, and creating floral arrangements through Project Anew. Each Scholar’s schedule is tailored to meet their individual career goals. For example, if a Scholar is interested in garden center merchandising and marketing their schedule would include meeting industry professionals such as Brenda Vaughn, Horticultural Division Marketing Manager at the John Henry Company, and Bridget Behe, Professor of HorticulturalMarketingatMichiganStateUniversity. The OFA Scholars Program begins a few days prior to Short Course to allow participants a behind-the-scenes look at the event as well as a chance to assist with creating and building the OFA Scholars display and other displays in the convention center. It’s a positive team building experience that provides the Scholars an opportunity to get to know each other in an informal way. During this time the Scholars network with Ecke Ranch and OFA’s staff, board, committees, and other volunteers. Even before the Scholars arrive at the Short Course they are tasked with simple reports on industry news and the global horticulture industry so they are aware of what’s currently going on in the industry. 10 Celebrating Five Years of Success Success is defined in many ways by different people and perspectives. Let’s consider the perspectives of several stakeholders. From a student’s perspective the OFA Scholars Program is a success because their knowledge of the industry skyrockets, they feel that they have found a professional “home,” and they often leave Short Course with internship and employment offers. From an educator’s perspective the OFA Scholars Program is a success because it provides students with an experience that compliments their studies, facilitates learning in a non-traditional way, and isn’t something that can easily be implemented given the time and resource constraints of an educator. From an employer’s perspective the success of the OFA Scholars Program is evident in the quality of internship and job candidates who have been OFA Scholars. Employers often remark that these individuals possess a solid foundation of industry news and happenings as well as an established network of peers that is unusual for students. My view of success is slightly different. As the program coordinator I have extensive interaction with each Scholar and the fortunate position to see each one grow as a person. I see success on their face when they overcome their fear of public speaking, easily engage a stranger in a productive conversation, or collaborate as a group to design and build a display. The OFA Scholars Program not only provides them with an amazing journey into the industry, but helps develop their confidence, communication skills, and ability to work with people. The fifth group of OFA Scholars “graduated” at the end of Short Course in July bringing the total number of students sharing the designation of OFA Scholar to 28 (representing 12schoolsthroughouttheUnitedStates).Only6studentsare selected each year out of 30-plus applicants, giving the program and those selected to participate an elite status. Get Involved If you’re a student that’s interested, or you know a student that would benefit from the OFA Scholars Program, visit for program details. If you are a young professional interested in being on the Generation Next Committee, contact me or Susie Raker (, the current committee chair. If you’re an industry professional interested in helping with the OFA Scholars Program in some capacity please get in touch with me. If you’re looking to hire great talent consider one of the 28 OFA Scholars listed on the next page. OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 2007 OFA Scholars Cassi Kerr The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute Rachel Rossler-South The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute Doug Schuster The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute Nicole Waterland The inaugural group of OFA Scholars, (from left to right) Rachel Rossler South, Doug Schuster, Cassi Kerr, and Dr. Nicole Waterland, continue to be involved with the program through meeting and networking with students every year at Short Course. The Ohio State University 2008 OFA Scholars Gladys Anguti The Ohio State University Aubrey Ballinger Cincinnati State Technical College Jenny Barnett The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute James Cooley The Ohio State University Christy Dudgeon The Ohio State University Tim Sauner The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute The first full group of six students, (from left to right) Aubrey Ballinger, James Cooley, Tim Sauner, Jenny Barnett, Christy Dudgeon, and Gladys Anguti, started the tradition of designing and creating the OFA Scholars display in the Concourse at Short Course. 2009 OFA Scholars Alicain Carlson North Carolina State University QuiXia Chen Kansas State University Carola De La Torre The Ohio State University Gretchen Giles Michigan State University Kay Jeong The 2009 OFA Scholars, (pictured left to right) QiuXia Chen, Gretchen Giles, Kay Jeong, Alicain Carlson, Jong Kim, and Carola De La Torre, were not to be outdone in their display efforts, going to great lengths to incorporate live Betta fish in suspended glass vases. North Carolina State University Jongyun Kim University of Georgia 2010 OFA Scholars Thomas Baker Clemson University Chris Currey Purdue University Chris D’Angelo Cornell University Morgan Jenkins Kansas State University The 2010 group of Scholars, (from left to right) Jim “Chip” Moylan, Heather Pariso, Thomas Baker, Morgan Jenkins, Chris Currey, and Chris D’Angelo, enjoyed a behind-the-scenes tour of Franklin Park Conservatory and named Unplugged as the best networking event they ever attended. Jim “Chip” Moylan Michigan State University Heather Pariso The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute 2011 OFA Scholars Jared Barnes North Carolina State University Jenn Evans Michigan State University Jen Hatalski College of Western Idaho Allison Justice Clemson University Lori Moshman Cornell University The 2011 Scholars, (pictured left to right) Allison Justice, Jenn Evans, Jen Hatalski, Lori Moshman, Jared Barnes, and Nicole Rud, participated in several new and unique events - a flash mob and speed networking session. Nicole Rud University of Toledo Continued on page 12 OFA Bulletin 11 OFA Scholars Program: Transforming Today’s Students into Tomorrow’s Leaders Continued from Page 11 Student’s Perspective Educator’s Perspective Aubrey Ballinger 2008 OFA Scholar Greenhouse Manager, Wasson Nursery, Union City, Indiana “Being an OFA Scholar really helped my career, in fact it started it. I left Short Course with several contacts for job opportunities. I’ve stayed in contact with many of the people I met as a Scholar. Their wealth of knowledge has been invaluable and has helped me grow and be more confident in my abilities and future career potential.” Employer’s Perspective Dr. Bob McMahon Associate Professor and Coordinator, Greenhouse Production and Management Technology, The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, Wooster, Ohio “The OFA Scholars Program opened my students’ eyes regarding all the valuable resources that the Short Course has to offer. Several Scholars received job and internship offers during the Short Course, thanks to the OFA Scholars Program. The scholars also found the grower sessions and the trade show to be very educational and helpful for their careers and reinforced what they had learned in their production courses at Ohio State ATI. I will continue every year to encourage qualified students to apply for this second-to-none immersion in the floriculture industry. Thank you, OFA, for creating and implementing the OFA Scholars Program! ” Emily Showalter Human Resources, Willoway Nurseries Inc, Avon, Ohio “The OFA Scholars program is beneficial to students in many ways, especially in preparing them for entry into the workforce. The students are able to experience the real-world side of the industry, something they don’t often get in school. As an employer I know that hiring an OFA Scholar means less time in getting them up to speed on what’s happening in the industry and they have a good start at building a professional network – that’s invaluable.” Alicia Wells OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals 2130 Stella Ct Columbus, OH 43215 614-884-1138 Interested in knowing where the OFA Scholars are in their careers and what they thought of the OFA Scholars Program? Visit! 12 OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 Grower Organic Substrates & Fertilizers by Neil Mattson and Stephanie Burnett Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in the July 2010 issue of Greenhouse Grower. For more cutting edge production and research articles, visit A crosstheUnitedStatesanumberofgreenhouse operations have started growing organically some of their containerized plants, particularly vegetable and herb transplants. This has resulted in an 83 percent increase in organic production in greenhouses and nurseries since 2004. For growers who are considering growing organic, there are many important production and marketing challenges to consider. We surveyed current organic growers in Maine to determine what they considered the greatest production challenges. All growers were, not surprisingly, concerned about managing insects in greenhouses. But, the other major concern was how to utilize organic substrates and fertilizers for consistent and quick plant growth? In this article, we’ll like to describe how to approach organic substrate and fertility management. If you decide to produce organic containerized plants, the substrates and fertilizers you utilize must be acceptable withintheUSDAcertifiedorganicprogram.Onecommonway to determine if a product is certified organic is to check with an external group called OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) at OMRI reviews and lists almost all organic products, making it easy to search for certified organic fertilizers and products. However, not all companies pay to have their materials included on this list. So, if somethingislistedasa“USDAcertifiedorganicmaterial”and is not on the list, you are typically okay. Simply check with your certifying agent to ensure it is an allowable product. Organic Substrates Almost all of the components commonly used in greenhouse substrates are accepted for use in organic production. Even if they are not labeled “certified organic” or are listed as “OMRI approved,” they are accepted as organic due the nature in which they were produced or harvested. However, some additives in conventional potting mixes such as synthetically-produced fertilizers and wetting agents are not allowable in organic production. Materials that are always acceptable to utilize in organic production include peat, perlite, and vermiculite. If you make your own mix from these ingredients, you will only need to ensure that the fertility you add to the mix is organic. Another component to consider incorporating into organic substrates is compost. It has a high water- and nutrientholding capacity. Compost typically contains nutrients, and it will act as a starter fertilizer in the substrate. Some growers have found that using compost improves root growth. One OFA Bulletin thing to consider with compost is that it retains a lot of water in a pot. To make sure your mix doesn’t become overly saturated with water, incorporate no more than 30 percent to 35 percent compost. Including perlite or rice hulls in a compost-based mix will improve drainage substantially. One compost-based substrate we’ve successfully used incorporates peat, perlite or vermiculite, and compost at a 1:1:1 ratio. Despite the benefits of using compost, it’s important to choose a compost carefully before incorporating it into your substrate. Some composts we’ve tested have a high concentration of non-nutrient salts (higher than 4 mS/cm). We’ve grown basil and marigolds in a variety of compost-based substrates and found that growth was acceptable in only half of those substrates (Table 1). This could have been due to high salt concentration, low nutrient concentration, or lack of maturity in the compost. Before choosing a compost, make sure you test the salt concentration, and grow at least a few plants in the final substrate to ensure that plant performance is optimum. Compost EC Coast of Maine (Lobster) 0.45 Coast of Maine (Manure) 0.54 Intervale 3.3 Kinney 3.59 MooDoo 4.78 New England Organics 1.28 Winterwood 4.56 Table 1. The substrates included composts at a 1:1:1 ratio with peat and perlite. The EC of some composts was higher than would be recommended for salt sensitive species. Growth of marigolds and basil was best in MooDoo, New England Organics, and Winterwood Composts despite the high EC in MooDoo and Winterwood. EC was measured using the saturated media extract method. Since many substrate components are considered organic, both Sun-Gro and Fafard are currently making organic potting mixes. Both of these are similar to their conventional substrates. For example, Fafard Organic contains bark, peat, perlite, and vermiculite, similar to Fafard 3B. Their organic mix contains an organic wetting agent and starter fertilizer. Managing Fertility Organic fertilizers come from naturally-occurring minerals or are derived from plant or animal matter. Some examples of organic mined materials and the nutrients they supply include dolomitic limestone (calcium and magnesium), rock phosphate (phosphorus), and greensand (potassium). Some animal- and plant-based organic fertilizers include alfalfa meal, blood meal, fish emulsion or hydrolysate, seed extracts, poultry litter, seaweed extract, and manure composted according to National Organic Program (NOP) guidelines. Continued on page 14 13 Organic Substrates & Fertilizers Continued from page 13 Your options for supplying organic fertility are 1) incorporate it into the substrate before transplanting, 2) top-dress during crop growth, and 3) add liquid organic fertilizers with the irrigation water. While conventional greenhouse growers provide most of their fertilizers in the irrigation water (i.e. constant liquid feed), several of the organic fertilizer components noted above cannot be readily dissolved or suspended in water. Because of this, many vegetable and herb transplant growers incorporate fertilizers into the substrate prior to transplanting. Figure 1. Growth of tomato seedlings in response to substrates prepared as described in Table 2. One downfall of relying on substrate-incorporated fertilizers is that plants will eventually deplete nutrients. A given mix might be suitable for producing plants over a short cropping cycle such as four to six weeks, but may not supply enough nutrients for extended growth. Top-dressing with a fertilizer source can supply additional nutrients, but since these are not directly incorporated into the root-zone they may not supply readily-available nutrients. Another option to supply additional fertility is to use liquid formulated products; some ingredients include fish emulsion, kelp extract, seed extract, and finely ground blood meal suspended in water. Similar to substrate-incorporated fertilizers some commercial liquid products combine multiple ingredients in an attempt to develop a balanced source of macro and micro nutrients. One challenge with organic fertilizers is that not all the nutrients are provided in a plant-available form. That is, nutrient release depends on naturally occurring microorganisms to break down complex organic matter into mineral ions that plant roots can absorb. For example, when a conventional fertilizer is used, the entire amount of applied nitrogen is readily available and plants will quickly “green up” following fertilizer applications. However, with organic fertilizer sources, you will need to look at the product label for the percentage ammonium, nitrate, and urea plant roots readily absorb these. Any additional nitrogen in the fertilizer should be thought of as “slow release.” One benefit is that several components can be combined in attempt to supply all required nutrients. For example, at CornellUniversity,wetestedsomesubstratesfortomato seedling growth. The base mix contained 70 percent peat, 30 percent perlite and dolomitic limestone; additional treatments and germination percentages are noted in Table 2 (Figure 1). After six weeks, we found that plant growth was acceptable in treatments containing conventional fertilizer or 10 percent vermicompost. The largest plants received a combination of vermicompost and blood meal. It should be noted that vermicompost can have high salt levels – a rate of 10 percent by volume worked well for tomato but may be too high for salt-sensitive seedlings. Treatment Ingredients Percent Germination 1 Base mix (70% peat, 30% perlite, 7.5 pounds per cubic yard dolomitic limestone) 86% 2 Base mix + 7 pounds per cubic yard blood meal 71% 3 Base mix + 10% vermicompost (by volume) 84% 4 Base mix + blood meal + vermicompost 82% 5 Base mix + conventional liquid fertilizer (75 ppm N from 21-5-20, drenched twice weekly) 92% Figure 2. Yellowing of lower leaves on these impatiens is due to nitrogen deficiency. Table 2. Organic substrate mixes trialed with tomato seedlings at Cornell. 14 Monitoring Fertility An additional challenge to using organic fertilizers is that it is more difficult to monitor substrate fertility. In conventional production, the general fertility level is monitored measuring soluble salts with electrical conductivity meters. In conventional fertilizers all supplied nutrients are dissolved in water as mineral ions. Because some organic substrates are high in non-fertilizer salts, EC monitoring may not directly indicate the amount of available nutrient ions. Therefore, EC guideline charts developed for conventional fertilizers are not directly applicable. Periodic monitoring is still a useful tool – in particular, trends over time can be tracked. When EC values OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 Organic production continues to be a growing sector of the greenhouse industry. While organically managing substrates and fertilizers requires a different approach, it is possible to grow healthy, marketable plants using organic fertilizers. Keep in mind, that as one would do with any new product, be sure to test organic fertilizers and substrates on a small number of plants before using them on the entire crop. Figure 3. Low phosphorus availability appears as purpling of lower leaves on these pansies. decline over time this indicates that fertilizer ions are being consumed by plants faster than they are supplied. The monitoring of root-zone pH is also useful as it directly affects solubility of nutrient ions. Another practical approach to monitoring fertility is visually inspecting your crop. Record notes weekly on your plants’ appearance. Have plants grown any larger in the past week? Stunted development, sparse branching, and poor leaf growth may indicate that fertilizer has run out. Symptoms of low fertility often manifest first as nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency. Nitrogen deficiency appears as uniform yellowing of lower leaves (Figure 2), whereas phosphorus deficiency appears as purpling of lower leaves (Figure 3). Damage from high salts can cause poor germination or weak growth; in addition burning of lower leaf edges can occur (Figure 4). Figure 4. Cuphea growing in a substrate with high salts (left) shows leaf edge burn and poor growth as compared to a control plant (right). Neil Mattson Cornell University Plant Science Building, Room 49D Ithaca, NY 14853 607-255-0621 Stephanie Burnett University of Maine 5722 Deering Hall Orono, ME 04469 207-581-2937 Missed a session from the 2011 OFA Short Course? •View available session audio and presentations from any computer •Download session audio to your computer or MP3 player NO PROBLEM! Educate Your Staff Year-Round with an Online Library or Multimedia CD-ROM 2011 OFA Short Course Online Library Listen to streaming audio and view presentation materials online. Educate yourself anytime, anywhere! Members $229 OR 2011 OFA Short Course Multimedia CD-ROM Non-Members Review at your leisure with the 2011 OFA Short Course Multimedia CD-ROM – compatible with your Windows PC or Apple Macintosh. $279 Conference Special $299 Includes both the online library & CD-ROM of the 2011 OFA Short Course. Why choose? Get both! Multi-Year Online Library Includes unlimited online access to the 2004-2011 OFA Short Course Sessions. Access streaming content from anywhere with the OFA Short Course online library. Instant access, 24 hours a day! Members Non-Members $329 Members $399 Non-Members $449 Products include all available session audio and presentation materials. OFA Bulletin Digitell inc To Order, Call: 1–800–679–3646 or 15 Grower “Clean” Cutting, Plugs & Propagation: A Good Start for Any Solid Pest Management Program By Ronald Valentin C lean cuttings, young plants, or plugs – this has been a discussion point for many years in our industry. It has also been a source of tension between growers and suppliers. My goal is to present some thoughts and hopefully stimulate some discussion among growers, propagators, breeders, and other industry technical support people. Learning from the Past The greenhouse vegetable industry addressed the issue of clean propagation material more than two decades ago. I grew up in the greenhouse vegetable industry in the Netherlands where my parents owned and operated a 6-acre hydroponic tomato production greenhouse. The meaning of the phrase “clean plant” is very different today than when my father took over from my grandfather in 1966. Then, a clean plant was a plant that had NO bugs (what is still called zero tolerance today). My father implemented biological control for the first time in 1971 to control whitefly in his tomato crop. He employed bio-control because whiteflies had developed resistance to pesticides available to the vegetable industry at the time. In those early years, using bio-control in vegetables was a challenge because it wasn’t always as effective as expected, and the reasons for failure were often unclear. But by trial and error, keys to success where found. A few these include commitment, patience, implementing bio-control early in the crop cycle, monitoring activity, and staying focused from the crop’s start to finish. Starting bio-control early in the crop cycle is of particular importance. Releasing biological control agents (BCAs) early (Encarsia formosa for whitefly in my dad’s case), before the pest has a chance to establish itself, is critical for success. This was more or less done on a preventive basis, even if whitefly was not yet seen. Greenhouse vegetable growers in the Netherlands received their young plants from specialized propagators, and starts arriving at the greenhouse were about six weeks old. Of course these plants needed to be clean. However, it quickly became evident that clean wasn’t always “clean.” Plants arrived with pests in tow. Worse, the plants also had been sprayed with a plethora of pesticides, a number of which had long residuals and were harmful to BCAs. In those years, products such as oxamyl (Vydate), methomyl (Lannate), endosulfan (Thiodan), and acephate (Orthene) were still registered for use on vegetable crops in the Netherlands. Needless to say, their use made it difficult to begin effective biological pest management programs. Within a short period of years, propagators and growers developed a common understanding of pest management and developed a new definition for “clean plant.” The phrase “zero tolerance” also disappeared as it became clear that young plants with a few pests but NO long term pesticide or harmful residue was 16 preferable to a few pests WITH long term pesticide residue. The former was preferable because it afforded growers a better chance of establishing an effective biological pest management program. Because pesticide resistance develops quickly, using an arsenal of pesticides does not guarantee a plant clean of pests and zero tolerance was and is unrealistic goal. Today most vegetable propagators have instituted an IPM program which uses BCAs as a first line of defense. That doesn’t mean that they never use a pesticide, but when they do, it is BCA compatible or is at least a pesticide that does not have a long negative residual effect. With this technique, they are providing growers with plants on which BCAs can be used effectively, and they are doing their part to help manage the development of pesticide resistance. Figure 1. Use of parasites in poinsettia propagation. How Can We Translate This to the Ornamental Industry? Pesticide resistance is a common development in the ornamental industry, especially with thrips and the twospottedspidermite,bothintheUnitedStatesandtherest of the world. With the global trade of plant material, when pesticide resistance shows up in one location, it soon appears in the rest of the world. Pesticide resistance has become a major motivator for ornamental greenhouse growers to look at bio-control alternatives, just as it was for their vegetable grower colleagues in the 1970s and 80s. There are many growers who are really very successful. But just as vegetable growers had to go through a learning curve, many of us are now doing the same in the ornamental greenhouse industry. And we, too, are grappling with the issue of what clean rooted or unrooted cuttings really means. OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 AtarecentstudydoneattheUniversityinGuelph,Ontario, Canada, five varieties of chrysanthemum were checked for the presence of thrips upon arrival from the breeder. This study was conducted over a period of eight months with sampling done every two weeks. Not one single sample came in as “clean.” In all cases, thrips adults and immatures were found. In some instances as many as one adult thrip for every two cuttings was found. This is too many to start any solid pest management program. Of more concern in the study, however, was the fact that an arsenal of pesticides was applied to the stock plants. The presence of thrips, despite an extensive pesticide program, implied that these thrips were resistant to many of the pesticides used. The growers involved in this project work with BCAs as part of their pest management effort, and the fact that these cuttings are not “clean” (the presence of thrips and pesticide residual) is troublesome. There is a three-year study being conducted in the Netherlands designed to address this issue of “clean” cuttings. The program’s objective is to identify the presence and amount of pesticide residue on cuttings on different crops coming from within the country as well as from different parts of the world. This project was initiated to answer the question, “Are pesticide residues the major reason why BCAs are often not as effective as expected in controlling problems on incoming cuttings?” In the first year of the study, 2010, 39 cutting samples were evaluated. On these 39 samples, 302 pesticide residues were found. Of these, 115 were compatible (“safe” on BCAs) products; 55 more were compatible with some BCAs but not others; and 132 were incompatible (harmful to BCAs) products. A question that still needs to be answered is, “How long does it take for incompatible pesticide residues to degrade to a level that allows effective BCA pest management?” We are looking for further insights in the two remaining years of this study. Unfortunately,wearetoooftenourownworstenemy. Too many times, growers focus only on whether their cuttings come in “clean,” i.e. without pest hitchhikers, when they should be focusing on how to minimize initial pest levels AND the presence of long term pesticide residues on incoming cuttings. A breeder’s or propagator’s pest management program that includes BCAs, as well as some short residual and compatible pesticides, will benefit the industry. Such a program will benefit growers who use BCAs in their pest management program, as well as growers who typically use more traditional pesticides as it will help manage the development of pesticide resistance. The key take-home message is that propagative material coming from breeders and propagators who don’t use long residual pesticides gives growers flexibility, whether they use BCAs or a more traditional pesticide program. Conversely, propagative material produced under a pest management regime that includes a whole arsenal of pesticides AND still has pesticide resistant pests restricts a grower’s options and makes it more difficult to use any pest management program successfully. Figure 3. Bio-control in vegetable propagation; aphid banker plants for aphid control. What Can Be Done in the Meantime to Make as “Clean” a Start as Possible and Minimize Risk? Figure 2. Amblyseius cucumeris mini sachet for thrips control in cyclamen propagation. Where Do We Go from Here in North America with “Clean” Cuttings & Plugs? Some breeders and propagators have already implemented more BCA-friendly pest management programs. However, in an ideal world, it would be great if all ornamental propagators and breeders learned from and avoided the mistakes made by our vegetable counterparts and implemented a more BCAfriendly pest management strategy. OFA Bulletin Of course it is always important to inspect any incoming propagative materials for the presence of pests, but it is unrealistic to set an acceptance threshold of 0 for pests. What is preferable is for growers to get information on what pest management tools and products were used during the propagation. This will help growers understand the potential effectiveness they can expect from BCAs. This would also help growers using traditional pest management programs to choose their pesticides wisely. Of course the question that still remains is, “What is a reasonable acceptable threshold for any given pest?” For example, unrooted poinsettia cuttings will have some whitefly PERIOD, but it is unacceptable if every cutting has as many as six adult whiteflies (as I saw last year). To reduce the level and risk of pests coming in through the door, many growers have started to treat rooted and unrooted cuttings with products such as Botanigard, biological fungicides such as Rootshield, and the nematode, Steinernema. Treating cuttings before they enter the greenhouse will not eliminate pest problems, but it will reduce the number and risk.InastudyattheUniversityofGuelph,thesepreventative Continued on page 18 17 “Clean” Cutting, Plugs & Propagation: A Good Start for Any Solid Pest Management Program Continued from Page 17 measures have shown excellent results in controlling thrips adults and immatures, though not so much on thrips eggs as they are protected in the plant tissue. By controlling most adults and immatures, total thrips numbers are reduced which “buys” the grower (and the BCAs) some time if pesticide residues are an issue. Products like nematodes and Botanigard work only by contact so dipping is the best way of getting optimal coverage. However, there may be some risk of disease activity following dips, so it is up to each grower to weigh the risks and benefits. Sprenching can be effective, though not as much as dipping. InthestudyattheUniversityofGuelph,hotwater treatments have been successful on thrips. Thirty minutes at 102.2°F (39°C) or 15 minutes at 104°F (40°C) gave excellent results on chrysanthemum cuttings without any plant damage. This hot water regime, however, is not guaranteed to control all the thrips on mum cuttings nor has it been tested on other plant species. Horticultural oil was shown to be effective for reducing both thrips and whitefly, but is not currently registered for use as a dip treatment. The above treatments have no residual effect on BCAs and might be used in any pest management program. I wish everyone a very successful and “clean” growing season. Ronald Valentin Biological Control and IPM Specialist Biobest USA Inc Biobest Canada Ltd RValentin@biobest.-ca Find Easy-to-Implement Solutions Right at Your Fingertips • • • • Declare victory over viruses Unlock the secrets of URCs To light or not to light? Tank mix cook books • • • • Tech toolbox for high quality plugs and cuttings Keeping the root zone happy and healthy Increase yield and uniformity Spanish sessions also available September 12-14, 2011 San Jose, California 18 OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 Management Million-Dollar Question: How to Get Employees to Follow Safety Rules? By Shawn Combs O ne of the most frustrating issues for employers when discussing workers’ compensation and workplace safety is the challenge of how to get employees to follow established safety rules. A common refrain heard from employers is “I can have the best safety program in the world, but if employees don’t follow the rules, then what good is it?” The milliondollar question is how to get employees to stop making risky decisions that lead to on-the-job injuries and higher workers’ compensation premium expenses. The challenge for employers is to raise the awareness among employees of the importance of safety and gain their buy-in for the company’s safety initiatives. As with most things in life, everything starts at the top. The message sent by business owners and management to employees sets the tone for the value placed on safety within the business. However, safety cannot simply be a top-down, management-driven process. While business owners and management are doing their part to establish safety as a business priority, efforts need to be made to include employees in the process and generate grassroots involvement to make your operations safer. In terms of demonstrating management commitment to workplace safety, ways to do this start with developing a company safety policy and extend to making safety a regular topic at employee or management meetings. However, these words will ring hollow if they are not followed up with action. Ways to “walk the walk” include providing resources (financial or otherwise) to implement safety initiatives, empowering employees to identify areas of need, suggest ideas for improvements, make decisions and support their decisions. Last but not least, it is critical to follow through on promises made to employees or at the very least explain why certain corrective actions cannot be taken. OFA Bulletin Ideas for engaging employees include creating projectspecific teams or focus groups that have a specific goal (e.g. creating an emergency evacuation plan or developing a safety recognition program) and timeframes. These “Involvement Teams” could be involved with internal inspections and selfaudits, among other projects. Perhaps the most effective way to engage employees is through a formal safety committee. The purpose of a safety committee is to identify, evaluate and address safety issues (employee comments, complaints, safety inspection results, safety goals/metrics, employee injuries, etc.). Safety committee meetings should include representatives from every area of the company and meet on a regular, continuous basis. Candid, open discussion between employees and management on a wide range of topics should be encouraged at safety committee meetings. A critical element is to value the input of all safety committee members, act on suggestions and follow through on promises. Safety recognition initiatives are also a good way to jumpstart a company’s safety program and can go a long way toward raising awareness among employees and encouraging safe behavior. Safety recognition awards range from gift cards, gas cards, and movie passes to paid time off. If done right, any of these strategies generate an enormous amount of learning about the exposures in your business, foster better communication between employees and management, and create a greater likelihood that employees will follow safety procedures…all things that over the longrun can lead to reduced workers’ compensation expenses. Shawn Combs RiskControl360° 5500 Glendon Ct #360 Dublin, OH 43016 877-360-3608 x 2364 19 Research s-ABA: A New PGR to Extend Shelf Life & Increase Sell-Through By Michelle L. Jones and Nicole L. Waterland Water Stress Reduces Shelf Life High postproduction temperatures can cause rapid substrate drying and plant wilting. Drought-induced wilting during retailing can reduce product sell-through and increase shrink. This can be a huge problem with impatiens and other crops that use water rapidly or in bedding plants with relatively small substrate volumes. Drought-stress causes plants to produce the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA). This ABA acts like a signal, telling the plant that water availability is low and that it should close its stomata (microscopic pores on the leaves) to conserve water. Figure 1. s-ABA (Contego™ Pro SL ; Valent Biosciences Corp.) applications delay drought-induced wilting in New Guinea Impatiens ‘Ovation Blush Rose’, and Chrysanthemums ‘Wilma’. Plants on the right of each photo were sprayed with 1,000 ppm (New Guineas) or 500 ppm (garden mums) Contego™ Pro SL + 0.05% surfactant (CapSil, Aquatrols Corporation of America, Inc.,) and control plants on the left were sprayed with water with surfactant only. Photos were taken at nine days (New Guineas) and seven days (mums) after treatment and last irrigation. Anti-transpirant PGR Contego Pro SL Anti-transpirants reduce water loss by physically blocking the stomata or by causing the plant to close its stomata. Contego Pro SL (Valent Biosciences) is a new anti-transpirant PGR that will be available in spring 2012. The active ingredient in Contego Pro SL is s-ABA, the biologically active form of the natural plant hormone abscisic acid. Applications 20 of Contego Pro SL cause rapid closure of the stomata, reducing transpiration and delaying drought-induced wilting. The result is a plant that can tolerate temporary drought stress in the postproduction environment and remain marketable for an extended period of time. Figure 2. Contego Pro SL applications delay drought-induced wilting in impatiens and petunias. Plants on the right of each photo were sprayed with 500 ppm Contego Pro SL + 0.05% surfactant (CapSil, Aquatrols Corporation of America, Inc.,) and control plants on the left were sprayed with surfactant only. Photos were taken at five days (impatiens) and seven days (petunias) after treatment and last irrigation. Application Tips Contego Pro SL is most effective as a foliar spray at concentrations from 125 to 2,000 ppm, with a spray volume of 2 to 3 quarts final solution per 100 square feet of growing area. Thorough coverage of the plant is important and the use of a surfactant increases uptake and efficacy. Apply to well hydrated plants before the plants are under stress. Optimal rates and responses vary with different species and between cultivars, so always run tests on a few plants before applying to your entire crop. Anything that ships for more than one day could benefit OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 from the added protection of Contego Pro SL. Other uses include retail displays where irrigation may be irregular or inconsistent. Crops like mums that are not turned over quickly and need to have a shelf life of a week or more would also benefit from an anti-transpirant PGR application. Species and cultivar Salvia ‘Picante Scarlet’ Wilting delay in treated compared to untreated plants (days) 2.4 Impatiens ‘Xtreme Lavender’ 2.7 Petunia ‘Ultra Red’ 4.0 Pansy ‘Bingo Rose Frost’ 3.0 Viola ‘Penny Deep Blue’ 5.8 Marigold ‘Bonanza Orange’ 1.7 Geranium ‘Maverick Red’ 3.0 Figure 3. Phytotoxicity symptoms in seed geraniums, marigolds and pansies include lower leaf chlorosis. Calibrachoa ‘Aloha Purple’ 3.2 Contego Pro SL Delays Wilting & Increases Shelf Life in Many Ornamentals Zinnia ‘Double Zahara Fire’ 4.8 Dahlia ‘Carolina Orange’ 2.8 Contego Pro SL is very effective at delaying wilting when water is withheld from garden mums (Figure 1). Some cultivar differences were observed. A 500 ppm spray application of Contego Pro SL resulted in a 0.8- to 3.8-day delay in visual wilting symptoms among the cultivars evaluated (Table 1). ‘Wilma’ and ‘Flash Gretchen’ had the longest delay in wilting and were considered marketable for more than three days after the untreated plants had wilted. Mum cultivar ‘Brandi’ Shelf life extension (days) 0.8 ‘Colina Red’ 1.8 ‘Flash Gretchen’ 3.8 ‘Golden Cheryl’ 1.6 ‘Regina’ 3.3 ‘Wilma’ 3.8 Table 1. Wilting delayed and shelf life extended in 6-inch garden mums sprayed with Contego Pro SL, a new anti-transpirant PGR. The shelf life extension is the number of days that treated plants remained turgid after the untreated plants wilted. Contego Pro SL is also very effective on New Guinea Impatiens. Figure 1 shows New Guineas after water was withheld for nine days. The untreated plants were wilted and desiccated, while the treated plants remained turgid and held all their blooms. No flower or leaf damage was observed with either 500 or 1,000 ppm spray applications in New Guineas and mums. Contego Pro SL decreased water loss and delayed wilting in all of the 4-inch bedding plants that were subjected to drought stress, but phytotoxicity was observed in some species. Spray applications of 500 ppm were evaluated in impatiens ‘Xtreme Lavender’, seed geraniums ‘Maverick Red’, petunia‘UltraRed’,marigold‘BonanzaOrange’,salvia‘Picante Scarlet’, pansy ‘Bingo Rose Frost’, viola ‘Penny Deep Blue’, calibrachoa ‘Aloha Purple’, zinnia ‘Double Zahara Fire’, and dahlia ‘Carolina Orange’. Well-watered 4-inch pots of each species were sprayed with either 0 or 500 ppm Contego Pro SL (s-ABA) plus 0.05 percent CapSil surfactant (Aquatrols Corporation of America, Inc.). Water was withheld to determine when treated and untreated plants wilted. Contego Pro SL applications delayed wilting symptoms in all drought-stressed bedding plants (Table 2 and Figure 2). Petunias, violas and zinnias had delays of four days or more. While visual wilting was delayed in all treated plants, this did not result in an extension in the shelf life or marketability of OFA Bulletin Table 2. Wilting delays in 4-inch ornamentals sprayed with 500 ppm Contego Pro SL. some crops because of phytotoxicity. ABA induced premature leaf senescence (i.e. death) and chlorosis in pansies, violas, geraniums, and marigolds (Figure 3). Leaf yellowing symptoms were most extreme on pansies and violas and the severity varied by cultivar. Leaf Yellowing Caused by Contego Pro SL Can be Prevented Even in the absence of drought stress, all Contego Pro SL (s-ABA) applications to pansies and violas resulted in some degree of leaf yellowing. This symptom has not been observed in all areas of the country and is likely highly influenced by environment. Applications of a PGR, like Fascination, that contains cytokinins (BA) plus gibberellins (GA4+7) effectively prevents ABA-induced leaf yellowing (Figure 4). The Fascination application was equally effective when applied 4 hours or 12 hours before or concurrently with the Contego Pro SL. While the tank mix of Fascination and Contego Pro SL is a good option for preventing side effects of leaf chorosis, Fascination is not currently labeled for use as a tank mix. If you are losing product during shipping or retailing due to drought stress, consider evaluating the effectiveness of Contego Pro SL in your operation. As with any PGR make sure you trial the product on all species and cultivars that you are interested in and use the lowest effective concentration to prevent negative side effects. Figure 4. Spray applications of Fascination at 2 to 5 ppm prevent the leaf chlorosis caused by Contego Pro SL in pansy. Michelle L. Jones Department of Horticulture and Crop Science The Ohio State University OARDC Wooster, OH 44691 Nicole L. Waterland Division of Plant and Soil Sciences West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506 21 OFA OFA Members in the News Heinz Brothers Greenhouse, St. Charles, Illinois MasterTag, Montague, Michigan Featured in: Changing Identities, GrowerTalks August 2011 issue, pages 36-38 Featured on: Lawn & Garden Retailer’s web site, Bob’s Market & Greenhouses, Mason, West Virginia MasterTag is working on a consumer web site,, that will provide consumers with garden project instruction and inspiration, as well as a searchable image library. The web site will integrate social media and be mobile friendly. The web site was debuted to industry professionals at the 2011 OFA Short Course. Direct link to article: Featured on: Peace Tree Farm, Kitnersville, Pennsylvania How do you identify yourself? Greenhouse or garden center? If you’ve questioned your business’ identity you’ll want to read this article. Author Pam Buddy-D’Amrosio checks in with Jay and Joel Schrock on how their business has evolved over the past two decades. Bob’s Market is well known for producing some of the highest quality plugs in its region. In fact, Bob’s is among the top10plugandlinerproducersintheUnitedStatesdespite just 15 years of focus in that area. Robert Barnitz and his wife, Corena, established Bob’s Market more than 40 years ago. All five of their sons chose greenhouse floriculture as their career paths, and all five have a stake in the business as owners. One of the sons, Bobby, served as President of OFA from 2007 to 2009. Chris Currey, Purdue University, 2010 OFA Scholar Allison Justice, Clemson University, 2011 OFA Scholar Featured on: American Floral Enowment’s web site, Chris and Allison are not only student members of OFA, but previously participated in the OFA Scholars Program. They each received a scholarship from the American Floral Endowment. Chris received the James K. Ratmell Jr. Memorial Scholarship for academic study and research in Guatemala and El Salvador early next year. Allison received the Seed Companies Scholarship for her PhD work on how different mycorrhizae effect adventitious root formation. 22 Featured on: GrowerTalks Magazine Live YouTube Channel Interested in unique eye-grabbing plants? In a short video Peace Tree Farm owners Lloyd and Candy Traven showcase unusual plants, edible container gardens, and certified organic herbs and vegetables. Graf Growers, Akron, Ohio White Oak Garden Center, Cincinnati, Ohio Wilson’s Garden Center, Newark, Ohio Featured on: Today’s Garden Center Steal This Idea Showcase: Early Bird Specials Does your garden center offer Early Bird Specials? Three Ohio-based OFA members demonstrate the fun and quirky ways they handle Early Bird Specials. One of them uses rubber fishing worms as the “coupon.” Do you know who? Visit for more links to the full articles. OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 OFA News Welcome New OFA Members & Subscribers Beijing Richland Consulting Company Ltd – Beijing, China Natural Art Garden Center – Toms Brook, VA Bloomnet – Canal Winchester, OH NealMast&SonGreenhouse–GrandRapids,MI Amanda Boggs – West Jefferson, OH NewPro Company – Zionsville, IN Dallas Arboretum – Dallas, TX Novarbo Oy – Eura, Finland KerryDillon–CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY Novozymes BioAg Group – Saskatoon, SK, Canada Ditsch Greenhouses – Ridgeway, ON, Canada OhioStateUniversityChadwickArboretum& Learning Garden – Columbus, OH Florigen Greenhouses – Traverse City, MI George Freas – Ball Horticultural Company, West Chicago, IL Bailey Garwood – Oakland Schools Technical Campus SW, Wixom, MI Perfect Image Orchids Inc – Half Moon Bay, CA Quiet Heart Music – Beaver, PA SunSourceUSA–BrookPark,OH Gary’s Perennials LLC – Maple Glen, PA Tip Top Bio-Control – Thousand Oaks, CA Gateway Technical College – Kenosha, WI Treasure Hunt Nursery – Fortville, IN Grand Openings – Colgate, WI Very Cool Stuff – Morrice, MI Hanging Tree Nursery Inc – Apopka, FL Vivers De Premia De Dalt SL – Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Janet’s Jungle Inc – Fremont, NE John David Weekly – My Garden 2 Go, Gallatin, TN Mesquite Valley Growers Nursery – Tucson, AZ West Coast Floral Ltd – Surrey, BC, Canada DanMiller–CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY Wholesale Fairy Gardens – Dublin, OH Jerry Montgomery – Montgomery Consulting Services, Ocala, FL Windham Greenhouses – Glenwood, GA My Garden Nursery – Mill Creek, WA OFA Bulletin HeidiWollaeger–MichiganStateUniversity, Highland Heights, OH 23 Boost Your Bottom Line November 8 - 9, 2011 Raleigh, North Carolina 24 OFA Bulletin OFA Bulletin Need to earn pesticide recertification credits? The OFA Grow & Sell for Profit Conference has three credit-approved sessions available! Look for the symbol. Visit the conference web site at to see if your state has approved pest recertification credits. Pesticide Recertification North Carolina is easy to get to. And once you’re there, we promise to give you tons of ideas to make your business stronger and more competitive. Short Drive. Long Results. Raleigh, The conference is supported by the North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers Association, the South Carolina Greenhouse Growers Association, and the Virginia Flower Growers Association to facilitate this two-day event of networking, learning, and connecting you to great ideas. will boost your bottom line with profitpacked solutions for growers and garden center retailers. The conference will focus on delivering take-home business solutions that can rev up your business. Rev Up Your Business – The OFA Grow & Sell for Profit Conference, November 8-9, 2011 in the Raleigh, North Carolina area OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals isu the leading horticuluture educational association in the United States. It is a non-profit, all-industry, educational organizaution and its core puurpose/ mission is “to support and advance professional horticulture.” Industry segments served include garden centers, greenhouses, nurseries, retail and wholesale florists, and interior plantscapers. To learn more about OFA and how it can help your business be more successful, visit Just want to come to the trade show? No problem. Registration is $25 per day to visit the exhibit hall. This is member pricing, so if you’re not yet a member of OFA, NCCFGA, SCGGA, or VFGA you can save on registration by becoming one today. See the registration form on page 15 for OFA membership options. times are tough, so we’ve made sure this conference is affordable to everyone. For only $99 you can enjoy two days of education, trade show, and lunch both days. Only able to come to one day? Registration is only $69. Want even more good news? Anyone else who comes from your company only pays $49 whether they attend one or two days. That price even includes lunch! Affordable…Really! We know OFA Grow & Sell for Profit Conference • November 8-9, 2011 Welcome Profit Connection Held on the trade show floor, “Profit Connection” is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. “Profit Connection” is where you get face-to-face with production and retail experts like Rick Schoellhorn and Bridget Behe who can answer any question you throw at them. Go ahead and try to stump them; we dare you. Conveniently located on the trade show floor in the Carolina Ballroom, “Profit Connection” is designed with you in mind. It’s a place where you can connect with industry resources that put growing and selling solutions at your fingertips. This is your chance to enjoy one-on-one time with companies that have the products and services you need to make your business more profitable. The trade show will be open both days so you can enjoy a mix of educational sessions and time with exhibitors. Connect with Industry Suppliers No TSA Pat Downs! Sometimes the cost of travel can be a barrier to participating in educational events. No worries about that with the OFA Grow & Sell for Profit Conference. It’s within easy driving distance, and we’ve purposely selected a hotel that provides free parking, complimentary breakfast, and an evening manager’s reception for registered guests. September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 25 26 OFA Bulletin It’s All About Customer Service (Reynolds) Trade Show Open (Lunch from 12-1 PM) (Carolina Ballroom) Profitable Events in Your Garden Center (Reynolds) Finding Your Niche: Successful Products & Services (Reynolds) Relational Retailing (Reynolds) 10:30 - 11:30 AM 11:30 AM - 4:30 PM 1:30 - 2:30 PM 2:45 - 3:45 PM 4:30 - 5 PM The Future of Our Industry (Cameron) Calculating the Cost: Energy Saving Technology (Cameron) The Future of Our Industry (Cameron) Social Media in 15 Minutes a Day (Reynolds) 9:15 - 10 AM 10:30 - 11:30 AM Garden Center Tour with a Focus on Merchandising* (Convention Center Entrance) 1 - 5 PM 3:30 - 4:30 PM 2:15 - 3:15 PM Social Media Kick-Start: Office Hours (Reynolds) 1 - 4:30 PM *Separate registration fee required Production Inputs for Growing Quality Crops & Getting Dollar Returns: Light & Temperature (Cameron) (Cameron) Production Inputs for Growing Quality Crops & Getting Dollar Returns: Water, Media & Nutrition Effective PGR Strategies to Minimize Stretch (Cameron) Trade Show Open (Lunch from 12-1 PM) (Carolina Ballroom) Trade Show Open (Lunch from 12-1 PM) (Carolina Ballroom) 9 AM - 2 PM 1 - 2 PM Breaking into Retail (Cameron) Get More from Your Web Site with Less Effort (Reynolds) GROWER Packaging Your Product for Profit (Cameron) Minimizing Shrink: Smart & Economical Insect Management (Cameron) Minimizing Shrink: Smart & Economical Disease Management (Cameron) Trade Show Open (Lunch from 12-1 PM) (Carolina Ballroom) (Cameron) 8 - 9 AM GARDEN CENTER Wednesday, November 9 (Trade Show open 9 AM - 12 PM) New Crops that Can Create Consumer Excitement & Grow Your Bottom Line (Cameron) New Crops that Can Create Consumer Excitement & Grow Your Bottom Line (Cameron) 9:30 - 10:15 AM Minimizing Shrink: Recognizing the Signs of Production Problems that Can Rob Your Bottom Line Business Decisions to Help Me Outshine the Competition (Cameron) Secrets of Successful Selling (Reynolds) GROWER (Meeting room names in parentheses) 8 - 9:15 AM GARDEN CENTER Tuesday, November 8 (Trade Show open 11:30 AM - 4:30 PM) Schedule at a Glance OFA Bulletin Firestar Speaking Raleigh, NC Denise Ryan Reynolds – 1 hour, 15 minutes Secrets of Successful Selling 8 AM Texas A&M University College Station, TX Charles Hall Cameron – 1 hour, 15 minutes Business Decisions to Help Me Outshine the Competition Forget the hard sell – no one likes high pressure. This session begins with an overview of marketing and the important role of direct selling. It addresses issues such as what it takes to be good at sales, how to generate prospects/leads, effectively using the telephone, establishing rapport with prospects, handling objections, and closing the sale. Denise has been both a salesperson and a sales manager, and believes if you can’t sell you can’t succeed. This seminar will help you succeed. 8 AM (Closes at 4:30 PM) 11:30 AM Trade Show Opens (Closes at 4:30 PM) 7:30 AM Registration Opens Tuesday, November 8 Consumers are always looking for flowers that are new and distinctive. Growers and retailers can best take advantage of this time-sensitive opportunity by being on the front end of a floral crop’s popularity curve. But in the “sea of new product” that becomes available every year, how can you pick a winner? Rick will share his insights for picking potential hit floral crops from the perspective of a plantsman and a consumer. He will also cover plant material that is available now which could be set for a rapid increase in sales. Proven Winners Alachua, FL Rick Schoellhorn Cameron – 45 minutes Consumer Excitement & Grow Your Bottom Line 9:30 AM New Crops that Can Create It is no secret that the floral market has not been growing quickly enough to handle the increasing supply of floral products. Add to that the disastrous impact that periodic droughts (and now flooding) and the economic downturn have had on flower sales in the last half dozen years, it is easy to understand why the industry has become very competitive, margins have shrunk, and many growers have left or are just barely hanging on. Join Charlie as he helps you step back and take an objective look at your operation and evaluate some strategic business options that can help you stay in this industry that we all love. Session Descriptions 12 PM Carolina Ballroom – 1 hour Lunch Available on the Trade Show Floor (Lunch is included in your registration) Plants can tell you a lot about what is going on. Learn the signs and symptoms to help you diagnose disorders caused by nutritional, cultural, and environmental conditions while distinguishing them from insect and disease problems. North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC Brian Whipker Cameron – 1 hour Recognizing the Signs of Production Problems that Can Rob Your Bottom Line 10:30 AM Minimizing Shrink: Customer service either makes or breaks a business. If you aren’t taking care of your customers, your competitors soon will. Attend this high-energy session and improve your skills in dealing with customers (and people in general!). You’ll learn the 5 things customers want, how to deal with problem customers, and 10 things you should NEVER say to a customer. This session is unlike any other customer service session you’ve attended because it has an Elvis theme! Be prepared to have a great time learning how to take better care of your customers. Firestar Speaking Raleigh, NC Denise Ryan Reynolds – 1 hour Customer Service 10:30 AM It’s All About Your Garden Center Plant disease epidemics are often influenced by cultural conditions and the actions taken by growers. Economics plays an important role in the management of diseases that attack plants, since an economic incentive can influence grower decisions to adopt or reject a change in their production practices. Kelly will present information on what preventive steps can be taken in order to avoid plant disease epidemics in the greenhouse, as well as information on the cost vs efficacy of cultural, chemical, and biocontrol practices once disease epidemics have become established. This data will be presented with the most common greenhouse diseases in mind, including root rots, downy and powdery mildew, and leaf spots. This session is eligible for pesticide recertification credit. Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center Mills River, NC Kelly Ivors Cameron – 1 hour Smart & Economical Disease Management 1:30 PM Minimizing Shrink: Garden center events are a great way to promote your business, build customer relationships, attract new clients, and connect with your community. Join this panel of garden retail veterans as they detail their steps to being successful and avoiding pitfalls, and most importantly their secrets to creating profitable events. Wingard’s Nursery & Garden Center Lexington, SC Wally Steinhauser Strange’s Garden Center Richmond, VA Tom Rush Boulevard Flower Gardens at Ruffin Mill Road Colonial Heights, VA Mark Landa Reynolds – 1 hour 1:30 PM Profitable Events in September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 27 28 OFA Bulletin Brenda Vaughn Cameron – 1 hour Juang Horng Chong Are insects and mites bugging your operation and reducing profit margins? Learn from JC and Steven how to manage some of the most common pests – thrips, whiteflies, mites, mealybugs, etc – effectively and economically using the newest cultural, biological, and chemical pest management technologies. This session is eligible for pesticide recertification credit. North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC Steven Frank Whether your customer is the end consumer or a retail operation, you can prep your crop for quicker sales, increased sales and margin, and more return sales by increasing its appeal and convenience through packaging and presentation. Brenda and Tal will show you the range of these value-added options that could be suited to your operation and that have been shown to be successful. White’s Nursery & Greenhouses Inc Chesapeake, VA Tal White John Henry Company Lansing, MI Cameron – 1 hour Pee Dee Research & Education Center Florence, SC for Profit 4:30 PM Packaging Your Product What is it about your people and store environment that gives you a competitive edge? Relational retailing. It’s about relationships, connection, and authenticity. Treat your customers as you would want to be treated and not as a faceless transaction. The value you place on your relationship with your customers is directly proportional to the loyalty they will have to your company. Create environments where customers can connect so relational retailing can occur. Join Joe as he discusses how building relationships with your customer, employees, vendors, and peers can build your business. & Economical Insect Management 2:45 PM Minimizing Shrink: Smart Learn from your peers about products and services they have developed into successful niches. Some of the niches you will learn about include custom containers, birding, event hosting, orchids, water gardening, and cafes. Developing the right niche for your market will draw in additional customers and add to your bottom line. Atlantic Avenue Orchid & Garden Center Raleigh, NC Maggie Terry Fairview Greenhouses & Garden Center Raleigh, NC Brad Rollins Boulevard Flower Gardens at Ruffin Mill Road Colonial Heights, VA Mark Landa Reynolds – 1 hour Successful Products & Services 2:45 PM Finding Your Niche: Homewood Nursery & Garden Center Raleigh, NC Joe Stoffregen Reynolds – 1 hour 4:30 PM Relational Retailing The Garden of Words LLC Wilmington, NC Katie Elzer-Peters The Garden of Words Wilmington, NC Heather Claus Reynolds – 1 hour Get More from Your Web Site with Less Effort Trade Show Opens (Closes at 2 PM) Garden centers need to have a professional, updated web site presence in order to attract, retain, and communicate with customers. You could build or upgrade the web site yourself, but is that really your expertise? It’s probably best left to a professional so you can focus on other aspects of your business. The right web professional should be able to help retailers create a web site and e-newsletter that work together for the benefit of the garden center and help add profit to the bottom line. This session will help independent garden center owners feel confident interviewing, working with, and establishing a productive working relationship with a web site design professional. 8 AM 9 AM (Closes at 3:30 PM) 7:30 AM Registration Opens Wednesday, November 9 Breaking into Retail Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Bridget Behe Cameron – 1 hour There are a number of factors at work that combine to create a challenging business environment for the green industry. Escalating energy and input costs, an insufficient pool of available legal labor, the recent economic downturn, the hit-n-miss cool, wet springs and hot droughty summers, over-production, and a stagnant market are a sampling of the challenges with which our industry is grappling. Despite these troublesome issues, there are still opportunities for our industry and for individual businesses. Charlie will share his perspective for how these challenges and opportunities may shape our industry’s future. Texas A&M University College Station, TX Charles Hall Cameron – 45 minutes 9:15 AM The Future of Our Industry With the blink of an eye or the snap of fingers, a successful wholesaler can become a successful retailer, right? Not so fast. This session will focus on the essentials a successful wholesaler should do and some pitfalls to avoid when making a transition from entirely wholesale to some portion of retail sales. Attention to detail and merchandising basics, as well as some key differences from wholesale marketing, will be conveyed. 8 AM OFA Bulletin One of the many challenges facing our industry, over which individual growers have little or no control, is the escalating cost of energy. While growers can do little about these costs, they can look at how efficiently they are using energy, and consider additional ways of lowering energy usage. A part of that consideration should be an assessment of systems and technology that can help manage and even reduce energy. But those systems typically cost money, too. This session will focus on helping you understand how to weigh the energy savings and financial pros and cons of any improvements you may consider implementing. Banner Greenhouses Nebo, NC Jeff Mast USDA Rural Development Raleigh, NC David Thigpen Cameron – 1 hour Energy Saving Technology 10:30 AM Calculating the Cost: Social media is no longer a “might do” but is now a “must do” for all locally-run businesses. With the right strategy and planning, it is possible to integrate social media into the overall marketing strategy by spending 15 to 30 minutes a day. Social media is fun and beneficial. Instead of viewing it as a giant time suck, retailers can create a strategy that will help them get to know their customers, resulting in more sales. The Garden of Words LLC Wilmington, NC Katie Elzer-Peters The Garden of Words Wilmington, NC Heather Claus Reynolds – 1 hour a Day 10:30 AM Social Media in 15 Minutes The Garden of Words LLC Wilmington, NC Katie Elzer-Peters The Garden of Words Wilmington, NC Heather Claus Reynolds – 3 hours, 30 minutes Social Media Kick-Start: Office Hours Carolina Ballroom – 1 hour Lunch Available on the Trade Show Floor (Lunch is included in your registration) Convention Center Entrance – 4 hours Garden Center Tour with a Focus on Merchandising At Homewood you’ll get hands-on learning when attendees break into groups to create endcap displays. There will be an Join the garden center tour on a visit to Homewood Nursery & Garden Center and Logan Trading Co. Tour these two retail operations that have stayed innovative since the mid-1960s, and learn first-hand about their successful merchandising strategies. 1 PM While we have social media experts Heather and Katie in town we encourage you to take advantage of their knowledge. They can help start your business on social media activities and answer any related questions. Heather and Katie will hold “office hours” to help you find the solutions you’ve been seeking. To schedule a 30-minute appointment contact OFA’s Michelle Gaston at or 614-884-1142 with your contact information. The limited number of appointment spots will be filled on a first come, first-served basis. You can check for availability on-site at the registration desk. 1 PM 12 PM In addition to a tour, see how Homewood Nursery, a high-volume/high-quality poinsettia retailer, merchandises poinsettias and holiday tie-ins, and learn what they do to be successful with this challenging crop for independent retailers. Learn more about it at Homewood has long been recognized as a leader in the horticulture industry and has been featured in local, state, and national publications. Homewood’s unique combination of more than 4 acres of greenhouses, garden center, and outdoor nursery department and the high quality of service and plants are what keep Homewood on the top. As one industry expert put it, Homewood “is a classic family retailer/grower/garden center.” The greenhouses and nursery area are regularly toured by university horticulture classes and have been a learning ground for many students. Homewood Nursery & Garden Center In 1967 Homewood’s founder, Bill Stoffregen, first built a 19’ x 100’ greenhouse in his backyard. He sent out postcards to his neighbors and friends letting them know he would probably be growing more than he could use and would love to sell the rest. The business grew and in 10 short years he relocated his family and business to a remote part of northern Wake County. He believed the future of Homewood would be in wholesale, growing and selling to other garden centers and florists. As Raleigh ballooned, Homewood grew beyond being just greenhouses, adding a nursery area under the pine trees, a unique atrium for the garden center, a gift and floral shop, and became a major local garden retailer. Landvision Designs was also invited to join Homewood which added a full-service landscape company. evaluation of each display based on merchandising “rules.” This is a fun way to learn merchandising principles you can use in your own business. The early registration price for members of OFA, North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers Association, South Carolina Greenhouse Growers Association, or Virginia Flowers Association is $30; the non-member price is $35. Space is limited and early registration is strongly encouraged. Please refer to the registration form. Attendees are not permitted to follow the buses in their own vehicles. Logan’s will take the group on a historical guided tour of the old railroad station and its facility. They have been voted “Best in the Triangle” year after year. Learn more at In 1965, Robert Logan Sr. started selling produce and bedding plants at a local Farmers Market shed. That keen salesman turned a dream into success as Logan Trading Co. was formed and grew into what is today a thriving gardening oasis. With his father’s heart and fresh vision, Robert Logan Jr. continued to grow this business after the passing of his father. With family values and the pursuit of excellence as his guide, Robert Logan Jr. relocated to the old Seaboard Railroad station in 1991. Since then, Logan’s has flourished into not only a favorite place to shop, but a charming place to visit. The location offers a variety of “stations” for shoppers to explore and learn about gardening. Logan’s Trading Company Logan Trading Co. is located in the renovated Seaboard Railroad Station in downtown Raleigh. This location and the atmosphere make Logan’s a unique garden center. Patrons can even have lunch at Seaboard Café. With the vast variety of annuals, perennials, house plants, and more, customers can easily pass the afternoon at Logan Trading Co. enjoying all of the beautiful surroundings. September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 29 30 A quality, salable plant begins with a healthy, active root system. The growing medium, fertilizer, and water/irrigation practices all Profit Connection Held on the trade show floor, Profit Connection is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Get face-to-face with production and retail experts who can answer any question you throw at them. Go ahead and try to stump them; we dare you. E F G H Conrad Fafard Inc Anderson, SC 1 - 9,999 10,000 - 24,999 25,000 - 49,999 50,000 - 99,999 James Gibson Retail/Wholesale Greenhouse Retail Greenhouse Wholesale Greenhouse Landscape Garden Center Nursery Retail Florist Cameron – 1 hour A B C D Growing Quality Crops & Getting Dollar Returns: Water, Media & Nutrition * Member of OFA, NCCFGA, SCGGA, or VFGA. A B C D E F G 2:15 PM Production Inputs for Sub Total You are well aware of the importance of managing both temperature and light in your greenhouse. Roberto will provide you with a deeper understanding of how these two environmental factors influence crop timing, physiology, and overall crop quality. In addition, he will also provide data that clearly shows the economic returns of using supplemental lighting. Individual E-mail Purdue University West Lafayette, IN Fax Roberto Lopez Telephone Cameron – 1 hour Growing Quality Crops & Getting Dollar Returns: Light & Temperature 3:30 PM Production Inputs for Country Virginia Tech, Department of Horticulture Blacksburg, VA Name sho ZIP $25 $25 $35 $49 $80 $49 $25 $25 $40 $59 $99 $59 99 $110 $ 149 $49 $ 59 $80 $ Member* by Oct 28 Member* after Oct 28 No n-Member 2-Day Additiona w, and 2 lunches) $99 l Registrant fro (includes sessions , trade sho m Company 1-Day Conferen w, and 2 lunches) $49 ce – Tuesday (includes sessions , trade sho 1-Day Additiona w, and lunch) $69 l Registrant fro (includes sessions , trade sho m Co.– Tues. 1-Day Conferen w, and lunch) $49 ce – Wednesd (includes sessions ay , trade sho 1-Day Additiona w, and lunch) $69 l Re (includes sessions gi , trade show, and strant from Co.– W lunch) ed. Garden Center $49 Tour Trade Show On $30 ly – Tuesday (includes lunch) Trade Show On $25 ly – Wednesday (includes lunch) OFA Membersh $25 ip (add $10 for Canada and Mex Company Mem bership $125 ico, $15 for all other countries) Student Mem bersh Educator Mem ip $25 bership $75 Retired Mem bership $6 0 Web site address (includes sessions , trade Company E-mail 2-Day Conferen ce State Joyce Latimer City Cameron – 1 hour Effective PGR Strategies to Minimize Stretch Company Production of quality plant material typically involves the use of plant growth regulators (PGRs). Proper PGR use is based on an understanding of how a number of factors, including the relative “potency” of the various PGRs, mode of uptake, the variable sensitivity of the different crop species and cultivars to the PGR of interest, and the effect that environmental conditions and crop vigor at the time of application can influence efficacy. Proper use can produce plants that are properly sized, toned, and more stress tolerant with greater shelf life than untreated plants – all traits that make you more money! Join Joyce as she shares strategies for effective PGR use. This session is eligible for pesticide recertification credit. 1 PM have a direct bearing on root zone environment, and therefore the health and growth of the roots. An understanding of how these root zone components, both individually and interactively, can influence the root environment and how to monitor them during production will help avoid root-related problems before they occur – and avoid the costs of time, labor, and material involved in correcting the problem. COMPANY INFORMATION Onsite Registration Hours Monday, November 7 12 – 5 PM Tuesday, November 8 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Wednesday, November 9 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM Trade Show Hours Tuesday, November 8 11:30 AM – 4:30 PM Wednesday, November 9 9 AM – 2 PM Nature of Business (check all that apply) H Institutional/Educational I Government/Extension J Manufacturer K Supplier/Distributor L Home Center/Hardware M Mass Market/Discount N Other _________ Growing Area under Cover (sq. ft.) 100,000 - 249,999 250,000 and over Open Field:_____ Acres None of the Above PAYMENT INFORMATION Registration will not be processed without full payment. ❑ U.S. check made payable to OFA ❑ VISA ❑ MC ❑ AmEx Credit Card # Expiration Date V-code Authorized Signature Total $ Billing Address OFA Bulletin September/October 2011 • N u m b e r 9 2 9 Capital Ideas for Greenhouses & Garden Centers America in Bloom Symposium & Awards Learn how your business and community can work together to plant pride and prosper. October 6-8, 2011 Washington, DC 614-487-1117 Planting Pride in Our Communities For a Decade OFA Bulletin 31 2130 Stella Court Columbus, Ohio 43215-1033 USA Address Service Requested News Easy Step to Help the Environment – Receive Your OFA Bulletin Electronically An easy step to save some trees is to have the electronic version of the OFA Bulletin delivered directly to your In Box. To request this, sign up online at: But remember, you will NOT receive a printed OFA Bulletin in the mail if you select this option. Calendar of Events Visit for more details on each of these events. OFA Plug & Cutting Conference September 12-14 – San Jose, California OFA Grow & Sell for Profit Conference November 8-9 – Raleigh, North Carolina Water Webinar Series Co-sponsored by The Water Education Alliance for Horticulture, Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association, and OFA. Visit for details. •BMPsforWaterConservation–November 29 •pH,Alkalinity,andSalts–December 6 •BiologyofWaterbornePathogens–December 13 •MonitoringWaterQuality–December 20 •Filtration,Biofilm,andClogging–January 10, 2012 •AlgaeControlandPondManagement–January 17, 2012 •SurfaceCleaningandSanitation–January 24, 2012 •ProsandConsofWaterDisinfectionTechniques: A European Perspective – January 31, 2012 •DesigningWaterTreatmentSystems–February 7 The OFA Bulletin is a member benefit. Please share this publication with your employees. To view an electronic version, log-in to the members-only section of the OFA web site at 32 OFA Bulletin
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